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城市内涝灾害频发,对居民生命安全造成严重威胁,为提高城市内涝灾害受灾人口评估精度,提出一种更为精确的受灾人口评估方法。以哈尔滨市道里区为研究区,以城市内涝灾害受灾人口为研究对象,运用一、二维非恒定流为主控方程,构建城市内涝数值模拟模型,并结合受灾人口分布特点,综合构建基于土地利用的人口随时间变化的计算模型。实现在模拟内涝灾害影响范围基础上,利用受灾人口计算模型提取白天与夜晚受灾人口分布情况。结果表明:研究区在百年一遇降雨情景下,有25条街道会发生不同程度积水,积水深度范围值为0.10~1.42 m;此级别内涝灾害在白天11条街道受灾人口数量最大值达到3 500人,夜晚10条街道受灾人口数量最大值为720人。  相似文献   
云南曲靖地区的关底组产出世界闻名的潇湘脊椎动物群(Xiaoxiang Vertebate Fauna),但其地层的划分对比和时代归属一直存有争议,特别是其下部地层的划分及时代归属争议最大。通过在曲靖城南以关底组下段地层为主的刘家冲剖面上开展详细的野外及室内地层古生物学研究工作,文章厘清了该剖面上的志留纪地层,并依据采自数个层位样品中丰富的鱼类微体化石材料探讨了关底组下部的地质时代。研究结果表明:刘家冲剖面上出露的志留纪地层根据岩性变化特征可划分为关底组Ⅰ段(岳家山段)、Ⅱ段(崇家湾段)和Ⅲ段(彩莲段);Ⅰ段的下部以浅黄色、浅黄绿色含砾粉砂质泥岩、钙质粉砂岩为主,未见化石,而上部以深灰色、灰黑色页岩为主,含少量腕足类Lingula sp.及双壳类;Ⅱ段则以灰绿色、暗紫红色页岩互层、并夹薄层状灰岩为主,从下往上灰岩夹层逐渐增多,含丰富的腕足类、海百合茎等无脊椎动物化石及鱼类微体化石;在关底组Ⅲ段地层中首次发现的鱼类微体化石多样性高,门类比较齐全,包括无颌类、盾皮鱼类、棘鱼类和硬骨鱼类四大早期脊椎动物类群,从鱼群组成面貌上看隶属于潇湘脊椎动物群扬子鱼类组合(Yangtze Fish Assemblage)。笔者主要依据对其中棘鱼类的全球对比分析研究,并在结合牙形类等无脊椎动物化石研究进展及新认识的基础上,深入探讨了关底组下部Ⅰ段及Ⅱ段的地质时代。关底组Ⅱ段的时代应为志留纪罗德洛世高斯特晚期(late Gorstian, Ludlow),关底组Ⅰ段含砾岩层之上、含盾皮鱼类“王氏鱼”(Wangolepis)的地层,则应归入罗德洛世高斯特早期(early Gorstian, Ludlow),而在该剖面上尚未发现鱼类化石的关底组Ⅰ段下部,目前还不能确定全部归入高斯特阶(Gorstian),有可能会下延到温洛克统(Wenlock)之中。文章中相关工作的开展,不仅为中国志留纪生物地层的精深研究提供了古鱼类学方面的可靠证据,而且为探讨早期脊椎动物演化提供了新的地质年代意见。  相似文献   
Natural Resources Research - An accurate forecasting model for the price volatility of minerals plays a vital role in future investments and decisions for mining projects and related companies. In...  相似文献   
Interpretations of palaeodepositional environments are important for reconstructing Earth history. Only a few maps showing the Jurassic depositional environments in eastern Australia currently exist. Consequently, a detailed understanding of the setting of Australia in Gondwana is lacking. Core, wireline logs, two-dimensional and three-dimensional seismic from the Precipice Sandstone and Evergreen Formation in the Surat Basin have been used to construct maps showing the evolution of depositional environments through the Early Jurassic. The results indicate the succession consists of three third-order sequences (Sequence 1 to Sequence 3) that were controlled by eustatic sea level. The lowstand systems tract in Sequence 1 comprises braidplain deposits, confined to a fairway that parallels the basin centre. The strata were initially deposited in two sub-basins, with rivers flowing in different orientations in each sub-basin. The transgressive systems tract of Sequence 1 to lowstand systems tract of Sequence 3 is dominated by fluvio–deltaic systems infilling a single merged basin centre. Finally, the transgressive and highstand systems tracts of Sequence 3 show nearshore environments depositing sediment into a shallow marine basin. In the youngest part of this interval, ironstone shoals are the most conspicuous facies, the thickness and number of which increase towards the north and east. This study interprets a corridor to the open ocean through the Clarence–Moreton Basin, or the Carpentaria and Papuan basins, evidence of which has been eroded. These results challenge a commonly held view that eastern Australia was not influenced by eustasy, and propose a more dynamic palaeogeographic setting comprising a mixture of fluvial, deltaic and shallow marine sedimentary environments. This work can be used to unravel the stratigraphic relationships between Mesozoic eastern Australian basins, or in other basins globally as an analogue for understanding the complex interplay of paralic depositional systems in data poor areas.  相似文献   
地下水是张掖盆地的重要水资源,其硝酸盐污染尚未得到足够重视。对张掖盆地2004、2015年地下水硝酸盐浓度进行了系统分析,并采用美国环境保护署(USEPA)推荐的健康风险评价模型评估了地下水硝酸盐的健康风险。结果表明:自2004年以来张掖盆地地下水硝酸盐污染日趋严重。2015年硝酸盐浓度最高已达到283.32 mg·L-1,17.61%的采样点硝酸盐氮浓度超过GB5749-2006《生活饮用水卫生标准》中饮用地下水限量值(20 mg·L-1)。研究区人群经皮肤接触途径摄入硝酸盐的健康风险在可接受水平,而饮水摄入硝酸盐的健康风险较高,总风险中饮水途径引起健康风险的贡献率占99.40%,远大于皮肤接触途径。儿童经饮水摄入和皮肤接触两种途径的健康风险均显著高于成人,分别为成人的1.544倍和1.039倍。32.39%的采样点地下水硝酸盐对儿童的健康风险超出了可接受水平,14.79%的采样点地下水硝酸盐对成人的健康风险不可接受。甘州区城区、临泽县北部边缘及高台县城区周围硝酸盐浓度最高,这些区域内所有人群都面临硝酸盐引发的高健康风险,其余区域硝酸盐引发的健康风险相对较低。  相似文献   
在广东实现“四个走在全国前列”的时代需求下,茂名应着力建设现代化海洋经济体系。近年来,茂名海洋经济总量快速增长、海洋经济体系基本形成、海洋创新成果初具规模、海洋生态建设成效显著、海洋管理能力不断增强,奠定了建设现代化海洋经济体系的基础,但也面临着海洋经济规模偏小且结构不够合理、现代化海洋产业进程缓慢、现代化海洋经济发展动力不足且受到制约和缺乏保障等问题。未来应从加快供给侧改革、实施创新驱动、推进开放合作、优化海洋生态系统和完善体制机制等方面寻求茂名建设现代化海洋经济体系的路径策略。  相似文献   
针对复杂三维模型在实时绘制过程中的帧同步策略,该文提出改进。基于Windows集群开发了一种sort-first数据分布式体系结构的并行图形绘制系统;基于缓存交换技术提出一种多路并行的帧同步算法来提高集群的通信效率。在Windows集群系统上进行了验证实验,结果表明:(1)该算法较大程度地提高了集群的帧同步性能并缩短了同步重建时间;(2)集群并行系统有效地完成了大范围复杂三维GIS场景的流畅绘制显示。  相似文献   
程昊  普恒  刘建华  杜明义 《北京测绘》2018,32(3):260-265
基于移动终端的防汛信息查询系统应用广泛,但由于实际防汛抢险业务的复杂性,满足防汛应急工作全生命周期业务的处理软件仍不完善。针对这一现状,本文提出移动防汛应急Mobile GIS系统的设计架构与实现方式。首先,确立以Android主活动、自定义View以及全局Application作为系统的基础底层框架,其中主活动负责防汛多业务逻辑之间的信息交换,由自定义View衍生出的Dialog等视图层实现信息展示,全局Application实现数据的统一调度管理。其次,在此基础框架上构建案件处理、汛情信息查询、预警信息推送三大功能层;最后对防汛多源异构数据处理分析的关键技术进行探究,提出了切实可行的实现方案并实践应用。  相似文献   
Integrity monitoring for ambiguity resolution is of significance for utilizing the high-precision carrier phase differential positioning for safety–critical navigational applications. The integer bootstrap estimator can provide an analytical probability density function, which enables the precise evaluation of the integrity risk for ambiguity validation. In order to monitor the effect of unknown ambiguity bias on the integer bootstrap estimator, the position-domain integrity risk of the integer bootstrapped baseline is evaluated under the complete failure modes by using the worst-case protection principle. Furthermore, a partial ambiguity resolution method is developed in order to satisfy the predefined integrity risk requirement. Static and kinematic experiments are carried out to test the proposed method by comparing with the traditional ratio test method and the protection level-based method. The static experimental result has shown that the proposed method can achieve a significant global availability improvement by 51% at most. The kinematic result reveals that the proposed method obtains the best balance between the positioning accuracy and the continuity performance.  相似文献   
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