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目的:系统评价中医体质类型与原发性痛经(PD)的相关性。方法:计算机检索中国知网(CNKI)、维普中文科技期刊数据库(VIP)、万方数据(WANFANG DATA)、中国生物医学文献服务系统(SinoMed)、The Cochrane Library、PubMed和Web of Scinece 7个中英文数据库中收录的关于原发性痛经中医体质类型的病例对照研究文献,检索年限为自建库至2022年4月30日,根据纳入、排除标准进行筛选,并提取有效数据。采用纽卡斯尔-渥太华量表进行质量评价,应用Review Manager 5.4软件进行Meta分析。结果:共纳入12篇文献。Meta分析结果显示,病例组血瘀质占比[OR=1.60,95%CI(1.15,2.23),P=0.005]、阳虚质占比[OR=2.11,95%CI(1.55,2.87),P<0.00001]、气郁质占比[OR=2.04,95%CI=(1.52,2.72),P<0.00001]、气虚质占比[OR=1.53,95%CI(1.15,2.03),P=0.003]、平和质占比[OR=0.48,95%CI(0.33,0.71),P=0.0002]与对照组比较,差异均有统计学意义。结论:在原发性痛经中占比高于对照组的前3种体质类型是阳虚质、气郁质、血瘀质,这3种体质可能增加PD的患病风险,平和质可能减少PD的患病风险。  相似文献   
Thermal convective precipitation (TCP) often occurs over mainland China in summer when the area is dominated by the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH). It is well known that the WPSH often brings about large scale subsidence, then why could deep moist convection occur and where does the water vapor come from? In this paper, a deep convective precipitation case that happened on 2 August 2003 is studied in order to address these two questions. First, the characteristics of the TCP event are analyzed using the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite data, automatic weather station observations, and the data from the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). Second, water vapor sources are identified through examining surface evaporation, water vapor advection, and water vapor flux divergence calculated by using a regionally averaged water vapor budget equation. Furthermore, using an Advanced Regional Eta-coordinate Model (AREM), contributions of sensible and latent heat fluxes to the TCP are compared through four sensitivity experiments. The results show that in the regions controlled by the WPSH, surface temperature rises rapidly after sunrise. Upon receiving enough sensible heat, the air goes up and leads to convergence in the lower atmosphere. Then the water vapor assembled from the surroundings and the ground surface is transported to the upper levels, and a favorable environment for the TCP forms. A model data diagnosis indicates that about half of precipitable water comes from the convergence of horizontal fluxes of water vapor, and the other half from surface evaporation, while little is from advection. Additional sensitivity experiments prove that both sensible and latent heating are essential for the onset of the TCP. The sensible heat flux triggers thermodynamic ascending motion, and the latent heat flux provides water vapor, but the contribution to TCP from the latter is a little smaller than that from the former.  相似文献   
本文报导了一例CT难于诊断的颅咽管瘤。患者:男性,47岁,因间歇性头痛一年多,双眼视力减退年以上,于1992-06月入院诊治。一年前患者出现前额部隐痛,进行性加剧,半年后出现双眼视力减退的症状,曾作两次CT扫描,均未发现异常,诊断为球后视神经炎,予激素治疗40天后,双眼视力复原,头痛缓解,以后症状反复发作三次,均用激素治疗缓解,1992年丙次头颅CT冠状扫描诊为鞍区病变,检查、视力右1.0左0.4  相似文献   
《临床放射学杂志》是一份面向国内外公开发行的医学影像学学术性刊物。以"保证质量、具有特色、重视临床、普及提高"为办刊宗旨。辟有:读片窗、中枢神经放射学、头颈部放射学、胸部放射学、腹部放射学、骨骼肌肉放射学、介入放射学、小儿放射学、实验研究、医学教育、综述、临床初探、病例报告等栏目。长期以来,受到广大临床医学影像学工作者的欢迎  相似文献   
<正>《临床放射学杂志》是一份面向国内外公开发行的医学影像学学术性刊物。以"保证质量、具有特色、重视临床、普及提高"为办刊宗旨。辟有:读片窗、中枢神经放射学、头颈部放射学、胸部放射学、腹部放射学、骨骼肌肉放射学、介入放射学、小儿放射学、实验研究、医学教育、综述、临床初探、病例报告等栏目。长期以来,受到广大临床医学影像学工作者的欢迎  相似文献   
小儿肺炎是儿科常见的急性热病,属于中医“冬温”“春温”“咳喘”范畴,其发病率和病死率占儿科疾病之首。为探讨小儿肺炎发病与气象因素的关系,给小儿肺炎预防工作提供依据,我们对近年冬季中国医科大学第二临床医院小儿科住院病例进行了普查统计,与同期沈阳气象资料比较分析并进行了讨论。  相似文献   
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