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The St. Lawrence River is an important drainage route for eastern North American fresh waters. Following Late Pleistocene deglaciation, several fluctuations in base level have fine-tuned the evolution of the ancestral St. Lawrence. These fluctuations are hereby dated using K-feldspar infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and radiocarbon. The accuracy of the individual IRSL dates was achieved by properly correcting for thermal transfer and anomalous fading. For each site investigated, widely used statistical approaches in equivalent dose data have been used to establish which age model, the central or the minimum model, would be appropriate to define the “true” depositional age. The chronology of the succession of regional lake levels is based on careful mapping and dating of the regional dunes, beaches and deltaic sediments. A relative time-space evolution history could be drawn, from ca. 8000 years BP to the present time period. Three major fluctuations are documented for the middle to late Holocene. An unexpected finding, from the ages cluster diagram, is that there have been times in the recent past (ca. 1000–4000 years BP) when the river level was lower or at the same elevation as today. The potential for K-feldspar IRSL to accurately date the Holocene lacustrine evolution is critical in the St. Lawrence River modern drainage basin, an environment that might be negatively impacted over the next century.  相似文献   
The applicability of two different approaches in the luminescence dating of old (>70 ka) Chinese loess is investigated. Both SAR-OSL ages obtained on 63–90 μm quartz grains and SAR-IRSL ages obtained on 4–11 μm polymineral grains, for samples collected from two sites in the Chinese Loess Plateau (Luochuan and Dongchuan) are presented. The characteristics of the luminescence signals stimulated by blue and infrared light are investigated in terms of dose response and dose recovery, and as a function of age. Additionally, anomalous fading measurements from the 410 nm IRSL emission in polymineral fine-grains are reported. An average value of g2days amounting to 3% per decade was measured and seems to be independent of site location and age. For the samples from Luochuan, independent age control (pedostratigraphy and palaeomagnetism) is available. At both sites, the SAR-OSL ages are always lower than the SAR-IRSL ages after they have been corrected for anomalous fading. It seems that the quartz-based SAR-OSL ages are accurate for the younger ages, but that they underestimate the true age of deposition for loess that was deposited about 60–70 ka ago. The fading-corrected SAR-IRSL ages are in better agreement with the pedostratigraphic age control (75 and 130 ka) and allow dating beyond the quartz OSL range. Based on our results, we suggest that conventional SAR-OSL and SAR-IRSL protocols at these sites should be restricted to samples of ages not exceeding 40–50  and 100–120 ka, respectively.  相似文献   
Accurate reconstruction of the paleo-Mojave River and pluvial lake (Harper, Manix, Cronese, and Mojave) system of southern California is critical to understanding paleoclimate and the North American polar jet stream position over the last 500 ka. Previous studies inferred a polar jet stream south of 35°N at 18 ka and at ~ 40°N at 17–14 ka. Highstand sediments of Harper Lake, the upstream-most pluvial lake along the Mojave River, have yielded uncalibrated radiocarbon ages ranging from 24,000 to > 30,000 14C yr BP. Based on geologic mapping, radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence dating, we infer a ~ 45–40 ka age for the Harper Lake highstand sediments. Combining the Harper Lake highstand with other Great Basin pluvial lake/spring and marine climate records, we infer that the North American polar jet stream was south of 35°N about 45–40 ka, but shifted to 40°N by ~ 35 ka. Ostracodes (Limnocythere ceriotuberosa) from Harper Lake highstand sediments are consistent with an alkaline lake environment that received seasonal inflow from the Mojave River, thus confirming the lake was fed by the Mojave River. The ~ 45–40 ka highstand at Harper Lake coincides with a shallowing interval at downstream Lake Manix.  相似文献   
Himalaya is an active fold and thrust belt formed due to continent-continent collision between the Eurasian and Indian plates. It comprises a 3000 km long chain of mountains that span ∼1000 km across, with major boundary thrusts viz., Main Central Thrust (MCT), Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT). MFT is marked as mountain front and is the most active thrust; however, evidence of tectonic activity along MCT and MBT also exists.Tectonic activity along MFT created uplifted terraces which now serve as geomorphic archives of past tectonic events. The present study focussed on a glacial-fed river Sankosh that originates in northern Bhutan, and crosses MCT, MBT and MFT before joining the Brahmaputra River in Assam. Due to tectonic uplift, the river shows a deflection at MFT, incising and thus forming four levels of strath terraces. Luminescence chronology, geomorphic studies and analysis of satellite images suggest four levels of terraces T4 (highest level, 195 m asl), T3, T2 and T1 (lowest level, 120 m asl).The quartz was found insensitive for luminescence dating, and thus fading corrected Infra-Red Stimulated Luminescence (IRSL) ages on feldspar minerals were measured that provided ages of 143-77 ka (T4), 65-36 ka (T2) and 35-14 ka (T1), respectively. The T3 terrace was present only on the right bank of the river and could not be accessed. These ages accord with other studies at the Chalsa and Malbazar, North Bengal (west of the study area) and this regional disposition of similar ages suggest that these formed during glacial-interglacial periods. The strath terraces indicate a time-averaged tectonic uplift with a 0.5 mm/year rate over the past 150 ka.  相似文献   
Fluvial terraces along the middle reaches of many Japanese rivers were formed during the last glacial period as a result of changes in sediment discharge related to cooler temperatures and/or reduced water discharge because of lower precipitation. The influence of climate change on these fluvial terraces is not yet fully understood because most previous studies lacked detailed reconstructions of the chronology of terrace development. This study provides a detailed luminescence chronology of fluvial terrace deposits along the Ani River, northeastern Honshu, Japan, and compares that chronology to paleoclimatic records. Eight samples for luminescence dating were obtained from an outcrop of terrace deposits (∼10 m thick) in the Ani River valley. The fading-corrected infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) ages are consistent with the fading-corrected post-IR IRSL ages for some samples, which suggests that fading corrections were effective despite the higher fading rates of the IRSL signal. However, for the other samples, the post-IR IRSL ages are significantly older than the fading-corrected IRSL ages due to incomplete bleaching. The pulsed IRSL signals are close to field saturation for older samples, which might have resulted in a greater variation of the ages. Fading-corrected IRSL ages demonstrate periods of rapid aggradation during 105–90 ka and 75–60 ka. Comparison of terrace development with paleoclimatic records indicates that the two periods of fluvial deposition correspond to decreases in precipitation caused by weakened East Asian summer monsoon precipitation and possibly decreases in temperature. The results of this study show that the Ani River responded rapidly to climate change on a time scale of a few tens of thousands of years during the last glacial period.  相似文献   
We investigated the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and post-infrared IRSL (pIRIR) signals emitted by K-feldspars from sedimentary samples from Asia, Europe and Africa using a single-aliquot multiple elevated temperature (MET) stimulation procedure. For separate aliquots of the same sample, we show that variation among the dose response curves (DRCs), or growth curves, constructed from the regenerative dose signal (Lx), the test dose signal (Tx, an indicator of luminescence sensitivity) and the sensitivity-corrected signal (Lx/Tx) can be largely eliminated by normalising the DRCs using one of the regenerative dose signals; we call this procedure ‘regenerative-dose normalisation’ or re-normalisation. Furthermore, for the MET-pIRIR signals measured at 250 °C, we find that different samples have re-normalised DRCs that follow the same growth function, despite the samples differing significantly in terms of their geological provenance, sedimentary context, equivalent dose (De) and luminescence sensitivity. This common feature offers the potential to establish a ‘global standardised growth curve’ (gSGC) for different samples of K-feldspar, and thereby enable De values to be estimated for a large number of single aliquots by projecting the re-normalised natural signals on to the gSGC. For the 18 samples investigated in this study, we find that De estimates obtained from the gSGC are consistent with those obtained using full single-aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) procedures for doses of up to ∼1600 Gy. The establishment of a gSGC would greatly reduce the time required to date older samples using K-feldspar, as regenerative doses of several hundreds to a few thousands of Gy are typically delivered to each aliquot in each SAR cycle.  相似文献   
Infrared-stimulated luminescence dating (IRSL) was applied on pottery sherds from the Mailhot-Curran archaeological site (BgFn-2), a Late Woodland period village located in the Saint-Anicet region, southern Québec (Canada). This site witnessed the presence of St. Lawrence Iroquoians and is thought to have been occupied roughly 500 years ago. The main goal of this study is to chronologically constrain the occupation of this site in order to establish a fine chronological sequence for the occupations of various sites found in this area. The IRSL is used to complement previous dating methods used for Mailhot-Curran (radiocarbon and seriation of the archaeological remains).Dating results are reported for ten samples of local ceramics made from Quaternary Champlain Sea clay. Luminescence dating on fine grains was preferentially used, since feldspar luminescence typically emit a decent luminescence signal. Although the latter was rather dim, anomalous fading was measured and luminescence ages were successfully corrected. It is therefore possible to validate the occupation age of this site.  相似文献   
Luminescence dating has long been used for chronological constraints on marine sediments due to the ubiquitous dating materials (quartz and feldspar grains) and its applicability over a relatively long time range. However, one of the main difficulties in luminescence dating on marine sediments is partial bleaching, which causes age overestimations. Especially, partial bleaching is typically difficult to be detected in the fine grain fraction (FG) of marine sediments. The recently developed feldspar post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) protocol can detect non-fading signals and thus avoid feldspar signal instability. In the current study, fine grains were extracted from a gravity core in the northern Sea of Japan, and the aim is to test the feasibility of using different luminescence signals with various bleaching rates to explore the bleaching conditions of fine grain fraction in marine sediments. The results suggest that the quartz OSL signal and polymineral pIRIR signals at stimulation temperatures of 150 °C and 225 °C (pIRIR150 and pIRIR225) of FG were well bleached prior to deposition. The OSL ages were used to establish a chronology for this sedimentary core and the resulting age-depth relationship is self-consistent and comparable with radiocarbon dates. We conclude that different luminescence signals with various bleaching rates can be used to test the bleaching conditions of fine grain fraction in marine sediments; and the luminescence dating can be applied to marine sediments with great potential.  相似文献   
Northeastern China is located in the East Asian monsoon region; it is sensitive to both high and low latitude global climate systems. Loess deposits in the region have considerable potential as sensitive archives of past climate changes. However, research into loess deposition and climate change in this region is restricted by the lack of independent age control. In this study, coarse-grained quartz SAR OSL and K-feldspar post-IR infrared (IR) stimulated luminescence (post-IR IRSL; pIRIR290) methods have been used to date the Sanbahuo loess site in northeastern China. The quartz OSL characteristics are satisfactory. The measured pIRIR290 De's do not vary significantly with IR stimulation temperatures between 50 °C and 260 °C; a first IR stimulation temperature of 200 °C was adopted. Dose recovery tests were performed by adding different laboratory doses to both laboratory bleached (300 h SOL2) samples and natural samples; the results are satisfactory up to ∼800 Gy. Resulting quartz OSL and feldspar pIRIR290 ages are in good agreement at least back to ∼44 ka; beyond this feldspar pIRIR290 ages are older. The feldspar ages are consistent with the expected age of the S1 palaeosol (MIS 5). There appears to have been a period of fast loess deposition at ∼62 ka, perhaps indicative of winter monsoon intensification with a very cold and dry climate that lead to a serious desertification of dunefields in northeastern China.  相似文献   
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