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Biostratinomic analysis (processes acting between death and burial) of Lateglacial mammal bone assemblages from three caves in northern England demonstrates the value of re‐examining archived assemblages. With AMS radiocarbon dating of key specimens, these assemblages shed light on the ecology of a region at the northern limit of Lateglacial human activity in Britain. During the Lateglacial Interstadial bears, wolves and humans expanded into the region, bears by around 12 500 14C yr BP, and the earliest evidence for human presence is around 12 300 14C yr BP. At Victoria Cave, wolf activity included predation and scavenging of large ungulates and scavenging bear carcasses apparently resulting from hibernation deaths. The scavenging of bear carcasses is possibly confined to the first part of the Lateglacial Interstadial, whereas evidence for wolf scavenging large ungulates increases later in the Interstadial, after about 11 800 14C yr BP, perhaps reflecting changes in the productivity of the Lateglacial ecosystem, and in human subsistence patterns. The assemblage from Sewell's Cave is wolf den debris from the very end of the Lateglacial Interstadial around 10 800 14C yr BP, whilst that from Kinsey Cave is dominated by large‐bodied carnivores, and is argued to have a quite different taphonomic history. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
中国古代家养动物的动物考古学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
袁靖 《第四纪研究》2010,30(2):298-306
鉴定家养动物的系列方法包括形体测量、病理现象、年龄结构、性别特征、数量比例、考古现象、食性分析、DNA研究等。按照迄今为止出土的动物骨骼资料,中国主要家养动物开始出现的时间和种类依次为距今10000年左右出现狗,距今9000年左右出现猪,距今5000多年出现绵羊,距今4000多年出现黄牛,距今约3700年左右出现马和山羊,距今约3600年左右出现鸡。中国古代家养动物出现的模式可以分为直接在当地驯化和通过文化交流从其他地区引进这样两种。  相似文献   
本文主要探讨河南省淅川县单岗遗址两周时期人类与家养动物之间的关系.该遗址两周时期发现13种动物,其中家养动物有猪、狗、马、黄牛、绵羊和山羊,家养动物的可鉴定标本数和最小个体数分别占全部可鉴定的哺乳动物数量的91.73%和70.67%.猪在家养动物中的数量最多,可鉴定标本数和最小个体数比例分别为69.04%和33.33%,其他家养动物的数量比例在1.78%~14.67%之间.家养动物提供了主要肉量,黄牛提供的肉量最多,占36.41%.马右P 2发现马衔磨蚀的痕迹,马第1节趾骨发现严重的骨赘,说明马被役用而且承担相当的工作量.马在普通聚落的出现、肉食消费和畜力开发等现象,反映马的功能从晚商时期贵族"御用"转向世俗化.  相似文献   
青海省东北部地区复杂多样的地貌类型,为研究史前人类适应不同自然环境下的动物资源利用提供了条件.然而,已开展的动物考古研究主要聚焦在青海省东北部的河谷农业区,对于草原地带的研究相对薄弱,其先民对草原环境中的适应策略仍未得到充分讨论.本文选择农牧过渡带的青海湖盆地尖嘴遗址出土动物骨骼为研究对象,运用AMS 14C测年方法、动物种属鉴定和可鉴定标本数(NISP)统计,确认尖嘴遗址(3.2 ka B.P.左右)是一处卡约文化早期的人类活动遗迹,其先民以狩猎活动为主要生业策略,渔猎作为辅助生计,属"初级开发型"模式.在此基础上,结合青海省东北部地区已有动物研究资料,探讨了中晚全新世(8.0~2.0 ka B.P.)以来的动物资源获取利用及家畜饲养状态.结果显示:8.0~6.0 ka B.P.,本区先民以纯粹的狩猎经济为主,其猎取对象则为中小型哺乳动物,属"依赖型"生业模式;6.0~4.0 ka B.P.,本区先民获取动物资源方式仍以狩猎为主,并开始出现一定规模的家畜饲养(猪和狗),其生业属低水平的食物生产阶段,获取肉食资源的模式处于"初级开发型"阶段;4.0~2.0 ka B.P.,史前东西方文化交流的不断增强,驯化于西亚的家畜牲畜牛羊传入至青海省东北部地区,使得该区先民利用动物资源方式呈现多元化,构成了"初级开发型"和"开发型"两种生业模式,牛羊成为家畜饲养的主流.总体来讲,中晚全新世以来青海省东北部地区先民获取肉食资源的方式大致经历了由以狩猎-采集方式到家畜饲养方式的历时性转变,不同区域的自然环境差异及史前欧亚大陆东西方文化间的交流是起决定性作用的因素.  相似文献   
Geografisk Tidsskrift—Danish Journal of Geography 110(2):261–278, 2010

In a comprehensive overview of evidence for fishing in the Thule period of the eastern North American Arctic, Whitridge (2001) noted that fish bones are either extremely rare or absent in archaeofaunal samples, despite the fact that artifact assemblages typically contain a variety of fishing implements. In this paper, we present new faunal data from two sites on southeastern Victoria Island, Nunavut, which offer a marked contrast to this pattern. The Pembroke site, located just north of Cambridge Bay, is a small Thule site probably occupied during an early migration into the region. The Bell site, located on the Ekalluk River, is a more substantial site, occupied for a much longer duration during the Thule period. These sites are located in areas devoid of many taxa preferred by Thule peoples, which led the sites' occupants to rely on caribou and fish for much of their winter subsistence. At the Bell site, storage of caribou and fish was critical for winter survival. However, the occupants of the Pembroke site appear to have been unable to acquire sufficient stores during the fall, and therefore relied on fishing through the ice during winter to supplement their inadequate stores. Although both sites indicate a more important economic role for fish than has been recorded on any other eastern Arctic Thule winter site, the use of fish at the two sites differs markedly, adding nuance to archaeologically known Thule subsistence patterns.  相似文献   
定居是人类从高度移动的游猎生活发展到全年固定于一处居住的漫长过程。定居的发生和发展对人类社会的生产方式、技术演化和文明起源具有深远影响,而定居的产生受到气候变化、人口增长、资源压力、技术革新等多种因素影响。青藏高原是研究人类适应和定居高寒缺氧极端环境的理想区域,对史前人类在青藏高原的定居过程关注较多亦争议颇多。通过梳理已发表的考古学、地理学、遗传学等相关学科文献,发现目前对于史前人类定居青藏高原的研究,侧重于讨论低海拔人群或者农作物扩散的影响,对动物资源在这一过程中的作用则关注较少,定居高原的年代和驱动机制仍存在争议。遗址使用的季节性分析,是判断古人是否全年定居的关键。本文总结了如何利用青藏高原鱼类、鸟类和哺乳类等动物遗存因地制宜进行遗址季节性分析以及建立高原遗址动物资源利用时间表的方法。本文认为,开展史前人类在青藏高原定居与动物资源利用研究,首先,应全面建立和完善青藏高原现生动物骨骼形态、全基因组和蛋白质组的数据库,为考古遗址动物遗存物种鉴定提供基础;其次,在物种鉴定的基础上,研究人—动物—环境之间的关系;最后,评估人类在遗址活动的季节性以及动物资源在人类定居青藏高原过程中的作用。  相似文献   
Geografisk Tidsskrift—Danish Journal of Geography 110(2):245–259, 2010

This paper presents results of recent archaeological research at the site of Oakes Bay 1 (HeCg-08), on Dog Island, Labrador, dated from the late 17th to late 18th century. Analyses of faunal remains provide a means of reconstructing the site's subsistence economy. The site's inhabitants practiced a very consistent mode of hunting throughout this time period, depending heavily on adult ringed seals taken on the fast ice in winter and spring. Juvenile ringed seals, taken at the ice edge in the spring were a secondary resource. A lack of evidence for the hunting of harp seals in the fall and of ringed seal pups in late spring suggests that the site had a relatively short season of occupation. The consistent pattern of hunting through time suggests that the impacts of climatic variability on Inuit subsistence in the Nain region were relatively limited, moderated by their capacity for mobility on the sea ice rather than by whole scale changes in hunting practices and species choice. The Oakes Bay 1 site presents an example of a different subsistence economy than that seen at other recently examined sites in Labrador, suggesting that the impacts of the so-called Little Ice Age were not global or uniform.  相似文献   
陕北靖边五庄果墚动物骨的C和N稳定同位素分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对陕北靖边五庄果墚遗址出土的4种动物(家猪、狗、鼠、草兔)骨骼进行了C和N稳定同位素分析,研究了这4种动物的食谱特征、营养级结构,分析了人类活动对生活在其周围动物食物结构的影响。所有骨骼样品的C,N含量以及C/N摩尔比表明,所选取的样品均保存较好,可用于食谱分析。骨胶原的C和N稳定同位素分析结果显示,所研究的4种动物呈现出不同的营养级结构,草兔和鼠类为植食性动物,而家猪和狗为杂食性动物,狗部分表现出肉食性。草兔主要以野草或树叶等C3类植物为食;而家猪、狗和鼠类则主要以C4类植物为食,这与先民从事的粟作农业密切相关。褐家鼠、家猪和狗的骨胶原中具有较高的δ15N值,表明其食物结构明显受到人类活动的影响,其中家猪和狗更为明显,其食物结构已与野生动物产生明显差异。  相似文献   
During the Final Gravettian, the Reclau Caves (northeast Iberia) were intensively occupied by hunter-gatherer communities. The study of residential level D (c. 25.4–19.7 kyr bp ) of Arbreda Cave offers a new view of subsistence strategies of communities which inhabited the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, a transition region between the steppe-tundra and the Iberian wooded steppe biomes, during Greenland Stadial 3. Presented here are the results of the zooarchaeological and taphonomic analysis of ungulate and carnivore remains recovered from level D. The study confirms that the faunal assemblage of this level was mainly brought there by humans. The zooarchaeological analysis indicates selective hunting based on the exploitation of familial groups of horses and deer, while other ungulate taxa appear to be infrequent. Hunter-gatherers frequented the site throughout the year, but more intensive use in spring is indicated by subadult sensu lato horses. There was extensive exploitation of ungulate carcasses: various butchery activities, marrow extraction, the use of bone as fuel and ‘less elaborate tools’ are documented. Carnivore canines were exploited to produce ornaments. The great dominance of horses reveals cold conditions and the expansion of open environments related to the chronology span of Greenland Stadial 3.  相似文献   
Rantis Cave is a recently discovered filled cave in central Israel, displaying a rich faunal accumulation of micromammals, ungulates and carnivores. U–Th dating assigns the beginning of accumulation to ca. 140 ka. The accumulation is culturally assigned to the late half of the Middle Paleolithic (MP) period. Single‐grain optically stimulated luminescence measurements attest to a complex sedimentological history. We present the cross‐disciplinary results of taphonomic and geomorphological analyses, which point to the cave serving as a natural pitfall trap for the large fauna, with little human or carnivore activity. The fauna is dominated by Dama among the ungulates and by Microtus among the micromammals. These data in conjunction with ungulate tooth mesowear analysis suggest a xeric Mediterranean environment on the eastern margin of the southern Levantine foothills. The relative taxonomic abundance of ungulate taxa shows some differences from anthropogenic MP sites, possibly reflecting the prey choice patterns of MP hunters. Overall, the natural accumulation scenario for Rantis Cave provides a rare paleoenvironmental and paleoeconomic reference to the rich anthropogenic MP faunas of the Southern Levant, enabling the reconstruction of a rich and diverse environmental setting for this important human dispersal route. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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