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Upgrading the Earthquake Catalog of Switzerland (ECOS) included revising the earthquake of 1720. This change has major importance for history and seismology.Although that quake has been the subject of several publications, none was based on critical methods. This re-evaluation of the event is built upon a new and more reliable database established after investigating archives and libraries. Using data from such historical sources, we assigned new site intensities, adopting the criteria established by the European macroseismic scale EMS 98 (Grünthal, 1998).We discovered that the event had been assigned an overestimated intensity, due to interpretation errors in former earthquake catalogs and compilations. We recommend reducing the intensity from I0= VIII to I0= VI (EMS 98). The moment magnitude is given as MW= 4.6. Since the event had been considered the largest for its respective area, downgrading it now will influence the seismic hazard assessment for this region.  相似文献   
This study explores the implications of shifting the narrative of climate policy evaluation from one of costs/benefits or economic growth to a message of improving social welfare. Focusing on the costs of mitigation and the associated impacts on gross domestic product (GDP) may translate into a widespread concern that a climate agreement will be very costly. This article considers the well-known Human Development Index (HDI) as an alternative criterion for judging the welfare effects of climate policy. We estimate what the maximum possible annual average increase in HDI welfare per tons of CO2 would be within the carbon budget associated with limiting warming to 2°C over the period 2015–2050. Emission pathways are determined by a policy that allows the HDI of poor countries and their emissions to increase under a business-as-usual development path, while countries with a high HDI value (>0.8) have to restrain their emissions to ensure that the global temperature rise does not exceed 2°C. For comparison, the well-known multi-regional RICE model is used to assess GDP growth under the same climate change policy goals.

Policy relevance

This is the first study that shifts the narrative of climate policy evaluation from one of GDP growth to a message of improving social welfare, as captured by the HDI. This could make it easier for political leaders and climate negotiators to publicly commit themselves to ambitious carbon emission reduction goals, such as limiting global warming to 2°C, as in the (non-binding) agreement made at COP 21 in Paris in 2015. We find that if impacts are framed in terms of growth in HDI per t CO2 emission per capita instead of in GDP, the HDI of poor countries and their emissions are allowed to increase under a business-as-usual development path, whereas countries with a high HDI (>0.8) must control emissions so that global temperature rise remains within 2°C. Importantly, a climate agreement is more attractive for rich countries under the HDI than the GDP frame. This is good news, as these countries have to make the major contribution to emissions reductions.  相似文献   

马凌  陈浩然  朱竑 《地理研究》2021,40(6):1637-1651
景观研究是地理分析的关键单元。以往景观研究往往囿于物质景观的一面,忽视了观念景观的存在。本文以“珠江夜游——后珠三角景观”艺术展为案例,采用德国符号学家弗里克的“拟态理论”和焦点小组访谈法对其展开图像和内容分析,重新审视后城市化时代中观念景观所折射出来的乡愁与地方批判。研究发现,景观是研究人地关系议题的文化图像工具;观念景观是对物质景观的拟态,是基于真实世界之上的景观;“珠江夜游”艺术展通过大量的符号和观念景观的呈现,展现了后城市化时代珠三角地区民众独特的地方感知和地方记忆,也从直观和批判的视角展现了快速变化的社会现实下城市居民和城市之间的人地关系——城市本土居民表现出一种“不离地的乡愁”,并对人地关系失调的环境进行反思。研究对城市观念景观的图像和叙事分析是对传统文化地理学物质景观分析的有效补充,有利于从人的主体视角更深入地理解城市发展及其影响。  相似文献   
汉武帝"乃立乐府"前,不仅存在着"乐府"与乐府诗,而且也存在着"前乐府批评"。"前乐府"的批评,主要表现在"整理""选择""题解"三个方面,且互有关联,即"整理"之中兼有"选择","选择"之中又兼有"题解"。这种类型的批评,是文学批评在初始阶段的一种具体表现。"前乐府"的批评由先秦而唐宋,形成了乐府诗批评史上一道耀眼的风景线。  相似文献   
水温传感器放置深度研究现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过调研井孔水温传感器放置情况及水温观测现状和效果,剖析了在井水温度观测中存在的问题,尤其是水温传感器放置条件(深度)对观测效果的影响问题,就水温传感器的最佳放置条件,综述近年相关研究进展,包括水温微动态特征的影响因素和成因机制的研究。  相似文献   
长期以来,都把马克思主义哲学观确定为“理论化、系统化的世界观”。如果把握这种诠释不当,可能出现以下漏洞:第一,如果沉迷于传统的“视觉中心主义”而陷入知识论无法自拔。但实际上马克思开辟的是一条以“实践”为中心的路径。第二,它以整个“世界”为研究对象,强调在范围上的扩展。但这绝不能是站在世界之外的遐想,而应该是与现实世界的相互作用、相互改造。第三,过分强调“理论化、系统化”可能将它塑造成一种固步自封的体系哲学。可马克思创立的哲学却是一种既对自身展开批判,也向现实世界无情开火的战斗的哲学。  相似文献   
四川北部地区位于南北强震构造带的中北段,区内活动断裂众多、构造关系复杂、历史及现今地震活动频繁。其中,早期历史地震因时间久远、史料记载简略等原因,其地震基本参数确定和发震构造分析难度较大,存在较大的不确定性。通过对地震史料的系统梳理和实地考证,对该区1900年以前的3次中强破坏性地震(公元638年松潘地震、1738年南坪地震和1748年松潘北地震)进行补充考证,对其震中位置、震级和烈度等基本参数进行重新核定,并综合分析其发震构造特征。研究结果对分析该区地震活动特征及判定未来强震危险区等均具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   
从田园城市到精明增长:西方新城市主义思潮演化及批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着工业时代的洗礼和二战后城市人口的迅速增长,城市蔓延、中心城市衰退和大城市病已经成为了制约西方国家城市可持续发展的三大毒瘤,新城市主义理念孕育而生。从田园城市到精明增长,新城市主义思潮经历了长时间的酝酿和演化,其倡导的多样化、紧凑型、公交导向的交通和社会融合的城市形态普遍受到多数人的支持,但在实践当中,新城市主义者又常常因违背其宣扬的社会公正、对抗蔓延、保护生态和文化多样性等价值理念而备受批评。  相似文献   
闫顺喜 《地下水》2003,25(2):125-126
本文阐述了细石混凝土砌石重力坝的施工方法和特点,施工中的质量控制所采取的组织措施和技术措施,特别是技术措施,从施工前原材料的检查和检验、施工中施工方法和工艺监督及控制、施工后抽查和检测都进行了详尽的阐述,并就施工中需要特别注意的问题提出了具体的解决办法。  相似文献   
空间正义与新型城镇化研究的方法论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶超 《地理研究》2019,38(1):146-154
在经济社会转型和进入新常态的背景下,以往重数量、规模扩张和经济效益的快速城镇化模式引发的许多空间不公正问题开始突显出来,如何实现土地资源配置、空间发展权利等方面的公平,亟需用空间正义的理论思维去反思和重构中国的城镇化发展模式。空间正义理论具有社会空间、多尺度性、批判建构三个主要特征,它们对城镇化研究和实践产生重要影响。西方地理学界对空间正义已有较充分的理论讨论,实践案例亦很丰富,国内还处在初步了解和探索的阶段,缺少适合中国体制和社会发展需求的理论。通过对空间正义思想与理论的梳理,提倡综合运用多种方法,进行多尺度、多主体综合分析和案例比较,探讨和总结基于空间正义的中国城镇化演化机理与发展模式。在社会空间辩证法的指导下,运用定性、多尺度、多智能体的方法,揭示中国城镇化进程的演变机制,寻找改善途径进而实现城市空间正义。将空间正义思想用于城乡发展与规划,可为城镇化研究提供新视角,并引导城镇化转型,实现经济社会及城乡的常态发展。  相似文献   
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