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利用环境空气质量指数(AQI)、降水量及大气环流场资料对2013年贵阳市2次空气污染过程进行分析,从天气形势和空气污染演变角度分析气象因子在其中的作用。结果表明,2次污染过程中动力和热力气象因子均为其维持和发展提供有利条件,但存在异同。相同之处在于:2次污染过程中贵阳市均处在地面静止锋后,地面风速较小,不利于近地面空气污染物向区域外的水平输送;2次污染过程中贵阳上空均处在高空脊前的异常下沉气流区,配合对流层中低层的异常水平风速垂直梯度减小,均利于减小大气的斜压性、减弱天气尺度扰动的发展,同时异常逆温层的存在使大气近地层更加稳定,均不利于空气污染物的垂直混合、向高空扩散,加强了污染物在近地面集聚。不同之处在于:2次污染期间贵阳市上空分别存在不同程度的低层单层逆温和中、低层双层逆温,逆温增强时段与污染最重时段相对应,逆温层的存在大大增强了大气层结稳定度,为污染过程的维持和发展提供有利的气象条件;2次污染过程中风场的三维特征对演变过程中逆温层的影响各异,第1次过程中对流层中层偏南风利于将南方的暖湿气流输送到贵阳市上空,利于逆温层的增温、增湿和发展、维持,而第2次过程中高、低空一致的偏北风,在近地层易形成冷垫、抬升暖空气,加强逆温层的维持和发展。  相似文献   
地名有着鲜明的地方特点和时代特征。贵阳从宋朝始建土城,明洪武十五年(1382年)贵阳从一座土城变成石头城,经过元、明、清的建设,城内道观、庙宇、寺院、教堂比比皆是,道路纵横渐成规模。贵阳市在民国时期随着城市人口的增长、生产能力的提高和商品经济的发展,逐渐成为一座有着众多行业“一条街”和“会馆”的城市。  相似文献   
Guiyang is a famous tourist city located in southwestern China. In this study, dust from eleven residential areas, seven city squares, and nine schools was collected to measure the heavy metal levels and evaluate its risk. At each sampling site, 4-5 sub-samples were taken as a bulk sample. All samples were air-dried, ground, passed through a 0.105 mm nylon sieve, digested with HNO3-HC104 to determine the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn by ICP-MS, and digested with 1:1 aqua regia to determine As by AFS. The results show that the concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in dust of Guiyang City follow normal distribution with means of 16.1, 1.54, 138, 47.7, 129 and 479 mg/kg, respectively. Levels of As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn exceed the background level of soil in Guizhou Province by 33%, 96%, 100%, 78%, 96%, and 100%, respectively. Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn are heavily accumu- lated in dust of living areas with accumulation factors of 4.10, 5.12, 4.12 and 5.51, respectively. City square pos- sesses the highest geometric means of As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn. The risks of heavy metal exposure to teenagers are not obvious and in an order ofAs〉Pb〉Cu〉Ni〉Zn (Cd).  相似文献   
公交系统作为一种面向公众全体尤其是弱势群体的公共服务设施,其公平性对于促进宜居城市与公交都市建设具有较大的现实意义。本研究考虑山地城市地形变化的影响,提出了一类测度公交站点实际服务范围的新方法来修正公交服务供给公平性评价模型,并以贵阳市为例,对贵阳市公交系统服务供给在老年群体中分配的公平性进行分析。研究结果表明: ① 山地城市地形影响下的公交站点实际服务范围将降低,公交供给服务水平明显下降;② “常规+BRT(Bus Rapid Transit快速公交)”公交系统服务供给在老年人群体中分配公平性程度处于差距悬殊等级,且分配呈现出两极分化趋势;“常规+BRT”公交系统服务供给在老年人群体中空间配置失衡较为显著,城市核心区老年群体较为集聚,然而享有的人均“常规+BRT”公交系统服务供给低于整体水平;③ 若增加轨道1号线,“常规+BRT”公交系统服务供给在老年人群体中分配呈现出的两极分化趋势在一定程度上得到了缓解;“常规+BRT”公交系统服务供给在老年人群体中的空间配置失衡得到一定改善。研究结果能为山地城市交通规划部门合理布局公交系统服务供给设施提供理论参考。结合山地城市地形变化特点,本研究针对公交系统服务供给存在的公平性问题,提出了相应的优化建议。  相似文献   
10月24日,贵州省科协2008年第四期学术讲坛在贵州省科技馆学术报告厅举办。本期学术讲坛由贵州省科学技术协会、贵州省政协科协界别活动小组、贵阳市第9中学主办,贵州省地质学会承办,贵州省科学技术馆协办。报告会由贵州省地质学会理事长王明章主持,贵州省政协部分委员、贵  相似文献   
都市旅游为推进城市现代化起到了十分积极的作用,已成为城市竞争力的重要组成部分。把城市建设与都市旅游结合起来,寻求二者的共同点,既可促进都市旅游的发展,又有利于现代城市的建设。通过对贵阳市发展建设和旅游开发条件的分析,从理论和实际结合上探寻贵阳“山水城市”建设与都市旅游资源开发的完美结合点,实现城市建设和旅游发展的双赢。  相似文献   
Boron has two stable isotopes (^10B and ^11B) with relative abundances of about 20% and 80%, respectively. Boron isotopic ratios in natural materials show a huge range of variations, from -70‰ to +60‰, when expressed with the classical δ^11B notation. Most of these isotopic variations occur at the surface of the Earth. Hence, boron isotopic composition can be used as a sensitive tracer in geochemical study, for instance, to identify the different sources of contamination and factors controlling the salinity of groundwater. During the last decade, boron isotopes have been used to discriminate between the influences of seawater intrusion and anthropogenic discharge. But few of those researches can precisely identify the different sources of contamination. We measured the boron concentrations and boron isotopic ratios of groundwater samples collected in Guiyang City, as well as the major ions. The results indicate that the major ion composition of the groundwater in the investigated area is mainly controlled by the interactions between water and the dominant rock i.e. carbonates. All the water compositions are characterized by high concentrations of Ca^2+, Mg^2+, HCO3^-, SO4^2-, and NO3^-, which are the dominant contaminants. Both dissolved boron concentrations and isotopic ratios show large variations among the ground waters, from 2 μg/L to 90 μg/L and from -6‰ to +26‰, respectively. The boron concentrations and isotopic ratios indicate that the river across the studied city has been seriously contaminated by urban discharge. Boron concentrations of fiver water samples varied from 20 μg/L to 140 μg/L, with an average δ^11B value of +2.0‰. Using boron isotopic compositions and different geochemical indices allowed us to clearly identify and distinguish the two major sources of contamination, agricultural activity and urban wastewater. Both of the two sources are characterized by high boron concentrations but their boron isotopic compositions significantly differ.  相似文献   
曾居仁 《贵州气象》2007,31(3):F0004-F0004
6月28日上午9时,贵州省气象局、省人民政府应急办、省教育厅联合向全省中小学赠送防雷科普材料活动启动仪式在贵州省气象局隆重举行。来自贵阳市南明区甲秀小学的部分师生代表、贵阳市教育局、市政府应急办及各市州地气象局领导出席了赠送启动仪式。据悉,此次启动仪式共向全省16 774所中小学赠送由教育部、国务院应急办、中国气象局联合制作的“防御雷电灾害”DVD光盘和由中国气象局制作的防雷科普知识宣传画各1套。(本刊特约记者曾居仁摄影报道)向贵州省中小学赠送防雷科普材料活动启动仪式在省气象局举行!本刊特约记者@曾居仁…  相似文献   
9月28日,贵阳市农村信息化综合信息服务试点启动暨共享平台开通仪式先后在贵阳市金阳新区及贵阳市气象局隆重举行。信息产业部副部长苟仲文,省委常委、副省长黄康生,贵州省气象局局长罗宁,海尔信息科技(深圳)有限公司总经理方纯松,微软全球副总裁罗麦克等出席试点启动仪式  相似文献   
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