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进口DMH90型爆破孔钻机配套钻塔整体性强,起落塔快捷方便,钻塔高度满足不换杆一次成孔,即钻塔有效高度略大于钻孔深度,承受振动冲击力大,施工工作环境恶劣。基于这些特点和难点,爆破塔长期依赖进口,导致成本增高、周期加长,为此进行了进口DMH90型爆破孔钻机配套钻塔的替代进口研究工作。本文介绍了DMH90型爆破孔钻机配套ZT27-45型爆破孔钻塔的研制过程,主要对ZT27-45型爆破孔钻塔的设计要点、结构型式、塔体选材、焊接工艺、防止变形、消除应力、质量检验等方面进行了探索、试验和总结。生产施工实践表明,ZT27-45型钻塔制造质量达到了设计要求,满足爆破孔施工的需要,实现了替代进口,达到了降低成本、缩短工期和提高机械性能的目的。  相似文献   
含双裂隙岩石裂纹演化机理的离散元数值分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋明镜  陈贺  张宁  房锐 《岩土力学》2014,35(11):3259-3268
采用离散单元法探讨了预制双裂隙岩石的裂纹演化机理。用近期从试验资料提取的无胶结厚度含抗转动能力的岩石微观力学模型和相应的离散单元法商业软件,模拟了含不同预制倾角的双裂隙岩石试样在单轴压缩作用下裂纹的扩展与贯通规律,揭示了裂纹演化的宏微观机理。同时,将离散元法DEM岩石试样的裂纹的扩展和贯通规律以及强度特性与室内试验结果进行了比较分析。结果表明,预制裂隙之间以及端点处的拉应力集中是导致裂隙岩石破坏的主要原因,且DEM数值试验得到裂纹的演化规律与室内试验结果较为一致。含30°的预制裂隙的岩石试样最容易起裂,含75°的预制裂隙的岩石试样最困难起裂,造成此种现象的原因可能是裂纹在垂直于主应力方向上的长度不同导致试样受拉区域大小不同。  相似文献   
具有裂纹损伤的海底管道断裂及疲劳评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
海底管道是海洋石油开发的重要设施之一,对其进行断裂安全评估是非常重要的。介绍了结构失效评估图(FAD)技术,详细阐述了BS7910:1999规范中三个不同等级的断裂评估方法和疲劳评估方法。通过断裂评估方法,能够对不向受力状态下的含焊接裂纹管道进行断裂评估,得到管道任何位置的极限裂纹长度;通过疲劳评估方法,能够对受复杂动荷载的含焊接裂纹管道进行疲劳评估,得到管道在此种受力环境下的疲劳寿命。  相似文献   
针对超声混凝土缺陷检测信噪比低、穿透深度浅的问题,提出利用线性调频(LFM)信号检测混凝土缺陷。通过在发射端发射时宽和带宽的积大于1的LFM信号,在接收端将回波脉冲压缩,得到主瓣较窄,信噪比较高的压缩信号。理论分析了换能器带宽对压缩效果的影响。数值计算结果表明,在一定幅度的噪声存在条件下,回波信号经过脉冲压缩后仍能够得到好的压缩效果。实际检测结果表明,压缩后的LFM信号较压缩前检测信号明显提高了信噪比。  相似文献   
岩石试样的强度准则及内摩擦系数   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
岩石是一种非均质材料并含有各种缺陷,利用岩样的应力应交全程曲线可以确定理想强度,在排除岩样缺陷后讨论峰值强度与围压的关系,即强度准则。通过岩样剪切破坏后保持轴向变形恒定降低围压试验,可以确定岩样由摩擦力维持的承载能力随围压的变化关系。比较峰值强度和残余强度随围压变化关系的异同,可以研究岩样屈服过程中内摩擦系数的变化情况,以及内摩擦力对岩样变形特性的影响。粉砂岩试样在峰值应方时内摩擦系数已经达到最大值,峰后只是粘结力或者说是材料强度的降低过程,围压对变形没有明显影响。大理岩试样屈服过程中内摩擦系数不断增加,而内摩擦力的增加量与围压有关,高围压时只有材料强度完全丧失之后,由内摩擦力达到岩样的承载极限。内摩擦力系数随屈服过程增大,是岩石由脆性转交为廷性的根本原因。   相似文献   
Preexisting flaws and rock heterogeneity have important ramifications on the process of rock fracturing and on rock stability in many applications. Therefore, there is great interest in numerical modelling of rock fracture and the underlying mechanisms. We simulated damage evolution and fracture propagation in sandstone specimens containing a preexisting 3-D surface flaw under uniaxial compression. We applied the linear elastic damage model based on the unified strength theory following the rock failure process analysis code. However, in contrast to the rock failure process analysis code, we used the finite element method with tetrahedron elements on unstructured meshes. It provided higher geometrical flexibility and allowed for a more accurate representation of the disk-shaped flaw with various flaw depths, angles, and lengths through locally adapted meshes. The rock heterogeneity was modelled by sampling the initial local Young's modulus from a Weibull distribution over a cubic grid. The values were then interpolated to the computational finite element method mesh. This method introduced an additional length scale for the rock heterogeneity represented by the cell size in the sampling grid. The generation of three typical surface cracking patterns, called wing cracks, anti-wing cracks, and far-field cracks, were identified in the simulation results. These depend on the geometry of the preexisting surface flaw. The simulated fracture propagation, coalescence types, and failure modes for the specimens with preexisting surface flaw show good agreement with recent experimental studies.  相似文献   
对含预制裂纹的花岗岩进行单轴压缩试验研究预制裂纹倾角α对脆性岩石渐进性破坏过程的影响。首先埘破坏过程的轴向应力-横向应变曲线进行总结和讨论,然后分析预制裂纹与加载方向夹角α埘岩石的应应力门槛值:裂纹起始应力σci、裂纹扩展应力σed、峰值强度矿σf,由应变片记录的应力-应变曲线和试样的表嘶裂纹扩展情况的影响机制。结果表明,含有预制裂纹的岩石试样进行加载试验过程中,顶制裂纹倾角α的变化成了决定脆性岩石破裂办式的主要因素。故在对含节理、裂隙的脆性岩石的工程应用上,通过对岩休的轴向应力-横向应变向应变典线进行分析,可以对地下开挖工程起到指导设计开挖方式及支护形式的作用。  相似文献   
A conceptual scheme for the transition from winter to spring is developed for a small Arctic estuary (Churchill River, Hudson Bay) using hydrological, meteorological and oceanographic data together with models of the landfast ice. Observations within the Churchill River estuary and away from the direct influence of the river plume (Button Bay), between March and May 2005, show that both sea ice (production and melt) and river water influence the region's freshwater budget. In Button Bay, ice production in the flaw lead or polynya of NW Hudson Bay result in salinization through winter until the end of March, followed by a gradual freshening of the water column through April–May. In the Churchill Estuary, conditions varied abruptly throughout winter–spring depending on the physical interaction among river discharge, the seasonal landfast ice, and the rubble zone along the seaward margin of the landfast ice. Until late May, the rubble zone partially impounded river discharge, influencing the surface salinity, stratification, flushing time, and distribution and abundance of nutrients in the estuary. The river discharge, in turn, advanced and enhanced sea ice ablation in the estuary by delivering sensible heat. Weak stratification, the supply of riverine nitrogen and silicate, and a relatively long flushing time (∼ 6 days) in the period preceding melt may have briefly favoured phytoplankton production in the estuary when conditions were still poor in the surrounding coastal environment. However, in late May, the peak flow and breakdown of the ice-rubble zone around the estuary brought abrupt changes, including increased stratification and turbidity, reduced marine and freshwater nutrient supply, a shorter flushing time, and the release of the freshwater pool into the interior ocean. These conditions suppressed phytoplankton productivity while enhancing the inventory of particulate organic matter delivered by the river. The physical and biological changes observed in this study highlight the variability and instability of small frozen estuaries during winter–spring transition, which implies sensitivity to climate change.  相似文献   
通过高喷灌浆修补垂直防渗土工膜缺陷的工程实例,介绍了高压喷射灌浆防渗墙的设计方法、施工工艺及优良的防渗效果。  相似文献   
工程锚杆注浆质量无损检测技术研究与应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用应力波一维波动理论,对清江水布垭工地21根模型锚杆和74根工程锚杆进行了测试与研究,初步形成了工程锚杆无损检测方法,建立了波形特征与锚杆注浆密实度之间的关系,并从锚杆的有效锚固长度、注浆密实度及缺陷大小和位置三个方面评价锚杆的施工质量,确定了该工程锚杆无损检测验收标准。  相似文献   
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