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大气CO2浓度增加,大气辐射平衡调整,将影响到大气的辐射加热,对季风环流的产生影响.CMIP6结果显示,大气CO2浓度增加,可减弱季风区主雨季对流层高,低层的辐射加热,加强对流层中层的辐射加热.各季风区加热响应的峰值层次不同:亚洲季风区平均层次最高(500-775 hPa),北非,南美,澳洲季风区次之(550-600 hPa),北美(600hPa)和南非季风区(600-775 hPa)较低.各季风区水云的垂直分布及其长波辐射效应的变化是形成峰值层次差异的主因.  相似文献   
针对目前利用层次分析法对CO2地质封存进行适宜性评价过程中,极少结合研究区域实际计算低层次评价指标权重,对适宜性评价结果又缺少进一步的分析,结合鄂尔多斯盆地的地质特征,通过计算指标组成权重和适宜性得分对盆地开展了CO2地质封存适宜性评价,并以适宜区杏子川油田长4+5盖层为例,开展了盖层封闭性评价实验研究。同时,采用相应的计算方法对鄂尔多斯盆地深部咸水层和油藏的CO2地质封存潜力进行了计算。结果表明:鄂尔多斯盆地在三叠系开展CO2地质封存的适宜性最好,石炭-二叠系和奥陶系则次之;杏子川油田三叠系延长组长4+5盖层对区域开展CO2地质封存具备良好的封闭性;鄂尔多斯盆地深部咸水层和油藏的CO2有效封存量分别为1.33×10 10 t和1.91×10 9 t,且在延长石油吴起、靖边及杏子川油田共有56个CO2地质封存适宜区,其CO2有效封存量可达1.77×10 8 t。  相似文献   
为提高集装箱“公转铁”减排潜力评估结果的准确性,在分析“公转铁”减排原理的基础上,综合考虑空箱调运和重箱运输“门到门”运输链的干线运输、端点装卸、电力设备作业、集卡短驳、公铁中转等排放,引入反映活动类型、设备结构、能源生命周期排放的参数,对作业活动-方式结构-能耗强度-排放因子(ASIF)方法进行改进,建立“公转铁”减排潜力评估框架。以义乌—宁波港域出口集装箱运输为例,通过实地调研和公开文献获取数据,进行实证研究。结果表明,如果忽略必要因素将会导致每TEU运输需求“公转铁”的CO2减排率被高估0.50~36.73个百分点;最佳“公转铁”情景可减排3.42万t CO2,相应减排率为13.58%。研究结果可为政府相关部门客观评估“公转铁”的减排潜力、制定有效的“公转铁”政策措施提供理论支持。  相似文献   
为了加强珠三坳陷珠江组的油气勘探理论,笔者从层序格架、岩芯特征、有孔虫分布、岩石类型及岩性组合等方面,分析珠三坳陷及周缘珠江组三个层序的沉积特征及沉积演化规律:从S50--S60~S40--S41层序,岩芯特征呈现规律性变化,砂岩粒度减小、分选性增强,水动力条件从强-较强-弱转变;有孔虫丰度变化从零星中低值--连续中高值--连续中值,水深从浅-深-较深,神狐隆起从局部出露到完全沉没。古珠江三角洲及海南隆起—粤桂隆起物源三角洲是S50-S60及S41-S50层序的重点沉积体系。从S50-S60~S40-S41层序,古珠江三角洲规模从"大--中--小"依次演变,海南隆起—粤桂隆起物源三角洲呈"大-大-小/无"变化,浅海迅速扩张,仅半深海分布较稳定。  相似文献   
Space-borne measurements of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations provide global observation constraints for top-down estimates of surface carbon flux.Here,the first estimates of the global distribution of carbon surface fluxes inferred from dry-air CO_2 column (XCO_2) measurements by the Chinese Global Carbon Dioxide Monitoring Scientific Experimental Satellite (Tan Sat) are presented.An ensemble transform Kalman filter (ETKF) data assimilation system coupled with the GEOS-Chem global chemistry transport model is used to optimally fit model simulations with the Tan Sat XCO_2 observations,which were retrieved using the Institute of Atmospheric Physics Carbon dioxide retrieval Algorithm for Satellite remote sensing (IAPCAS).High posterior error reduction (30%–50%) compared with a priori fluxes indicates that assimilating satellite XCO_2 measurements provides highly effective constraints on global carbon flux estimation.Their impacts are also highlighted by significant spatiotemporal shifts in flux patterns over regions critical to the global carbon budget,such as tropical South America and China.An integrated global land carbon net flux of 6.71±0.76 Gt C yr~(-1) over12 months (May 2017–April 2018) is estimated from the Tan Sat XCO_2 data,which is generally consistent with other inversions based on satellite data,such as the JAXA GOSAT and NASA OCO-2 XCO_2 retrievals.However,discrepancies were found in some regional flux estimates,particularly over the Southern Hemisphere,where there may still be uncorrected bias between satellite measurements due to the lack of independent reference observations.The results of this study provide the groundwork for further studies using current or future Tan Sat XCO_2 data together with other surfacebased and space-borne measurements to quantify biosphere–atmosphere carbon exchange.  相似文献   
CO2地质封存是实现碳中和背景下难减排产业可持续发展的重要支撑技术。相较一些发达国家已经成功实现封存量为每年百万吨级CO2封存项目工业化,中国的CO2地质封存项目起步较晚,以封存量为每年十万吨级CO2封存项目为主,而针对年封存量百万吨级及以上大型CO2封存项目的选址、封存和监测尚缺乏经验。在针对世界上15个年封存量百万吨级CO2地质封存项目成功案例调研基础上,按照封存场地圈闭地质类型划分了构造型圈闭(背斜型、断层型和裂缝型)和岩性型圈闭(砂岩型和碳酸盐岩型)两大类。在统计不同类型封存场地地质特征参数基础上,从“规模性、注入性、安全性和经济性”4大指标入手,提出了“大(Big)、通(Permeable)、保(Preserved)、值(Value)” BPPV选址原则,明确了年封存量百万吨级CO2地质封存场地选址原则及参数标准。我国盆地类型多样差异大,需要采取不同的CO2封存策略。针对鄂尔多斯、大庆油田等大型坳陷型盆地,由于其构造规模大、砂体分布面广、大规模背斜和岩性圈闭发育,寻找大型整装深层盐水层或者衰竭型油气藏封存场地的潜力大;针对东部渤海湾及近海断陷型盆地,由于断层发育、断层相关圈闭多、单圈闭容量较小,封存有效性受断层影响大,宜采取圈闭群综合评价与断层活动性动态评价相结合的策略;对西部叠合盆地,盆地边缘构造冲断带一般构造应力强、地层压力高、CO2注入难度大,但盆地中央古隆起斜坡可以成为有效的封存场地,因此对西部盆地需要采取分区分带分层评价策略。  相似文献   
Paleoclimate reconstruction of continental environments has been hampered by the limited evidence. A thick sequence of Jurassic continental deposits in the Sichuan Basin, Southwest China yields abundant paleosols that may offer valuable insights regarding Jurassic climate scenarios. A succession of 169 paleosols belonging to Protosols, Calcisols, and Argillisols from 23 detailed stratigraphic sections was recognized and characterized macro- and micromorphologically and assessed for mineral and geochemical compositions. Quantitative paleoclimate reconstructions using bulk geochemical proxies, the depth to and the stable oxygen isotopic composition of paleosol carbonates indicated a predominant alternation of semiarid and arid cool/warm-temperate climatic conditions punctuated by several episodes of subhumid and humid climates that generally prevailed in the Sichuan Basin during the Jurassic. The estimated paleoatmospheric CO2 concentrations (pCO2) from calcic paleosols yielded a low range of ~104 ± 58 to ~610 ± 152 ppmv during the Middle Jurassic. The terrestrial paleotemperature changes in the Sichuan Basin coincided with the pCO2 variations, which probably resulted from global geological events (e.g., volcanic activities, magmatic and oceanic events, and the ephemeral caps development) in the Middle Jurassic. Jurassic climatic fluctuations in the basin were likely attributed to true polar wander due to global plate motion, megamonsoon effect linked to global and regional paleogeography, and regional paleotopography.  相似文献   
碳捕集与封存(Carbon Capture and Storage,CCS)技术作为缓解全球气候变暖、减少CO2排放的有效路径之一,其潜力评估至关重要。目前CCS技术主要包括CO2强化石油(天然气)开采封存技术、CO2驱替煤层气封存技术以及咸水层CO2封存技术3类。各类封存技术利用了不同的封存机制,其潜力评估方法也略有差别。油气藏封存和咸水层封存主要利用了构造圈闭储存、束缚空间储存、溶解储存、矿化储存等封存机制,煤层气封存主要利用了吸附封存机制。国内外学者和机构针对各类封存技术提出了相应的计算方法,依据其计算原理可归纳为4类: 物质平衡封存量计算法、有效容积封存量计算法、溶解机制封存量计算法以及考虑多种捕获机制的综合封存量计算法。通过对各类经典方法及其计算原理进行综述,剖析潜力封存量计算方法的内涵原理和应用场景,分析了CO2地质封存潜力评价方法在实际应用中面临的问题,有助于提升我国的CCS潜力评价质量。  相似文献   
Based on literature research in combination with the practice of CO2 flooding and storage in Jilin Oilfield, this study assesses the key problems in CO2 flooding and storage, proposing the corresponding countermeasures from five aspects of CO2 gas source condition, namely geological condition evaluation, scheme design incoordination with other production methods, economic and effectiveness evaluation, together with dynamic monitoring and safety evaluation. The re...  相似文献   
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