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Microzooplankton production in the oceans   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The functional groups of planktonic protist communities and their responses to the changes of environmental conditions were investigated in a semi-enclosed shrimp-farming pond in Qingdao,Shandong Province,China,during a six-month study period (a complete shrimp-culture cycle) from May to October 2002.The results reveal that: (1) the protist communities represented five trophic and functional groups of the species identified,about 60% were photoautotrophs,20% algivores,12% bacterivores,5% raptors and about 3% non-selectives;(2) the photoautotrophs,algivores and bacterivores were the primary contributors to the changes in the protist communities in short temporal scales,the succession of dominance typically being bacterivores→photoautotrophs→algivores,with the raptors dominating the protist communities in a single sample (early June);(3) the photoautotrophs and non-selectives were the primary contributors to the peak of protist abundance in early October whereas the photoautotrophs,bacterivores,raptors and non-selectives mainly gave rise to two bimodal peaks of biomass in July and October respectively;(4) five functional groups of protist communities represented significant correlations with water nutrients (i.e.,NH 3-N,NO 3-N,and PO 4 ),either alone or in combination with temperature,of which algivores and raptors were strongly correlated with phosphate and the concentration of Chl a,while bacterivores were strongly related to nitrogen and the concentration of bacteria.These findings confirm that planktonic protists are potentially useful bioindicators of water quality in the semi-enclosed mariculture system.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the parameters controlling the heterotrophic protists (nano-microzooplankton) on the continental shelf of the southern Bay of Biscay, plankton communities and their physico-chemical environment were studied 4 times in February, April, June and September–October 2004 at three stations in the euphotic zone in the Bay of Biscay. The abundance and carbon biomass of heterotrophic protists (ciliates, heterotrophic dinoflagellates and nanoflagellates) as well as all the others groups of plankton (picoplankton, nanophytoplankton, diatoms, autotrophic dinoflagellates, metazoan microzooplankton and mesozooplankton), the environmental parameters and the primary and bacteria production were evaluated at each sampling period. Microzooplankton grazing experiments were undertaken at the same time. Ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates accounted for the main major component of nano- and microzooplankton communities in term of biomass. The total carbon biomass of heterotrophic protists was highest in spring and lowest at the end of summer. The development of heterotrophic protists started after a winter microphytoplankton bloom (principally large diatoms), the biomass was lower in June and was low in September (through inappropriate prey). The carbon requirement of microzooplankton ranged from 50 to more than 100% of daily primary, bacterial and nanoflagellate production. The heterotrophic protist community was predominantly constrained by bottom-up control in spring and at the end of summer via food availability and quality.  相似文献   
Numerous palaeoecological studies have used testate amoeba analysis to reconstruct Holocene hydrological change in peatlands, and thereby past climatic change. Current studies have been almost exclusively restricted to ombrotrophic bogs and the period since the fen–bog transition. Although the critical link between peatland surface wetness and climate is less direct in minerotrophic peatlands, such records may still be of value where there are few others, particularly if multiple records can be derived and inter‐compared. Expanding the temporal and spatial scope of testate amoeba‐based palaeohydrology to minerotrophic peatlands requires studies to establish the primacy of hydrology and the efficacy of transfer functions across a range of sites. This study analyses testate amoeba data from wetlands spanning the trophic gradient in the eastern Mediterranean region. Results demonstrate that different types of wetlands have distinctly different amoeba communities, but hydrology remains the most important environmental control (despite water table depth being measured at different times for different sites). Interestingly, Zn and Fe emerge as significant environmental variables in a subset of sites with geochemical data. Testate amoeba–hydrology transfer functions perform well in cross‐validation but frequently perform poorly when applied to other sites, particularly with sites of a different nutrient status. It may be valid to use testate amoebae to reconstruct hydrological change from minerotrophic peatlands with an applicable transfer function; however, it may not be appropriate to use testate amoebae to reconstruct hydrological change through periods of ecosystem evolution, particularly the fen–bog transition. In practice, the preservation of amoeba shells is likely to be a key problem for palaeoecological reconstruction from fens. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
为了解胶州湾浮游原生生物时空分布特征及与环境因子间的关系,自2007年6月~2008年5月,对青岛胶州湾内5个站点表层水的浮游原生生物丰度及环境因子进行了累计24次的周年采样调查及定性、定量分析.结果显示:(1) 浮游原生生物周年变动具有2个高峰,分别出现在4月和8月;(2) 浮游硅藻、鞭毛藻和纤毛虫的丰度周年变动均为双峰型:春节(4月)高峰、秋节(8月)高峰;(3) 浮游原生生物丰度与叶绿素a和溶解氧呈显著性相关,而其群落结构的变化与盐度、溶解氧、硝态氮和亚硝态氮的组合呈显著性相关.本工作为进一步探讨富营养化的内湾型近岸水体内原生生物生态学结构与功能提供了一份必要的基础资讯.  相似文献   
海洋原生生物是微食物环的重要组成部分,在海洋生态系统的物质循环和食物传递中发挥着不可替代的作用;亚洲沙尘颗粒经长距离输运后沉降入黄海,会对海洋生态系统产生显著影响。本研究在黄海南部海域进行了现场模拟培养实验,分析了不同浓度沙尘和P添加对不同粒径、异养类型浮游原生生物生长速率的影响。结果表明,在培养早期,P和沙尘的添加都会促进各营养类型浮游原生生物的生长,特别是对10~20μm自养型生长速率的促进作用最为显著,其在高、低浓度P和高、低浓度沙尘添加组的生长速率分别为1.39、0.96、0.69和0.47 d-1,分别是对照组的5.35、3.69倍和2.65、1.81倍(P<0.05),表明研究海区为P潜在限制海区,沙尘对原生生物的促进作用可能和P的溶出有关;沙尘对异养型和兼养型原生生物早期是抑制作用。在培养后期,沙尘添加对各类群原生生物的生长以促进作用为主,对2~5μm异养型的促进作用最为显著,其在高、低浓度沙尘组的生长速率分别为0.84和0.40 d-1,显著高于对照组的-0.46 d-1(P<0.05)。沙尘沉降早期对大粒径自养型原生生物生长的促进作用会加速富营养海区赤潮的发生,但对异养型的抑制作用会削弱海区物质循环和食物传递的效率;沙沉降对不同粒径和营养类型浮游原生生物生长的影响会改变黄海南部海区微型食物网的结构,影响原生生物在该海区物质转化和食物产出中的生态功能,研究结果可为深入探讨沙沉降对海洋生态系统的作用机制和生态效应提供科学参考。  相似文献   
DAPI荧光染色技术已广泛应用于浮游细菌及原生生物的定量研究,但对底栖生物的定量效能尚缺必要的研究。比较了冷冻和冷藏两种保藏方式以及保存时间对DAPI荧光计数底栖细菌、蓝细菌、硅藻、不同粒级自养小鞭毛虫(PNF)和异养小鞭毛虫(HNF)的影响。对黄海冷水团三个站位表层2cm底栖样品进行的4℃冷藏与?20℃冷冻避光保存的比较研究表明,两种保藏方式下两个站位的所有研究对象均无显著差异,但另一站位的PNF(2~5μm和5~10μm)的冷藏保存显著优于冷冻保存。对选取的另外两个站位(0~2cm和2~5cm分层)的样品经1个月和4个月冷藏保存后的分析表明,对于底栖细菌、蓝细菌、PNF(5~10 μm)、PNF(10 μm)、HNF(10 μm)和硅藻在保存1个月和4个月后的计数没有显著差异,而对于PNF(2~5 μm)、HNF(2~5 μm)、HNF(5~10 μm)保存4个月的数量明显低于保存1个月的样品,如其中一个站位的0~2cm分层的PNF(2~5 μm)丰度减少了47.4%,2~5cm分层的丰度减少了59.6%,HNF(2~5 μm)和HNF(5~10 μm)经4个月后丰度降为0。本研究表明,对底栖细菌、蓝细菌以及原生生物的定量计数可因样品、保藏方式及保存时间的不同而产生差异,因此对于底栖样品短期内宜采用避光、冷藏保存,并在带回实验室后尽快分析。  相似文献   
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