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船底防污涂料目前仍然是舰船预防附着生物最普遍、最有效的手段,其性能的好坏直接关系到海军的战斗力,海运事业的发展和海洋设施的保护。因此,国内外对防污涂料的研究十分重视。 一种优良的防污涂料必须具备两个特点:适当的渗毒率和良好的持久性。如漆膜封闭性太强,毒物渗出率过低,就起不到应有的防污作用;反之,如果防污涂料渗毒率太高,涂料中的毒物很快就释放完毕,则达不到持久的防污效果。 影响防污涂料渗毒率的因素十分复杂,如防污涂料的组成、使用的海域、舰船的航速、防污涂料的配套、施工条件和质量等,对它都会产生直接的影响.但防污涂料的组成则是其中最主要的因素。 研究防污涂料中各成份对毒物渗出的影响,掌握毒物的渗出规律,合理调节渗出率,可以达到改善防污涂料性能和节约人力物力的效果。本文就几年来防污涂料试验中关于防污涂料某些成份对渗铜率的影响作一综述。  相似文献   

为了防止海洋生物对海船、军舰、船坞、水下武器以及其他海上设备的有害附着,新的防污药品、防污涂料以及防污办法。正为许多学者所悉心研究;防污药品正逐渐地由无机物向有机物及放射性物质方面转变。但是,目前生产中广泛采用的仍然是无机毒品,防污涂料的防污效果与有效使用期限不但与药品的毒性有关,而且与药品在单位时间内自涂料膜渗出的剂量密切相关。如果单位时间内渗出剂量过大,则不经济,有效防污期限将大大缩短;如果单位时间内渗出剂量过小,则不能达到抑制生物附着和生长的目的。渗出率的大小常常是防污涂料的关键指标。因此渗出率的研究,不但能指导生产单位改进防污涂料的生产工艺,而且也为使用单位提供了选择和估价防污涂料的简单有效的方法。  相似文献   

含辣椒素的防污涂料在海洋网箱网衣中的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以辣椒素为海洋附着生物防污剂,开发了一种用于海水养殖的网衣材料中的防污期长、无毒且高效的防污涂料。辣椒素防污涂料以从天然辣椒中提取的生物活性物质为驱避剂,并不破坏海洋生物链。挂海防污实验证明涂有辣椒素防污涂料的网衣材料具有极佳的防污效果。并进一步讨论了防污涂料的防污效果及影响防污效果的诸多因素。  相似文献   

以有机锡为主的防污涂料是一类有效的涂料。十几年前,在第二届国际污染和防污会议上介绍有机锡类防污涂料时,就有人注意到其防污机理问题,但至今尚未看到有关报道。 纹藤壶(Balanus amphitrite amphitrite Darwin)是我国沿海船底及其他海上设施为害最严重的附着生物之一,是很有代表性的实验材料。我们在有机锡类防污涂料中选用效能较好的TPTC,就其对纹藤壶的防污机理作了初步研究。 搞清楚防污机理对于合理使用防污涂料以及进一步提高防污效能都具有重要意义。本文从生化功能和形态结构两个方面阐述了TPTC对藤壶线粒体的影响。  相似文献   

中国科学院海洋研究所和天津油漆总厂涂料研究所,经过七年协作进行研制的L—10船底防污涂料成功,于1980年1月在青岛召开了现场鉴定会,与会代表共30人。会上,中国科学院海洋研究所及天津油漆总厂涂料研究所的研究、工程技术人员分别对L—10船底防污涂料的性能、配方、实海挂板、实船涂装、产品特点、施工要求以及防污机制等作了简要介绍,与会代表到青岛北海船厂现场观看了实船涂装的效果。经  相似文献   

将通过浮筏挂板选出的新型防污涂料,应用于海洋仪器,获得了较为满意的防污效果。本文介绍了这些涂料的筛选及试验方法,并给出了试验结果。  相似文献   

自十九世纪钢壳船大量建造以来,船舰的底部一般都涂有防污涂料,用来预防附着生物的附着生长,以保证船舰底部的清洁。但是,由于船舰坞修间隔期过长,超过了防污涂料的有效期;或由于涂装条件的变化和涂刷施工不当,使防污涂料不能发挥应有的作用。这样,海洋中生存的大量附着生物的幼虫或胞子,就要逐渐地附着在船舰的底部。附着生  相似文献   

开发绿色环保防污剂是海洋船舶防污涂料研究的重要方向,查明防污活性化合物分子结构中的防污活性基团,是设计开发新型防污剂的关键。本文合成了三种结构相似的苯酰胺类化合物HNOB、DOLPA和DHNOB,通过FTIR,1H NMR,13C NMR测试表征三种化合物的分子结构,利用典型污损生物硅藻和贻贝作为目标生物,测试其对硅藻和贻贝附着的影响,并将分子结构与防污活性进行对比,初步探讨影响防污性能的活性基团。硅藻和贻贝附着实验均表明,HNOB的防污性能较好,半数抑制浓度远低于DOLPA和DHNOB。通过结构对比分析发现,极性和非极性结构的协同作用比单一的极性基团或非极性长碳链基团能更好地赋予苯酰胺类物质良好的防污性能。该研究初步探讨了苯酰胺类化合物的构效关系,有助于新型防污活性化合物的设计开发和结构优化,并对探究该类化合物防除污损生物附着的机理和快速筛选有潜力的防污化合物具有重要意义。  相似文献   

卤虫用于A/F防污效果初选评价实验及其计算公式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于一种防污涂料(A/F)防污效果的评价,现行的方法是拟好配方、研制漆样、涂刷试板进行海港挂板(静态或动态)试验,根据结果进行鉴别;然后选出防污效果优越的配方进一步进行实船涂装实验。试验效果好的配方再小批量试产试用,供应用户;并在整个过程  相似文献   

本文报道涂有JS-867铜-锡复合物防污剂的灯笼网(Lantern net)用于扇贝的养殖试验组,同未涂该防污剂的灯笼网养殖扇贝对照组比较,对扇贝的生长无不良影响。试验组同对照组相比较,各组所养扇贝的可食部分的主要营养成分——蛋白质、氨基酸和脂肪的含量无明显差异。试验组灯笼网很少受附着生物的损坏,便于清洗,降低了扇贝养殖的生产成本。因此,JS-867铜-锡复合物防污剂用于扇贝的养殖是一切实可行的防污涂料。  相似文献   

由于含有DDT的防污漆和林丹曾在我国使用,一些渔港`DDTs和HCHs的残留严重,湛江湾作为我国南方重要的渔港和养殖地区相关研究较少。为评估湛江湾HCHs和DDTs的残留状况和来源,本研究调查分析了湛江湾11个陆源入海排污口沉积物中HCHs和DDTs的含量、空间分布和来源。自1980s以来,研究区域HCHs的残留量明显下降,但DDTs含量变化较小,甚至在一些站位出现较高值。HCHs和DDTs组成和特征比值显示HCHs可能来自湛江湾周围土壤中残留的HCHs和近期少量的输入,DDTs可能来自工业DDTs的历史残留和含有DDTs的防污漆。根据沉积物质量指导,DDTs对海洋环境具有一定生态风险,可能对海洋生物体产生危害。本研究表明林丹和含有DDT的防污漆在湛江可能还有使用,相关部门应该加强控制管理,以及对现有污染区域的治理。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONBiologicalfoulingonthehullsofshipsandothersubmergedmarinestructurescausesgreatha~s.Inadditiontodecreasingship'sspeed,andincreasingitsfuelconsumption,biologicalfoulingalsoincreasestheweightofnavigationalbuoys,interfereswithoperatingequipmentandsounddevices,clogsseawaterpipingsystems,adverselyaffectsheat-exchangerperformance,andpromotescorrosionofmetalsurface(HuangandCat,1984).UPtothepresent,antifoulingpaintshaveachievedtheireffectivenessbyreleasingattheirsurfacebiocides,allcom…  相似文献   

Partitioning of selected antifouling biocides in the aquatic environment.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Following a ban on the use of tributyltin in antifouling products on small boats, a number of organic booster biocides have been utilised in conjunction with copper in antifouling paints as alternative treatments. The fate of organic compounds in the aquatic environment is closely linked to their partitioning between aqueous media and sediment. In this study, experiments were designed to investigate the partitioning and sorptive behaviour of Irgarol 1051, chlorothalonil, dichlofluanid and diuron in the aquatic environment. Factorial experiments were undertaken to determine the importance of pH, particulate matter concentration and salinity to their sorption. A Mackay fugacity model was also applied. Results demonstrated that dichlofluanid had the stronger adsorption characteristics and was predicted to bind more strongly to sediments than Irgarol or chlorothalonil. Diuron exhibited the least preference for sorptive behaviour. Sorption appeared to be enhanced by increased suspended matter, whilst salinity does not seem to play a significant role in the partitioning behaviour of these biocides.  相似文献   

有机硅涂层表面能对海生物附着的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
田军  薛群基 《海洋学报》1998,20(5):61-64
随着海洋生态环境保护和防止海洋生物污损的要求,人们试图用具有特殊表面性能的涂层取代有毒涂层来减弱或消除海生物的附着。本文通过对含有机硅防污涂层表面能的测量计算,探讨了涂层表面能各分量对附着生物的影响。实验结果表明,在表面能低色散分量的含有机硅涂层上,随涂层与水的相互作用力分量减小,绿藻和玻璃海鞘的污损增加。  相似文献   

Fertilisation and larval metamorphosis of reef-building corals are important life history events leading to recruitment of juvenile corals to reef populations. Little is known of the sensitivity of these early life phases to pollution, or their relative susceptibility to certain toxicants compared with established coral colonies. Inhibition of fertilisation and larval metamorphosis of the coral Acropora millepora (Ehrenberg, 1834) was assessed in response to solutions of the antifoulants tributyltin (TBT) and copper (Cu) using laboratory-based bioassays. Nominal concentrations that inhibited 50% fertilisation and metamorphosis (IC50) were calculated from 4 h fertilisation and 24 h metamorphosis assays and were based on introduced dose. Cu was most potent towards fertilisation with an IC50 of 17.4 micrograms/l. TBT however, proved more toxic to larval metamorphosis having an IC50 of 2.0 micrograms/l. Inert surfaces coated with either Cu- or TBT-based antifouling paint also inhibited fertilisation and metamorphosis. The degree of inhibition was correlated with surface area of the paint coating. These results indicate fertilisation and metamorphosis of coral can be sensitive to active components of antifouling paints.  相似文献   

Caged dogwhelks (Nucella lapillus) and mussels (Mytilus edulis) were placed in situ at sites along the River Tyne (UK) in order to investigate the potential for monitoring any change in tributyltin (TBT) mediated effects. After 6 months the development of imposex was investigated in the dogwhelks and concentrations of TBT were determined in the whole tissues of both species. Sites within the estuary showed a high degree of imposex, whilst those at sites North and South of the estuary mouth exhibited significantly lower induction. Concentrations of TBT measured in the dogwhelk and mussel tissues showed the same pattern. The success of the caging technique, occurrence of imposex at other UK sites and the need for further monitoring at TBT impacted locations in the light of current international controls on the use of TBT-based antifouling paints on sea-going vessels are discussed.  相似文献   

Histological examination of gonads as well as chemical analysis of organotin compounds in tissues of the giant abalone, Haliotis madaka, was conducted to evaluate possible endocrine disruption and to consider the causal factors for the decline of abalone stocks in Japan. Abalone specimens were collected from two different areas, Tsushima as a reference site and Jogashima as a site representative of declining abalone populations, each month from September 1995 to November 1996. Scores were given to the development stages of reproductive cells in the ovary and testis. The degree of sexual maturation was evaluated by calculating the mean value of a histogram of these scores for the reproductive cells of each abalone. The temporal variations in degree of sexual maturation showed that female and male abalone from Tsushima matured synchronously, while those from Jogashima did not. The observed maximum reproductive developmental score in abalone from Jogashima was much lower than that from Tsushima, because immature females were present at the former site throughout the spawing season. Approximately 20% of the abalone from Jogashima were masculinized females with an ovo-testis. The masculinization of female abalone was similar to the imposex, typically induced in other gastropod molluscs by tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPhT) from antifouling paints. Concentrations of TBT and TPhT in the muscles of abalone from Jogashima (n = 83) of 4.9 +/- 4.4 ng/g wet wt and 6.3 +/- 6.6 ng/g wet wt, respectively, were significantly higher than those from Tsushima (n = 125) (P < 0.01) of 0.8 +/- 0.8 ng/g wet wt and 0.6 +/- 1.3 ng/g wet wt, respectively. In situ exposure of abalone from Tsushima caged near a dockyard in Jogashima for 7 months (from the immature to the mature stage) resulted in spermatogenesis in the ovary of approximately 90% of females. Endocrine disruption may be caused in the giant abalone by organotin compounds from antifouling paints, which are possibly one of the causal factors for the decline of Japanese abalone stocks.  相似文献   

Bis(tributyltin) oxide (TBTO) is widely used as an antifouling agent in various antifouling paints. Thus, some marinas have TBTO concentrations as high as 2 μg/liter.1 These concentrations can be toxic to zooplankton.2 The objectives of the present study were to determine the ability of a number of marine animals, including crabs, oysters and fish, to metabolize TBTO. Earlier work showed that extracts of rat liver were able to metabolize TBTO to a variety of metabolites, e.g. β-hydroxybutyldibutylin.3 The role of the cytochrome P-450 dependent mixed-function oxygenase system in oxidizing TBTO in marine animals was also of interest. Both in vivo (uptake of 14C-TBTO from food or water) and in vitro studies demonstrated that all the animals were able to metabolize TBTO. The oysters metabolized TBTO at a much slower rate than the other animals. The mixed-function oxygenase system from hepatic tissues of the various animals was able to metabolize TBTO by forming a number of hydroxylated metabolites.  相似文献   

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