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Temperature fluctuations in a convective surface layer were investigated. Box counting analysis was performed to investigate fractal properties of surfaces of constant temperature and was performed on sets of points obtained by setting thresholds on detrended records. Results indicate that surfaces of constant temperature have fractal properties for thresholds far from the mean. Estimated fractal dimensions of one-dimensional cuts through these surfaces varied between 0.23 and 0.66, increasing with threshold value approaching the mean temperature. For thresholds close to the mean, no fractal behavior was found. Asymmetry in results for thresholds above and below the mean temperature was attributed to the asymmetry between updrafts and downdrafts in the convective surface layer.The temperature dissipation rate (TD) was also investigated. It was found to be strongly intermittent with large fluctuations of the intermittency exponent. Moments were analyzed in order to investigate multifractal properties of TD. Results indicate scaling in the range of 50–1000 (where is the Kolmogorov scale) and multifractal properties resembling those observed for passive scalar dissipation in laboratory flows.  相似文献   

The relation between the turbulence Reynolds numberR and a Reynolds numberz* based on the friction velocity and height from the ground is established using direct measurements of the r.m.s. longitudinal velocity and turbulent energy dissipation in the atmospheric surface layer. Measurements of the relative magnitude of components of the turbulent kinetic energy budget in the stability range 0 >z/L 0.4 indicate that local balance between production and dissipation is maintained. Approximate expressions, in terms of readily measured micrometeorological quantities, are proposed for the Taylor microscale and the Kolmogorov length scale .  相似文献   

Parameterization of evaporation from a non-plant-covered surface is very important in the hierarchy strategy of modelling land surface processes. One of the representations frequently used in its computation is the resistance formulation. The performance of the evaporation schemes using the , , and their combination resistance approaches to parameterize evaporation from bare soil surfaces is discussed. For that purpose, the nine schemes, based on a different dependence of and on volumetric soil moisture content and its saturated value, are used.The tests of performances of the considered schemes are based on time integrations by the land surface module (BARESOIL) using observed data. The 23 data sets at a bare surface experimental site in Rimski anevi, Yugoslavia on chernozem soil, were used for the resistance algorithm evaluation. The quality of the schemes was compared with the observed values of the latent heat flux using several statistical parameters.  相似文献   

Functional forms of the universal similarity functions A, B (for wind components parallel and normal to the surface stress), and C (for potential temperature difference) are determined based on the generalized theory of the resistance laws for the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL). The similarity-profile functions for the surface layer are matched with the velocity and temperature-defect profiles that are assumed to have shapes modified by certain powers of nondimensional height z/h, where h is the PBL height. The powers of the outer-layer profile functions are determined, so that the functions become negligible in the surface layer. To close the temperature defect law, an assumption that the temperature gradient across the top of the PBL is continuous with the stratification of the overlying atmosphere is used. The result of this assumption is that nondimensional momentum and temperature profiles in the PBL can be described in terms of four basic ratios: (1) roughness ratio = /h (2) scale-height ratio =|f|h/u*, (3) ambient stratification parameter =h/*, and (4) stability parameter =h/L, where L is the Monin-Obukhov length, z0 is the surface roughness, is the upper-air stratification, u * is the friction velocity, and * is the temperature scale at the surface. For stable conditions, the scale-height ratio can be related to the atmospheric stability and the upperair stratification, and the generalized similarity and Rossby number similarity theories become identical. Under appropriate boundary conditions, function A is explicitly dependent on the stability parameter , while B is a function of scale-height ratio , which in turn depends on the stability. Function C is shown to be dependent on the stability and the upper-air stratification, due to the closure assumption used for the temperature profile.The suggested functional forms are compared with other empirical approximations by several authors. The general framework used to determine the functional forms needs to be tested against good boundary-layer measurements.  相似文献   

Frequent fog severely restricts evaporation from blanket bogs in Newfoundland because it more than halves the radiant energy input, and it eliminates the vapor pressure deficit, resulting in evaporation at the equilibrium rate (average = 0.99 during fog). During these periods, there is no surface resistance to evaporation because the bog has been wetted by fog drip, and although the latent heat flux dominates over sensible heat (average = 0.8), both are small. In contrast, the surface dries during clear periods, increasing the surface resistance to evaporation so that sensible heat becomes more important ( = 1.05). When the mosses are dry, evaporation is below the equilibrium rate ( = 0.87), although the higher available energy ensures that actual evaporation is higher. During clear periods, daily evaporation averaged 2.5 mm, compared to 1.1 and 0.7 mm for fog and rain, respectively. The suppressed evaporation at this site is important in maintaining appropriate hydrological conditions for blanket bog development.  相似文献   

Summary ¶In order to better understand land-atmosphere interactions and increase the predictability of climate models, it is important to investigate the role of forest representation in climate modeling. Corresponding to the big-leaf model commonly employed in land surface schemes to represent the effects of a forest, a so called big-tree model, which uses multi-layer vegetation to represent the vertical canopy heterogeneity, was introduced and incorporated into the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) regional climate model RegCM2, to make the vegetation model more physically based. Using this augmented RegCM2 and station data for China during 1991 Meiyu season, we performed 10 experiments to investigate the effects of the application of the big-tree model on the summer monsoon climate.With the big-tree model incorporated into the regional climate model, some climate characteristics, e.g. the 3-month-mean surface temperature, circulation, and precipitation, are significantly and systematically changed over the model domain, and the change of the characteristics differs depending on the area. Due to the better representation of the shading effect in the big-tree model, the temperature of the lower layer atmosphere above the plant canopy is increased, which further influences the 850hPa temperature. In addition, there are significant decreases in the mean latent heat fluxes (within 20–30W/m2) in the three areas of the model domain.The application of the big-tree model influences not only the simulated climate of the forested area, but also that of the whole model domain, and its impact is greater on the lower atmosphere than on the upper atmosphere. The simulated rainfall and surface temperature deviate from the originally simulated result and are (or seem to be) closer to the observations, which implies that an appropriate representation of the big-tree model may improve the simulation of the summer monsoon climate.We also find that the simulated climate is sensitive to some big-tree parameter values and schemes, such as the shape, height, zero-plane displacement height and mixing-length scheme. The simulated local/grid differences may be very large although the simulated areal-average differences may be much lower. The area-average differences in the monthly-mean surface temperature and heat fluxes can amount to 0.5°C and 4W/m2, respectively, which correspond to maximum local/grid differences of 3.0°C and 40W/m2 respectively. It seems that the simulated climate is most sensitive to the parameter of the zero-plane displacement among the parameters studied.  相似文献   

We propose a simple model for esimating the average number of occurrences per unit time (c o) that a threshold concentration c o is exceeded. It is based on the joint probability density of the observed concentration c(t) and its time derivative (t) under the assumption that c(t) is a stationary time series; this assumption leads to the hypothesis that c(t) and (t) are statistically independent. Adopting plausible forms of the frequency distributions of c and , we apply the model to diffusion from an infinite area source and from an elevated point source, both in the neutral boundary layer, and obtain simple results for (c o) and the average duration of one excursion above c o as functions of c o, the mean and the standard deviation of the concentration, and surface-layer variables.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary The performance of evaporation schemes with and approach and their combination within resistance representation of evaporation from bare soil surface is discussed. For this purpose nine schemes, based on different functions of or , on the ratio of the volumetric soil moisture content and its saturated value are used.The quality of the chosen schemes has been evaluated using the results of time integration by the coupled soil moisture and surface temperature prediction model, BARESOIL, using in situ data. A sensitivity analysis was made using two sets of data derived from the volumetric soil moisture content of the top soil layer. One with values below the wilting point (0.17 m3m–3) and the second with values above 0.20m3m–3. Data sets were obtained at the experimental site Rimski anevi, Yugoslavia, from the bare surface of a chernozem soil.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Recently Wilson and Flesch (Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 84, 411-426, 1997) suggested that the average increment d z to the orientation = arctan(w/u) of the Lagrangian velocity-fluctuation vector can be used to distinguish the better Lagrangian stochastic models within the well-mixed class. Here it is demonstrated that the specification of d z constitutes neither a sufficient or universally applicable criterion to distinguish the better Lagrangian stochastic models within the well-mixed class. The hypothesis made by Wilson and Flesch that Lagrangian stochastic models with /PE irrotational are zero-spin models, having d z=0, is proven  相似文献   

Turbulence measurements performed in a stable boundary layer over the sloping ice surface of the Vatnajökull in Iceland are described. The boundary layer, in which katabatic forces are stronger than the large-scale forces, has a structure that closely resembles that of a stable boundary layer overlying a flat land surface, although there are some important differences. In order to compare the two situations the set-up of the instruments on an ice cap in Iceland was reproduced on a flat grass surface at Cabauw, the Netherlands. Wind speed and temperature gradients were calculated and combined with flux measurements made with a sonic anemometer in order to obtain the local stability functions m and h as a function of the local stability parameter z/L. Unlike the situation at Cabauw, where m was linear as a function of z/L, in the katabatically forced boundary layer, the dependence of m on stability was found to be non-linear and related to the height of the wind maximum. Thermal stratification and the depth of the stable boundary layer however seem to be rather similar under these two different forcing conditions.Furthermore, measurements on the ice were used to construct the energy balance. These showed good agreement between observed melt and components contributing to the energy balance: net radiation (supplying 55% of the energy), sensible heat flux (30%) and latent heat flux (15%).Local sources and sinks in the turbulent kinetic energy budget are summed and indicate a reasonable balance in near-neutral conditions but not in more stable situations. The standard deviation of the velocity fluctuations u, v, and w, can be scaled satisfactorily with the local friction velocity u* and the standard deviation of the temperature fluctuation with the local temperature scale *.  相似文献   

A numerical case study with a second-order turbulence closure model is proposed to study the role of urban canopy layer (UCL) for the formation of the nocturnal urban boundary layer (UBL). The turbulent diffusion coefficient was determined from an algebraic stress model. The concept of urban building surface area density is proposed to represent the UCL. Calculated results were also compared with field observation data. The height of the elevated inversion above an urban center was simulated and found to be approximately twice the average building height. The turbulent kinetic energy k, energy dissipation rate , and turbulence intensities u 2 and w 2 increase rapidly at the upwind edge of the urban area. The Reynolds stress uw displayed a nearly uniform profile inside the UBL, and the vertical sensible heat flux w had a negative value at the inversion base height. This indicates that the downward transport of sensible heat from the inversion base may play an important role in the formation of the nocturnal UBL.  相似文献   

Cloud water and interstitial aerosol samples collected at Mt. Sonnblick (SBO) were analyzed for sulfate and aerosol carbon to calculate in-cloud scavenging efficiencies. Scavenging efficiencies for sulfate (SO) ranged from 0.52 to 0.99 with an average of 0.80. Aerosol carbon was scavenged less efficiently with an average value (AC) of 0.45 and minimum and maximum values of 0.14 and 0.81, respectively. Both SO and AC showed a marked, but slightly different, dependence on the liquid water content (LWC) of the cloud. At low LWC, SO increased with rising LWC until it reached a relatively constant value of 0.83 above an LWC of 0.3 g/m3. In the case of aerosol carbon, we obtained a more gradual increase of AC up to an LWC of 0.5 g/m3. At higher LWCs, _ remained relatively constant at 0.60. As the differences between SO and A varied across the LWC range observed at SBO, we assume that part of the aerosol carbon was incorporated into the cloud droplets independently from sulfate. This hypothesis is supported by size classified aerosol measurements. The differences in the size distributions of sulfate and total carbon point to a partially external mixture. Thus, the different chemical nature and the differences in the size and mixing state of the aerosol particles are the most likely candidates for the differences in the scavenging behavior.  相似文献   

A numerical model of airflow above changes in surface roughness and thermal conditions is extended to include cases with stable thermal stratification within the internal boundary-layer. The model uses a mixing-length approach with empirical forms for M and H.Results are presented for some basic cases and an attempt is then made to compare results given by the model with the experimental results of Rider, Philip and Bradley. Tolerable agreement is achieved. The importance of roughness change and thermal stability effects in the diffusion of heat and moisture near a leading edge is emphasised.Notation A Refers to Taylor (1970) - B Businger-Dyer constant (= 16.0) in forms for M and H - C Constant in form for in stable case - c p Specific heat at constant pressure - E Scaled absolute humidity - g Acceleration due to gravity - H Upward vertical heat flux - H 0, H 1 Surface heat fluxes for x <0, x0 - H E Upward latent heat flux - k Von Kármán's constant (= 0.4) - K H K W Eddy transfer coefficients for heat and water vapour - L Monin-Obukhov length - L H Latent heat of evaporation for water - m Ratio of roughness lengths ( = z 1/z 0) - RPB Refers to Rider et al. (1964) - RL* Non-dimensional parameter (see Equations (9), (20a), (22a), (24a)) - R* Net radiation less ground heat flux (see Equations (15), (16)) - T Scaled temperature - T 1 Downstream scaled surface temperature - u 0 u 1(x) Surface friction velocities for x <0, x0 - U, W Horizontal and vertical mean velocities - x, z Horizontal and vertical co-ordinates - Z i Local roughness length - z 0, z i Roughness lengths for x < 0, x 0 - Temperature - 0, 1 Surface temperatures for x<0, x0 - E Non-dimensional absolute humidity gradient - H Non-dimensional temperature gradient of heat flux - M Non-dimensional wind shear - = M = H = E an assumption used in stable conditions - Air density - Absolute humidity - w Density of water - Kinematic shear stress - Logarithmic height scale (= ln(z+z 1)/z 1)  相似文献   

Experimental evidence indicates that the diurnal behaviour of the fluxes of heat into the ground and into the atmosphere versus the net flux of radiation can be modelled by closed curves, the hourly values folowing one another in either a clockwise or counter clockfashion. A general formulation to express the different heat fluxes as a function of net radiation is proposed. This relationship between the different heat fluxes and can be expressed as a sum of three terms: the first indicates a direct proportionality to , the second gives the deviation from linearity and depends on /t, and the third gives the value of the flux when = 0. The formulae are then expressed as a function of time and the ratios between the heat fluxes and are evaluated. A comparison with the approximations generally used shows that the latter may be considered as particular cases of the more general equations proposed here.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, the author introduced a new viscous boundary layer, called the mesolayer, in turbulent shear flow. Its importance stems from its location between the inner and outer regions which are controlled by the law of the wall and Reynolds number similarity, respectively. This intrusion prevents the classical overlap assumption which appears to be fundamental in the derivation of the classical logarithmic behavior. The mesolayer has a thickness proportional to Taylor's microscale . This, and the analogy between the energy equation for the spectrum function of isotropic turbulence and the momentum equation for shear flow, suggest the existence of a similar region in wavenumber space with wavenumber k ~ -1. This mesoregion separates the inner region k ~ k s(where k s-1 and is the Kolmogorov length) and the outer region k k e(where k e -1 and l is the energy-containing eddy size) and again invalidates the overlap assumption which appears to be fundamental in the derivation of the classical k -5/3-behavior of the inertial subrange.Incorporation of the mesoregion into the argument leads to a new theory with k -5/3-behavior in two regions (-1 k k s) and (k e k -1) although with two different coefficients of proportionality (Kolmogorov constants). This leads to a wandering of the spectrum curve about the classical k -5/3 line similar to a wandering in turbulent shear flow about the logarithmic curve. This is clearly indicated by the data for the variation of the Kolmogorov constant.Other data support the new theory. In particular, the location of the point k mwhere the curve of the nonlinear energy-transfer function goes through zero shows agreement with the theory, i.e., k m-1.  相似文献   

Frequency spectra of atmospheric turbulenceS (f) in the inertial subrange are considered in the free convection regime over the sea surface in a case of motionless instrument measurements (Eulerian frequency spectra). The frequency spectra formulaef * S (f)/ 2 =c (f */f)5/3 for wind velocity (=1–3), temperature (=t) and humidity (=e) fluctuations are derived on the basis of similarity theory and the –5/3 law. These relations also can be derived from a consideration of convective large-scale advection of small eddies. The frequency scalef * = (N 1 2/)1/2 (H/z 2)1/3 is the lower bound of the inertial subrange and it is of order 10–2 Hz.The spectra formulae are compared with direct measurements of atmospheric turbulence from the fixed research tower in the coastal zone of the Black Sea in calm weather. It is shown that these formulae are realized at least over two to three decades of the frequency range (approximately from 10–2 to 10 Hz) and values of the numerical coefficients are found. The derived formulae can be used for calculations of sensible and latent heat fluxes by measuring the high-frequency range of spectra at a fixed point at low wind speeds when the conventional inertial dissipation method is not applicable.  相似文献   

This paper describes the similarity between atmospheric fluctuations of carbon dioxide, water vapor and temperature using data which cover a wide range of instability (0.02 < < 10). The is the Monin-Obukhov stability parameter including the humidity effect.The spectral analysis shows that the coherency between fluctuations of carbon dioxide and water vapor or temperature is very close to unity, and the phase difference is basically out of phase for whole frequency ranges analyzed. The stability dependence of the normalized standard deviation of carbon dioxide is very similar to those of water vapor and temperature. The normalized standard deviation is about 2.5 under near neutral conditions, and it decreases with increasing instability following the -1/3; power law as (-)-1/3. The skewness factors of carbon dioxide, water vapor and temperature show a systematic departure with increasing instabilities for 0.02 < s- < 1, and level off at high instabilities for 1 < -\s < 10. The stability dependence of the flatness factors is not so clear as that noted in the standrard deviation and skewness factors. Dissipation rates of carbon dioxide, water vapor and temperature variance are well related to the spectral peak wavelength. This seems to be real since the local production and local dissipation rates are the main terms, almost balancing one another in the variance budget equations for scalar entities.  相似文献   

The validity of a common radiometeorological application of Monin-Obukhov (M-O) similarity theory to potential refractivity (), which is a nonlinear combination of and q, is determined by whether the properly nondimensionalized gradient is a universal function of z/L. We develop expressions for the flux of (and its scaling parameter, *) in terms of temperature and moisture fluxes, and an M-O similarity expression for the vertical gradient. Results show that even if and q are accepted as exactly following M-O similarity expressions, when the surface layer is stable, does not obey such an expression. That is, when properly nondimensionalized, the vertical gradient of does not collapse to a single universal function of z/L. The assumption that behaves as a similarity variable is approximately correct for well-mixed surface layers under unstable and near-neutral conditions.The gradient of is an important factor in determining microwave propagation conditions. We demonstrate the error induced in a simple algorithm when is assumed to obey M-O similarity theory. An alternative methodology, consistent with the application of similarity theory to and q, is then developed without requiring that itself satisfy similarity theory.  相似文献   

Six locations across mainland Portugal were selected for exposing Parmelia sulcata, for a one-year period (8 months for one site), with simultaneous measurement of total (dry + wet) deposition (one-month periods). The exposed lichens and the total (dry + wet) deposition were analysed for cobalt contents by INAA (instrumental neutron activation analysis) and ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy), respectively. The designated wet deposition was evaluated through the collected water volume; the designated dry deposition was assessed after the (dried) residual mass of the wet deposition. An excellent agreement between Co contents in exposed lichens and the cumulative (1) Co contents in the dry deposition, (2) dry deposition, and (3) wet deposition has been found for the locations with alternate drought and precipitation months, high dry deposition, and high Co contents in the latter. Continuous rainfall was found to hinder the Co accumulation in the lichen due to its release from the lichen and/or lower Co contents in the dry deposition. At three locations, P. sulcata Co contents, after subtraction of the background (before exposure), equalled or exceeded the Co contents in the cumulative dry deposition at the end of the exposure time. The optimal exposure period for this species likely depends on the exposure conditions.  相似文献   

Summary An analysis of the report of the (U.S.) National Academy of Sciences (NAS) on atmospheric effects of a nuclear exchange leads to conclusions that differ from those of the NAS and of the earlier TTAPS and AMBIO studies. Any cooling of the earth's surface is likely to beshort-lived because of rapid removal of the smoke clouds originating from nuclear burst-initiated fires, andminor because of appreciable green-house effects due to several distinct physical causes. (One of these, neglected in prior analyses, is the infrared absorption from cirrus clouds produced directly by the nuclear bursts.) Taken together, these effects may even induce slight surface warming (nuclear summer) instead of cooling (nuclear winter). The consequences to atmospheric ozone are similarly ambiguous; depending on the detailed nuclear scenario, the net ozone content may increase-rather than decrease as argued by TTAPS. Experiments could settle some uncertainties.With 2 Figures  相似文献   

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