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集约化是一个涵盖面广、内容丰富的概念。它可以涉及到经济、技术、生态等多领域的问题。集约化用于经济增长方面,主要侧重于如何通过提高劳动生产率和生产资料的利用效率实现经济增长;集约化用于生态方面,主要侧重于生态环境的自我修复和可持续发展;集约化用于城镇化发展,侧重于如何通过城镇化相关资源要素的合理整合,实现城镇化质和量的协调发展。区域集约化城镇化发展,是一种站在某一特定区域的层面,通过城镇体系在区域空间上的合理布局和区域资源优化组合与有效利用,即保持较快的城镇化速度,又实现较高质量城镇化的发展。  相似文献   

我国资源环境对城镇化问题的影响因素   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
城镇化问题是当代中国社会经济发展的综合性重大问题。涉及到国民经济如何协调发展,达到一个新水平 的根本问题;也涉及到我国的资源环境合理开发利用与长远保护的可持续发展问题。 我国是世界上人多地少、资源十分有限的发展中国家。人口基数达13 亿人,城镇总人口的绝对数量也是世界 最大的国家。因此,资源环境对我国城镇化的影响是巨大的,也是非常深刻的。本论文从我国的城市化概念出发,深 入论述资源环境基础对我国城镇化的影响与制约因素,并对我国的国情条件作了辩证的分析研究。按照科学发展 观的思想,对我国今后城镇化发展提出了符合我国国情健康发展的城镇化道路及其对策。  相似文献   

新型城镇化背景下中国城乡统筹的理论与实践问题   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:8  
城乡统筹问题是当代中国社会经济发展的综合性课题,随着新型城镇化的提出,许多省市的城乡关系都面临复杂的困境,而新型城镇化与城乡统筹发展关系实践不仅是解决农业、农村、农民问题的重要途径,还是推动区域协调发展的强劲动力和扩大内需及促进产业升级的重要抓手。新型城镇化与城乡统筹具有内在的共同点,因此在新型城镇化背景下,分析两者在实践过程中共同存在的生态环境、人口流动、产业布局、城市空间利用以及土地制度等存在的问题具有重要的理论和现实意义。提出了 树立资源节约型的城乡统筹理念、确立健康城市化的城乡统筹方向、从区域空间角度认识城乡统筹问题、 着力解决城乡统筹的土地问题等观点,并指出了新型城镇化背景下城乡统筹主要优化方向:优化重点区域发展、优化空间布局形态、优化集群产业结构、优化发展美好环境、优化市场导向机制。  相似文献   

新常态下中国新型城镇化的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,中国的城镇发展和城乡一体化建设取得了巨大成就,特别是城市现代化建设与重大基础设施建设方面进步惊人,但在社会经济高速发展的过程中也出现了城镇化冒进、土地流失、资源环境破坏的问题。为此,"十八大"之后,中国领导人多次提出在新常态化下健康稳定地发展新型城镇化。通过分析全球化的背景,提出了对中国城镇化4个特征的认识,并在中国国情分析的基础上提出了走创新发展模式、逐步加强认识中国城市化规律性的问题,比较全面地论述了中国新型城镇化重大策略的新思路,确定了中国应实施以人为本、改善环境、和谐城市、资源节约型的新型城镇化道路。在新常态化下,应结合资源环境条件,因地制宜,适度发展,合理规划,提升质量,走中国社会主义特色的城镇化发展的健康之路。  相似文献   

城镇化是中国现代化必由之路和实现经济可持续发展的长期国策。在全球变化背景下,如何科学评估并预测气候变化对城镇化发展的影响,阐释快速城镇化进程中应对气候变化的响应机制和适应模式,进而提出适应全球变化的城镇化可持续发展策略,是中国城镇化发展亟待解决的科学问题。长三角位于中国地势第三级阶梯的海岸带,海陆交互作用显著,是全球变化和人类活动剧烈相互作用的典型区域。长三角地区的城市化气候效应最强,水旱灾害、地面沉降、海面上升、极端气候事件对长三角城镇化发展的影响目前尚未作深入研究,气候变化和人类活动相互作用制约长三角的发展,长三角地区的城镇格局将如何应对气候变化和环境污染的影响?对该问题的回答是中国城镇化发展必须解决的难题,将直接决定中国城镇化可持续发展事业的成败。因此,开展长三角城镇化发展对全球变化的响应和适应对策研究,可为国家制定快速城镇化策略应对气候变化提供理论方法和科学决策依据。  相似文献   

马延吉  艾小平 《地理科学》2019,39(3):487-495
结合联合国2030年可持续发展目标(SDGs)构建城镇化可持续发展评价指标体系,从省内、外两个角度研究吉林省城镇化可持续发展状况。结果表明:吉林省城镇化可持续发展水平波动上升,发展趋势良好,大致可分为3个阶段;研究期内各子系统可持续发展水平均呈上升趋势,其中社会子系统上升幅度最大,经济子系统上升幅度最小。城镇化可持续发展水平空间格局呈“核心-边缘”结构,即长春市水平高、其它地区水平低;经济、社会、资源和环境子系统可持续发展水平总体上表现为“中东部高,西部低”。研究期内吉林省城镇化可持续发展水平低于黑龙江省,2015年后高于辽宁省;相较辽黑两省,吉林省社会子系统可持续发展水平较低。  相似文献   

建设新农村与城镇化的关系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何正确处理新农村建设和城镇化的关系,是一个值得深入探讨的问题。中国城市化进程应是以区域一体化为中心的城市化道路,乡村发展也是城镇化的内容。从中国的实情出发,要重新认识“二元经济”理论,“二元经济”的模型是以粮食代表整个农业生产。城镇化和建设新农村在组织形式上存在差异区别,但不存在严重的资金竞争,并且在服务对象、功能、产业结构方面是互补的,城镇化和建设新农村是并行不悖的,城镇化与建设新农村可以在很长时间内共同发展。  相似文献   

水资源是城市化与生态环境协调发展的重要限制因子,研究西北地区水资源环境与城市化系统耦合的时空分异规律,对于区域水资源、生态环境和社会经济系统可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。采用GRA方法,以西陇海兰新经济带甘肃段为例,从时空角度定量揭示了甘肃段水资源环境与城市化系统耦合的时空分异规律,结果表明:(1)时间序列上整体呈波动下降趋势,表现为类似组合"S"型特征;空间上随人口城市化水平的提高,耦合度亦表现出与时间序列类似特征;时空耦合度相互印证,说明系统符合"各态遍历假说;"(2)不同阶段甘肃段各城市耦合度表现出较大差异,具有复杂的空间结构:以兰州市为中心向外耦合度"先升高后减小",表明水资源环境与城市化系统耦合度的高低不仅取决于城市自身发展等内部因素,而且与城市之间的区域差异、区域联系等外部因素有关。基于以上认知,在解决区域水资源环境与城市化关系问题时,除有效提高城市水资源环境适应及调控能力之外,还要协调好区域之间的关系,构建区域利益共同体以达到"双赢"的目的,这为落后地区解决发展中的资源环境问题提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

城市化与生态环境协调发展机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
21世纪是城市化的世纪,城市可持续发展是城市化发展的基础与目标.在经济全球化、普遍追求可持续发展的背景下,为提高城市可持续发展能力,城市化与生态环境协调发展的研究尤为重要.本文提出城市化与生态环境协调系统是在要素的集聚与扩散、技术进步、制度与制度创新、产业结构调整与升级、人口素质的提升与城市文明传播等多种机制的共同作用下发展的.通过各种作用机制对城市化与生态环境协调系统影响的研究.来促进城市化与生态环境高水平协调发展,进而为提高城市与区域可持续发展提供科学参考.  相似文献   

寄托乡愁的中国乡建模式解析与路径探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶强  谭怡恬  张森 《地理研究》2015,34(7):1213-1221
中央城镇化工作会议提出在提高城镇化水平的同时,要让居民望得见山,看得见水,记得住乡愁。这是对过去城市化发展模式的总结和反思,也是未来新型城镇化建设的新要求和新目标。从解析乡愁的概念内涵和外延以及当前乡建典型模式中的一些问题入手,结合国内外相关理论和案例,指出目前乡建模式中值得思考和需要改进的地方,提出建立可复制的多方参与社会治理制度、明确各方责权利关系的机制、构建多学科协同规划与建设引导体系、培育支撑郊区和乡村可持续发展的产业体系是乡建模式的主要原则、内涵和路径,是建设乡愁空间载体的关键要素,是实现中国梦的坚实基础。  相似文献   

Urban forms reflect spatial structures of cities, which have been consciously and dramatically changing in China. Fast urbanisation may lead to similar urban forms due to similar habits and strategies of city planning. However, whether urban forms in China are identical or significantly different has not been empirically investigated. In this paper, urban forms are investigated based on two spatial units: city and block. The boundaries of natural cities in terms of the density of human settlements and activities are delineated with the concept of ‘redefined city’ using points of interests (POIs), and blocks are determined by road networks. Urban forms are characterised by city-block two-level spatial morphologies. Further, redefined cities are classified into four hierarchies to examine the effects of different city development stages on urban forms. The spatial morphology is explained by urbanisation variables to understand the effects. Results show that the urban forms are spatially clustered from the perspective of city-block two-level morphologies. Urban forms tend to be similar within the same hierarchies, but significantly varied among different hierarchies, which is closely related to the development stages. Additionally, the spatial dimensional indicators of urbanisation could explain 41% of the spatial morphology of redefined cities.  相似文献   

Kiribati: an environmental ‘perfect storm’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent environmental discourses and headlines on small island developing states (SIDS) have heralded the grave and impending threats of global warming and associated sea-level rise. These are undoubtedly significant challenges for SIDS, including atoll nations such as Kiribati. Nevertheless, securing small island state futures also requires a renewed commitment to addressing the obvious and immediate threats of urbanisation, pollution and sanitation. Looking at pressures of development on freshwater, this article argues that the future survival of small island states and their societies also greatly depends on managing the impacts of development. Approaches which can concurrently strengthen the resilience of communities and their ecosystems will result in mutual benefits for both sustainable development and climate change adaptation.  相似文献   

Peri-urban areas are characterised by great heterogeneity and rapid changes of land use. Furthermore, population composition changes as peri-urban areas offer attractive residential alternatives to city centres or more remote locations. The dynamic processes leave peri-urban areas in an in-between situation, neither city nor countryside and home to a range of functions, spanning from agricultural production to residential and recreational areas. The paper investigates the urbanisation of agricultural areas in the Greater Copenhagen region based on quantitative data collected on agricultural properties in nine study areas between 1984 and 2004. The overall conclusion is that agricultural land use has continued largely unaffected by the processes of urbanisation. However, most of the production is concentrated on a few very large full-time farms. In addition, the economic activities have been greatly diversified over the last three decades. The structural components of the areas (land use and landscape elements) thus appear more resilient than the socio-economic system (declining number of full-time farmers and increasing number of owners engaged in other gainful activities). However, at some point this discrepancy will disappear and rapid land use changes may be expected.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationships between employment growth, human capital and regional development. To understand the spatial development of employment growth, we distinguish between the public and the private sector. The public sector has a major role in Denmark in the form of a large share of total employment and employment growth across space. We examine in particular the uneven geography of human capital and the relationships between the growth of human capital and total employment growth by Danish municipalities. It is moreover analysed, whether there is a concentration of human capital in the largest city-regions, and how such concentrations contribute to the uneven geography of employment growth. The paper concludes that both the public and private sectors are important regarding employment growth in Danish municipalities. Further, public and private human capital contributes to employment growth, and the public sector contributes, over time, to diminishing the uneven spatial distribution of human capital while the private sector increases the spatial inequality. Moreover, urbanisation has a significant effect on employment growth and human capital formation, both when it comes to the large city regions, and, in general, the distance to city centres.  相似文献   

Cities and city regions are on the global agenda as key sites for contemporary societal development, in terms of agglomeration of economic activity, places of everyday life and dense networks. The majority of economic, political and social activities is today formed by urbanisation, and an increasing number of people are living and working in city regions. At the same time, many cities and peripheral regions are struggling with job losses, industrial restructuring and depopulation, and thus, many countries face new forms of spatially economic and social inequalities. This special issue is about the contemporary urbanisation processes and the transformation of cities and urban systems in the European context using Denmark as a particular case. Denmark provides a present-day example of urban transformation, and its urban system resembles that of many other European countries – Denmark having one large urban centre and a long tail of smaller cities and towns. Thus, the papers in this issue provide insights into contemporary urban changes.  相似文献   

Ongoing urbanisation makes cities a key focus for global environmental change (GEC) research, creating an imperative for a new, city-scale, research agenda. The vulnerability of urban populations to the multiple stresses of GEC lies at the core of overlapping domains of knowledge that could be better integrated in advancing research. The urban development, global change and disasters literatures are fragmented and reveal fundamental cleavages over the role that government could play in mitigating vulnerability to multiple threats and challenges. Important empirical gaps exist, especially on cities of the South. While there are significant knowledge gaps and numerous tensions within and between schools of thought, this overview suggests useful entry points for framing an invigorated research agenda on urban GEC.  相似文献   

This paper examines the claim that the North Ryde–North Sydney arc is Australia's ‘Silicon Valley’, seeking firstly to identify the empirical validities behind the claim, and secondly to ask how the documented patterns might be explained. The paper evidences the fact that this area indeed provides the pre-eminent site for Australia's information technology and telecommunications (ITT) sector. However, examination of this industry suggests that its expansion in Sydney has been motivated primarily by the increasing centrality of advanced producer services within the high-order business sector. It is Sydney's attributes for multinational business, as opposed to the propulsive dynamics of local clustering per se, which appears to explain the spatial concentration of these activities. Thus, it is the urbanisation economies of Sydney more than the localisation economies of the ITT sector which account for the growth of this sector in the city. Nevertheless, localisation economies are sporadically significant, suggesting that Sydney's ITT sector is to a certain extent a hybrid product of the two types of economies.  相似文献   

The Kwinana Industrial Area is nearing its 60th anniversary as a resource-processing industrial cluster. Its longevity may be understood in the traditional terms of industrial inertia resulting from three types of agglomeration economies: localisation, transfer, and urbanisation economies. However, industrial ecology provides an alternative approach to describe the environmental impacts of interplant linkages: utility/infrastructure sharing, supply-chain synergies, by-product exchanges, and joint provision of services. The agglomeration economies and industrial symbiosis approaches to clustering are compared using interplant relationships drawn from the case of Kwinana.  相似文献   

Public policy interventions concerning rural landscapes have grown significantly in recent decades in many developed countries and internationally, in response to a range of imperatives. These include concern for declining biodiversity, heritage and social wellbeing in the face of urbanisation, and structural change in rural economies involving both agricultural intensification and extensification. The public policy response has been a fragmented array of measures, both horizontally (across policy sectors) and vertically (across political-administrative-organisational levels). Against this background, rural landscape policy approaches are analysed in respect to their instrumentality and spatial logic, informed by Hägerstrand's concepts of territorial and spatial competence. A framework for local policy making and policy integration inspired by landscape strategy making approaches is presented and illustrated through four Danish experiments in rural landscapes of various scale and with different policy issues. Results suggest that landscape strategy making represents a promising way to improve policy integration in rural contexts but research is needed to find suitable ways to engage large scale intensive farming with the community based process.  相似文献   

Increasing urbanisation in sub-Saharan Africa transforms spatial configurations in and around towns and cities. At the same time wild natural resources play an important role in African livelihoods. Yet, little is known about the impact of urbanisation on the socio-spatial dynamics of the use of wild natural resources. Here we examined the importance of these resources for livelihoods, differences in their use between different locations along the urban-rural continuum, and the respective temporal dynamics. A total of 1158 households were interviewed in six medium-sized cities distributed across five African countries using a standardised questionnaire supplemented by expert interviews and spatial analyses employing Geographic Information Systems. Overall, even though periurban and rural households were more likely to use wild natural resources than those in the urban areas, the use of these resources was generally high along the entire urban-rural continuum. Despite the increasing urban pressure on these resources, they remain an integral part for most households, not only for those lacking access to productive resources, but also for those with a higher standard of living. This trend was found across all study towns, despite the marked differences in their respective socio-spatial as well as environmental settings.  相似文献   

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