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范少军  周立志  于超 《湖泊科学》2022,34(5):1596-1607
升金湖是长江中下游地区典型的浅水通江湖泊,是东亚-澳大利西亚候鸟迁徙路线上水鸟重要的越冬地. 2017年11月-2018年3月,以该湖泊越冬鸭属(Anas)鸟类为研究对象,对其在芦苇湿地、芡实塘、退耕还湿和水生植被恢复湿地4种湿地生境中的群落结构、行为特征及其环境影响因素进行了研究. 结果表明,升金湖分布有10种越冬鸭属鸟类,斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)、绿翅鸭(A. crecca)和绿头鸭(A. platyrhynchos)为该属鸟类群落的优势种. 鸭属鸟类群落在越冬前期种类和数量最多,在整个越冬期,鸭属鸟类在芦苇湿地中种数、数量、密度和多样性指数最高. 在水生植物盖度高、人为活动弱的芦苇湿地,鸭类的主要行为是休息;在食物资源丰富、人为活动强的芡实塘和退耕还湿湿地,其主要行为是觅食和警戒. 鸭属鸟类群落种数、数量、密度和多样性指数与湿地的面积、水域面积、水生植物盖度呈正相关,与干扰度和水深呈负相关. 觅食时间与气温和沉水植物的盖度呈正相关,与水深和干扰度呈负相关,警戒时间与干扰度呈正相关,与挺水植物的盖度呈负相关. 各种恢复类型的湿地生境成为越冬鸭属鸟类的重要栖息地,因此恢复多种湿地栖息地对于越冬水鸟的保护具有重要意义.  相似文献   

1993-2010年洞庭湖湿地动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用不同时相遥感影像,结合实地调查,采用决策树分类方法提取洞庭湖湿地信息,完成洞庭湖四期湿地类型分布图;同时分析洞庭湖湿地植被群落动态变化特征、驱动因素以及湿地变化的影响.结果表明,17 a来洞庭湖滩地植被分布和面积发生了明显变化,林滩地面积净增367.88 km2,变化比例为1127.51%,分布范围向洲滩主体扩展,成为主要滩地类型;芦苇滩地面积减少44.09 km2,草滩地面积增加2.99 km2,变化比例分别为-5.80%和0.40%.洞庭湖湿地的变化一方面受洞庭湖泥沙淤积和滩地植被演替的影响,另一方面也受到人类活动干扰的影响.天然湿地植被的破坏,特别是人工种植芦苇和滩地造林在一定程度上改变了洞庭湖湿地生态系统原有的结构和功能.为有效保护洞庭湖湿地,要合理开发洲滩资源,保护天然湿地植被,合理规划和控制滩地造林.  相似文献   

利用1960—2016年长江流域183个气象站逐月气温和降水数据以及干流3个水文站逐月径流资料, 采用标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)和标准化径流指数(SRI)分析三峡水库蓄水运行前后长江中下游宜昌、汉口和大通站水文干旱的多时间尺度演变以及对气象干旱的响应特征. 结果表明: (1) 三峡水库运行后下游各站冬春季旱情明显趋缓, 而秋季干旱状况略有加重; 水库蓄水后各站中旱和重旱发生频率均呈减少趋势, 其中中旱减幅明显, 而特旱发生频率则总体表现为增加趋势; (2) 三峡水库蓄水后3个站平均干旱历时的变幅相对较小, 而干旱烈度和烈度峰值的均值增幅较大; 同时, 各站短时间尺度(1和3个月) 干旱特征变量的变幅总体呈现沿程递增趋势, 而长时间尺度(6和12个月) 干旱特征变量的变幅整体表现为沿程递减趋势; (3) 水库蓄水后各站短时间尺度SRISPEI的相关性减小, 但相关性随时间尺度增加而迅速增强, 12个月时间尺度的相关系数达到最大并略高于蓄水前; 在年内相关性上, 蓄水后各站短时间尺度SRISPEI的相关系数明显减小, 冬季表现尤为突出, 而长时间尺度的相关系数则略有增加; (4) 水库影响下不同时间尺度宜昌站水文干旱滞后于气象干旱平均天数有增有减, 而汉口和大通站的滞后天数均呈显著增加趋势, 且总体表现为沿程递增趋势. 研究结果可为变化环境下水文干旱预警与水库优化调度提供参考.  相似文献   

摄食栖息地面积是反映越冬水鸟生存空间的直接指标,三峡水库运行后洞庭湖枯水期水文节律出现新的变化,给越冬水鸟摄食栖息地造成的影响尚不明确.为定量描述三峡水库枯水期不同出库流量对洞庭湖越冬水鸟摄食栖息地的影响,以洞庭湖典型的珍稀越冬水鸟——白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)为指示性候鸟,以白鹤摄食对栖息地水深需求作为关键生态因子,建立白鹤摄食对水深需求的栖息地适宜度模型.构建涵盖长江干流、三口河系、洞庭湖及其四水尾闾河段的江湖一体化耦合水动力模型,实现栖息地水动力分布特征的精确模拟.在此基础上耦合栖息地适宜度模型和水动力模型,建立了面向白鹤摄食对三峡水库出库流量需求的物理栖息地模型,量化不同出库流量对应的白鹤摄食栖息地加权可利用面积,定量分析水库运行对白鹤摄食栖息地面积的影响.结果表明:1月中旬三峡水库不同出库流量下洞庭湖白鹤潜在摄食栖息地面积保持稳定并随出库流量的增加呈增大趋势,维持在101.40~121.84 km2之间,其中东洞庭湖摄食栖息地面积在7.49~9.86 km2之间,南洞庭湖(含横岭湖)摄食栖息地面积在47.37~60.34 km2之间,西洞庭湖摄食栖息地面积在46.54~51.64 km2之间.不同湖区摄食栖息地面积随着三峡水库出库流量的增加均呈增大的趋势,说明三峡水库枯水期补水调度对于维持栖息地面积具有重要作用.较三峡水库运行前相比,白鹤摄食栖息地面积最大增加20.44 km2,对应的增幅为20.16%.成果明晰了三峡水库运行对洞庭湖白鹤摄食栖息地面积的影响规律,可为通过三峡水库补水调度改善洞庭湖越冬水鸟摄食栖息地生境提供理论基础.  相似文献   

三峡水库是控制和开发长江的重要工程,具有巨大的防洪、发电、航运等综合效益.水库排沙比是反映水库拦截泥沙程度的重要指标.针对目前三峡水库排沙比计算没有考虑三峡水库区间来沙,结果偏大的问题,依据三峡水库区间水文站2003-2016年实测水文资料,采用水文学法估算了三峡水库区间月、年入库输沙量,分析了三峡水库排沙效果及主要影响因素.结果表明:1)三峡水库区间年均来沙量约1775×104 t,占总入库沙量的10.3%,近年来沙占比有所增大,其中2013-2016年来沙量占总入库沙量的26.9%;2)三峡水库年均排沙比为21.6%,其中围堰蓄水期为34.1%,初期蓄水期为17.0%,试验性蓄水期为15.4%;3)三峡水库采用"蓄清排浑"方式运行,主汛期7-9月的排沙比一般大于枯季,但2013年以后,出现了主汛期排沙比小于枯季的现象;4)入库细颗粒泥沙的排沙比大于粗颗粒泥沙,其中粒径d ≤ 0.062 mm的细颗粒泥沙排沙比为23.4%,0.062 mm0.125 mm的中粗沙排沙比分别为5.5%和11.1%;5)三峡水库排沙比汛期主要受V/Q影响,枯季主要受入库含沙量的影响;当V/Q约为170×104 s时,水库排沙效果最差;分别建立了汛期和枯季排沙比经验计算式.本文的研究成果可为三峡水库水沙优化调度等提供参考.  相似文献   

李祖忠  张旭东  江聪  杜涛  曾凌 《湖泊科学》2023,35(5):1822-1831
三峡水库蓄水引起库区水位抬升,水面面积显著增加,对区域水文循环过程产生了一定影响。为揭示三峡水库蓄水前后水面面积及蒸发损失变化规律,选取三峡库区坝前至寸滩区间作为研究区,利用Landsat影像数据提取1982—2021年水面面积,分区建立水位与面积关系曲线,进而推求库区逐日水面面积。在估计三峡库区水面面积的基础上,结合站点潜在蒸发资料推求水面蒸发损失量。研究结果表明:2010年三峡水库全面运行后,坝前至寸滩库区平均水面面积由蓄水前的372.96km2,增加到761.31km2,较蓄水前增加了1.04倍。同时,三峡水库的蓄泄调节改变了库区河段原有的水文节律,使得库区水面面积的季节性变化特征较蓄水前发生了显著变化。蓄水后,冬季水面面积最大,平均为843.81km2,较蓄水前增加了1.89倍;秋季、春季次之,水面面积分别为818.73和735.28km2,较蓄水前分别增加了97.17%和1.28倍;夏季水面面积最小,为653.03km2,较蓄水前仅增加了39.06%。水库全面运行后,...  相似文献   

在极端水文事件频发和人类活动影响加剧的背景下,鄱阳湖水文情势的异常变动给洲滩湿地植物带来了一系列影响。为进一步了解鄱阳湖湿地植物水分利用来源和内在水分利用效率(iWUE)的季节变化规律,揭示优势植物在生长过程中对不同水分变化的适应策略,于2020年12月-2021年5月在鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区蚌湖和修河之间的典型洲滩湿地上设置监测断面,对灰化苔草(Carex cinerascens)、南荻(Triarrhena lutarioriparia)植物样品及其潜在水源样品进行系统采集,测定并分析了水、碳稳定同位素的动态变化特征和指示意义。结果表明,典型洲滩湿地苔草和南荻植物茎水的氢、氧稳定同位素组成没有表现出明显差异,从冬季至春季,植物茎水的δ18O值总体上均呈现波动富集的变化趋势。苔草在春季生长期iWUE没有表现出明显变化,而南荻在萌发时期iWUE最低,之后的生长期iWUE具有显著的增长趋势。在各潜在水源当中,植物茎水的同位素组成与土层中的重力水最为相近,其次为与根系分布联系密切的土壤水。在春季降水频繁时,来源于降水且埋深较浅的重力水可能是植物利用的主要水源,而在枯水期重力水埋深较深时,植物采取降水和土壤水的混合利用模式应对水分胁迫。植物叶片有机质的δ18O值分析发现,苔草在萌发生长期iWUE的变化与光合作用能力相关的因素有关,南荻iWUE的变化主要受气孔导度变化的影响。  相似文献   

泥炭地是一种水-陆过渡型的湿地生态系统。水体沼泽化过程中,植被等生物群落也随之改变,进而影响泥炭地碳埋藏和发育过程。作为泥炭地生态系统重要的次级生产者,摇蚊群落结构变迁可以为追溯泥炭地环境演变和发育历史提供关键线索。泥炭地在发育过程中将经历各种不同阶段,然而,现有的泥炭地摇蚊群落调查仅限于泥炭生境或泥炭地中开阔水域,较短的生境梯度不足以提供更为全面的摇蚊群落变化信息。神农架大九湖湿地包含泥炭地、湖泊、临时性水体等多种生境,本研究选择该湿地公园作为研究区域,通过采集不同生境的表层沉积物及水体样品,提取底泥亚化石摇蚊头壳,分析大九湖湿地中不同生境下的摇蚊群落结构差异,并对其与环境因子间的关系进行探讨。结果表明:1)大九湖湿地不同生境中摇蚊优势种迥异,泥炭藓藓丘生境中Limnophyes、Psilometriocnemus、Pseudosmittia等半陆生种类为主要优势种,湖泊生境中则以典型静水种Polypedilum nubeculosum-type为主要优势种,而过渡性水域(泥炭地洼地、沟渠及水洼生境)中,静水种与半陆生种共存;2)烧失量、水位埋深和pH是塑造不同生境类型下摇蚊群落结构的显著环境因子,水文条件主要通过改变碳积累过程等其他环境条件间接影响生物群落组成;3)沿水生-半陆生生境梯度,有机质含量和类型均发生显著变化,而摇蚊群落也由静水种、静水/半陆生共存转变为以半陆生种为主,摇蚊群落对生境变化表现出良好的响应过程。本研究揭示了不同生境条件下摇蚊群落的结构差异及影响摇蚊群落结构的潜在因子,为未来基于摇蚊的长时间尺度上泥炭地发育过程分析提供参考依据。  相似文献   

张全军  于秀波  张广帅 《湖泊科学》2023,35(5):1694-1704
植物枯落物分解是维持湿地生态系统能量流动、物质循环和养分平衡的关键生态过程。于2017年11月-2018年4月在鄱阳湖湿地开展野外原位分解实验。利用分解袋法对3种优势植物芦苇(Phragmites australis)、南荻(Triarrhena lutarioriparia)和薹草(Carex cinerascens)枯落物纤维素和木质素分解过程和δ13C、δ15N分异特征开展了模拟实验研究。结果表明: 芦苇、南荻和薹草枯落物的纤维素和木质素的分解速率、干物质残留率以及δ13C、δ15N差异性极显著,造成这种差异的主要原因是不同种类植物枯落初始化学特性的不同,尤其是C/N和木质素/N的不同。枯落物中纤维素和木质素的分解速率都表现芦苇最大,薹草次之,南荻最小。Olson负指数衰减模型能非常好地模拟和预测3种植物枯落物的分解过程。伴随分解过程,3种植物枯落物δ13C上下波动,总体上呈显著降低的趋势,而δ15N则都呈现波动性的略有升高趋势,这说明在枯落物分解过程的不同阶段内,受枯落物基质质量和微生物代谢活动的双重影响,13C与15N既有释放也有富集。δ13C与枯落物纤维素和木质素分解速率都有极显著的正相关关系。δ15N与分解速率相关性不显著,这说明除了氮元素的迁移转化外,还有其他因素影响δ15N的变化。本研究有助于加深枯落物分解过程中基质质量调控机制的认识,深化对鄱阳湖湿地生物地球化学循环过程的科学理解。  相似文献   

许秀丽  李云良  谭志强  张奇 《湖泊科学》2018,30(5):1351-1367
地下水-土壤-植被-大气系统(GSPAC)界面水分传输是湿地生态水文过程研究的关键.本文选取鄱阳湖湿地高位滩地的2种典型植被群落:茵陈蒿(Artemisia capillaris)和芦苇(Phragmites australis)群落为研究对象,运用HYDRUS-1D垂向一维数值模拟,量化了湿地GSPAC系统界面水分通量,阐明了典型丰水年(2012年)和枯水年(2013年)鄱阳湖湿地植被群落的蒸腾用水规律和水源组成.结果表明:(1)茵陈蒿和芦苇群落土壤-大气界面的年降水入渗量为1570~1600 mm,主要集中在雨季4-6月,占年总量的60%;植物-大气界面的年蒸腾总量分别为346~470 mm和926~1057 mm,其中7-8月植被生长旺季最大,占年总量的40%~46%;地下水-根区土壤界面的向上补给水量受不同水文年水位变化的影响显著,地下水年补给量分别为15~513 mm和277~616 mm,主要发生在蒸散发作用强烈和地下水埋深较浅的时段.(2)植被蒸腾用水分为生长初期(4-6月)和生长旺季(7-10月)2个阶段,丰水年植被的整个生长期蒸腾用水充足,枯水年植被生长旺季的蒸腾用水受到严重水分胁迫,实际蒸腾量仅为潜在蒸腾量的一半左右.(3)不同水文年湿地植被生长旺季的水源贡献不同:丰水年茵陈蒿群落以地下水补给为主,芦苇群落以湖水和地下水补给为主;枯水年茵陈蒿群落以降水和前期土壤水储量为主,芦苇群落以地下水补给为主.本研究结果有助于揭示湿地植被的水分利用策略,为阐明湖泊水情变化与植被演替的作用机理提供参考依据.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖碟形湖生物群落分布特征很大程度上受区域与主湖区水文连通性影响。由于水位波动,东部湖湾水文连通性受鄱阳湖主湖体水位影响较为敏感。本文以东部湖湾为例,分析主湖区水位变异程度及其影响,并从连通天数和发生时间等方面定量表征东部湖湾与主湖区的水文连通性,进而讨论水文连通性变化及其对湿地植物生境和候鸟栖息地的潜在影响。结果表明,当水位在13~16 m时,东部湖湾与主湖区存在着良好的水文连通关系,湿地植物适宜生境面积最大。2003年以后,鄱阳湖主湖区水位普遍降低,低枯水位持续时间延长,IHA/RVA法分析表明主湖区水位发生了中等程度改变,整体改变度为40.2%,东部湖湾与主湖区的连通关系发生明显改变,年连通天数减少了46.2 d,变化幅度为15.9%,而非连通期发生时间提前约1个月且年内时间跨度更长。水文连通性减弱造成3 10月东部湖湾平均水位下降了0.6 m,其中9 10月减少了约1 m,使薹草(Carexsp.)和苦草(Vallisneria natans)适宜水深对应的水面面积在多数月份呈增加趋势,特别是9 10月(幅度超过40%),但枯水提前导致沉水植物面积减少,湿生植物生物量增加。水...  相似文献   

Freshwater lichens of selected Carpathian streams were investigated to identify their diversity and distribution patterns. Lichens were investigated along six transects, each running across three different habitats (hydrological zones: submerged, splash and riparian), established in upper, middle and lower reaches of the streams and the data were a subject to statistical analyses. The studied mountain streams provided suitable habitats for a number of aquatic and semi-aquatic lichens and species richness in both streams was very similar. Overall, 52 species of lichens were identified from all sampling plots (γ diversity). Species number for a single plot (α diversity) ranged from 1 to 14 species and differences in species composition between the plots (β diversity) were high. Differences were mainly noted for typical terrestrial lichens occurring in riparian zones. The location along the stream reaches did not have a significant effect on species diversity and distribution. The hydrological zone appeared to be the most important predictor explaining the small-scale occurrence and diversity of lichens with species assembled into distinct, low-diversity communities in the transition from submerged to riparian habitats. The distinction among hydrological zones and their lichen biota were corroborated by nMDS analyses. The method of defined plots provides a way of recording baseline data for a particular river, which can be repeated (monitor) in the future.  相似文献   

The transition area between rivers and their adjacent riparian aquifers, which may comprise the hyporheic zone, hosts important biochemical reactions, which control water quality. The rates of these reactions and metabolic processes are temperature dependent. Yet the thermal dynamics of riparian aquifers, especially during flooding and dynamic groundwater flow conditions, has seldom been studied. Thus, we investigated heat transport in riparian aquifers during 3 flood events of different magnitudes at 2 sites along the same river. River and riparian aquifer temperature and water‐level data along the Lower Colorado River in Central Texas, USA, were monitored across 2‐dimensional vertical sections perpendicular to the bank. At the downstream site, preflood temperature penetration distance into the bank suggested that advective heat transport from lateral hyporheic exchange of river water into the riparian aquifer was occurring during relatively steady low‐flow river conditions. Although a small (20‐cm stage increase) dam‐controlled flood pulse had no observable influence on groundwater temperature, larger floods (40‐cm and >3‐m stage increases) caused lateral movement of distinct heat plumes away from the river during flood stage, which then retreated back towards the river after flood recession. These plumes result from advective heat transport caused by flood waters being forced into the riparian aquifer. These flood‐induced temperature responses were controlled by the size of the flood, river water temperature during the flood, and local factors at the study sites, such as topography and local ambient water table configuration. For the intermediate and large floods, the thermal disturbance in the riparian aquifer lasted days after flood waters receded. Large floods therefore have impacts on the temperature regime of riparian aquifers lasting long beyond the flood's timescale. These persistent thermal disturbances may have a significant impact on biochemical reaction rates, nutrient cycling, and ecological niches in the river corridor.  相似文献   

泥沙问题是三峡工程建设与运行中的关键技术问题之一,只有妥善处理好泥沙问题,才能保证三峡工程长期有效使用,维持水库功能的全面发挥。本文首先结合实测水文、河道地形观测资料,对三峡水库运行近20年来的泥沙淤积特性及水库排沙比进行了较为全面的分析研究,并与已有研究成果进行了对比;其次,围绕防洪、航运以及坝前段的泥沙淤积等方面,进一步分析了水库淤积产生的影响。结果表明:三峡水库蓄水以来,在不考虑区间来沙的情况下,三峡水库共淤积泥沙20.484亿t,近似年均淤积1.102亿t,水库排沙比为23.6%,水库年均淤积量为原论证预测值的33%。其中,库区干流段累计淤积泥沙17.835亿m3(变动回水区冲刷0.694亿m3;常年回水区淤积18.529亿m3),淤积在水库防洪库容内的泥沙为1.648亿m3(干、支流分别淤积1.517亿m3和0.131亿m3),占水库防洪库容的0.74%,“十一五”攻关阶段研究得出的多年平均淤积量及排沙比较实测值均偏大,变动回水区冲淤则出现反向的...  相似文献   

This paper analyses the significance of the entropy concept in the topography parameterization within the model TOPMODEL proposed by Beven and Kirkby (1979), by means of the hydrological behaviour of an experimental basin in southern Italy. For a significant number of flood events recorded at the basin outlet, the performance of TOPMODEL for different spatial distributions of the topographic index, ln(a/tan β), has been observed. Performance is related to the information content estimated as an entropy measure, corresponding to each of the spatial distributions of the topographic index, with the aim of identifying the procedures most suitable to represent the hydrological process of rainfall–runoff. The results obtained have shown that for flood events corresponding to brief, heavy precipitation, some procedures provide better performances than others. Moreover, these improvements are justified by greater information content in the corresponding spatial distributions of the topographic index. Finally, TOPMODEL performances for some procedures have been analysed, varying the resolution scale of the topographic index. For analogous hydrological performances, scale change produced variations in some of the subsurface hydraulic parameters. These variations were proportional to a spatial variability measure of the topographic index distribution, derived from the corresponding information content. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A rising exposure to flood risk is a predicted consequence of increased development in vulnerable areas and an increase in the frequency of extreme weather events due to climate change. In the face of this challenge, a continued reliance on engineered at‐a‐point flood defences is seen as both unrealistic and undesirable. The contribution of ‘soft engineering’ solutions (e.g. riparian forests, wood in rivers) to integrated, catchment scale flood risk management has been demonstrated at small scales but not larger ones. In this study we use reduced complexity hydrological modelling to analyse the effects of land use and channel changes resulting from river restoration upon flood flows at the catchment scale. Results show short sections of river‐floodplain restoration using engineered logjams, typical of many current restoration schemes, have highly variable impacts on catchment‐scale flood peak magnitude and so need to be used with caution as a flood management solution. Forested floodplains have a more general impact upon flood hydrology, with areas in the middle and upper catchment tending to show reductions in peak magnitude at the catchment outflow. The most promising restoration scenarios for flood risk management are for riparian forest restoration at the sub‐catchment scale, representing 20–40% of the total catchment area, where reductions in peak magnitude of up to 19% are observed through de‐synchronization of the timings of sub‐catchment flood waves. Sub‐catchment floodplain forest restoration over 10–15% of total catchment area can lead to reductions in peak magnitude of 6% at 25 years post‐restoration. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在半湿润半干旱地区,下垫面条件复杂,产流机制混合多变,而现有的水文模型由于其固定的结构和模式,无法灵活地模拟不同下垫面特征的洪水过程.本文利用CN-地形指数法将流域划分为超渗主导子流域和蓄满主导子流域.将新安江模型(XAJ)、新安江-Green-Ampt模型(XAJG)和Green-Ampt模型(GA)相结合,在子流域分类的基础上构建空间组合模型(SCMs),并在半湿润的东湾流域和半干旱的志丹流域进行检验.结果表明:东湾流域的参数由水文模型来主导;而志丹流域的参数受主导径流影响很大.在东湾流域,偏蓄满的模型模拟结果优于偏超渗的模型,且SCM2模型(XAJ和XAJG的组合模型)的模拟效果最好(径流深合格率为75%,洪峰合格率75%);而SCM5模型(GA和XAJG的组合模型)在以超渗产流为主的志丹流域模拟最好(径流深合格率53.3%,洪峰合格率53.3%).在半干旱半湿润流域,SCMs模型结构灵活,在地形和土壤数据的驱动下,具有更合理的模型结构和参数,模拟精度较高,适应性较强.  相似文献   

Construction of large dams is attractive because of their great benefits in flood control,hydropower generation,water resources utilization,navigation improvement,etc.However,dam construction may bring some negative impacts on sediment transport and channel dynamics adjustments.Due to the effects of recent water and soil conservation projects,sediment retention in the newly constructed large upstream reservoirs,and other factors,the sedimentation in the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR)is quite different from the amount previously predicted in the demonstration stage.Consequently,based on the measured data,characteristics of sedimentation and the related channel deformation in the TGR were analyzed.The results imply that sediment transport tended to be reduced after the Three Gorges Project(TGP).Sedimentation slowed dramatically after 2013 and indicated obvious seasonal characteristics.Due to the rising water level in the TGR in the flood season,the yearly sediment export ratio(Eratio)was prone to decrease.The water level near the dam site should be reasonably regulated according to the flow discharge to improve the sediment delivery capacity and reduce sedimentation in the TGR,and to try to avoid situations where the flood retention time is close to 444 h.The depositional belt was discontinuous in the TGR and was mainly distributed in the broad reaches,and only slight erosion or deposition occurred in the gorge reaches.Sedimentation in the broad and gorge reaches accounted for 93.8% and 6.2% of the total sedimentation,respectively.The estuarine reach located in the fluctuating backwater area experienced alternate erosion-deposition,with a slight accumulative deposition in the curved reach.Sedimentation mainly occurred in the perennial backwater area.The insight gained in this study can be conducive to directly understanding of large reservoir sedimentation and mechanism of channel adjustment in the reservoir region in the main channel of large river.  相似文献   

The Three Gorges Project is the world's largest water conservancy project. According to the design standards for the 1,000‐year flood, flood diversion areas in the Jingjiang reach of the Yangtze River must be utilized to ensure the safety of the Jingjiang area and the city of Wuhan. However, once these areas are used, the economic and life loss in these areas may be very great. Therefore, it is vital to reduce this loss by developing a scheme that reduces the use of the flood diversion areas through flood regulation by the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), under the premise of ensuring the safety of the Three Gorges Dam. For a 1,000‐year flood on the basis of a highly destructive flood in 1954, this paper evaluates scheduling schemes in which flood diversion areas are or are not used. The schemes are simulated based on 2.5‐m resolution reservoir topography and an optimized model of dynamic capacity flood regulation. The simulation results show the following. (a) In accord with the normal flood‐control regulation discharge, the maximum water level above the dam should be not more than 175 m, which ensures the safety of the dam and reservoir area. However, it is necessary to utilize the flood diversion areas within the Jingjiang area, and flood discharge can reach 2.81 billion m3. (b) In the case of relying on the TGR to impound floodwaters independently rather than using the flood diversion areas, the maximum water level above the dam reaches 177.35 m, which is less than the flood check level of 180.4 m to ensure the safety of the Three Gorges Dam. The average increase of the TGR water level in the Chongqing area is not more than 0.11 m, which indicates no significant effect on the upstream reservoir area. Comparing the various scheduling schemes, when the flood diversion areas are not used, it is believed that the TGR can execute safe flood control for a 1,000‐year flood, thereby greatly reducing flood damage.  相似文献   

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