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Possibilities for water conservation in Bulgaria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The drought during the last 10 years in Bulgaria caused the interruption of water supply to more than 70% of the population of the country. Investigations on recent water demand showed that the role of water losses and irrational use so considerable that existing water resources became inqdequate. Bringing new water to existing supply systems is connected with considerable investments, time, and controversy. Water conservation could solve some water supply problems by providing more reasonable water consumption and additional time for development of new resources. In this paper the possibilities for reducing water use in Bulgaria and the need for developing a national conservation program are discussed. An analysis of the variables which effect water use is performed. The reasons for the water losses and using more than the necessary water quantities are discussed. Developing of water-use efficiency standards for plumbing fixtures and conservation-oriented water rates and measures are proposed.  相似文献   

柯礼丹 《地下水》2004,26(1):1-5,10
科学的需水预测是水资源规划和供水工程建设的重要依据.过去,我国水资源规划部门对需水量的预测普遍偏高,造成对水规划和供水工程在不同程度上的误导.1987年,笔者在分析研究国内外预测资料的基础上.提出人均综合用水量加趋势微调方法(以下简称人均用水量法)预测全国需水量,实践证明这方法是有效的,成果是可信的.本文介绍这一创新的预测方法的概念与其应用,与过去有关部门预测成果进行比较,并展望本世纪我国水资源可持续利用的前景,以供水资源规划和供水工程建设部门参考.  相似文献   

吴盼  赵信文  顾涛  江拓  王旭升  冯雨晴 《中国地质》2021,48(5):1357-1367
粤港澳大湾区(以下简称大湾区)水资源现状及其演化规律关系到该区社会经济的高质量发展。本文对大湾区"9市+2区"近10年的社会经济与水资源现状及其协同演化规律进行分析研究。结果显示:目前大湾区供水主要依赖地表水,水资源的分布与区域经济发展不协调,作为区域发展核心引擎的香港、澳门、深圳(极度缺水)以及广州(重度缺水)人均水资源量过低。广州、佛山、中山、东莞(>80%)以及深圳(>40%)水资源开发利用程度高,水资源供需压力大。通过归因分析得到大湾区的水资源利用现状与社会经济的协同规律:产业结构影响用水结构以及水资源开发利用程度,控制用水效率。区域内产业结构与发展趋势,及其与世界湾区的对比分析验证了产业结构理论中的"配第-克拉克定理"。随着大湾区经济持续的发展与产业结构优化,大湾区用水效率将提高,人均用水量会逐步降低。同时城市公共用水、生活用水需求量将持续上升,需确保大湾区供水设施,供水量及供水安全满足未来社会经济发展需求。  相似文献   

All over the world, cities that are crossed by large rivers, have the great advantage of being able to meet their water needs. In the humid tropics, such cities should normally not experience water scarcity.Ilorin, the city under study is crossed by two fairly large rivers. The town is just about 100 km2 in area with a population less than 500,000. 3km E of the city, is a dam with a storage capacity of 43 million m3. The daily water production to the city is 661/person. When it is realized that less than 25% of the houses in the city have modern sanitary conveniences, then 661/person per day borders on over supply. Yet there is the cry of inadequate water supply from sections of the city.The habits of the city dwellers make them waste water. For example, mouth brushing alone takes about 2.4 I/person when the tap runs continuously. Secondly a bath with a 221 bucket of water is adequate for an adult, but when a shower bath is taken, about 841 will be required for about 15 minutes.This paper has examined the use and waste of water among the physical strata in the city. These strata coincide with the socio-economic strata.For an affluent class, a threshold water requirement of 521 is manageable, whereas in the Government Reservation area, the average is 82 1 (often includes waste). For the indigenous area, about 351 per day for an individual is the need, though the demand might be much higher than this value.  相似文献   

建立城市应急地下水源地,有利于提高应对水资源危机事件的供水保障能力。本文对湘潭市河西应急地下水源地的水文地质条件进行了详细的研究,认为该水源地由白垩系罗镜滩组(K2lj)灰质砾岩含水层构成,面积较大,厚度稳定,岩溶发育,水量丰富,水质优良,可开采量达78486 m3/d,且稳定可靠。针对2020年规划的湘潭市主城区及九华经开区的146万人口,无论是20 L/人·天还是50 L/人·天标准下的基本饮用水应急需求,均有保障,建议将应急水源地建设纳入城市基础设施建设和水资源开发规划之中,充分保证湘潭市区的供水安全。  相似文献   

寻找地下水应急水源地、建立应急供水机制,是城市发生日常供水障碍时保障居民用水安全、维护社会稳定的重要措施。通过分析常德市规划区水文地质条件,圈定了5个地下水应急水源地,总结了同类型城市地下水应急水源地的选址原则,并从水量、水质、开采能力3个方面对水源地进行了可行性分析。结合现有城市供水管网及地下水开采井保留情况,分别考虑了人均用水量最低标准20 L/d和一般标准50 L/d两种状态下的应急供水方案。应急供水每人20 L/d状态下,保留井的现有供水能力可以满足应急供水需求,而应急供水每人50 L/d状态下,河洑水源地和芦荻山水源地保留井的现有供水能力不足,建议增加开采井以满足应急供水需求。  相似文献   

寻找地下水应急水源地、建立应急供水机制,是城市发生日常供水障碍时保障居民用水安全、维护社会稳定的重要措施。通过分析常德市规划区水文地质条件,圈定了5个地下水应急水源地,总结了同类型城市地下水应急水源地的选址原则,并从水量、水质、开采能力3个方面对水源地进行了可行性分析。结合现有城市供水管网及地下水开采井保留情况,分别考虑了人均用水量最低标准20 L/d和一般标准50 L/d两种状态下的应急供水方案。应急供水每人20 L/d状态下,保留井的现有供水能力可以满足应急供水需求,而应急供水每人50 L/d状态下,河洑水源地和芦荻山水源地保留井的现有供水能力不足,建议增加开采井以满足应急供水需求。  相似文献   

Costa Rica is a developing country whose citizens pride themselves on care for the environment. Environmental care is only slowly spreading to include safe and reliable water supplies. Plentiful water resources are used for energy production, industry, municipal water supply, and agriculture. The amount and quality of water resources must be understood and protected for future sustainable use. Based on interviews and conversations, some Costarricense are aware of the need for protection of natural water resources through preservation of forests; other steps toward sustainable water use are not universally valued. Streams are not the preferred source of domestic water supply due to potential water contamination; mostly from untreated sewage, sediment and agricultural chemicals. Quantity and quality of ground water supplies, the current main source of domestic water, are being investigated by scientists of Costa Rica. While 99 % of the population has access to a known supply of domestic water, only 82 % of the population has consistent access to potable drinking water. The potable water supply is smaller in rural areas. Three percent of sewage in Costa Rica is treated before release to the environment. The Río Tárcoles water basin, underlying the largest urban area of Costa Rica, is probably the most polluted in Central America. More is spent for treatment of water-borne diseases than on water supply and sewage treatment. Other potential sources of water contamination are examined.  相似文献   

5种荒漠植物幼苗对模拟降水量变化的响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李秋艳  赵文智 《冰川冻土》2006,28(3):414-420
以5种荒漠植物红砂、泡泡刺、花棒、白刺和沙拐枣为研究对象,根据当地生长季节内60 d的平均降水量最大为91.2 mm,平均约为50.7 mm,最小约为35.9 mm等基本情况,人工控制了4种降水量处理水平(29、58、88、117 mm)来模拟幼苗生长对生长季节内降水量变化的响应.结果表明,每种植物都以自己的生长策略表现出独特的对降水量变化的响应格局.红砂幼苗的生长高度和高度生长率随着降水量的增加而显著减小,但降水量变化对其生物量和生物量分配及相对含水量影响不显著;降水量显著影响了泡泡刺和白刺幼苗的生长高度、高度生长率、生物量及其分配和相对含水量,但二者在生物量及生物量分配和相对含水量方面的趋势存在差异.泡泡刺幼苗的生长高度、高度绝对生长率、生物量及其分配等都随着降水量的增加而呈抛物线趋势;白刺幼苗以萎蔫老叶、发出新芽的方式来适应干旱环境.降水量显著影响了花棒幼苗的绝对高度生长率、生物量干重、生物量分配和相对含水量,但对生长高度和相对高度生长率影响不明显;沙拐枣幼苗的相对高度生长率和生物量干重对降水量的响应不敏感,但从其幼苗的生长高度和绝对高度生长率来看,沙拐枣幼苗的存活需要较多的水分.花棒和沙拐枣在不同降水量处理下对地上、地下生物量的分配方式相反,但降水量偏少限制了二者的生长.红砂和白刺幼苗更适合于在适宜在降水量为29 mm的环境中生存,泡泡刺幼苗阶段适宜在降水量为58~88 mm的环境中生长,而花棒和沙拐枣在幼苗阶段的生长更偏向于降水量多于88 mm的条件.  相似文献   

佘孝云  汤洁  赵芝清 《世界地质》2006,25(2):177-181,186
基于模糊数学理论的区域水资源开发利用阈限分析方法,选取灌溉率、产水系数、水资源开发程度、供需水模数、人均供水量和生态用水率7个主要因素作为评价因素,以杭州市区为例进行具体计算与分析。评判结果表明,杭州市区水资源开发已经达到相当的规模,在水资源开发过程中,处于过渡阶段。  相似文献   

中国区域缺水问题的发展趋势与解决对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了建国以来我国两个缺水阶段的特点,即第一阶段是由农田灌溉面积快速发展引起的,第二阶段是供水能力增长缓慢造成的;然后根据我国工业发展速度、宜农荒地面积和农田灌溉面积的增长情况,分5个地区对我国21世纪的水资源需求进行了预测,21世纪我国的需水量将持续增长,至2050年达950×109m3,但供水发展缓慢,因此我国21世纪上半叶区域缺水问题严重。最后提出了解决我国区域缺水问题的四条对策,即开源、节流、加强污水处理与扩大资金投入  相似文献   

大同矿区水资源现状及开发利用对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪雷 《中国煤田地质》2003,15(2):29-30,43
从根本上改变大同矿区供水紧张状况的引黄入晋工程及治理桑干河流域、改善大同生态环境,保证桑干河水质达到适宜地面引水的远、近期对策尚需一定时间实现的情况下,根据大同矿区的水文地质特征及矿区的水资源现状,提出了解决矿区水资源供需之间矛盾的现期对策,即对现有的水资源地实行保护性开采、控制小煤矿的无序开采、实行矿区内的排供结合及水质控制优化管理、加快矿井水回用方案的研究、开发新的水源地等措施。  相似文献   

Groundwater, under sustainable management policies, can be an invaluable source of water to municipal, agricultural, and industrial sectors. Management, however, can be challenging given that historically, these resources have been privately owned and minimally regulated. This research details the development of a decision support system (DSS) which couples a GIS-based multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) scheme with simulation-optimization routines to identify suitable regions for groundwater development and optimal preferences for apportioning those supplies to areas of demand in South Texas. The developed DSS consisted of three modules: (1) a GIS-based MCDM for identifying suitable locations for groundwater production; (2) a simulation-optimization model for estimating available groundwater; and (3) a transportation optimization model for redistributing the groundwater. Applying a comprehensive suite of nine exclusionary criteria in GIS resulted in only 15,304 km2 (5,909 mi2) suitable for groundwater production out of the original ~50,500 km2 (19,500 mi2). Two ideal sites were selected in the suitable region based on proposed major water supply projects in the study area. The projected groundwater extraction rates per month varied considerably over a year emphasizing a need for storage technologies. Furthermore, a transportation optimization model, which considered cost of storage and movement, was developed and applied to obtain the most optimal scheme to transport groundwater from potential supply centers located in Bee and Kennedy counties to projected water deficit areas of San Antonio, Laredo, and McAllen, TX, USA. Lastly, a full-factorial sensitivity analysis was carried out to check the impacts of the supply and demand factors on groundwater production and transport. Policies at the supply centers had a larger impact on the total availability of water, and policies at the demand centers had a larger impact on the total cost of the management scheme. Furthermore, an analysis of total volume stored in a storage and recovery system exhibited an inverse relationship with the groundwater development (supply side) policies and a direct relationship with the demand requirements. The developed DSS proved useful for determining the most optimal siting and distribution network for groundwater sources in South Texas.  相似文献   

J. U. Abot Dr. 《GeoJournal》1984,9(4):369-376
The indispensability of good water supply in the development of a healthy citizenry and consequently its economy is very well known. In Nigeria the last drought that affected areas north of 12oN has awakened some awareness on the need for good water resource management. Most of the scarce food items in the market are caused by lack of irrigation and total relying on the rhythm of the rain for their cultivation.In this paper the government is reminded of its obligation in the inauguration of a national water resource management (control and usage) policy that will result in integrated development. Water supply in the rural areas will not attract industries, improve agricultural output, but reduce the incidence of water-borne diseases and the rate of rural-urban migration. Improvement in living standards due to good water supply means the development of human capital that can be mobilized for economic development in the country.  相似文献   

In India, as a result of development, the demand for water is increasing both in urban and rural areas. This may increase tensions and disputes over sharing of water resources. For water demand management, it is crucial to know the details of actual water use on a household level. Therefore, this paper explores the pattern of domestic water consumption in semi-arid Dhani Mohabbatpur village of Hisar district in Haryana state of India, to improve the understanding of how local communities in the region relate to water, based on questionnaires and interview surveys of 763 households. The study has examined the households daily and activity wise water consumption, sources, quality, duration, frequency of water supply, distance of different sources and the level of awareness about rainwater harvesting. Results of the study revealed that the daily average water consumption for the village was found to be 117.0 l per person per capita per day (SD = 35.8). Washing of clothes consumes the highest amount of water, whereas 85 % of the households are using government water supplies with very safe water quality. However, 77 % households are not satisfied with duration of water supply and 86 % do not have awareness about rainwater harvesting technology. This needs to be addressed immediately by changing public perception through media and by organizing public awareness programs. It is hoped that the results of the study would benefit the policy and planning executives in India in optimizing the existing water resources for rural development.  相似文献   

刘振忠  徐定芳 《湖南地质》1996,15(4):209-216,238
长(沙)-平(江)白垩系红层盆地,公认为贫水地区。我院在机场附近找到了单井日产水量〉5300m^3的优质地下水,一举解决了长沙黄花国际机场的供水问题。这项勘察成果,不仅解决了机场的水源地,而且对长-平红层盆地的水文地质研究、勘查和找水建井等,均具有现实意义。  相似文献   

为满足藏北高原地区给水站快速选址的需求,从该区气象水文、地质环境和地貌条件出发,对给水站选址的遥感多指标评价模型进行了优化,减小了模型复杂度和遥感信息提取的工作量。采用模糊评价算法对各指标进行规范化,构建高原地区给水站选址多指标评价模型; 采用加权合成算法计算给水站选址评估指数。研究区实地勘查表明,选址评估指数的验证结果与理论分析结果一致,该模型在高原地区给水站选址中具有较好的应用效果。  相似文献   

我国水资源研究与发展的若干思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国水资源具有人均占有量少、时空分布不均、水土资源不匹配、人类活动影响显著等特点,加上经济社会快速发展造成水资源供需矛盾突出,水资源态势十分严峻。切实实行最严格水资源综合管理、提高水资源利用效率、建设水资源安全保障的科技支撑体系,关系到我国全面建设小康社会的大局。分析了当前水资源研究的发展趋势,总结了国内研究现状与不足...  相似文献   

历史上淄河下游的人畜供水一直依赖地下水,但20世纪80年代以来区内淄河下游河道长期接纳上游污水,地表水和浅层地下水受到污染,浅层地下水已不适于人畜饮用。污染区沿淄河呈条带状展布,污染区边界距淄河约1.0~1.5 km,其中距淄河500 m以内的区域污染最为严重。中深层地下水水质良好,仅个别井点因井管损坏造成点状串层污染,可做为人畜用水水源。基本可满足2010年前区内人畜供水要求。人畜供水开采中深层地下水时,应根据地下水污染特征和中深层含水层水文地质特征,分区分层开采,实现地下水合理开发,防止中深层地下水串层污染,保护宝贵的地下水资源。  相似文献   

水资源需求层次理论和初步实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
水资源需求预测对于经济社会发展规划和供水规划与管理至关重要,不合理的预测可能会误导水利规划和供水工程建设规模;从用水户的角度出发去揭示其不同层次的真实需水,可提高需水预测结果的合理性.通过对水资源需求内涵和影响因子的详细分析,引入马斯洛需求层次理论初步建立了基本、发展、和谐层次的水资源需求层次理论,并从生活、生产、生态三方面分别探讨不同层次的真实需水.以普洱市为例进行了不同层次的需水预测实践,2020年50%、75%、90%和95%的来水频率,发展层次下的河道外总需水预测量较相关规划成果分别偏小28.2%、22.6%、22.6%和18.1%,基本层次下的预测成果偏小更多,和谐层次下的预测成果也偏小1.8%~13.8%;75%来水频率,发展层次下需水量与"人均综合用水量法"预测结果基本相当,整体偏小0.8%~1.7%.预测结果表明不同频率、不同层次下的预测成果比常规预测结果整体上偏小,弥补了常规预测总是偏大的不足.  相似文献   

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