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去过北京的人,几乎都欣赏过天安门前那对高大的华表。这对用汉白玉雕刻而成的华表,挺拔笔直的柱身上雕有螭龙流云纹饰,上部横插一块石片,石片上有浮雕的祥云,仿佛高大的柱身直插云问。捶顶承露盘中,蹲坐着一头别致的怪兽。  相似文献   

目前,遥感技术广泛应用于国民经济各部门和许多科学领域,我们运用这一新技术进行河南全省国土资源的调查研究,获得了可喜的成果。这项研究得到了河南省人民政府和国家计委的极大关注和支持,并列为省“七五”期间重点攻关项目之一。为保证任务的顺利完成,采取了协作攻关的办法,由省计经委和省科委牵头成立了“河南遥感技术协作委员会”,并交省计经委国土办具体组织实施。先后调动和组织了22个科研机构、大专院校和有关厅局100余名利技工作者参与攻关研究。从1984年10月正式开题,到1988年9月结束,历时四年,圆满地完成了任务,取得了较为丰硕的成果。  相似文献   

碘酸钾的电化学制法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究以碘和氢氧化钾为原料,应用电化学方法制备碘酸钾的最佳条件,并与氯酸钾氧化法对照。实验指出,电比学法优于氯酸钾氧化法。无隔膜的条件下,电解液的最佳配方为:碘200g/L,氢氧化钾85g/L,重铬酸钾2g/L。最佳操作条件为:阳极Pb—PbO2,阴极不锈钢电极,电流密度Dk=25A/dm2,温度50—60℃,电解时间6小时,在该条件下碘酸钾的产率89.7%,电流效率98%,产品纯度99.2%。  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区位于祖国北部边疆,地域辽阔,横跨祖国“三北”(东北、华北、西北)地区,国土面积118.3万平方公里,约占全国总面积的八分之一。内蒙古跨越华北地台与天山-内蒙-兴安地槽褶皱区两个一级大地构造单元,区内地层发育较全,地质构造复杂多样,各期岩浆活动频繁,成矿地质条件优越。经过半个多世纪的地质勘查工作,已查明自治区境内矿产资源比较丰富,而且具有矿种多、分布广的特点,有些资源在国内乃至世界上都占有重要地位。在国家实施西部大开发和振兴东北老工业基地的宏伟战略中,自治区矿产资源必将发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

胡岩 《地理教学》2012,(21):1-1
教学不是教书,而是教学生学,教学生自己学,教学生从"学会"提升到"会学"和"能学"。聪明的学生之所以聪明,在于他们善于独立掌握科学的学习方法;高明的老师之所以高明,在于他们善于放开学生的手脚,引导学生学会学习。下面的这则事例是笔者亲历所为,今记述下来,以资各位地理同行在参考之余能有所启迪。半年前,到学校视导时与一位高三学生谈心,得知其地理学得不好,感知她很郁闷。她说,老师,地理好难学啊!何以见得呢?我问道。不是吗,大家都说地理是文科中的理科?她反问道。是的,有这种说法,我答道,地理你最怕做什么题?她说,我最怕综合题。你语文学得怎么样?我又问道。语文是我学得最好的,她无不  相似文献   

安徽省滁州市地名设标工作通过市场运作取得了好的效果,既筹措了大量资金,又推动了设标进度,为城市基础设施增添了亮点。目前全市筹措社会资金260多万元,政府财政补贴50万元。其中广告位招租筹措设标经费140万元,制作了A级路牌近500块,完成了滁州市和定远县、来安县等城镇主要街、路标牌的设置任务。筹措单位楼门牌的设置经费120万元,完成了84个居民区、6个商业集中区和11个单位办公区楼、门牌、单元牌和户室牌的设置任务。利用财政补贴经费初步完成了部分次要路段和巷的标牌设置任务,完成了部分下岗职工和无业人员住户牌的设置任务。  相似文献   

LiCl的Pitzer参数的优化   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
宋彭生  姚燕 《盐湖研究》1996,4(2):55-63
由于锂盐的重要性和氯化锂在电解质中的特殊性,LiCl和Ci2SO4的热力学问题一直被化学家所重视。Pitzer在其关于电解质的系列论文中给出的LiCl参数,适用的最大浓度仅为6m。1988年Hee—Ta1Kim等给出了适用于浓度直达饱和的参数。本文根据多年来我们对含锂盐体系的研究结果,经多种处理获得了LiCl和Li2SO4的新Pitaer参数。发现对于0—6m和6m一饱和不同浓度范围,LiCl的Pitzer参数截然不同。所获得的参数对于溶解度计算特别有意义。作者还从LiCl溶液的结构讨论了造成参数不同的原因。  相似文献   

基于GIS的数字地图的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章概述了地理信息系统的特点,分析了基于GIS的数字地图的优势及主要作用,总结了目前数字地图的使用情况和应用效果,探讨了提高数字地图使用效益的有效途经。认为,保证数字地图信息的位置精度和现势性,实现数字地图信息资源共享,扩大地图应用领域和提高地图利用率,增强使用数字地图的先进手段,构造数字地图设计制作与应用的互动平台,开展互联网地图使用情况的调查研究是今后地图应用学研究的重点。  相似文献   

南极旅游业的发展与中国应采取的对策的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈丹红 《极地研究》2012,24(1):70-76
南极旅游是人类和平利用南极的方式之一。南极旅游始于上世纪五十年代末。在此后的半个多世纪中,南极旅游呈稳步发展趋势,游客人数明显上升,游览路线日渐成熟,交通方式逐步固化,多国经营者合作模式不断完善。与此同时,《南极条约》体系对南极旅游的环保规制也在不断加强。中国涉足南极旅游的时间较短,目前每年只有二三百人员赴南极旅游。鉴于南极旅游有利于提高人们欣赏自然景观、提高环保意识,有利于增进国际文化交流与环保合作,有利于促进产业结构的调整和优化,因此,建议中国加强对南极旅游问题的研究,尽快制订相应的法律法规,使南极旅游的开展与管理有法可依,有序进行;加快对国际规则的熟悉,加快与国际惯例的接轨;按照商业的发展规律去推动南极旅游业。  相似文献   

<正>环境是最稀缺的资源生态是最宝贵的财富资质平台:南京大学常熟生态研究院成立于2012年,是一个集环保、林业、湿地、旅游等各种规划资质和技术的推广平台,并通过了ISO9001国际质量管理体系及高新企业认证。研究院提供生态环境咨询、规划、设计、监测、科普、管护、建设服务项目:等技术服务。开展的服务已遍布全国,横跨全国10个省和自治区,37个市县,约占我国湿地总面积的5.0‰。核心技术:研究院具有技术发明专利三十余项,其中国际专利两项;分为生态修复、辅助设备研发、湿地强化净化、植物规模化培育技术四大类别。创建了"强化-耦联-侧渗-削减的河流梯级净化工艺"、"沉淀-曝气-表流-潜流-稳定塘尾水强化处理  相似文献   

The first issue of ANTARCTIC RESEARCH comes into the world.I greatly rcjoice andwarmly.congratulate on its start publication.Chinese Antarctic research started in a late time,but gets a rapid development.Especially inrecent years,a Chinese Antarctic investigation station named Great Wall Station was established,three extensive multidisciplinary investigations were carried out in.the area of the station,and thegratifying results of the preliminary study were obtained.So the Chinese scientists have the abilityto undertake independent investigations on Antarctica and gained some experience in the research.This success has  相似文献   

Elvin Wyly 《Urban geography》2013,34(5):669-690
With a mantra that ‘nobody is as smart as everybody,’ Google maintains giant databases that enable unprecedented quantitative analysis of a social world that is now majority urban. A Wall Street web-based broker offers an App that promises to turn ‘thoughts into trades.’ Economists and marketers now use evolutionary theory in ‘neuroimaging’ brain scans of consumer behavior. The United States Air Force now trains more joystick-maestro drone pilots than old-fashioned Do-the-Right-Stuff human fighters and bombers. In this article, I suggest that these trends signal a troubling reincarnation of an aggressive Right-wing (post)positivist zombie reanimated by global, digitized neoliberalism. The long-forgotten revolutionary project launched by Auguste Comte in 1822 was hijacked and corrupted after his death, and now we confront a hybrid cyborg zombie, a dehumanized, automated adaptation to the post-structuralist situated knowledges of consumer sovereignty. #Comtebot: The positivist era is right now; the question is what kinds of politics it will have.  相似文献   

As the result of a first screening of temporary inland water habitats,Branchinella spinosa is here recorded for the first time in Greece. This finding extends the circum-Mediterranean part of its vast distribution. The species was collected from a shallow astatic coastal salt-marsh that is mainly fed by rainwater, where it coexists but rarely co-occurs withArtemia parthenogenetica. Branchinella spinosa is only the fourth anostracan species currently known from Greece. The poor knowledge of anostracan richness and abundance is mainly due to limited sampling efforts in this area. As temporary aquatic habitats are threatened by several anthropogenic activities, especially agriculture and land clearing for urbanisation and tourism, there is an urgent necessity for further monitoring and protection of these precious habitats.  相似文献   

The germination response of Denmoza rhodacantha (Salm-Dyck) Britton & Rose to seed scarification and different calcium concentrations was analysed. Both scarified and unscarified seeds were treated with two different calcium concentrations (1.74 or 6.36 meq l−1 calcium sulfate in distilled water). All treatments were conducted under a constant temperature (30 °C), and a photoperiodic regime of 12 h light and 12 h dark. Germination was initiated significantly sooner (3.6 days), and the rate of final germination was significantly higher (90.8%), for scarified seeds treated with a solution of 6.36 meq l−1 Ca compared with all other treatments (9.0–11.4 days and 3.6–6.8%, respectively). There were no significant differences among the treatments for the time in which 50% of final germination occurred (6.9–13.6 days). The results suggest that both factors, scarification and calcium concentration, favor germination of Denmoza seeds.  相似文献   

The geographical literature on the politics tied to formal commemorations of the past is a burgeoning one. Yet, there has been less attention paid to similar practices undertaken by nonstate agents seeking to ensure that what is written out of official history is not forgotten. This paper explores how and why the story of Sybil Kathigasu, a woman who played a salient role in the resistance movement against the Japanese during the Second World War in Perak, Malaysia, has been peripheralized within formal memory making even as it has been informally revived elsewhere. It specifically suggests that, while the sidelining of her story may be the product of the tendency of the state of Perak to downplay its war past, Sybil's gender, race and political ideologies have also made it more difficult for her to be embraced as a ‘national’ heroine. Drawing on a private museum that was set up in her honor in Papan, the paper also reveals how factors impeding her formal remembrance also have implications for alternative efforts to recover her story. More broadly, the paper offers insights into women's absences in Malaysian public memory, and argues the need for more emphasis on memoryscapes ‘from below’ as a means of nuancing local remembrance politics.  相似文献   

Summary. We reduce the problem of constructing a smooth, 1-D, monotoni-cally increasing velocity profile consistent with discrete, inexact τ ( p ) and X( p ) data to a quadratic programming problem with linear inequality constraints. For a finite-dimensional realization of the problem it is possible to find a smooth velocity profile consistent with the data whenever such a profile exists. We introduce an unusual functional measure of roughness equivalent to the second central moment or 'Variance' of the derivative of depth with respect to velocity for smooth profiles, and we prove that its minimal value is unique. In our experience, solutions minimizing this functional are very smooth in the sense of the two-norm of the second derivative and can be constructed inexpensively by solving one quadratic programming problem. Still smoother models (in more traditional measures) may be generated iteratively with additional quadratic programs. All the resulting models satisfy the τ ( p ) and X( p ) data and reproduce travel-time data remarkably well, although sometimes τ ( p ) data alone are insufficient to ensure arrivals at large X; then an X( p ) datum must be included.  相似文献   

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