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基于Landsat卫星遥感数据,采用水体指数法和相关分析法,分析1988—2018年那曲市双湖县其香错湖泊水域面积变化及原因。结果表明:该湖泊近31 a内水域面积呈显著增长趋势(R2=0.88,P < 0.001),31 a内增长了33.37 km2,增长率为18.03%;从空间上分析,其香错在近31 a内湖泊面积不断向四周扩展,其中在东、西方向和北部变化尤为显著。湖泊所在区域年平均气温呈增加趋势,蒸发量显著减小,冻土深度也明显减小。在上述因素的共同作用下,引起湖泊补给水源的增加和湖泊水容量的增大,最终导致湖泊面积持续上涨。  相似文献   

内陆湖泊是气候变化敏感的指示器,开展湖泊变化时空演变及成因分析,不仅对水资源利用与管理具有重要的科学价值,而且对于揭示区域气候变化,反映人类活动影响也具有十分重要的意义。本研究采用基于对象影像分析(Object-Based Image Analysis,OBIA)的种子增长法,提取了甘肃省7个典型湖泊从1986-2017年的面积变化,尾闾型湖泊中,大苏干湖面积最大,1986-2017年面积均在60 km2以上;青土湖面积最大达到20 km2以上;小苏干湖面积维持在11~12 km2,变化相对稳定,干海子面积在2 km2以下,波动较大。河源型湖泊中尕海面积在2.9~12.56 km2,面积波动较大,德勒诺尔和天池面积均在2 km2以下,其中德勒诺尔面积波动较大,天池面积波动相对较小。依据湖泊面积的变化特征,通过聚类分析方法将甘肃省7个典型湖泊分成两类,第一类包括尕海、青土湖和大苏干湖,湖泊面积整体呈增加的趋势;第二类包括德勒诺尔、小苏干湖、天池和干海子,湖泊...  相似文献   

根据湖北省雷电定位系统(Lightning Location System,LLS)2007年1月1日至2016年12月31日监测资料,采用数理统计方法,对湖泊和陆地区域的地闪频次、极性、地闪密度、雷电流幅值和波头陡度等雷电参数分布特征进行了对比研究。结果表明:湖泊与陆地的雷电参数时间变化趋势基本一致。近10 a闪电频次呈明显减少趋势,正地闪比例呈上升趋势;陆地比湖泊区域的闪电频次多,春夏季湖泊和陆地闪电频次差异明显,其中,夏季陆地闪电频次比湖泊多21.1%;湖泊和陆地闪电频次日变化大致呈单峰型,13-18时陆地闪电频次比湖泊多39.7%。湖泊地闪密度比陆地小,湖泊和陆地平均地闪密度分别为2.96次·(km-2·a-1)和3.47次·(km-2·a-1)。湖泊的平均雷电流幅值较陆地大;湖泊和陆地的平均雷电流波头陡度变化不大,相差一般在1 kA·(μs)-1以下。  相似文献   

中国暴雨洪涝灾害的暴露度与脆弱性时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1984-2012年中国暴雨洪涝灾害灾情和社会经济数据,从灾害暴露范围、人口暴露度、经济暴露度和农作物暴露度4个方面分析了灾害暴露度的特征,从人口脆弱性和经济脆弱性两方面分析了灾害脆弱性特征。研究表明:1984-2012年,中国暴雨洪涝灾害年平均暴露范围、人口暴露度、经济暴露度和农作物暴露度分别为9.37万km2、126人/km2、149万元/km2和1.53亿hm2,暴露度总体呈显著增加趋势,高暴露区域主要分布在沿海省(市);人口脆弱性显著增大,但经济脆弱性有逐渐减小的趋势,灾害脆弱性高值区主要分布在长江中游沿岸的湖南、安徽、重庆、江西、湖北等省(市),上海、北京、天津为灾害脆弱性最低的区域。  相似文献   

利用2003—2020年的MODIS土地覆盖类型和地表温度等数据,从地表温度、气温和城市化的角度分析了江苏省夏季城市热岛强度和面积的时空分布和变化趋势。结果表明:近20 a快速的城市化导致了江苏省夏季热岛强度(0.07℃·a-1)和热岛面积(529 km2·a-1)整体均呈增加趋势;其中热岛强度前期受城区升温影响,呈明显增强(0.18℃·a-1),后期受郊区升温影响,呈明显减弱(-0.14℃·a-1);热岛面积变化主要由弱热岛面积(297 km2·a-1)和较强热岛面积(192 km2·a-1)的增长趋势主导,强热岛面积呈前期增长(133 km2·a-1)和后期减少(185 km2·a-1)的变化趋势;高温对整个城区的热岛效应影响有限,但对城市核心区的热岛效应影响明显,对应的强热岛面积增加和热岛强度增强。  相似文献   

本文根据1975年地形图、1976~2016年Landsat (MSS\TM\ETM\OLI-TIRS)卫星遥感数据以及流域周围的气象资料分析湖面面积和流域周围冰川变化,并探讨了湖泊面积变化的可能影响气象原因。结果表明:1975~2016年间色林错、错鄂和班戈错湖面面积变化趋势有所不同。这一段时间内色林错湖面面积一直处于增长态势,面积增长为757.35km2,增长幅度为46.7%,增长速率为475.2km2/10a;而错鄂湖面面积在这一段时间内有增有减,但面积增量较小,总体保持稳定,面积增长为3.07km2,增长幅度为1.17%;班戈错湖面在这一段时间内面积略有波动,呈增长趋势,增长为49.75km2,增长速率为19.71km2/10a。从空间动态分布来看,色林错扩大较明显的区域为该湖的北部,班戈错扩大明显区域在东北部。色林错流域,近50a降水量年际变化波动较大,总体上呈增加趋势,平均每10a增加13.72mm。地表年平均气温呈显著上升趋势,平均每10年升高0.37℃。20世纪70年代至90年代以气温偏低为主,进入21世纪后,气温快速升温。1986~2016年间色林错流域冰川面积呈现出退缩、减少状态,总共减少了50.16km2,冰川面积变化率为7.57%。综合分析表明,色林错流域湖泊面积变化与气温和降水都有关,同时反映出该区域气温升高使得冰川融水量增加对湖泊补给有一定的作用。   相似文献   

利用中国东北地区三个典型城市(哈尔滨、长春和沈阳)1961—2019年的气温、相对湿度等气象资料和TRNSYS软件模拟的能耗资料,分析了气候变化对东北地区办公建筑设计气象参数的影响,研究了气候变化对办公建筑能耗的影响及其影响因子。结果表明:与1961—1990年相比,近30 a(1991—2019年)东北地区三个城市的办公建筑室外设计计算参数,即供暖室外计算温度、冬季空调室外计算温度和夏季空调室外计算温度均有所升高,且夏季空调室外计算温度升幅低于其他两个设计参数,三个城市供暖室外计算温度分别升高了2.1℃、1.7℃和0.2℃;1961—2017年三个城市办公建筑冬季供暖能耗均呈减少趋势,夏季制冷能耗均呈增加趋势,年总能耗呈减少趋势;哈尔滨和长春的变化速率大于沈阳,三个城市的办公建筑年总能耗减少速率分别为5.02 MJ·m-2/10 a、6.15 MJ·m-2/10 a和1.99 MJ·m-2/10 a。气温是影响东北地区城市办公建筑能耗的主要气象因子,分别可以解释三个城市冬季供暖能耗95%、96%和93%的变化和夏季制冷能耗72%、71%和72%的变化;气温每升高1℃,三个城市的冬季采暖能耗将分别减少20.6 MJ·m-2、21 MJ·m-2和18.9 MJ·m-2,夏季制冷能耗将分别增加15.1 MJ·m-2、16.1 MJ·m-2和18.8 MJ·m-2,年总能耗将分别减少5.5 MJ·m-2、4.9 MJ·m-2和0.1 MJ·m-2。  相似文献   

本文基于耦合模式比较计划第5阶段(CMIP5)的17个全球气候模式,确定了1.5℃温升(相对于1861-1880年)的发生时间,预估了全球升温1.5℃时,北半球冻土和积雪的变化,并对预估结果的不确定性进行了讨论。结果表明,全球平均地表温度在3种排放情景下(RCP2.6,RCP4.5,RCP8.5)分别于2027、2026、2023年达到1.5℃阈值。当全球升温1.5℃,北半球多年冻土南界北移1°~3.5°,冻土退化主要发生在中西伯利亚南部。多年冻土面积在全球升温1.5℃时,在RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5排放情景下较1986-2005年分别减少约3.43×106 km2(21.12%)、3.91×106 km2(24.10%)和4.15×106 km2(25.55%);北半球超过一半以上的区域雪水当量减少,只在中西伯利亚地区略微增加;北美洲中部、欧洲西部以及俄罗斯西北部减少较显著,减少约40%以上。青藏高原多年冻土面积在RCP2.6、RCP4.5以及RCP8.5排放情景下分别减少0.15×106 km2(7.28%)、0.18×106 km2(8.74%)和0.17×106 km2(8.25%)。青藏高原冬、春季雪水当量分别减少约14.9%和13.8%。  相似文献   

基于1933-2016年哈萨克斯坦北部伊希姆河彼得罗巴甫洛斯克水文站流量观测数据以及流域内格点气象数据,利用线性趋势法、Mann-Kendall检验、相关普查法和累积量斜率变化率比较法等方法,探讨了气候变化背景下伊希姆河流量变化及其主要驱动因子。结果显示:(1)伊希姆河流域近84年来气温和降水呈上升趋势,且在20世纪70年代后增加趋势更为明显。(2)伊希姆河流量年内分布不均,年际流量变化总体呈下降趋势,但趋势不明显。(3)伊希姆河流量受流域内降水和气温共同影响,其中降水与流量相关性最大,且降水的变化对流量补给具有滞后性,6-9月气温对同时期流量影响较大。(4)T1时段(1969-1996年)和T2时段(1997-2016年)与T时段(1933-1968年)相比,气候变化对流量减少的贡献率分别为16.09%和44.83%,而人类活动对流量减少的贡献率为83.91%和55.17%。流域内水资源的开发及利用、人口数量和土地利用方式的变化等人类活动因素在很大程度上影响了伊希姆河流量。  相似文献   

湿地是人类生存和发展的重要环境之一,然而城镇化在带动经济发展的同时也严重影响了湿地生态系统。本文利用城乡梯度研究方法结合湿地分布特征,设置从沈阳城市中心到城市边缘的研究样带,沿着城镇密集区(浑河)—郊区(蒲河)—乡村(卧龙湖,仙子湖)梯度带选取典型湖泊和河流湿地样地为研究对象,系统分析城镇化对湿地水体碳氮磷含量的影响。研究发现湿地水体碳氮磷含量与城乡梯度具有相关性,总碳(TC)和可溶性有机碳(DOC)含量及SUVA280值沿城镇密集区—郊区—乡村梯度带逐渐增加,即远离市中心的乡村卧龙湖湿地最高,分别为(120.68±2.34)mg/L,(41.56±6.27)mg/L和(0.35±0.10)L/(mg·m),显著高于位于四环以外乡村仙子湖湿地、流经沈阳市四环蒲河和穿越三环浑河湿地水体。湿地水体氮磷含量总体上沿着城乡梯度带呈降低趋势,但蒲河湿地水体总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)含量最高,分别为(5.35±0.19)mg/L和(1.45±0.07)mg/L,显著高于位于城镇密集区的浑河湿地水体。城镇化作用总体上增加了湿地水体铵态氮(NH4+-N)和硝态氮(NO3--N)含量,其中,横穿城镇密集区的浑河湿地水体NH4+-N含量最高,为(1.28±0.14)mg/L;NO3--N含量则是位于郊区的蒲河湿地水体最高,为(1.42±0.15) mg/L。研究结果表明城镇化改变了湿地生态系统水体碳氮磷含量,使水体DOC含量降低,小分子化合物增多,不利于DOC在水体中的累积;同时由于人类活动的加剧也使氮磷排放增加,使水体氮磷超标,导致流经城镇密集区部分的浑河和蒲河湿地NH4+-N和NO3--N含量高于乡村。未来随着城镇化的不断发展,应严加控制和合理规划,防止城镇化导致的湿地水体污染和生态系统的破坏。  相似文献   

我国干湿气候区划研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文回顾和综述了20世纪中期以来我国在干湿气候区划指标、潜在蒸散计算方法、干湿气候区划等级划分标准及命名方式等方面的研究进展,在此基础上给出了利用干燥度指数进行干湿气候区划的计算方法和等级划分标准,并利用1981-2010年全国2207站的气象观测资料,对近30年来我国干湿气候空间特征进行了分析。结果表明,最近30年我国干旱区(包括极干旱、干旱和亚干旱区)面积为469.2万km2,占国土面积的48.8%,其中极干旱区、干旱区和亚干旱区面积分别为87.8万km2、209.2万km2和172.2万km2,分别占国土面积的9.1%、21.8%和17.9%,主要分布于新疆、内蒙古、西藏、青海、甘肃等西部地区;亚湿润区、湿润区和极湿润区面积占我国国土面积的比例分别为16.2%、27.8%和8.8%,主要位于我国长江以南及东北部分地区。  相似文献   

The highly visible coastal phenomenon of wetland loss in coastal Louisiana (LA) was examined through the prism of carbon accumulation and loss. Carbon storage or sequestration in rapidly subsiding LA coastal marsh soils was based on vertical marsh accretion and aerial change data. Marshes sequester significant amount of carbon through vertical accretion however, large amounts of carbon previously sequestration in the soil profile is lost through annual deterioration of these coastal marshes. Hurricanes, such as Katrina and Rita, have triggered instantaneous large carbon losses of sequestered soil carbon through the destruction of large areas of marsh. This analysis shows proposed coastal restoration efforts will not be sufficient to restore carbon losses by storms and marsh deterioration. Further, we have estimated the economic benefit of carbon sequestration for coastal wetland restoration efforts. Results show that LA coastal marshes may not serve as a net sink of carbon. These results may serve as a predictor of the impact of future predictions of increasing global sea level rise on carbon sequestration for other coastal regions.  相似文献   

利用1961~2017年新疆89个国家级气象观测站57年气温和降水量整编资料,采用一元线性回归进行趋势倾向估计,用最小二乘法反映气候要素的年平均增加、减少速率及年变化趋势。结果表明:新疆及北疆、天山山区、南疆各分区的年和四季平均气温呈现一致的上升趋势,其中新疆年平均升温速率为0.31℃/10a,90年代后期以后出现了明显增暖。冬季升温趋势最明显,夏季最弱。全疆和各分区的年、四季降水量呈现一致的增多趋势,新疆年降水量增加速率为10.14mm/10a。2010年代以来比1960年代增多了30%。冬季降水量增多趋势最明显。1961~2017年新疆气候变化较明显,总体在向暖湿方向变化。  相似文献   

基于MODIS影像的色林错湖面积变化及成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2002—2009年EOS/MODIS卫星遥感资料和气温、地表温度气象资料,对色林错湖面积变化进行分析,并探讨了其成因。结果表明:西藏那曲地区色林错湖(包括雅根错湖)面积在近8a呈显著的扩大趋势,从2002年的1955.49km^2增至2009年的2197.46km^2,8a内增长了241.97km^2,现已超过纳木错湖面积,成为西藏第一大咸水湖。气温、地表温度升高导致冰雪融化和冻土层变浅是湖泊上涨的主要原因。通过研究证明了EOS/MODIS资料在研究湖泊变化中具有较好的指示作用。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic climate change poses a significant threat to Texas’ coastal habitats and in the Galveston Bay region, there is just under 1200 square miles of freshwater marsh and undeveloped dry upland. These habitats provide residents with a variety of key ecosystem services but are threatened by global climate change. Effective management of these resources requires multidisciplinary knowledge, combining an understanding of the potential biophysical habitat alterations associated with sea level rise with the measurement of residents’ value for coastal resources. In this study, we utilize a discrete choice experiment to investigate individuals’ preferences for future conditions of Texas habitats within the Galveston Bay region. Utilizing modeled output for coverage of freshwater marsh and undeveloped dry upland in the year 2050, respondents are asked to make trade-offs between coastal conditions with no further management actions and outcomes associated with specific management interventions. From this framework, we estimate Galveston Bay regional residents’ value for freshwater marshes and undeveloped uplands. Our results indicate that individuals are willing to conserve habitat under threat from sea level rise, but that they are likely unaware of the dynamic nature of that change. As a result, residents may place less emphasis on the role of the habitat migration in response to sea level rise.  相似文献   

In the Northeastern U.S., salt marsh area is in decline. Habitat change analysis has revealed fragmentation, displacement of high marsh by low marsh species, and marsh drowning, while development of adjacent uplands limits upslope migration. Measures of marsh vegetation loss for eight sites in Rhode Island and New York between ca.1970 and 2011 indicate that substantial loss has occurred over past decades, with higher loss rates found for lower elevation salt marshes. Using inundation experiments, field surveys, and LiDAR datasets, we developed an elevation-productivity relationship for Spartina alterniflora specific to the U.S. Northeast, and located current salt marsh orthometric heights on this curve. We estimate that 87 % of Northeastern salt marshes are located at elevations where growth is limited by inundation. By manipulating water column nutrients, precipitation, and elevation, we further found that altered precipitation regime was associated with significant reductions in biomass, and that nutrient enrichment adversely impacts organic matter accumulation and peat formation. These results provide evidence that Northeastern U.S. marshes are vulnerable to the effects of accelerated sea level rise, and that neither precipitation changes, nor cultural eutrophication, will contribute positively to long-term salt marsh survival.  相似文献   

Wetlands are among the most valuable ecosystems in the world due to their delivery of ecosystem services (ES), but they are particularly vulnerable to drivers of land-use change. However, little is known about how different wetlands respond to drivers of land-use change and how that impacts their delivery of ES. After extreme floods hit Colombia in 2010–2011, negative impacts from these storms heightened the interest of Colombian policy-makers in understanding and recognizing the importance of wetlands. Here, we present a map with 19 wetland types for Colombia and assess the ES that these wetlands deliver and how those ES are impacted by drivers of land-use change. We based our spatial analysis on the Corine Land Cover data for Colombia and combined that with spatial indices derived from knowledgeable experts using the matrix approach and participatory mapping (PGIS). The most vulnerable wetland types identified were floodplain forests, riparian wetlands, freshwater lakes and rivers. The region of Magdalena-Cauca has been identified as the most vulnerable to the impacts of land-use change, until 2025. We discuss our results in light of the current Colombian policy-debate which concerns the designation of wetlands as strategic ecosystems. This designation implies necessary restrictions or prohibition of harmful activities in wetlands, principally mining and industrial agriculture.  相似文献   

Heat flux data collected from the Baiyangdian Heterogeneous Field Experiment were analyzed using the footprint method. High resolution (25 m) Landsat-5 satellite imaging was used to determine the land cover as one of four surface types: farmland, lake, wetland, or village. Data from two observation sites in September 2005 were used. One site (Wangjiazhai) was characterized by highly heterogeneous surfaces in the central area of the Baiyangdian: lake/wetland. The other site (Xiongxian) was on land with more uniform surface cover. An improved Eulerian analytical flux footprint model was used to determine "source areas" of the heat fluxes measured at towers located at each site from surrounding landscapes of mixed surface types.In relative terms results show that wetland and lake areas generally contributed most to the observed heat flux at Wangjiazhai, while farmland contributed most at Xiongxian. Given the areal distribution of surface type contributions, calculations were made to obtain the magnitudes of the heat flux from lake, wetland and farmland to the total observed flux and apportioned contributions of each surface type to the sensible and latent heat fluxes. Results show that on average the sensible heat flux from wetland and farmland were comparable over the diurnal cycle, while the latent heat flux from farmland was somewhat larger by about 30-50 W m-2 during daytime. The latent and sensible fluxes from the lake source in daytime were about 50 W m-2 and 100 W m-2 less, respectively, than from wetland and farmland. The results are judged reasonable and serve to demonstrate the potential for flux apportionment over heterogeneous surfaces.  相似文献   

选用由美国国家环境预报中心NCEP和美国国家大气研究中心NCAR联合开发的新一代中尺度数值模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting Model)模式,采用两重网格单向反馈嵌套的方法对扎陵湖和鄂陵湖区域的大气边界层特征进行数值模拟,并把湖泊水体下垫面替换为草地下垫面以设计另一组去除湖泊...  相似文献   

Heat flux data collected from the Baiyangdian Heterogeneous Field Experiment were analyzed using the footprint method. High resolution (25 m) Landsat-5 satellite imaging was used to determine the land cover as one of four surface types: farmland, lake, wetland, or village. Data from two observation sites in September 2005 were used. One site (Wangjiazhai) was characterized by highly heterogeneous surfaces in the central area of the Baiyangdian: lake/wetland. The other site (Xiongxian) was on land with more uniform surface cover. An improved Eulerian analytical flux footprint model was used to determine “source areas” of the heat fluxes measured at towers located at each site from surrounding landscapes of mixed surface types. In relative terms results show that wetland and lake areas generally contributed most to the observed heat flux at Wangjiazhai, while farmland contributed most at Xiongxian. Given the areal distribution of surface type contributions, calculations were made to obtain the magnitudes of the heat flux from lake, wetland and farmland to the total observed flux and apportioned contributions of each surface type to the sensible and latent heat fluxes. Results show that on average the sensible heat flux from wetland and farmland were comparable over the diurnal cycle, while the latent heat flux from farmland was somewhat larger by about 30-50 W m-2 during daytime. The latent and sensible fluxes from the lake source in daytime were about 50 W m-2 and 100 W m-2 less, respectively, than from wetland and farmland. The results are judged reasonable and serve to demonstrate the potential for flux apportionment over heterogeneous surfaces.  相似文献   

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