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城市交通运输地理发展趋势   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
从城市交通运输地理研究的核心概念入手,在对具有代表性的交通运输地理著作及刊物的研究进行综述基础上,对城市交通运输地理的发展进行分析,揭示城市交通运输地理目前研究的主要内容及发展趋势,丰富和发展城市地理学及交通地理学的研究内容。  相似文献   

国内外城市空间扩展研究评析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
闫梅  黄金川 《地理科学进展》2013,32(7):1039-1050
城市空间扩展是城市化过程的重要标志, 而城市土地利用变化又是城市空间扩展最为直接的表现形式。随着全球城市化的推进, 城市空间扩展已成为国内外城市发展研究中的热点领域。国外城市空间扩展研究发端于20 世纪60 年代的计量地理革命, 中国城市空间扩展的研究自80 年代中期开始;2000 年以来, 伴随中国城市化的快速发展, 城市空间扩展问题日益突出, 城市空间扩展研究逐渐成为热点, 有关研究成果更是大量涌现。本文根据国内外城市空间扩展研究内容的变化, 运用文献资料法和对比分析法, 从扩展形态、扩展模式、动力机制、模拟预测、效应与调控5 个方面对城市空间扩展研究进行了系统总结与梳理。在国外与国内比较研究与综合分类基础上, 重点评析现阶段国内相关研究的特点和不足, 并对中国未来城市空间扩展的研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

中国特大城市空间增长特征及其原因分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
周春山  叶昌东 《地理学报》2013,68(6):728-738
1990 年以来是中国社会经济改革全面展开的阶段,城市空间增长发生了较大的变化,本文以全国52 个特大城市为样本,利用各城市1990-2008 年影像图、土地利用现状图等数据,运用空间计量、拓扑结构图示等方法对城市空间增长特征进行了分析。研究表明:1990 年以来中国特大城市空间在规模增长上表现出增长速度快且按人口规模等级顺序依次变缓,在要素增长上表现出新型化、多样化变化,在结构增长上出现带状化、多中心化转变,在形态增长上呈分散化、破碎化变化,城市空间增长方式以轴向式和跳跃式为主导,特别是2000 年以来这种变化更加明显。工业化进入中高级阶段之后的快速经济增长、快速城市化以及政府GDP导向的政绩观是导致城市空间增长上述变化的主要原因。最后文章针对中国特大城市空间增长规模过度超前、结构松散、形态破碎的问题,提出构建以规模控制、结构优化及空间紧凑性为核心的节约型城市空间增长目标。  相似文献   

The urban vulnerability poses a serious challenge to achieving sustainable development. With the concentration of the population and the economy, cities must manage the higher frequencies and risks of various hazards and are becoming more vulnerable. Research on the assessment and regulatory control of urban vulnerability is of great significance for both urbanization quality improvement and sustainable development in China or other countries in the world. Because of the complexity of cities and vulnerability concepts, existing studies have focused on different aspects of urban vulnerability. And the research content of urban vulnerability is scattered and relatively independent, leading to a lack of comparability among the research data and resulting in tremendous difficulties in summarizing the conclusions through comparison of independent research data. Therefore the goal of this study was to construct urban vulnerability index (UVI) from the perspective of sustainable development that could assess urban vulnerability comprehensively. In this study, we selected 10 subindexes involving 36 specific parameters from four aspects (resources, eco-environmental systems, economics, and social development) to construct a comprehensive index system. We also established the standard values of measurements. Then we take 288 prefecture-level cities in China as a study area and evaluate its overall urban vulnerability and its spatial differentiation. Results indicate that urban vulnerability of China has a remarkable spatial differentiation of both “gradient distribution” and “clustered distribution”; the extent of urban vulnerability corresponds to city size, the bigger the city, the lower its vulnerability; resource-based cities are more vulnerable than comprehensive cities; a city’s economic growth rate does not reflect the extent of its urban vulnerability. Further, we offer a few suggestions to cope with urban vulnerability in China.  相似文献   

董冠鹏  张航  郭雨臣 《地理研究》2023,42(2):495-513
在经济全球化、区域一体化的背景下,城市发展动力由内部功能集聚转向外部关系协调,城市间的关联作用愈发重要,成为“城市的第二本质”。通过文献计量分析,发现空间计量模型逐渐成为城市网络外部性定量测度的主要方法之一。从研究设计角度,空间计量模型作为城市网络外部性的定量建模工具,存在至少两方面的问题:城市网络外部性的非对称效应和城市网络的多尺度问题。本文结合城市网络外部性测度与建模,首先阐述如何规范地解读空间计量模型参数及其与网络外部性测度的对应关系;其次基于蒙特卡洛模拟实验论证非对称城市网络外部性和多尺度城市网络外部性的建模方法。研究表明:(1)忽视城市网络外部性中潜在的非对称效应会显著降低模型参数估计的准确性,本文开发的非对称空间效应模型(Asymmetric Spatial Econometric Model,ASEM)可以准确识别网络外部性的非对称效应,给出更加准确的参数估计;(2)忽略现实存在的多尺度网络效应,只在单一尺度对网络效应建模会造成参数估计失真,而空间多尺度统计模型(Hierarchical Spatial Autoregressive model,HSAR)为多尺度网络外部...  相似文献   

Spatial metrics to study urban patterns in growing and shrinking cities   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article reviews existing literature on spatial metrics, presenting a portfolio of metrics addressing the spatial patterns of growing and shrinking cities and discussing their potential and limitations. A wide and diverse set of spatial metrics was found. While these metrics address most of the identified spatial patterns of urban growth, spatial metrics used in urban shrinkage studies are much scarcer and not nearly sufficient to provide a comprehensive assessment of its spatial patterns. The article concludes that there is great potential for the development of new spatial metrics or mixed indicators, particularly in shrinkage contexts. The article builds on recent literature focusing on reviewing and developing metrics for particular spatial patterns (notably patterns of urban sprawl), while considering a very broad and multidisciplinary set of metrics. It focuses not only on the outcomes of urban growth but also on those of the increasingly common shrinking phenomenon.  相似文献   

Detecting the dynamics of urban structure through spatial network analysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Urban spatial structure in large cities is becoming ever more complex as populations grow in size, engage in more travel, and have increasing amounts of disposable income that enable them to live more diverse lifestyles. These trends have prominent and visible effects on urban activity, and cities are becoming more polycentric in their structure as new clusters and hotspots emerge and coalesce in a wider sea of urban development. Here, we apply recent methods in network science and their generalization to spatial analysis to identify the spatial structure of city hubs, centers, and borders, which are essential elements in understanding urban interactions. We use a ‘big’ data set for Singapore from the automatic smart card fare collection system, which is available for sample periods in 2010, 2011, and 2012 to show how the changing roles and influences of local areas in the overall spatial structure of urban movement can be efficiently monitored from daily transportation.

In essence, we first construct a weighted directed graph from these travel records. Each node in the graph denotes an urban area, edges denote the possibility of travel between any two areas, and the weight of edges denotes the volume of travel, which is the number of trips made. We then make use of (a) the graph properties to obtain an overall view of travel demand, (b) graph centralities for detecting urban centers and hubs, and (c) graph community structures for uncovering socioeconomic clusters defined as neighborhoods and their borders. Finally, results of this network analysis are projected back onto geographical space to reveal the spatial structure of urban movements. The revealed community structure shows a clear subdivision into different areas that separate the population’s activity space into smaller neighborhoods. The generated borders are different from existing administrative ones. By comparing the results from 3 years of data, we find that Singapore, even from such a short time series, is developing rapidly towards a polycentric urban form, where new subcenters and communities are emerging largely in line with the city’s master plan.

To summarize, our approach yields important insights into urban phenomena generated by human movements. It represents a quantitative approach to urban analysis, which explicitly identifies ongoing urban transformations.  相似文献   

2003-2013年中国城市形态研究评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2003-2013年间在国内主要地理学、城市规划和建筑学期刊上发表的研究文献,对近10年间的城市形态相关研究的内容、方法和进展进行评述。文章在辨析城市“布局形态”、“结构形态”、“肌理形态”三大概念的基础上,将现有研究成果按城市形态影响要素分解、新技术方法应用、时间—空间维度探讨、可持续城市形态、城市形态规划、管理和控制,以及分城市、地区案例研究六大主线进行归纳,并评析现有成果的研究视角、技术方法、实践应用特点及其局限。比较中西方城市形态研究轨迹,国内研究习惯于通过实证主义的因果演绎和经验主义的案例归纳来理解现有城市的形态发展历程,并在借鉴历史经验和西方经验的基础上,寻求城市形态发展的“理想城市形态”。而西方研究则致力于寻求“可持续城市形态”的可操作性和实现方式,侧重于可持续发展的路径探索和规划应对。本文提出未来城市形态研究应更关注微观层面的肌理形态分析,应从更加温和、建设性的“时间—空间演化”视角探讨城市形态演进规律,为包容性、共生性的“可持续形态”演变发展构建理论基础。  相似文献   

Assessing urban vulnerability to natural hazards such as earthquakes can be regarded as an ill-structured problem (i.e. a problem for which there is no unique, identifiable, objectively optimal solution). A review of the literature indicates a number of contrasting definitions of what vulnerability means, as well as numerous conflicting perspectives on what should or should not be included within the broad assessment of vulnerability in cities. This paper reports on the findings from a project in which a GIS methodology has been developed to assess urban vulnerability through a spatial analytical procedure. First, we highlight the deficiencies of current GIS approaches to urban vulnerability analysis and discuss the ill-structured nature of the vulnerability problem. We then propose a working definition for vulnerability assessment in which vulnerability is thought of as a spatial decision problem under the conditions of uncertainty. Next, we present a methodology to incorporate this definition into a GIS framework that combines elements from the techniques of spatial multicriteria analysis and fuzzy logic. The application of this methodology is then illustrated with a case study from Los Angeles County. The results suggest that the proposed methodology may provide a new approach for analyzing vulnerability that can add to our understanding of human/hazards interaction.  相似文献   

“学生化”的城中村社区——基于广州下渡村的实证分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
何深静  钱俊希  吴敏华 《地理研究》2011,30(8):1508-1519
学生化作为绅士化现象的一种类型,是高等教育规模扩张背景下学生群体对于城市空间进行重构的现象。起因于学生群体的居住偏好,以及投资者与房屋所有者的寻租行为,面向学生群体的居住空间开始产生并聚集,形成独特的学生化社区,并由此产生一系列的社会,经济与文化影响。基于对学生化现象相关研究的综述,本文对于广州市中山大学邻近的下渡村学...  相似文献   

吴浩  江志猛  林安琪  朱文超  王伟 《地理学报》2021,76(10):2439-2458
资源环境承载力是衡量城市国土空间发展状况的晴雨表,深入揭示资源环境承载力系统要素的相互作用机理对城市国土空间格局优化具有重大意义。本文在双评价指南的基础上引入夜光/大气遥感、兴趣点、交通态势、社交媒体等多源时空数据,建立了基于隐性—韧性—显性的城市资源环境承载力空间特征分析理论框架,提出了空间自相关和分形几何相结合的承载力空间特征挖掘方法。以武汉市为例开展研究,结果表明:① 武汉市资源环境承载力呈显著空间异质性,隐性承载力指数高值区分布于城市外围生态环境优越的区域,韧性承载力指数高值区集中于综合风险应对能力较强的中心城区,显性承载力指数高值区位于各项基础功能均较为健全的城市次中心一带;② 武汉市资源环境承载力存在正向空间聚集性,并呈显著半径向心分形特征,隐性承载力指数高值区呈放射状向四周扩散,韧性承载力指数高值区呈向心状聚集在城市核心圈层,显性承载力指数高值区分布于则介于二者之间。本文构建的城市资源环境承载力空间特征分析与挖掘方法体系,通过引入多源时空数据弥补了传统数据现势性的不足,完善了城市资源环境承载力研究的理论和技术范式,可为新时期城市资源环境承载力研究提供一种新思路。  相似文献   

In spite of the considerable economic importance of high order (intermediate demand) services, research on the growth and location of these activities has remained at a fairly aggregate level. The behavior of the individual elements of this group has rarely been documented in detail. In this paper, we seek to determine if individual high order service activities are becoming spatially more concentrated or dispersed across the Canadian urban system, and to determine if differential rates of growth may be observed by region and by urban size category. These issues are of considerable importance in the ongoing debate concerning the impact of the tertiarization of the economy on uneven spatial development. We examine the performance and location of 17 individual high order service activities over a set of 152 Canadian urban areas with populations greater than 10,000 inhabitants. Most of these activities are highly concentrated in a small number of very large urban areas, and their level of concentration declined only very slightly over the period 1971–1991. We conclude with an examination of the factors underlying the geographic concentration of high order services at the upper end of the urban hierarchy.  相似文献   

中国城市单位制度的变化及其影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
单位制度作为中国城市中的一种独特现象已引起相关学科的日益关注,但国内地理学界的研究仍然十分缺乏。通过对已有社会学和地理学关于单位研究成果的梳理,构建出"由制度变迁透析城市空间演变"的单位研究新框架;从地理学视角重点评述改革开放以来单位制度的变化及其在就业制度、住房分配制度、福利制度等方面的表现以及对居民日常生活和城市结构的影响。尽管单位制度已经终结,但对中国城市的影响仍以更加"隐形化"的形式存在,在以市场化、全球化为主导的中国城市转型中单位制度的"退出"与影响仍是问题的关键所在。  相似文献   

南京城市贫困空间调查与分析   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:37  
陈果  顾朝林  吴缚龙 《地理科学》2004,24(5):542-549
从城市社会地理学的角度,运用城市社会保障资料和典型社区问卷调查和访谈,对南京市城市贫困阶层进行了空间分析,并探讨了产生这一格局的原因和机制。从南京的实例不难看出,中国当代的城市贫困空间,既不同于国外城市的棚户区和边缘化特点,也不同于中国农村贫困户相对集中分布,具有较明显的分散性特征。形成这种城市贫困空间结构的动力机制主要在于中国城市近50年的城市住房分配制度造成了以单位制为基础的社会阶层混合居住的局面。随着城市住房体制改革的逐步完成和住房商品化和私有化进程,中国城市的贫困空间也将呈现相对集中分布的趋势,即贫困家庭向地价低廉的城郊结合带集中,而在城市中心区的外围也将由于房地产开发无法获利而造成旧区的衰退,从而形成贫民区。  相似文献   

近年来,随着城市化进程的加快,建设城市公园以满足生活需要成了备受关注的热点问题。本文尝试构建城市公园综合吸引力模型,并运用分形、聚类等方法,建立芜湖市城市公园等级体系,并分析其时空分布特征。研究表明:芜湖市城市公园在Z.ipf分布模型中呈现出双分形结构,可分为两个大类六个等级。城市公园体系具有等级层次性不强、高等级公园中心性明显等特征;高等级公园具有极强的老城区指向性、人口稠密区指向性和经济实力强区指向性,低等级公园散布在人口稠密区、数量多、分布范围广;总体上呈现出中心集聚、外围松散,分布不均衡的空间格局。自然条件是公园形成的基础条件,近年来为满足城市发展和城市居民需求,政府规划和企业行为是城市公园形成的决定性因素,各因素相互作用,共同影响着城市公园体系的形成和发展。  相似文献   

江淮城市群旅游经济网络空间结构与空间发展模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以旅游业推动第三产业发展,将成为未来城市群经济增长的重要方式之一。结合重力模型与社会网络,构建江淮城市群旅游地旅游经济网络模型,应用Ucinet 6软件分析城市旅游地功能特征,探讨空间发展模式。结果表明:江淮城市群旅游经济网络联系呈南紧北疏的空间不平衡态势,城市旅游地之间网络密度、联结边数、联系紧密度正在增长,而重点城市的中介能力和核心作用有降低趋势,多数城市呈路径依赖的循环累计,网络空间均衡性增强,据此将11个城市旅游地划分为5种类型。结合区域交通布局、旅游资源分布、城市经济实力等要素,对11城市进行旅游地层次划分,提出了“三条一级旅游轴线、两条二级旅游轴线、一条潜在旅游轴线”的空间结构及与周边重要旅游区域协调发展的空间发展模式。  相似文献   

开发区与我国城市空间结构演进及其动力机制   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:40  
张晓平  刘卫东 《地理科学》2003,23(2):142-149
开发区是近20年来我国经济发展的重要空间载体。经济活动在开发区的集聚,对所在地区的空间结构产生了深刻的影响。结合对开发区的实地调研,提出我国开发区与城市空间结构演进的基本类型可分为双核结构、连片带状结构、多极触角结构等。并指出开发区与城市空间结构的演进主要是由跨国公司主导的外部作用力、城市与乡村的扩散力和开发区的集聚力共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

The availability of spatial data on an unprecedented scale as well as advancements in analytical and visualization techniques gives researchers the opportunity to study complex problems over large urban and regional areas. Nevertheless, few individual data sets exist that provide both the requisite spatial and/or temporal observational frequency to truly facilitate detailed investigations. Some data are collected frequently over time but only at a few geographic locations (e.g., weather stations). Similarly, other data are collected with a high level of spatial resolution but not at regular or frequent time intervals (e.g., satellite data). The purpose of this article is to present an interpolation approach that leverages the relative temporal richness of one data set with the relative spatial richness of another to fill in the gaps. Because different interpolation techniques are more appropriate than others for specific types of data, we propose a space–time interpolation approach whereby two interpolation methods – one for the temporal and one for the spatial dimension – are used in tandem to increase the accuracy results.

We call our ensemble approach the space–time interpolation environment (STIE). The primary steps within this environment include a spatial interpolation processor, a temporal interpolation processor, and a calibration processor, which enforces phenomenon-related behavioral constraints. The specific interpolation techniques used within the STIE can be chosen on the basis of suitability for the data and application at hand. In this article, we first describe STIE conceptually including the data input requirements, output structure, details of the primary steps, and the mechanism for coordinating the data within those steps. We then describe a case study focusing on urban land cover in Phoenix, Arizona, using our working implementation. Our empirical results show that our approach increased the accuracy for estimating urban land cover better than a single interpolation technique.  相似文献   

杭州市人口密度空间分布及其演化的模型研究   总被引:56,自引:8,他引:56  
冯健 《地理研究》2002,21(5):635-646
基于四次人口普查数据 ,本文探讨了杭州城市人口密度的空间分布及其演化规律。首先提取了不同年份城市人口密度的空间分布数据 ;然后根据人口分布的曲线特征对各种可能出现的数学模型进行拟合、比较 ,发现杭州市的人口分布服从Clark模型的修正形式———加幂指数模型 ;借助模型参数进行城市增长及其空间动力学分析 ,发现反映信息熵的约束参数波动升高、渐次逼近于 1,从而揭示 :改革开放以来 ,随着城市演化过程中自组织能力的加强以及郊区化的发展 ,城市空间复杂性程度增高 ,城市内各功能单元的效用增强 ,城市的空间结构进一步趋向新的有序状态。本文借助前沿科学思想及郊区化理论 ,尝试提出一个分析城市人口时空变化规律的完整范例 ,对城市规划和管理工作也具借鉴意义  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated urban built-up areas can be derived from nighttime light satellite (DMSP-OLS) images at the national or continent scale. This paper presents a novel object-based method for detecting and characterizing urban spatial clusters from nighttime light satellite images automatically. First, urban built-up areas, derived from the regionally adaptive thresholding of DMSP-OLS nighttime light data, are represented as discrete urban objects. These urban objects are treated as basic spatial units and quantified in terms of geometric and shape attributes and their spatial relationships. Next, a spatial cluster analysis is applied to these basic urban objects to form a higher level of spatial units – urban spatial clusters. The Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) is used to represent spatial proximity relationships among urban objects. An algorithm based on competing propagation of objects is proposed to construct the MST of urban objects. Unlike previous studies, the distance between urban objects (i.e., the boundaries of urban built-up areas) is adopted to quantify the edge weight in MST. A Gestalt Theory-based method is employed to partition the MST of urban objects into urban spatial clusters. The derived urban spatial clusters are geographically delineated through mathematical morphology operation and construction of minimum convex hull. A series of landscape ecologic and statistical attributes are defined and calculated to characterize these clusters. Our method has been successfully applied to the analysis of urban landscape of China at the national level, and a series of urban clusters have been delimited and quantified.  相似文献   

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