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利用金属矿体通过电流以后能产生电化学极化的現象,引起次生的激发电流,以普查勘探金属矿可以认为是研究金属矿地球物理勘探方法的一个重要进展.一般地球物理勘探方法的作用,除了磁法探寻磁鉄矿体以外,都还处于很不“直接”的阶段,例如使用重力法、电阻率剖面法、自然电流法等等所取得的物理現象,常常很难作出肯定的推断解释,因为它們常不肯定表示矿体的存在;一种現象可以为几种可能的地貭因素所引起,除非进行山地揭露,很难断定什么是現象的引起者.  相似文献   

本文提出一种用于研究太阳瞬变扰动在日球空间传播的新坐标系--瞬变源-日球电流片坐标系,并运用该坐标系以瞬变源耀斑为例,分析研究了由地球近空飞船观测到的277个耀斑-激波事件,发现:1.引起行星际激波和地球物理事件的大耀斑(Hα≥2,持续时间>半小时)的频数在耀斑-日球电流片坐标系中呈高斯分布,极值在电流片附近,那种在日面坐标系中随日面纬度呈双峰形的分布看不到了;2.当地球观测者和耀斑位于日球电流片同侧时,耀斑事件频次明显高于它们分处不同侧时的情形;3.激波参数(速度、磁场、密度和温度)呈现了同侧高于异侧,强激波多在同侧观测到;4.激波沿日球电流片方向的传播具有一定优势.上述结果表明,日球电流片的存在对瞬变扰动,如耀斑-激波在日球空间,特别是近太阳的传播可能具有重要影响.  相似文献   

1989年3月13日太阳耀斑事件产生了丰富的地球物理效应。耀斑激波和耀斑粒子流引起强烈地磁暴。在武昌地区,磁暴急始发生于地方时3月13日09h30min,其初相期持续10小时(3月13日09h30min-19h20min),主相期持续13小时(3月13日19h20min-3月14日08h20min),至3月16日05h20min始恢复平静(图1)。  相似文献   

本文统计了第22 太阳活动周期间(1991 ~1995 年) 发生的25 个太阳质子事件与太阳耀斑及日冕物质抛射(CME) 事件的关系  统计结果表明, 所有的太阳质子事件都与耀斑发生相关, 除2 个质子事件(19941020 和19951020 日发生的太阳质子事件) 与CME发生无关, 其余质子事件也都与CME 相关  值得注意的是, 与质子事件相关的耀斑有16 个是双带耀斑, 其中包括与CME无关的2 个事件的耀斑, 占总数的64 %   上述统计结果证实了无论是太阳耀斑, 还是物质抛射, 它们对太阳质子事件的发生同样起着非常重要的作用  相似文献   

2001年4月2日, 太阳爆发了一个近年来X射线通量最大的一次耀斑并伴有质子事件, 利用“资源一号”卫星星内粒子探测器和神舟二号飞船X射线探测器的观测资料, 对这一事件的高能粒子响应进行了特例研究. “资源一号”卫星运行于太阳同步轨道, 高度约800km, 和宁静时期的统计结果对比, 这次耀斑后, 星内粒子探测器在地球极盖区(地球开磁场区)观测到耀斑粒子的出现, 这是宁静时期没有的; 神舟二号飞船轨道高度400km, 倾角为42°, X射线探测器在42°中高纬地区也观测到高能电子通量比宁静时明显的增加, 这表明, 太阳耀斑引起的近地空间辐射环境的变化遍及纬度约40°以上的区域, 甚至在40°N附近400 km左右的高度上仍然有响应. 但是, 中高纬度、极光带和极盖区的粒子来源, 加速机制和响应方式却不一定相同, 需要分别讨论. 资料分析和对比还表明, 质子事件的强度并不一定和耀斑的X射线通量成正比, 因此, 近地空间高能粒子对耀斑的响应也不是完全决定于X射线强度.  相似文献   

黎元  张宇 《地球物理学报》1975,18(3):149-152
最近,一些西方资产阶级学者提出“九星成线”灾难说:当太阳系九颗行星在太阳同侧排成一线时,将会骤然“刹住”地球自转,引起灾难性的大地震。本文对这种错误观点进行了批判。 根据中国二千七百多年历史地震的丰富记载,七级以上的大地震共发生过一百二十多次,同期“九星成线”有十五次,可这百余次大震没有一次发生在“九星成线”的年份上。迄今为止,世界上最大的一次地震,既与“九星成线”无关,也并未“摧毁地球”。对地球引力的主要影响来自太阳和月球,其他行星影响总和的最大值,不过是月球的万分之一而已。地震是地球内部的一种矛盾运动,不能把行星间引力对某些地震的影响片面夸大加以绝对化。“九星成线”灾难说,缺乏事实根据,在科学上是说不通的。 这种错误观点的提出并非偶然,科学技术的发展总是为一定的政治路线服务的。早在我国西汉末年(公元一世纪初年),孔孟之徒曾对这同一种自然现象宣扬过“五星联珠”吉祥说,妄图挽救反动奴隶制的崩溃。同儒家曲解自然现象的下场一样,西方资产阶级宣扬灾难说,欺骗人民,以掩盖资本主义世界的政治经济危机,也必然是完全徒劳的。  相似文献   

本文采用一种新的坐标系——耀斑-日球电流片坐标系,对1966—1982年间由耀斑-激波所引起的277个耀斑-地磁扰动事件进行了分析.初步结果是:1.耀斑-地磁扰动事件在该坐标系中相对日球电流片的随机分布呈高斯分布,极大值在电流片附近;2.当地球和耀斑位于日球电流片同侧时,地磁扰动事件频次远高于异侧;3.地磁扰动强弱在该坐标系中的分布,亦呈现了同侧高于异侧,且极大值多在日球电流片附近;4.耀斑-激波能流密度ρ_2V_2~3及其跃变量ρ_2V_2~3-ρ_1V_1~3在该坐标系中具有十分类似于相应磁扰水平的分布,其离散程度后者略大于前者. 根据本文的结果可以看出,对耀斑-地磁扰动研究来说,近太阳日球电流片的存在是一个重要的特征面,它对耀斑-地磁扰动的产生和强弱水平有重要影响,使太阳耀斑活动与地磁活动效应之间的对应关系变得复杂化了.  相似文献   

耀斑的短期生物效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为研究太阳耀斑的短期生物效应,统计分析了198-199年中16万婴儿出生日与光学耀斑的关系. 结果表明,婴儿出生数的变化与耀斑辐射的能量,以及能量到达地球的时间有关. 太阳活动较平稳年白天爆发的各级耀斑的当天都对应着一个平均出生数高峰,而且耀斑的亮度和面积越大,对应的出生峰值越大. 2B耀斑当天平均出生数超过前后21d总均值的13.6髎,具有p<0.001的统计高度显著性水平. 这些出生高峰与耀斑的电磁和高能辐射有关. 2B、2N和1B三类耀斑后的第2-4d还有一个出生峰,它们与耀斑引发的地球物理变化的时间符合.  相似文献   

在本文里, 我们对CME 和太阳耀斑现象的各种相互关系进行了讨论希望本文的内容能够引起天文、空间物理和地球物理等人员的兴趣, 促进CME的综合研究  相似文献   

1972年8月发生的太阳耀斑事件是第20太阳周期内最重大的事件,我们在改进Hakamada-Akasofu方法(以下简称HA方法)的基础上,对事件期间四个较大的耀斑所引起的行星际扰动进行了计算机模拟研究,并取得了令人满意的结果。这些模拟包括赤道平面上一系列二维的激波形状、激波传播以及空间飞船先驱者9号、先驱者10号(以下简称P9、P10)和地球位置上的粒子速度-时间曲线。最后,本文还将该模拟结果与Dryer等人所做的同一事件的一维MHD模拟结果做了比较,并对模拟结果和HA方法本身做了一些讨论。  相似文献   

Geomagnetic activity in each phase of the solar cycle consists of 3 parts: (1) a “floor” below which the geomagnetic activity cannot fall even in the absence of sunspots, related to moderate graduate commencement storms; (2) sunspot-related activity due to sudden commencement storms caused by coronal mass ejections; (3) graduate commencement storms due to high speed solar wind from solar coronal holes. We find that the changes in the “floor” depend on the global magnetic moment of the Sun, and on the other side, from the height of the “floor” we can judge about the amplitude of the sunspot cycle.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the onset of magnetic storms are investigated. For the purposes of this study storms have been defined as events in which Dst falls below -50 nT for at least four consecutive hours. The storms have been classified as either storm sudden commencements (SSCs; storms initiated by a sudden commencement) or as storm gradual commencements (SGCs; all other storms). It is found that the semi-annual variation of magnetic activity is reflected in the occurrence statistics of SGC events only, indicative that the solar wind origin is different for SSCs and SGCs. It is suggested that the heliospheric latitude model of seasonal magnetic activity is relatively ineffective in modulating the previously observed seasonal variations in the occurrence of magnetic storms.  相似文献   

The annual number of magnetic storms N recorded at St. Petersburg observatories (Pavlovsk/Slutsk and Voyeykovo) in 1878–1954 is studied. The analysis shows that N has increased since ~1900 for different storm types (storms with sudden commencement Ssc and storms with gradual Sg commencement; moderate, strong and very strong); however, the number of Ssc storms increased more rapidly than the number of Sg storms. The percentage of Ssc storms doubled for the first half of the 20th century, while the number of Sg storms decreased by 1.5 times. The Ssc storms are driven by coronal mass ejections from closed magnetic structures on the Sun, and Sg storms are driven by corotating fluxes from open magnetic structures and coronal holes. These results are apparently evidence of an increase in the activity of both types of solar magnetic structures in the first half of the 20th century and a more rapid increase in the activity of fields with closed lines of forces. A semiannual variation with maxima in the periods of vernal and autumnal equinoxes is clearly pronounced for Sg and moderate storms. The tendency to have two equinoctial maxima is pronounced in the total number of storms N for both even and odd cycles; however, maxima that differ from the arithmetic mean by more than a standard deviation are observed only in September in even cycles and in March in odd cycles.  相似文献   

地电场日变幅与地电暴分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用昌黎台地电场资料分析地电场日变幅季节变化特征,显示有季节效应,EW、SN测向夏季日变幅地震最大,而出现最小值的季节两测向表现不一。分析认为,与地电场观测信号的复杂多样性有关。地电暴可以记录到磁暴急始变幅、初相、主相的变化形态,但由于电场和磁场之间存在一阶差分的关系,并不是所有地电暴都和地磁暴变化一致,甚至有些地电暴没有变化形态,而是出现高频上下起伏的脉冲形式。利用多台地电场资料,对同一个K指数为7的磁暴进行急始变幅、扰动最大变幅分析,结果显示,各台不尽相同,可能与台址介质的电性结构有关。  相似文献   

给出了1989年3月罕见的超级太阳活动区(NOAA,AR5395)的多次爆发,在远东地区诱发了一系列强烈的、甚至是首次观测到的电离层扰动事件:(1)重庆站以北地区TEC增量达55×1016el/m的突增事件;同期武昌、仑坪和知本等站的TEC负增量达65×16el/m的突降事件;(2)兰州以南地区的强TID;(3)持续时间较长的Lacuna现象;(4)微粒E层事件等。作者结合同期远东和巴西地区的电离层扰动,多颗卫星探测结果和全球中低纬区极光的出现,对此次电离层事件的部分异常变化及其形成机制作了初步讨论,并指出东向电场剧增和粒子沉降可能是此次事件的主要因素。  相似文献   

Hourly equatorial Dst (H) values for a few sudden commencement great geomagnetic storms recorded during the solar cycle 22 are plotted for 72 h of storm time and critically examined. Magnetic records taken at selected low latitude Indian stations are also scrutinised for finer details like SSCs, SIs and other fluctuations. Unusually prolonged main phases lasting more than 20 h characterize the two great storms of 13 March 1989 and 24 March 1991. A second SSC/SI pair, occurring some hours after the first main SSC, has also been identified in these storms. Only the great storm of 28 October 1991, with two SSCs and a main phase duration of 21 h, could be studied in conjunction with simultaneous interplanetary data, including Bz changes. Double negative Bz changes correlate well with the extended and enhanced main phase of this storm. Successive magnetic clouds preceded by interplanetary shock waves could generate such great magnetic storms in association with southward IMF changes.  相似文献   

The solar sources of the magnetic storms of November 8 and 10, 2004, are analyzed. The preliminary results of such an analysis [Yermolaev et al., 2005] are critically compared with the results of the paper [Tsurutani et al., 2008], where solar flares were put in correspondence with these magnetic storms. The method for determining solar sources that cause powerful magnetospheric storms is analyzed. It has been indicated that an optimal approach consists in considering coronal mass ejections (CMEs) as storm sources and accompanying flares as additional information about the location of CME origination.  相似文献   

本文对1959年7月及1960年11月有关太阳貭子爆发的各种地球物理效应,作了較全面和系統的論述。文中在§2-4分別敘述了这期間地磁場扰动、极盖区电波吸收观測与电离层变动情况、以及太阳耀斑与太阳射电爆发.根据以上情况,作者特別着重在§5中論述宇宙綫强度扰乱分析(包括各国进行研究的基本情况、若干特殊分析方法与結果簡介、关于綜合观测和高空探測),并在§6中提出了今后开展工作的几点初步意見。本文引用了北京台的磁暴与宇宙线强度变化記录,并附有較完全的文献目录。  相似文献   

Sporadic-E is a problem in high latitude HF communications because of its irregular and as yet unpredictable behaviour. This paper characterises the change in E-layer critical frequency (foE) that occurs in the four hours following a storm sudden commencement (SSC) event which is a precursor to magnetospheric storms which adversely affect ionospheric communications.Following checks for any seasonal or solar activity dependency in the data, further analysis determines the occurrence of full blanketing (screening) Sporadic-E layer formation at high latitudes as seen on vertical ionosondes in Northern Finland (67° Latitude). An appropriate threshold value of foE is proposed that could be used following the commencement of ionospheric storms, indicating that there is a high probability that F-layer screening will occur. As far as the authors are aware this is the first statistical analysis of the onset of Sporadic-E following SSC.  相似文献   

In this paper we reanalyse the set of ten major geomagnetic storms which occurred between August 1978 and December 1979. We relate them to the characteristics of the solar wind disturbances which caused them and the solar sources of such disturbances as tracked by means of interplanetary scintillation. It seems to us that the shock causing the sudden commencement and the plasma behind it with an important long-lasting Bz south component (Bz  相似文献   

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