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牙鲆的疾病   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述当前国内外报道的养殖牙鲆危害严重的主要疾病及其防治方法。按牙鲆的病毒病、细菌病、寄生原虫病、吸虫病等顺序分别叙述了各主要病害,尤其对危害严重的病害种类如:牙鲆弹状病毒病、肠道白浊病、鳗弧菌病、腹胀病、腹水病、牙鲆出血性败血病等进行了较为详细的记述,以期对牙鲆疾病的研究提供参考材料  相似文献   

本文根据2002年山东省水产养殖病害测报数据,对草鱼、鲤鱼、虹鳟鱼、大菱鲆、对虾、扇贝、海带等14个主要养殖品种病害发生情况进行了分析,并预测了2003年水产养殖病害发生趋势,提出了水产养殖动物病害的防治对策。  相似文献   

海带幼体畸形病的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
自五十年代末建立海带育苗室以来,在育苗过程中经常发生一种幼体畸形病。这种病害在我国南方和北方的一些育苗室中或轻或重时有发现,严重时幼苗大量死亡,在生产上造成一定损失。例如,福建省连江县水产综合场为了改变每年从北方调运种海带的局面,从1971年开始实验在当地选育种海带。当海面水温升高时,把海带移到育苗室系统内人工控制低温培育。孢子囊形成后,采孢子进行常规育苗。这样采孢子时间比以往培育早秋苗要早一个多月,培育出来的幼苗个体大、健壮,适应能力强。但在实验过程中连续几年发生了较为严重的病害。因此,防治这种病害已成为我国南方海带养殖事业进一步发展的关键性问题之一。  相似文献   

大型海藻对富营养化海湾生物修复的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,我国诸多海湾富营养化严重,海湾赤潮和大规模的养殖生物病害频繁发生,海湾生态系统严重失衡。海带、裙带菜、紫菜、龙须菜等大型经济海藻,生物量大、生产力高,在生长过程中能大量吸收C、N、P等营养物质,栽培大型海藻是吸收、利用营养物质,防治富营养化的有效措施之一。本文综述了规模化栽培大型海藻对富营养化海湾生物修复的研究进展。  相似文献   

海带人工育苗工作是发展海带栽培事业的一个重要环节,在人工控制的循环海水系统中,确保大量密集海带幼苗的正常生长乃是一项复杂的任务,其中病害问题尤为重要。近年来,全国不少育苗单位在育苗过程中普遍发生脱苗和烂苗现象,时常影响正常供苗。在严重的情况下,可以发展成为毁灭性灾难,甚至使整个育苗工作完全失败,往往因为苗源不足给海带栽培事业的发展带来损失。本研究工作的前两篇报告阐述了褐藻酸降解菌是海带藻体上的主要定居者和优势菌群,即使在不附加任何其他营养的条件下,这  相似文献   

我国是大型海藻养殖大国 ,在海洋生物学的许多方面研究居世界前列 ,但是有关病害方面的基础研究还比较薄弱。海藻养殖过程中也会发生各种各样的病害 ,给生产造成损失。有的育苗场因病害连年亏损 ;有的育苗场时好时坏 ,至今原因不明。因此 ,为了避免象对虾和扇贝养殖过程中由于病害而造成的大规模死亡 ,进行大型经济海藻病害发生及其抗病防御体系的研究 ,重视海藻养殖业的健康可持续发展是非常必要的。本文综述了大型经济海藻养殖过程中的主要病害、研究现状及其展望。1海带养殖过程的主要病害胡敦清、房历生、丛沂滋等人的研究表明 ,人工培…  相似文献   

溶藻弧菌引起中国对虾红腿病的回接实验观察   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
红腿病是中国对虾养殖中的主要病害之一其发病时间长、蔓延速度快、死亡率高、危害大,前些年,由于红腿病的严重困扰,使对虾产量丰歉不定,经济效益忽高忽低,有时则严重亏损.因此,加强对对虾红腿病的研究进而寻求防治措施,对于确保养虾业持续稳定发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

报道珠江河口近岸池塘酯、鲷、鲻等在的养殖概貌,主要病害的流行情况及其防治方法。可口近岸池养鱼类的病害明显具有淡水、海水两个区系的病原体;轮养、混养是解决病害发生、蔓延的生态防治措施之一;生活于海水的鱼类对有机磷等农药类较敏感,地重金属类药具有较强的耐药性。  相似文献   

养殖海参主要疾病及防治技术   总被引:42,自引:3,他引:39  
首次对中国养殖刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)疾病进行了全面、系统的流行病学调查。结果表明,育苗期的主要疾病有烂边病、烂胃病和化板症,而越冬保苗期和养成期则以腐皮综合症的危害最为严重。详细描述了以上主要病症的流行病学特征,总结出当前海参疾病的病原以细菌为主,兼有霉菌、寄生虫和敌害生物。此外,针对主要病症提出了相应的防治技术和综合预防措施,以指导生产实践。  相似文献   

我国海带养殖事业的发展,使人们越来越认识到,作为海带生态因子中的“流”是十分重要的。一个海区能否开展养殖,不能单看该海区营养盐含量的多少,还要根据海流状况来决定。海流通畅可不断补给海带光合作用所需的矿质营养、二氧化碳,同时又能及时的将代谢产物带走;通畅的海流还能大大地减少泥砂等杂质在海带叶片的沉积,改善了叶片的受光条件,防止了一些病害的发生。  相似文献   

海带苗绿烂病暴发严重威胁海带养殖生产,给海带养殖业造成巨大经济损失.研究发现,海带中的多酚化合物可以抵御海带病害初期病原体侵入.为研究多酚对绿烂海带表面附生菌的抑菌效果,在病烂部位分离出一株细菌,通过16s rRNA基因测序的方法,证实该细菌为小孔芽孢杆菌(Bacillus foraminis).进一步以健康海带为原料...  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2001,44(1):37-63
This paper presents a set of results from a laboratory study on water wave propagation above submerged vegetation growing in the surf zone and the effect of submerged vegetation on dune erosion. The study has focused on the kelp Laminaria hyperborea. The reason is that this kelp is commercially harvested along the Norwegian coast and there is a need to obtain better knowledge on the possible consequences of this harvesting. Experiments were run with irregular waves over a sloping bottom, and a kelp field was simulated by 5000 artificial kelp plants in a 1:10 scale. The experiments primarily focused on the effect of kelp upon erosion of a sand dune, wave damping and water velocities. It was found that the water level is a very important factor to the degree of dune erosion, while the kelp has only a minor effect. The kelp does, however, cause significant wave damping and the degree of wave breaking is reduced. It was also found that the kelp modifies the water velocity profile. In a region above the kelp canopy layer, the time-averaged water velocity was shoreward, while the seaward undertow was confined to a region higher up in the water column.  相似文献   

The most important marine coastal ecosystem in the Chilean coast are kelp forests. This review is based on ecological studies regarding different aspects of subtidal kelp ecosystems along the Chilean coast. It highlights the most interesting findings in (1) biology of subtidal kelp in Chile, with particular reference to (2) habitats formed by kelp, and considered the successful examples and promising results in the (3) kelp as an industrial resource (Biotechnological approach of kelps and aquaculture). The impact caused by (4) El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation is discussed as an important climatic event that could help to forecast the future of the kelp ecosystem. In addition, this literature review outlines the knowledge gaps on subtidal kelp along the Southeast Pacific Coast of Chile, so that research can be strengthened in the future.  相似文献   

Sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) forests have an important ecological function in the coastal zone, as they inhabit a high number and a specific composition of fauna. In 2002, a large-scale disappearance of sugar kelp was observed in Skagerrak and parts of the south-western coast of Norway, and the perennial sugar kelp forests were replaced by opportunistic and ephemeral filamentous algae. For management purposes, including identifying areas for restoration initiatives, maps of where sugar kelp forests are supposed to be found and where and under what conditions they have disappeared are needed. Based on modelled and field-measured geophysical variables and presence/absence/loss data of sugar kelp, we therefore developed spatial predictive probability models (i.e. maps) for sugar kelp potential distribution under natural conditions and areas of kelp loss. The influence of geophysical factors was analysed using generalized additive models (GAMs). Using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) for model selection, we found that wave exposure, depth, light exposure and slope best explained the potential distribution of sugar kelp. Areas of sugar kelp disappearance were identified by the combined effect of wave and light exposure. These models were developed into maps presented to the managers.  相似文献   

海带育苗过程光照强度监测系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海带(Laminaria japonica)是一种重要的食用藻类,在其生产过程中,育苗是最基础的环节。在海带育苗过程中光照强度因其变化性强、对幼苗影响显著等特点,被看作是一个重要监测指标。针对目前海带育苗光照强度监测方式落后、准确度和效率低的问题,本文基于相关研究成果,设计了一套由Wi-Fi通信和无线局域网加互联网通信方式组成的海带育苗光照强度监测系统。系统以移动客户端应用为主要业务控制中心,依据光照强度传感器、气象工作站等设备获取海带育苗车间内的光照情况以及外部环境参数,通过无线网关节点实现育苗环境信息和远程服务器的信息交换。通过开发系统应用层,实现移动设备客户端远程监控海带育苗光照参数的变化。实际的模拟生产测试表明,该系统性能稳定,实时监测、警报功能达到使用要求,提升了海带育苗生产的信息化水平,可对推动海带等藻类的精准养殖提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

The Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis is the most significant invasive alien marine species in South Africa and, although not normally found subtidally, has recently been observed colonising heads and stipes of the kelp species Ecklonia maxima in False Bay. We quantified this invasion and explored its ecological implications. Transects laid across kelp beds revealed that 10.34% of kelp individuals surveyed bore canopy mussels, with kelp heads (10.07%) being far more commonly infected than stipes (0.27%). Twenty kelp individuals with infected heads and 20 with infected stipes were separately collected for more-detailed examination. Wet mass of mussels on these kelp heads ranged from 2.5 to 2 462 g (median 86.4 g, interquartile range 14.8–353.8 g) and that of mussels on the stipes from 7.6 to 3 492 g (median 595.5 g, interquartile range 194.0–955.0 g). Mussel clumps consisted mostly of individuals <40 mm in length. Mussel clumps supported a rich biota of 80 invertebrate and 13 algal species. Larger clumps supported more epibiotic species, and those on stipes more species than those of comparable mass on kelp heads. The mussels and their associated epibiotic species negatively affected kelp buoyancy, but rarely enough to overcome natural buoyancy. Some kelp individuals that had been toppled by the weight of mussels and their epibiotic species, however, were encountered in situ. Implications of this invasion include large increases in animal biomass and species richness in the kelp canopy, plus reductions in kelp buoyancy and increased hydrodynamic drag on infected kelps, increasing their probability of being uprooted. Uprooted kelp individuals can raft long distances, potentially transporting both native and alien species to distant sites.  相似文献   

The partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) were monitored in shallow coastal waters located inside and outside giant kelp beds (Macrocystis pyrifera) located in the Kerguelen Archipelago (Southern Ocean). Photosynthesis and respiration by microplankton and kelp lead to marked pCO2 and DIC diel cycles. Daily variations of pCO2 and DIC are significant in the spring and summer, but absent in the winter, reflecting the seasonal cycle of biological activity in the kelp beds. If the kelp beds seem to favour the onset of phytoplankton blooms, most of the primary production inside the kelp beds is due to the kelp itself. The primary production of Macrocystis kelp beds in the Sub-Antarctic high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll (HNLC) waters off the Kerguelen Archipelago is elevated and closely linked to light availability. This production is significant from October to March and reaches its climax in December at the solar radiation maximum.  相似文献   

三十烷醇乳粉在海带养殖上的应用试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道了三十烷醇乳粉在北方海带养殖中的应用。在海带苗出库时,用浓度为0.5ppm的三十烷醇乳粉将其浸泡12小时,或夹苗时用浓度假ppm,将其浸泡2小时,可使海带增产20%左右。此法低耗高效,简单易行,适宜于海带养殖中大面积推广。  相似文献   

海带渣是海带加工中的固体废弃物,将其资源化利用生产高附加值产品具有重要意义.文章以海带渣为原料,糖化液的总还原糖质量浓度、单糖组成和小球藻培养效果为主要评估指标,探究不同预处理方法对海带渣酶解的影响,以及海带渣资源化利用培养微藻工艺的可行性.结果 显示:(1)粗纤维和灰分是海带渣主要组成成分;(2)常温常压稀硫酸预处理...  相似文献   

本文研究了甲醛、戊二醛、甲醇作交联剂对海带藻粉进行化学交联后,不同交联方式对Cu^2 、Cd^2 的吸附率的影响,并与未交联的藻粉吸附Cu^2 、Cd^2 的效果进行了比较.同时分析了藻粉对Cu^2 、Cd^2 金属离子吸附动力学方程,探讨了pH值、温度、藻粉颗粒粒径等因素对吸附率的影响.  相似文献   

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