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The main idea of this paper is to identify functional relations between seakeeping characteristics and hull form parameters of Mediterranean fishing vessels. Multiple regression analysis is used for quantitative assessment through a computer software that is based on the SQL Server Database. The seakeeping attributes under investigation are the transfer functions of heave and pitch motions and of absolute vertical acceleration at stern, while the ship parameters influencing motion dynamics have been classified into two groups: displacement (Δ) and main dimensions (LBT), coefficients that define the details of the hull form (CWP, CVP, LCB, LCF, etc.).Four multiple regression models having different parameter combinations are here investigated and discussed, giving way to the so-called ‘Simple Model’, ‘Intermediate Model’, ‘Enhanced 1 Model’ and ‘Enhanced 2 Model’. The obtained results are more than satisfactory for seakeeping predictions during the conceptual design stage.  相似文献   

A fishing boat hull is used as an example of how hull form optimization can be accomplished using a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA). The particular MOGA developed during this study allows automatic selection of a few Pareto Optimal results for examination by the designers while searching the complete Pareto Front. The optimization uses three performance indices for resistance, seakeeping and stability to modify the hull shape to obtain optimal hull offsets as well as optimal values for the principal parameters of length, beam and draft. The modification of the 148/1-B fishing boat hull, the parent hull form of the ?stanbul Technical University (?TÜ) series of fishing boats, is presented by first fixing the principal parameters and allowing the hull offsets to change, and secondly by simultaneously allowing variation of both the principal parameters and the hull offsets. Improvements in all three objectives were found. For further research the methodology can be modified to allow for the addition of other performance objectives, such as cost or specific mission objectives, as well as the use of enhanced performance prediction solvers. In addition, one or more hulls could be evaluated by experiment to validate the results of using this particular optimization approach.  相似文献   

The scope of this paper is to develop the nonlinear meta-models for seakeeping behaviour, considering the fishing vessels. These models are intended to be inserted either in a multiattribute design selection process or in a comprehensive multiobjective optimization procedure. For this purpose, seakeeping data of fishing vessels in regular head waves are used to develop meta-models of transfer functions of heave, pitch and vertical acceleration by nonlinear analysis. A home-made software considers two databases; the first is composed by the ship dimensions and coefficients of fishing vessels, and the second is their ship motion data obtained by employing a strip-theory calculation. The meta-models are proposed to predict the vertical motion characteristics for given ranges of speed and wave length during the concept design stage. The independent variables are hull size (Δ), main dimensions (L, B, T), and some hydrostatic parameters (CWP, CVP, LCB, LCF, etc.). The results estimated by the software show good correspondences with the ones achieved by direct computations. The study provides additional insight on the influence of hull form parameters on seakeeping performance of small vessels having form properties and parametric range corresponding to the investigated vessels.  相似文献   

The paper presents an approach to investigate the effects of some parameters on seakeeping assessment of fast ships in conceptual design stage. Hull form parameters have been classified into two groups: main dimensions (L, B and T) and secondary form parameters (LCB and CP). To demonstrate the approach a fast ship is redesigned as parent hull and alternative hull forms are generated by changing these parameters systematically. Some hull forms are selected related the geometric limits and seakeeping analyzes are here investigated and discussed. The obtained results are satisfactory for seakeeping predictions during the conceptual design stage.  相似文献   

The object of the new hull form is to provide a single hull which possesses long natural periods of roll and heave and has substantially reduced motion response amplitudes in very high sea states. Model tests and preliminary estimates indicated that the new hull form can be designed for roll and heave motions nearly equivalent to those of much larger semisubmersible units.All existing conventional marine construction barges have rectangular cross section hull. The new hull form consists of a system of upper side tanks and lower side tanks added onto a rectangular cross section hull. The upper tanks and lower tanks form longitudinal troughs on the port and starboard sides. Structural grillage of any open type is to connect the upper and lower tanks at the side of the vessel. Figure 1 indicates a profile and a typical transverse section of the new hull form. The new hull comprises the concept of reduced water plane area which is turn results in low transverse metacentric height and low tons per in. immersion. The novel features of combining low GMT and low TPI with extremely heavy damping and added mass of the entrained water characteristics result in very long natural periods of roll and heave and considerably small rolling and heaving amplitudes in high sea states. The open side shell plating on the side of the vessel functions to dissipate wave energy at the side of the vessel which would have otherwise been transmitted to the vessel and caused the vessel to respond. This paper presents the conceptual foundation and outline of the new hull form. Model test results are presented and implemented. Also presented is the design philosophy.  相似文献   

Squat effects on high speed craft in restricted waterways   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
K.S. Varyani   《Ocean Engineering》2006,33(3-4):365-381
The vessels considered here for the squat studies are a bulk carrier and an High Speed Craft (HSC). The bulk carrier of full form (CB=0.81) is used for validation purpose and subsequently the numerical computations are performed for a High Speed Craft with fine hull form of CB=0.467. A high speed ferry, with LCB and LCF quite aft of midship is considered for squat study. For a vessel speed of above 6.0 knots and for a waterway width greater than the vessel length there appears to be a sudden increase in sinkage at the stern accompanied by a large value of bow emergence. It could be seen that the speed of the vessel has a much greater influence on the sinkage and trim of the vessel than the waterway restrictions.  相似文献   

船舶自动识别系统(Automatic identification system,AIS)为渔业资源和渔船捕捞活动管理和研究提供了可能.明确船舶作业类型是开展AIS信息渔业研究应用前提,为渔业研究和管理提供渔船捕捞类型基础数据支撑,保障渔船作业安全和监督非法捕捞渔业活动,作者通过搜集整理3000多艘已知类型船舶信息,从...  相似文献   

Improved data collection and processing technologies along with the use of high resolution spectral techniques soon will make it possible to obtain estimates of the Kelvin wave amplitude function A(θ), ship speed U, and ship heading α from synthetic aperture radar images of ship wakes. This paper presents a series of methods for deriving additional hull characteristics such as the length L, volume V, and offsets ζ(x,z) from this spectral and surface wave information. The first method estimates the ship length by taking the Fourier transform of the slope amplitude function |kA|. The remaining estimates make use of the hull inversion code developed at the University of Michigan by Wu in 1991. The accuracy of the hull offsets predicted by the code is first determined for various options for solving the linear inversion problem. In this case, both the magnitude and phase of A(θ) are known in addition to the hull draft H. Since the draft is not often known a priori, the accuracy of the code is determined next by predicting the volume of the ship for an approximate though plausible input value of H. Finally, the accuracy of the non-linear inversion problem of obtaining offsets along the entire hull is investigated when only the magnitude but not the phase of A(θ) is known.  相似文献   

Two computations of the KCS model with motions are presented. Self-propulsion in model scale free to sink and trim are studied with the rotating discretized propeller from the Hamburg Model Basin (HSVA) at Fr = 0.26. This case is particularly complex to simulate due to the close proximity of the propeller to the rudder. The second case involves pitch and heave in regular head waves. Computations were performed with CFDShip-Iowa version 4.5, a RANS/DES CFD code designed for ship hydrodynamics. The self-propulsion computations were carried out following the procedure described in Carrica et al. [1], in which a speed controller is used to find the propeller rotational speed that results in the specified ship velocity. The rate of revolutions n, sinkage, trim, thrust and torque coefficients KT, KQ and resistance coefficient CT(SP) are thus obtained. Comparisons between CFD and EFD show that the rate of revolutions n, thrust and torque coefficients KT and KQ have higher prediction accuracies than sinkage and trim. For the simulation of pitch and heave in head waves, the geometry includes KCS hull and rudder under three conditions with two Froude numbers and three wave length and amplitude combinations. 0th and 1st harmonic amplitudes and 1st harmonic phase are computed for total resistance coefficient CT, heave motion z and pitch angle θ. Comparisons between CFD and EFD show that pitch and heave are much better predicted than the resistance. In both cases comparisons with simulations by other authors presented at the G2010 CFD Workshop [2] using different CFD methodologies are included.  相似文献   

Starting from the regression analysis, equations are provided to determine the hydrostatic data for single-screw ships, fixing the block coefficient CB and the principal dimensions L0, B0and T0, with values T = (0÷1.5)T0. This paper continues and develops a former one, in which the hydrostatic data were obtained in nondimensional form by means of graphs for tive parent hulls of the “Series 60”, with volume 0 = 10,000 m3 at designed draught T0.Numerical examples show the usefulness of the equations, both with respect of the direct calculations starting from the half-breadth values, and with respect to other methods.  相似文献   

Ideally, the correction of the measured CO2 fugacity (fCO2) at temperature Tm to fCO2 at the in-situ temperature Tin should be made by using at least 2 known parameters (pH-AT, CT-AT,…) and the reliable constants for carbonic acid. In practice however, a measured CO2 property pair is not always available. When fCO2 is measured alone, one must make an estimate of the effect of temperature on seawater fCO2 from the accurate knowledge of seawater salinity and temperature and the approximate knowledge of the carbonate parameters. In this paper we present an empirical relationship that can be used to estimate the effect of temperature on fCO2. The equation is of the form:
ƒCO2[t] − ƒCO2[20]=A + Bt + Ct2 + Dt3 + Et4
where fCO2[t] and fCO2[20] represent fCO2 at temperatures t°C and 20°C, respectively; the parameters A, B, etc. are functions of the ratio X = CT/AT:
E = e0 + e1X + e2X2ln(X) + e3exp(X) + e4/ln(X)
where the parameters ai, bi, etc. are functions of salinity.The 25-parameter equation is fitted by the values of fCO2 calculated using the constants of Goyet and Poisson (1989), when X varies from 0.8 to 1.0, t varies from −1dgC to 40°C, and S varies from 30 to 40. For Tm - Tin within ± 10°C, direct measurements of fCO2 as a function of the temperature (from −I to 30°C verify this equation within less than ±5 μatm.  相似文献   

南海区虾拖网方目与菱目混合网囊渔获性能初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虾拖网是南海区常见的作业方式,由于其网囊网目选择性差,虾拖网作业常产生大量的副渔获物。为了优化虾拖网网囊结构,提高其选择性,2015年8月在南海北部渔场用方形网目与菱形网目混合网囊进行试验。结果表明:虾拖网的渔获种类有34种;渔获种类中,康氏小公鱼(Anchoviella commersoni)、黑尾吻鳗(Rhynchoconger ectenurus)、中线天竺鲷(Apogon kiensis)和杂食豆齿鳗(Pisoodonophis boro)的尾数逃逸率均超过80%;周氏新对虾(Metapenaeus joyneri)和刀额新对虾(Metapenaeus affinis的尾数逃逸率最低,仅为6.18%和2.07%;周氏新对虾和刀额新对虾的50%选择体长(L50)分别为50.79 mm和53.858 mm;脊突猛虾姑(Harpiosquilla raphidea)的L50为62.51 mm;丽叶鲹(Caranx kalla)、中华青鳞鱼(Harengula nymphaea)、中线天竺鲷(Apogon kiensis)、赤鼻棱鳀(Thrissa kammalensis)和黄斑蓝子鱼(Siganus oramin)的L50分别为53.77、78.87、47.17、60.92和60.55 mm;混合网囊对鱼类副渔获的释放率较高,但对幼虾的释放率较低。建议今后放大网囊菱目段的网目尺寸进行相应的试验,提高混合网囊对目标种类的L50值,使其在释放鱼类副渔获物的同时释放幼虾,达到渔业资源的合理利用。  相似文献   

应用Catch-MSY模型评估印度洋蓝枪鱼资源   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Catch-MSY模型可仅依靠渔获量数据进行渔业资源评估,在数据缺乏状况下能暂时替代标准资源评估模型。本研究以印度洋蓝枪鱼(Makaira nigricans)为例,根据有、无信息的内禀增长率r和环境容纳量K的先验分布,设立15组情景进行模型灵敏度分析、资源评估和预测。结果表明,参数r和K呈强烈的负相关,而最大可持续产量(Maximum Sustainable Yield,MSY)与参数r呈正相关;数据时间序列长度对评估结果影响有限,而模型对起止年渔获量较为敏感。资源状况评估表明,印度洋蓝枪鱼资源生物量状况良好,即B2015/BMSY大于1;而开发状况除其中两种情景外,均为过度捕捞,即F2015/FMSY大于1。资源预测表明,为使未来10年内B/BMSY>1的概率超过50%,需将渔获量缩减至当前渔获量的90%(13.86 kt);考虑到该模型在数据缺乏状况下会更加保守,若将当前渔获量的100%~110%(15.40~16.94 kt)设为管理目标,则未来5年内B/BMSY >1的概率超过50%。  相似文献   

At present, the barotropic buoyant stability parameter has been derived from a vertical virtual displacement of a water parcel. The barotropic inertial stability parameter in the eccentrically cyclogeostrophic, basic current field was derived in 2003 from a horizontal cross-stream virtual displacement of a parcel. By expressing acceleration of a parcel due to a virtual displacement, which is arbitrarily sloping within a vertical section across the basic current, in terms of natural coordinates, we derived the vertical component of baroclinic buoyant stability parameter B 2 2, the horizontal component of baroclinic inertial stability parameter I 2 2, the baroclinic joint stability parameter J 2, its buoyant component B 2 and its inertial component I 2. B 2 is far greater than I 2 2, and when neglecting relative vorticity except for vertical shear, a downward convex curve of J 2 plotted against the slope of a virtual displacement follows a trend of B 2 curve. If a parcel displaces along a horizontal surface or an isopycnal surface, however, B 2 vanishes, and J 2 becomes equal to I 2. Actual parcel is apt to displace not only along the bottom slope, but also along the sea surface and an isopycnal interfacial surface, which is approximately equivalent to an isentropic surface, preferred by lateral mixing and exchange of momentum. Such actual displacement makes B 2 vanishing, and grants I 2 an important role. The present analysis of I 2 examining effects due to curvature and horizontal and vertical shear vorticities are useful in deepening our understanding of baroclinic instability in actual oceanic streams.  相似文献   

为了从海量渔船轨迹数据中挖掘隐含的信息和知识,进而为渔业行政主管部门的决策提供科学依据,本研究以AIS渔船轨迹数据为研究对象,提出了一种基于深度学习和面向时空特征融合的海洋渔船密度预测方法:首先,利用渔船轨迹数据集对渔船行驶区域进行网格划分;其次,筛选出渔船高密度区域进行研究,避免数据稀疏性问题;再次,根据渔船轨迹数据的时空分析,构建三维时空融合矩阵;最后,通过卷积循环神经网络模型捕获渔船分布的时间和空间特征,并利用卷积神经网络的堆叠加强对空间特征的学习。实验通过东海海域渔船真实轨迹数据进行具体测试,结果表明渔船密度预测值与真实值非常接近,平均绝对误差为4×10-4,模型较好地拟合了渔船密度分布特征,有效地提高了渔船捕捞热点预测的准确性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

The paper presents a discussion of the ventilation inception and air drawing prediction of ships propellers, aiming to predict under what conditions ventilation will happen, and the actual physical mechanism of the ventilation.Three different types of ventilation inception mechanisms are included in our discussion: free surface vortex ventilation, ventilation by sucking down the free surface without forming a vortex as well as ventilation by propeller coming out of the water. Ventilation prediction is based on a series of model tests, where the propeller is tested in different levels of intermittent ventilation. The use of underwater video gives a visual understanding of the ventilation phenomena.Ventilation by vortex formation has analogies with other phenomena, such as the inlet vortex in pump sumps, ground vortex at the inlet of the aircraft engines and the Propeller Hull Vortex Cavitation (PHVC). The paper includes comparison between Propeller Hull Vortex Cavitation (PHVC) and Propeller Free Surface Vortex Ventilation (PFSVV) as well as comparison between PFSVV and vortex formations of aero engines during high power operation near a solid surface.Experimental data based on several different model tests shows the boundary between the vortex forming, non-vortex forming and free surface ventilation flow regimes. For comparison the following parameters, which determined the intensity of the hydrodynamic interaction between the propeller and free surface have been used: propeller load coefficient cT, tip clearance ratio c/D, propeller submergence ratio h/R, ambient velocity Vi and flow cavitation/ventilation number σcav/σvent.  相似文献   

Eleven incubation experiments were conducted in the South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean to investigate the relationship between new production (ρNO3), regenerated production (ρNH+4), and total carbon production (ρC) as a function of varying light. The results show substantial variability in the photosynthesis–irradiance (P vs E) parameters, with phytoplankton communities at stations that were considered iron (Fe)-limited showing low maximum photosynthetic capacity (PBmax) and low quantum efficiency of photosynthesis (αB) for ρNO3, but high PBmax and αB for ρNH4, with consequently low export efficiency. Results at stations likely relieved of Fe stress (associated with shallow bathymetry and the marginal ice zone) showed the highest rates of PBmax and αB for ρNO3 and ρC. To establish the key factors influencing the variability of the photosynthetic parameters, a principal components analysis was performed on P vs E parameters, using surface temperature, chlorophyll-a concentration, ambient nutrients, and an index for community size structure. Strong covariance between ambient nitrate (NO3) and αB for ρNO3 suggests that Fe and possibly light co-limitation affects the ability of phytoplankton in the region to access the surplus NO3 reservoir. However, the observed relationships between community structure and the P vs E parameters suggest superior performance by smaller-sized cells, in terms of resource acquisition and Fe limitation, as the probable driver of smaller-celled phytoplankton communities that have reduced photosynthetic efficiency and which require higher light intensities to saturate uptake. A noticeable absence in covariances between chlorophyll-a and αB, between PBmax and αB, and between temperature and αB may have important implications for primary-production models, although the absence of some expected relationships may be a consequence of the small dataset and low range of variability. However, significant relationships were observed between ambient NO3 and αB for ρNO3, and between the light-saturation parameter Ek for ρNO3 and the phytoplankton community’s size structure, which imply that Fe and light co-limitation drives access to the surplus NO3 reservoir and that larger-celled communities are more efficient at fixing NO3 in low light conditions. Although the mean PBmax results for ρC were consistent with estimates of global production from satellite chlorophyll measurements, the range of variability was large. These results highlight the need for more-advanced primary-production models that take into account a diverse range of environmental and seasonal drivers of photosynthetic responses.  相似文献   

Ten-day mean surface level air-temperature from SSMI precipitable water (SSMI-T a ) has been derived and compared with the temperature from two ocean data buoys (Buoy-T a ) of Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) for a period of six months (July–December, 1988). Statistical relations between air-temperature and mixing ratio, using data from ocean data buoys are used to derive air-temperature from mixing ratio, obtained from SSMI precipitable water. For getting the mixing ratio from precipitable water, regional mixing ratio-precipitable water relations have been used, instead of global relation proposed by Liu (1986). The rms errors (standard deviation of the difference between SSMI-T a and Buoy-T a ) for two buoy locations are found to be 1.15 and 1.12°C, respectively. Surface level temperature for the two buoy locations are also derived using direct regression relation between Buoy-T a and precipitable water. The rms errors of the SSMI-T a , in this case are found to be reduced to 1.0°C.  相似文献   

为了研究桁杆虾拖网40 mm方目分离网片对渔获物的分隔效果和选择性,作者采用"套网法"于2015年8月在南海北部近海渔场进行了试验。计算分离网片对主要渔获物的尾数分隔率和质量分隔率,使用Logistic曲线作为选择性模型,运用极大似然估算法估算选择性参数。结果表明:虾拖网的目标种类为刀额新对虾(Metapenaeus ensis)和周氏新对虾(Metapenaeus joyneri),优势副渔获为丽叶鲹(Caranx(Atule)kalla);刀额新对虾和周氏新对虾的尾数分隔率和质量分隔率均大于90%;尾数分隔率和质量分隔率均大于80%的种类有:杂食豆齿鳗(Pisoodonophis boro)、黄斑蓝子鱼(Siganus oramin)、高体若鲹(Carangoides equula)和卵鳎(Solea ovata Richardson);丽叶鲹和脊突猛虾姑(Harpiosquilla raphidea)的尾数分隔率和质量分隔率均大于60%;周氏新对虾、脊突猛虾姑、丽叶鲹和黄斑蓝子鱼对分离网片的接触率分别为0.51、0.69、0.41和0.39,其50%选择体长(L50)分别为57.96±2.07、69.62±2.13、68.19±0.49和73.12 mm±1.26 mm。研究结果可为提高南海桁杆虾拖网的选择性积累数据,为缓解其对渔业资源补充群体的不良影响提供参考。  相似文献   

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