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云南小江流域泥石流堆积扇研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
泥石流堆积扇是判别泥石流性质、发育阶段和危险度的重要依据。通过对小江流域泥石流堆积扇的调查和观测,阐述了泥右流堆积过程和扇形地形成模式,并对泥石流扇群横向、平面组合类型及变形方式进行了分析。研究结果表明:小江流域泥石流堆积扇发育典型,类型齐全,扇群组合复杂,且呈现一定的规律性。  相似文献   

汶川地震强震区映秀地区泥石流的危险性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘清华  唐川  常鸣  余斌 《山地学报》2012,(5):592-598
汶川地震震中四川省汶川县映秀镇及附近于2010-08-14暴发群发性泥石流(简称"8.14"泥石流),造成巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失。地震灾区松散固体物源丰富,泥石流灾害相对活跃,估算未来不同降雨频率下泥石流的暴发规模并评价其危险性,是泥石流灾害风险管制的首要工作。在研究四川省部分地区的泥石流和对应降雨频率资料的基础上,得到泥石流规模和降雨频率之间的关系式。以映秀"8.14"泥石流的暴发规模和降雨频率为基础数据,通过泥石流规模和降雨频率之间的关系式推算得到映秀及附近岷江两岸13条泥石流沟在不同降雨频率下的泥石流规模。以泥石流在堆积扇上的平均堆积厚度(泥石流规模/堆积扇面积)、泥石流发生频率、流域面积、主沟长度、流域相对高度、流域切割密度和不稳定沟床比例为危险性判断因子,分别对映秀及邻近地区的13条泥石流沟在100 a、50 a、20 a、10 a和5 a一遇5种不同频率降雨条件下的泥石流危险性进行评价。结果表明:在5种降雨频率下,8条沟的泥石流危险性为高度,4条沟的为中度到高度,1条沟的为中度。  相似文献   

北京山区由于山坡陡峻、构造发育、岩体破碎,加上气候条件,泥石流灾害的发生较为频繁.密云县是北京山区泥石流高发区,冯家峪镇则是密云县泥石流发生最多的区域.密云县冯家峪镇西白莲峪历史上发生多次泥石流,其流域自然地理条件复杂、泥石流堆积形态多样,大烂碴沟泥石流堆积扇具有一定的代表性.研究泥石流堆积特征及其演变过程,以期丰富北京山区泥石流基础资料,同时对完善泥石流灾害防治的危险区区划有所裨益.在收集当地泥石流发生历史资料的基础上,详细的调查了西白莲峪大烂碴沟的自然地理状况和泥石流堆积物的特点.大烂碴沟上游沟谷剖面呈"V"形,切割明显,地形坡度一般在32.以上,而下游沟谷剖面呈"U"形.从泥石流形成的年代和冲刷痕迹推测,"U"形沟谷为泥石流冲刷形成.整个流域成扇形,泥石流形成区面积为0.58 km2,流通区面积为0.09 km2.大烂碴沟流通区沟道极短,这样,形成区汇集洪水到达流通区后,严重冲刷沟谷坡脚,破坏基岩的稳定性,造成两岸岩石滑坡、崩塌和沟床岩石的整体性搬运,从而形成泥石流.流域出口处有泥石流扇形堆积体,砾石含量较多.采用野外调查和室内实验结合的方法对大烂碴沟泥石流的堆积物特点进行研究,具体如下:(1)地貌特征:采用野外量测与填图的方法,主要调查堆积扇的部位及其地形、沟道比降与宽度,堆积物外部形态等.(2)结构组成:主要有颗粒级配、岩性组成、砾石排列与分选性、堆积物的结构与构造特征,以及粒态、擦痕、砾石包裹情况,大漂砾粒径、堆积位置与排列等颗粒特征.砾石的调查通过在沟道内随机选取一定数量的砾石进行abc长度和倾向调查.以上参数通过现场观测、测量取得.选定泥石流堆积区典型部位Ⅰ和Ⅲ,通过挖圆形探坑,取出全部颗粒.将颗粒直径大于10 mm的大颗粒筛出,称重,将剩余颗粒1 kg左右带回实验室分析.粒度分析的主要方法为:平均粒径比中值能更正确地反映碎屑颗粒的集中趋势,按福克和沃德的平均粒径的表达式Mx:φ16 φ50 φ80/3判别碎屑颗粒的集中趋势;采用由福克和沃德提出的标准偏差σ=φ84-φ16/4 φ95-φ5/6.6判别颗粒大小的均匀程度;采用福,克和沃德的偏度公式:SK1=φ16 φ84 2φ50/2(φ84-φ16) φ5 φ95-2φ50/2(φ95-φ5)判别粒度分布的不对称程度;峰度是用来衡量粒度频率曲线尖锐程度的,也就是度量粒皮分布的中部与两尾端的展形之比,采用福克和沃德提'出的峰度公式KG=φ95-φ5 φ80/2.44(φ75-φ25)判别.在查阅历史资料和堆积物调查的基础上,本文对大烂碴沟泥石流堆积扇的发育和演变过程进行了分析.研究结果表明,该区泥石流堆积扇的形成受到初次水石流和二次粘性泥石流两种泥石流形成过程的影响,水石流形成堆积扇主体,粘性泥石流则起到显著改变堆积扇形态特征的作用.大烂碴沟泥石流堆积扇的演变过程和特征明显受到大烂碴主沟和西白莲峪主沟水流的影响.从外部特征来看,堆积扇可以分为Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ和Ⅳ四个区,其中Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ区表现为二次泥石流堆积特征,Ⅳ区表现为初次泥石流堆积特征.两次泥石流形成过程中固体物质的运动方式、搬运距离和侵蚀强度不同,其堆积扇在不同分区的沙砾粒径、排列方向和圆度也反映出两次泥石流的形成特征.该研究结果对今后进一步探讨北京山区泥石流形成机理和运动过程以及为北京山区泥石流防治制定有效措施提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

GIS支持下的东川区泥石流危险度区划   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
刘洪江  唐川  崔鹏 《干旱区地理》2005,28(4):445-449
在建立东川区泥石流信息系统的基础上,根据泥石流形成原因,初步选择面积、相对切割度、主沟沟床比降、相对高差、主沟长度、圆状率作为评价指标,利用东川区21条典型泥石流沟的数据,通过主成分分析,选择出面积、圆状率、相对高差三个指标,由主成分载荷得到危险度评价公式,在ARC/INFO和ARCVIEW软件的支持下,把东川区划分为60个评价单元,计算出各个单元内的危险度总分值,依据分值划分为四个级别,重度危险区、危险区、轻度危险区和基本无危险区,最后根据泥石流危险度区划原则,得到东川区泥石流危险度区划图。  相似文献   

汶川地震区绵竹小岗剑沟泥石流发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
小岗剑沟是汶川地震区内一条典型的泥石流沟,位于绵远河的左测,流域面积1.36 km2,沟床平均纵比降412‰。该沟在2008年"5.12"汶川地震后多次暴发泥石流,掩埋从沟口通过的汉(旺)清(平)公路,给四川省绵竹市清平乡的地震灾后重建造成重大危害。通过初步分析,小岗剑沟泥石流的形成过程为:暴雨作用下沟因上游良好的汇流条件而产生山洪→山洪冲刷堆积在沟道内的松散固体物质形成小规模泥石流→泥石流沿大比降沟道向下运动,因具有强大动能而具有强大冲刷下切侵蚀能力,下切侵蚀下游沟床质以及沟口的老台地→在沟口形成大规模泥石流。地震后4 a内共暴发泥石流10次,将沟口老堆积体下切侵蚀深度达35 m,泥石流冲出固体物质50×104m3。目前,沟内仍有固体物质量334.3×104m3,可能参与泥石流活动的动储量为156.8×104m3。如此大量的松散固体物源,使小岗剑沟可能还暴发大规模泥石流。通过泥石流形成因素分析,该沟泥石流活动总体呈强度下降趋势,泥石流活动类型:震后一段时间内为输移控制型、然后为输移控制型向松散固体物质控制型过渡,最后发展成为松散固体物质控制型。通过这些分析,为泥石流治理提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

打水沟为宝兴河右岸的一级支流,位于宝兴县城城区,流域面积1.01 km2,主沟长度1.85 km,主沟比降640‰.受芦山“4·20”地震的影响,流域中下游直接引发了大量的崩滑体,加之地形陡峻,且位于青衣江-鹿头山暴雨区边缘,极容易发生泥石流.一旦发生泥石流,将会对沟口建筑和人员的安全造成巨大危害.通过对打水沟地震前后遥感影像的解译,结合野外考察,综合判定该沟为地震触发的潜在性泥石流沟.进一步分析估算,由于地震震动导致流域内发育6处崩塌体,总面积20375 m2,松散固体物质总量为15.20×l04m3.在分析泥石流形成条件与发展趋势的基础上,提出了打水沟泥石流减灾方案,并对泥石流排导槽梯形最佳过流横断面进行了设计.通过计算分析得到,在排泄设计标准的泥石流时,排导槽的最佳过流断面宽度为2.38 m,深度为2.23 m.  相似文献   

谷坊坝是泥石流治理的重要工程措施之一。化石板沟泥石流治理工程共设13座谷坊坝,组成梯级谷坊坝群;坝体主要分布在泥石流形成区和流通区,混凝土结构,轴向两端嵌入沟道两侧基岩0.5~1 m。通过对比化石板沟谷坊工程修建前后沟床纵坡比降、沟道两侧斜坡稳定性及泥石流侵蚀速率等方面的差异,证明谷坊工程能够有效拦蓄松散固体物质、稳固沟床和岸坡、降低沟道纵坡比降、降低泥石流流速和耗散流体能量、抬高沟道上游泥石流侵蚀基准面。研究发现,化石板沟谷坊坝群共拦截固体物质2.76×104 m3,仅占流域物源总量574.9×104 m3的0.5%,占近期可供给泥石流活动的物源量85×104 m3的3.3%;稳固沟床松散物质4.37×104 m3,仅占流域物源总量的0.76%,占近期可供给泥石流活动的物源量的5.2%;稳固沟道两侧坡体松散物质134.07×104 m3,占流域物源总量的23.3%,泥石流物源减少;回淤的沟道比降为原比降的60%~75%,相同频率下泥石流流速、峰值流量降低,沟道侵蚀速率下降,泥石流输沙量减少35%~57%;上游泥石流支沟侵蚀基准面抬升0.3~0.5 m。泥石流呈现从粘性到稀性,再到含沙水流的趋势发展。  相似文献   

2003年中国西南山区典型灾害性暴雨泥石流运动堆积特征   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:12  
陈宁生  张飞 《地理科学》2006,26(6):701-705
2003年发生在中国西南山区的大规模泥石流为典型的灾害性暴雨泥石流,造成了巨大的经济损失和人员伤亡。作者实地考察其中7条造成较大损失的典型泥石流沟,分析得出,这一地区泥石流的流速一般都比较大,流量变化也比较大,流量大小与流域面积相关,总体上流量随流域面积的增大有增加的趋势,但流量与面积并非正相关关系。同时,在这些流域的堆积物的组成中,粗大颗粒极多,最大的颗粒普遍比较大,另外漂石含量很高。粘性泥石流中砾石含量相对于中国西南山区其它粘性泥石流较低,砂砾含量相对较高,大部分泥石流堆积物的有效粒径(d10)。  相似文献   

据成因,把泥石流堆积地貌分为自然堆积地貌和人为堆积地貌。据堆积过程,把自然泥石流堆积地貌分为古泥石流台地、老泥石流台地和近代泥石流长柄扇。据建筑物引起的堆积形态,把人为堆积地貌分为泥石流堆积扇(锥)、回淤泥砾滩、侧积泥砾堤和堰塞洼地。  相似文献   

朱渊  余斌  陈源井  王涛  亓星 《山地学报》2012,(5):599-606
2011-06-06贵州省望谟县北部普降百年一遇暴雨,引发大规模群发性泥石流灾害,给当地居民生活及交通造成严重损害。其中以打蒿沟泥石流灾害尤为突出,该流域内支沟发育,沟床比降相对较缓,但陡峻的岸坡和较大的汇水面积为泥石流的发生提供了良好的水动力条件。打蒿沟地处碎屑岩发育地区,松散堆积体较厚,并受岸坡坡度影响浅层滑坡发育,现场调查共19处。另外流域内人为破坏严重,村民沿沟垒筑大量梯田也为泥石流活动提供了特殊的人工物源。通过对其4条支沟的研究发现,泥石流形成特征并不一致,其中坡度较缓的2#支沟浅层滑坡发育,为浅层滑坡型泥石流;而坡度较陡的其他3条支沟浅层滑坡发育较少,以沟床物源为主,为沟床启动型泥石流。通过对沟道两侧斜坡坡度的调查统计和分级得出流域内25°~40°的岸坡最易形成浅层滑坡,且当山坡呈上缓下陡时,更利于滑坡的形成。打蒿沟在强降雨条件下依然可暴发泥石流,规模会有所减小,但在类似2011-06-06这类稀遇暴雨作用下仍可造成较大危害。  相似文献   

泥石流流域的形态特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
泥石流是特殊的流域侵蚀作用,同其他流域过程一样,密切联系着流域的形态特征.一般说来,泥石流都发生在小流域(102km2以下),而经典的流域形态研究所涉及的流域范围却达到107km2的尺度.我们想知道泥石流小流域是否具有特殊的数量特征.通过流域特征量的统计,我们看到,与一般流域相比,泥石流小流域的特征参数之间的关系形式上相同,而在数值上不同,这从一个方面肯定了流域演化存在着普遍规律(如自组织临界性),同时也证明泥石流是流域演化历史的"特殊一幕".  相似文献   

Active debris flow fans in the North Cascade Foothills of Washington State constitute a natural hazard of importance to land managers, private property owners and personal security. In the absence of measurements of the sediment fluxes involved in debris flow events, a morphological-evolutionary systems approach, emphasizing stratigraphy, dating, fan morphology and debris flow basin morphometry, was used. Using the stratigraphic framework and 47 radiocarbon dates, frequency of occurrence and relative magnitudes of debris flow events have been estimated for three spatial scales of debris flow systems: the within-fan site scale (84 observations); the fan meso-scale (six observations) and the lumped fan, regional or macro-scale (one fan average and adjacent lake sediments). In order to characterize the morphometric framework, plots of basin area v. fan area, basin area v. fan gradient and the Melton ruggedness number v. fan gradient for the 12 debris flow basins were compared with those documented for semi-arid and paraglacial fans. Basin area to fan area ratios were generally consistent with the estimated level of debris flow activity during the Holocene as reported below. Terrain analysis of three of the most active debris flow basins revealed the variety of modes of slope failure and sediment production in the region.Micro-scale debris flow event systems indicated a range of recurrence intervals for large debris flows from 106−3645 years. The spatial variation of these rates across the fans was generally consistent with previously mapped hazard zones. At the fan meso-scale, the range of recurrence intervals for large debris flows was 273−1566 years and at the regional scale, the estimated recurrence interval of large debris flows was 874 years (with undetermined error bands) during the past 7290 years. Dated lake sediments from the adjacent Lake Whatcom gave recurrence intervals for large sediment producing events ranging from 481−557 years over the past 3900 years and clearly discernible sedimentation events in the lacustrine sediments had a recurrence interval of 67−78 years over that same period.  相似文献   

Debris flows are a common event in mountainous environments. They often possess the greatest potential for destruction of property and loss of lives in these regions. Delimiting the spatial extent of potential damage from debris flows relies on detailed studies of the location of depositional zones. Current research indicates debris flow fans have two distinct depositional zones. However, the two zones were derived from studies containing detailed analyses of only a few fans. High resolution airborne laser swath mapping (ALSM) data is used to calculate profile curvature and surface gradient on 19 debris flow fans on the eastern side of Death Valley. The relationship between these parameters is assessed to 1) identify if debris flow fans are accurately represented by two depositional zones, and 2) to assess how these terrain parameters relate to one another at the individual fan scale. The results show at least three zones of deposition exist within the sampled fans. These zones do not hold consistent when individual fan morphometry is analyzed in conjunction with localized fan surface gradients. Fans with consistently shallower gradients exhibit numerous depositional zones with more subtle changes in profile curvature. Steeper gradient fans exhibit significantly fewer zones with more pronounced local changes in profile curvature. The surface complexity of debris flow fans is evident from these analyses and must be accounted for in any type of hazard studies related to these features.  相似文献   

金沙江下游云南小江流域山地灾害综合区划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢洪  钟敦伦  何一平  崔鹏 《山地学报》2007,25(5):622-628
在分别完成云南小江流域泥石流危险度区划、滑坡危险度区划和土壤侵蚀强度分区的基础上,对小江流域山地灾害进行综合区划。结果为,共分为三个不同等级的山地灾害综合区:(1)一级(高危险度)山地灾害综合区,(2)二级(次高危险度)山地灾害综合区和(3)四级(低危险度)山地灾害综合区;无三级(中危险度)山地灾害综合区。其中一级(高危险度)区面积1 425.34 km2,有泥石流沟84条,占区划区域泥石流沟总数的60.0%,有滑坡137个,占区划区域滑坡总数的77.4%,土壤侵蚀强度以轻、中度为主;二级(次高危险度)区面积756.79 km2,有泥石流沟35条,占区划区域泥石流沟总数的25.0%,有滑坡34个,占区划区域滑坡总数的19.2%,土壤侵蚀以轻、中度为主;四级(低危险度)区面积863.20 km2,有泥石流沟21条,占区划区域泥石流沟总数的15.0%,有滑坡6个,占区划区域滑坡总数的3.4%,土壤侵蚀以轻度为主。  相似文献   

高海拔或高纬度山区(尤其高山冰川及冻土急剧消退区)常孕育适宜泥石流发育的地形和物源条件。气候变化(如升温、强降雨事件增多等)影响下,高山区潜在孕灾环境更易于成灾,泥石流成为主要的灾害类型和物质输移方式,也是高山区地貌变化的重要驱动力。由于野外监测困难,数据资料匮乏,鲜有针对高山区泥石流过程地貌效应的分析报道。以中国藏东南高山区泥石流多发的帕隆藏布流域为研究区,以古乡沟、天摩沟和扎木弄沟为典型小流域,结合遥感影像、DEM数据、无人机航拍、高精度RTK测量和野外踏勘调查,分析泥石流沟道地貌发育特征(冲淤变化、平面摆动)及其对主河河流地貌的影响,并探讨大规模泥石流事件影响下河谷地貌的长期演变趋势。高山区泥石流过程强烈塑造沟道自身地貌,上游物源区深切展宽和溯源蚀退,沟口堆积扇冲淤变化受控于泥石流事件规模和水流强度。泥石流过程显著影响主河道河流地貌,造成主河道横向冲淤和摆动,并影响堰塞体上游河段平面形态发育。长时间尺度上,河谷地貌在平面上发育形成宽窄相间的藕节状而在纵剖面上形成台阶状形态。  相似文献   

为分析不同因素对泥石流灾害危险性的影响程度,基于对舟曲南屿沟泥石流灾害影响因素调查结果总结和分析,利用灰色理论分析了泥石流灾害危险性与影响因素间关联程度,并建立了其预判模型。结果表明:沟岸坡度、沟道堵塞程度及冲淤变幅,沟道平均纵坡降和长度,沟道内植被覆盖率、流域面积及人口密度,松散固体物源量和灾害点密度等因素的影响程度较接近;相同区域内不同沟道泥石流灾害危险性程度受沟岸坡度、沟道堵塞程度、冲淤变幅、沟道平均纵坡降及长度等因素影响显著;基于自然和人为因素建立了泥石流灾害易发程度预估模型,其能够为区域内泥流灾害防治工作部署提供依据。  相似文献   

Morphometric Controls and Basin Response in The Cascade Mountains   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Morphometric variables associated with 36 debris torrent, 78 snow avalanche, 45 composite debris torrent and snow avalanche and 14 streamflow basins in the Cascade Mountains of southwestern British Columbia, Canada are examined. The results show significant statistical differences in top and bottom elevations, relief, channel length and gradient, basin area, fan gradient and area, and basin ruggedness between snow avalanche basins and the two basin types affected by debris torrents, reflecting the very different nature of these processes. Only top and bottom elevations and fan area differ significantly between debris torrent and debris torrent-snow avalanche basins, implying that the latter are probably debris torrent basins in origin. As many as six morphometric variables are significantly different between streamflow basins and the other basin types, allowing the former to be differentiated despite their small, steep character. Discriminant analysis indicates that bottom elevation and channel or path gradient are the best variables for classifying the four basin types by process. Generally strong correlations exist between basin area on the one hand and relief, channel length and channel gradient on the other in debris torrent, debris torrent-snow avalanche, and streamflow basins. Fan gradient and area are, however, weakly or modestly correlated with basin area or ruggedness. No such morphometric relations are present in snow avalanche basins. The results of this study also indicate that in debris torrent-prone basins the fan gradient and Melton's R have identifiable lower thresholds while basin area has an upper threshold, but use of these thresholds for identification of debris torrent hazard is complicated by overlapping thresholds for streamflow basins.  相似文献   

On August 7th, 1996, an intense and short-duration convective storm occurred over the 18.6-km2 Arás drainage basin (Central Pyrenees, Spain). This high relief basin is composed of three subbasins, Aso, Betés and La Selva, and feeds the Arás alluvial fan, in the Gállego river valley. This alluvial fan had been drained by an artificial channel (about 125 m3/s at bank-full capacity). More than 30 check dams in its feeder channel, the Arás barranco, had been previously filled by earlier sediments. The heaviest rain was over the Betés subbasin (total rainfall 178.4 mm; maximum rainfall intensity of 153 mm/h for a 10-min time interval was estimated). Most of the rainfall fell in a 70-min period. This storm resulted in high runoff, causing catastrophic damage and significant geomorphic changes in the drainage basin, especially in the Betés subbasin. The high discharge, concentrated in the Arás barranco, destroyed most of the check dams, flushing out a great amount of debris. Major channel trenching and widening occurred in this barranco. When the confined sediment-laden flash flood reached the basin mouth, it sheet-flooded the southern sector of the Arás fan depositing a massive amount of debris. On this fan 87 people lost their lives and the direct physical damage has been estimated at 55 million dollars. Two stages in the development of the flood have been differentiated from the sedimentological and morphological analysis of the flooded fan lobe. A first stage (peak discharge) of sheet-flooding deposited a coarse boulder lobe, burying the artificial channel at the fan head and causing a darnming effect on the water flood. During the second stage (discharge decline) the flood made its way through the fan head, incising the previous debris accumulation and splitting into two main flow paths.  相似文献   

Models to explain alluvial system development in rift settings commonly depict fans that are sourced directly from catchments formed in newly uplifted footwalls, which leads to the development of steep-sided talus-cone fans in the actively subsiding basin depocentre. The impact of basin evolution on antecedent drainage networks orientated close to perpendicular to a rift axis, and flowing over the developing hangingwall dip slope, remains relatively poorly understood. The aim of this study is to better understand the responses to rift margin uplift and subsequent intrabasinal fault development in determining sedimentation patterns in alluvial deposits of a major antecedent drainage system. Field-acquired data from a coarse-grained alluvial syn-rift succession in the western Gulf of Corinth, Greece (sedimentological logging and mapping) has allowed analysis of the spatial distribution of facies associations, stratigraphic architectural elements and patterns of palaeoflow. During the earliest rifting phase, newly uplifted footwalls redirected a previously established fluvial system with predominantly southward drainage. Footwall uplift on the southern basin margin at an initially relatively slow rate led to the development of an overfilled basin, within which an alluvial fan prograded to the south-west, south and south-east over a hangingwall dip slope. Deposition of the alluvial system sourced from the north coincided with the establishment of small-scale alluvial fans sourced from the newly uplifted footwall in the south. Deposits of non-cohesive debris flows close to the proposed hangingwall fan apex pass gradationally downstream into predominantly bedload conglomerate deposits indicative of sedimentation via hyperconcentrated flows laden with sand- and silt-grade sediment. Subsequent normal faulting in the hangingwall resulted in the establishment of further barriers to stream drainage, blocking flow routes to the south. This culminated in the termination of sediment supply to the basin depocentre from the north, and the onset of underfilled basin conditions as signified by an associated lacustrine transgression. The evolution of the fluvial system described in this study records transitions between three possible end-member types of interaction between active rifting and antecedent drainage systems: (a) erosion through an uplifted footwall, (b) drainage diversion away from an uplifted footwall and (c) deposition over the hangingwall dip slope. The orientation of antecedent drainage pathways at a high angle to the trend of a developing rift axis, replete with intrabasinal faulting, exerts a primary control on the timing and location of development of overfilled and underfilled basin states in evolving depocentres.  相似文献   

祁连山、贺兰山与吕梁山山前冲积扇上的农地对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同地区冲积扇上农地发育特征的对比可以揭示环境条件与农地发育的关系。本文以Lansat卫星ETM+遥感影像、DEM和野外考察资料为基础,研究了祁连山、贺兰山与吕梁山三个地区山前冲积扇的地貌特征和扇上农地的发育特征,探讨了影响冲积扇上农地发育的因素。结果表明,吕梁山地区扇上农地比例最高,自扇顶到扇缘均有农地发育,其次为祁连山地区,农地主要发育在一些被黄土覆盖的冲积扇的老扇面上,贺兰山地区冲积扇上农地比例最低,农地多分布在扇缘区域;物质组成是影响冲积扇上农地发育的直接因素;相关性分析表明,祁连山和吕梁山地区冲积扇上的农地发育受黄土沉积过程影响显著,而贺兰山前冲积扇上农地发育更多地受冲积扇地貌过程的影响。  相似文献   

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