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缩头竹节虫Maldane sarsi Malmgren, 1865隶属竹节虫科Maldanidae Malmgren, 1867,广泛分布于世界各大海域中,是海洋底栖生态调查中的常见多毛类物种。根据中国科学院海洋研究所的馆藏标本,对采集于中国海及楚科奇海的缩头竹节虫的关键分类学特征进行了分析和对比,并对该种进行了重新描述。该种可以根据以下特征鉴定:具有头板和尾板;头脊高呈拱形隆起;头缘膜两侧具有深缺刻,其他部分光滑,背部的头缘膜向前伸展形成袋状结构;体前部棕褐色的色素点有或无;尾板具有缘膜,两侧具深裂,尾板缘膜的背侧光滑,腹侧光滑或形成钝锯齿形的浅裂叶。  相似文献   

本文描述了中国福建省红树林湿地中自由生活海洋线虫的2个新种。Sabatieria conicoseta sp.nov.的主要特征是:具有短的锥形体刚毛、12-15个管状的肛前附器以及长度为12-15 μm的直的引带突起。Dorylaimopsis papilla sp.nov.的主要特征是:交接器中部具有角质化带状隔膜,近端头状具一小钩,其长度为肛门所在位置体直径的1.5–1.8倍,具有长度为37-40μm的背尾指向的引带突起。泄殖孔前具16-18个微型乳突状的肛前附器。  相似文献   

中蚓虫是小头虫科较为常见的属,中国海区的样品过去常被鉴定为加洲中蚓虫Mediomastus californiensis Hartman。本研究中,来自东南沿海四个不同海区的118条中蚓虫样品被鉴定为一个新的种类,在此给出具体描述。这个新种具有如下特征:(1)第1至9刚节表皮双环型,刚毛束位于体节中间位置,而后的刚节多环型,刚毛束位于体节后半部;(2)后腹区具有疣足突起;(3)前4个胸刚节仅具双羽型翅毛状刚毛,其它体节仅具巾钩刚毛;(4)胸区巾钩刚毛的柄长且直,巾长为宽的3至5倍;(5)腹区巾钩刚毛不同于胸区,较短且具收缩部;(6)甲基绿染色模式独特。这个研究表明了中国海区的中蚓虫可能被误鉴定为加洲中蚓虫,而这个新种M.chinensis sp.nov.在东南沿海广为分布。  相似文献   

孙静  黄勇 《海洋科学》2021,45(1):14-21
在对东海的自由生活海洋线虫进行分类和多样性研究中,发现2个我国新纪录种并进行了描述。深海螺旋球咽线虫Spirobolbolaimus bathyalis Soetaert&Vincx,1988的主要鉴别特征为:体表具显著的环纹,头感觉器呈乳突状,化感器螺旋形,口腔中部具有一个背齿以及一对亚腹齿,咽前后各有一个咽球;具有两条弧形的交接刺,引带呈板状,无肛前辅器,具两个反向排列的直伸精巢。伸长丝瘤线虫Filoncholaimus prolatus Hopper,1967的主要鉴别特征为:体表光滑,内唇感觉器乳突状,十根头刚毛,口腔具一背齿及两个等大的亚腹齿,尾锥状,渐变为长丝状,锥状部分具尾刚毛;交接刺呈弧形,引带简单,板状,无引带突,具两个乳突状的肛前辅器和两个反向排列的直伸精巢。  相似文献   

武青华  陆洋  孙静 《海洋与湖沼》2020,51(3):622-629
在对海南岛及渤海滨州贝壳堤岛的自由生活海洋线虫进行分类鉴定和多样性研究中,发现拟色矛线虫属2个新纪录种:微拟色矛线虫(Chromadorita minima (Kreis) Wieser, 1954)和异常拟色矛线虫(Chromadorita abnormis (Kreis) Gerlach, 1965),并进行了描述。其中,微拟色矛线虫(C. minima)具有以下特征:体型粗短,体表具横向均匀排列的斑点、无环纹;口腔具有大的稍弯曲的背齿、头刚毛5—6μm;交接刺均匀、弯曲、近端不膨大、长约为泄殖孔体径的1.5倍、引带突尾状、无肛前辅器。以上特征与原始描述一致,但交接刺稍短(30—35μm vs 41μm)(测量6个个体)。异常拟色矛线虫(C. abnormis)虫体细长,体表具横向均匀分布的环纹和斑点;头刚毛长0.4—0.5倍头径、化感器为横向的肾形、口腔具有一个稍大的背齿和两个较小的亚腹齿;交接刺细长、向腹面弯曲呈弧状、近端头状、远端渐尖、引带板状、无引带突、具5个杯状的肛前辅器。其特征与原始描述相似,特别是德曼值a、b、c一致,但该标本体型较大(818—1231μm vs 810—842μm),交接刺稍长(44—49μm vs 25—33μm)(测量9个个体)。  相似文献   

在2021年春季对广西北海金海湾红树林保护区的自由生活海洋线虫进行分类和多样性研究中发现联体线虫属(Comesoma)国内2个新记录种,分别为百慕大联体线虫(Comesoma bermudense)和赫尔曼联体线虫(Comesoma hermani),并对其特征进行了描述与图示。百慕大联体线虫主要特征为:4根头刚毛,长度为21~31 μm,4根亚头刚毛,长度为5~7 μm;虫体表皮具横排的侧分化点纹,颈部有不规则排列的颈刚毛;口腔前部膨大,底部角质化;螺旋状化感器,2.5圈;两条细长的交接器,弧长189~200 μm,引带没有突起,肛前附器乳突状;金海湾标本交接器弦长与尾长之比为0.7~0.9,大于其模式种的0.4~0.6。赫尔曼联体线虫主要特征为:口腔前部呈杯状,基部加厚,后部狭窄;螺旋状化感器,2.5圈;两条细长的交接器,弧长187~192 μm,引带没有突起;金海湾标本雄性体长约为2.2~2.4 mm,大于模式种的1.7~2.1 mm。该属物种在红树林湿地为首次报道。  相似文献   

描述了采自东海陆架沉积物中自由生活线虫HopperiaNemanema属的两个新种。新种大化感器霍帕线虫主要特征是螺旋形化感器5圈,较大;弓形交接刺近端宽大具有中肋,延伸至三分之一处;引带具有弯曲的引带突;6个乳突状的肛前辅器;锥柱状尾具有膨大的末端和尾端刚毛。新种小线虫的主要特征是身体大小是属内最小的;具有较大的椭圆形化感器;尾锥状;交接刺细,具有腹面翼膜,近端弯钩状;引带环形;1个肛前辅器乳突状,其上着生3条刚毛。更新完善了Hopperia属17个种的二岐检索表。  相似文献   

作者以山东烟台养马岛采集的未受扰动的样品为研究材料,对中国黄海潮间带自由生活线虫的种类和多样性展开研究,发现两个新纪录种八棘单茎线虫(Monoposthia octalata Galtsova,1976)和瑞氏拟单宫线虫(Paramonohystera riemanni (Platt,1973) Lorenzen,1977)并进行描述。八棘单茎线虫主要特征为体表具有八排侧装饰,化感器呈圆形、较小,口腔具有一个大的背齿,口腔前端具有明显角质化波浪形的结构,无交接刺,引带作镰刀状,尾呈锥状。标本特征与Galtsova描述的模式标本特征基本吻合,只是黄海的标本虫体稍长,化感器略大,引带稍长。瑞氏拟单宫线虫主要特征为虫体较细,头刚毛短,化感器呈圆形位于口腔后部,口腔内不具齿,交接刺稍弯曲,为对应体径的4.1倍,引带简单,尾细长呈纤毛状。标本特征与Platt描述的模式标本特征基本吻合,只是黄海的标本虫体稍长,头刚毛和尾部更长,交接刺略长。  相似文献   

似三核线虫属的两个新种似三核线虫红树林种(Tripyloides mangrovensis n.sp.)和似三核线虫厦门种(Tripyloides amoyanus n.sp.)在本文中分别被描述,标本分别采自中国厦门同安湾红树林和海门岛红树林。两个新种都具有6根较粗的外唇刚毛,雄性标本不具有肛前附器,尾部圆锥圆柱形且不具有末端突起。似三核线虫红树林种(Tripyloides mangrovensis n.sp.)口器分成两部分,化感器圆形,尾部具有显著的近端圆锥形和远端纤细的圆柱形,圆柱形部分占尾部的2/3。似三核线虫厦门种(Tripyloides amoyanus n.sp.)口器分成3部分,具有小齿,化感器小,双环状,尾部1/3部分为圆柱形,引带有4个小齿。  相似文献   

薄板蟹隶属于十足目,短尾下目,膜壳蟹科,是一类小型蟹类,主要分布于印度洋 西太平洋区域,目前已报道了27种。突额薄板蟹新种发表时仅有一雌性标本,缺乏雄性个体特征,至今无人报道,然而雄性特征是螃蟹分类鉴定非常重要的指标。作者在浙江象山港海域采集到2只该种标本(包含一只雄性),雄性个体为该种的首次记录,其主要鉴别特征有:头胸甲近三角形,长大于宽;额向前突出形成三角形额角,具明显的额腹脊;颊区具一三角形小叶;爱德华兹开口仅愈合不到一半;步足细长,指节后缘具浓密的刚毛,近末端具2齿;腹部分5节,尾节三角形;第一腹肢背缘近末端具2根短刚毛,腹缘则具7根长刚毛。  相似文献   

Five Oncaea species were recorded on the basis of specimens collected using three type nets from the South Sea and the East Sea of Korea. These included the clevei-group of one species (O. clevei) and the venusta-group of four species (O. media, O. mediterranea, O. scottodicarloi, O. waldemari). The former has a dorsoposterior projection on the second pedigerous somite, while the latter do not bear any dorsal projection on the somite. Also, their spatio-temporal distribution are discussed in relation to temperature-salinity.  相似文献   

东印度洋现生浮游有孔虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A brief morphometric study of the recent planktonic foraminifera in the eastern Indian Ocean was provided with the taxonomic key to species,synonyms,SEM microphotographs of shells and chamber arrays.By recent classification,currently 20 species representing 13 genera and 6 families(Canderinidae,Heterohelicoidae,Hedbergellidae,Higerigerinoidae,Globigerinoidae,and Globorotaloidae)identified from the planktonic material of the eastern Indian Ocean up to a depth of 200 m.Their distribution in water(0–200 m)also reports on the new range of expansion in the eastern Indian Ocean,with Dentigloborotalia anfracta,Hastigerina pelagica,Streptochilus globigerus,Globigerinella calida,Globigerinella adamsi,Orcadia reidelii,Tenuitella parkerae,Tenuitella compressa,reported for the first time in this study area.In general,only around 50 planktonic species are valid worldwide,more specifically the species,e.g.,H.pelagica,G.calida,G.adamsi,S.globigerus,O.riedeli,T.parkerae,T.compressa,which occur in the eastern Indian Ocean to fill the the paucity of the recent regional taxonomic literature and the problematic identification from the eastern Indian Ocean.This work aims to bridge this gap and help scientists,managers,educators and students to identify plankton foraminifers by using species notes and images.  相似文献   

A specimen of Osopsaron formosensis was collected at the southeastern part of Jeju Island in June 2008. This specimen is to be distinguished from congeneric species using the key characters such as the eye with dorsal iris flap, cheek with scales, elongated dorsal spine, the length and the numbers of the first dorsal spines, and black pigmentation of the dorsal fin membrane. This report was the first record of O. formosensis from Korea. We named it ‘No-ran-tti-nun-tung-ii’ in Korean.  相似文献   

The species compositions of the genus Chironomus in the Curonian and Vistula lagoons are very similar, represented by Ch. plumosus and Ch. balatonicus. In the Curonian Lagoon, in addition to these two species, Ch. muratensis and the first-generation interspecific hybrid Ch. muratensis × Ch. plumosus are also found. In this lagoon, Ch. plumosus occurs most frequently (84%); Ch. balatonicus is considered a subdominant species (24%). In the Vistula Lagoon, on the contrary, the high frequency of occurrence is typical of Ch. balatonicus (89%); for Ch. plumosus, it reaches only 11%. The Ch. plumosus population occupies most of the Curonian Lagoon; Ch. balatonicus is present only in its northern part, from the village of Juodkrante to the city of Klaipeda. In the Vistula Lagoon, Ch. balatonicus is distributed over almost its entire area, while Ch. plumosus is found locally, only near the mouth of the Nogat River. The distribution of the sibling species in the lagoons is determined by the salinity gradient.  相似文献   

Coral reefs along the Malacca Straits (MS) are poorly developed mainly due to turbidity and sedimentation. This study describes the health status and community structure of the corals in Cape Rachado, West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia (WCPM), utilizing the Coral Video Transect (CVT) technique. All the survey transects were categorized as ‘fair’ coral conditions (27.39 ± 5.41%–48.56 ± 18.96%) with the reef floor mainly covered by corals and sediment. Twelve families of coral comprised of 25 distinct genera were identified. Coral communities were differentiated into four clusters with each being predominated by Galaxea, Diploastrea, Fungia and Pectinia respectively. Among all, Pectinia is the most spectacular genera and dominated the survey area. Along the MS, Favia, Favites and Porites are commonly found while Porites and Pectinia dominated the reefs. Low coral cover and diversity was recorded in MS as compared to the reefs in the South China Sea (SCS). The most prominent results include changes in the dominant coral from Porites to Pectinia while some species such as Acropora were absent from the study area. Based on the presented data, the reef in the study area was predominantly occupied by sediment and the coral communities were formed by a species with a high tolerance to turbidity and sedimentation.  相似文献   

车轮虫是一类主要寄生于贝类和鱼类体表的缘毛类纤毛虫原生动物。本文对分别寄生于海洋贝类--虾夷扇贝Mizuhopecten yessoensis,半咸水鱼类--鲻鱼Mugil cephalus和双色鳗鲡Anguilla bicolor bicolor,以及淡水鱼类--光唇鱼Acrossocheilus fasciatus鳃表和体表的虾夷扇贝车轮虫Trichodina pectenis,亚卓车轮虫T.jadranica,急尖车轮虫T.acuta和喙状车轮虫T.rostrata,进行了详细的分类学研究。本文第一次报道了虾夷扇贝车轮虫的活体和蛋白银染色后特征,该虫体也是国内新记录种。其它三个车轮虫物种感染的鱼类,均属新纪录宿主。同时,也报道了这四种车轮虫对宿主的感染率和感染强度。  相似文献   

Foraminiferal oozes were sampled from the tropical West Pacific seamount and seabed of deep sea,by a remotely operated vehicle(ROV)in December 2014 and March 2016.Using standard morphological method,four Miliolinella species,including Miliolinella obesa,M.circularis,M.suborbicularis and M.subrotunda were described.Among the four species,M.obesa is a new species.It is a large member(about 500μm in length)of the genus.This species is characterized by having a very stout and transverse broadly circular outline,and its body width is greater than the body length.In addition,its chamber demarcations are obscure from the exterior appearance.Three chambers are unclearly visible on one side and two chambers are visible on the opposite.Finally,we provided very detailed taxonomic microphotographs and the ecological distribution information for each species.  相似文献   

Based on specimens collected in Yinggehai, Hainan, China from 2013 to 2016, a stable epiphytic taxon is found on the surface of the individual of marine green alga Cladophora aokii Yamada. According to the morphological characteristics, the taxonomy of Cl. aokii and its epiphytes is carried out. There are some epiphytes attached on Cl. aokii Yamada including Cl. fascicularis(Mertens ex C. Agardh) Kützing, Chaetomorpha pachynema(Montagne) Kützing, Ceramium camouii Dawson, Licmophora abbreviata Agardh, Lyngbya sp. and Chattonella sp.. The formation of the individual of Cl. aokii is dissected and explained, which can help to analyze the adaption in details among this species, its epiphytes and native marine environment. The results reveal the marine macroepiphytic taxonomy in Hainan, China, and preliminarily explain the adaptive relationship between macroalgae and environment.  相似文献   

本文复查了中国南海丝螅水母目高手水母科的所有属,解决了该科和一些属、种存在的分类问题,并给予更新的鉴别。以前,无手单肢水母Nubiella atentaculata Xu and Huang,2004包含在单肢水母属内,现变换为拟单肢水母新属Paranubiella n.gen.,隶属于高手水母科内,原无手单肢水母新组合为无手拟单肢水母Paranubiella atentaculata(Xu and Huang,2004) n.comb.。本文记述了二个新种:南海拟单肢水母,新种Paranubiella nanhaiensis sp.nov.和无突单肢水母,新种N.apapillaris sp.nov.。此外编制了高手水母科已知属和单肢水母属已知种的检索表,总结了中国南海高手水母科已知种名录。模式标本保存于国家海洋局第三海洋研究所。  相似文献   

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