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Restrictions in the USA on registered sex offenders (RSOs) are examined from the spatial aspects. The long history of various restrictions imposed by government, particularly local ones, is covered in the introduction. Spatial aspects, such as delineation of zones from which certain activities or certain people are excluded is the focus. Then the nature of restrictions on RSOs is considered at the state, county and municipal level. Typical of restrictions are that RSOs are prohibited from moving into residence within a prescribed distance of certain features in a community. The distances are typically 1,000 feet but are quite variable. Typical proscribed venues are schools, parks and day care centers, but there can be many others such as bus stops. Spatial aspects of these restrictions, such as how offender locations are geocoded and represented and how proscribed venues are delineated is analyzed. Specific details and theoretical concerns related to the many problematic issues with RSO restrictions is presented. In particular questions of their constitutionality and efficacy are raised. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of RSO restrictions for the discipline of geography in general and for the evolution of increasingly precise methods of spatial analysis in particular.  相似文献   

In 2007, the Australian federal government introduced a ‘new’ graduate visa scheme, the 485 visa sub-class. This visa facilitates the transition from student to worker for overseas graduates from Australian higher education institutions, with the potential to significantly increase their numbers in the country. At the same time, local governments have introduced various policies designed to attract and retain human capital in rural areas to address the shortfall of highly skilled individuals. This paper redresses the current lack of research into the spatial dynamics of overseas human capital in Australia and their relation to the new visa scheme in combination with shifts in rural development policies. Drawing on survey data of graduates describing the ‘before’ (2005) and ‘after’ (2008) periods of the introduction of the 485 visa scheme, this paper shows that the propensity of overseas graduates to move between Australia's regions has increased substantially. In particular, there have been an increasing proportion of overseas graduates moving to major cities despite rural development policy efforts to attract human capital to rural areas. However, these policy efforts appear to have attracted overseas graduates with particular qualifications (education and health) to work in such locales.  相似文献   

聚焦犯罪者视角,基于2010—2016年长春市南关区扒窃犯罪案件数据,运用logit模型揭示犯罪者人口学特征与其行为倾向的关系。实证研究表明:① 相近人口学特征犯罪者具有在相同特定的时间和城市区域实施犯罪行为的倾向和趋势。性别、年龄、教育程度、是否存在前科劣迹和户籍地依次对犯罪者的行为的时间与空间倾向带来了某些特定的影响;② 长春市南关区扒窃犯罪中,男性犯罪者具有在城市道路犯罪的地点倾向和夏季、秋季犯罪的时间倾向,女性犯罪者具有在人口热力值高犯罪的地点倾向和在10~21时犯罪的时间倾向,年长犯罪者呈现在商业、公服设施、道路犯罪的地点倾向和休息日、4~15时犯罪的时间倾向;③ 本地户籍犯罪者具有在商业、公服设施、道路犯罪的地点偏好,有前科的犯罪者有在人口热力高、10~21时犯罪的偏好。  相似文献   

区位理论研究长期忽视作为企业基本属性的注册地址并将其与企业实体位置混淆的做法给区位理论带来挑战和发展机遇。本文回顾地理学、经济学、管理学和法学的有限研究,阐述注册地址作为新区位主体、企业实体与注册地址分离现象以及该现象背景下区位分析的新逻辑等内容。研究表明:注册地址是企业法律关系缔结和实现的基点,具有虚拟性和唯一性的特征,其区位主要受税收政策等制度因素的影响,在不同地区注册的企业面临不同的发展前景,并影响地区的财政收入、形象等。企业实体与注册地址的分离现象已较为普遍,注册地址分布在自贸区、开发区等具有政策优势的各类经济区以及欠发达地区的比例高于企业实体。该现象尽管使企业可以兼顾区位优势和政策优势,促进市场活力,但对地区发展、政府部门监管以及企业自身也造成了广泛的负面影响。企业实体与注册地址存在分离现象促使传统“企业”的一元区位体系调整为“企业实体-注册地址”的二元区位体系,而企业实体与注册地址之间的“黏力”使得未来区位理论研究不仅要辨析区位主体是企业实体还是注册地址,而且在分析区位影响、区位因子、区位迁移等内容时要区分两者的位置关系(重合或分离),意识到不同关系下彼此间的相互影响。  相似文献   

The cross-border mobility of people, goods and services, and capital has expanded enormously both in intensity and diversity over recent decades. States have a general interest in facilitating these flows in order to benefit from economic globalisation. Yet, mainly due to security concerns, most governments grant visa-free mobility only very selectively. Drawing on a new bilateral visa policy database covering up to 194 destination and 214 origin countries over the 1995 to 2013 period, our analysis finds that the introduction of a visa restriction by a destination country for citizens from a particular origin country deters tourism inflows by about 20 per cent. Visa restrictions also reduce bilateral trade and foreign investment, but to a smaller extent than previous studies have suggested. We further find that some of the deterred flows in tourists and goods and services are redirected to other (visa-free) destinations. This deterrence-cum-deflection effect of restrictive visa policies implies significant economic costs for both visa-issuing and visa-targeted countries, but it creates some positive externalities for countries with a more liberal visa policy. Liberalised visa policies would in particular help poorer countries to partake more in the benefits of economic globalisation.  相似文献   

骆晨  郑伯红  刘琳琳 《热带地理》2022,42(5):773-787
以长沙都市区为例,基于1978—2020年制造业企业数据,运用标准差椭圆、核密度分析法和空间计量回归模型等方法,探讨长沙都市区制造业空间演变特征及其影响因素。结果表明:1978—2020年,长沙都市区制造业空间扩张规模较大,以“西北—东南”向扩张为主,由中心区扩张转变为郊区集聚重组。其中,劳动密集型制造业以接触性扩散和等级扩散为主,呈“中心集聚、分散布局”的空间特征,资本密集型制造业呈“大范围扩散、小范围集聚”的空间特征,技术密集型制造业受国家级开发区吸引较大,区位指向性强。在制造业空间演变过程中,社会经济、生产成本和政府行为等因素产生显著影响。3类制造业的关键影响因素有所不同:劳动密集型制造业主要受经济基础、生产成本和政府行为的影响;对于技术密集型制造业而言,社会经济、劳动力成本、交通可达性、工业园区数和创新能力作用突出;资本密集型制造业对人口数量、生产成本、交通可达性和工业园区数的依赖性强。所有制造业均明显受到对外开放水平的负向影响。  相似文献   

采用全面扫描、比较研究和典型案例分析相结合的方法,重点以科研资助、创业扶持、薪酬个税、住房补贴、创新环境等为重点分析我国不同地方在引进海外人才政策方面的差异性。结果表明:我国不同地方出台的人才引进政策及优惠力度存在较大的差异,但总体而言,东部地区省份更加注重通过营造良好的创新创业环境吸引人才、留住人才,而在土地、资金等要素方面的力度相对较小;中西部地区省份则较多地依靠土地、资金等要素投入吸引人才。  相似文献   

中国超大城市户籍人口转化的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
叶超  杨东阳  赵江南 《地理学报》2022,77(2):369-380
“十四五”时期到2030年,加快流动人口市民化是推进新型城镇化和实现共同富裕的关键。中国户籍人口城镇化率与常住人口城镇化率相差约18%,老龄化压力与劳动力市场缺口使大城市纷纷出台“抢人”政策,市民化程度亟待提升,焦点在北上广深等超大城市。超大城市每年户籍人口转化数相差很大,学界对此缺乏研究,使得城市每年能“化”多少户籍人口成为重要学术问题。本文结合自然和社会两个视角,选取简明指标,构建可能—满意度模型,测算4个超大城市年均户籍城镇化转化缺口,构建面板数据模型实证分析超大城市户籍缺口的主导因素。影响超大城市户籍人口转化的因素主要是医疗、教育和供水。城乡治理亟需转变被动和僵化的制度安排,实现弹性的常态化治理。  相似文献   

跨国公司倾向于布局在交易成本和转形(生产)成本较小的区域.改革开放以来,中国实施的一系列区域政策减小了跨国公司的交易成本.通过对长江三角洲区域政策的梳理,分析了区域政策变迁与跨国公司布局的时空演变,发现跨国公司在长三角空间布局一直呈扩散趋势,具有和区域政策变迁同步的3 个阶段:① 初始阶段,跨国公司布局与区域政策关联较弱,集中在区域中心上海;② 集聚阶段,跨国公司在生产成本低、政策强度高的沪宁沿线城市集聚;③ 网络化阶段,跨国公司在生产成本低、政策强度高、早期集聚的区域形成区域性生产网络,并向长三角的边缘区扩散.不同阶段跨国公司布局机制存在差异,降低交易成本的区域政策的影响变得显著,区域的集聚效应、科技水平历来受到重视,而区域经济效率和劳动力成本、交通等传统要素成本对跨国公司布局的影响逐渐减弱.  相似文献   

From 2020 to 2030, accelerating the “citizenization” of the migrant population is key to promoting urbanization and achieving common prosperity. The urbanization rate of the registered population in China is roughly 18% lower than that of permanent residents. The pressure of the ageing population and the lack of a labor force have caused big cities to introduce relevant policies to attract talent, and the citizenization process needs to be improved urgently, with a particular focus on megacities. The transformation in the number of registered residents in megacities varies greatly, and there is a lack of research on this topic, which makes it an important academic issue. Using both natural and social perspectives, we selected concise indicators and combined the possibility-satisfiability model to estimate the urbanization transformation gap of annual household registration. Further, we constructed a panel data model to empirically analyze the different factors leading to the gap of household registration in megacities. The main factors affecting the transformation of the registered population in megacities are medical services, as well as educational resources and the urban water supply. It is urgent for urban and rural administrators to change the current passive and rigid institutional mechanisms and to ensure flexible, normal governance.  相似文献   

当前,学界从犯罪人之间的关系模式、关系结构等方面对共同犯罪现象进行了一系列的研究,但缺少对犯罪人地域关系的稳定性分析。论文根据北京市2005、2010、2014年街头诈骗案件数据,利用社会网络原理构建了基于共同犯罪的犯罪人地域关系网络模型,并利用网络分析等方法对参与共同犯罪的犯罪人地域关系网络的结构特征及其变化趋势进行了分析。结果表明:在2005—2014年间,参与北京市共同犯罪的犯罪人籍贯地域的空间分布逐渐集中,并形成了以华北地区为主、多个地域中心并存的格局;犯罪人的地域关系网络小世界效应逐渐增强,并从幂律分布模式向指数分布模式发展;参与共同犯罪的犯罪人群中,北京籍犯罪人的影响力逐渐下降,而河北籍犯罪人的影响力逐渐上升;犯罪人地域关系网络的凝聚子群结构逐渐发生两极分化,出现了少数共同犯罪关系异常密切的犯罪人地域子群结构。针对犯罪人地域关系网络形成及演化的原因,论文从外来人口社会关系重构与亚文化的角度进行了分析和解释,对进一步开展犯罪人的共同犯罪关系模式研究具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

This paper unravels a variety of perspectives about the concept of social mix, drawing on a case study of the implementation of a redevelopment project in Melbourne. The first part provides a theoretical overview of two internationally predominant academic debates around policy interpretations of this concept, namely social mix as a means for promotion of social inclusion; and as a state-led form of gentrification. These two arguments are usually presented as one, with social inclusion and reductions of concentrations of disadvantage one side of the ‘social mix policy’ coin, and state-led gentrification the other. This paper contributes to the national and international literature on public housing estate regeneration and social mix policies through exploring the question of whether these two ideas about social mix were shared by different stakeholders as the ‘messy’ process of redevelopment unfurled. Interviews were conducted with public tenants, homeowners and homebuyers, private renters and local service providers at the Carlton Housing Estate to explore the diverse perspectives of various stakeholder groups as estate design and implementation shifted. The study identified that as a result of the global financial crisis and the developers exerting pressure on government there was a gradual move away from perceiving social mix as a policy tool for encouraging social inclusion at Carlton, between public housing tenants and private residents, towards a different form of social mix and inclusion. Contrary to intentions, the revised form of social mix at Carlton was perceived as a means to harness market capital and attract higher income residents to the inner city.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ad hoc networks that form to move policies to new sites by examining the process through which the city of Bandung, Indonesia adopted a creative city policy. As revealed through the Bandung case, attention to the formation of these networks highlights the way that power operates within them, privileging certain ideas and structuring the ways in which information flows through their channels. This insight suggests that the concept of policy mobilities would be enriched by a closer attention to the way power is used to construct networks that promote specific policies and places as sites of ‘best practice’. Furthermore, this paper extends the concept of policy mobilities to a city ‘off the map’. In contrast to most existing policy mobilities research that tends to focus on the stable, large‐scale networks through which policies travel and on the high‐profile cities constructed as policy models, the case of Bandung provides a study of how policy mobilities may occur differently outside of its well‐established locations.  相似文献   

王淑芳  闫语欣  孟广文 《地理科学》2022,42(7):1187-1195
中国境外经贸合作区的建设是国内特殊经济区发展经验在空间上的延展。基于东道国独特的发展条件,需要将国内园区的建设经验进行调整,再运用到中国境外经贸合作区以适应东道国本地化发展。构建政策移动的理论框架,采用案例分析和比较研究法,以天津经济技术开发区与中埃·泰达苏伊士经贸合作区为例,将国内园区与境外经贸合作区的相关政策进行对比分析,验证政策在不同国家“土壤环境”中的适应性。研究发现:① 根据政策施行的影响因素和不同作用,政策移动可以分为政策移植、政策调试和政策创新;② 规划建设经验、运营管理经验、环保政策、人才政策等可直接进行政策移植;发展模式和文化政策要进行政策调试;法规政策、晋升政策和优惠政策需要进行政策创新;③ 园区的共性体现在国内园区成熟经验的借鉴、人才的培育与储备、园区生态环境的保护以及基础设施和配套设施的完善;④ 园区的个性体现在文化的求同尊异、园区品牌的打造、晋升制度的创新和协调机制的建立等。创新性地运用政策移动性理论将国内和国外园区进行关联研究,揭示了境外经贸合作区的移植、调试和创新国内园区政策的过程,深化了政策移动理论的内涵,丰富了境外经贸合作区的理论研究成果。  相似文献   

近20年来我国区域发展政策及其效果的对比研究   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17  
在对近 2 0年来我国区域发展政策进行简要回顾的基础上 ,文中利用计量经济学模型方法和有关统计数据 ,对我国对外开放这一区域发展政策对东部沿海地区和中西部地区的经济发展作用进行了定量研究 ,首次从量的方面探讨了对外开放政策对东部和中西部地区经济发展的作用效果及其差异。通过计量经济模型模拟计算 ,2 0世纪 80年代初至 1 999年对外开放政策对我国东部沿海地区GDP的直接作用率达到 2 1 39% ,使其相应的GDP年增长速度由9 1 %提高到 1 0 2 4 % ,提高了 1 1 4个百分点。而对于我国中西部地区 ,由于对外开放较晚 ,对外开放政策的力度远不如东部沿海地区的大 ,从 90年代初期开始的沿江、沿边对外开放政策对我国中西部地区GDP的直接作用率为 4 2 4 % ,仅为前者的 2 0 %左右 ,使其相应的GDP年增长速度也仅由 8 96 %提高到 9 2 7% ,仅提高 0 31个百分点 ,两者的差距非常明显。  相似文献   

"Although Australia dismantled its ethnically discriminatory, immigrant-selection policy in the early 1970s, ethnicity remains--implicitly and unofficially--a significant consideration in its immigration policies and practices. The paper outlines the traditional ?White Australia' policy before describing the operation and impact of the new selection policies and the associated official commitment to multiculturalism. The causes, regional pattern and acceptability of the modern Asianization of immigration are then assessed. The final section indicates how ethnic-origin preferences continue to operate in an apparently non-discriminatory selection policy, largely through the management of demand by placements of Australian migration officers in particular locations overseas."  相似文献   

The Centralian Superbasin in central Australia is one of the most extensive intracratonic basins known from a stable continental setting, but the factors controlling its formation and subsequent structural dismemberment continue to be debated. Argon thermochronology of K-feldspar, sensitive to a broad range of temperatures (∼150 to 350 °C), provides evidence for the former extent and thickness of the superbasin and points toward thickening of the superbasin succession over the now exhumed Arunta Region basement. These data suggest that before Palaeozoic tectonism, there was around 5–6 km of sediment present over what is now the northern margin of the Amadeus Basin, and, if the Centralian superbasin was continuous, between 6 and 8 km over the now exhumed basement. 40Ar/39Ar data from neoformed fine-grained muscovite suggests that Palaeozoic deformation and new mineral growth occurred during the earliest compressional phase of the Alice Springs Orogeny (ASO) (440–375 Ma) and was restricted to shear zones. Significantly, several shear zones active during the late Mesoproterozoic Teapot Orogeny were not reactivated at this time, suggesting that the presence of pre-existing structures was not the only controlling factor in localizing Palaeozoic deformation. A range of Palaeozoic ages of 440–300 Ma from samples within and external to shear zones points to thermal disturbance from at least the early Silurian through until the late Carboniferous and suggests final cooling and exhumation of the terrane in this interval. The absence of evidence for active deformation and/or new mineral growth in the late stages of the ASO (350–300 Ma) is consistent with a change in orogenic dynamics from thick-skinned regionally extensive deformation to a more restricted localized high-geothermal gradient event.  相似文献   

文章收集了428份由公共部门发布的粤港澳大湾区协同发展政策,根据政策主体拓扑关系测度城市间的大湾区协同政策供给强度,绘制基于协同发展政策关系的大湾区空间联系格局,结果发现:1)单向惠港惠澳的政策措施是当前主要的政策供给方向;2)政策供给高度集中于公共服务与产业领域;3)区县及以下层级和地方专业部门尚未充分进入大湾区协同发展政策网络;4)港、澳、广、深四大中心城市与大湾区其他主体间的政策关系与空间联系方式各异;5)大湾区城市间的政策联系在都市圈尺度内互动频密,跨都市圈政策联系相对松散。最后,提出以下建议:粤港澳大湾区可进一步加强邻域城市、邻域区县、专业部门间以及广深2个中心城市之间的双向政策联动,统筹对港、对澳政策,使得政策供给进一步适应大湾区的治理结构。  相似文献   

以宁夏盐池县为例,基于前期宁夏限制开发生态区主体功能细分方案,利用农户调查数据,采用Logistic回归模型分析了农户生态补偿的参与意愿及影响因素。结论包括:(1)农户对生态补偿政策的满意度较高,不同类型区农户对政策的满意度有明显差异。(2)农户对政策的认知不高,弱限制开发区农户对生态补偿政策的认知最高,中限制开发区、禁止开发区农户的认知水平次之,强限制开发区农户的认知水平最低。(3)农户生态补偿的参与意愿较高,各类型区在空间上具有明显差异。(4)前期政策满意度、人均耕地面积、人均草地面积、羊只存栏量、户主年龄、农户家庭收入情况、非农收入比重等指标对农户参与生态补偿政策的意愿有显著影响。其中,先期政策满意度、农户家庭收入情况、非农收入比重等指标具有正向作用,其他指标具有负向作用。  相似文献   

无锡城市制造业企业区位调整与苏南模式重组   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
袁丰  魏也华  陈雯  郭垚 《地理科学》2012,(4):401-408
苏南地域广阔,区域和城市发展路径多样。较多研究关注全球化背景下国家和省级开发区发展带来的苏南模式创新,但是城市化对苏南模式重组影响同样值得关注。基于企业数据的空间分析以及企业访谈和问卷调查资料,从制造业企业进入和退出的角度,考察无锡市南长区在从乡镇企业典型发育地区(郊区)转变为城区过程中的产业升级和空间格局调整过程。研究表明:南长区制造业经历了产权重组、结构重组和空间重组三个过程,呈现出中小高新技术企业为主、空间上高度集中等城市化特征。政府表现出明显的"企业化"倾向,与传统苏南模式中直接介入企业经营不同,地方政府通过规划调控以及开发区建设、税收等金融刺激政策和措施影响企业区位行为,从而推动城市产业结构的转型升级和空间再集聚。  相似文献   

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