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This article offers a case study of the process involved in the development of a national network of marine reserves to protect multispecies reef fish spawning aggregation sites. There are two guiding principles that engendered success for this unprecedented conservation event. First was the broad participation of a diverse group of stakeholders, particularly the local fishermen providing their traditional ecological knowledge (TEK). The second involved the search for patterns in geomorphology and its association to the biology of exploited species. Using diverse and patchy sets of data including published peer-reviewed papers, gray literature reports from Belize and other Caribbean nations, remotely sensed images, coarse bathymetric maps, new bathymetric data collected with a single-beam sonar, and reports of fishermen from various parts of the country, we developed a conceptual understanding summarized by the multispecies promontory hypothesis, which suggests a common geomorphology of spawning sites for most large and commercially important reef fish species. An explicit test of the hypothesis is presently underway but is not the only focus of this article. This article also addresses the participatory process of geographic discovery and the role of the process in building consensus around a functional biophysical hypothesis, its test, and the resulting conservation action. A holistic, eclectic, inclusive geographic approach is offered as a successful example.  相似文献   

Increasing efforts to implement marine protected areas (MPAs) as a means of managing marine ecosystems have created a need for evaluating potential spatial management plans. Almost all marine populations are metapopulations, connected reproductively by the dispersal of pelagic larvae. Models of marine population dynamics must account for larval connectivity, but despite recent advances connectivity patterns are still poorly understood. To allow more informed decision making when complete information on dispersal is lacking, we have developed a method based on geographic information systems (GIS) for representing larval dispersal distributions based on bathymetry and typical flows in the coastal ocean. These distributions reflect (1) generally greater flow in directions along, rather than across, lines of constant bathymetry and (2) lesser flow in shallow near-shore waters. We demonstrate how to parameterize this two-dimensional method for depicting larval dispersal based on comparisons to local oceanographic data. We then compare the predictions of the two-dimensional method to those of a simpler one-dimensional alternative in a population model used to evaluate proposed MPAs along the coast of central California. The method produces reasonable larval dispersal patterns and appears to include the effects of bathymetry on population dynamics better than commonly used one-dimensional methods and without requiring the significantly greater investment of developing particle-tracking circulation models. An important advantage of a two-dimensional approach is more realistic portrayal of the dependence of population persistence on the cross-shelf dimension of available habitat.  相似文献   

Geographers have long been at the forefront of participating in and exploring the intersection of geographic knowledge and community-engaged research. This Focus Section highlights key debates and challenges facing geographers who participate in community-engaged work, explorations of pedagogical and ethical practices, departmental and institutional challenges, and examples of thoughtful applications of geographic knowledge to community-based work. It also seeks to generate knowledge and discussion of how geographers can employ civic engagement to advance geographic learning and enhance the profile of the discipline within and beyond higher education institutions. By focusing on such issues, this collection of articles contributes in vital ways to meet the challenges that higher education institutions face in demonstrating the relevance of academic learning to societal issues. This introduction to the Focus Section reviews the historical context of civic engagement in geography, provides a broad-scale look at the state of civically engaged research in U.S. institutions of higher learning, and highlights the contributions of each of the individual articles included in this Focus Section.  相似文献   

The northeastern Gulf of Mexico contains some of the most diverse and productive marine habitat in the United States. Much of this habitat, located on the shelf edge in depths of 50 to 120 m, supports spawning for many economically important species, including groupers. Here, we couple acoustic surveys with georeferenced videography to describe the primary spatial and geologic features of spawning aggregation sites for four economically important species: gag (Mycteroperca microlepis), scamp (M. phenax), red grouper (Epinephelus morio), and red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus), with notes on fish distribution and abundance and spawning activities. We provide information on movement patterns of reef fish determined using acoustic telemetry. Finally, we discuss the possible coupling of geomorphology with hydrographic features to influence the overall productivity of the region and the importance of spatial fishery management in sustaining that productivity.  相似文献   

The initial impetus for developing a specialty in ocean geography resulted from the need to resolve applied problems in coastal resources, as opposed to development of oceanographic research methods and concepts. However, the development in the last 10 to 20 years of sophisticated technologies for ocean data collection and management holds tremendous potential for mapping and interpreting the ocean environment in unprecedented detail. With the understanding that ocean research is often very costly, yet deemed extremely important by large funding agencies, geographers now have the opportunity to perform coastal and marine studies that are more quantitative in nature, to formulate and test basic hypotheses about the marine environment, and to collaborate with geographers working in corollary subdisciplines (e.g., remote sensing, GIS, geomorphology, political geography as pertaining to the Law of the Sea, etc.), as well as with classically-trained oceanographers. This article reviews, for the non-specialist, the newest advances in mapping and management technologies for undersea geographic research (particularly on the ocean floor) and discusses the contributions that geographers stand to make to a greater understanding of the oceans.  相似文献   

Marine reserves can create both benefits and costs to fishers. This article explores the perceptions of fishers in Kenya and Seychelles about displacement, spillover, and overall impacts of local marine reserves on their livelihoods. We test whether these perceptions are different among fishers from different geographic and socioeconomic conditions. Sixty-six percent of fishers had been displaced from marine reserves or coastal development and 90% believed they had caught fishes that spilled over from marine reserves. Poorer fishers in Kenya were both displaced from, and also felt like they benefited from, marine reserves. This highlights how people's experiences with marine reserves, both positive and negative, are affected by a range of social considerations that may not be incorporated in typical evaluations of ecological and economic marine reserve success.  相似文献   

中国海上集装箱运输的组织网络研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
王成金  金凤君 《地理科学》2006,26(4):392-401
在阐述国内外集装箱运输研究现状的基础上,分析了集装箱的空间组织模式-轴辐侍服网络。对中国港口的集装箱组织,从航线、航班、空间联系、地域系统等四个角度进行详细论述,认为香港、上海两港具有很强的组织能力,深圳、宁波、青岛、厦门、天津、大连等港具有较强的组织能力;不同港口形成了不同的主导组织区域;并且中国近海已形成以大连、天津、青岛、上海、厦门和深圳-香港等港口为枢纽港的6个轴辐侍服系统;同时中国港口又从属于釜山、阪神和新加坡3个国际集装箱侍服系统。  相似文献   

Although many have questioned the adequacy of quantitative methods for addressing issues of concern in critical geographies, such as social justice and inequality, many have argued that quantification can potentially make rich contributions to understanding and addressing these issues. In light of the recent attempts to reassert the critical potential and positive role of quantitative geography, we suggest in this introductory article for the Focus Section that the antagonism between critical and quantitative geographies is not beneficial to the discipline. We highlight some promising developments in modern quantitative geography and reflect on the ways in which the critical–quantitative binary can be at least partially eclipsed. We emphasize that knowledge in quantitative methods is essential for deciphering and challenging regressive political agendas, now often supported by numbers and quantitative analysis. Quantitative geography, when integrated with a critical sensibility and used appropriately, can be a powerful tool for fostering progressive social and political change.  相似文献   

王璐  皮常玲  郑向敏 《热带地理》2022,42(7):1148-1157
为预防和减少海洋旅游安全事故,运用卡方列联表分析与残差检验、时间强度指数、地理集中指数和不平衡指数分析中国海洋旅游安全事故的类型、特征与时空分布规律。研究发现:1)中国海洋旅游安全事故类型主要分为溺水、被困、交通事故、自杀、意外受伤、动物咬伤、疾病突发、火灾、食物中毒等9种。2)事故发生的主导因素存在类型差异,涉事旅游者个体特征、旅游活动与事故发生的关联性较高。3)事故在大(年)、中(月)、小(日)时间尺度分布呈现差异性和集中性。事故发生数量呈上升趋势,7―8月为高发期,5―6、10月为次发期,下午(T 14:00―18:00)为一日高发时段,上午(T 08:00―12:00)和晚上(T 18:00―21:00)为一日次发时段。4)事故在大(海洋旅游圈)、小(海洋旅游城市)、微(海洋旅游活动点)空间尺度分布呈现聚集性和不平衡性。其中,大空间尺度集中在闽台海峡西岸区域和环渤海区域,小尺度(闽台海峡西岸区域为例)集中在厦门、泉州和福州,微尺度集中在沙滩、海礁与海上区域。因此,建议从高发事故类型及其发生特征、时空分布规律等方面强化安全防控与监管工作,预防和减少海洋旅游安全事故发生。  相似文献   

Sociospatial information is critical to marine and coastal ecosystem management. The Hawaii Coastal Uses Mapping Project used a participatory geographic information systems (PGIS) methodology to gather local knowledge regarding the location and intensity of coastal human activities in Hawaii's priority sites for coral reef management. PGIS provided an efficient and effective means of obtaining information in a data-poor context, particularly at a scale and location where considerable local knowledge is held by community members and resource users. We detail the PGIS methods developed to collect sociospatial data on human uses in the project regions and discuss important considerations regarding the practice of PGIS that emerged from the mapping process, as well as implications for the production and documentation of spatial knowledge. Key themes include: issues of scale and appropriateness in using PGIS as a method for mapping human coastal and marine activities; data validity, authority, and the nature of local knowledge; community trust, engagement, and collaboration; and utility for coral reef management. While several factors limit local agencies' ability to use this spatial information to date, natural resource managers found the participatory mapping process to be highly valuable for stakeholder identification and engagement, and the maps provide a resource to state and federal managers to better understand the human implications of future management scenarios.  相似文献   

面积辽阔的南海是中国未来重要的能源接续区与资源基地,也是涉及国家海洋权益最为集中的区域。本文针对地理信息技术支撑下的南海岛礁研究现状,从南海岛礁现有基础数据成果、遥感手段岛礁基础地理信息提取方法及提取成果所做的岛礁分析与评价3方面,系统地回顾了国内外涉及南海岛礁资源环境研究的相关进展,评述了现有研究技术方法存在的不足,并对未来的研究进行了展望,在此基础上,提出了3个主要方向作为未来研究的重点:①促进遥感数据获取多源化,构建海量多源、多尺度南海岛礁遥感数据仓库;②加强技术协同创新,结合地理信息技术的发展,提升岛礁信息提取与监测的准确性与可靠性;③提升遥感分析智能化,研究并建立综合分析与情势推演平台及战略决策辅助支撑系统,以期为南海岛礁的进一步深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

赵亮  张争胜  南文龙 《地理学报》2016,71(3):515-523
曾昭璇先生是中国著名的地理学家,地貌学家和教育家.他在学术生涯的不同阶段对地貌学,自然地理学,历史地理学,人类地理学等学科领域均有积极的探索,他对南海地理问题的研究贯穿他的一生,为中国南海地理研究作出重要贡献.他深入研究南海海岸地貌,珊瑚礁地貌,主张采用"地形类型分析法"划分海岸类型,将中国海岸类型划分为山地港湾岸,台地岸与平原岸;他与梁景芬等合著《中国珊瑚礁地貌研究》,系统论述中国珊瑚礁探测史和石珊瑚的种属,生态,地貌特征与发育,并将中国珊瑚礁划分为四大区,六种地貌类型;他完善了珊瑚礁地貌土地名分类,根据《更路簿》划分南海珊瑚岛礁分布区,绘制珊瑚岛礁探测图;他利用历史文献资料考证"石塘"等南海诸岛古地名;他从地质学与地貌学角度论证南海诸岛与中国大陆的陆缘关系,还利用历史地理与地方志等资料佐证了南海诸岛自古以来就是中国的固有领土.  相似文献   

Understanding the diverse ways that landscape connectivity influences the distribution of microbial species is central to managing the spread and persistence of numerous biological invasions. Here, we use geospatial analytics to examine the degree to which the hydrologic connectivity of landscapes influences the transport of passively dispersed microbes, using the invasive plant pathogen Phytophthora ramorum as a case study. Pathogen occurrence was analyzed at 280 stream baiting stations across a range of watersheds – exposed to variable inoculum pressure – in California over a 7-year period (2004–2010). Using logistic regression, we modeled the probability of pathogen occurrence at a baiting station based on nine environmental variables. We developed a novel geospatial approach to quantify the hydrologic connectivity of host vegetation and inoculum pressure derived from least cost distance analyses in each watershed. We also examined the influence of local environmental conditions within the immediate neighborhood of a baiting station. Over the course of the sampling period, the pathogen was detected at 67 baiting stations associated with coastal watersheds with mild climate conditions, steep slopes, and higher levels of inoculum pressure. At the watershed scale, hydrologic landscape connectivity was a key predictor of pathogen occurrence in streams after accounting for variation in climate and exposure to inoculum. This study illustrates a geospatial approach to modeling the degree to which hydrologic systems play a role in shaping landscape structures conducive for the transport of passively dispersed microbes in heterogeneous watersheds.  相似文献   

Integrating heterogeneous spatial data is a crucial problem for geographical information systems (GIS) applications. Previous studies mainly focus on the matching of heterogeneous road networks or heterogeneous polygonal data sets. Few literatures attempt to approach the problem of integrating the point of interest (POI) from volunteered geographic information (VGI) and professional road networks from official mapping agencies. Hence, the article proposes an approach for integrating VGI POIs and professional road networks. The proposed method first generates a POI connectivity graph by mining the linear cluster patterns from POIs. Secondly, the matching nodes between the POI connectivity graph and the associated road network are fulfilled by probabilistic relaxation and refined by a vector median filtering (VMF). Finally, POIs are aligned to the road network by an affine transformation according to the matching nodes. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed method integrates both the POIs from VGI and the POIs from official mapping agencies with the associated road networks effectively and validly, providing a promising solution for enriching professional road networks by integrating VGI POIs.  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of the neglect and marginalisation of indigenous peoples’ sea rights. It aims to explain how a complex and ecologically appropriate alternative law of the sea has largely escaped research interests and, until recently, has not been recognised by western systems of law and resource and environmental management. It is argued that the dominance of western views and concepts of nature and landscape predicated on western knowledge and values marginalises indigenous concepts of nature and undermines effective indigenous control of social space. Cultural differences between Aboriginal and non‐Aboriginal ways of constructing meaning in the sea provide the vantage point from which to explore the relations between differences in cultural values, property rights, and political and economic control over marine and coastal environments.  相似文献   

交通发展区位测度的理论与方法   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
交通建设所引致的区位条件改善对促进各类生产要素集聚和地方经济发展,重塑区域空间结构具有重要作用,因此,交通区位的测度一直是地理学的核心议题之一。随着交通网络的不断发展与完善以及新技术、新模式、新因素和新业态的出现,地方传统区位条件被重构,个人出行理念和模式发生了一系列变化。① 交通区位的测度逐渐从依托空间位置和交通设施发展水平的传统地理区位扩展到依托网络连通性、可靠性与出行便捷性的“流空间”新区位;② 研究对象从关注不同地方的区位特征扩展到关注群体出行规律和个体行为差异的微观区位选择;③ 研究内容从交通设施网络的可达性扩展到基于“门到门”的全链条出行服务;④ 大数据挖掘技术和GIS-T技术的发展也使得交通区位的测度朝着更加精确化和精准化的方向迈进。  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing and geographic information systems are emerging technologies in geomorphology. They offer the opportunity to gain fresh insights into biophysical systems through the spatial, temporal, spectral, and radiometric resolutions of remote sensing systems and through the analytical and data integration capability of GIS. The two technologies can be linked together into a synergistic system that is particularly well suited to the examination of landscape conditions through the interrelationships of scale, pattern, and process, a paradigm that has gained prominence in the fields of biogeography and landscape ecology. In this study, we apply optical and microwave remote sensing systems and GIS methodologies to case studies framed within the fluvial and alpine environments. We use the scale, pattern, and process paradigm to explore landscape relationships in those environments. Satellite image processing, change-detection analyses, digital elevation models, GIS-derived geomorphic indices and variables, composition and pattern metrics of landscape organization, and scale-dependent analyses are described and related to the study of river channel abandonment and the alpine treeline ecotone. We describe appropriate remote sensing and GIS techniques for geomorphic research, and demonstrate the use of such techniques in the application of the scale, pattern, and processes perspective in geomorphic studies.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, feminist geographers have contributed in critical ways to thinking on the conduct, complications, and consequences of feminist research. The robust existing body of work is testament to the foundational import of these contributions, but the articles in this Focus Section suggest that there are still important things to argue, talk about, and reflect on with regard to the epistemological aspects of doing feminist geography. These six articles bring together real-life examples of complex issues that feminist researchers in geography face today, with the overarching aim of sparking discussions about the relationship between feminist research and knowledge production. Specifically, the articles expand key concepts facilitating reflexive processes and offer new tools for feminist researchers. This Introduction reviews the existing literature pertaining to both of these goals, and summarizes and situates the articles that follow.  相似文献   


This article explains a professional development experience of fifth to twelfth grade teachers in using geographic information systems (GIS) and global positioning systems (GPS) technologies to enhance classroom teaching and learning environments. A key challenge faced by the developers was whether teachers would value the technology tools enough to warrant the time necessary to develop the skills for productive use of the technology. Based on five years' experience, researchers identified seven key components and elaborated on them with examples and related processes.  相似文献   

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