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“Doing” Critical Geographies with Numbers   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Criticisms of quantitative geography have a long history in our discipline. Since the emergence of early Marxist geography, the advent of new theoretical traditions has been accompanied by sustained and sometimes vigorous critiques of spatial analysis. In this introductory article to the second focus section on critical quantitative geographies, we discuss the accuracy of some of the criticisms about the use(s) to which spatial analysis is put and about the philosophical presumptions underpinning quantitative geographies. We argue that spatial analysis and critical geographies should not be considered mutually exclusive of one another—although this does not mean that numbers and critical geographies are entirely comfortable with one another. We suggest that critical geographies cannot dispense with numbers and visualizations based on numerical information. We hope that the articles collected here will inspire geographers to engage with numbers and statistics to challenge inequality and imagine alternative futures.  相似文献   

This article questions the idea that quantitative methods, in particular the analysis of social statistics, is at odds with critical approaches to geography. It argues that numbers-based research is vital to highlight social injustice and oppression and that quantitative research can meet the requirements of critical geography to be reflexive, politically conscious, and activist. The article highlights two issues of pressing interest for research and activism by critically inspired quantitative researchers. First, there should be vigilance about the retrenchment of data collection and releases by the state, which will end up obscuring the ability to see social inequalities. Second, there should be a vigorous challenge to the political and judicial undermining of the results of statistical sampling and inference. These are vital tools for estimating hard-to-count populations and inferring inequalities between groups. The article gives examples of where these estimation issues are critical, which include civilian deaths in Iraq, counting minority populations in the United States, and the detection and remediation of structural racism.  相似文献   

This paper asks why we teach what we teach to geography undergraduates in quantitative methods courses. We re-consider the origins of quantitative geography and note how partial and historically contingent the traditional syllabus is. From this basis, we suggest that other approaches should be considered in order to provide a broader training in quantitative methods. We then propose an example syllabus that attempts to integrate a range of quantitative methodologies within a common, applied context that is also connected to relevant social, economic and political issues. We conclude that students with a better understanding of methods in physical and social science could be very valuable to the betterment of society, but to achieve this may require a change to our quantitative methods teaching.  相似文献   

超越地理学二元性: 混合地理学的思考   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
关美宝 《地理科学进展》2013,32(9):1307-1315
20世纪的地理学经历了“空间-分析”地理学和“社会-文化”地理学的分裂,对学科的发展带来了持久的影响。本文从历史角度探究“空间-分析”地理学和“社会-文化”地理学分裂的原因,提出保持地理学观点的多样性、促进不同领域的沟通是地理学学科发展的理性选择。在实现“空间-分析”地理学与“社会-文化”地理学沟通的方式方面,地理学认识论与研究方法之间并不存在一一对应的关系,定量方法与定性方法可以在不同领域中混合使用,从而实现对社会-理论与空间-分析隔阂的超越。本文阐释了“混合性”的理念在超越地理学社会-文化/空间-分析二元性中所具备的潜质,并简要总结了混合地理学已有的研究实践,对以“混合性”为基础、面向“后社会-理论、后空间-分析”的地理学未来进行了展望。  相似文献   

基于理论旅行视角的人文地理学中想象地理研究反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
翁时秀 《地理学报》2018,73(2):261-275
作为批判概念的“想象地理”对地缘政治和日常生活中的后殖民地理问题具有很强的分析能力。本文借用Edward Said“理论旅行”分析框架对想象地理概念引入人文地理学的最初过程及此后想象地理研究的发展演变进行了较为全面的分析,指出人文地理学对想象地理的真正关注始于20世纪90年代初,历经马克思主义地理学的语境压力,想象地理概念进入地理学并逐渐发展为南北关系问题和种族问题研究的核心概念之一。在这些研究中,这一概念充分展示了其解释力和批判激情,但同时也逐渐被体制化,进而产生了“体制化问题”——以批判“话语霸权”为目的的想象地理概念反而成为了一种话语霸权,研究者的批判意识逐渐减弱。基于以上梳理,本文指出,对概念和理论所处的历史和情境始终进行批判性审视是保持批判意识的根本。由此引发的进一步思考是:中国人文地理学的发展必然需要引介西方概念和理论,但在引介过程中应注意反思自身面临的学术后殖民问题,审视学术研究的历史和情境,始终对概念和理论的前提条件、适用范围与理论特性保持警觉,在西化与本土化之间,保持应有的批判意识。  相似文献   

女性主义地理学观及其思想史意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文从本体论、认识论和方法论3个层面讨论了女性主义地理学观的建构,并说明了女性主义地理学对更新地理学观的意义,以及对当代主流人文地理学思潮的潜在影响。在本体论层面上,女性主义地理学一直直面西方传统社会文化思想中的等级制性别化二元论,建构了主张女性和男性在建构社会及社会空间中具有交互性关系的本体论。在认识论和方法论层面上,女性主义地理学证明了女性及其空间在西方社会中处于弱势的认识论和方法论根源,动摇了实证主义地理学认识论和方法论中永恒性、普遍性、客观性的预设,阐释了地理学认知过程中情感等主观因素的可靠性,并建构了“去中心化”的认识论和方法论框架。无论在本体论还是在认识论和方法论层面上,当前的女性主义地理学主流思潮都有一定的中和性色彩,这一倾向使女性主义地理学在地理学观演进,以及以人文地理学思想为代表的地理学思想演进中,都具有重要的位置。西方女性主义地理学的兴盛,与其直面西方的社会文化思想根源问题不无关联。在中国女性主义地理学开始发展的当下,注重分析中国女性及其空间问题产生的社会文化思想根源,将有助于中国女性主义地理学的发展,并提升其潜在的价值。  相似文献   

Recent viewpoints concerning the state of research in transport geography have touched on the issue of insularity and the need to bridge the divide between the largely spatial–analytical or quantitative research in transport geography and the critical or qualitative research prevalent in urban, economic, and most other subfields of human geography. Transport geography has been criticized by some for being a quiet corner of our discipline that has lost its centrality largely because it remains within the analytical framework of the 1960s. This article explores these sentiments by reexamining recent transport-oriented research in highly cited geography journals to assess the degree to which the qualitative–quantitative divide exists within transport geography and between transport and other subfield in human geography, as well as to explore issues of productivity and centrality of transport-oriented research in geography. Results indicate that geographical research involving transport topics is much more prevalent and reflects a wider range of epistemological and methodological approaches than is frequently assumed. Nevertheless, there is still a considerable divide between “mainstream” transport geography and other human geographical research that necessitates much more interaction between transport and other subfields and greater incorporation of alternative research approaches within the mainstream of transport geography. To that end, we propose a preliminary critical transport geography research agenda that is open to a variety of methodological approaches, including quantitative analysis.  相似文献   

Quantitative and cartographic methods are today often associated with absolute, Newtonian conceptions of space. We argue that some such methods have not always been and need not be so allied. Present geographic approaches to relational space have been largely advanced through radical political economic and feminist thought. Yet we identify quantitative and cartographic methods (taking as exemplars a range of thinkers, some of whom were most prominent in the 1960s and 1970s) that can contribute to these approaches to relational space. We suggest neglected methods to revisit, new alliances to be forged with critical human geography and cultural critique, and possible paths to enliven geographical imaginations.  相似文献   

Robert M Vanderbeck 《Area》2008,40(3):393-400
A small but growing number of voices have begun to raise questions about the current direction of children's geographies as a subfield and its status within the wider discipline. This article intervenes in these emerging discussions to examine the status of debate itself within children's geographies. I argue that children's geographies over the past decade has operated primarily in a consensus-based mode, with a number of potential tensions and differences between practitioners masked as a result. I develop the example of notions of children's competent social agency, a core theoretical assumption that is rarely interrogated in much depth. In closing, I pose questions regarding several contemporary political issues concerning children's agency about which geographers have had surprisingly little to say. I suggest that explicitly addressing some of these vexing issues would contribute to a richer state of debate within children's geographies.  相似文献   

国际地理学发展趋向述要   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
地理学作为一种理论思维是历史的产物,它的中心研究课题是随着时代的进展而不断变化的。因此要从发展观点来认识地理学。再则各国由于国情不同,地理学的发展也具有地域差异性。本文从古代、近代和现代三个发展阶段和西方及苏联两大中心的主要地理思潮加以分析,说明了以上论点。  相似文献   

Heated exchanges between critical theorists and GIScientists over geographic information systems (GIS) in 1990s geography gave rise to calls for increased communication between critics and practitioners of the technology and most recently for “hybrid” qualitative–quantitative GIS practices. Although GIS scholars have successfully addressed mid-1990s critiques of the technology by developing a series of critical GIS practices that involve nuanced and reflexive deployments of GIS and assessments of its visual products, theoretical critiques of GIS remain fixated on the epistemological deficiencies of the technology. Despite references to loosening metaphysical tensions across the discipline, this difference in assessments reveals the discourses of critical-theoretic geography and GIScience to remain separated by a trenchant philosophical divide, across which ontological and epistemological commitments are inviolable. The inability to fully reconcile a critical–theoretic epistemology with the explicitly ontological metaphysics of GIS further complicates qualitative engagements with the technology by addressing a series of inconsistencies into GIS praxis arising from the quantitative limits to representation encountered in the formal universe of computing. The persistence of metaphysical tensions in critical engagements with the technology questions the degree to which qualitative methods can be seamlessly hybridized with the quantitative architectures of GIS.  相似文献   

中国政治地理与地缘政治理论研究展望:青年学者笔谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国政治地理学和地缘政治学的发展相对滞后,目前仍未形成系统、有共识的学科理论框架。为此,基于2019年先后在上海和广州举办的多次研讨会,国内15位青年地理学者结合自身的研究基础和中国政治地理学和地缘政治学科建设和理论发展的需要,提出了一系列未来值得深入研究的中国政治地理学和地缘政治研究方向。这些研究方向具体包括:多尺度的地缘环境、科技地缘政治、批判地缘政治、环境政治、能源地缘政治、国别区域研究、通权论、民意政治、都市政治、劳工政治地理、区域一体化的政治地理、城市政治地理学、中西权地秩序比较、新技术革命催生的新人地关系、尺度政治、马克思主义政治地理学、历史政治地理和基于福柯治理术的空间-权力关系理论等。此外,各位青年学者一致认为,中国政治地理学和地缘政治研究应该具有多尺度特征、加强原创性理论研究、回归“地理空间-权力关系”的主线。希望本文抛砖引玉,引发更多关于中国政治地理学和地缘政治学科建设和理论发展的讨论和成果。  相似文献   

通过对国际上的政治地理学旗舰性杂志《Political Geography》2005-2015年期间391篇成果的分析,总结出国际政治地理学研究的主要研究议题为:边境与边界,环境政治,空间与尺度,领土和主权以及安全问题,选举地理,社会和文化政治,其中空间与尺度,领土和主权以及安全问题,社会和文化政治几个方向研究成果占较大比例,而其他三个方向则相对较少.通过研究方法分析发现,国际政治地理学主要采用定性分析的方法,尤其是民族志和文本分析的方法,定量分析的使用存在一定的局限性.最后,从该杂志的研究对象和研究机构两个方面的分析归纳出:欧美主导的发达国家(尤其是英国和美国)对世界政治地理学话题的学术霸权与世界南,北差异发展具有一定的相关性.在中国综合国力日渐增强,参与国际事务能力不断提高以及作为新兴的地缘政治力量崛起的社会历史背景下,政治地理学经世致用之能亟待被展现.因此,中国政治地理学发展作为发展中国家的声音势必将越来越洪亮.  相似文献   


The article presents the changes in the discipline of geography over 60 years as experienced both in fieldwork and in practice by a Norwegian geographer. Based on diaries and collections of memoirs, the author, Arild Holt-Jensen, presents his life story and how it has been impacted by people, places and special events. His intention is to show how geography and his own work reflect social, political and intellectual changes since the late 1950s. Initially, a regional geography approach was adopted in the fieldwork for his master’s thesis but the approach was challenged by new ideas and methods from both the spatial science school and model thinking. As a young lecturer in 1968, the author was shocked by the positivism debate and critical philosophy, and his spatial science and quantitative approach in his PhD project had to be adapted. His political engagement and interest in planning led him to research social exclusion in European neighbourhoods. His need to trace the identity of geography as a discipline resulted in a textbook that throughout the years has been updated by following up on research trends to the present. Thus, the book and the article show Holt-Jensen’s shifts in disciplinary identity and research practice.  相似文献   

社会感知视角下的若干人文地理学基本问题再思考   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
刘瑜 《地理学报》2016,71(4):564-575
近年来,不同类型大数据在地理研究中得到了越来越多的重视,许多学者基于手机、社交媒体、出租车等数据开展了大量实证研究。社会感知概念刻画了地理空间大数据基于大量人的行为时空模式获取地理环境特征的的技术手段,该手段有助于重新审视地理学研究中的一些基本问题,因而本文选择了空间分布和空间交互这两个基本地理概念以及定性方法和定量方法这两个人文地理基本研究方法展开讨论。大数据从微观个体和宏观群体两个层面同时感知空间分布和空间交互,可以定量分析其中的距离以及尺度效应。进而,由于小样本访谈人群和场所是定性研究的基础,而大数据可以通过定量方法识别特定人群和场所并进行刻画,因此,社会感知手段为集成定性和定量研究方法,构建混合地理学奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The interaction between urban space and individual behavior has led to essential social, economic and environmental consequences. Behavioral geography provides a new effective theoretical and methodological framework to investigate behavior patterns in cities. In recent years, behavior approach has become an influential analytical paradigm in Chinese urban geography. This paper provides an overview of behavioral geography research in China, by introducing the theoretical and empirical progress in behavior analysis. It is argued that behavioral approach offers a new perspective to understanding China’s urban sociospatial reconstruction and addressing social and environmental issues at micro scale. Although theoretical development still lags behind developed countries, Chinese scholars have made much progress in empirical investigations of classical socio-spatial behavior theories. This paper also provides an overview of new trends in Chinese behavioral geography that has started to apply the behavioral approach to urban social, economic and environmental issues. This paper suggests that social dimensions of behavior should be addressed more comprehensively and rigorously by using interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological frameworks, to better understand the complexity of Chinese cities and research the critical social and environmental issues in cities.  相似文献   

The interaction between urban space and individual behavior has led to essential social, economic and environmental consequences. Behavioral geography provides a new effective theoretical and methodological framework to investigate behavior patterns in cities. In recent years, behavior approach has become an influential analytical paradigm in Chinese urban geography. This paper provides an overview of behavioral geography research in China, by introducing the theoretical and empirical progress in behavior analysis. It is argued that behavioral approach offers a new perspective to understanding China's urban sociospatial reconstruction and addressing social and environmental issues at micro scale. Although theoretical development still lags behind developed countries, Chinese scholars have made much progress in empirical investigations of classical socio-spatial behavior theories. This paper also provides an overview of new trends in Chinese behavioral geography that has started to apply the behavioral approach to urban social, economic and environmental issues. This paper suggests that social dimensions of behavior should be addressed more comprehensively and rigorously by using interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological frameworks, to better understand the complexity of Chinese cities and research the critical social and environmental issues in cities.  相似文献   

Placing geographies of public health   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Tim Brown  & Craig Duncan 《Area》2002,34(4):361-369
Following the move to a 'post–medical' geography, a large amount of research has come to focus on public health issues. This paper explores these current geographies of public health and argues for the development of a more critical perspective. In particular, it draws on commentary that has emerged out of debates that have taken place within a body of literature usually identified as the critical 'new' public health. The paper goes on to argue that such scholarship offers crucial insights for the production of a critical geography of public health.  相似文献   

Although climate change is expected to increase vulnerabilities, marginalization, and sufferings of many in the Global South, impacts will be unevenly felt across social strata. Intersectionalities of social difference, especially along gender and class lines, differentiate the ways in which impacts of climate change are experienced and responded to. Feminist political ecology and feminist geography insights can explain how different groups of people understand, respond to, and cope with variability and uncertainties in nuanced and critical ways, thereby elucidating the gendered implications of climate change. With a regional focus on South Asia, the article underscores the key issues that can be applied geographically elsewhere. Gendered implications of climate change in South Asia are particularly poignant as patriarchal norms, inequities, and inequalities often place women and men in differentiated positions in their abilities to respond to and cope with dramatic changes in socioecological relations but also foreground the complex ways in which social power relations operate in communal responses to adaptation strategies. This is particularly evident in water-related productive and reproductive tasks in agrarian societies that constitute the majority of South Asia. As climate change is expected to exacerbate both ecological degradation (e.g., water shortages) and water-related natural hazards (e.g., floods, cyclones), thereby transforming gender–water geographies, it becomes imperative to undertake careful multiscalar and critical analyses to better inform policymaking. This article elucidates the complex ways that climate change will affect gender and social relations, thereby highlighting the ways that existing policy narratives and adaptation programs might be better informed by geographical insights. To this end, the article encourages feminist and critical geographers to more forcefully and fruitfully engage with global debates on climate change.  相似文献   

区域地理与系统地理二元论的演变及其透析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
叶超  蔡运龙 《地理研究》2012,31(5):771-781
地理学是一门追求普适性的学科,还是强调其独特性,这个"普适"与"例外"的问题曾引起地理学史上最大的方法论争论。它反映出系统地理学与区域地理学的二元论。系统地理学家强调地理学追求一般法则,区域学派则认为研究独特的区域是地理学的核心。这种二元论争论在古希腊时代就初见端倪,"舍费尔—哈特向之争"则使其达到顶点。对争论的历史根源和发展演变的分析表明:虽然两个学派的代表人物哈特向和舍费尔都至少在形式上反对只强调系统和区域中的一个而忽视另一个的做法,但是他们的兴趣、价值观导致的偏好和地理学史观的重大分歧,使他们最终对区域地理和系统地理的倾向不一样。20世纪80年代的"哈特—格里奇之争"只是这种二元论的一个余波。其后,多元主义方法论的兴起使得这种二元论争论逐渐淡出人们的视野,但后现代地理学聚焦于"批判的区域研究",实质上仍是这种争论在新时代的变种。中国地理学界缺乏此种争论,原因可能在于"实用主义"的学术导向、学术环境、学术评价体制、折中调和的理论构建方式等。这不利于中国地理学自立于世界学术之林。  相似文献   

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