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海山区浮游生态学研究   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3  
本文综述了海山浮游生态学研究的现状。海山是大洋中常见的地形单元,在有的海山附近鱼类和底栖生物的生物量比周围大洋中要多,针对这些鱼类和底栖生物的饵料来源提出了三种假说,第一种假说认为海山区特殊的物理环境导致初级生产力较高(经典假说),第二种假说认为海山区的饵料不是本地生产的,地形和流场使得外来的浮游生物在海山区富集或通量加大(外来营养补充假说),第三种假说认为海山上部的颗粒有机物营养较高,是鱼类和底栖生物的营养来源之一(颗粒有机物补充假说)。对海山浮游生态学的研究基本围绕这几个假说进行。目前只在9座海山进行了浮游生态学研究,这些研究表明单个假说并不能解释海山附近鱼类生物量较大的现象,海山鱼类和底栖生物的营养来源可能有很多,这些假说阐述的机制并不互相矛盾,海山生物之间的营养关系也比原来想象的复杂得多。已有研究都是针对其中某个假说进行验证研究,建议我国即将进行的海山浮游生态学研究针对三种假说进行海上调查,以提供完备的数据支持。  相似文献   

2014年冬季对西太平洋雅浦Y3海山区和从西太平洋暖池区到黑潮源区之间的大洋海域的浮游动物进行了调查研究,分析了海山区和大洋海域大型浮游动物群落的物种组成、丰度和分布,并比较了两个海域大型浮游动物群落的差异,结合温度、盐度和叶绿素a浓度等环境因子数据,分析了海山对大型浮游动物群落的影响。结果表明,Y3海山区和大洋海域的大型浮游动物群落物种组成存在差异,二者的群落相似度系数为68.4%,两个海域的优势种/类群也不尽相同,海山区的优势种/类群是磷虾各期幼体、尖额磷虾和蛮𧊕,而大洋海域的优势种/类群分别是磷虾后期幼体、手磷虾、蛮𧊕、尖额磷虾和莹虾。大型浮游动物群落在海山区的平均丰度和最大丰度都要高于大洋海域,但海山区的生物多样性指数、均匀度指数和生物量占比都低于大洋海域,因而Y3海山对大型浮游动物群落的海山效应不明显。通过相关性分析和主成分分析结果可以看出,海山区的首要影响环境因子是盐度,而大洋海域则是温度;海山区和大洋海域的大型浮游动物丰度分别与200m层盐度和平均温度呈负相关关系,并且在两个调查海域均未发现大型浮游动物的丰度和生物量分布与叶绿素a浓度之间存在显著的相关关系。  相似文献   

海山可以通过与洋流的相互作用改变水体结构,促进悬浮体以及海洋生物的再分配,进而影响海洋生物地球化学过程,促进大洋物质和能量交换。西太平洋有着复杂的环流结构,也是海山分布最多的海区之一。为研究西太平洋海山区的悬浮体分布及其控制机制,2017年夏季在西太平洋卡罗琳M4海山区进行现场调查,利用扫描电镜分析了该海山区悬浮体样品的物质组成及分布,并结合温度、盐度和荧光叶绿素a浓度数据,讨论了海山对悬浮体分布的影响。结果表明,M4海山区的悬浮体由生物碎屑、矿物颗粒和絮凝体等组成。海水的强烈层化阻碍了该海山区下层营养物质的上涌,使上层水体呈现出寡营养的特征,导致大部分站位悬浮体丰度较低;但在海山顶部,潮流和海山地形相互作用在山顶上方形成反气旋环流,不仅促进了深水的营养物质向上扩散,使得荧光叶绿素a浓度升高,同时对平流输送来的以及从深水中上涌的悬浮体起到了滞留作用,使山顶上方的悬浮体丰度远高于离山顶较远的位置。随着水深的增大,温、盐跃层的强度减弱,水体中的营养盐浓度升高,为浮游生物的生长提供了适宜的环境,进而使生物碎屑及絮凝体的丰度升高。北赤道潜流挟带来自西太平洋近岸海区的陆源矿物颗粒到达M4海山区,...  相似文献   

海山地形的多尺度特征研究,有助于理解海山形成与演化过程中的地貌过程,并为深入认识俯冲带地球动力过程提供新的线索。本文基于中国科学院海洋研究所“科学”号科考船近年来在雅浦-卡罗琳海区采集的高分辨率海底地形数据,利用统计学及频谱分析等方法,分析了研究区42座海山的形态及地形粗糙度特征,并对海山地形多尺度特征及其成因开展研究。结果表明,雅浦-卡罗琳海区不同构造环境下形成的海山群,在海山的形态参数和多尺度地形特征等方面存在显著差异。相比于索罗尔海槽,帕里西维拉海盆中的海山具有更大的宽高比与更小的平坦度。两区域内海山形态参数具有不同的线性相关关系,表明区域内海山存在不同的形态演化过程。对帕里西维拉海盆中海山地形的频谱分析显示,其大尺度特征信号不显著,意味着该区域内海山地形受小尺度地貌过程的影响更大。索罗尔海槽中海山的粗糙度与海山体积具有线性相关性,可能与不同海山形成过程的差异有关,较早形成的海山受到了更多构造活动及小尺度地貌过程的影响,进而形成了更加粗糙的表面特征。  相似文献   

为能科学合理、快速量化地圈定出大洋海山钴结壳优质矿区,本文基于国际海底管理局提出的矿区选取模型,利用我国西太平洋海山钴结壳资源调查的拖网采样资料,结合西太平洋海山钴结壳分布特征,提出人机交互式的矿区圈定方法,对西太平洋马尔库斯-威克海山区拉蒙特平顶海山圈定出钴结壳资源远景区和符合国际海底管理局规章要求的51个钴结壳矿块,估算出拉蒙特平顶海山和51个矿块的钴结壳资源量及金属量,同时通过对拉蒙特平顶海山日本申请矿区的结壳资源分布特征分析,表明采用人机交互式的矿区圈定方法得出的结果,不仅能快速定量地圈定出钴结壳资源前景较好的矿区,也为大洋海山钴结壳矿区圈定和资源量估算提供了新方法。  相似文献   

尖顶海山和平顶海山是洋底海山的两种类型,同时也是富钴结壳资源赖以成长的主要载体,两者在地形上具有显著差别,资源状况和分布也不尽一致。以地形分类为基础,就中太平洋海山区两类海山结壳的成矿特征、宏微观构造、矿物和化学组成以及空间分布等进行了比对研究。研究认为,尖顶海山体积虽小,但地形演化连续,底层流及环境氧化性较强,有利于结壳的长期稳定生长,结壳厚度总体较大,富成矿元素和生物组分,远景成矿区域连续绵长。平顶海山山体巨大,顶部和斜坡陡崖区不利于结壳成长,底流活动只在山顶边缘和山脊地带表现突出,环境氧化性整体较弱,后期构造活动相对频繁,结壳总体厚度较小,铁,碎屑和热液组分含量较高,远景矿区相对狭窄。  相似文献   

分析了大洋40航次在西太平洋马尔库斯-威克海山区山间海盆采集的表层沉积物中生物硅和有机质的含量,并对其分布特征和来源进行了初步的研究。结果表明,马尔库斯-威克海山区附近海域深海表层沉积物中生物硅含量总体较低,含量在0.88%~12.41%之间,平均含量为2.19%,分布上呈现西南含量高,向东北方向递减的趋势;深海表层沉积物中有机碳含量较低,δ13C同位素组成分布与生物硅相同。沉积物柱状样的研究表明研究区在过去的100~200 ka期间表层水体中硅质生物的初级生产力是逐渐增加的。  相似文献   

琼东上升流研究概述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
琼东上升流是海南岛东部沿岸的季节性上升流,通常发生在4—9月18°30′—20°N、111°30′E 以西近岸,6—7月最强,夏季表层水体呈现明显的低温、高盐、低溶解氧和高营养盐特征.对20世纪60年代以来琼东上升流时空特征及其影响机制等方面的研究进行了概述,这些研究主要描述了琼东上升流的基本水文特征、年际差异以及风场和地形等影响因素的作用.对比近年来沿岸上升流的前沿研究,指出在琼东上升流的生态动力综合调查、年际变化规律及影响机制以及与大尺度背景场的相互作用等方面还需进一步加强研究.  相似文献   

对于开阔大洋海山结壳的矿物组成和地球化学特征研究已经比较深入,但对边缘海海山铁锰结壳的研究却较少。以在南海东部管事海山上采集的两块铁锰结壳为研究材料,对其进行了X射线衍射、扫描电镜及电子探针微区的分析,结果显示结壳矿物以水羟锰矿为主,含有少量针铁矿,碎屑矿物主要是石英和长石。结壳的显微结构呈现条带状分布,有10~15μm长的空隙和0.5μm直径大小的孔洞。相对于大洋结壳,结壳的Mn含量较高,与马尼拉海沟附近火山喷发物质有关,但Cu、Co和Ni含量更低,可能与边缘海沉积速率高或有机络合物吸附有关。矿物组成及元素比值表明结壳主要是水成的,但未发生明显磷酸盐化作用。元素比值和相关性表明,Mn主要来源于南海扩张停止后火山喷发、玄武岩风化形成溶解Mn;Fe与Si元素均来自火山碎屑、生源物质和陆源物质,还受到管状蠕虫吸附的影响。南海管事海山结壳是在富氧环境中上升流作用下选择性吸附水体中溶解化学元素缓慢沉积而成。结壳中元素含量随时间变化趋势反映了南海的古环境变化。  相似文献   

断裂和岩浆活动影响着海山的形成及其基岩的分布类型。在总结中、西太平洋海山区的海山与构造分布特征、白垩纪大规模岩浆喷发事件、海山形成年代分布、海山与海底高原的岩性分布和GEOROC数据库样品的年代时序对比的基础上,分析了断裂和白垩纪岩浆活动的特点及其对中、西太平洋海山区海山形成的影响作用。研究认为:中、西太平洋海山区的洋壳在海山形成前受断裂带改造;受白垩纪大规模岩浆活动的影响,中、西太平洋海山区的海山约在87~89 Ma和120~123 Ma出现两个生长高峰期,并且在岩性上表现出与同期生成的海底高原相近。  相似文献   

Seamounts are vulnerable ecosystems in the deep sea and can be heavily impacted by human activities, such as bottom fishing and deep-sea mining. The species composition and distribution patterns of benthic fauna is key information for the designation of marine protected areas and environmental management plans. Three contracts for cobalt-rich crust exploration have been granted to China, Japan and Korea in the Northwest Pacific Ocean by the International Seabed Authority. However, our knowledge of benthic biodiversity in this area is extremely insufficient. During 2013–2020, eight Chinese Ocean Mineral Resources R&D Association (COMRA) cruises were conducted to investigate the benthic assemblages of nine seamounts in this region. In this study, 191 ophiuroids collected from seamounts in the Northwest Pacific were identified into 29 species in 11 families. Ophiacanthidae and Euryalidae were the two most dominant families with 12 and 6 species, respectively. Ophiotomidae and Ophiopyrgidae were represented by two species each, while seven families were represented by only one species. Four species were widely distributed among 4–5 seamounts, and 17 species were found only at a single site. An integrated regional taxonomic dataset of Ophiuroidea was generated and analyzed. A total of 23 and 14 species were obtained from the Magellan Seamount Chain (MSC) and the Marcus-Wake seamounts (MWS), respectively, with 8 species shared between the two seamount groups. The individual-based rarefaction curves did not reach an asymptote, suggesting that the sampling effort was inadequate for either the entire region or each single seamount. Most species distributed in a narrow depth range, and the species composition was different between water depths above and below 2000 m. Our results greatly improve the understanding of megafaunal biodiversity from seamounts in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, and highlight the necessity of further surveys to provide more robust information for environmental protection and management in this region.  相似文献   

Seamounts are prominent features of the world's seafloor, and are the target of deep-sea commercial fisheries, and of interest for minerals exploitation. They can host vulnerable benthic communities, which can be rapidly and severely impacted by human activities. There have been recent calls to establish networks of marine protected areas on the High Seas, including seamounts. However, there is little biological information on the benthic communities on seamounts, and this has limited the ability of scientists to inform managers about seamounts that should be protected as part of a network. In this paper we present a seamount classification based on "biologically meaningful" physical variables for which global-scale data are available. The approach involves the use of a general biogeographic classification for the bathyal depth zone (near-surface to 3500 m), and then uses four key environmental variables (overlying export production, summit depth, oxygen levels, and seamount proximity) to group seamounts with similar characteristics. This procedure is done in a simple hierarchical manner, which results in 194 seamount classes throughout the worlds oceans. The method was compared against a multivariate approach, and ground-truthed against octocoral data for the North Atlantic. We believe it gives biologically realistic groupings, in a transparent process that can be used to either directly select, or aid selection of, seamounts to be protected.  相似文献   

南海中部海盆海山磁性反演及初步解析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
金钟 《海洋学报》2003,25(2):57-66
南海中部海盆分布着众多海山,从实测磁异常反演海山磁性是南海海盆古地磁研究新的重要课题,它有助于解决南海海盆的运动方向和运动形式等问题.对南海海盆16座海山作磁性反演取得了较高的计算精度.对南海中部海盆海山磁性反演表明,海山均为非均匀磁化体,海山形成经过多期火山喷溢叠加.海山磁性差异清晰地显示了海盆分区特征.南海海盆分东部海盆区和西南部海盐区,海盆地壳运动规律差异较大:东部海盆以逆时针旋转由南往北运移;西南海盆先经历了顺时针旋转,后改为逆时针旋转,由北往南运移.  相似文献   

基于DEM数据的菲律宾海典型区地貌类型划分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深远海海底地质环境复杂,地貌形态多变,目前没有形成统一的地貌类型划分量化标准。本文主要针对这一问题,选择菲律宾海中南部典型区作为研究区,结合已有规范、标准和区域构造演化特征,提出了海山、海丘、海底裂谷、山间谷地、山间洼地、山间盆地6种四级地貌单元的量化划分标准。利用ArcGIS平台对DEM数据进行深度处理,提取高程、坡度、坡度变化率、地形起伏度等关键地貌因子,对研究区海山等地貌单元进行了定量化划分,明确了其分布特征。结果显示:受控于形成时期不同的构造背景,研究区西部与东部具有显著的构造走向差异,西部海岭呈近EW向雁式排列,东部海丘呈近NS向雁式排列,东部海丘相较于西部海岭更为狭长;海山、海丘和山间盆地等大规模地貌单元的形成往往受控于强烈的构造、岩浆活动。本次研究成果能够丰富深远海海底地貌类型划分和成因研究领域,为今后相关标准规范的制定奠定基础。  相似文献   

This paper addresses how large aggregations of fish found on many seamounts are sustained. We used a generic seamount ecosystem model from the Northeast Atlantic to examine the impact of a potential increase of local primary production on higher trophic levels, to quantify the immigration of allochthonous micronekton that would be required to maintain a “typical” seamount community, and to quantify if the necessary immigration ratios could be supported by local oceanographic conditions. Our simulation predictions indicate a lack of autochthonous resources in the system to support large amounts of seamount aggregating fish. In other words, autochthonous seamount production may be responsible for sustaining only a small amount of its total biomass. Additionally, our study supports the idea that enhancement of primary productivity also cannot sustain large aggregations of seamount fish. Our seamount model, which took into account high abundances of fish, marine mammals, seabirds and tuna, required a total immigration of allochthonous micronekton of 95.2 t km−2 yr−1 less than the potential available biomass after considering the immigration of prey based upon average current velocities and prey standing stocks in oceanic waters. Our model predicted that the horizontal flux of prey would be sufficient to sustain the rich communities living on seamounts.  相似文献   

The physical, biological, and oceano‐graphic characteristics of seamounts of the New Zealand region of the South Pacific Ocean are poorly known. The aim of this study was to present a synopsis of the physical characteristics of seamounts within the region, and to present a preliminary classification using biologically meaningful variables. Data for up to 16 environmental variables were collated and used to describe the distribution and characteristics of the c. 800 known seamounts in the New Zealand region. Seamounts span a wide range of sizes, depths, elevation, geological associations and origins, and occur over the latitudinal range of the region, lying in different water masses of varying productivity, and both near shore and off shore. As such, it was difficult to generally describe New Zealand seamounts, as there is no “typical” feature. Thirteen environmental variables were included in a multivariate cluster analysis to identify 12 seamount similarity groupings, for a subset of over half the known seamounts. The groupings generally displayed an appreciable geographic distribution throughout the region, and were largely characterised by a combination of four variables (depth at peak, depth at base, elevation, and distance from continental shelf). In the future, the findings of the present study can be tested to determine the validity and usefulness of the approach for directing future biodiversity research and informing management of seamount habitat.  相似文献   

Scientific study has generated a range of hypotheses about the ecological structure and function of seamounts. Interpretations of these ideas and data are vital to understanding how seamount communities will respond to anthropogenic impacts. Here, we examine how diversity and structure of seamount assemblages vary with depth and slope of the sea floor. We conducted ROV video transects on three seamounts of the Taney Seamount Chain in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Depth and slope were both related to assemblage structure on the Taney seamounts. Depth differences were seen in alpha‐ and beta‐diversity but not density. Beta‐diversity and density but not alpha‐diversity varied with slope. Overall, slope and depth together explained 14–31% of beta‐diversity. The findings suggest that differences in beta‐diversity as related to depth gradients may differ among onshore and offshore and/or between shallow and deep summit seamounts. Specifically, we hypothesize that differences in productivity and depth gradients among seamounts may generate different patterns of beta‐diversity.  相似文献   

We have studied the epipelagic (0–100 m) metabolic balance between gross and net community production (Pg, Pn) and community respiration (Rd) around two seamounts (Seine: 34°N, 14°W; Sedlo: 40°N, 27°W) located in the subtropical northeast Atlantic. We looked for local effects causing seamounts to increase community production and/or community respiration with respect to the surrounding open ocean. Comparatively, Seine presented similar average living plankton biomass—chlorophyll a (Chl) and particulate proteins (Pt)—but higher Pg, due to higher Rd, presumably the result of organic matter loading from the NW Africa upwelling system, as supported by field results and satellite imagery. Nevertheless, the large temporal and spatial variability at each seamount make the average differences non-significant. Temporal variability in P, Rd and Chl was evident around the two seamounts. Sedlo showed higher Rd, Chl and Pt during winter, but higher Pn in summer. Seine presented higher Pt, Chl and Pn during spring, but higher Rd in summer. On average, the metabolic balance was heterotrophic (Rd>Pg) during all the sampling periods and at most stations of the two seamounts. Both Sedlo and Seine, showed higher Rd with respect to average values reported for the global ocean. A clear seamount effect on phytoplankton was only observed in Seine during spring, when Chl and Pt were enhanced at the summit of the seamount. Our results suggest that, rather than increasing primary production significantly, the two seamounts could act as trapping mechanisms for organic matter, favoured by the development of Taylor Columns on the top of the seamounts. Nevertheless these effects seem to be of a lower magnitude than changes caused by temporal or regional variability, questioning the role of these seamounts as hot-spots of productivity in the oceans.  相似文献   

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