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Eighty two dinosaur trackways were newly discovered in Upper Cretaceous lacustrine deposits on islands in the vicinity of Yeosu, Korea. Most dinosaur tracks occur in marginal lake deposits with polygonal desiccation cracks. The dinosaur tracks at the Yeosu site include 65 ornithopod trackways, 16 theropod trackways and one sauropod trackway. The prevalence of ornithopod tracks and the limited occurrence of sauropod tracks at the Yeosu site evidently reflect decreased sauropod diversity in the Upper Cretaceous. All ornithopod trackways represent bipeds, and most of the ornithopod tracks are similar to Caririchnium from other sites of the Korean peninsula. All fossil wood specimens collected in the study area represent conifers (three species of cupressaceous and two species of taxodiaceous conifers, and a new species) except for one, which is a discotyledon. It is thus inferred that the southwestern part of the Korean Peninsula was primarily covered with mesic forests with taxodiaceous trees during the Late Cretaceous. The K–Ar age of the Yeosu tracksite is determined as 81–65 Ma (Camapnian to Maastrichtian). It indicates that the Yeosu track site contains the last records of dinosaurs living in Asia. Consequently, semi-arid palaeoclimatic conditions, together with a large lake as a persistent water source and rich vegetation of gymnosperm trees as food, resulted in the preservation of abundant dinosaur tracks in the Upper Cretaceous on the Korean Peninsula.  相似文献   

甘肃永靖盐锅峡早白垩世翼龙足迹的发现及意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
甘肃永靖盐锅峡恐龙足迹1号化石点中保存有翼龙足迹, 该足迹是我国翼龙足迹的首次发现.翼龙足迹为四足行走, 行迹宽.前脚为不对称三趾型, 趾行式, 其中Ⅱ趾最短, Ⅳ趾最长, 足迹外偏, 偏角大, Ⅳ趾与行迹交角为160°~ 180°.后脚外形为近长方形, 四趾型, Ⅱ、Ⅲ趾较Ⅰ、Ⅳ趾长, 行式, 脚长为宽的3倍, 足迹外偏, 偏角30°.足迹特征表明该翼龙足迹属于一新种.沉积特征表明翼龙足迹产于湖岸环境.   相似文献   

Here we report a large dinosaur tracksite from an extensive fluvial sandstone surface in the Lower Cretaceous Jiaguan Formation of Sichuan Province, China. The site contains over 250 individual tracks comprising at least 18 recognizable trackways, including the longest theropod trackway (cf. Eubrontes) known from China. This exceptional theropod trackway consists of 81 successive footprints covering a distance of 69 m. The tracks are well-preserved and are expressed both as true tracks on the main “upper” surface and as transmitted undertracks on a locally exposed “lower” bed. Also recorded are six other theropod trackways, including small Grallator-like ichnites, eight sauropod trackways (cf. Brontopodus), and three small ornithopod (cf. Ornithopodichnus) trackways with a parallel orientation, which may indicate gregarious behavior. Several trackways of a larger theropod trackmaker show pes imprints with elongated traces of the metatarsals, suggesting extramorphological (substrate-controlled) variation and/or plantigrade posture, which is here interpreted as indicating a change in gait assumed in response to deep and soft sediment. The assemblage indicates a diverse dinosaur fauna in the Lower Cretaceous Sichuan Basin with variously sized theropods, sauropods, and ornithopods. The late occurrence of footprints of the Grallator-Eubrontes plexus in Lower Cretaceous strata is further evidence of the extended stratigraphic range of this morphotype and the distinct palaeobiogeographic distribution of these trackmakers in East Asia.  相似文献   

The well-preserved trackway of a lacertiform, lizard-like trackmaker from the Haman Formation (Cretaceous) of Korea is described as Neosauroides koreaensis ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov. This is the only example of a Cretaceous lacertiform or lizard-like trackway currently known in the global track record. Although lacertiform trackways, mostly assigned to the ichnogenus Rhynchosauroides, are common in the global Triassic, they are almost entirely absent in the Jurassic and Cretaceous. Moreover, ichnological classification criteria allow that Neosauroides is morphologically distinct from Rhynchosauroides at the genus level, and more like the tracks of the extant lizard Sceloporus. The reasons for the conspicuous lack of post-Triassic occurrences are not certain, but not due to a post-Triassic lack of potential lizard trackmakers. Thus, the preservation biases are likely due to paleobiological factors such as trackmaker ecology and paleoenvironmental preference.  相似文献   

The partial carapace of a “macrobaenid” turtle from the Geoncheonri Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in Gyeongsan City near Daegu Metropolian City, South Korea, is referred to Kirgizemys Nessov and Khozsatzky, 1973. The specimen most closely resembles K. exaratus Nessov and Khozsatzky, 1973 from the Albian of Kyrgyzstan. It is the first turtle fossil described from the Mesozoic sediments on the Korean peninsula.  相似文献   

江苏省新沂市马陵山地区的4个神秘的印记,传统上被解释为“李存孝打虎处”的“虎爪印”和“人足迹”,重新将其解释为大盛群田家楼组恐龙足迹。这些足迹中只有一个最深的“虎爪印”保存了可识别的趾印,表明它是一个有着后内侧拇趾印的兽脚类恐龙左足迹,是一道单步约50cm的直线行迹的一部分;另一种解释是该足迹为小型蜥脚类恐龙的右后足迹,形成行迹的右侧部分,其左侧部分没有保存。马陵山足迹点提供了恐龙足迹如何影响中国民间传说的另一个案例。  相似文献   

During the Campanian and Maastrichtian ages (86–66 million years ago), tyrannosaurids were the predominant large carnivorous dinosaurs throughout the Northern hemisphere. Despite the abundance of skeletal material, the fossil-footprint record of tyrannosaurids has been limited. Here we report a tyrannosaurid trackway in the Lance Formation, Wyoming. The trackway consists of three sequential tracks on a sandstone surface. Based on the age and size of the footprints, the trackmaker can be identified as either a sub-adult Tyrannosaurus rex or a Nanotyrannus lancensis. The trackway offers a record of a tyrannosaurid pace length, which permits the speed of the trackmaker to be calculated at 4.5–8.0 km/h. This result discounts previous speculation that tyrannosaurid walking speeds were notably slower than those of other large theropods.  相似文献   

The ichnofauna of the Woodbine Formation (Cenomanian), Denton County, Texas includes bird and dinosaur tracks. A new bird trackway,Magnoavipes loweiichnogen. et ichnosp. nov., appears to represent the largest bird tracks known from the Mesozoic. A theropod trackway,Fuscinapedis woodbinensisichnogen. et ichnosp. nov., is characterized by long digits of uniform width and pointed small claws. Six hadrosaurid trackways,Caririchnium protohadrosaurichnosichnosp. nov., are the oldest hadrosaurid tracks associated with skeletal elements. They include one isolated small footprint, a medium sized quadrupedal, and five large bipedal hadrosaurid trackways.  相似文献   

The poor preservation and apparent monospecifity of Permian tetrapod footprints from eolian paleoenvironments have thus far hampered their reliable interpretation. This study clarifies how this is due to distinct and repeated ichnotaphonomic effects on trackway pattern and footprint morphology on originally inclined planes. Once these effects are excluded, the anatomy-consistent ichnotaxobases useful for ichnotaxonomy can be recognized. Several nomina dubia are identified, among these the ichnogenus Chelichnus, here considered a taphotaxon. The eolian ichnoassociations from the Lopingian of Scotland and Germany include six different ichnotaxa: cf. Capitosauroides isp. (?eutheriodont therapsid), Dicynodontipus geinitzi (cynodont therapsid), Dolomitipes isp. (dicynodont therapsid), Pachypes loxodactylus n. comb. (pareiasaurian parareptile), Procolophonichnium isp. (small parareptile) and Rhynchosauroides isp. (non-archosauriform neodiapsid). This is completely different from the interpretations of the last 20 years, which postulated that these paleoenvironments comprised monospecific associations of synapsid tracks. These ichnoassociations are instead moderately diverse, similar to low-latitude marginal marine to floodplain ichnoassociations and belong to the Lopingian Paradoxichnium footprint biochron. The Cornberg Formation of Germany, being constrained between the Illawarra reversal and the mid-Wuchiapingian Kupferschiefer at the Rotliegend/Zechstein transition, constitutes the earliest evidence of Lopingian tetrapod faunas at low paleolatitudes and the first evidence of low-paleolatitude faunal turnover related to the end-Guadalupian mass extinction from both the skeleton and the track record. This suggests a global extension of the dinocephalian extinction event, which occurred at high-mid (South Africa and Russia) and low (Western Europe) paleolatitudes of Pangea about 259–260 Ma and was probably triggered by the eruption of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province of SW China, which considerably changed global environmental conditions in both marine and continental settings.  相似文献   

通过对前人建议的26个生物地层标志化石存在与否的简约分析,中亚与亚洲中部晚白垩世的陆生脊椎动物组合的相对层位得到了更清楚的揭示。此区最古老的组合是乌兹别克斯坦克孜勒库姆沙漠的Khodzhakul组合(早塞诺曼期),其次为蒙古戈壁沙漠东部BaynShire组的下部和上部的组合(塞诺曼期至桑顿期)。中国内蒙古二连达布苏动物群与中亚的土伦期—桑顿期动物群属于同一类群,因为它们均具龟鳖类Khunnuchelys,前者时代可能为桑顿期。三个中亚的组合(Bissekty、Yalovach和Bostobe组合)中有两个地方性的鳄形类(Kansajsuchus和Tadzhikosuchus)和一个出现于戈壁沙漠的鳄形类(Shamosuchus)化石。戈壁沙漠的坎潘期至马斯特里赫特期组合与北美同期动物群为同一类群。Djadokhta组与BarunGoyot组的坎潘期脊椎动物组合具有高度的地方性,并反应了半干旱的古环境。产自Nemegt组的组合生存于比较潮湿的环境。在组成上,这一组合与其他河流相沉积环境(Bissekty、二连达布苏以及北美Judithian期和Lancian期的组合)相似。具顶饰的鸭嘴龙Saurolophus的存在,支持了Nemegt组合为马斯特里赫特期时代。戈壁沙漠的这三个组合(Djadokhta、Barun Goyot和Nemegt组合)被归为一类,因为它们共同拥有地方性的龟类Mongolemys和兽脚亚目的小驰龙类。亚洲中部和北美的坎潘期至马斯特里赫特期组合与亚洲更加古老的组合不同在于存有暴龙科、肿头龙亚目和鸭嘴龙科。在中亚,由于地区性的海侵,这一时间段内的陆生脊椎动物组合多不清楚。  相似文献   

白垩纪四足动物足印的生物地层学、生物年代学与遗迹相   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
从全球范围来看,白垩纪四足动物的足印多数是非鸟恐龙与鸟类留下的痕迹;少量足印来自翼龙、鳄鱼、龟、哺乳动物和其他四足动物。白垩纪的足迹化石以东亚(尤其是中国和朝鲜)和北美西部的最为人所知。南美(主要是阿根廷和巴西)也有一定数量广泛分布的足迹化石,欧洲、非洲与澳大利亚的白垩纪足迹组合则鲜为人知。以白垩纪四足动物的足印记录为基础,我们对两个全球足印生物年代重新进行了检查。早白垩世生物年代以蜥脚类与鸟脚类的足迹为特征。晚白垩世生物年代中的蜥脚类足迹较少,但是鸭嘴龙、暴龙和角龙的足迹增多了。另外,白垩纪足印化石的记录中记载了许多重要的生物地层学信息,如北美白垩纪中期蜥脚类恐龙的消失,以及白垩纪末恐龙的绝灭。越来越多来自东亚的白垩纪足印记录使我们对更精细的地方性白垩纪足印生物年代学有了初步印象。因此,以地方性四足恐龙(包括鸟类)遗迹属的地层分布为基础,可以识别出三个或四个足印生物年代。种类丰富并具有地方性特色的东亚的白垩纪鸟类动物的遗迹群,可能指示白垩纪时东亚存在着一个独特而繁盛的鸟类动物群。以足印化石为基础的这一假说有待进一步的验证。  相似文献   

在山东省莒南地质公园内发现6个小型恐龙足迹化石,被归入足迹属Minisauripus。化石产于下白垩统大盛群田家楼组.时代为早白垩世巴列姆(Barremian)-阿普特期(Apdan)。5个较大,长约6cm,产于下部“主”层面上,其中4个组成2节行迹:1个较小,长约3cm,位于“主”层面30cm之上的上部层面上。山东Minisauripus的特征是:足迹个体小(长3.1~5.6cm,宽2.0~3.7cm),三趾型,略不对称;足迹纵长,各趾近平行,趾垫较清晰;趾末端较钝,但爪迹较尖。Ⅲ趾比Ⅳ趾略长,而Ⅳ趾比Ⅱ趾略长且窄。此外,步幅较长,足长与步长之比约为10:1。与四川、韩国Minisau却淞不同之处是:足迹个体较大,长约是它们的2倍。继中国四川和韩国之后,山东是Minisau而淞在全球的第三个发现点。  相似文献   

Poorly preserved tracks have limited ichnotaxonomic or biotaxon utility,but may reveal useful information about the paleoenvironment,behavior and track taphonomy.Eight mostly parallel to sub parallel trackway segments(T1–T8)were registered on a truncation surface in the Lower Cretaceous Luohe Formation of Shaanxi Province.These attest to the passage of several bipeds,probably all theropods,in a paleo-contour-parallel,south-north direction in an arid setting.Quality of preservation in these trackways is poor,but notably superior in two additional trackways(T9–T10)on a foreset surface.Trackway T9 indicates a didactyl trackmaker,probably a deinonychosaurian,heading north to south.This is the 13th report of deinonychosaurian tracks from the Lower Cretaceous of China.If any or all the eight south-north oriented trackway segments represent continuations of other segments in the same trackways,the total number of individual trackmakers heading in this direction may have been as lowas three.Although the trackway pattern and sedimentological evidence could indicate a physically controlled pathway influencing the direction taken by these trackmakers,the possibility that the trackways also represented small social or gregarious group cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

A sample of fallen blocks of fluvial sandstone from the Lower Cretaceous Jiaguan Formation of Sichuan Province yielded an assemblage of dinosaur and pterosaur tracks preserved as natural impressions and casts. Collectively the assemblage reveals 132 tracks representing at least 30 trackways of tridactyl and didactyl theropods, sauropods, ornithopods and pterosaurs. Ichnotaxonomically, the trackways of small tridactyl theropods (pes lengths 7–18 cm) are indeterminable, whereas the trackway of a small didactyl dromaeosaur (pes length up to 7.5 cm) is tentatively assigned to cf. Velociraptorichnus. The sauropod trackways are assigned to cf. Brontopodus based on the medium to nearly wide-gauge pattern. Other characteristics are the U-shaped manus and strong heteropody. One sauropod trackway shows a peculiar pattern with a lack of left manus imprints, and an unusual position and rotation of right manus imprints. Different scenarios and explanations for this phenomenon are discussed. Ornithopod trackways are the most abundant in the sample and characterized by pes imprints of a small biped that are assigned here to the new ichnospecies Caririchnium liucixini. It is characterized by an unusual broad shape and weak mesaxony. Bivariate analysis of different Caririchnium ichnospecies reveals increasing mesaxony toward the larger forms, a trend that is the reverse of typical theropod ichnotaxa, where large imprints have weak mesaxony. Three isolated, small pterosaur tracks (two manus, one pes) are visible on a single surface. They show strong similarities to the widespread ichnogenus Pteraichnus. This is the ninth report of tetrapod tracks from the Jiaguan Formation in recent years and represents one of the most diverse assemblages recorded to date. It is also rare evidence of typical didactyl dromaeosaur tracks and the co-occurrence of sauropod and ornithopod tracks in a fluvial depositional environment representing arid climate conditions.  相似文献   

藏东昌都地区阿涅塘化石点中侏罗世达布卡组滨湖相紫红色中-细砂岩中,发现以凸形迹完好地保存的4层恐龙足迹,包括Grallator类、大型兽脚类、小型兽脚类和小型蜥脚类等足迹类型,并构成两列完美的行迹. 组成行迹T1的4个Grallator类足迹被命名为Grallator anietangensis isp. nov.,对其进行了详细的形态学分析,并讨论了造迹恐龙的大小和运动状态,这是Grallator类足迹在西藏地区的首次发现. 组成行迹T2的9个大型兽脚类足迹被归为Theropoda igen. et isp. indet.,对该类足迹进行了形态描述和功能分析;这类足迹在中国是首次记录,其连续且清晰的尾迹表明造迹者并非处于正常运动状态,而是应对某种特殊境况的特别行为方式,即其正以昂起的前躯一边观察,一边以极低的速度前进,因前躯昂起,尾部相应下垂,从而留下尾迹. 两列行迹均显示出造迹者正沿古昌都湖岸前进. 中国迄今所发现的恐龙骨骼和Grallator类足迹化石主要表现为以西南地区为中心,再向四周不断发散的扩散模式,但Grallator类足迹化石综合提供的信息显示恐龙动物的扩散速度比骨骼化石反映的速度更快.   相似文献   

Newly discovered tracks of a large quadrupedal ornithopod and a theropod with trail trace, and a bird track from the Cretaceous Saniri Formation of Yeongdong area are described. One ornithopod trackway is very unusual in having large (length width ∼15 and >15 cm respectively) clover-leaf-like manus tracks situated anteromedial to the pes tracks with atypical negative, inward rotation of 45°. Ornithopod pes tracks are quadripartite with three separated, elongate-oval, nearly parallel sided, wide digit impressions and a separate suboval heel impression (mean length and width about 41 and 36 cm respectively: l/w ratio 1.13). Manus track morphotypes are a clover-leaf-shaped configuration of three digit impressions, representing digits II–IV, in triangular configuration and registered just in front of (anteromedial to) pes track digits II and III. The pes morphotype is typical of Caririchnium, but the manus morphotype is quite distinct from previously described ichnotaxa, thus justifying a new ichnotaxon: Caririchnium yeondongensis ichnosp. nov., probably representing a facultatively-quadrupedal Iguanodon-like trackmaker.Theropod tracks are composed of three tapered pes digit impressions with interdigital angles between digits II and IV 45°. Length and width about 22.8 cm and 15.5 cm, respectively. Pace, stride, and pace angles are about 51 cm, 101 cm, and 170°, respectively. Theropod tracks are characteristically associated with a nearly continuous tail trace, which is up to 360 cm in length, 4.5 to 6 cm in width, and broad “U” shaped in cross section. Expulsion rims and dragging striae occur intermittently. In addition, dinosaur skin impressions, poorly preserved large sauropod tracks, a bird track, invertebrate and plant fossils are found from the lake margin deposits also containing rain drop impressions and desiccation cracks. Dinosaur tracks of the Yeongdong area represent the oldest (Valanginian-Hauterivian) dinosaur tracks of Korea.  相似文献   

The footprint assemblage of Vieux Emosson, located at 2400 m altitude in the Swiss Alps, was first described in 1982. The assemblage was regarded as Late Ladinian or Carnian in age, but the dating was questioned because the taxa show few affinities with other Triassic assemblages. Here we describe a short trackway with shallow but well-preserved tracks referred to the ichnogenus Isochirotherium, showing affinities with Isochirotherium soergeli and Isochirotherium lomasi. The trackway is present on a piece of slab ex situ lying on a mass of fallen rocks, but the slab can be attributed with confidence to the same level as the main one previously mapped. Preliminary observations in situ and of the footprint casts made in 1979 and deposited in the Natural History Museum of Geneva suggest that none of these are attributable to dinosaurs and that the Vieux Emosson footprints are mainly “track preservation variations” of chirotherian tracks. The occurrence of the ichnogenus Isochirotherium favours an older age, probably Early or Middle Triassic, than previously suggested for the Vieux Emosson tracksite.  相似文献   

A total of more than 40 tridactyl and didactyl tracks were preserved as natural casts on four fallen blocks of sandstone representing the Lower Cretaceous Jiaguan Formation of Gulin County in southeastern Sichuan Province, China. While several trackways can be distinctly followed, others are isolated imprints only. All have been flattened by overburden pressures. Tridactyl tracks are present with three size-classes being <10 cm, 10–20 cm and >20 cm in length. Morphologically they are similar to the ichnogenus Eubrontes, considering the relatively weak mesaxony. Eight of the tracks on one of the blocks are clearly didactyl and are here interpreted as representing large and medium sized dromaeosaurids. The largest track is about ∼30 cm long and comparable in size to the type of Dromaeopodus (∼28 cm), from the Lower Cretaceous of Shandong Province, which was the largest dromaeosaurid track previously reported. This report adds new data to the growing number of dromaeosaurid tracksites reports from China, and from the Jiaguan Formation, suggesting that this theropod group had a preference for fluvial paleoenvironments.  相似文献   

Upper Triassic and Middle Jurassic strata of the Xichang Basin in Sichuan Province, southwestern China, yielded important dinosaur ichnofossils. From the Xujiahe Formation of the Yiguojiao tracksite, we report a Late Triassic footprint assemblage in China and the first discovery of diagnostic Triassic sauropodomorph tracks in this region. The tracks share a number of features in common with the ichnogenera Eosauropus(Late Triassic) and Liujianpus(Early Jurassic). The neighboring Bingtu tracksite is stratigraphically younger(Shaximiao Formation, Middle Jurassic) and preserves small tridactyl theropod tracks that represent the first occurrence of the ichnotaxon Carmelopodus in China and Asia. While these tracks are morphologically comparable to those from the Middle Jurassic type locality in North America, the specimens from China show the proximal margin of the digit IV impression in a more cranial position, which may indicate a trackmaker with a relatively short metatarsal IV. In addition to the skeletal record, the Carmelopodus footprints document the presence of small theropods in the dinosaur fauna of the Middle Jurassic Shaximiao Formation.  相似文献   

Although body fossils of shorebirds and shorebird-like species are extremely rare from the Cretaceous, rapid increase in the discovery of bird footprint sites provides valuable alternate evidence to help fill gaps in the story of the early evolution of shorebird-like species. Newly discovered bird tracks from the Albian-Cenomanian Dakota Formation in northeastern Utah represent the first report of the ichnogenus Koreanaornis from North America and only the second report of bird tracks from this formation. These tracks are not attributable to Aquatilavipes as previously claimed. Three well-preserved trackways are described and provisionally referred to Koreanaornis cf. hamanensis (Kim). However, a review of the ichnotaxonomy of shorebird ichnites reveals that this ichnotaxon also closely resembles the Miocene ichnospecies Avipeda sirin (Vyalov). This latter comparison points to the need for a thorough evaluation of the similarity between Mesozoic and Cenozoic avian ichnotaxa, which may be over-split in some cases and under-differentiated in others.The new material helps distinguish ichnogenus Koreanaornis from the larger bird track Aquatilavipes, which is more abundant and widespread in North America. In some cases Aquatilavipes has been incorrectly used as a catch-all ichnogenus both in North America and Asia. The Dakota Formation stratigraphy at the tracksite indicates that the track makers lived in a marginal marine paleoenvironment. However, despite the widespread distribution of such facies, often replete with dinosaur tracks, the bird track record of the Dakota Formation, and the Cretaceous of the western USA remains relatively sparse in comparison with other areas such as east Asia.  相似文献   

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