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A sample of fallen blocks of fluvial sandstone from the Lower Cretaceous Jiaguan Formation of Sichuan Province yielded an assemblage of dinosaur and pterosaur tracks preserved as natural impressions and casts. Collectively the assemblage reveals 132 tracks representing at least 30 trackways of tridactyl and didactyl theropods, sauropods, ornithopods and pterosaurs. Ichnotaxonomically, the trackways of small tridactyl theropods (pes lengths 7–18 cm) are indeterminable, whereas the trackway of a small didactyl dromaeosaur (pes length up to 7.5 cm) is tentatively assigned to cf. Velociraptorichnus. The sauropod trackways are assigned to cf. Brontopodus based on the medium to nearly wide-gauge pattern. Other characteristics are the U-shaped manus and strong heteropody. One sauropod trackway shows a peculiar pattern with a lack of left manus imprints, and an unusual position and rotation of right manus imprints. Different scenarios and explanations for this phenomenon are discussed. Ornithopod trackways are the most abundant in the sample and characterized by pes imprints of a small biped that are assigned here to the new ichnospecies Caririchnium liucixini. It is characterized by an unusual broad shape and weak mesaxony. Bivariate analysis of different Caririchnium ichnospecies reveals increasing mesaxony toward the larger forms, a trend that is the reverse of typical theropod ichnotaxa, where large imprints have weak mesaxony. Three isolated, small pterosaur tracks (two manus, one pes) are visible on a single surface. They show strong similarities to the widespread ichnogenus Pteraichnus. This is the ninth report of tetrapod tracks from the Jiaguan Formation in recent years and represents one of the most diverse assemblages recorded to date. It is also rare evidence of typical didactyl dromaeosaur tracks and the co-occurrence of sauropod and ornithopod tracks in a fluvial depositional environment representing arid climate conditions.  相似文献   

A newly discovered Jiaguan Formation(Lower Cretaceous) tracksite from the Linjiang region of Guizhou Province, China, reveals the first example of a Cretaceous track morphotype attributable to the non-avian theropod ichnogenus Gigandipus, here named Gigandipus chiappei ichnosp nov. The theropod dominated locality also reveals the second report of the avian theropod ichnogenus Wupus, one of the largest avian traces currently known from the Lower Cretaceous. The Linjiang site provides evidence to support previous interpretations of a distinctive Lower Cretaceous theropod-dominated ichnofauna that was widespread in China and East Asia and highlights the similarity between Lower Cretaceous theropod ichnotaxa in East Asia and those found in the Lower Jurassic both in East Asia and elsewhere. These similarities in turn create various ichnotaxonomic challenges familiar to researchers working on theropod tracks, and we recommend caution in the naming of new theropod ichnotaxa at the ichnogenus level.  相似文献   

A Yanji Basin tracksite in the Cretaceous Tongfosi Formation in the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Province was reinvestigated twenty years after the original study.The re-examination confirms the presence of tracks tentatively referred to ornithopods and theropod tracks including several not previously reported. In addition to the main track-bearing level, a second footprint horizon was identified from which a probable ornithopod track was collected. Some of the formerly identified tracks were documented using photogrammetry, whereas others that had been collected, eroded, buried or obscured by dense vegetation. The age of the track-bearing beds is inferred to be late Albian to early Cenomanian. Comparison with track-bearing units of the same age in Shandong, China, and Korea indicated quite different compositions of track assemblages. In the case of the Korean sites the differences may be facies related. While the Korean ichnofauna is characterized by the co-occurrence of ornithopod, sauropod and tridactyl theropod tracks with didactyl dromaeosaurid, Minisauripus (small theropod), pterosaur and avian tracks, the latter four are absent in the Tongfosi assemblage. This could reflect a restricted environment being not favourable for activities of these trackmakers or simply a preservational bias.  相似文献   

Here we report a large dinosaur tracksite from an extensive fluvial sandstone surface in the Lower Cretaceous Jiaguan Formation of Sichuan Province, China. The site contains over 250 individual tracks comprising at least 18 recognizable trackways, including the longest theropod trackway (cf. Eubrontes) known from China. This exceptional theropod trackway consists of 81 successive footprints covering a distance of 69 m. The tracks are well-preserved and are expressed both as true tracks on the main “upper” surface and as transmitted undertracks on a locally exposed “lower” bed. Also recorded are six other theropod trackways, including small Grallator-like ichnites, eight sauropod trackways (cf. Brontopodus), and three small ornithopod (cf. Ornithopodichnus) trackways with a parallel orientation, which may indicate gregarious behavior. Several trackways of a larger theropod trackmaker show pes imprints with elongated traces of the metatarsals, suggesting extramorphological (substrate-controlled) variation and/or plantigrade posture, which is here interpreted as indicating a change in gait assumed in response to deep and soft sediment. The assemblage indicates a diverse dinosaur fauna in the Lower Cretaceous Sichuan Basin with variously sized theropods, sauropods, and ornithopods. The late occurrence of footprints of the Grallator-Eubrontes plexus in Lower Cretaceous strata is further evidence of the extended stratigraphic range of this morphotype and the distinct palaeobiogeographic distribution of these trackmakers in East Asia.  相似文献   

Newly discovered tracks of a large quadrupedal ornithopod and a theropod with trail trace, and a bird track from the Cretaceous Saniri Formation of Yeongdong area are described. One ornithopod trackway is very unusual in having large (length width ∼15 and >15 cm respectively) clover-leaf-like manus tracks situated anteromedial to the pes tracks with atypical negative, inward rotation of 45°. Ornithopod pes tracks are quadripartite with three separated, elongate-oval, nearly parallel sided, wide digit impressions and a separate suboval heel impression (mean length and width about 41 and 36 cm respectively: l/w ratio 1.13). Manus track morphotypes are a clover-leaf-shaped configuration of three digit impressions, representing digits II–IV, in triangular configuration and registered just in front of (anteromedial to) pes track digits II and III. The pes morphotype is typical of Caririchnium, but the manus morphotype is quite distinct from previously described ichnotaxa, thus justifying a new ichnotaxon: Caririchnium yeondongensis ichnosp. nov., probably representing a facultatively-quadrupedal Iguanodon-like trackmaker.Theropod tracks are composed of three tapered pes digit impressions with interdigital angles between digits II and IV 45°. Length and width about 22.8 cm and 15.5 cm, respectively. Pace, stride, and pace angles are about 51 cm, 101 cm, and 170°, respectively. Theropod tracks are characteristically associated with a nearly continuous tail trace, which is up to 360 cm in length, 4.5 to 6 cm in width, and broad “U” shaped in cross section. Expulsion rims and dragging striae occur intermittently. In addition, dinosaur skin impressions, poorly preserved large sauropod tracks, a bird track, invertebrate and plant fossils are found from the lake margin deposits also containing rain drop impressions and desiccation cracks. Dinosaur tracks of the Yeongdong area represent the oldest (Valanginian-Hauterivian) dinosaur tracks of Korea.  相似文献   

在鄂尔多斯盆地东北缘神木市中鸡一带下白垩统洛河组上部紫红色薄层砂岩层面中,发现丰富的恐龙与其他四足类的足迹化石。这些足迹可分为3类,分别为三趾型兽脚类足迹(实雷龙足迹类),两趾型兽脚类足迹(恐爪龙类足迹)和小型四足类足迹(哺乳形类/兽孔类足迹)。此种组合在中国尚属首次发现,对古气候、古环境、古地理和地层对比都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Poorly preserved tracks have limited ichnotaxonomic or biotaxon utility,but may reveal useful information about the paleoenvironment,behavior and track taphonomy.Eight mostly parallel to sub parallel trackway segments(T1–T8)were registered on a truncation surface in the Lower Cretaceous Luohe Formation of Shaanxi Province.These attest to the passage of several bipeds,probably all theropods,in a paleo-contour-parallel,south-north direction in an arid setting.Quality of preservation in these trackways is poor,but notably superior in two additional trackways(T9–T10)on a foreset surface.Trackway T9 indicates a didactyl trackmaker,probably a deinonychosaurian,heading north to south.This is the 13th report of deinonychosaurian tracks from the Lower Cretaceous of China.If any or all the eight south-north oriented trackway segments represent continuations of other segments in the same trackways,the total number of individual trackmakers heading in this direction may have been as lowas three.Although the trackway pattern and sedimentological evidence could indicate a physically controlled pathway influencing the direction taken by these trackmakers,the possibility that the trackways also represented small social or gregarious group cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

中国山东省诸城盆地张祝河湾村下白垩统杨家庄组发现了非鸟恐龙(蜥脚类和鸟脚类)与古鸟类足迹。该足迹点的非鸟恐龙足迹深受水浸沉积物的影响,发生了强烈变形。蜥脚类足迹的前后足迹面积相近,造迹者行进缓慢。鸟脚类足迹属于禽龙-鸭嘴龙类型的足迹。古鸟类足迹并不类似于中国以往发现的中生代鸟类足迹,而类似于韩国滨水鸟类足迹的金东鸟足迹(Jin-dongornipes)。讨论了莱阳足迹(Laiyangpus)和拟跷脚龙足迹(Paragrallator,亦译为拟似鹬龙足迹),前者因模式标本遗失而不明确,后者可归入安琪龙足迹未定种(Anchisauripus isp)。这批足迹的发现大大增加了山东省东部恐龙的多样性。  相似文献   

中国山东省诸城盆地张祝河湾村下白垩统杨家庄组发现了非鸟恐龙(蜥脚类和鸟脚类)与古鸟类足迹。该足迹点的非鸟恐龙足迹深受水浸沉积物的影响,发生了强烈变形。蜥脚类足迹的前后足迹面积相近,造迹者行进缓慢。鸟脚类足迹属于禽龙-鸭嘴龙类型的足迹。古鸟类足迹并不类似于中国以往发现的中生代鸟类足迹,而类似于韩国滨水鸟类足迹的金东鸟足迹(Jindongornipes)。讨论了莱阳足迹(Laiyangpus)和拟跷脚龙足迹(Paragrallator,亦译为拟似鹬龙足迹),前者因模式标本遗失而不明确,后者可归入安琪龙足迹未定种(Anchisauripus isp)。这批足迹的发现大大增加了山东省东部恐龙的多样性。  相似文献   

记述了辽宁省四合屯下白垩统义县组三个半恐龙足迹,归入似鹬龙足迹(亦译为跷脚龙足迹)一未定种(Grallator isp.)。这是义县组恐龙足迹化石的首次描述。该行迹至少由3个造迹者所造。从足迹推断恐龙体长1.51m,属于义县组兽脚类恐龙较为普遍的体长范围。重建了尾羽鸟(Caudipteryx)和中华龙鸟(Sinosauropteryx)的足部,前者的足迹轮廓与似鹬龙足迹未定种的吻合度超过后者。根据化石记录,似鹬龙足迹类型可能广泛存在于义县组的各种中小型兽脚类(驰龙类与伤齿龙类除外)中。  相似文献   

《Cretaceous Research》2008,29(1):115-130
The diminutive (2.5–3.0 cm long), Cretaceous dinosaur track ichnogenus Minisauripus, previously known only from the type ichnospecies, M. chuanzhuensis, from a single locality in Sichuan Province China, is here reported from two new localities in South Korea and one in China. Material from the new Chinese locality is assigned to the new ichnospecies M. zhenshuonani on the basis of its distinctive morphology. Most of the new material is well-preserved, revealing narrow asymmetric tracks with claw traces, long step and phalangeal formula (2-3-4 for digits II, III and IV, respectively), suggesting a theropod track maker rather than an ornithischian, as originally inferred for the Chinese type material.The South Korean samples (eight tracks), from two localities in the Haman Formation, are considered Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) in age, whereas the Chinese type material (21 specimens) has been assigned both an Early and Late Cretaceous age. The former age is probably correct as suggested by a new Minisauripus locality (5 specimens) from the Early Cretaceous (Barremian-Albian) of Shandong Province, China.Other diminutive tracks from the Sichuan fauna include Aquatilavipes sinensis (2.5 cm long, a possible junior synonym of Koreanoris hamanensis), Grallator emeiensis (2 cm long) and Velociraptorichnus sichuanensis (10–11 cm), which occur, in various combinations, with Minisauripus at both the new Korean and Chinese localities.In Minisauripus, digit III is very short in comparison with other theropods and provides a striking contrast to G. emeinsis. This difference has significant implications for standard assumptions about theropod track allometry. Based on the classic Early Jurassic forms Grallator and Eubrontes, it has long been inferred that relative digit III length shrank with increasing size (up to foot lengths of 30–40 cm). The reiteration of reduction in relative length of digit III in specimens in the size range of 2–3 cm indicates that the allometric or morphodynamic ‘program’ that influenced development in large theropod clades reiterated fractally in theropod clades a full order of magnitude smaller. This shows that a given allometry can be size-dependent in one clade and size-independent in another. Thus, the developmental program appears ‘contracted’ or morphologically miniaturized by heterochrony to manifest paedomorphically in some clades and peramorphically in others. This strongly suggests that ‘formal’ developmental ‘programs operated’ along similar morphodynamic lines in quite different clades.  相似文献   

A new Lower Cretaceous (lower Aptian) dinosaur tracksite, from the eastern side of Monte Cagno (Abruzzi, Italy), is described. Different styles of track formation are represented on the site surface. Most of the footprints are preserved as deep tracks, produced by trackmakers sinking into soft mud. Some tracks, better preserved than the others, are characterized by metatarsal impressions and were interpreted as the resting traces of a crouching theropod (based on their orientation and three-dimensional morphology). The 135 cm length of the track with metatarsal impressions indicates huge pedal proportions and represents the largest theropod trackmaker ever documented from the Mesozoic peri-Adriatic platforms of Italy.  相似文献   

Two natural casts of two-toed (didactyl) tracks from the Cretaceous (Albian) Plainview Sandstone (Plainview Member) of the South Platte Formation (Dakota Group) at Dinosaur Ridge, Colorado are attributed to deinonychosaurian theropod dinosaurs and placed in the ichnogenus Dromaeosauripus. This is both the first report of tracks from this unit in the Dinosaur Ridge area and the first report of deinonychosaurian tracks from Colorado. It is also only the third report of this track type from North America. The rarity of tracks from the Albian-aged, Plainview Sandstone (Dakota Group Sequence 2) contrasts with their abundance in the upper (Cenomanian) part of the overlying South Platte Formation (Dakota Group Sequence 3), which has yielded more than 120 sites mostly in Colorado, giving rise to the “Dinosaur Freeway” concept. As no deinonychosaurid tracks are known from the sequence 3 part of the South Platte Formation, despite the large vertebrate and invertebrate ichnological database available, it is evident that the sparse vertebrate ichnofauna from the Plainview Member (Sequence 2) is inherently different. This striking difference in both track abundance and track type reflects differences in both age and depositional environment. Based on the Albian age, and track type, the Plainview tracks invite comparison with the ichnofaunas of the Cedar Mountain Formation and not with those well-known from the upper part of the South Platte Formation known as the Dinosaur Freeway.  相似文献   

重庆綦江地质公园地质遗迹特征及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
綦江地质公园发育木化石、恐龙足迹、恐龙骨骼化石、鱼化石、沉积构造、丹霞地貌等地质遗迹景观,木化石和恐龙足迹为园区的导向型景观。木化石分布在侏罗系中统沙溪庙组(J2s)上部砂岩层中,砂岩层含钙质结核,在约300×200m2的砂岩层内共埋藏有60多根木化石,其中一半木化石为钙化作用形成。恐龙足迹集中分布在白垩系上统夹关组(K2j)砂泥岩层中,岩层发育交错层理、波痕和泥裂。在夹关组的3个层位中共发现329个恐龙足迹,其分别属于甲龙类、鸟脚类和兽脚类。园区地质遗迹分布在一套河湖相沉积层中,其形成于内陆河湖网形成之时(如木化石),并随着四川盆地周围的湖泊系统解体而发展(如恐龙足迹),最终随着河流由堆积作用为主的阶段转变为以侵蚀作用为主的阶段而减弱(如丹霞地貌)。白垩纪上统夹关组的恐龙足迹群形成于干热的环境,多类型的恐龙足迹集中分布反映了白垩纪晚期(夹关期)恐龙种群的丰富,恐龙足迹的发现为区域内寻找白垩系地层的恐龙骨骼化石提供了依据。  相似文献   

胡松梅  邢立达  王昌富  杨苗苗 《地质通报》2011,30(11):1697-1700
记叙了中国陕西省商洛市邵涧村下白垩统东河群2个大型兽脚类恐龙足迹,并将其归于Megalosauripus isp.。 东河群的时代与热河生物群同期,邵涧Megalosauripus isp. 可能可与热河生物群的大型兽脚类恐龙之足部形态做简 单对比。此外,邵涧Megalosauripus isp.造迹者的体长约为7.4m,这意味着早白垩世的陕西中南部亦存在着大型的 兽脚类恐龙。邵涧Megalosauripus isp.的发现,不仅为中国早白垩世恐龙足迹增加了新的成员,而且为将来在该地 区下白垩统中发现大型兽脚类恐龙的骨骼化石提供了确凿的依据。  相似文献   

江苏省新沂市马陵山地区的4个神秘的印记,传统上被解释为“李存孝打虎处”的“虎爪印”和“人足迹”,重新将其解释为大盛群田家楼组恐龙足迹。这些足迹中只有一个最深的“虎爪印”保存了可识别的趾印,表明它是一个有着后内侧拇趾印的兽脚类恐龙左足迹,是一道单步约50cm的直线行迹的一部分;另一种解释是该足迹为小型蜥脚类恐龙的右后足迹,形成行迹的右侧部分,其左侧部分没有保存。马陵山足迹点提供了恐龙足迹如何影响中国民间传说的另一个案例。  相似文献   

There are a growing number of Early Cretaceous avian tracks and trackways from around the world, with Asia (China and Korea) having the largest reported number and diversity of Mesozoic avian traces to date, and these new discoveries are increasing the Early Cretaceous avian ichnodivesrity of Laurasia. Here we report on a new Lower Cretaceous avian track locality in the Guanshan area, Yongjing County, Gansu Province, northwest China, and on a novel ichnospecies of Koreanaornis, Koreanaornis lii ichnosp. nov. Koreananornis lii is distinct from other Koreanaornipodidae in that it possesses a consistently wider digit divarication than previously described tridactyl tracks, and possess a short, small, posteromedially oriented hallux that displays a different orientation than that seen in Koreanaornis hamanensis. The lack of linear and angular data reported for digit I traces of many avian ichnotaxa has the potential to give misleading results in multivariate statistical analyses. Also, the wide divarication of Koreanaornis lii causes the ichnotaxon to not group with other Koreanornipodidae in multivariate analyses, but with Ignotornidae. Despite the results of the analyses, K. lii is morphologically distinct from these ichnotaxa. The results demonstrate that relying solely on multivariate statistical analyses without careful examination of footprint morphology will result in erroneous ichnospecies groupings. While new vertebrate ichnotaxa discoveries from Asia may support the hypotheses of the presence of a unique and endemic Asian vertebrate ichnofauna during the Cretaceous, the recent discovery of skeletal remains interpreted to be of a volant wading bird from the Early Cretaceous, and recent reports of tracks from volant avians, could suggest that flighted avians of the shore- and wading bird ecotypes could have had a Laurasian-wide distribution during the Early Cretaceous. However, strong convergence in foot morphology of shore- and wading birds suggests that avian ichnotaxa found in both present-day Asia and North America may have been made by birds endemic to eastern and western Laurasia during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

More than 125 footprints of theropods from the Cretaceous Longwangzhuang Formation have been mapped in a preliminary study at a site in the Zhucheng region of China. The tracks represent at least three morphotypes. The largest morphotype is a large theropod (footprint length ∼30 cm) represented by a single trackway and an isolated natural cast. At least 10 trackways assigned to the new ichnospecies Corpulentapus lilasia represent a medium-sized biped (footprint length ∼13 cm) with very short, wide, robust, ‘tulip-shaped’ tracks and long steps (∼5 × footprint length), and a short central digit (III) indicating weak mesaxony. Corpulentapus trackways are narrow and theropod-like even though track morphology is convergent with the footprints of some ornithopods. The third morphotype, made by a medium-sized grallatorid track maker (ichnogenus Paragrallator), is about the same size (∼13 cm) as the robust morphotype, but far more elongate and gracile, with an elongate central digit (III) indicating strong mesaxony. This ichnotaxon requires detailed comparison with Grallator sensu stricto. The contrast in morphology between the two common morphotypes is striking and demonstrates that two distinct medium-sized taxa of presumed theropod affinity frequented the same habitat in significant numbers.  相似文献   

吕君昌 《地球学报》2016,37(2):129-140
在江西赣州地区晚白垩世地层中发现的窃蛋龙类化石——赣州华南龙,属于进步窃蛋龙类,其独特的头部特征为研究窃蛋龙类恐龙的颅面演化、古地理分布及古生态环境提供重要信息;在辽西早白垩世义县组地层中发现的大型、前肢短的驰龙类恐龙——孙氏振元龙,为大型、短前肢类型的驰龙类提供羽毛形态学方面的重要信息,为研究驰龙类的多样性、鸟类羽毛以及飞行起源提供了重要依据;在辽西发现的喙嘴龙类翼龙——朝阳东方颌翼龙,是该地区晚侏罗世地层中发现的第一件翼龙标本,不仅填补了时代上的空白,同时对于印证晚侏罗世喙嘴龙类的辐射演化具有重要作用。这些重要发现对于研究窃蛋龙类的演化、驰龙类羽毛演化及鸟类羽毛起源等热点与难点问题提供了重要的参考依据,尤其在发现华南龙的基础上,命名了赣州恐龙动物群。  相似文献   

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