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Ethnic music is a strong indicator of cultural identity. Central and Eastern European ethnic groups have historically been associated with folk music traditions, such as polka, and radio broadcasting patterns in the United States reflect continued demand for and support of this music. Data from the 2000 Census was used to generate maps of the county-level ancestral patterns from European regions traditionally associated with polka music and was compared with the locations of radio stations that play polka. This article demonstrates straightforward quantitative approaches to evaluating these patterns of musical preferences. This study serves as an example for ways in which mapping and GIS can be used as tools for teaching and learning topics related to cultural geography.  相似文献   

Forest fires in Algeria in the 1850s and 1860s suggest a link between environmentally induced catastrophes and the geographies of property and territory in the colony. In eastern Algeria, these fires helped fuel a discussion over the security and reliability of European settlers’ property rights and of the colonial state's ability to guarantee them. Following a brief analysis of forestry policy in France and Algeria, this paper analyzes some of the correspondence and official reports that emerged in the wake of major conflagrations. By the early 1860s, settlers and private forestry companies were calling the colonial state's credibility into question and demanding far‐reaching changes to the property law and land‐use regimes in place in the colony. Eventually, colonial authorities moved to help cement settlers’ property claims, eliminating enclaves and imposing new rules on “native” Algerians’ rights to use the forest. This essay concludes by suggesting that the process of making property private, in Algeria and elsewhere, is informed by perceptions of risk and by the modes of awareness inspired by environmentally induced catastrophic events.  相似文献   


G. Stanley Hall (1844-1924), founding president of Clark University, was a leader in the child study movement and a significant figure in psychology and education in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Hall had pronounced opinions on many educational subjects, including the teaching of geography. His criticisms and program for the reform of school geography were based on a mix of European ideas of heimatkunde or “home geography,” developmental or “genetic” psychology, and his work in the child study and nature study movements. This article traces Hall's involvement with geographic pedagogy from the 1880s through World War I, including his sponsorship of the first American Ph.D. dissertation in the teaching of geography, completed at Clark in 1906.  相似文献   

In 1994, support for European Union (EU) membership was highly variable across Norway, Sweden, and Finland. The “no” vote was strongest in rural areas eligible for substantial EU subsidies. Moreover, the majority voted against EU membership in Norway. To explain these outcomes, this article focuses on the ways in which local and national differences mediated interpretations of the issues raised during the campaign. The analysis highlights important forces shaping northern Europe today and their implications for the EU in the years ahead.  相似文献   

国际地理学发展趋向述要   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
地理学作为一种理论思维是历史的产物,它的中心研究课题是随着时代的进展而不断变化的。因此要从发展观点来认识地理学。再则各国由于国情不同,地理学的发展也具有地域差异性。本文从古代、近代和现代三个发展阶段和西方及苏联两大中心的主要地理思潮加以分析,说明了以上论点。  相似文献   

East-Central Europe is undergoing a rapid political and economic transformation. The unprecedented depth and speed of the economic reforms have produced serious questions about the stability of the region, and its future relations with western Europe and the world economy. This paper surveys and evaluates the size and character of existing debt stocks owed to the West by Hungary, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. The future political and economic stability of East-Central Europe and the European Community depends, to a large extent, on the ability of the Western financial system to respond to the long-term needs of the region.  相似文献   

区域创新政策对创新驱动增长和经济结构转型升级至关重要。20世纪90年代以来,基于对新古典主义经济学“空间中性”的创新政策的反思,欧洲经济地理学提出“基于空间”的区域创新政策,至今已被欧盟委员会和经济合作与发展组织等组织所采用。本文对这一时期欧洲经济地理学区域创新政策的发展背景、主要任务、理论基础和政策建议等方面进行梳理,研究发现:第一,欧洲经济地理学区域创新政策的主流框架有3个,分别是区域创新系统、精明专业化和可持续转型地理理论;第二,3个框架各有侧重,区域创新系统侧重解决系统失灵问题,精明专业化聚焦优先发展领域的选择问题,可持续转型地理理论则强调转型失灵问题;第三,针对上述问题,3个框架均给出“基于空间”的区域创新政策建议,其中,区域创新系统和精明专业化是基于区域资源禀赋差异的视角,可持续转型地理理论则从技术的空间粘性角度出发。最后,提出中国经济地理学未来区域创新政策研究的几个重点研究方向。  相似文献   


East-Central Europe is undergoing a rapid political and economic transformation. The unprecedented depth and speed of the economic reforms have produced serious questions about the stability of the region, and its future relations with western Europe and the world economy. This paper surveys and evaluates the size and character of existing debt stocks owed to the West by Hungary, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. The future political and economic stability of East-Central Europe and the European Community depends, to a large extent, on the ability of the Western financial system to respond to the long-term needs of the region.  相似文献   


This study provides empirical information about the extent of geography instruction present in history classrooms. Techniques of protocol analysis were applied to oral references to geography made by teachers and students in 44 U. S. and European history lessons in several grades. The references were coded according to GENIP' s five themes plus a sixth coding category for explicit references to maps. Two types of references were found: passing references, which merely mentioned a geographic issue or feature, and substantive references, in which geography was taught or played a substantial role. That 550 geographic references occur in these lessons may explain why so many history teachers believe that they are adequately integrating geography and history. However, 75 percent of all the references were passing and not substantive. We conclude that the core epistemological events for learning and reasoning in, about, and with geography are not being taught adequately in history lessons.  相似文献   


The article presents the changes in the discipline of geography over 60 years as experienced both in fieldwork and in practice by a Norwegian geographer. Based on diaries and collections of memoirs, the author, Arild Holt-Jensen, presents his life story and how it has been impacted by people, places and special events. His intention is to show how geography and his own work reflect social, political and intellectual changes since the late 1950s. Initially, a regional geography approach was adopted in the fieldwork for his master’s thesis but the approach was challenged by new ideas and methods from both the spatial science school and model thinking. As a young lecturer in 1968, the author was shocked by the positivism debate and critical philosophy, and his spatial science and quantitative approach in his PhD project had to be adapted. His political engagement and interest in planning led him to research social exclusion in European neighbourhoods. His need to trace the identity of geography as a discipline resulted in a textbook that throughout the years has been updated by following up on research trends to the present. Thus, the book and the article show Holt-Jensen’s shifts in disciplinary identity and research practice.  相似文献   

Cities and city regions are on the global agenda as key sites for contemporary societal development, in terms of agglomeration of economic activity, places of everyday life and dense networks. The majority of economic, political and social activities is today formed by urbanisation, and an increasing number of people are living and working in city regions. At the same time, many cities and peripheral regions are struggling with job losses, industrial restructuring and depopulation, and thus, many countries face new forms of spatially economic and social inequalities. This special issue is about the contemporary urbanisation processes and the transformation of cities and urban systems in the European context using Denmark as a particular case. Denmark provides a present-day example of urban transformation, and its urban system resembles that of many other European countries – Denmark having one large urban centre and a long tail of smaller cities and towns. Thus, the papers in this issue provide insights into contemporary urban changes.  相似文献   

环境地理与人类健康研究成果与展望   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所倡导和建立了化学地理研究机构,是我国最早从事环境科学研究的单位之一,推动了环境质量调查、环境质量评价、环境背景、环境容量和环境治理等理论和技术的建立和发展;长期进行克山病、大骨节病等地方病的调查及其环境病因与防治的研究,为上述疾病的控制做出了重大贡献;创立和发展了中国的医学地理学研究体系。2000年以后,在持续开展西部地方病地理流行规律和稀土元素生物地球化学循环研究基础上,重点开展了重金属等污染物及全球环境变化的健康风险评价研究,拓展了区域碳、氮、磷等生命元素的生物地球化学循环与温室气体排放的关系研究,强化了环境污染治理和健康保护的技术研究。实现了从化学地理到环境地理、从医学地理到健康地理的转变。未来的环境地理与人类健康研究将以地理环境的化学属性为重点,以人口健康保护为核心,探讨环境保护、社会经济发展和人类健康安全在整体上协调的机制与途径。  相似文献   

医学地理学发展趋势及当前热点   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文从医学地理学两个主要分支——生态医学地理和保健地理领域入手,系统总结医学地理学研究内容与进展,并在文献阅读的基础上结合软件平台建立医学地理学的文献数据库,对高引用文献、高频词汇、作者国别和所属机构进行排名和识别。结果发现,医学地理学从关注“疾病”拓展到与“健康”相关的地理问题,研究的空间尺度从全球、国家、地方到社区再到建筑内部向更广泛和更细致发展,研究手段进一步丰富,更多空间分析技术和方法被应用。研究内容热点包括人类自身发展和社会经济活动对健康的影响,保健服务的空间关系、人们的保健行为对健康的影响,邻里环境尤其是社会经济因素对健康的影响,卫生与健康公平尤其是特殊群体的医疗服务问题。医学地理研究的学者来自医学和公共卫生相关研究机构的最多,其次是地理研究机构。大量的医学地理研究主要来自于美洲、欧洲等发达国家和中国、巴西等快速发展中的国家。本文认为医学地理学未来将向更广泛层面的福祉研究发展,研究的空间尺度将一步深化和细化,并加大对网络医疗等虚拟空间的深入研究,学科融合更广泛。  相似文献   

在学术界,代表性学者和机构对学科的产生和发展起着至关重要的作用,了解其总体格局和研究趋势有助于加深我们对该学科的认识和理解。文章对1980年~2014年海外经济地理代表性学者、机构、热点问题和研究趋势作了较为全面的分析。从研究结果中发现:(1)30多年以来的经济地理代表性学者和机构主要来自于英、美和少数几个欧洲发达国家;(2)亚洲经济地理学者的总影响力在国际上并不突出,在59位经济地理代表性学者中,亚裔学者仅有4位;(3)近年来的研究趋势呈现出明显的演化转向,金融危机背景下的区域弹性和有关亚洲经济发展等一系列问题逐渐成为热点问题。总的来说,经济地理学不仅是一门交叉性很强的学科,而且其产生和发展与特殊时期和特殊地域背景密不可分,  相似文献   

自然地理学、地球表层学和综合地理学   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
综合自然地理学一方面自分区扩展到土地类型和地段的研究;另一方面扩大为地球表层的综合研究,走向综合地理学、建设地理学、全息地理学等方面研究。地理学要从区域第一转向理论第一,促使发展理论地理学,还要开展元地理学研究。  相似文献   


The effects of intra-farm distance on farm income have not been previously tested in North America. European studies are inconclusive as they use data taken from bookkeeping accounts for the farm as a whole. This paper calls for field-to-field farm analyses that combine internal movement costs with costs of production, yields, and farm-gate prices. In a study applying this method to Manitoba grain farms, it was found that adjustments in the organization and intensity of farming offset the effects of distance on net income.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):1192-1211
Since the 1960s, large housing estates have shaped the geography of suburbia in many Western and Eastern European cities. This paper examines the constitution of the social and spatial meanings of large housing estates within three different national contexts: in Germany, Poland, and France. Employing discourse theory and an empirical analysis of the coverage of major national newspapers, we identify cross-national and specific national patterns of discourses that (re)produce particular social spaces and distinct social orders. Quantitative discourse analysis reveals differences, similarities, and ruptures in various constructions of the meaning of large housing estates. We find that large housing estates in France and Germany are constituted in print media as threatening places and as places of foreignness located "outside" the "proper society." In contrast, Polish large housing estates are framed discursively as threatened places located in the social "inside."  相似文献   

The formal opportunity to learn geography in the United States is unevenly distributed across space, creating possible geography deserts. Data on the number of exams taken in Advanced Placement Human Geography (APHG) and bachelor’s degrees earned in geography are mapped at the state and regional scales. Normalized rates are ranked and grouped into quintiles. For APHG exams, states in the southeastern region of the United States are in the uppermost quintiles while states in the northeastern region are in the lowermost quintiles. The pattern for bachelor’s degrees in geography is somewhat the spatial inverse of that for APHG.  相似文献   

回顾了中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所(以下简称地理资源所)历史地理学科组成独立学科建制以来的半个多世纪中,在历史自然地理、历史人文地理、历史区域地理与历史地图编绘等方面所开展的大量工作;尤其是在历史自然地理和历史区域地理研究方面更具优势,硕果累累,在国内外有广泛影响.在对历史地理学未来研究进行展望时,特别指出由于地理资...  相似文献   

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