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21世纪以来,海滩养护技术开始在我国得到应用并迅速发展。本研究基于对过去十几年来我国海滩养护技术的跟踪与深度研究,通过研读文献、资料收集和数据统计,分析了我国海滩养护发展现状及特征,总结归纳了我国在海滩养护技术方面的创新,最后展望了海滩养护的未来发展并提出了建议。研究发现,我国的海滩养护工程在2005年之前较少,此后快速持续增加;在3种养护目的中,滨海旅游占绝大多数,达61. 7%;修复海滩类型中,人造海滩和修复受损海滩的比例相当,同质养护和异质养护的占比分别为51. 1%和48. 9%;在养护海滩的平面形态中,岬湾形态的占比最高,达43. 6%。结果表明,我国在海滩修复养护技术中取得了一些创新,主要包括强潮海岸、强侵蚀海岸、淤泥质海岸等多种动力条件下的海滩修复理论和理念,以及海滩城市排水优化设计、海滩生态养护潜堤等技术方法。  相似文献   

郑金海  张弛 《海洋与湖沼》2022,53(4):791-796
海滩养护是砂质海岸最重要的自然防护手段之一,也是我国海岸带保护修复工程最重要的建设内容之一。围绕强波浪动力、弱波浪动力、强潮等不同条件下的养护海滩动力适应性与滩肩、沙坝等地貌稳定性及其模拟预测三个主要方面,总结近年来我国海滩养护基础理论和关键技术研究中的一些新认识和新思考,并提出亟需深入研究的重点内容。  相似文献   

海滩是常见且脆弱的滨海生态系统,具有极大的生态服务功能。受气候变化和人类活动的多重影响,海滩生态系统受损严重。海滩养护是利用人工补沙的方式对海滩地貌进行修复,是抵御海岸侵蚀和改善海滩环境的有效措施,以往的养护往往忽略了对海滩生态系统的影响,许多研究表明海滩养护对海滩生态系统会产生多方面、多尺度的复杂影响。本文在总结前人研究的基础上,梳理出海滩生态系统的构成、特点和功能,分析了海滩生态受损的基本特征,对海滩养护对海滩生态系统多尺度影响过程及影响机制进行了重点述评,并从降低负面生态影响角度给出了海滩养护技术优化方法,以支撑海滩生态系统适应性管理和可持续利用。  相似文献   

海滩养护是近年来国内外备受推崇的海岸防护措施。我国“十二五”规划中对于海岸防护及岸线恢复工作更加重视,加强海滩养护相关理论和技术问题的总结和评估是进一步做好此项工作的关键。文章回顾了海滩养护法在国内外的开展情况及有关海滩养护剖面设计的理论、物理和数值试验研究进展,分析了目前在海滩养护剖面研究及设计中存在的问题并指出:目前我国海滩剖面演变研究主要应用地质、地形学分析方法,应强调从水动力学角度研究泥沙与岸滩冲淤变化过程的关系;海滩养护设计中简单应用Dean的平衡剖面模式对补滩剖面进行设计存在很大不足,应从实际海滩剖面地形结构、滩面泥沙组成与输移和波浪运动特征等方面寻求改进与提高。  相似文献   

海滩养护已经成为全球基于自然(nature-based)海岸防护的主要手段,并得到广泛应用。随着全球强风区海岸海滩养护工程数量的增加,海滩养护对海岸风沙过程产生的一系列影响逐渐得到重视。海滩养护工程形成了新的海滩地貌形态,扩大了海滩风区、增加了风沙物源、提高了滩面高程、改变了滩面沉积物,海滩地貌和沉积物组分变化引起了风沙运动过程的变化,与自然海滩风沙过程相比,有其独特的过程和特征,已经成为海岸风沙研究的热点之一。本文从海滩养护影响下的风沙环境变化、风沙活动变化以及养护海滩对沙丘的影响等3个方面梳理了国内外研究进展,提出养护海滩风沙研究存在区域不平衡以及风沙过程的综合性影响和定量化研究不足等问题,并结合我国海滩养护未来的发展趋势,从强风区养护海滩风沙运动规律、养护海滩风沙环境全要素的综合影响和风沙作用变化的模型评估等方面展望了我国养护海滩风沙研究的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

海滩养护是当前全球广泛流行的具有生态环境保护意义的软式海岸工程手段。文章以广东珠海外伶仃岛小石嘴沙滩为例,首次选取珠江口海岛沙滩,开展近岸动力、近岸地形、海岸动力地貌、沉积特征等多方面的研究,最终通过补沙方法修复了一个适应于该研究区近岸动力条件的人工海滩,不仅极大地增强了海滩抗蚀能力,而且较好地改良了海岸景观。  相似文献   

秦皇岛海滩养护工程的实践与方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对海岸侵蚀、沙滩退化问题,近年来在秦皇岛开展了一系列海滩养护方面的工作,积累了一套较为实用的经验和方法。介绍了秦皇岛西海滩、金梦海湾、老虎石和东海滩4个典型案例,其中西海滩采用了"沙丘—海滩—沙坝—潜堤"海滩养护模式,金梦海湾以滩肩补沙为主,老虎石侧重保护,东海滩则是需要多次维护。同时,总结了海滩养护的方案论证、规划设计、工程监测等方面的经验和教训,并就养滩寿命、沙坝的适用性以及工程风险等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

硬式护岸是传统的海岸防护手段.近几十年来,以养护海滩为主的软式护岸已成为欧美发达国家海岸防护的主要措施,而我国尚处于起步阶段.本文以厦门岛会展中心海岸养滩实践为例,通过分析其海岸地貌演变历史、数值模拟养滩工程方案及定期观测海滩养护后剖面的变化,论述了该工程的必要性和可行性,以及养护后海滩的稳定性.同时,结合发达国家护岸的发展趋势,对我国的护岸转型作了思考.研究表明厦门岛会展中心海滩养护工程的施工使该海岸防护方式由硬式转变为软式,工程完成后为期半年的剖面监测数据显示单位宽度留存的沙量平均为381.4 m3/m,为施工初期平均值440 m3/m的86.7%,表明该海滩基本稳定.海滩养护可以修复受损的海滩或者营造新的滨海沙滩,改善滨海城市环境,提高城市品位,促进城市滨海旅游的发展,进而带动社会经济的发展,具有社会、经济、环境、生态等多方面的效应.我国海岸防护观念正在由传统的硬结构护岸转向软式的沙滩护岸,海滩养护将是我国未来海岸防护的一种更好的措施.  相似文献   

文章从岬湾海滩、岬角沙丘以及岬角沙丘过路输沙的概念出发,引出岬角沙丘过路输沙的概念模式,总结岬角沙丘过路输沙的常用研究方法和研究现状,指出岬角-海滩-沙丘系统在海岸带输沙中的重要作用;针对我国海岸风沙地貌研究的现状,提出应加快海岸风沙资源现状调查、加强海岸风沙地貌过程研究以及协调海岸风沙地貌资源开发利用与修复保护,为我国海岸沙丘相关研究明确方向。  相似文献   

大量工程实践表明,海滩养护是当前抵御海岸侵蚀的常见措施。通过人为地向海滩补充沙源,以达到海岸防护、修复沙滩等目的。本文建立了XBeach一维海滩剖面演变数值模型,并与物理模型试验结果进行对比验证;计算常浪条件下不同方案补沙后海滩剖面达到平衡状态的速率;通过对比补沙工况与未补沙工况的风暴后剖面,分析风暴作用下的防护效果。结果发现,补沙量较大时,沙坝向海侧位置补沙在常浪条件下补沙效率高于滩肩补沙,在风暴条件下防护效果优于滩肩补沙。此次研究对于在实际海滩养护过程中节约施工成本、提高施工效率有着重要意义,同时对于评估沙滩养护工程效果有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

人工岛建设在缓解滨海人地矛盾的同时带来新的环境问题。本研究聚焦人工岛建设引起的岸滩侵蚀与泥沙分配失衡问题,以海口西海岸为例,建立GENESIS岸线演变模型,探讨人工岛影响下的海滩地貌演化机制,并在此基础上提出“循环养护”的海滩修复对策。主要研究结论为:①海口湾南海明珠人工岛对邻近海滩的影响以“岛后方淤积、两侧侵蚀”为显著特征,且两侧侵蚀热点区的响应幅度存在明显差异。五源河口至新国宾馆岸段侵蚀更为强烈的主导因素为物源匮乏与岸线形态外凸。②通过人工补沙与循环养护相结合的生态修复措施,可实现岸滩泥沙的合理分配与地貌的动态平衡,有效缓解人工岛引起的海岸侵蚀问题。本研究成果可为国内相似类型海岸的岸滩修复提供良好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

深圳湾经过近三十年的围填海活动,沿岸动力条件发生较大变化,如今自然状态下难以发育沙滩。从构建高品质游憩空间、防护海岸和提升旅游开发价值来看,沙滩是深圳湾急需的资源。为了加强人和海洋的联系、激发深圳湾的活力,建立城市自然缓冲区、化解极端风暴的威胁,以此达到防护海岸和满足居民休闲游赏需求的目的,本研究以近岸海洋要素的自然属性为主,海洋开发活动等社会属性为辅进行综合分析,并辅以数值模型进行验证,在深圳湾内选择适宜开展沙滩修复的海岸。沙滩修复选址时考虑了波浪、潮流、地形、地貌、沉积物等近岸海洋要素;数值模型包括潮流场模型、波浪模型和沙滩长期的平面演化模型。本研究案例对岸线动态变迁较大,自然状态难以发育沙滩的海岸的人造沙滩选址和设计方案提供示范与借鉴。  相似文献   

A standard assumption in coastal engineering is that the porosity of natural beach sand (non-cohesive) is 40%. However, is this assumption correct for all beach sand? This paper proposes an accurate and simplified method to assess changes in sand porosity after beach nourishment by means of in-situ density surveys through a nuclear densimeter. This novel application has been applied to different beaches in the southwest of Spain according to the tidal range, grain size and beach morphology in several terms. General results show that sand porosities range from 25.6% to 43.4% after beach nourishment works. This research can be considered a support tool in coastal engineering to find shifting sand volumes as a result of sand porosity variability after beach nourishment and later marine influence.  相似文献   

Artificial beach nourishment, the placing of sand onto eroded beaches, is increasingly employed by coastal engineers as an alternative to structural control of shoreline erosion. Man-made beaches approximating natural forms and processes offer greater protection against storms than eroded beaches and provide increased recreational opportunities. It is hoped that maintenance nourishment will keep pace with subsidence and eustatic rise in sea level, primary causes of beach erosion. Even though negative impacts of beach restoration may be short-lived and limited in scope, sound ecological engineering practices require careful monitoring of dredging operations.  相似文献   

In a closely integrated system, (sub-) littoral sandy sediments, sandy beaches, and sand dunes offer natural coastal protection for a host of environmentally and economically important areas and activities inland. Flooding and coastal erosion pose a serious threat to these environments, a situation likely to be exacerbated by factors associated with climate change. Despite their importance, these sandy ‘soft’ defences have been lost from many European coasts through the proliferation of coastal development and associated hard-engineering and face further losses due to sea-level rise, subsidence, storm surge events, and coastal squeeze. As part of the EU-funded THESEUS project we investigated the critical drivers that determine the persistence and maintenance of sandy coastal habitats around Europe's coastline, taking particular interest in their close link with the biological communities that inhabit them. The successful management of sandy beaches to restore and sustain sand budgets (e.g. via nourishment), depends on the kind of mitigation undertaken, local beach characteristics, and on the source of ‘borrowed’ sediment. We found that inter-tidal invertebrates were good indicators of changes linked to different mitigation options. For sand dunes, field observations and manipulative experiments investigated different approaches to create new dune systems, in addition to measures employed to improve dune stabilisation. THESEUS provides a ‘toolbox’ of management strategies to aid the management, restoration, and creation of sandy habitats along our coastlines, but we note that future management must consider the connectivity of sub-littoral and supra-littoral sandy habitats in order to use this natural shoreline defence more effectively.  相似文献   

Coastal shoreline protection and beach nourishment are significant issues for coastal states along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. In some areas, there is a critical need to identify suitable sources of sand for possible use in public works projects for coastal protection. The continental shelf contains large resources of sand and gravel that could be used to support such projects. The U.S. Department of the Interior's (DOI) Minerals Management Service (MMS) provides policy direction and guidance for development of the resources located on the federal portion of the continental shelf. This article highlights the MMS's Sand Program, focusing on its cooperative resource and environmental studies with several coastal states, significant milestones and accomplishments, and anticipated activities in 1998 and beyond. Management of sand resources on the federal portion of the continental shelf has been made easier by a federal state partnership concept. Using this cooperative concept, joint projects are being conducted to investigate offshore sand resources, potential sites, extraction methods, and related environmental conditions. The MMS has procedures for negotiating sand agreements under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) and ensuring that the resources are developed in an environ mentally sound manner. The authority to negotiate with project sponsors, an important recent change in the OCSLA, also resides with the MMS. This 1992 change in OCSLA facilitates the use of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)resources for public projects. Further, the MMS is authorized to assess a fee based on the value of the resource and the public interest served. The MMS has worked with local sponsors and authorized the use of OCS sand for two projects. However, additional resource and environmental projects, as well as negotiated agreements, are anticipated within the near future with states and local governments along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts.  相似文献   

拦沙堤作为海滩养护最常用的辅助工程之一,在全球范围内得到广泛应用。在总结我国海滩养护过程中拦沙堤应用现状的基础上,将拦沙堤的功能分为3类(防泥沙扩散、防沿岸输沙、防浪+防输沙),并详细分析这3类拦沙堤在我国海滩养护的应用现状和发展规律。基于国内外工程实践,进一步探讨海滩养护中拦沙堤的多项应用创新:组合式拦沙堤设计、拦沙堤平面形态优化、拦沙堤堤群设计、拦沙堤+潜堤组合优化、拦沙堤+旁通输沙/循环养护。最后,展望未来海滩养护中拦沙堤的发展应用趋势(拦沙量的精准调控、丰富多样的形态设计、基于“自然工法”的生态化建设),并给出了相关建议。  相似文献   

海滩养护过程和工程技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海滩养护是根据设计方案,向海滩大量抛沙,或者同时辅以硬工程,使受蚀海滩增宽和稳足的工程,是抵御海岸侵袭灾害的最佳措施。上世纪末发达国家已普遍开展,我国目前尚属起步,但近年发展迅速。该工程分调查,重建和修补3个阶段,三者相互补充和制约。重建前必须充分调查目标岸段,以为设计养护方案提供依据;重建阶段应注重抛沙位置、沙成分、抛沙量和沙源选择等工序;重建后应进行多年的剖面监测和再抛沙的修补。在那些浪大,沙少和岩礁裸露的侵蚀岸段,应辅以丁坝或岸外潜坝等硬工程加以抵浪,维持所填沙的稳定。  相似文献   

The loss of beach sand from berm and dune due to high waves and surge is a universal phenomenon associated with sporadic storm activities. To protect the development in a coastal hazard zone, hard structures or coastal setback have been established in many countries around the world. In this paper, the requirement of a storm beach buffer, being a lesser extent landward comparing with the coastal setback to ensure the safety of infrastructures, is numerically assessed using the SBEACH model for three categories of wave conditions in terms of storm return period, median sand grain size, berm width, and design water level. Two of the key outputs from the numerical calculations, berm retreat and bar formation offshore, are then analysed, as well as beach profile change. After having performed a series of numerical studies on selected large wave tank (LWT) test results with monochromatic waves using SBEACH, we may conclude that: (1) Berm erosion increases and submerged bar develops further offshore as the storm return period increases for beach with a specific sand grain size, or as the sand grain reduces on a beach under the action of identical wave condition; (2) Higher storm waves yield a large bar to form quicker and subsequently cause wave breaking on the bar crest, which can reduce the wave energy and limit the extent of the eroding berm; (3) A larger buffer width is required for a beach comprising small sand grain, in order to effectively absorb storm wave energy; and (4) Empirical relationships can be tentatively proposed to estimate the storm beach buffer width, from the input of wave conditions and sediment grain size. These results would benefit a beach nourishment project for shore protection or design of a recreational beach.  相似文献   

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