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 从2003年的《能源白皮书--构建一个低碳社会》到2007年的《能源白皮书--迎接能源挑战》,英国的气候变化政策发生了微妙变化,从强调自身减排蜕变到一再强调国际行动以及建立相应国际框架的重要性和必要性。其中的原因有3方面:1) 英国的温室气体尤其是CO2 排放由于各种原因出现反弹迹象,减排前景不明朗;2) 英国能源供应的对外依存度越来越高,出于对能源供应安全的考虑;3) 担心发展中国家的温室气体排放势头抵消其减排努力。可见,在能源政策方面,英国变得更加务实。  相似文献   

从2003年的《能源白皮书--构建一个低碳社会》到2007年的《能源白皮书--迎接能源挑战》,英国的气候变化政策发生了微妙变化,从强调自身减排蜕变到一再强调国际行动以及建立相应国际框架的重要性和必要性。其中的原因有3方面:1) 英国的温室气体尤其是CO2 排放由于各种原因出现反弹迹象,减排前景不明朗;2) 英国能源供应的对外依存度越来越高,出于对能源供应安全的考虑;3) 担心发展中国家的温室气体排放势头抵消其减排努力。可见,在能源政策方面,英国变得更加务实。  相似文献   

国外应对气候变化立法进程与国际社会对气候变化问题的关注度呈正相关性。目前,欧盟、英国、德国、法国、芬兰、丹麦、瑞士、韩国、日本、菲律宾、新西兰、墨西哥和南非均正式颁布或完成起草了应对气候变化或低碳发展相关法律。文中通过系统研究发现,国外已开展应对气候变化立法的国家和地区均通过立法明确了其应对气候变化管理机构的法律地位和职责,将温室气体减排目标和配套制度纳入法律,确定了应对气候变化的宗旨和原则,成为其高水平履行国际气候条约的重要保障。中国启动国家应对气候变化立法工作已有10年,可借鉴国外立法在减排目标、管理体制、减排措施、应对气候变化的法律原则等方面的立法经验,尽快推进国内立法进程。  相似文献   

2000年英国气候变化项目(Climate ChangeProgramme)第一和第二阶段先后出台,这是英国低碳政策的起点。2008年英国气候变化法案(ClimateChange Act)的出台标志着英国低碳政策法制化进程的开始,具有里程碑式的意义。2010年英国政府出台了一揽子的应对气候变化新政(UK ClimateChange Package),这是对以往低碳政策的一次梳理和系统升级,将以往各种低碳政策进行重新评估和调整,并针对当前国际形式和英国国内的现状对政策进行了合理的创新。英国的低碳新政主要包括新  相似文献   

为应对全球气候变化的挑战,发展低碳经济已成为国际共识。根据核能的特点,分析了核电燃料链的温室气体排放及其与其他能源链的比较,指出核能是各种能源中温室气体排放量最小的发电方式。介绍了世界主要核电国家发展核能减排温室气体状况,分析了我国发展核电的温室气体减排效益,提出积极发展核能是我国构建低碳型能源结构、应对气候变化的合理有效选择。  相似文献   

全球到2100年实现将温度上升控制在和工业化前相比2℃以内,已经成为一个政策目标。本文结合中国能源环境政策综合评估(IPAC)模型的近期研究结果,分析了实现全球2℃温升目标下我国能源活动的CO2排放情景,并对其关键因素进行研究,得到实现这些情景的可行性。研究表明,考虑到我国经济转型、能源效率提升、可再生能源和核电的发展、碳捕获和碳封存技术,以及低碳生活方式的转变,我国能源活动的CO2排放是可以在2025年之前,甚至更早(如在2020—2022年)实现排放峰值,峰值总量在90亿t左右,之后开始下降,这和我国在全球2℃温升目标情景中给予的碳空间相一致,支持我国未来在全球温室气体减排中的国际合作路径,以及国内低碳发展政策的制定。实现这样的减排路径,需要在既有的环境和能源政策之外制定针对气候变化减缓的明确和长期的政策,如碳定价。  相似文献   

"经济大国能源与气候论坛"在推动全球主要国家就应对气候变化主要议题达成一致方面取得了进展,已初步显示出其作为联合国气候谈判晴雨表的特征。该论坛的实质是主要发达国家为转移减排责任和压力,降低减排成本,绑架主要发展中国家在全球应对气候变化领域实施的集体强权政治。论坛的核心目标在于推动全球量化减排,目的是借全球量化减排,营造低碳和气候友好技术的广大市场,使得具有技术优势的这些经济大国拥有新的主导全球经济的力量。我国应坚持"共同但有区别的责任"原则,联合与会发展中国家强调气候变化的历史责任,反对为全球温室气体排放设限等不公平提议,团结广大发展中国家,同时抓住论坛力推低碳经济和低碳技术发展的机遇,使我国站在全球新一轮技术革命的前沿。  相似文献   

为应对气候变化带来的严峻挑战,发展低碳经济已经成为国际社会共识。在详细分析中国能源密集型企业在低碳经济发展模式下所面临的挑战和机遇的基础上,就当前中国能源密集型企业应对气候变化的行动提出了具体建议。中国能源密集型企业应该积极行动起来,采取有效措施应对气候变化带来的挑战,并抓住发展低碳经济这一历史机遇,占领未来企业竞争的战略制高点,更好地实现企业自身的可持续发展。  相似文献   

自1978年实行改革开放以来,中国走的是一条赶超型或压缩型的工业化道路。伴随着经济的高速增长,发达国家上百年工业化过程中分阶段出现的种种资源和环境问题在中国集中显现。面对资源短缺、环境污染和气候变化对经济增长的瓶颈性约束,国家在"十一五"规划纲要中提出了节能减排的具体目标。文章概述了"十一五"规划提出节能减排目标的背景,分析了其对控制温室气体排放的重要意义,总结了目前节能减排工作取得的成绩和存在的困难,提出了中国发展低碳经济的政策建议。  相似文献   

节能减排与中国经济的低碳发展   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
 自1978年实行改革开放以来,中国走的是一条赶超型或压缩型的工业化道路。伴随着经济的高速增长,发达国家上百年工业化过程中分阶段出现的种种资源和环境问题在中国集中显现。面对资源短缺、环境污染和气候变化对经济增长的瓶颈性约束,国家在"十一五"规划纲要中提出了节能减排的具体目标。文章概述了"十一五"规划提出节能减排目标的背景,分析了其对控制温室气体排放的重要意义,总结了目前节能减排工作取得的成绩和存在的困难,提出了中国发展低碳经济的政策建议。  相似文献   

Models that address the impacts of climate change on forests are reviewed at four levels of biological organization: global, regional or landscape, community, and tree. The models are compared for their ability to assess changes in fluxes of biogenic greenhouse gases, land use, patterns of forest type or species composition, forest resource productivity, forest health, biodiversity, and wildlife habitat. No one model can address all of these impacts, but landscape transition models and regional vegetation and land-use models have been used to consider more impacts than the other models. The development of landscape vegetation dynamics models of functional groups is suggested as a means to integrate the theory of both landscape ecology and individual tree responses to climate change. Risk assessment methodologies can be adapted to deal with the impacts of climate change at various spatial and temporal scales. Four areas of research needing additional effort are identified: (1) linking socioeconomic and ecologic models; (2) interfacing forest models at different scales; (3) obtaining data on susceptibility of trees and forest to changes in climate and disturbance regimes; and (4) relating information from different scales.The U.S. Government right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.Managed by Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-84OR21400.  相似文献   


New Labour came to power in 1997 pledging to put environment concerns at the heart of policy-making. Shortly after being elected, the Labour Government signed the Kyoto Protocol and adopted a voluntary domestic target of a 20% cut in carbon dioxide emissions by 2010. This article looks at the development of UK climate policy since 1997 and the political drivers that have led to development of the climate policy mix. It assesses the Climate Change Programme adopted in 2000 and its delivery, and it also looks at the 5-year Climate Change Programme Review published in March 2006. It conducts a quantitative assessment of the UK's performance by looking at emissions data, and it also provides a qualitative analysis, by looking at the UK policies and measures within their political and institutional context. The article concludes that Labour has been actively promoting climate policy since coming to power and has played a strong leadership role internationally. The UK is on track to meet and surpass its Kyoto target, meeting its international commitments. Between 24.1 and 29.1 million tonnes of carbon savings per year are expected by 2010. Policies and measures in the industrial sector are delivering real emissions reductions, in addition to the reductions made through fuel switching. The Government has found it more difficult to make some of the tough choices necessary to deliver emissions reductions in the transport and the household sectors. The article seeks to explain why the Labour Government has found it uncomfortable, politically, to implement stronger measures in these parts of the economy. The article highlights the changing dynamics within UK politics and concludes that there are two possible avenues for taking more stringent measures in the future. The first involves the development of a cross-party consensus on climate change. The second is to change the way that climate change is framed, so that it is no longer seen as an ‘environment’ issue but one with which voters and decision-makers can immediately connect. Only then will it be possible to implement the necessary policies and measures across the whole economy.  相似文献   

Victorian farmers have experienced significant impact from climate change associated with drought and more recently flooding. These factors form a convergence with a complex of other factors to change production systems physically; and farmers’ decision making is variously described as adaptive or maladaptive to these drivers of change. Recently updated State Government policies on farming, climate and water have immediate and long term implications for food production systems but are not readily interpreted at a local scale. Further, peak oil and energy security are only partially integrated into either climate or water policy discourse. In effect, despite some far-sighted words about the meaning of climate change, uncertainty is largely met with a ‘business as usual’ mantra. Farmer narratives are used to demonstrate their systemic and increasing vulnerability and likelihood of perverse outcomes. The Future Farming strategy and Our Water Our Future are briefly analyzed, as are potential implications of the rhetoric of newly elected conservative government. Using ideas from Bourdieu and Bhabha we suggest that the reliance on farmers being able to innovate and take up opportunities associated with the uncertainty of large scale changes in climate and energy availability are misguided. It is more likely that current policy directions entrench the values of the global market and its elite, leaving farmers locked-in to historical structural responses that will not be successful in the long-term and will diminish their ability to imagine radical and diverse ways of avoiding the maladaptive structures currently surrounding their production systems.  相似文献   

气候变化减缓技术:国际现状与发展趋势   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍了当前国际主要气候变化减缓技术,并以国际能源署(IEA)、世界自然基金会(WWF)、全球能源技术战略计划(GTSP)、世界资源研究所(WRI)和欧盟(EU)、美国等国际组织、机构与国家发布或拟议中的有关气候变化减缓技术的报告为框架,对全球的气候变化减缓技术部署进行了概述。在此基础上,分析了主要的气候变化减缓技术对减缓气候变化的预期贡献。最后,对减排技术的效果、安全性、对环境的影响以及公众的认可程度等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The Australian Government policy on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions announced in 1990 includes exploring the scope for immediate, low cost reductions. Such measures can be taken as including ‘no regrets’ policies: those that, in addition to mitigating potential climate change, confer economic gains (including other environmental benefits) which exceed their costs. Some possible ‘no regrets’ opportunities and policies are identified relevant to energy use by the road transport sector over the period to 2020. The MARKALMENSA multi-period linear programming model of the Australian energy sector is used to investigate the cost-effectiveness of these policies.  相似文献   

There is growing recognition of the importance of ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation to climate change—it is a cost-effective measure that has multiple benefits and can overcome many of the drawbacks of more common engineering adaptation options. Viet Nam has a rich biodiversity and is also one of the most vulnerable countries impacted by climate change. Climate change policies have been adopted at national and local levels as well as by sector, making Viet Nam one of the nations to most systematically fulfill their obligation under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Consequently, we have used Viet Nam as a case study, to assess the integration of ecosystem-based approach to adaptation to climate change. We found that ecosystem-based adaptation is being implemented in some projects but, overall, is inadequately considered by Viet Nam’s climate change policies. Instead, policies predominantly rename infrastructure projects as climate change adaptation and focus on hard solutions for disaster reduction, rather than responding to long-term climate change through ecosystem-based adaptation. Moreover, ecosystem-based adaptation projects have focused on only a few relevant types of ecosystems. Viet Nam should revise its existing climate change policies and sectoral strategies to integrate ecosystem-based adaptation across different scales of governance. As other nations develop adaptation policies at different scales, the lesson from Viet Nam is that engineering measures need to be balanced with ecosystem-based adaptation for more affordable and effective responses to climate change.  相似文献   

The 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami, and the consequent accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, have had consequences far beyond Japan itself. Reactions to the accident in three major economies Japan, the UK, and Germany, all of whom were committed to relatively ambitious climate change targets prior to the accident are examined. In Japan and Germany, the accident precipitated a major change of policy direction. In the UK, debate has been muted and there has been essentially no change in energy or climate change policies. The status of the energy and climate change policies in each country prior to the accident is assessed, the responses to the accident are described, and the possible impacts on their positions in the international climate negotiations are analysed. Finally, the three countries' responses are compared and some differences between them observed. Some reasons for their different policy responses are suggested and some themes, common across all countries, are identified

Policy relevance

The attraction of nuclear power has rested on the promise of low-cost electricity, low-carbon energy supply, and enhanced energy independence. The Fukushima accident, which followed the Japanese tsunami of March 2011, has prompted a critical re-appraisal of nuclear power. The responses to Fukushima are assessed for the UK, Germany, and Japan. Before the accident, all three countries considered nuclear as playing a significant part in climate mitigation strategies. Although the UK Government has continued to support nuclear new build following a prompt review of safety arrangements, Japan and Germany have decided to phase out nuclear power, albeit according to different timescales. The factors that explain the different decisions are examined, including patterns of energy demand and supply, the wider political context, institutional arrangements, and public attitudes to risk. The implications for the international climate negotiations are also assessed.  相似文献   

The potential effects of climate change on the hydrology and water resources of the Columbia River Basin (CRB) were evaluated using simulations from the U.S. Department of Energy and National Center for Atmospheric Research Parallel Climate Model (DOE/NCAR PCM). This study focuses on three climate projections for the 21st century based on a `business as usual' (BAU) global emissions scenario, evaluated with respect to a control climate scenario based on static 1995 emissions. Time-varying monthly PCM temperature and precipitation changes were statistically downscaled and temporally disaggregated to produce daily forcings that drove a macro-scale hydrologic simulation model of the Columbia River basin at 1/4-degree spatial resolution. For comparison with the direct statistical downscaling approach, a dynamical downscaling approach using a regional climate model (RCM) was also used to derive hydrologic model forcings for 20-year subsets from the PCM control climate (1995–2015) scenario and from the three BAU climate(2040–2060) projections. The statistically downscaled PCM scenario results were assessed for three analysis periods (denoted Periods 1–3: 2010–2039,2040–2069, 2070–2098) in which changes in annual average temperature were +0.5,+1.3 and +2.1 °C, respectively, while critical winter season precipitation changes were –3, +5 and +1 percent. For RCM, the predicted temperature change for the 2040–2060 period was +1.2 °C and the average winter precipitation change was –3 percent, relative to the RCM controlclimate. Due to the modest changes in winter precipitation, temperature changes dominated the simulated hydrologic effects by reducing winter snow accumulation, thus shifting summer streamflow to the winter. The hydrologic changes caused increased competition for reservoir storage between firm hydropower and instream flow targets developed pursuant to the Endangered Species Act listing of Columbia River salmonids. We examined several alternative reservoir operating policies designed to mitigate reservoir system performance losses. In general, the combination of earlier reservoir refill with greater storage allocations for instream flow targets mitigated some of the negative impacts to flow, but only with significant losses in firm hydropower production (ranging from –9 percent in Period1 to –35 percent for RCM). Simulated hydropower revenue changes were lessthan 5 percent for all scenarios, however, primarily due to small changes inannual runoff.  相似文献   

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