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黄华明  王丹 《测绘通报》2022,(11):166-170
资源环境与安全大类直接服务于初级产品生产和生态环境保护等诸多领域,基础保障地位突出。经“双高计划”数据分析发现:①专业大类内聚力不强,外生型组群占比高达63%。②测绘地理信息、环境保护类专业外向关联明显,表现为工程测量技术、环境工程技术等关键专业高频次外部组群。③组群逻辑以链式、嵌入式为主,表现为采掘类专业和生物与化工、能源动力与材料大类的链式关联,测绘地理信息类专业和交通运输、土木建筑大类的嵌入式关联。为进一步适应资源环境协同治理、统一大市场建设的需要,构建以资环大类内部贯通为目标的组群路径,包括基于地球系统信息流的链式组群和基于环保、安全技术支持的嵌入式组群两个方案。  相似文献   

从现代测绘技术发展谈测绘继续教育   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
林卉  赵长胜  金继读 《测绘科学》2005,30(3):112-115
20世纪90年代中后期,以“3S”技术和“4D”产品的普及推广为标志,我国的传统测绘产业开始了向现代空间地理信息产业的过渡,本文从时空信息获取、加工、管理和服务4个方面对地球空间信息未来的技术发展作了简要的叙述,这对测绘行业本身、对其他行业、对整个社会发展都具有重大意义。继续教育是社会发展加快、竞争激烈的现代性产物。在高科技环境下,测绘继续教育对提高在职测绘专业技术人员的素质,适应国内外测绘行业日益激烈的竞争起着关键性的作用。  相似文献   

对全球电离层反演数据处理中的计算密集型任务进行分析,针对数据预处理、组建法方程矩阵、参数预消除和法方程矩阵求逆等主要模块设计了基于OpenMP(Open Multi-Processing)的并行计算方案。该实验方案在单台服务器下实施,通过算例验证了本文并行计算方案的有效性和可靠性。实验结果表明:采用并行计算后,全球电离层快速解执行时间只需要10~13 min,计算速度加快了约6倍;最终解执行时间只需要39~47 min,计算速度加快了约5倍。本文全球电离层模型精度约为2.8~3.8 TECU,最终解模型精度相比快速解精度提高了约0.2 TECU,与IGS各个分析中心电离层产品精度基本相当。  相似文献   

一站式地理大数据智能化平台构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文基于地理大数据体系,探讨了“GIS+BI”的研究思路,通过对地理大数据的采集、存储、管理、共享、关联分析和可视化展示,建立一种新的地理信息数据管理和分析模式,满足国情监测、基础测绘、地籍调查、资源审计等多元应用需求。并以“地理大数据仓库”为建设理念,构建数据生态模型,建成一个“标准统一、信息全面、富有活力、随需而变、方便易用”的以地理大数据为核心价值的一站式地理大数据智能化平台,实现地理大数据可视化、动态化的智能分析,快速响应,最大限度地发挥数据的价值,让数据成为生产力。  相似文献   

Blogs, micro‐blogs and online forums underpin a more interconnected world. People communicate ever more and are increasingly keen to explain and illustrate their lives; showing where they are and what they are doing. Desktop, online and mobile mapping landscapes have never been as rich or diverse yet this challenges cartography to adapt and remain relevant in the modern mapping world. We explore the spatial expression and potential value of micro‐blogging and Twitter as a social networking tool. Examples of “twitter maps” are reviewed that leverage the Twitter API and online map services to locate some component of the “tweet”. Scope, function and design are illustrated through development of two proof‐of‐concept map mashups that support collaborative real‐time mapping and the organisation and display of information for mass user events. Through the experiments in using and organising data in this way we demonstrate the value of “cartoblography”– a framework for mapping the spatial context of micro‐blogging.  相似文献   

Inland water bodies are globally threatened by environmental degradation and climate change. On the other hand, new water bodies can be designed during landscape restoration (e.g. after coal mining). Effective management of new water resources requires continuous monitoring; in situ surveys are, however, extremely time-demanding. Remote sensing has been widely used for identifying water bodies. However, the use of optical imagery is constrained by accuracy problems related to the difficulty in distinguishing water features from other surfaces with low albedo, such as tree shadows. This is especially true when mapping water bodies of different sizes. To address these problems, we evaluated the potential of integrating hyperspectral data with LiDAR (hereinafter “integrative approach”). The study area consisted of several spoil heaps containing heterogeneous water bodies with a high variability of shape and size. We utilized object-based classification (Support Vector Machine) based on: (i) hyperspectral data; (ii) LiDAR variables; (iii) integration of both datasets. Besides, we classified hyperspectral data using pixel-based approaches (K-mean, spectral angle mapper). Individual approaches (hyperspectral data, LiDAR data and integrative approach) resulted in 2–22.4 % underestimation of the water surface area (i.e, omission error) and 0.4–1.5 % overestimation (i.e., commission error).The integrative approach yielded an improved discrimination of open water surface compared to other approaches (omission error of 2 % and commission error of 0.4 %). We also evaluated the success of detecting individual ponds; the integrative approach was the only one capable of detecting the water bodies with both omission and commission errors below 10 %. Finally, the assessment of misclassification reasons showed a successful elimination of shadows in the integrative approach. Our findings demonstrate that the integration of hyperspectral and LiDAR data can greatly improve the identification of small water bodies and can be applied in practice to support mapping of restoration process.  相似文献   

Semi-arid parkland agrosystems are strongly sensitive to climate change and anthropic pressure. In the context of sustainability research, trees are considered critical for various ecosystem services covering environment quality as well as food security and health. But their actual ecological impact on both cropland and natural vegetation is not well understood yet, and collecting spatial and structural information around agroforestry systems is becoming an important issue. Tree mapping in semi-arid parklands could be one of these prerequisites. While for obtaining an exhaustive inventory of individual trees and for analysing their spatial distribution, remote sensing is the ideal tool. However, it has been noted that depending on the spatial resolution and sensor spectral characteristics, tree species cannot be distinguished clearly, even in the sparsely vegetated semi-arid ecosystems of West Africa. Thus, this work focuses on assessing the capabilities of Worldview-3 imagery, acquired in 8 spectral bands, to detect, delineate, and identify certain key tree species in the Faidherbia albida parkland in Bambey, Senegal, based on a ground-truth database corresponding to 5000 trees. The tree crowns are delineated through NDVI thresholding and consecutive filtering to provide object-based radiometric signatures, radiometric indices, and textural information. A factorial discriminant analysis is then performed, which indicates that only four out of the seven most abundant species in the study area can be discriminated: “Faidherbia albida”,” Azadirachta indica”, “Balanites aegyptiaca” and “Tamarindus indica”. Next, random forest and support vector machine classifiers are employed to identify the optimal combination of classifier parameters to discriminate these classes with a high accuracy, robustness, and stability. The linear support vector machine with cost=1 and gamma=0.01 provides the optimal results with a global accuracy of 88 % and kappa of 0.71. This classifier is applied to the whole study area to map all the trees with crowns larger than 2 m, sorted in four identified species and a fifth common group of unidentified species. This map thus enables analysing the variability in tree density and the spatial distribution of different species. Such information can afterwards be correlated to the ecological functioning of the parkland and local practices, and offers promising opportunities to help future sustainability initiatives in different socio-ecological contexts.  相似文献   

为探索“互联网+地质工作”新模式,更好地服务于生态文明建设,地矿部门积极推进智慧地矿工程建设。地质大数据已在城市地质、海洋地质、农业地质、生态环境地质等领域得到广泛应用。因此,为了地矿业务系统的开发、全业务网上运行和监管提供统一的基础技术平台和运行环境,实现各部门之间的业务协作与地矿信息共享,亟须构建基于地质大数据的智慧地矿业务系统应用支撑平台。本文详细阐述了该平台的构建。  相似文献   

主要研究“三下”采煤造成的地表变化,进而分析该矿区周边的下沉机理。主要对地表沿工作面开采方向和垂直工作面方向,布设5条观测线,利用天宝的电子水准仪获取外业观测数据,采用沉降观测分析软件和SPSS数据分析软件,分析出变化的曲线,及时对开采的情况进行分析。及时采用“三下”采煤工作面的数据,为开采沉陷、塌陷土地赔偿及综合利用等方面获得了理论科学依据。  相似文献   

王伟  金贤锋 《测绘通报》2020,(12):58-64
新时代国土空间规划体系的顶层设计和“四梁八柱”建设及未来的智慧型国土空间规划需要数字化、信息化技术支撑。以空间数据获取与分析为主要特征的测绘地理信息,能为国土空间规划的编制、审批、修改和实施监督各环节提供有效的技术服务和基于数据成果的定制服务。而融合现状数据、规划数据、管理数据,实现统一“底图”、统一“底数”、统一“底线”、统一“底板”的国土空间规划“一张图”,以及支撑国土空间规划动态监测评估预警的国土空间规划“一张图”实施监督信息系统,是可感知、能学习、善治理和自适应的智慧型国土空间规划发展的重要保障。本文在梳理“五级三类”国土空间规划体系基本构成和特征的基础上,从技术体系和数据成果定制体系两个方面,研究了面向国土空间规划的测绘地理信息服务体系,展望了面向智慧型国土空间规划的测绘地理信息应用。  相似文献   

An approach to the mapping of food supply and distribution problems over the world is outlined and, more specifically, a program for the mapping of geographic types of diet in tropical nations, using Africa as a test case. Among the new types of cartographic products are maps and “typograms” showing the distribution, quality, and structure of standard diets (“food types”) based on various combinations of food products derived from crop agriculture, animal husbandry, hunting and gathering, and fishing in diverse natural and cultural environments. Sources of information and design considerations for the various elements of map content are elaborated. Translated by Jay K. Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005 from: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, seriya geograficheskaya, 1989, No. 4, pp. 98–107.  相似文献   

机载双天线毫米波InSAR系统具有机动灵活、轨道可变、相干性高、分辨率高、实时获取等特点,可以快速、高效、精确地获取地势陡峭、地形复杂的困难山区地带的DSM,已成为获取DSM的重要手段之一。但由于机载InSAR数据量很大,当前的数据处理能力和效率相对较低,针对这些问题,本文采用图形处理器(GPU)并行处理技术,快速、精确地进行干涉处理,提高了干涉批处理效率;采用最小平衡树的解缠算法,快速地进行相位解缠;采用尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)算法自动、快速提取条带内相邻影像之间的连接点,提高了连接点选取的精度和效率。本文选取四川省邛崃市西部高山区地带13景机载InSAR数据进行分析,生成的DOM、DSM在X、Y、H 3个方向的RMSE分别为1.839、1.464、1.997 m,满足1:5000地形图测绘需求。  相似文献   

The integration of distributed geospatial data is a great issue in GI Science. Hereby, the collection of data from different systems and different structures as well as across country borders is a problem. We explain a model‐based four‐step approach to conceptual data modelling. Within this approach, we introduce a methodology to map data models on the conceptual level without touching data formats. First, we developed a conceptual mapping language called “UMLT” which is the core of our approach. Furthermore, we integrated UMLT into the Model‐Driven Architecture where a conceptual model mapping is referred to as a platform independent model mapping. Finally, the data format transformation is deduced from the model mapping automatically. This represents the implementation mapping from a platform independent model to a platform specific model. Together with transformation operations for attribute mapping, this approach is a means for effective and enhanced semantic interoperability.  相似文献   

研究了一种基于数据划分的遥感影像并行处理的路径优化算法,用于解决将并行技术应用于海量遥感影像分布式存储和处理领域时其处理模型所具有的多路可达性所引起的路径动态、最优选择问题。在栅格数据可分解性分析及并行模型数据态、元素、相对信息量和映射等8个基本定义和6个性质的基础上,给出并行处理一般数学模型。以该模型为基础获得在一般并行处理情况下,以平均计算代价变量的比值作为控制横向并行与纵向并行选择方式的标志,并进一步给出四叉树索引并行生成、基于四叉树的目标检测并行处理等具体示例。最后,通过试验验证了算法的有效性,分析了算法的特点及影响因素。  相似文献   

本文以“科技创新” “社会实践”“科技竞赛”三大平台为出发点和落脚点,以测绘类专业学生创新能力培养为目的,通过具体分析多平台构建对测绘类专业学生创新能力提升的实现路径,挖掘多平台协同育人机制,拓展多平台融合对测绘类专业学生创新能力培养的效用,探索适合测绘类专业学生创新能力培养的模式,以期对国内其他地方高校测绘类专业学生创新能力培养提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

无人机在重大地质灾害应急调查中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传统的地质灾害应急调查受限于地形、天气等外界条件,不能快速全面地获取灾害的详细信息,而无人机具有灵活性强、时效性高和不受复杂地形影响等特点,在地质灾害应急调查中有独特的优势。本文以“6·24”新磨村滑坡和“10·11”白格滑坡为例,阐述了无人机数据获取及处理流程,重点介绍了无人机获取的数字地形产品在地质灾害精确描述、定性及定量分析中的应用。结果表明:无人机摄影测量技术为重大地质灾害应急调查提供了更加科学高效的现场影像采集和遥感成果处理及应用方案,为应急救灾工作的顺利实施及分析研判提供了重要数据支撑,科学有效地保证了现场施工救援人员的安全。  相似文献   

广义非线性动态处理模型及其解算方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文针对当今各国高层领导和科学家十分关注并大力倡导的“数字地球”、“数字国家”、“数字城市”、“数字矿山”等科学工程构建中遇到的大量的多源、多维、多类型、多时态、多精度并具有非线性特征的联合数据处理问题的特点,建立了一个广义非线性动态联合数据处理模型及其相应的广义非线性最小二乘模型。针对该模型规模大、维数高的特点,借鉴多变量函数寻优的“变量轮换法”或“因素交替法”的思想、结合无记忆牛顿法,建立了一个解算算法,该算法将大规模的优化问题分解为两个较低规模的优化问题进行解算,降低了问题的规模,借助无记忆牛顿法,减少了存储量,特别适合大规模问题的解算。  相似文献   

This article describes research carried out in the area of mobile spatial interaction (MSI) and the development of a 3D mobile version of a 2D web‐based directional query processor. The TellMe application integrates location (from GPS, GSM, WiFi) and orientation (from magnetometer/accelerometer) sensor technologies into an enhanced spatial query processing module capable of exploiting a mobile device's position and orientation for querying real‐world spatial datasets. This article outlines our technique for combining these technologies and the architecture needed to deploy them on a sensor enabled smartphone (i.e. Nokia Navigator 6210). With all these sensor technologies now available on off‐the‐shelf devices, it is possible to employ a mobile query system that can work effectively in any environment using location and orientation as primary parameters for directional queries. Novel approaches for determining a user's visible query space in three dimensions based on their line‐of‐sight (ego‐visibility) are investigated to provide for “hidden query removal” functionality. This article presents demonstrable results of a mobile application that is location, direction, and orientation aware, and that retrieves database objects and attributes (e.g. buildings, points‐of‐interest, etc.) by simply pointing, or “looking”, at them with a mobile phone.  相似文献   

针对“使用属于国家秘密基础测绘成果审批”事项,由于涉及成果发布、申请、审批、分发等多环节多办事人员协同办理,且申请用户填报信息真伪、办事材料权威性等无从考证等问题,造成办理时需要多次到场、多方求证、重复填报等问题,本文介绍了测绘成果服务平台建设过程中部门数据仓的构建、“标准+应用”元数据管理策略及基于QR编码的二维码跨网络信息传输等关键技术,解决了办事周期长、效率低下及材料的溯源、权威性等问题,同时能够支持省市县三级的“一站式”成果服务和审批分发,符合“最多跑一次”改革要求,对类似问题的研究具有参考价值。  相似文献   

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