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全球气候变暖与健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于温室效应,全球气候有变暖趋势,这是当代备受关注的全球性环境问题之一。气候变暖不仅给环境带来影响,也给人类健康带来严重损害。气候变暖对人类健康影响最严重的是,导致某些传染性疾病的传播和复苏。这些疾病的传播媒介和中间宿主的地区分布和数量取。决于各种气象因素(温度、湿度、雨量、地表水。风)和生物因素(植被、宿主种类、有无捕食者、竞争者及寄生虫和人类干预)。气候变暖将引起昆虫传播媒介的地理分布网扩大而增加了全球许多地方虫媒性疾病的潜在危险。气候变暖与疟疾、丝虫病、吸血虫病、锥虫病、登革热、黄热病、裂…  相似文献   

全球气候变暖已经是不争的事实,由此引起的极端天气气候事件的增加,如热浪、洪水等也深刻地影响着人类自身的健康,同时,大气污染对疾病的作用也越来越受到关注,其与高温之间是否存在相互关系,对疾病发生是否有共同的作用,还存在分歧.在这样的背景下,研究气象对疾病的作用显得更加必要和紧迫.  相似文献   

揭示清原气候变暖的客观事实 ,分析气候变暖的客观形势及气候变暖对天气和人类的生产、生活带来的影响 ,针对利弊提出应采取的相应对策  相似文献   

IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)第二工作组(WGⅡ)报告第七章《健康、福祉和不断变化的社区结构》评估了气候变化对健康和福祉的当前影响与未来风险,提出了应对气候变化的适应策略和适应限度。指出自AR5以来越来越多的证据表明,气候变化通过直接或间接方式对人类健康(包括精神健康)造成了负面影响,气候敏感性疾病、营养不良、过早死亡,以及对精神健康的威胁正在增加,气候相关的危害正日益影响越来越多的健康结局(包括传染性和非传染性疾病)和地区。在所有人类居住的地区,都观察到极端天气事件对健康造成的级联及复合风险,且风险还会随着全球变暖而进一步增大。扩大对卫生和其他系统的金融投资,加强跨部门和跨系统的整合与合作,创建气候恢复力发展路径,将适应和减缓纳入可持续发展目标,可以为健康和福祉带来巨大的协同效益,是降低人类健康风险的重要适应措施。  相似文献   

揭示清原气候变暖的客观事实,分析气候变暖的客观形势及气候变暖对天气和人类的生产、生活带来的影响,针对利弊提出应采取的相应对策。  相似文献   

气候变暖的成因是目前国际上的一个争议焦点,代表国际主流思想的4次IPCC评估报告[1-4]认为是人类活动的影响造成了变暖,其中包括温室效应加剧使气候变暖,而气溶胶的直接和间接影响则抵消了一部分变暖.但是,从20世纪末至今对气候变暖持怀疑观点的科学家,仍然不断对气候变暖的原因提出质疑[5 7].所以气候变暧的归因研究仍然是国际上的热门问题.  相似文献   

大气层中温室气体的增加,将会引起全球性的气候变化,进而导致生态、经济、政治方面的严重后果,对温室效应与气候变化关系的研究,已成为世界瞩目的刻不容缓的问题。1温室效应对全球气候影响及预测对全球气候变化的研究表明,人类活动使大气中温室气体(二氧化碳、甲烷、臭氧、氟氯烃、氧化氮、二氧化硫和水汽等)浓度不断增加,使全球温度升高、气候变暖。如果人类不能有效地控制这些温室气体的排放,这种趋势将持续,其增暖效应陆地比海洋强,高纬比低纬显著。全球气候持续变暖将对海平面升高、水资源、农业生态、林业及人类健康等带来…  相似文献   

我国气候变暖对农业影响研究的进展   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
我国气候变暖对农业影响研究的进展王馥棠(中国气象科学研究院)1引言气候变暖对农业影响的研究是当前特别引人关注,且意义深远的一个新兴科研领域。因为人类活动产生的温室气体排放将引起明显的气候变暖,进而对整个社会的经济发展。特别是农业生产的持续发展和生态环...  相似文献   

人们生活在地球上,地球上的环境和空气的质量直接影响着人类的健康。而环境和空气的质量受天气与气候的影响极大,可见天气、气候与人类健康的关系十分密切。有关专家认为,天气、气候对健康的影响,可分为直接影响与间接影响两大类。直接的影响主要表现在天气、气候异常而产生疾病,间接的影响主要表现在气候变化导致空气、水源的污染和食物的短缺以及细菌、病毒的产生而影响健康。感冒、中暑、关节炎、心脑血管疾病等都可以由天气、气候的异常和剧烈变化而生产。当气温达到40.6摄氏度以上时,许多人就会中暑死亡。正因为天气、气候对健康…  相似文献   

1全球变暖背景下的气候服务 《气象》2011年第3期 翟盘茂 中国气象科学研究院 北京 100081 摘要:气候作为人类赖以生存的一种自然资源,对人类的福祉和人类社会的繁荣至关重要。气候学本身就是人类认识自然、利用气候的科学。最近五十多年,地球气候明显地受到了人类活动的影响,而变化的气候又通过各种途径影响人类的生产和生活。  相似文献   

Climate changes in Guangdong are studied based on temperature data of 86 meteorological stations in Guangdong Province during 1961 – 2000, temperature data in Guangzhou during 1908 – 2002, and sea level data in the South China Sea during 1958 – 2001.…  相似文献   

Progress in the attribution of climate warming in China for the 20th century is summarized. Three sets of climate model experiments including both coupled and uncoupled runs have been used in the attribution analyses. Comparison of climate model results with the observations proves that in the 20th century, especially in the recent half century, climate warming in China is closely related to the increasing of the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, while sulfate aerosol should also have contributions. When both external forcing and natural forcing agents are prescribed, coupled climate models have better results in producing the observed variation of temperature in China. The role of oceanic forcing is also emphasized in the attribution analyses. The observed climate warming of China in the 1920s could not be reproduced in any set of climate model simulations.  相似文献   

This paper explores the phenomenon of local climate perception and the extent to which public perceptions match climate conditions as recorded in instrumental climate data. We further examine whether perceptions of changes in local climates are influenced by prior beliefs about global warming, through the process of motivated reasoning. Using national survey data collected in the United States in 2011, we find that subjective experiences of seasonal average temperature and precipitation during the previous winter and summer were related to recorded conditions during each season. Beliefs about global warming also had significant effects on subjective experiences with above-normal temperatures, particularly among those who believed that global warming is not happening. When asked about the summer of 2010, those who believed that global warming is not happening were significantly less likely to report that they had experienced a warmer-than-normal summer, even when controlling for demographics and local climate conditions. These results suggest that the subjective experience of local climate change is dependent not only on external climate conditions, but also on individual beliefs, with perceptions apparently biased by prior beliefs about global warming.  相似文献   

田阳气温的气候变化特征及农业生产对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对田阳县1960—2009年气温的统计,引用气候倾向率、气候趋势系数作分析。结果表明,田阳50a来年平均气温有明显变暖趋势,其增温变暖趋势值持平于全区、略低于全国的平均值。为了应对气候变暖提出了相应的农业生产对策。  相似文献   

东北地区平均、最高、最低气温时空变化特征及对比分析   总被引:29,自引:12,他引:29  
东北地区是我国受全球气候变暖影响增温最显著的地区之一,有其独特的气候变化特点。利用东北地区建国以来较密集的气象观测资料,运用Yamamoto检测、趋势系数、气候倾向率等方法分析了该区域近44 a来平均、最高、最低气温的时空变化特征和规律,并初步探讨了这些变化的差异和可能影响因素。结果表明:近44 a来,东北地区平均气温存在明显的变暖倾向,气候变暖趋势存在着季节性和地域性差异。冬季增温最强,秋季增温最弱;区域变化表现为在区域中心区域,即吉林、黑龙江、内蒙古三省交界区增温趋势最明显,辽宁中部和内蒙古东部的中心靠近边境区域为增温较弱的地区;最低气温的增温率是最高气温的2倍左右。  相似文献   

利用1961—2020年贵阳市所辖8个地面站点逐日气象观测资料,根据中国气象行业气候季节划分标准(QX/T152—2012)对其进行气候季节划分并分析季节漂移现象,基于“黄金分割率”的人体舒适度计算方法分析贵阳地区人体舒适度等级变化,结合贵阳地区2016—2020年心脑血管疾病发病人数门诊资料就当地气候季节漂移和舒适度等级变化对居民心脑血管疾病发病人数占比影响进行探究。结果表明:(1)贵阳地区春季的起止时间呈提前态势,秋季的起止时间有推迟态势,由此造成当地夏季正逐渐延长,冬季正逐渐缩短,从年代际看,夏季从44 d增加到76 d,冬季从130 d缩短到100 d;春季和秋季在长度上无明显变化,但在时间段上有漂移现象,经计算,春季的起始时间漂移度为16.3%,结束时间漂移度为18.3%,秋季的起始时间漂移度为25.6%,结束时间漂移度为14.6%。(2)贵阳地区夏季心脑血管疾病发病人数日占比为0.24%,冬季发病人数日占比为0.31%,随着气候变暖造成的夏季增长、冬季缩短,对贵阳地区居民心脑血管疾病发病人数占-1.62%;不同舒适域等级日数的改变对心脑血管发病人数占-0.87%,两者均表明...  相似文献   

Amplified Arctic warming is one of the key features of climate change. It is evident in observations as well as in climate model simulations. Usually referred to as Arctic amplification, it is generally recognized that the surface albedo feedback governs the response. However, a number of feedback mechanisms play a role in AA, of which those related to the prevalent near-surface inversion have received relatively little attention. Here we investigate the role of the near-surface thermal inversion, which is caused by radiative surface cooling in autumn and winter, on Arctic warming. We employ idealized climate change experiments using the climate model EC-Earth together with ERA-Interim reanalysis data to show that boundary-layer mixing governs the efficiency by which the surface warming signal is ‘diluted’ to higher levels. Reduced vertical mixing, as in the stably stratified inversion layer in Arctic winter, thus amplifies surface warming. Modelling results suggest that both shortwave—through the (seasonal) interaction with the sea ice feedback—and longwave feedbacks are affected by boundary-layer mixing, both in the Arctic and globally, with the effect on the shortwave feedback dominating. The amplifying effect will decrease, however, with climate warming because the surface inversion becomes progressively weaker. We estimate that the reduced Arctic inversion has slowed down global warming by about 5% over the past 2 decades, and we anticipate that it will continue to do so with ongoing Arctic warming.  相似文献   

Polar amplification of climate change in coupled models   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
The Northern Hemisphere polar amplification of climate change is documented in models taking part in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project and in the new version of the Community Climate System Model. In particular, the magnitude, spatial distribution, and seasonality of the surface warming in the Arctic is examined and compared among the models. The range of simulated polar warming in the Arctic is from 1.5 to 4.5 times the global mean warming. While ice-albedo feedback is likely to account for much of the polar amplification, the strength of the feedback depends on numerous physical processes and parametrizations which differ considerably among the models. Nonetheless, the mean sea-ice state in the control (or present) climate is found to influence both the magnitude and spatial distribution of the high-latitude warming in the models. In particular, the latitude of the maximum warming is correlated inversely and significantly with sea-ice extent in the control climate. Additionally, models with relatively thin Arctic ice cover in the control climate tend to have higher polar amplification. An intercomparison of model results also shows that increases in poleward ocean heat transport at high latitudes and increases in polar cloud cover are significantly correlated to amplified Arctic warming. This suggests that these changes in the climate state may modify polar amplification. No significant correlation is found between polar amplification and the control climate continental ice and snow cover.  相似文献   

程军  张瑾 《大气科学学报》2017,40(6):769-777
大西洋经向翻转环流(the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation,AMOC)由低纬输送大量热量至高纬度北大西洋海区,并通过热通量由海洋输送给大气,主导了附近区域的气候形态,并对北半球尺度的气候变化产生显著影响。本文根据CMIP5多模式多增暖情景的预估模拟结果,通过与增暖前控制试验的对比发现,全球增暖可导致该海区湍流热通量的减小,且减小的幅度随增暖强度增大,模拟结果与观测一致。进一步研究发现,热通量的减小存在季节差异,冬季的减小幅度远大于夏季。结合淡水扰动试验的分析表明,全球增暖下AMOC强度的减弱导致大西洋经向热输送减少,进而导致高纬度北大西洋海洋向大气的热输送减小。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,具体分析了吉林省敦化市乡村人群对气候变化趋势和极端冷暖年的感知偏差及人群分异.发现乡村人群对气候变化趋势的感知与科学事实比较符合,由于对变暖转折年代更敏感,因而对变暖的确认度在一些时段与科学事实在变化程度或幅度上存在比较大的偏差.乡村人群对极端冷暖年不如对趋势感知的准确度高.经验积累影响乡村人群对气候变化...  相似文献   

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