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一种新的全球对流层天顶延迟模型GZTD   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
对流层延迟是GNSS导航定位主要误差源之一,主要受气象参数(如总气压、温度和水汽压等)的影响,具有变化随机性强的特点.本文利用 GGOS Atmosphere提供的2002-2009年全球天顶对流层延迟格网时间序列研究了全球对流层天顶延迟的时空变化特征.并以此为基础对全球天顶对流层延迟(Zenith Troposphere Delay, ZTD)进行建模,提出了一种基于球谐函数的全球非气象参数对流层天顶延迟改正模型--GZTD模型.实验对比结果表明考虑ZTD经纬向变化的GZTD模型内符合精度全球统计结果(bias:0.2 cm,RMS:3.7 cm)优于只考虑ZTD纬向变化的UNB3m (bias:3.4 cm,RMS:6.0 cm)、UNB4 (bias:4.7 cm,RMS:7.4 cm)、UNB3 (bias:4.0 cm,RMS:7.0 cm)和EGNOS (bias:4.5 cm,RMS:6.9 cm)等模型.使用全球385个IGS站进行外符合检验,统计结果表明GZTD模型(bias:-0.02 cm,RMS:4.24 cm)同样优于其它模型.GZTD模型具有改正效果良好、使用简单、所需参数少等优点.  相似文献   

两种精化的对流层延迟改正模型   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对流层延迟是全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satellite System,GNSS)导航定位中的重要误差源,其量值主要受气象条件影响.采用传统对流层建模思路,利用GPT2模型来提供相对准确的气温、气压和相对湿度,然后利用Saastamoinen模型来计算天顶对流层延迟,由此构建了GPT2+Saas模型;采用新的对流层建模思路,直接针对天顶对流层延迟的时空特性建模,构建了与GPT2+Saas模型相匹配的GZTDS格网模型.以GGOS Atmosphere格网数据为参考,GPT2+Saas模型(Bias:0.2cm;RMS:4.2cm)和GZTDS模型(Bias:0.2cm;RMS:3.7cm)较UNB3m模型精度分别提升34%和43%.以IGS(International GNSS Service)数据为参考,GPT2+Saas(Bias:0.5cm;RMS:4.7cm)和GZTDS(Bias:-0.3cm;RMS:3.8cm)相对UNB3m模型精度分别提升10%和27%.针对GPT2+Saas模型在少数测站出现精度异常的情况进行了研究,探讨了可能的原因.在两种不同思路构建的精化对流层模型中,GZTDS模型不仅表现出更高的精度,而且在时间稳定性和地理稳定性上也表现出优越性.  相似文献   

对流层延迟是无线电导航定位的主要误差源之一,其值对目标高程的变化敏感.在动态导航定位中,由于目标高程变化随机性强,延迟改正实时性需求高,已有的对流层延迟模型难以满足应用需求.本文利用2005到2006年ERA-Interim再分析气象资料积分方法计算的对流层天顶总延迟(ZTD)、天顶静力学延迟(ZHD)以及天顶非静力学延迟(ZWD)的垂直剖面研究了ZTD随高程变化的最佳拟合形式,并以此为基础建立了全球ZTD改正模型SHAO-H.该模型以大气中水汽的垂直分布规律为依据,将ZTD表示为高程的分段函数,进而再模制每段函数中各参数随时间的变化.精度评估显示:与积分ZTD相比,SHAO-H模型计算的ZTD在不同等压层上的平均bias大部分在±1 mm以内,随着高度的上升,平均RMS由39 mm减小至不足1 mm;与IGS (International GNSS Service)实测ZTD相比,SHAO-H模型的精度(bias为7.02 mm,RMS为38.50 mm)优于UNB3m模型(bias为14.67 mm, RMS为51.95 mm).SHAO-H模型具有精度稳定、计算简便等优点,适宜任意高度的用户使用.  相似文献   

受制于对流层延迟建模方法和建模背景场精度及时空分辨率的影响,目前实时对流层延迟模型的精度和稳定性都有待进一步改善.本文利用甘肃及周围地基共计184个GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System)站估算的ZTD (Zenith Troposphere Delay),构建了空间分辨率为0.25°×0.25°的甘肃地区实时ZTD网格模型.针对传统的高程归化模型及水平内插模型精度低的问题,本文提出了利用高斯指数函数模型将不同高程的GNSS/ZTD归化到统一的高度,再基于BP神经网络模型从网格顶点周围统一高度后的GNSS/ZTD中内插出网格顶点处的ZTD.为了验证甘肃ZTD网格模型的精度,选取2022年甘肃地区8个未参与建模的陆态网GNSS测站的数据进行了实验.统计结果显示:与事后PPP (Precise Point Positioning)处理GNSS估算的ZTD相比,甘肃ZTD网格模型与真值偏差的RMS优于1.52 cm.此外,将构建的实时ZTD格网模型用于约束PPP处理,对于PPP浮点解施加ZTD约束后U方向精度提升22.9%,U方向收敛时间缩短26.4...  相似文献   

对流层延迟是空间大地测量技术的主要误差源之一,数据处理中对流层延迟的修正需要借助对流层延迟模型.本文首先从物理原理出发,梳理了对流层天顶延迟模型的研究历程和最新进展.按照时间顺序,对流层延迟模型先后经历了依赖实测气象资料的经典模型、不依赖实测参数的经验模型和以数值模型气象资料为基础的高分辨经验模型三个发展阶段.其次,本文利用中国区域内219个GPS测站2014—2015年两年实测的天顶延迟,对后两类经验模型中国际最新通用的代表模型UNB3m和GPT2w在中国境内的实际精度进行评估.精度评估结果显示:UNB3m模型在中国地区的平均Bias为-0.85 cm,平均RMSE为5.14 cm,其精度不随计算时间分辨率的变化而显著变化;模型参数的空间分辨率对GPT2w模型在中国地区的精度的影响不大,但GPT2w模型精度随计算时间分辨率的提高显著下降,2 h分辨率时GPT2w模型的平均RMSE分别为8.07 cm(1°参数文件)和7.97 cm(5°参数文件),1天分辨率时GPT2w模型的平均RMSE分别为3.49 cm(1°参数文件)和3.59 cm(5°参数文件);受水汽分布的影响,时间上,两个模型在冬季的精度相对最高,在夏季的精度相对最差,空间上,两个模型在高纬度和高海拔地区的精度相对较高.以上分析可为中国区域用户对流层延迟模型的选择提供参考.  相似文献   

对流层延迟对导航定位精度有着重要的影响,而再分析资料提供的高精度气象参数计算的对流层延迟可应用于定位过程中以提升定位精度.本文针对三种再分析资料计算的对流层延迟进行精度评估,并将其应用在精密单点定位中,分析其对定位精度的影响.首先,利用2020年全球范围内125个IGS(International GNSS Service)站的对流层天顶总延迟(Zenith Total Delay, ZTD)作为真值对三种再分析资料(ERA5、MERRA2、CRA40)计算的ZTD进行了精度评估,并分析其时空分布特性.研究结果表明:ERA5-ZTD的均方根误差(RMS)最小(12.1 mm),其次为CRA40-ZTD(15.8 mm)和MERRA2-ZTD(16.9 mm),整体上ERA5-ZTD的精度最高;据所选的IGS站点的比较结果发现赤道平均偏差(BIAS)呈现负值,在中高纬度地区CRA40的精度优于MERRA2,在低纬度地区则相反,而ERA5在各纬度平均精度均为最优;当考虑季节因素时,三者计算的ZTD-RMS在夏秋季较大,其中ERA5的RMS季节变化最稳定.之后还利用180个探空站点对三者计算...  相似文献   

对流层延迟是卫星导航定位的主要误差源,气象观测的数值预报资料可用来计算对流层延迟改正量.本文通过分布于亚洲地区的49个GPS台站一年的实测ZTD资料,对利用欧洲中尺度天气预报中心(ECMWF)分析资料、美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)再分析资料和NCEP预报资料,计算对流层天顶延迟(ZTD)改正的有效性和可能达到的精度进行了评估,分析了ECMWF和NCEP在亚洲地区的适用程度和其分辨率对计算ZTD精度的影响.研究结果表明:(1)相对于 GPS实测ZTD,用ECMWF资料计算ZTD的bias和rms分别为-1.0 cm 和2.7 cm,优于NCEP再分析资料,可用于高精度ZTD研究和应用;NCEP预报数据计算ZTD的bias和rms分别为2.4 cm 和 6.8 cm,足以满足广大GNSS实时导航定位用户对流层延迟改正的需要.(2)bias和rms呈现明显的季节性变化,总体上夏季大,冬季小;在空间分布上随着纬度的变化不明显,但随高度的增加rms总体上有递减趋势.另外还发现,亚洲东部地区夏季日平均bias和rms和南部热带地区冬季的日平均bias和rms变化相对较大.(3)ECMWF2.5°和0.5°的资料进行了对比分析,发现0.5°分辨率资料的rms比2.5°减小1~5 mm.这些结果,为在亚洲地区的空间大地测量、导航定位和INSAR等工作中,应用ECMWF/NCEP的资料进行对流层大气延迟改正的有效性和可能达到的精度提供了重要参考.  相似文献   

张强  赵齐乐 《地球物理学报》2019,62(12):4493-4505
2016年2月,武汉大学卫星导航定位技术研究中心(Wuhan University, WHU)正式成为新的国际GNSS服务组织(International GNSS Services, IGS)电离层联合分析中心(Ionosphere Associate Analysis Center, IAAC).本文首次系统地评估和分析了武汉大学IGS电离层分析中心自2016年日常化运行以来(2016年1月到2018年9月,太阳活动低年)的全球电离层产品的精度,并与其他六家IAACs (CODE、JPL、ESA、UPC、EMR和CAS)进行了比较分析.结果表明:WHU的全球电离层产品能够长期稳定且有效地监测全球电离层总电子含量(Total Electron Content, TEC)的时空变化;和IGS综合全球电离层产品比较,WHU的模型均方根误差和CODE、JPL相差不大,均值约为1.4 TECU,产品一致性优于其他IAACs;和GPS实测电离层TEC比较,WHU的模型内符合精度和CODE基本相当,均值约为1.4 TECU,且与电离层活动水平和地理纬度存在显著的相关性;和Jason-2测高卫星VTEC比较,WHU的全球电离层产品的系统性偏差均值约为-0.7 TECU,在不同纬度约为-3.0到1.0 TECU,且与地理纬度存在近似抛物线函数的关系;WHU的模型外符合精度和CODE、JPL以及CAS基本一致,均值约为2.9 TECU,且在中高纬度地区优于低纬度地区,北半球优于南半球.  相似文献   

利用神经网络算法挖掘海量数据的规律已成为科技发展的一种趋势,本文针对卫星信号的天顶对流层延迟进行建模.对流层延迟是影响卫星定位精度的重要因素之一,建立精密区域对流层模型对高精度定位有着重要的意义.对区域测站对流层延迟数据的分析,考虑到实时建模中传统BP(Back Propagation)神经网络计算量大,易出现"过拟合"现象、不稳定等因素,通过改进的BP神经网络建立了区域精密对流层模型.详细介绍了新模型的建立过程,并与常用的对流层区域实时模型进行了对比.还讨论了建模测站数目对预报精度的影响.相比现有的其他对流层延迟模型,基于改进的BP神经网络构建的区域精密对流层延迟模型无论在拟合和预报方面都有较好的精度,且随着测站数目的增加模型精度趋于平稳.改进的模型参数较少,可以进行实时的区域精密对流层延迟改正;需要播发的信息量小,适用于连续运行参考站系统(Continuously Operating Reference Stations,CORS)的应用.研究表明:改进的BP神经网络模型能够更好的充分利用大规模历史数据描述卫星信号对流层延迟的空间分布情况,适用于实时大区域精密对流层建模.基于日本地区2005年近1000多个测站的NCAR(National Center Atmospheric Research)对流层数据进行区域对流层延迟建模,结果表明改进的BP神经网络模型在拟合和预报精度上都有较大提升,RMSE(Root Mean Square Error)分别为:7.83 mm和8.52 mm,而四参数模型拟合、预报RMSE分别18.03 mm和16.60 mm.  相似文献   

国际GNSS服务组织全球电离层TEC格网精度评估与分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
国际GNSS服务组织(International GNSS Services,IGS)发布的全球电离层TEC格网(Global lonospheric Map,GIM)是利用GNSS进行电离层研究的主要数据源之一.IGS电离层工作组于2016年2月正式授予中国科学院为全球第五个电离层数据分析中心,由测量与地球物理研究所和光电研究院联合实施.本文系统地总结和展示了IGS电离层工作组对各分析中心GIM评估的结果;此次评估以基准站实测电离层TEC、测高卫星电离层TEC为参考,给出了各分析中心1998-2015年GIM的总体性能.结果显示:随着IGS基准站日益增多,各分析中心GIM内符合精度由4.5~7.0TECu提升至2.5-3.5TECu;不同分析中心GIM一致性从3.0~4.5TECu提升至2.0~3.5TECu;相对于测高卫星电离层数据,CODE、CAS、JPL和UPC分析中心的GIM精度相对较高(约4.0~4.5TECu),但是在不同测高卫星评估结果之间存在不同的系统性偏差.  相似文献   

Tropospheric delay acts as a systematic error source in the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) positioning. Empirical models UNB3, UNB3m, UNB4 and EGNOS have been developed for use in Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS). Model performance, however, is limited due to the low spatial resolution of the look-up tables for meteorological parameters. A new design has been established in this study for improving performance of the tropospheric delay model by more effectively eliminating the error produced by tropospheric delay. The spatiotemporal characteristics of the Zenith Tropospheric Delay (ZTD) were analyzed with findings that ZTD exhibits different annual variations at different locations and decreases exponentially with height increasing. Spherical harmonics are utilized based on the findings to fit the annual mean and amplitude of the ZTD on a global scale and the exponential function is utilized for height corrections, yielding the ZTrop model. On a global scale, the ZTrop features an average deviation of -1.0 cm and Root Mean Square (RMS) of 4.7 cm compared with the International GNSS Service (IGS) ZTD products, an average deviation of 0.0 cm and RMS of 4.5 cm compared with the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) ZTD data, and an average deviation of -1.3 cm and RMS of 5.2 cm compared with the ZTD data from the Constellation Observing System of Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (COSMIC). The RMS of the ZTrop model is 14.5% smaller than that of UNB3, 6.0% smaller than that of UNB3m, 16% smaller than that of UNB4, 14.5% smaller than that of EGNOS and equivalent to the sophisticated GPT2+Saas model in comparison with the IGS ZTD products. The ZTrop, UNB3m and GPT2+Saas models are finally evaluated in GPS-based Precise Point Positioning (PPP), as the models act to aid in obtaining PPP position error less than 1.5 cm in north and east components and relative large error (>5 cm) in up component with respect to the random walk approach.  相似文献   

Ground-based GPS finds potential applications in many atmospheric studies such as spatial distribution of columnar water vapor as well as the tidal oscillations in the atmosphere. The zenith tropospheric delay (ZTD) derived from GPS data at two Indian IGS stations are used to establish its potential for studying the atmospheric tidal, intra-seasonal and planetary oscillations. The major tidal oscillations observed in ZTD data are diurnal, semi-diurnal and their harmonics. Prominent intra-seasonal oscillations observed in ZTD are reported for the first time in this context. These intra-seasonal oscillations are Madden–Julian Oscillation (30–70 days, 60–90 days, 100–120 days) and planetary waves (like 27, 16 and 5–10 days periodicities). Quantification of these periodicities will provide a useful handle to improve the empirical models employed in the estimation of tropospheric delay.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to assess the availability and quality of data from the International GNSS Service (IGS) Global Positioning System (GPS) network in Africa, especially for retrieving zenith tropospheric delay (ZTD), from which precipitable water vapour (PWV) can be derived, in view of application to the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) project. Three major error sources for the GPS data analysis evaluating PWV in Africa are the accuracy of the satellite orbits, the correction for the radio delay induced by the ionosphere and the vertical site displacements due to ocean loading. The first part of this study examines these error sources and the validity of GPS data for meteorological applications in Africa in dedicated analyses spanning the year 2001. These analyses were performed using the IGS precise orbits. Weak degradation of baseline precision with increasing baseline lengths suggests that the average orbital error is not limiting the GPS analysis in Africa. The impact of the ionosphere has been evaluated during a maximum of solar activity in 2001. The loss of L2 data has actually been observed. It amounts to 2% on average for 2001, with maxima of 8% during magnetic storm events. A slight decrease in formal accuracy of ZTD seems to be related to the loss of L2 data at the end of the day. This indicates that scintillation effects are present in the GPS observations but however are not a major limitation. The impact of ocean loading is found to be significant on ZTD estimates (up to ±2 mm in equivalent PWV). The use of a proper ocean loading model eliminates this effect.The second aspect of this study concerns the IGS analysis quality for the African stations. The accuracy has been assessed through position dispersion between individual solutions and the most recent version of the IGS combined solution IGb00, and residuals from the transformation of the IGS combined solution into the International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2005. The positioning performance of the IGS analysis is consistent with an accuracy in ZTD of ±6 mm (±1 mm in PWV), as requested for meteorological applications such as planned in AMMA.  相似文献   

In many surveying applications, determination of accurate heights is of significant interest. The delay caused by the neutral atmosphere is one of the main factors limiting the accuracy of GPS positioning and affecting mainly the height coordinate component rather than horizontal ones. Estimation of the zenith total delay is a commonly used technique for accounting for the tropospheric delay in static positioning. However, in the rapid static positioning mode the estimation of the zenith total delay may fail, since for its reliable estimation longer observing sessions are required. In this paper, several troposphere modeling techniques were applied and tested with three processing scenarios: a single baseline solution with various height differences and a multi-baseline solution. In specific, we introduced external zenith total delays obtained from Modified Hopfield troposphere model with standard atmosphere parameters, UNB3m model, COAMPS numerical weather prediction model and zenith total delays interpolated from a reference network solution. The best results were obtained when tropospheric delays derived from the reference network were applied.  相似文献   

Tidally induced sub-daily Earth Rotation Parameters (ERP) variations, when not properly accounted for, can cause apparent orbit and ERP rate errors, which can significantly exceed the IGS solution errors. All International GPS Service (IGS) Analysis Centers currently apply the conventional sub-daily ERP model in their transformations from ITRF (International Terrestrial Reference Frame) to ICRF (International Celestial Reference Frame), both of which are used for IGS global analyses. However, some IGS Analysis Centers did not apply the sub-daily ERP model when transforming ICRF orbit solutions to ITRF, which is used for IGS orbit/clock products. This transformation inconsistency can cause significant orbit RMS differences that could exceed the 5-cm level. Independent ERP rate solutions are sensitive even to small errors in the sub-daily ERP model, and can be used to verify the sub-daily ERP model at, or below 0.1 mas/day precision level.The Precise Point Positioning (PPP) via precise station position solutions with the IGS orbit/clock combined products, provides an ideal interface to access the IGS realization of ITRF. PPP also yields precise station clock and tropospheric zenith delays (TZD) solutions, all at the sub-cm precision level. However, when using IGS orbit/clock products it is important that the same convention be used with respect to sub-daily ERP. Otherwise, the solutions of station navigation positions, station clocks and TZD's will be affected by significant errors that could exceed the 1-cm level.  相似文献   

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