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塔里木河中游天然植被的数量分类与排序研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
李涛  尹林克  严成 《干旱区地理》2003,26(2):173-179
通过塔里木河中下游天然植被带的调查研究,应用数量分类(TWINSPAN)和排序(CCA)方法,对塔里木河中下游地区天然植被类型进行了划分,并探讨了决定该地区天然植物群落类型的主要环境因子。该地区天然植被可分为4个植被型组,4个植被型,6种植被亚型,9个群系,15个群丛。通过对8个环境因子的CCA排序分析,结果表明制约塔里木河中下游天然植被组成和结构的主导环境因子为地下水位、地下水矿化度、地下水酸碱度。通过CCA二维排序图将16种植物对干旱、盐碱的适应性划分5类型。21个样地在CCA二维排序图上可聚集成9个植物群落类群,即胡杨(Populus euphratica)群落、铃铛刺(Halimodendron halodendron)群落、库尔勒沙拐枣(Calligonum Kuerlese)群落、多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)群落、黑果枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum)群落、盐穗木(Halostashys caspica)群落、花花柴(Karelinia caspica)群落、疏叶骆驼剂(Alhagi sparsifolia)群落、罗布麻(Apocynum venetum)群落,与TWINSPAN结果中的群系分类单位一致。CCA连续排序与TWINSPAN分类结果吻合较好。9种植物群落类型中,能耐受最大盐胁迫的为盐穗木群落,能耐受最大干旱胁迫的为铃铛刺群落,能耐受最大地下水碱胁迫的为黑果枸杞群落。  相似文献   

山地森林群落物种多样性垂直格局研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张璐  苏志尧  陈北光 《山地学报》2005,23(6):736-743
山地森林群落物种多样性垂直格局研究是揭示植被地带性分布式样的重要手段,其研究内容主要包括山地森林群落物种多样性的垂直变化模式、山地森林群落物种多样性垂直带谱和山地森林群落物种多样性及其环境解释等。目前对于山地森林群落物种多样性沿海拔梯度的格局变化模式尚无统一认识,但大致可概括为5类变化模式。垂直带谱研究从最初的单因子单目标已逐步过渡到单因子多目标,最后到多因子多目标。研究深度也从根据样地资料的简单描述和分析,发展为山地森林群落物种多样性机理假说的提出与证实,尚未见有关山地森林群落物种多样性垂直格局机理的报道。山地森林群落物种多样性垂直格局研究方法可分为取样方法和测度方法两大类。常用的取样方法有梯度格局法(或连续样带取样法)和典型群落随机取样法,其中最小取样面积的确定尤为关键。就山地森林群落物种多样性垂直格局测度和分析而言,物种多样性指数的测度和单元统计分析(回归、假设检验、方差分析、相关分析等)较为常见,随着分析手段的不断创新,植被数量分类和排序等多元统计学分析方法得到了日益广泛的应用。  相似文献   

山西天龙山植被及植物资源   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用TWINSPAN对天龙山主要植被进行了分类 ,并用DCA方法分析了植物群落间的生态关系 ,描述了九个主要植物群落类型的特征 ,最后介绍了蕴藏于植被中的天然植物资源的类型及其经济用途 ,提出了植物资源开发利用的对策。  相似文献   

历山山地草甸的生态关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王琳  张金屯  欧阳华 《山地学报》2004,22(6):669-674
以山西历山的舜王坪草甸为研究地,运用TWINSPAN和DCA相结合的数量生态方法对9个群落进行划分,得到一个明显的随放牧强度变化的群落序列,即从群落Ⅲ、Ⅳ到群落Ⅴ、Ⅵ再到群落Ⅷ,分别为过牧阶段、中牧阶段和轻牧阶段。可见,利用TWINSPAN和DCA相结合可对不同放牧强度的群落进行划分和排序。从草甸的生态关系研究得出历山山地草甸退化的主要原因是人为干扰。运用DCCA排序法,综合样方和土壤环境因子信息,定量综合研究了放牧草甸与周围土壤环境的生态关系。DCCA第一轴也表现为放牧梯度,在过牧阶段的群落中,有机质和N的含量较高,土壤的退化滞后于植被资源的退化;而在轻牧阶段的群落中,营养元素含量较高。  相似文献   

An ecologo-phytocenotic classification of forest types has been worked out for the mountainous areas of the Western Transbaikalia. Using the floristic and ecologo-geographical criteria and the DCA ordination method, we identified seven groups of forest types belonging to two altitudinal-belt complexes. The resulting classification refines the existing understanding of the phytocenotic structure of forest cover under sharply continental climate conditions in the contact zone with island steppes of the Transbaikalia and serves the vegetation cover monitoring and modeling purposes.  相似文献   

建三江农垦分局湿地植物群落分类和排序   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
采用双指示种分析(Two Way Indicators Species Analysis,TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(Detrended Correspondence Analysis,DCA)方法,对位于三江平原的建三江农垦分局内的湿地植物群落的数据进行群落数量分类和排序。调查的86个样地中共发现49科133属226个物种;TWINSPAN将样地划分为8种群丛,将优势物种划分为8组,分类结果可以在DCA排序图上很好地反映出来,且优势物种的分布格局很大程度上决定了群丛的分布格局;DCA的前两个排序轴提供了23.5%的信息量,其中第一排序轴提供了14.5%的信息量,主要反映出样地水分条件的变化;样地的排序结果反映了植物群落类型与环境因子之间的关系。  相似文献   

吕新苗  陈辉  李双成  郑度 《山地学报》2004,22(2):199-206
应用TWINSPAN分类和DCA排序对东祁连山地区7个不同植被类型的表土花粉组合及其与环境的关系进行定量研究。表土花粉类型可分为3组:Group1为花粉产量大的本地花粉,可较好地反映当地植被的特征;Group2为产量小的本地花粉,反映植被特征较差;Group3为外来花粉,在土壤地层中较常见。样地排序结果可划分出6个组:(1)山地草原化荒漠,(2)青海云杉林,(3)祁连圆柏林,(4)金露梅灌丛,(5)矮嵩草草甸,(6)小嵩草草甸,各组具有不同的花粉组合特征;但山杨—白桦林可能是由于花粉自身和花粉保存等原因,花粉组合无突出特征,难以区分。海拔高度和干燥度是影响表土花粉和植被分布的重要因素。藜科/蒿属(C/A)、木本花粉/非木本花粉(AP/NAP)随植被变化也反映出与植被分布的一致性。  相似文献   

Quantifying correlation between the spatial patterns of natural wetland plants and environmental gradient gives better understanding of wetland habitats, which is the fundamental for the strategy making on the protection and restoration of natural wetlands. In this study, the spatial patterns of wetland plants and the environmental gradient of wetland habitats were assessed in the Honghe National Nature Reserve (HNNR) in Northeast China, a wetland of international importance on the Ramsar list. Biophysical parameters' values of wetland plants were obtained by field sampling methods, and wetland mapping at the community scale was completed using remote sensing techniques. Digital delineation of the surface water system, hydrological zoning and wetness index were produced by spatial analysis methods in Geographic Information System. An ecological ordination method and two clustering methods were used to quantify the relationship between the spatial distribution patterns of wetland plants and the corresponding environmental gradients. Such quantitative analyses also present the specific diversity of different types of wetland plants based on the environmental attributes of their habitats. With the support from modern geo-information techniques, the experimental results indicate how four ecotypes of wetland plants spatially transit from forest swamp, shrub wetland and meadow into marsh wetland with increasing wetness index and water table. And they also show how wetland spatial distribution patterns are controlled by an environmental gradient of wetness. Another key finding of this research work is that our results present the exact fundamental differences between marsh and non-marsh plants of 11 wetland plant communities within the core study area. Hence, this case study gives a good sample for better understanding of the complex correlation between the spatial patterns of wetland plants and their environmental attributes using advanced digital analysis methods. It is also useful to show how to integrate geoinformatic techniques with statistical analysis methods based on the field data base.  相似文献   

Quantifying correlation between the spatial patterns of natural wetland plants and environmental gradient gives better understanding of wetland habitats, which is the fundamental for the strategy making on the protection and restoration of natural wetlands. In this study, the spatial patterns of wetland plants and the environmental gradient of wetland habitats were assessed in the Honghe National Nature Reserve (HNNR) in Northeast China, a wetland of international importance on the Ramsar list. Biophysical parameters’ values of wetland plants were obtained by field sampling methods, and wetland mapping at the community scale was completed using remote sensing techniques. Digital delineation of the surface water system, hydrological zoning and wetness index were produced by spatial analysis methods in Geographic Information System. An ecological ordination method and two clustering methods were used to quantify the relationship between the spatial distribution patterns of wetland plants and the corresponding environmental gradients. Such quantitative analyses also present the specific diversity of different types of wetland plants based on the environmental attributes of their habitats. With the support from modern geo-information techniques, the experimental results indicate how four ecotypes of wetland plants spatially transit from forest swamp, shrub wetland and meadow into marsh wetland with increasing wetness index and water table. And they also show how wetland spatial distribution patterns are controlled by an environmental gradient of wetness. Another key finding of this research work is that our results present the exact fundamental differences between marsh and non-marsh plants of 11 wetland plant communities within the core study area. Hence, this case study gives a good sample for better understanding of the complex correlation between the spatial patterns of wetland plants and their environmental attributes using advanced digital analysis methods. It is also useful to show how to integrate geoinformatic techniques with statistical analysis methods based on the field data base.  相似文献   

借助1997年二类调查数据,在AreInfo的支持下,运用典范对应分析(CCA)法,对吉林省汪清林业局金沟岭林场的森林景观要素空间分布与环境关系进行了研究。结果表明:在金沟岭林场范围内,坡度和土层厚度对景观格局分布的影响极为有限,景观要素空间格局更多地受海拔和坡向综合控制,海拔是控制景观要素空间分布格局的主要因素,其次是坡向;森林景观总体分布是从河谷地低海拔榆杂林和杨桦林到高海拔红松云冷杉林;CCA排序图可将整个林场森林划分6组景观类型:榆树林景观、阔叶混交林景观、杨桦林景观、针阔混交林景观、阔叶红松林景观、人工纯林景观。  相似文献   

以艾比湖东南部历史时期干涸湖底为研究区,对6种不同景观类型下富盐沉积物进行采样分析。运用经典统计研究了干涸湖底各景观类型下富盐沉积物盐分含量及盐分积聚特征。结果表明:不同景观类型的沉积物可溶性盐分含量差异显著。从平均值角度看,各景观类型表层沉积物中0~30 cm层的盐分含量占0~60 cm层盐分含量的70%,即沉积物盐分垂直分布呈强表聚性。各景观类型的沉积物盐分含量均属于中等变异强度(30%相似文献   


Prediction of true classes of surficial and deep earth materials using multivariate spatial data is a common challenge for geoscience modelers. Most geological processes leave a footprint that can be explored by geochemical data analysis. These footprints are normally complex statistical and spatial patterns buried deep in the high-dimensional compositional space. This paper proposes a spatial predictive model for classification of surficial and deep earth materials derived from the geochemical composition of surface regolith. The model is based on a combination of geostatistical simulation and machine learning approaches. A random forest predictive model is trained, and features are ranked based on their contribution to the predictive model. To generate potential and uncertainty maps, compositional data are simulated at unsampled locations via a chain of transformations (isometric log-ratio transformation followed by the flow anamorphosis) and geostatistical simulation. The simulated results are subsequently back-transformed to the original compositional space. The trained predictive model is used to estimate the probability of classes for simulated compositions. The proposed approach is illustrated through two case studies. In the first case study, the major crustal blocks of the Australian continent are predicted from the surface regolith geochemistry of the National Geochemical Survey of Australia project. The aim of the second case study is to discover the superficial deposits (peat) from the regional-scale soil geochemical data of the Tellus Project. The accuracy of the results in these two case studies confirms the usefulness of the proposed method for geological class prediction and geological process discovery.


基于随机森林算法的土壤有机质含量高光谱检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了探讨既能保留光谱信息又能准确对土壤有机质含量进行快速检测。以新疆南部渭干河—库车绿洲内部73个土壤样点及其对应的高光谱数据为研究对象,采用小波变换与数学变换进行光谱数据预处理,分析各小波分解重构光谱在不同有机质含量与不同土壤类型下光谱曲线差异,通过相关分析确定最大小波分解层并筛选敏感波段,结合灰色关联分析与随机森林预测分类模型对各小波分解特征光谱进行重要性分析,最后基于最优特征光谱建立多元线性预测模型并进行分析。结果表明:(1) 耕作土壤与林地土壤光谱曲线波段相较盐渍土壤和荒漠土壤光谱曲线变化较为平缓,同时在水分吸收波段处,盐渍土壤光谱曲线吸收谷最深。(2) 小波变换分解光谱与土壤有机质含量的相关性随着分解层数增加呈现先减后增趋势,在第6层中,特征光谱曲线与敏感波段数量变化趋于稳定,确定为小波变换最大分解层。(3) 随机森林模型相比灰色关联分析对于各小波分解层因子的筛选符合预期,按照对土壤有机质含量影响从高到低排序为L3-(1/LgR)′、L4-(1/LgR)′、L6-(1/LgR)′、L5-(1/LgR)′、L2-(1/LgR)′、L0-1/LgRL1-1/LgR。(4)在小波分解光谱中,中频范围特征光谱对干旱区土壤有机质含量的估测能力优于高频与低频范围特征光谱,同时基于L-MC建立的模型精度最高。研究表明:基于机器学习分类方法结合小波分解的土壤光谱有机质含量监测,可以有效的减少噪声波段干扰,并提高特征波段的分类预测精度。  相似文献   


This article provides an analysis of a wetland site in southern Illinois from presettlement to the present. The study area is part of the Cache River-Cypress Creek Wetland, which has international importance, as recognized by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Land-cover data for 1807, 1938, and 1993 were created and analyzed with a geographic information system (GIS). Land-use change by topographic setting (uplands, transitional, and bottomlands) and soil productivity was quantified and studied. Interviews with local experts informed this analysis. Results illustrate the complexity of environmental change and its driving forces. First, notable forest and swamp acreage was converted to cropland between 1807 and 1938 and, to a lesser degree, from 1938 to 1993. Second, there were land-use variations by topographic region. Between 1807 and 1938, the largest transformation occurred in the uplands, with substantial acreage converted from forest to cropland. Between 1938 and 1993, however, agriculture decreased in the upland areas as hilly areas reverted to forest cover. At the same time, agriculture expanded in the bottomlands as this land was drained for farming. Third, there are interesting patterns within these categories of land-use change, as soil productivity is an indicator of what lands were taken out of cropland and converted back to grassland and forest.  相似文献   

基于TVDI的黄土高原地表干燥度与土地利用的关系研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
基于地表温度和植被指数的经验关系构建地表干燥度指数。该指数对Ts/NDVI特征空间的生态特征的解释,对土壤和作物的水分含量具有一定的指示意义。通过对地表干燥度进行分级,分析陕北黄土高原区地表含水状况的空间差异,进而结合该地区的主要土地利用类型,探讨各类型的干燥度情况,并对不同地表干燥度条件下各土地利用类型对地表水分的保持能力差异进行分析,结果表明,在该区相对湿润环境中,林地以及疏林地的水分保持能力优于农地和草地,但在干旱的环境下,草地则好于林地及疏林地。建议根据不同土地利用类型的保水能力,在湿润区域增加林地的面积比例,在偏湿润区域增加疏林地的面积,在干旱区域增加草地的比例,减少农地开垦。  相似文献   

基于2000—2011年MOD13Q1产品的EVI时序,借助QA-SDS数据集消除云、阴影和冰雪等的影响后,采用非对称高斯函数拟合法进行时序重构,并运用动态阈值法提取云南高原山地典型森林植被的物候特征参数(即生长期开始时间、峰值时间、结束时间和生长期长度),进而分析了不同植被类型物候期规律及其主要控制因素。结果表明:1.从寒温性森林植被到热性森林植被的EVI值呈递增趋势;2.森林植被生长期开始时间、峰值时间和结束时间分别大致发生在3月中旬至4月中下旬、6月中旬至下旬和8月中旬至10月初,生长期长度为135~195 d;3.由寒温性植被向热性植被的生长期高峰时间和生长期结束时间总体呈延迟趋势,且生长期延长,生长期开始时间则由暖性植被向寒温性植被、暖性植被向热性植被双向提前;4.高原山地热量梯度决定了森林植被物候的空间格局,水分条件则主要控制着EVI和物候期的年际波动。  相似文献   

This article provides an analysis of a wetland site in southern Illinois from presettlement to the present. The study area is part of the Cache River‐Cypress Creek Wetland, which has international importance, as recognized by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Land‐cover data for 1807, 1938, and 1993 were created and analyzed with a geographic information system (GIS). Land‐use change by topographic setting (uplands, transitional, and bottomlands) and soil productivity was quantified and studied. Interviews with local experts informed this analysis. Results illustrate the complexity of environmental change and its driving forces. First, notable forest and swamp acreage was converted to cropland between 1807 and 1938 and, to a lesser degree, from 1938 to 1993. Second, there were land‐use variations by topographic region. Between 1807 and 1938, the largest transformation occurred in the uplands, with substantial acreage converted from forest to cropland. Between 1938 and 1993, however, agriculture decreased in the upland areas as hilly areas reverted to forest cover. At the same time, agriculture expanded in the bottomlands as this land was drained for farming. Third, there are interesting patterns within these categories of land‐use change, as soil productivity is an indicator of what lands were taken out of cropland and converted back to grassland and forest.  相似文献   

Due to high temporal variation of soil organic matter in arid regions, estimates of annual sequestered C might be overestimate. We assessed the soil stable organic matter (humic substances) in the transitional area between Dry Chaco and Monte eco-regions in western Argentina, as an approach to estimate realistic soil C sink. Soil samples were taken during wet and dry seasons in four sites along precipitation gradient. In each site three soil cover situations (under tree, under shrubs and on bare soils) were sampled (n = 5) and the quantity and type of residues (tree and shrub leaves, woody material, grasses and forbs) were recorded. Soil organic matter and humic substances (humic and fulvic acids) content were analyzed and non-humic substances were calculated by the differences between organic matter and humic substances. Soil humic substance proportion respect to SOM was low (20%) in all sites and it did not correspond with the precipitation gradient. Non-humic substances were lower in wet season indicating high C lability. The most important factors that affected soil humic substance content were the type and quantity of organic residues and soil cover type. Our results suggest that previous C sink estimations in Argentina dry forest probably are overestimated.  相似文献   

在野外样方调查的基础上,采用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析法(DCA)对五台山冰缘地貌植被进行了数量分类和排序研究,将五台山冰缘地貌植被分为13个群丛,13个群丛是不同冰缘地貌生态景观的重要组成要素,各群丛的群落学特征与冰缘地貌生境有密切的生态关系。DCA样方排序结果和种排序结果表明,五台山冰缘地貌植物群落分布格局是土壤、水分、热量等综合环境因子决定的。而不同冰缘地貌上植物群丛优势种的分布格局在很大程度上决定着植物群丛类型的分布格局,反映出植物群落类型和物种分布随冰缘地貌类型及环境梯度变化的趋势。  相似文献   

岷江干旱河谷植被分类及其主要类型   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
沿岷江干旱河谷(流域-海拔梯度)剖面线设置“U”形样带3条,对植被和环境因子进行了调查,就岷江干旱河谷调查的48个样方,151个物种创建样地一物种数据库,应用TWINSPAN植被数量分类方法进行分类,并根据中国植被的分类原则和调查的样地物种组成特征,对数量分类的结果进行适度调整,建立了岷江干旱河谷地区植被(生态系统)分类系统。将岷江干旱河谷的植被划分为11个群系,18个群丛,均为灌丛单一类型。11个群系分别为:绣线菊灌丛、小花滇紫草灌丛、黄花亚菊灌丛、莸灌丛、驼绒藜灌丛、小马鞍羊蹄甲-白刺花灌丛、瑞香灌丛、西南野丁香灌丛、檀子栎灌丛、金花小檗-忍冬灌丛、华帚菊-小黄素馨灌丛。  相似文献   

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