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地图学四面体--数字化时代地图学的诠释   总被引:35,自引:4,他引:31  
高俊 《测绘学报》2004,33(1):6-11
传统地图学研究3个关系:实地-地图,读者-地图,读者-实地.这个学科的框架可以称为"地图学三角形".对这三种关系的研究随学科和行业的不同而各有侧重.数字地图的出现扩大了传统地图学的视野和服务面.现代地图学需要面对6个关系的探讨.除了上述3个关系外,还要增加数字地图-地图,数字地图-实地,数字地图-读者3个关系.新的学科框架变成了"地图学四面体".从"三角形"到"四面体"反映了信息时代地图学的发展与变革.地图学的存在取决于人类对地图永恒的需求和地图本身的科学价值.  相似文献   

地图的特性在于运用系统化的符号抽象概括地表现事物或现象的空间位置。以测量为基础的精确定位的地形图为军事和其它经济建设起过重要的作用,而且制图工作成为隶属于政府的一种专业。在当代专题地图的迅速发展时期里,使传统的制图人员不可能包揽各种各样的专题制图工作,因为他们不可能同时是许多不同科学领域里的专家,为此,必须把地图的理论与方法普及,使在研究和管理工作中经常需用相应专题地图的广大工作人员掌握制图技术。从这一观点出发,在现代,我们是否可以把制图学看作是一门工具科学。  相似文献   


This paper provides an overview of the multiple ways of envisioning the relationships between maps and narratives. This is approached from a map making perspective. Throughout the process of editing this special issue, we have identified two main types of relationships. Firstly, maps have been used to represent the spatio-temporal structures of stories and their relationships with places. Oral, written and audio-visual stories have been mapped extensively. They raise some common cartographic challenges, such as improving the spatial expression of time, emotions, ambiguity, connotation, as well as the mixing of personal and global scales, real and fictional places, dream and reality, joy and pain. Secondly, the potential of maps as narratives and the importance of connecting the map with the complete mapping process through narratives is addressed. Although the potential of maps to tell stories has already been widely acknowledged, we emphasize the increasing recognition of the importance of developing narratives that critically describe the cartographic process and context in which maps unfold - the core idea of post-representational cartography. Telling the story about how maps are created and how they come to life in a broad social context and in the hands of their users has become a new challenge for mapmakers.  相似文献   

孟立秋 《测绘学报》2017,46(10):1637-1644
在历次科技革命的推动下,地图由曾经的无所不能的珍稀品逐渐演变成无所不在的生活必需品,服务于不断增加的移动人口,而地图学依然是制作和使用地图的科学、艺术和技术。本文重访地图学4个恒常的核心议题:何为地图,地图何用,如何制图,谁在制图,笔者回顾了自20世纪70年代计算机引入地图学以来地图品种、地图功能价值、制图流程以及制图者角色的发展过程,举例说明贯穿其中的恒常性和易变性,并指出在云计算平台支持下,一个可持续的制图生态环境正在形成。  相似文献   

泛地图学理论研究框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息与通信技术的快速发展带动人类进入地理空间、人文社会空间和信息空间相融合的三元空间。地图制图的目的、人员、对象和环境等均发生巨大变化,地图的类型、空间对象、表达维度、地图角色等呈现出显著泛化特征,现有地图学理论无法引领和指导当代的地图实践。地图学理论亟待"突围"。从地图学研究的角度出发,重新梳理泛地图的对象空间理论、表达维度模型,以及表达机制与方法,构建适应新环境背景,满足地图新视角、新思维、新制图需求的泛地图学理论框架,以适应地图学在新时期发展的需要。  相似文献   

计算技术的发展需要与之相适应的计算模式。经过几十年的发展,计算范式经历了三次转变:中心式计算、分布式计算和移动式计算,并向普适计算迈进。不同的计算范式孕育了不同的制图模式,地图制图模式也经历了三次转变:单机版的计算机地图制图、网络地图制图和移动地图制图,并向普适地图制图的模式改变。普适地图制图是普适计算技术在地图制图领域的应用,是普适计算与地图制图相结合的产物,它的出现给地图制图带来了一场新的革命。在分析国内外相关文献的基础上,阐述了普适地图制图的概念,重点介绍了普适地图制图的主要研究内容和关键技术,为今后普适地图制图的研究提供了一定的指导意义,具有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

长期以来人们偏重于地图的技术研究,导致地图的艺术研究进程落后于技术研究进程。近几年这种情况虽有改善,但对于地图的美学问题研究还是相对偏少。本文从地图的信息表达与美学思维角度出发,从地图的语言、技术、文化及创新4个方面探讨了地图与美学思维融合的问题,并提出了地图学与美学相结合的地图美学论,以期得到适合地图的美学设计。  相似文献   

本文就地图学科在各个阶段发展过程中出现的矛盾进行了分析,它们是:图上与实地之间的差异;二维空间与三维空间的矛盾;在制图作业中出现地图内容简化的矛盾;传统地图设计与现代地图设计的差异;如何从定量处理到定性分析解决编图自动化这个长期困惑我们的矛盾;地图学的普及与提高之间的关系;地图学的定义和概念不断发生变化,不断发展。文章认为,深入研究一门科学矛盾的内涵,找出解决它的方法,是十分重要而且有益的。  相似文献   

地图信息论:从狭义到广义的发展回顾   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
地图是人类认识客观世界的有力工具。地图的核心功能是传输空间信息。自20世纪60年代源自通信领域的信息论被引入地图信息度量.现代地图学已经发展了一个崭新的研究领域——地图信息论。本文旨在对近50年来地图信息论的发展历程进行回顾,论述从狭义到广义地图信息论的基本概念、研究进展及应用领域,最后对地图信息论的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

韩雪培 《测绘科学》2011,36(2):230-232
现代可视化使地图的功能发生了根本的变化,地图作者的数量在可视化的兴起中迅速增长。这种现象不仅具有一定的理论基础,而且可以从可视化实践中得到论证。中国学术期刊数据库中与地图相关的论文统计结果证明地图应用具有越来越广泛的趋势。地图普及教育是十分必要的。以普及性教育为出发点,作者对地图学课程从理论、实践和教学方法等方面提出了具体的教改建议,并进一步提出为地学以外的所有专业开设地图通识课和建设地图知识普及网站等措施。  相似文献   

Predictions of the 1960s about the computer's potential to change cartography are finally being fulfilled. Dynamic maps for vehicle navigation, interactive cartographic/statistical tools, and map animation are being investigated actively. As these new environments for mapping become available, we must reevaluate past questions about transformations from reality to data and data to map. In this paper, we consider these transformation questions in the context of statistical map animation. The issues discussed were raised in producing a “map movie” depicting the spread of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) over time. Jenks' data model concept is used as the basis for a typology of data models representing phenomena typically depicted by enumeration unit data. The typology is then used to evaluate symbolization decisions for AIDS incidence maps. Implications for symbol selection imposed by dynamic rather than static maps are considered, as are technical issues involved in producing the animation on a microcomputer platform. A hybrid symbolization method that we have termed the “chorodot” is suggested as a way to meet the constraints on symbolization imposed by animation and to represent the appropriate data model for AIDS incidence.  相似文献   

针对当前地图网络传输和地图网络制图的发展态势,开展了地图符号系统数据结构方面的研究,描述了绘图系统的类层次结构,建立了简单的交互式地图绘制系统;探讨了地图符号的串行化和反串行化问题,并针对SVG的特性及语法,研究了SVG格式地图文档的生成。  相似文献   

The current generation of US students engaging with cartography has always had some form of access to computing technologies. Further, this generation has always known a world with networked computer capabilities – the Internet and World Wide Web. Their experience of cartography is largely through fleeting representations shown on a variety of display screens, thereby encountering information differently than most of their instructors. Teaching cartography to these “digital natives” consequently challenges teachers to engage increasing levels of experience and knowledge of technology while assuring fundamental understanding of cartographic concepts and analysis techniques.

Although GIS is used in a vast range of fields, we believe many students are discouraged from programs and courses oriented towards educating cartographic specialists. However, general interest in mapping has never been as significant a part of American culture as it is today. In spite of accessible modes of digital mapping now widely available, introducing cartographic fundamentals retains great significance for undergraduate cartography education. In this paper we present a new pedagogical model for undergraduate cartography education that introduces students finding curiousity in mapping, but lacking desire to become cartographic specialists, to mapping. This model enables undergraduate students to learn fundamentals and begin to reflect critically on the concepts and techniques of modern cartography. Our example stems from a class that systematically addresses barriers to learning and mapping through active-learning based approaches in an interactive classroom. The active-learning approach involves significant engagements with the potentials and challenges of modern cartography in the information age by embracing inquiry-based pedagogical methods and learning with and about mapping.  相似文献   


While concepts and theories about design underpin the work of the professional cartographer, it is unrealistic for most map-makers to be cognisant of the plethora of techniques available to support excellence in design. In the second part of our paper to reassert the relevance of design in cartography, we present the results of a survey of cartographic experts drawn from the academic and professional world. The survey asked participants to present their top ten most expertly designed maps from throughout history. Here, we share the most frequently cited maps that emerged from that survey and describe why they exhibit design excellence. By showing map-makers a range of high-quality cartographic work, we aim to provide exemplars that demonstrate how design affects a map and expertly marries form with function. The techniques on display are well executed and create products that are both well suited to their purpose and have an aesthetic quality that invites people to take notice. They are all, in their own ways, beautiful examples of the art of design in cartography. We have deliberately avoided a ‘top ten’ approach and, instead, offer three examples in a range of map categories. The examples are neither definitive, nor exhaustive and should act as a starting point to explore design in cartography from those who have managed to set the bar high.  相似文献   

在研究地图学与神经科学相互影响和交叉融合的基础上, 探讨了深度地图的内涵, 提出深度地图是神经科学与地图学的结合, 是应用认知神经科学理论和方法理解地图, 以揭示地图的神经学机理。神经科学的新发展为地图学开辟了更加广阔的空间, 特别是空间细胞的发现, 为深度地图的研究奠定了神经科学基础。通过对大量神经科学研究资料的分析, 提出地图功能是大脑空间信息处理功能的反映, 构建了深度地图概念模型, 并构建了空间细胞和编码机制与地图功能之间的关系, 以阐明地图的神经机制, 从而深化人们对地图本质的认识, 促进地图与人工智能的融合与深化应用。  相似文献   

Map Commentary     
"Map Commentary" is a new section being initiated with this issue of The American Cartographer. As readers and cartographic editors are well aware, there are many aspects of cartography that are not easily incorporated into full-length articles nor do they fall into other categories of items currently included in the journal. This new section is intended to fill a part of that gap. It will be devoted to the discussion, critical as well as complimentary, of selected map examples. In this issue we have a commentary on the design of a map, but interpretive and other essays centered on specific maps will also be welcome as potential contributions for this section.  相似文献   

Animation is an important method of communicating information that lends itself to cartographic display. Cartographers may be delinquent in their utilization of this technique. Meteorologists, medical researchers, and physical scientists, employing mini-, mainframe, and supercomputers, are creating today's most sophisticated animated maps and continue to develop high-quality systems for data display. Though today's cartographers are concerned with the geometric accuracy and computer automation of their map products, they may be overlooking current developments in spatiotemporal display within other disciplines. Creating a method to bridge the current animation gap between cartography and these disciplines has been the primary goal of this research. Since personal computers are the platforms most commonly available to cartographers, development of animated cartographic displays is feasible with this technology. As a result of this research, an interactive microcomputer-based animated map of U.S. surface temperatures was designed to help understand the rapid climatic change occurring during the 20th century.  相似文献   

Persuasive maps are ubiquitous in society, yet cartographers have largely neglected to conduct serious, holistic research on them. Persuasive maps represent a form of visual communication that differs markedly from scientific geovisualization. First, many of these maps' communicative goals are anathema to those of scientific representation. Second, many persuasive maps ignore and defy established cartographic conventions. This article argues two things. First, the cartographic discipline can gain insight about how maps communicate information from the longitudinal and holistic analysis of persuasive maps. By comparing the differences and similarities of persuasive maps to scientific geovisualizations, researchers can begin to understand how persuasive maps communicate differently than scientific ones. Second, breaking persuasive maps down into composite parts may make it possible to identify persuasive map norms (i.e., methods of design that are embraced by producers of persuasive maps). The results of a content analysis of 256 persuasive maps are discussed. The article concludes that it may be possible to take the most statistically significant results from this study to begin identifying different rhetorical styles of persuasive maps.  相似文献   

廖克 《测绘学报》2017,46(10):1517-1525
本文分3部分:第1部分是中国古代和近代地图学发展历史的简要回顾,阐明中国是世界上地图出现最早的国家之一,在世界地图学发展史上占有重要地位,对世界地图学的发展作出过重要贡献,直至15世纪的中国明代,中国地图和地图学始终领先于西方国家,只是清代以后,才落后于西方发达国家;第2部分阐述新中国成立后中国地图事业和地图学飞速发展,在全国地形图的测绘与编制、专题地图与地图集编制、遥感制图、计算机制图、多媒体电子地图、移动通信地图、互联网地图、地图学理论研究等方面取得了巨大成就,赶上了世界先进水平;第3部分提出新世纪中国地图与地图学方向与任务的调整,分析了大数据、互联网和人工智能时代地图学的机遇、挑战与展望。大数据通过三维动态地图可视化,能够显示事物和现象的空间格局与区域分异及时空动态变化,进而作出分析评价、预测预报、区划布局、规划设计、管理调控。因此地图学在大数据时代能够发挥重要作用。今后互联网将成为地图编制与应用的主要平台,地图会更加大众化、个性化、智能化与实用化。  相似文献   

地图语言是地图制图学理论的常用术语,多种地图产品如多媒体地图、电子导航地图等的出现使得传统地图信息传输方式的研究需要进一步扩展。分析地图语言和自然语言的概念,分别从视觉、听觉及触觉方面讨论两种语言在信息传输方式上的异同点。借鉴自然语言的多通道传输方式,探讨地图信息传输的多感知表现形式,为地图符号设计提供新的思路。  相似文献   

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