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川西地区退耕还林工程及其对农村经济发展的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
林波  刘庆  游翔  庞学勇 《山地学报》2002,20(4):438-444
四川省西部地区是全国退耕还林(草)试点示范工程的重点地区。由于区内人地矛盾突出,随着退耕还林工程的实施,造成了该地区林农,林牧,农牧关系紧张,阻碍了当地退耕还林工程的实施和农村经济的发展。本文通过实地走访,问卷调查,座谈等形式,对川西地区退耕还林工程的实施,进展,困难,相关政策和技术应用情况等进行初步考察,并分析了退耕还林工程的实施对川西地区农村经济带来的影响;退耕还林后,川西地区农业(种植业)产值相对降低,林业和牧业产值逐渐增加,但变化幅度不大,表明退耕还林工程的实施在短期内并未给川西农村经济带来多大的变化,但从长远来看,这种影响又是深远的。因而退耕还要工程中强调生态效应的同时,如何将农村长期经济效应向短期化转化以及长期生态效应向经济化转化是个值得研究的问题。  相似文献   

针对黄土丘陵区退耕还林工程与农业生态经济社会系统协同性研究滞后的现实,运用向量自回归模型(VAR),通过对安塞县1995–2014年相关数据的分析,明确了其协同效应。退耕还林工程结果表明:退耕还林工程对农业生态经济社会系统产生作用的同时,农业生态经济社会系统的改变也反作用于退耕还林工程,明确了退耕还林工程与农业生态经济社会系统之间存在协同互馈的效应。在这一协同过程中,退耕还林工程对农业生态系统的贡献率达34%,明显高于退耕对农业经济系统、农业社会系统的贡献率;农业经济系统对退耕还林工程的影响程度最为明显,贡献率最高点达55.3%且常年稳定,这些都与现实状况相一致。基于此,为了推进退耕还林工程与农业生态经济社会系统的优化耦合,需要在增强生态功能基础上,通过发展碳汇产业促使生态功能的经济显化,构建以提高区域内资源的有效利用率为核心的农业产业–资源链。  相似文献   

红壤丘陵区农业资源开发模式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
红壤丘陵区具有优越的生物气候条件,以种植业为主的传统河谷资源开发模式,限制了丘陵山区区特圾农业自然资源全面有效地开发,恶化了生态环境。因此,该地区农业的邮路不能仅立是河谷耕地,应把注意力转移到占总面积70%以上的低山丘陵坡地上,实行一丘多用,立体布局,充分利用时间和空间,实现红壤丘陵区农业资源开发的持续 。  相似文献   

退耕还林(草)政策的实施有效改善了陇中黄土丘陵区小流域生态环境、抑制了严重的水土流失,然而,对该区退耕还林(草)政策的实施和交通便利程度对小流域农户收入结构的耦合影响及互馈作用机制尚不清楚。本文选取定西市安定区巉口镇龙滩小流域为研究区,通过问卷调查获取3个区120个农户家庭土地利用情况、经营方式及收入数据,运用方差分析、回归分析和通径分析等方法定量分析交通便利程度和退耕还林比例对农户收入的影响与调控作用。结果表明:退耕还林比例影响了农田面积,进而影响了玉米和马铃薯的种植面积,由此增加了种植业收入,从而导致3个区低比例退耕还林农户收入均高于高比例退耕还林农户收入。同时退耕面积的增加也促使劳动力向非农产业的转移,而交通便利程度影响农户家庭打工人口比例,从而导致Ⅰ(交通便利)区农户的收入显著高于Ⅱ(交通欠发达)和Ⅲ(交通闭塞)区。交通便利程度和退耕还林比例通过农田面积、退耕还林地面积、玉米和马铃薯种植面积及打工人数等影响种植业、劳务输出和退耕还林政策性补助,进而影响流域内农户的收入水平。总之,退耕还林(草)政策的实施影响了陇中黄土丘陵区种植业和劳务输出产业的发展且存在区域差异,而对该区养殖业、林业及副业带动有限。因而,在新一轮退耕还林(草)政策实施之际,该区在加强交通等乡村基础条件建设的同时还需推动林下经济、特色养殖及副业发展,降低农户对种植业和退耕还林政策性补助的依赖,以此实现陇中黄土丘陵区生态和经济的可持续发展,提升农村绿色生产力。  相似文献   

西藏—江两河地区农业景观调整研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王家骥  高吉喜 《地理科学》1998,18(3):213-218
西藏一江两河地区是经济快速发展地区,由于高寒和多风少雨,生态环境条件极其恶劣,景观系统抗御和修复干扰的能力微弱。因此,在该地区实施大农业开发工程不能走传统的开荒要食的道路,而应实施农业景观调整规划,规划的重要内容有3项,即实施现代农业技术使现有的高产田改造成稳产高产田;使现有的大量中低产田改造成有灌排条件的高产田;选择干旱坡地、不平整土地和与当地农民生活相关不密切的旱地退耕还林还草。从而解决粮食需  相似文献   

长江三峡库区现代坡地剥蚀速率研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
三峡库区以山地为主 ,人口密度较大 ,三峡工程引起的移民搬迁以及经济建设的需要 ,造成坡地上人类活动强度越来越大 ,从而造成现代坡地剥蚀作用的加剧。采用简便、实用且操作方便的地貌测量方法 ,对三峡库区草堂河流域三个坡段进行了现代坡地剥蚀速率研究。结果表明 ,<15°的缓坡、15°~ 4 5°的斜坡和 >4 5°的陡坡的现代剥蚀速率分别为 4 .0、4 .9和 7.1mm/a。当地平均现代坡地剥蚀速率已达 4 .9mm/a (790 2t/km2 ·a) ,即达到强度剥蚀标准 ,未来三峡库区坡地退耕还林 (草 )以及水土保持等生态建设任务十分艰巨。  相似文献   

西藏一江两河地区农业景观调整研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
西藏一江两河地区是经济快速发展地区,由于高寒和多风少雨,生态环境条件极其恶劣,景观系统抗御和修复干扰的能力微弱.因此,在该地区实施大农业开发工程不能走传统的开荒要粮的道路,而应实施农业景观调整规划,规划的重要内容有3项,即实施现代农业技术使现有的高产田改造成稳产高产田;使现有的大量中低产田改造成有灌排条件的高产田;选择干旱坡地、不平整土地和与当地农民生活相关不密切的旱地退耕还林还草.从而解决粮食需求问题,遏止生态环境急剧退化的趋势.  相似文献   

坡地开发中的植物篱技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李阳兵  谢德体  杨朝现 《热带地理》2001,21(2):121-124,130
论述了植物篱在我国坡地开发中的地位、作用、选取标准及在坡地开发中的其它应用,认为植物篱应是控制川中丘陵遂宁组母质区水土流失的主要手段。  相似文献   

新疆退耕还林工程关键问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
朱自安  雷军 《干旱区地理》2003,26(4):385-390
退耕还林工程在新疆自2000年开始试点和2002年开始全面实施以来,虽然其效益尚未明显地显现.但可以肯定韵是,它将使新疆绿洲生态系统的结构得到改善,减小沙尘暴的发生频率与强度.延缓和削弱局部土地沙化和盐碱化过程。本文介绍了新疆退耕还林工程的实施原则与措施以及新疆的退耕还林模式,分析了退耕还林工程的实施状况和由此带来的生态效益、社会效益和经济效益,同时也分析了退耕还林工程实施中尚存在的问题,并就解决这些问题提出了一些建议和措施。  相似文献   

运用生态服务价值理论,在湖北省平原、丘陵和山地地貌类型区中选取不同工程模式、不同建设规模的土地整治工程,开展生态服务价值评价。结果表明:地貌和建设规模均是影响生态服务价值的重要因素;对于相同地貌类型,随着土地整治建设规模的扩大,土地整治后生态服务价值相应增加;不同地貌类型下土地整治后生态服务价值增大的边际规模有所差异(平原区最大、丘陵区次之、山地区最小)。实施土地整治对区域土地生态服务价值产生一定影响,并且影响幅度随着地貌类型变化有所不同。同等建设规模下,丘陵区和山地区生态服务价值改善比平原区要显著。  相似文献   

赤水河流域中上游坡地景观特征对河流水质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蔡宏  林国敏  康文华 《地理研究》2018,37(4):704-716
在喀斯特地区,较大的地表坡降和坡地开发强度导致承载在地表景观上的污染物因地势和降水加倍迁移到河水中。以赤水河流域中上游为研究区,分别在全子流域、子流域坡地、子流域陡坡地三个层面上提取景观结构、景观开发强度和景观格局指数,研究各级坡地景观特征对水质的影响。结果表明:① 与总林地相比坡林地对水质潜在的“汇”作用更加显著;占总耕地面积不足1/7的陡坡耕地、却对河水中总磷(TP)和氨氮(NH3-N)浓度大小贡献显著(相关系数为0.608和0.614)。② 景观开发强度与各水质污染物指标呈现显著而稳定的正相关性,相关系数最高达0.960,它比单个景观对水质指标更具解释能力。③ 斑块形状复杂度、景观多样性、景观分离度均与水质污染物指标呈高度或显著正相关,且随着地形坡度的增大,水质污染物指标对景观散布与并列指数(IJI)和农香多样性指数(SHDI)越来越敏感。故减少对坡地尤其是陡坡地景观的不当人为干扰,对喀斯特地区流域水质保护有重要意义。  相似文献   

三峡库区退耕坡地环境移民压力研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
坡耕地退耕还林还草作为生态环境建设的重要措施正在三峡库区逐步实施。然而,坡耕地退耕将减少退耕地区的耕地数量,特别是坡耕地集中分布的区域,从而引发环境移民问题。利用GIS技术建立了基于GRID的坡耕地退耕压力指数模型及环境移民模型,并对三峡库区坡耕地退耕引发的潜在环境移民的数量进行模拟。模拟结果表明三峡库区坡耕地退耕引发的潜在环境移民数量较大。在退耕压力指数为40%时潜在环境移民数量高达89万人,相当于三峡水库淹没需要安置的水库移民数量。环境移民压力是该地区生态环境建设面临的一大难题。  相似文献   

The Koshi River Basin is in the middle of the Himalayas, a tributary of the Ganges River and a very important cross-border watershed. Across the basin there are large changes in altitude, habitat complexity, ecosystem integrity, land cover diversity and regional difference and this area is sensitive to global climate change. Based on Landsat TM images, vegetation mapping, field investigations and 3S technology, we compiled high-precision land cover data for the Koshi River Basin and analyzed current land cover characteristics. We found that from source to downstream, land cover in the Koshi River Basin in 2010 was composed of water body (glacier), bare land, sparse vegetation, grassland, wetland, shrubland, forest, cropland, water body (river or lake) and built-up areas. Among them, grassland, forest, bare land and cropland are the main types, accounting for 25.83%, 21.19%, 19.31% and 15.09% of the basin’s area respectively. The composition and structure of the Koshi River Basin land cover types are different between southern and northern slopes. The north slope is dominated by grassland, bare land and glacier; forest, bare land and glacier are mainly found on northern slopes. Northern slopes contain nearly seven times more grassland than southern slopes; while 97.13% of forest is located on southern slopes. Grassland area on northern slope is 6.67 times than on southern slope. The vertical distribution of major land cover types has obvious zonal characteristics. Land cover types from low to high altitudes are cropland, forest, Shrubland and mixed cropland, grassland, sparse vegetation, bare land and water bodies. These results provide a scientific basis for the study of land use and cover change in a critical region and will inform ecosystem protection, sustainability and management in this and other alpine transboundary basins.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区不同生态重建模式评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1IntroductionIn a long history of land use and exploitation, in order to meet the demand of quickly increasing population for food supplies, China has accumulated many successful and unsuccessful experiences in promoting economic development by using land…  相似文献   

北宋中期耕地面积及其空间分布格局重建(英文)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
To understand historical human-induced land cover change and its climatic effects, it is necessary to create historical land use datasets with explicit spatial information. Using the taxes-cropland area and number of families compiled from historical documents, we esti-mated the real cropland area and populations within each Lu (a province-level political region in the Northern Song Dynasty) in the mid-Northern Song Dynasty (AD1004-1085). The es-timations were accomplished through analyzing the contemporary policies of tax, population and agricultural development. Then, we converted the political region-based cropland area to geographically explicit grid cell-based fractional cropland at the cell size of 60 km by 60 km. The conversion was based on calculating cultivation suitability of each grid cell using the topographic slope, altitude and population density as the independent variables. As a result, the total area of cropland within the Northern Song territory in the 1070s was estimated to be about 720 million mu (Chinese area unit, 1 mu = 666.7 m2), of which 40.1% and 59.9% oc-curred in the north and south respectively. The population was estimated to be about 87.2 million, of which 38.7% and 61.3% were in the north and south respectively, and per capita cropland area was about 8.2 mu. The national mean reclamation ratio (i.e. ratio of cropland area to total land area; RRA hereafter for short) was bout 16.6%. The plain areas, such as the North China Plain, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Guanzhong Plain, plains surrounding the Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake and Sichuan Basin, had a higher RRA, being mostly over 40%; while the hilly and mountainous areas, such as south of Nanling Mountains, the southwest regions (excluding the Chengdu Plain), Loess Plateau and south-east coastal regions, had a lower RRA, being less than 20%. Moreover, RRA varied with topographic slope and altitude. In the areas of low altitude (≤250 m), middle altitude (250-100 m) and high altitude (1000-3500 m), there were 443 million, 215 million and 64 million mu of cropland respectively and their regional mean RRAs were 27.5%, 12.6% and 7.2% respectively. In the areas of flat slope, gentle slope, medium slope and steep slope, there were 116 million, 456 million, 144 million and 2 million mu of cropland respectively and their regional mean RRAs were 34.6%, 20.7%, 8.5% and 2.3% respectively.  相似文献   

黄土高原植被恢复潜力研究   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
黄土高原从1999年开始大规模退耕还林(草),植被覆盖发生了较大变化,对黄土高原植被恢复现状和恢复潜力进行评估具有重要意义。本文使用1999-2013年SPOT VEG NDVI数据,采用线性回归、Hurst指数分析法、统计学方法以及地理空间分析技术,对黄土高原植被恢复状况和潜力进行了探讨。结论主要为:① 1999年退耕还林(草)以来,黄土高原植被覆盖度呈显著上升趋势,黄土高原三分之二地区的植被将会持续改善;② 植被响应曲线分析表明,黄土区植被覆盖度和干旱指数呈显著的指数关系,且缓坡相关性大于陡坡。土石山区植被响应函数为线性函数,相关系数下降;③ 整个黄土高原地区平均植被恢复潜力为69.75%。植被恢复潜力值东南高而西北低,黄土高原东南地区植被恢复状况较好,其植被恢复潜力指数较小,而植被恢复潜力指数较高的地区主要为北方风沙区及西部丘陵沟壑区;④ 不同降水量条件下,植被恢复速度差别显著,其中降水量在375~575 mm之间的地区,植被恢复最快。植被恢复措施应该“因水制宜”,避免因造林带来的土壤干化加剧。研究结果以期为黄土高原生态文明建设提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

中国生态足迹和生物承载力构成比例变化分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陈成忠  林振山 《地理学报》2009,64(12):1523-1533
基于生态足迹模型,计算了中国1995-2006年人均生态足迹和生物承载力的各构成组分.运用统计-动力学建模方法,构建生态足迹和生物承载力各组分构成比例变化的普适预测模型.结果表明:①1995.2006年,中国人均生态足迹构成以能源足迹和耕地足迹为主,耕地、林地、建设等足迹比例在波动中不断下降,草地、水域足迹比例先上升后下降,能源足迹比例不断增加;人均生物承载力构成以耕地为主.林地、建设、水域承载力比例相差不多,草地承载力比例最小,其中耕地、草地承载力比例不断增加,林地、水域、建设等承载力比例不断下降,且变化幅度均很小.②2007-2015年,耕地、林地足迹比例继续下降,草地、水域、能源足迹比例将逐渐上升,建设足迹比例将在下降一段时间后出现增加趋势,耕地、林地、草地等承载力比例将不断增加,其中耕地、林地承载力比例增加幅度很小.草地承载力比例相对增幅较大;水域、建设承载力比例均呈下降趋势.文章还探讨了可能导致中国人均生态足迹和生物承载力构成比例出现上述变化的原因,给出相应的政策建议,并分析了二者之间的内在变化规律.研究结果对指导我国调整产业结构、土地利用规划和改善生态环境有较重要的启示和借鉴意义.  相似文献   

The project of ‘grain for green’, to restore woodland and grass by retreating from slope farmland, as a fundamental measure of eco-environmental rehabilitation, is being conducted in the reservoir area of the Three Gorges gradually. However, the de-farming of slope farmland will reduce the amount of farmland in de-farmed areas, especially in the areas with concentrated slope farmland, which would cause the problems of environmental emigration. The people who cannot regain enough farmland by relocating farmlands within village after de-farming and have to emigrate to other places are called environmental emigrants or ecological emigrants. In the research, a de-farming stress index model and an environmental emigration model are developed based on GRID data, and the potential amount of environmental emigration caused by de-farming of slope farmland in the reservoir area is simulated aided with GIS. The simulation indicates that the potential emigration amount caused by de-farming is quite large. When the de-farming stress index reaches 40%, the amount is as large as 890,000 people, which is equivalent to the emigrants caused by the submergence of the Three Gorges reservoir. So it should be considered as a big problem during the eco-environmental rehabilitation in this area. Some suggestions are raised to tackle the problem. Firstly, the emigration plan should be included in the de-farming plan. Secondly, some provinces, especially those located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, should accommodate part of the environmental emigrants.  相似文献   

The project of 'grain for green', to restore woodland and grass by retreating from slope farmland, as a fundamental measure of eco-environmental rehabilitation, is being conducted in the reservoir area of the Three Gorges gradually. However, the de-farming of slope farmland will reduce the amount of farmland in de-farmed areas, especially in the areas with concentrated slope farmland, which would cause the problems of environmental emigration. The people who cannot regain enough farmland by relocating farmlands within village after de-farming and have to emigrate to other places are called environmental emigrants or ecological emigrants. In the research, a de-farming stress index model and an environmental emigration model are developed based on GRID data, and the potential amount of environmental emigration caused by de-farming of slope farmland in the reservoir area is simulated aided with GIS. The simulation indicates that the potential emigration amount caused by de-farming is quite large. When the de-farming stress index reaches 40%, the amount is as large as 890,000 people, which is equivalent to the emigrants caused by the submergence of the Three Gorges reservoir. So it should be considered as a big problem during the eco-environmental rehabilitation in this area. Some suggestions are raised to tackle the problem. Firstly, the emigration plan should be included in the de-farming plan. Secondly, some provinces, especially those located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, should accommodate part of the environmental emigrants.  相似文献   

雷州半岛中段西部的第四纪台地区,水土流失十分严重,崩岗地貌在水土流失面积中所占的比例已接近20%,对区域生产环境造成了严重的破坏,若任其发展下去,数百年后可能将侵蚀区蚀切到海平面以下,形成一条横切雷州半岛的海峡,严重威胁到区域的可持续发展。通过实地调查,分析了水土流失的发育背景,总结其发育特点,认为造成其水土流失不断加剧的原因主要是其特殊的地层结构和岩性特点以及不合理的土地利用方式。因此应高度重视  相似文献   

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