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基于BP人工神经网络的水体遥感测深方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Landsat7 ETM 遥感图像反射率和实测水深值之间的相关性,建立了动量BP人工神经网络水深反演模型,并对长江口南港河段水深进行了反演。结果表明:具有较强非线性映射能力的动量BP神经网络模型能较好地反演出长江口南港河段的水深分布情况;由于受长江口水体高含沙量的影响,模型对小于5m的水深值反演精度较高,而对大于10m的水深值反演精度较低。  相似文献   

最大浑浊带水体悬沙时空变化过程是河口沉积动力学研究的核心内容之一。利用2013年6月16—24日在长江口南槽最大浑浊带自小潮至大潮连续9天的逐时定点水文及悬沙观测资料,分析南槽最大浑浊带悬沙垂向变化特征及影响机制,由此加深对长江口最大浑浊带形成及变化的理解。主要结果包括:(1)南槽最大浑浊带悬沙平均粒径为3.52~18.84μm。从小潮到大潮、从表层水体到底层水体,悬沙粒径逐渐增大,水体含沙量逐渐增大,含沙量为0.12~2.29 g/L。(2)水体流速呈现自下而上、自小潮到大潮逐渐增大的态势,与悬沙粒径的关联度较好;而水体盐度呈现自上而下、自小潮到大潮逐渐增大的态势,与悬沙含量的关联度较好。(3)南槽最大浑浊带水体悬沙垂向变化涵括两种控制机制:涨落潮作用引起的底沙再悬浮控制水体悬沙约7 h的周期性变化;涨潮流挟带的口外泥沙絮凝形成的絮团在涨潮流和重力作用的影响下引起水体悬沙出现约14 h的周期性变化特征。  相似文献   

2006年6月长江口低氧区及邻近水域浮游植物   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
王丹  孙军  周锋  吴莹 《海洋与湖沼》2008,39(6):619-627
根据2006年6月2-11日在长江12低氧区及邻近水域(26°-34°N,121°-126°E)27个站位的调查,对长江口低氧区及邻近水域的浮游植物群落结构特征进行了相关研究.经Utermohl方法初步分析,共发现浮游植物130种,隶属4门57属.甲藻和硅藻是2006年6月长江口低氧区及邻近水域的主要浮游植物门类,其优势物种是:具齿原甲藻Prorocentrum dentatum(=Prorocentrum donghaiense)、米氏凯伦藻Karenia mikimotoi、尖刺伪菱形藻Pseudo-nitzschia pungens、柔弱伪菱形藻Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima、锥状施克里普藻Scrippsiella trochoidea和具槽帕拉藻Paralia sulcata.调查区浮游植物物种以广温、广布型为主.本次调查海域浮游植物的细胞丰度介于0.0026×105-37.37×105个/dm3.平均值为1.47×105个/dm3;甲藻占浮游植物细胞丰度的比例最大,细胞丰度介于0.0002×105-32.01×105个/dm3,平均值为1.39×105个/dm3;其次为硅藻,细胞丰度介于0.0001×105-18.72×105个/dm3,平均值为0.52×105个/dm3.具齿原甲藻和米氏凯伦藻所占丰度比例分别达到45.81%和26.44%,优势度分别为0.30和0.18.具齿原甲藻细胞丰度最高值出现在调查海域北部3号站-20m水层,为3.19×106个/dm3;米氏凯伦藻细胞丰度最高值出现在调查海域西南部29号站表层,为1.71×106个/dm3.浮游植物细胞丰度在水体中的垂直分布为表层最大,随着水深增加而逐渐降低.根据浮游植物的表层分布和断面分布可以发现,细胞丰度高值主要集中在调查区的西南部和北部.东南部浮游植物细胞丰度较低.同时调查海域东南部浮游植物多样性指数和均匀度指数较高,近岸低氧区和中部区域则较低.调查区水体层化现象明显,表层水和底层水之间氧的交换变弱,有机碎屑和浮游植物大量繁殖后沉降分解可能导致了底层低氧区的形成.  相似文献   

河流入海水体悬沙浓度的变化直接反映该流域人类活动和自然应力的影响。基于密西西比河塔伯特兰丁站长期水文资料,本文采用百分位法、Mann-Kendall法等统计方法对近40年密西西比河入海水体悬沙浓度进行分析,探究密西西比河通过“鸟足状”三角洲进入墨西哥湾的水体悬沙浓度变化过程及其可能影响因素。结果表明:(1)在1976?2015年期间,密西西比河入海水体悬沙浓度展现阶段性下降趋势,其中第一时期即1976?1987年期间,入海水体悬沙浓度相对较高,平均值为0.33 kg/m3;第二时期即1988?2015年期间,悬沙浓度较低且平均值为0.25 kg/m3。(2)密西西比河日径流量与悬沙浓度之间的关系符合高斯分布。与1976?1987年相比,1988?2015年期间水沙关系曲线较为扁平,日均超过0.60 kg/m3的高悬沙浓度事件明显减少。在低流量及起动流量阶段,悬沙浓度随着流量的增加而增加,在流量接近20 000 m3/s时,悬沙浓度达到最大值,流量高于20 000 m3/s后,悬沙浓度反而随着流量增加而减小。同时,密西西比河月均水沙关系在1976?1987年期间呈双绳套样,1988?2015年期间则呈现“先沙后水”的顺时针单一型绳套样。(3)分洪工程建设及土壤保持措施是影响密西西比河入海水体悬沙浓度的主要原因。其中,工程建设减少了河道沿程沉积物物源,土壤保持措施使土地侵蚀减少,从而使得悬沙浓度保持较低水平。此外,极端水文事件对密西西比河入海悬沙浓度的影响较小。  相似文献   

在充分认识传统沉降筒缺陷的基础上提出了"大型可温控自动搅拌沉降试验筒"。通过室内系列试验发现:(1)含沙量对长江口细颗粒沉降速度影响最大;(2)温度上升,沉速增加,但不同阶段影响程度有所不同;(3)含沙量越高,盐度对沉速的影响越小,含沙量相同情况下,长江口北槽悬沙枯季水温下盐度对沉速的影响在1.8~5.7倍左右;洪季水温下盐度对沉速的影响在1.5~2.2倍左右。(4)枯季最佳絮凝盐度在7左右,最佳絮凝含沙量为7 kg/m3;洪季最佳絮凝盐度在10~12左右,最佳絮凝含沙量为4.5kg/m3。本研究成果可望加深我们对细颗粒泥沙动力过程相关机理的认识,同时可为相关港口、航道的淤积机理分析,数学模型、物理模型研究工作提供一定技术参考。  相似文献   

长江口12.5米深水航道2010年贯通后,发挥了巨大社会经济效益,同时航道回淤量大、维护压力大、维护费用高的问题突出。本研究基于北槽四边界水沙通量观测成果,分析提出了北槽航道回淤泥沙来源;针对回淤原因,在已建减淤工程经验总结的基础上,提出了本次减淤的研究思路,优化了减淤工程方案的比选指标体系;采用三维潮流泥沙数模、清水动床物模、经济技术综合分析等手段,通过"加高范围"、"加高高程"及"加高位置"比选,研究推荐了减淤工程方案。利用实测回淤量分析了工程减淤效果。研究结果表明,南导堤越沙是洪季北槽的重要泥沙来源,对北槽高浓度含沙量场有一定贡献。提出了可通过加高北槽南侧的导堤,实现减少通过南导堤越堤进入北槽的泥沙量,从而减小北槽含沙量水平,同时改善北槽下段流态,降低水沙横向输移,进而降低航道回淤的减淤思路。研究推荐的长江口12.5米深水航道减淤工程为南坝田挡沙堤加高工程及先期工程方案。先期工程位于S4~S9丁坝坝田,在现有南坝田挡沙堤的基础上加高S4~S8区段,并延长至S9丁坝,工程全长约23.8 km,高程+3.5 m。工程于2015年11月开工建设,2016年7月主体工程完工,工程减淤效果显著,2016—2018年年均减淤量约954×105m3/a,近三年已节省航道维护疏浚费用约5亿元。  相似文献   

王丽华  恽才兴 《海洋学报》2010,32(3):153-161
长江口深水航道工程于1998年开工建设,2002年和2005年一期和二期工程先后竣工,分别达到8.5和10.0 m通航水深。自2006年三期工程实施以来,北槽航道中段连续4a发生严重淤积,年疏浚维护量平均达6×107m3,影响三期工程目标的如期实现。通过自主开发的数字高程模型定量分析平台,建立时间序列的空间分布属性数据库,对长江口深水航道工程治理过程前后的河床冲淤变化规律和工程效果进行量化分析,分析结果揭示了长江口南港北槽深水航道近期淤积的泥沙来源、淤积过程、主要淤积原因和淤积部位,从而为工程治理对策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

长江口枯季水沙特性分析——以2003年为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于2003年2月长江口大面积水沙同步观测资料的分析结果,长江口枯季水沙特性:a)垂线平均流速特性:时间上大潮>小潮,落潮>涨潮;纵向上由徐六泾向口门呈"先减小后增大再减少"的变化;断面上北支>南支,南港>北港,南槽最小.大潮徐六泾垂线平均流速为102cm/s,浑浊带水域北港最大,为128cm/s;口门水域南槽口外最大,为100cm/s.小潮徐六泾为78cm/s;浑浊带水域北槽最大,为83cm/s;口门水域北港口外最小,为36cm/s.b)垂线平均含沙量特性:时间上大潮>小潮,涨潮>落潮;纵向上由徐六泾向口门呈"先增大后减小"的变化;断面上北支>南支,大潮北港>南港,小潮南港>北港,北槽较高,北港大潮较高,小潮最低.大潮徐六泾垂线平均含沙量为0.09kg/m3;浑浊带水域北港最高,为1.14kg/m3;口门水域南槽最高,为0.81kg/m3.小潮时徐六泾为0.06kg/m3,浑浊带水域北槽最高,为0.99kg/m3,口门水域北港最低,为0.09kg/m3.c)无论大小潮,水沙净通量均为北槽>北港>南槽.d)0.4H流速和含沙量能近似表示其对应的垂线平均值.南北槽大、小潮的水动力和含沙量分布均匀,变化较小,北港变化较大.e)流速和含沙量梯度表明,紊动强度大潮>小潮,落潮>涨潮,水体垂向混合的强度大潮>小潮,涨、落潮的水体垂向混合的强度差别较小.  相似文献   

长江口横沙东滩外侧建设人工岛的自然条件分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
薛靖波  蒋雪中  买佳阳 《海洋学报》2014,36(11):163-172
利用2001-2008年的海图资料和2011-2012年枯季现场水文调查数据,分析长江口横沙东滩外侧海域的河势、水动力条件及泥沙含量的潮周期过程,讨论在此建设人工岛的自然条件。结果表明,横沙东滩外侧海域,2001-2008年间冲淤有变化,由滩向海的断面显示上部淤积,下部侵蚀,冲淤转换面在-7~-10m之间,-10~-20m海域整体呈现微冲趋势,但侵蚀速率减缓,河势趋于稳定。横沙东滩受北槽深水航道北导堤影响,向东南方向淤进。定点船测潮流表现出旋转流性质,枯季大潮最大流速不超过188cm/s,小潮最大流速小于134cm/s;北港口外的定点余流显示向口内输运,北槽口外则是向海输运。两测站数据显示枯季大小潮垂线平均含沙量处于0.061~0.116kg/m3之间,水体泥沙含量整体处在较低水平。从自然条件上来说,不考虑风浪影响情况,研究区域内河势渐趋稳定,水深条件良好,水动力条件适宜,水体含沙量较低,在该区域内建设人工岛具有可行性。  相似文献   

2003年2月17~24日,在长江口南槽最大浑浊带地区进行了大、小潮水文泥沙定点连续观测.用OBS-5观测水深、盐度和浊度,用直读式海流计(SLC9-2)观测不同水层流速,同时获取了不同潮时不同水层悬沙水样.通过对水深、盐度、浊度、悬沙浓度和流速等数据进行大、小潮周期对比与分析.得出如下主要结果:(1)盐度和水流流速变化范围分别为13.5~22.3和0.30~2.13 m/s;(2)表层与底层悬沙浓度变化范围分别为180~222 mg/L和1 019~1 300 mg/L;(3)一个潮周期内,可出现4次悬沙浓度峰值;(4)通常情况下,悬沙浓度值涨潮大于落潮,大潮大于小潮,但强风或风暴潮会改变大、小潮的悬沙浓度变化格局.研究表明,研究区悬沙浓度变化具有一定的周期性和规律性,但也存在一些不确定性.长江口南槽最大浑浊带的发育主要是由于"潮泵效应"和盐水异重流引起的对床底侵蚀和泥沙再悬浮造成的.另外,动水絮凝和滩槽之间泥沙交换,也对最大浑浊带的形成与发育有重要影响.  相似文献   

With the development of high-resolution multibeam echosounder systems (MBES) for surveying shallow-water areas a new tool is available to monitor rapid changes in seabed morphology as, e.g., caused by the dumping of dredge spoil in coastal waters. In this study, four data sets of repeated bathymetric surveys with a MBES were processed and analyzed. The data were collected in a 1.94-km2 dumping site in the outer Weser Estuary (German Bight). Between June and December 1998, 2.6 million m3 of dredged sediment were deposited there. The bathymetric maps generated in the course of this study reveal features such as subaqueous dunes, scour holes, and mounds of dumped dredge spoil. The mean water depth decreased by about 1 m during the dumping period. Furthermore, difference grids showing changes in sediment volume allowed a calculation of the sediment budget for the monitored area. After a time period of only 5 months, 0.5 million m3 of the originally dumped 2.6 million m3 of dredge spoil had already been removed from the dumping site.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate related processes of sediment consolidation and resuspension in a coastal basin and how these processes influence retention of fine sediment delivered by a river diversion. Sediment samples were collected from Lake Lery, a coastal receiving basin of the Caernarvon Diversion from the Mississippi River, Louisiana. Consolidation was tested for six initial sediment concentrations (14.0–105 kg m–3) in a settling column over 15-day periods. Mud erodibility was tested at seven shear stress regimes (0.01–0.60 Pa) using a dual-core Gust erosion microcosm system, on cores containing suspensions that consolidated for 1, 2, and 4 weeks. Consolidation rates were found to be inversely and exponentially related to initial suspension concentration, over concentrations ranging from fluid mud (10–200 kg m–3) to hydraulic dredge effluent. Consolidation is best predicted by a function consisting of two exponential terms and one asymptotic constant, describing rates of rapid initial and slower subsequent settling. Coupled resuspension and consolidation tests (concentrations of 20–21 kg m–3) show that shear stresses generating the highest turbidity peaks increase from ≤0.30 Pa after 2 weeks of consolidation to ≥0.45 Pa after 4 weeks, and this strengthening cannot be attributed solely to increasing sediment concentration over time. Comparison of measured erosion shear stresses with bed shear stresses typical of coastal lakes and bays suggests that this degree of strengthening, if given time to occur, could increase the overall retention of fine sediments deposited on lake and bay floors.  相似文献   

孔压探杆贯入及潮汐作用下超孔压响应规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Excess pore water pressure is an important parameter that can be used to analyze certain physical characteristics of sediment. In this paper, the excess pore water pressure of subseafloor sediment and its variation with tidal movement was measured following the installation of a wharf in Qingdao, China by using a fiber Bragg grating(FBG) piezometer. The results indicated that this FBG piezometer is effective in the field. The measured variation of excess pore water pressure after installation is largely explained by the dissipation of excess pore water pressure. The dissipation rate can be used to estimate the horizontal consolidation coefficient, which ranged from1.3×10~(–6) m~2/s to 8.1×10~(–6) m~2/s. The measured values during tidal phases are associated with the variability of tidal pressure on the seafloor and can be used to estimate the compressibility and the permeability of the sediment during tidal movement. The volume compression coefficient estimated from tidal oscillation was approximately2.0×10~(–11) Pa~(–1), which was consistent with the data from the laboratory test. The findings of this paper can provide useful information for in situ investigations of subseafloor sediment.  相似文献   

1992年10月在“珠江口航道整治规划”研究中应用中子活化示踪沙技术对矾石浅滩抛泥区泥沙的运动规律及其对航道的回淤影响进行了现场测验,就该抛泥区的合理性进行了分析。该抛泥区所抛泥沙主要沿矾石浅滩南移沉积,另有一部分西行进入伶仃航道,为减少航道的淤积,该抛泥区应适当向东迁移。  相似文献   

The impact of dredge spoil disposal on asymmetrical large-scale dunes has been studied at a disposal site in a shallow subtidal area of the outer Weser Estuary (German Bight, southeastern North Sea). Between June and December 1998, this site was used for the disposal of ~3×106 m3 dredge spoil. Repeated bathymetric surveys with a multibeam echosounder system reveal that the artificial supply of sediment provoked significant morphological changes in the dune field, including the infill of dune troughs and even the complete burial of individual dunes. However, even completely buried dunes began to regenerate within a few months. In addition, slow migration of the dunes toward the open sea was observed, indicating net seaward sediment transport in the survey area. Since the dumped sediment does not appear to have a persistent effect on the bedforms and, in all likelihood, will be exported from the estuarine system on medium- to long-term timescales, the investigated area constitutes a suitable disposal site.  相似文献   

Caprock has the most important role in the long term safety of formation gas storage. The caprocks trap fluid accumulated beneath, contribute to lateral migration of this fluid and impede its upward migration. The rapid upward passage of invasive plumes due to buoyancy pressure is prevented by capillary pressure within these seal rocks. In the present study, two main seal rocks, from the Zagros basin in the southwest of Iran, a shale core sample of Asmari formation and an anhydrite core sample of Gachsaran formation, were provided. Absolute permeabilities of shale and anhydrite cores, considering the Klinkenberg effect, were measured as 6.09 × 10−18 and 0.89 × 10−18 m2, respectively. Capillary sealing efficiency of the cores was investigated using gas breakthrough experiments. To do so, two distinct techniques including step by step and residual capillary pressure approaches were performed, using carbon dioxide, nitrogen and methane gases at temperatures of 70 and 90 °C, under confining pressures in the range 24.13–37.92 MPa. In the first technique, it was found that capillary breakthrough pressure of the cores varies in the range from 2.76 to 34.34 MPa. Moreover, the measurements indicated that after capillary breakthrough, gas effective permeabilities lie in range 1.85 × 10−21 – 1.66 × 10−19 m2. In the second technique, the minimum capillary displacement pressure of shale varied from 0.66 to 1.45 MPa with the maximum effective permeability around 7.76 × 10−21 – 6.69 × 10−20 m2. The results indicate that anhydrite caprock of the Gachsaran formation provides proper capillary sealing efficacy, suitable for long term storage of the injected CO2 plumes, due to its higher capillary breakthrough pressure and lower gas effective permeability.  相似文献   

To accurately characterize sound speed dispersion of shallow sediments in the Southern Yellow Sea, three types of sediments, i.e., silt, clayey silt, and silty clay, were selected to measure the sound speeds at 25–250?kHz. Over the frequency range, the sound speeds vary approximately from 1,536 to 1,565?m?s?1 in silt sediment, from 1,511 to 1,527?m?s?1 in clayey silt sediment, and from 1,456 to 1,466?m?s?1 in silty clay sediment. The sound speed exhibits a slow increase with frequency in a nearly linear gradient, but these three types of sediments have different sound speed dispersion characteristics. The silt sediment with relatively coarse grains has the most significant sound speed dispersion, while the sound speed dispersions of the two others are relatively weak. Comparison between the measured dispersions and the model predictions shows that the grain-shearing model can match the measured data at most of frequencies. Nevertheless, when the grain bulk modulus was assigned 3.2?×?1010?Pa according to relevant references, the Biot–Stoll model predictions were higher than the measured values at high frequencies; when it was assigned a relatively small value of 2.8?×?1010?Pa, the model predictions achieved optimal matching with the measured values.  相似文献   

我国许多挡潮闸,地睛淤泥质海岸,闸下港道淤积十分严重。为了清除闸下港道淤积,提高挡潮闸的排涝能力,对耙具作了改进,经历了单面齿耙、双面齿耙、掺气耙和改进型掺气耙四个发展阶段,本文介绍清淤耙的发展过程,并对各种耙具进行了对比。拖耙清淤机具具有效率高、费用低的特点,每立方米的清淤成本仅为常规挖泥船的三分之一左右。  相似文献   

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