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The pressure–volume–temperature (PVT) relation of CaIrO3 post-perovskite (ppv) was measured at pressures and temperatures up to 8.6 GPa and 1,273 K, respectively, with energy-dispersive synchrotron X-ray diffraction using a DIA-type, cubic-anvil apparatus (SAM85). Unit-cell dimensions were derived from the Le Bail full profile refinement technique, and the results were fitted using the third-order Birth-Murnaghan equation of state. The derived bulk modulus \( K_{T0} \) at ambient pressure and temperature is 168.3 ± 7.1 GPa with a pressure derivative \( K_{T0}^{\prime } \) = 5.4 ± 0.7. All of the high temperature data, combined with previous experimental data, are fitted using the high-temperature Birch-Murnaghan equation of state, the thermal pressure approach, and the Mie-Grüneisen-Debye formalism. The refined thermoelastic parameters for CaIrO3 ppv are: temperature derivative of bulk modulus \( (\partial K_{T} /\partial T)_{P} \) = ?0.038 ± 0.011 GPa K?1, \( \alpha K_{T} \) = 0.0039 ± 0.0001 GPa K?1, \( \left( {\partial K_{T} /\partial T} \right)_{V} \) = ?0.012 ± 0.002 GPa K?1, and \( \left( {\partial^{2} P/\partial T^{2} } \right)_{V} \) = 1.9 ± 0.3 × 10?6 GPa2 K?2. Using the Mie-Grüneisen-Debye formalism, we obtain Grüneisen parameter \( \gamma_{0} \) = 0.92 ± 0.01 and its volume dependence q = 3.4 ± 0.6. The systematic variation of bulk moduli for several oxide post-perovskites can be described approximately by the relationship K T0  = 5406.0/V(molar) + 5.9 GPa.  相似文献   

Owing to the lack of consistent spatial time series data on actual evapotranspiration (ET), very few studies have been conducted on the long-term trend and variability in ET at a national scale over the Indian subcontinent. The present study uses biome specific ET data derived from NOAA satellite’s advanced very high resolution radiometer to investigate the trends and variability in ET over India from 1983 to 2006. Trend analysis using the non-parametric Mann–Kendall test showed that the domain average ET decreased during the period at a rate of \(0.22\,\hbox {mm year}^{-1}\). A strong decreasing trend (\(m = -1.75\, \hbox {mm year}^{-1}\), \(F = 17.41\), \(P\) 0.01) was observed in forest regions. Seasonal analyses indicated a decreasing trend during southwest summer monsoon (\(m= -0.320\, \hbox {mm season}^{-1}\,\hbox {year}^{-1})\) and post-monsoon period (\(m= -0.188\, \hbox {mm season}^{-1 }\,\hbox {year}^{-1})\). In contrast, an increasing trend was observed during northeast winter monsoon (\(m = 0.156 \,\hbox {mm season}^{-1 }\,\hbox {year}^{-1})\) and pre-monsoon (\(m = 0.068\, \hbox {mm season}^{-1 }\,\hbox {year}^{-1})\) periods. Despite an overall net decline in the country, a considerable increase ( \(4 \,\hbox {mm year}^{-1}\)) was observed over arid and semi-arid regions. Grid level correlation with various climatic parameters exhibited a strong positive correlation (\(r \!>\!0.5\)) of ET with soil moisture and precipitation over semi-arid and arid regions, whereas a negative correlation (\(r\) \(-0.5\)) occurred with temperature and insolation in dry regions of western India. The results of this analysis are useful for understanding regional ET dynamics and its relationship with various climatic parameters over India. Future studies on the effects of ET changes on the hydrological cycle, carbon cycle, and energy partitioning are needed to account for the feedbacks to the climate.  相似文献   

We calculated the phase diagram of \(\hbox {AlPO}_{4}\) up to 15 GPa and 2,000 K and investigated the thermodynamic properties of the high-pressure phases. The investigated phases include the berlinite, moganite-like, \(\hbox {AlVO}_{4},\, P2_1/c\), and \(\hbox {CrVO}_{4}\) phases. The computational methods used include density functional theory, density functional perturbation theory, and the quasiharmonic approximation. The investigated thermodynamic properties include the thermal equation of state, isothermal bulk modulus, thermal expansivity, and heat capacity. With increasing pressure, the ambient phase berlinite transforms to the moganite-like phase, and then to the \(\hbox {AlVO}_{4}\) and \(P2_1/c\) phases, and further to the \(\hbox {CrVO}_{4}\) phase. The stability fields of the \(\hbox {AlVO}_{4}\) and \(P2_1/c\) phases are similar in pressure but different in temperature, as the \(\hbox {AlVO}_{4}\) phase is stable at low temperatures, whereas the \(P2_1/c\) phase is stable at high temperatures. All of the phase relationships agree well with those obtained by quench experiments, and they support the stabilities of the moganite-like, \(\hbox {AlVO}_{4}\), and \(P2_1/c\) phases, which were not observed in room-temperature compression experiments.  相似文献   

The liquidus water content of a haplogranite melt at high pressure (P) and temperature (T) is important, because it is a key parameter for constraining the volume of granite that could be produced by melting of the deep crust. Previous estimates based on melting experiments at low P (≤0.5 GPa) show substantial scatter when extrapolated to deep crustal P and T (700–1000 °C, 0.6–1.5 GPa). To improve the high-P constraints on H2O concentration at the granite liquidus, we performed experiments in a piston–cylinder apparatus at 1.0 GPa using a range of haplogranite compositions in the albite (Ab: NaAlSi3O8)—orthoclase (Or: KAlSi3O8)—quartz (Qz: SiO2)—H2O system. We used equal weight fractions of the feldspar components and varied the Qz between 20 and 30 wt%. In each experiment, synthetic granitic composition glass + H2O was homogenized well above the liquidus T, and T was lowered by increments until quartz and alkali feldspar crystalized from the liquid. To establish reversed equilibrium, we crystallized the homogenized melt at the lower T and then raised T until we found that the crystalline phases were completely resorbed into the liquid. The reversed liquidus minimum temperatures at 3.0, 4.1, 5.8, 8.0, and 12.0 wt% H2O are 935–985, 875–900, 775–800, 725–775, and 650–675 °C, respectively. Quenched charges were analyzed by petrographic microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and electron microprobe analysis (EMPA). The equation for the reversed haplogranite liquidus minimum curve for Ab36.25Or36.25Qz27.5 (wt% basis) at 1.0 GPa is \(T = - 0.0995 w_{{{\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}}}^{ 3} + 5.0242w_{{{\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}}}^{ 2} - 88.183 w_{{{\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}}} + 1171.0\) for \(0 \le w_{{{\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}}} \le 17\) wt% and \(T\) is in °C. We present a revised \(P - T\) diagram of liquidus minimum H2O isopleths which integrates data from previous determinations of vapor-saturated melting and the lower pressure vapor-undersaturated melting studies conducted by other workers on the haplogranite system. For lower H2O (<5.8 wt%) and higher temperature, our results plot on the high end of the extrapolated water contents at liquidus minima when compared to the previous estimates. As a consequence, amounts of metaluminous granites that can be produced from lower crustal biotite–amphibole gneisses by dehydration melting are more restricted than previously thought.  相似文献   

Seismic source parameters of small to moderate sized intraplate earthquakes that occurred during 2002–2009 in the tectonic blocks of Kachchh Rift Basin (KRB) and the Saurashtra Horst (SH), in the stable continental region of western peninsular India, are studied through spectral analysis of shear waves. The data of aftershock sequence of the 2001 Bhuj earthquake (\(M_{w}\) 7.7) in the KRB and the 2007 Talala earthquake (\(M_{w}\) 5.0) in the SH are used for this study. In the SH, the seismic moment (\(M_{o})\), corner frequency \((f_{c})\), stress drop (\(\varDelta \sigma \)) and source radius (r) vary from \(7.8\times 10^{11}\) to \(4.0\times \)10\(^{16}\) N-m, 1.0–8.9 Hz, 4.8–10.2 MPa and 195–1480 m, respectively. While in the KRB, these parameters vary from \(M_{o} \sim 1.24 \,\times \, 10^{11}\) to \(4.1 \times 10^{16}\) N-m, \(f_{c }\sim \) 1.6 to 13.1 Hz, \(\varDelta \sigma \sim 0.06\) to 16.62 MPa and \(r \sim 100\) to 840 m. The kappa (K) value in the KRB (0.025–0.03) is slightly larger than that in the SH region (0.02), probably due to thick sedimentary layers. The estimated stress drops of earthquakes in the KRB are relatively higher than those in SH, due to large crustal stress concentration associated with mafic/ultramafic rocks at the hypocentral depths. The results also suggest that the stress drop value of intraplate earthquakes is larger than the interplate earthquakes. In addition, it is observed that the strike-slip events in the SH have lower stress drops, compared to the thrust and strike-slip events.  相似文献   

Hydroxylborite, a new mineral species, an analogue of fluoborite with OH > F, has been found at the Titovsky deposit (57°41′N, 125°22′E), the Chersky Range, Dogdo Basin, Sakha-Yakutia Republic, Russia. Prismatic crystals of the new mineral are dominated by the {10\(\overline 1 \)0} faces without distinct end forms and reach (1?1.5) × (0.1?0.2) mm in size. Radial aggregates of such crystals occur in the mineralized marble adjacent to the boron ore (suanite-kotoite-ludwigite). Calcite, dolomite, Mg-rich ludwigite, kotoite, szaibelyite, clinohumite, magnetite, serpentine, and chlorite are associated minerals. Hydroxylborite is transparent colorless, with a white streak and vitreous luster. The new mineral is brittle. The Mohs’ hardness is 3.5. The cleavage is imperfect on {0001}. The density measured with equilibration in heavy liquids is 2.89(1) g/cm3; the calculated density is 2.872 g/cm3. The wave numbers of the absorption bands in the IR spectrum of hydroxylborite are (cm?1; sh is shoulder): 3668, 1233, 824, 742, 630sh, 555sh, 450sh, and 407. The new mineral is optically uniaxial, negative, ω = 1.566(1), and ε = 1.531(1). The chemical composition (electron microprobe, H2O measured with the Penfield method, wt %) is 18.43 B2O3, 65.71 MgO, 10.23 F, 9.73 H2O, 4.31-O = F2, where the total is 99.79. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of 6 anions pfu is as follows: Mg3.03B0.98[(OH)2.00F1.00]O3.00. Hydroxylborite is hexagonal, and the space group is P63/m. The unit-cell dimensions are: a = 8.912(8) Å, c = 3.112(4) Å, V = 214.05(26) Å3, and Z = 2. The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder pattern [d, Å (I, %)(hkil)] are: 7.69(52)(01\(\overline 1 \)0), 4.45(82)(11\(\overline 2 \)0), 2.573(65)(03\(\overline 3 \)0), 2.422(100)(02\(\overline 2 \)1), and 2.128(60)(12\(\overline 3 \)1). The compatibility index 1 ? (K p/K c) is 0.038 (excellent) for the calculated density and 0.044 (good) for the measured density. The type material of hydroxylborite is deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (inventory number 91968) and the Geological Museum of the All-Russia Institute of Mineral Resources, Moscow (inventory number M-1663).  相似文献   

Pressuremeter modulus (\(E_{M}\)) and limit pressure (\(P_{L}\)) are used for the calculation of the settlement and bearing capacity of foundation respectively. As the determination of these parameters from pressuremeter test (PMT) is relatively time-consuming and expensive, various empirical correlations have been proposed to correlate the \(E_{M}\) and \(P_{L}\) to other soil parameters. For the existing equations are incapable of estimating these PMT parameters well, in present research group method of data handling type neural network is used to estimate the \(E_{M}\) and \(P_{L}\) of clayey soils. The \(E_{M}\) and \(P_{L}\) were modeled as a function of three variables including the moisture content (\(\omega\)), plasticity index and corrected SPT blow counts (\(N_{60}\)). A database containing 51 data sets have been used for training and testing of the models. The performances of proposed models are compared with those of existing empirical equations. The results demonstrate that appreciable improvement with respect to the other correlations has been achieved. At the end, sensitivity analysis of the obtained models has been performed to study the influence of input parameters on model outputs and shows that the \(N_{60}\) is the most influential parameter on the PMT parameters.  相似文献   

Using a diamond-anvil cell and synchrotron X-ray diffraction, the compressional behavior of a synthetic qandilite Mg2.00(1)Ti1.00(1)O4 has been investigated up to about 14.9 GPa at 300 K. The pressure–volume data fitted to the third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state yield an isothermal bulk modulus (K T0) of 175(5) GPa, with its first derivative \(K_{T0}^{{\prime }}\) attaining 3.5(7). If \(K_{T0}^{{\prime }}\) is fixed as 4, the K T0 value is 172(1) GPa. This value is substantially larger than the value of the adiabatic bulk modulus (K S0) previously determined by an ultrasonic pulse echo method (152(7) GPa; Liebermann et al. in Geophys J Int 50:553–586, 1977), but in general agreement with the K T0 empirically estimated on the basis of crystal chemical systematics (169 GPa; Hazen and Yang in Am Miner 84:1956–1960, 1999). Compared to the K T0 values of the ulvöspinel (Fe2TiO4; ~148(4) GPa with \(K_{T0}^{{\prime }} = 4\)) and the ringwoodite solid solutions along the Mg2SiO4–Fe2SiO4 join, our finding suggests that the substitution of Mg2+ for Fe2+ on the T sites of the 4–2 spinels can have more significant effect on the K T0 than that on the M sites.  相似文献   

Middendorfite, a new mineral species, has been found in a hydrothermal assemblage in Hilairite hyperperalkaline pegmatite at the Kirovsky Mine, Mount Kukisvumchorr apatite deposit, Khibiny alkaline pluton, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Microcline, sodalite, cancrisilite, aegirine, calcite, natrolite, fluorite, narsarsukite, labuntsovite-Mn, mangan-neptunite, and donnayite are associated minerals. Middendorfite occurs as rhombshaped lamellar and tabular crystals up to 0.1 × 0.2 × 0.4 mm in size, which are combined in worm-and fanlike segregations up to 1 mm in size. The color is dark to bright orange, with a yellowish streak and vitreous luster. The mineral is transparent. The cleavage (001) is perfect, micalike; the fracture is scaly; flakes are flexible but not elastic. The Mohs hardness is 3 to 3.5. Density is 2.60 g/cm3 (meas.) and 2.65 g/cm3 (calc.). Middendorfite is biaxial (?), α = 1.534, β = 1.562, and γ = 1.563; 2V (meas.) = 10°. The mineral is pleochroic strongly from yellowish to colorless on X through brown on Y and to deep brown on Z. Optical orientation: X = c. The chemical composition (electron microprobe, H2O determined with Penfield method) is as follows (wt %): 4.55 Na2O, 10.16 K2O, 0.11 CaO, 0.18 MgO, 24.88 MnO, 0.68 FeO, 0.15 ZnO, 0.20 Al2O3, 50.87 SiO2, 0.17 TiO2, 0.23 F, 7.73 H2O; ?O=F2?0.10, total is 99.81. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of (Si,Al)12(O,OH,F)36 is K3.04(Na2.07Ca0.03)Σ2.10(Mn4.95Fe0.13Mg0.06Ti0.03Zn0.03)Σ5.20(Si11.94Al0.06)Σ12O27.57(OH)8.26F0.17 · 1.92H2O. The simplified formula is K3Na2Mn5Si12(O,OH)36 · 2H2O. Middenforite is monoclinic, space group: P21/m or P21. The unit cell dimensions are a = 12.55, b = 5.721, c = 26.86 Å; β = 114.04°, V = 1761 Å3, Z = 2. The strongest lines in the X-ray powder pattern [d, Å, (I)(hkl)] are: 12.28(100)(002), 4.31(81)(11\(\overline 4 \)), 3.555(62)(301, 212), 3.063(52)(008, 31\(\overline 6 \)), 2.840(90)(312, 021, 30\(\overline 9 \)), 2.634(88)(21\(\overline 9 \), 1.0.\(\overline 1 \)0, 12\(\overline 4 \)), 2.366(76)(22\(\overline 6 \), 3.1.\(\overline 1 \)0, 32\(\overline 3 \)), 2.109(54)(42–33, 42–44, 51\(\overline 9 \), 414), 1.669(64)(2.2.\(\overline 1 \)3, 3.2.\(\overline 1 \)3, 62\(\overline 3 \), 6.1.\(\overline 1 \)3), 1.614(56)(5.0.\(\overline 1 \)6, 137, 333, 71\(\overline 1 \)). The infrared spectrum is given. Middendorfite is a phyllosilicate related to bannisterite, parsenttensite, and the minerals of the ganophyllite and stilpnomelane groups. The new mineral is named in memory of A.F. von Middendorff (1815–1894), an outstanding scientist, who carried out the first mineralogical investigations in the Khibiny pluton. The type material of middenforite has been deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.  相似文献   

This paper aims to determine the damage distribution and to analyze the available strong motion records of the April 25, 2015 Nepal earthquake and its eight aftershocks. For this purpose, an earthquake investigation team was dispatched to Nepal from May 6 to 11, 2015 to evaluate the damages of the epicentral region and the four affected cities containing Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Gorkha, and Pokhara. Based on the observations from the damages to the built environment, an iso-intensity map is prepared on the EMS-98 intensity scale in which the maximum intensity in the epicentral region is estimated to be about VIII. However, based on the geological and geotechnical evidences such as landslide volumes and ground fissures, the maximum intensity can be inferred about IX or X on the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) intensity scale. In addition, the available strong motion data of the 2015 Nepal mainshock and its eight large aftershocks recorded at the KATNP accelerometric station in Kathmandu were processed and analyzed. In order to investigate the probable site effects, the Fourier amplitude spectra (FAS) of the horizontal north-south (N) and east-west (E) components and the average of them (H avg) were divided to the FAS of the vertical (Z) component and thus, the \( \raisebox{1ex}{$ N$}\!\left/ \!\raisebox{-1ex}{$ Z$}\right. \), \( \raisebox{1ex}{$ E$}\!\left/ \!\raisebox{-1ex}{$ Z$}\right. \), \( \raisebox{1ex}{${H}_{\mathrm{avg}}$}\!\left/ \!\raisebox{-1ex}{$ Z$}\right. \) spectral ratios were calculated. Based on these horizontal to vertical spectral ratios, a low-frequency peak at about 0.2–0.3 Hz (3.5–5-s period) is observed clearly in all the records. Accordingly, the repeated results might imply site amplification due to the thick alluvial deposits and the high groundwater level at the KATNP accelerometric station within the Kathmandu basin. It should be noted that all the horizontal to vertical spectral ratios of the aftershocks show a high peak at around 1.5–3 Hz, which is missed in the horizontal to vertical spectral ratio of the mainshock. On the other hand, considering the low angle of the causative fault plane, a near-source directivity effect on the fault normal direction (here, the vertical component) of the April 25, 2015 mainshock rupture may exist. Therefore, vertical to horizontal spectral ratios (\( \raisebox{1ex}{$ Z$}\!\left/ \!\raisebox{-1ex}{$ N$}\right. \) and \( \raisebox{1ex}{$ Z$}\!\left/ \!\raisebox{-1ex}{$ E$}\right. \)) were also calculated to find the vertical peak more clearly. The figures confirmed a peak at the frequency of 1.5–3 Hz in the mainshock spectra which is not repeated on the aftershock spectra and thus can probably be attributed as the pulse of directivity effect toward Kathmandu. This inferred directivity pulse can be also well distinguished on the velocity and displacement time histories of the mainshock.  相似文献   

A new method for obtaining the C factor (i.e., vegetation cover and management factor) of the RUSLE model is proposed. The method focuses on the derivation of the C factor based on the vegetation density to obtain a more reliable erosion prediction. Soil erosion that occurs on the hillslope along the highway is one of the major problems in Malaysia, which is exposed to a relatively high amount of annual rainfall due to the two different monsoon seasons. As vegetation cover is one of the important factors in the RUSLE model, a new method that accounts for a vegetation density is proposed in this study. A hillslope near the Guthrie Corridor Expressway (GCE), Malaysia, is chosen as an experimental site whereby eight square plots with the size of \(8\times 8\) and \(5\times 5\) m are set up. A vegetation density available on these plots is measured by analyzing the taken image followed by linking the C factor with the measured vegetation density using several established formulas. Finally, erosion prediction is computed based on the RUSLE model in the Geographical Information System (GIS) platform. The C factor obtained by the proposed method is compared with that of the soil erosion guideline Malaysia, thereby predicted erosion is determined by both the C values. Result shows that the C value from the proposed method varies from 0.0162 to 0.125, which is lower compared to the C value from the soil erosion guideline, i.e., 0.8. Meanwhile predicted erosion computed from the proposed C value is between 0.410 and \(3.925\, \hbox {t ha}^{-1 }\,\hbox {yr}^{-1}\) compared to 9.367 to \(34.496\, \hbox {t ha}^{-1}\,\hbox {yr}^{-1 }\) range based on the C value of 0.8. It can be concluded that the proposed method of obtaining a reasonable C value is acceptable as the computed predicted erosion is found to be classified as a very low zone, i.e. less than \(10\, \hbox {t ha}^{-1 }\,\hbox {yr}^{-1}\) whereas the predicted erosion based on the guideline has classified the study area as a low zone of erosion, i.e., between 10 and \(50\, \hbox {t ha}^{-1 }\,\hbox {yr}^{-1}\).  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a new Near InfraRed Imaging Spectrograph (NIRIS) which is capable of simultaneous measurements of OH(6-2) Meinel and \(\hbox {O}_{2}\)(0-1) atmospheric band nightglow emission intensities. In this spectrographic technique, rotational line ratios are obtained to derive temperatures corresponding to the emission altitudes of 87 and 94 km. NIRIS has been commissioned for continuous operation from optical aeronomy observatory, Gurushikhar, Mount Abu (\(24.6^{\circ }\hbox {N}\), \(72.8^{\circ }\hbox {E}\)) since January 2013. NIRIS uses a diffraction grating of 1200 lines \(\hbox {mm}^{-1}\) and 1024\(\times \)1024 pixels thermoelectrically cooled CCD camera and has a large field-of-view (FOV) of \(80^{\circ }\) along the slit orientation. The data analysis methodology adopted for the derivation of mesospheric temperatures is also described in detail. The observed NIRIS temperatures show good correspondence with satellite (SABER) derived temperatures and exhibit both tidal and gravity waves (GW) like features. From the time taken for phase propagation in the emission intensities between these two altitudes, vertical phase speed of gravity waves, \(c_{z}\), is calculated and along with the coherent GW time period ‘\(\tau \)’, the vertical wavelength, \(\lambda _{z}\), is obtained. Using large FOV observations from NIRIS, the meridional wavelengths, \(\lambda _{y}\), are also calculated. We have used one year of data to study the possible cause(s) for the occurrences of mesospheric temperature inversions (MTIs). From the statistics obtained for 234 nights, it appears that in situ chemical heating is mainly responsible for the observed MTIs than the vertical propagation of the waves. Thus, this paper describes a novel near infrared imaging spectrograph, its working principle, data analysis method for deriving OH and \(\hbox {O}_{2}\) emission intensities and the corresponding rotational temperatures at these altitudes, derivation of gravity wave parameters (\(\tau \), \(c_{z}\), \(\lambda _{z}\), and \(\lambda _{y})\), and results on the statistical study of MTIs that exist in the earth’s mesospheric altitudes.  相似文献   

Batisivite has been found as an accessory mineral in the Cr-V-bearing quartz-diopside metamorphic rocks of the Slyudyanka Complex in the southern Baikal region, Russia. A new mineral was named after the major cations in its ideal formula (Ba, Ti, Si, V). Associated minerals are quartz, Cr-V-bearing diopside and tremolite; calcite; schreyerite; berdesinskiite; ankangite; V-bearing titanite; minerals of the chromite-coulsonite, eskolaite-karelianite, dravite-vanadiumdravite, and chernykhite-roscoelite series; uraninite; Cr-bearing goldmanite; albite; barite; zircon; and unnamed U-Ti-V-Cr phases. Batisivite occurs as anhedral grains up to 0.15–0.20 mm in size, without visible cleavage and parting. The new mineral is brittle, with conchoidal fracture. Observed by the naked eye, the mineral is black and opaque, with a black streak and resinous luster. Batisivite is white in reflected light. The microhardness (VHN) is 1220–1470 kg/mm2 (load is 30 g), the mean value is 1330 kg/mm2. The Mohs hardness is near 7. The calculated density is 4.62 g/cm3. The new mineral is weakly anisotropic and bireflected. The measured values of reflectance are as follows (λ, nm—R max /R min ): 440—17.5/17.0; 460—17.3/16.7; 480—17.1/16.5; 500—17.2/16.6; 520—17.3/16.7; 540—17.4/16.8; 560—17.5/16.8; 580—17.6/16.9; 600—17.7/17.1; 620—17.7/17.1; 640—17.8/17.1; 660—17.9/17.2; 680—18.0/17.3; 700—18.1/17.4. Batisivite is triclinic, space group P \(\overline 1\); the unit-cell dimensions are: a = 7.521(1) Å, b = 7.643(1) Å, c = 9.572(1) Å, α = 110.20°(1), β = 103.34°(1), γ = 98.28°(1), V = 487.14(7) Å3, Z = 1. The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d, Å (I, %)(hkl)] are: 3.09(8)(12\(\overline 2\)); 2.84, 2.85(10)(021, 120); 2.64(8)(21\(\overline 3\)); 2.12(8)(31\(\overline 3\)); 1.785(8)(32\(\overline 4\)), 1.581(10)(24\(\overline 2\)); 1.432, 1.433(10)(322, 124). The chemical composition (electron microprobe, average of 237 point analyses, wt %) is: 0.26 Nb2O5, 6.16 SiO2, 31.76 TiO2, 1.81 Al2O3, 8.20 VO2, 26.27 V2O3, 12.29 Cr2O3, 1.48 Fe2O3, 0.08 MgO, 11.42 BaO; the total is 99.73. The VO2/V2O3 ratio has been calculated. The simplified empirical formula is (V 4.8 3+ Cr2.2V 0.7 4+ Fe0.3)8.0(Ti5.4V 0.6 4+ )6.0[Ba(Si1.4Al0.5O0.9)]O28. An alternative to the title formula could be a variety (with the diorthogroup Si2O7) V8Ti6[Ba(Si2O7)]O22. Batisivite probably pertains to the V 8 3+ Ti 6 4+ [Ba(Si2O)]O28-Cr 8 3+ Ti 6 4+ [Ba(Si2O)]O28 solid solution series. The type material of batisivite has been deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.  相似文献   

In determining the physical and mechanical parameters of clay, it is sometimes necessary to determine them indirectly from other parameters since they cannot be measured directly from laboratory or field tests. In order to determine the effect of temperature on the behavior of clay, an indirect approach is used here by analyzing the changes of mass (\(\Delta m\)), density (\(\rho\)), porosity (\(\phi\)), P-wave velocity (\({v_p}\)), thermal conductivity (\(\lambda\)), specific heat capacity (c), resistivity (R) and uniaxial compressive strength (f) of clay from eastern China for a temperature range between 20 and 800 °C. The results indicate that temperature has a significant effect on these parameters. Comparisons between \(\Delta m\) and \(\rho\), \(\Delta m\) and \({v_p}\), \(\rho\) and \({v_p}\), \(\phi\) and \(\lambda\), \({v_p}\) and f, R and f show a linear change among these parameters,whereas the relationships among \(\Delta m\) and \(\phi\), \(\phi\) and \({v_p}\), \(\phi\) and R, \({v_p}\) and \(\lambda\), \(\phi\) and f are exponential. It is difficult to obtain these relationships by using regression analysis with high levels of accuracy. Further refinement is therefore required.  相似文献   

The effect of solar flare, sudden commencement of magnetic storm and of the disturbances ring current on the equatorial electrojet in the Eastern Brazil region, where the ground magnetic declination is as large as \(20^{^{\circ }}\hbox {W}\) is studied based on geomagnetic data with one minute resolution from Bacabal during November–December 1990. It is shown that the mean diurnal vector of the horizontal field was aligned along \(2{^{\circ }}\hbox {E}\) of north at Huancayo and \(30{^{\circ }}\hbox {W}\) of north at Bacabal during the month of December 1990. Number of solar flares that occurred on 30 December 1990 indicated the direction of solar flare related \(\Delta H\) vector to be aligned along \(5{^{\circ }}\hbox {E}\) of north at Huancayo and \(28{^{\circ }}\hbox {W}\) of north at Bacabal. This is expected as the solar flare effects are due to the enhanced conductivity in the ionosphere. The SC at 2230 UT on 26 November 1990 produced a positive impulse in \(\Delta X\) and negative impulse in \(\Delta Y\) at Bacabal with \(\Delta H\) vector aligned along \(27{^{\circ }}\hbox {W}\) of north. At Huancayo the \(\Delta H\) vector associated with SC is aligned along \(8{^{\circ }}\hbox {E}\) of north, few degrees east to the alignment of the diurnal vector of H. The magnetic storm that followed the SC had a minimum Dst index of –150 nT. The corresponding storm time disturbance in \(\Delta X\) at Huancayo as well as at Bacabal were about –250 nT but \(\Delta Y\) at Bacabal was about +70 nT and very small at Huancayo, that give the alignment of the H vector due to ring current about \(16{^{\circ }}\hbox {W}\) of north at Bacabal and almost along N–S at Huancayo. Thus alignment of the \(\Delta H\) vector due to ring current at Bacabal is \(14{^{\circ }}\hbox {E}\) of the mean direction of \(\Delta H\) vector during December 1990. This is consistent with the direction of ring current dependent on the dipole declination at the ring current altitude which is about \(5{^{\circ }}\hbox {W}\) of north over Bacabal and the deviation of declination due to the ring current during disturbed period given by the angle (\(\psi \)-D).  相似文献   

We have studied the attenuation characteristics of eastern Himalaya and southern Tibet by using local earthquake data set that consists of 123 well-located events, recorded by the Himalayan Nepal Tibet Seismic Experiment operated during 2001–2003. We have used single backscattering model to calculate frequency-dependent values of coda Q (\(Q_\mathrm{c}\)). The estimation of \(Q_\mathrm{c}\) is made at central frequencies 2, 4, 8 and 12 Hz through five lapse time windows from 10 to 50 s starting at double the travel time of the S-wave. The observed \(Q_\mathrm{c}\) is found to be strongly frequency-dependent and follows a similar trend as observed in other tectonically active parts of the Himalaya. The trend of variation of \(Q_\mathrm{c}\) with lapse time and the corresponding apparent depths is also studied. Increase in \(Q_\mathrm{c}\) values with the lapse time suggests that the deeper part of the study region is less heterogeneous than the shallower part. The observed values of \(Q_0\) (\(Q_\mathrm{c}\) at 1 Hz) and frequency parameter n indicate that the medium beneath the study area is highly heterogeneous and tectonically very active. A regionalization of the estimated \(Q_0\) is carried out, and a contour map is prepared for the whole region. Some segments of Lesser Himalaya and Sub-Himalaya exhibit very low \(Q_0\) , while the whole Tethyan Himalaya and some parts of Greater Himalaya are characterized by low \(Q_0\) values. Our results are comparable with those obtained from tectonically active regions in the world.  相似文献   

The specific heat capacity (C p) of six variably hydrated (~3.5 wt% H2O) iron-bearing Etna trachybasaltic glasses and liquids has been measured using differential scanning calorimetry from room temperature across the glass transition region. These data are compared to heat capacity measurements on thirteen melt compositions in the iron-free anorthite (An)–diopside (Di) system over a similar range of H2O contents. These data extend considerably the published C p measurements for hydrous melts and glasses. The results for the Etna trachybasalts show nonlinear variations in, both, the heat capacity of the glass at the onset of the glass transition (i.e., C p g ) and the fully relaxed liquid (i.e., C p l ) with increasing H2O content. Similarly, the “configurational heat capacity” (i.e., C p c  = C p l  ? C p g ) varies nonlinearly with H2O content. The An–Di hydrous compositions investigated show similar trends, with C p values varying as a function of melt composition and H2O content. The results show that values in hydrous C p g , C p l and C p c in the depolymerized glasses and liquids are substantially different from those observed for more polymerized hydrous albitic, leucogranitic, trachytic and phonolitic multicomponent compositions previously investigated. Polymerized melts have lower C p l and C p c and higher C p g with respect to more depolymerized compositions. The covariation between C p values and the degree of polymerization in glasses and melts is well described in terms of SMhydrous and NBO/T hydrous. Values of C p c increase sharply with increasing depolymerization up to SMhydrous ~ 30–35 mol% (NBO/T hydrous ~ 0.5) and then stabilize to an almost constant value. The partial molar heat capacity of H2O for both glasses (\( C_{{{\text{p}}\;{\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}}}}^{\text{g}} \)) and liquids (\( C_{{{\text{p}}\;{\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}}}}^{\text{l}} \)) appears to be independent of composition and, assuming ideal mixing, we obtain a value for \( C_{{{\text{p}}\;{\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}}}}^{\text{l}} \) of 79 J mol?1 K?1. However, we note that a range of values for \( C_{{{\text{p}}\;{\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}}}}^{\text{l}} \) (i.e., ~78–87 J mol?1 K?1) proposed by previous workers will reproduce the extended data to within experimental uncertainty. Our analysis suggests that more data are required in order to ascribe a compositional dependence (i.e., nonideal mixing) to \( C_{{{\text{p}}\;{\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}}}}^{\text{l}} \).  相似文献   

Data-driven modeling of removal of color index name of Acid Yellow 59 from aqueous solutions using multi-walled carbon nanotubes by multiple (non)linear regression and artificial neural networks (ANN) models based on leave-one-out cross-validation to predict the adsorbed dye amount per unit mass of adsorbent (mg g?1) and performance evaluation of the proposed multiple (non)linear regression and ANN models is the main novel contributor of the present study. Initial dye concentration, adsorbent concentration, reaction time, and temperature were determined as explanatory variables and input neurons for multiple (non)linear regression and ANN models, respectively. The total number of experiments was determined as 1280 statistically. The results showed that multilayer perception ANN model (\(R^{2}_{\text{training}}\) = 0.9997, \(R^{2}_{\text{testing}}\) = 0.9993, RMSE = 0.7678, MAE of 0.0007) predicted q t better than multiple (non)linear regression model (\(R^{2}_{\text{adj}}\) = 0.9645, \(R^{2}_{\text{pred}}\) = 0.9633, SE = 9.55) and MLR (R 2 = 0.9543, SE = 10.87) models. The results justified the accuracy of ANN in prediction of q t , significantly.  相似文献   

This paper studies the reliability of the calculated shear-wave velocity (\(V_{\mathrm{S}}\)) from different available \(V_{\mathrm{S}}\) and SPT-N correlations in terms of seismic site response analysis. In the present study, various \(V_{\mathrm{S}}\)N correlations developed for different regions around the globe have been used to calculate the bound of \(V_{\mathrm{S}}\) variations with depth at three different sites in Kolkata city. This bound has later been used to generate the random \(V_{\mathrm{S}}\) profiles using the Monte Carlo simulation. Equivalent linear site response analysis has been performed to study the response of those generated profiles under different input motion excitations. Strong-to-weak ground motion records have been used for this purpose. The amplification spectra of the generated \(V_{\mathrm{S}}\) profiles using all soil types and specific soil-type \(V_{\mathrm{S}}\)N correlations show significant variations. The study also shows that the \(V_{\mathrm{S}}\)N correlation may result in quite different \(V_{\mathrm{S},30}\) values and subsequently it may lead to the different site classes according to the NEHRP 2003 classification. So, the random choice of the \(V_{\mathrm{S}}\)N correlation, where the direct measurement of \(V_{\mathrm{S}}\) is not available, may affect the outcome of seismic hazard analysis significantly. The study points out the need for accurate estimation of the \(V_{\mathrm{S}}\) profile either from in-situ determination or using site-specific correlation.  相似文献   

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