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城市地表特征对京津冀地区夏季降水的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张珊  黄刚  王君  刘永  贾根锁  任改莎 《大气科学》2015,39(5):911-925
本文利用京津冀地区24个气象站的日降水资料和耦合有单层城市冠层模式(SLUCM)的中尺度数值模式WRF的模拟结果,研究了城市地表特征对京津冀地区夏季降水的影响。结果表明,在京津冀城市面积迅速增长的近三十年(1981~2010),该地区大部分站点的降水量都呈现减少的趋势,减少最明显的站点主要集中在京津唐城市区域,其中≥50 mm的降水量减少趋势占总降水量减少趋势的50%以上。城市扩张可能是造成京津冀降水时空格局改变的因素之一。通过对比分析控制试验与敏感性试验的模拟结果,发现城市化引起的地表特征的改变使北京、天津、唐山主要城市地区的降水量和降水频次都有明显减少,而城市群下风向的降水量和降水强度则明显增加和增强,其中50 mm以上等级的降水量变化最为显著,贡献率在60%以上。城市地表特征使北京、天津和唐山地区50 mm以上等级降水量的百分比下降了6%~20%,下风向地区增加了8%。城市地表特征也影响了主要城市和城市群下风向地区降水量的日变化结构,使北京和唐山几乎所有时段的降水量都有所减少,而城市群下风向降水量的增加主要发生在白天。研究发现城市地表特征对深对流的抑制(加强)可能是造成京津冀地区降水减少(增多)的重要原因,而由于城市地表蒸发量的改变引起的潜热通量和对流有效位能的改变则可能是引起深对流变化的重要因素。  相似文献   

利用热带测雨卫星TRMM搭载的测雨雷达(PR)1998-2012年的观测资料,研究了合肥地区夏季(6、7、8月)不同类型降水的降水强度和频次的水平空间分布、降水垂直结构、日变化特征以及气候变化等特征,揭示了城市化效应造成城市及其周边区域降水特征在时空上的分布差异。研究结果表明,(1)主城区对流和层云降水强度低于周边区域,对流降水频次也低于周边区域,但层云降水频次则相反。可见城市化发展是改变降水的空间分布的因素之一,且对不同的降水类型空间分布影响不同。(2)主城区降水回波信号高度高于周边区域,而降水强度低于周边区域,表明城市效应促进降水云发展而未造成降水强度增强。(3)合肥地区对流和层云降水的强度和频次日循环存在时空分布不均匀性,其中城区的对流降水强度和频次日循环与城市热岛效应日循环具有一致性。总体来看,城市化对局地降水强度影响较大,而对局地降水频次的总体影响不是很明显。(4)通过降水气候变化分析表明,城区两种类型降水强度和频次均呈逐年下降趋势,周边区域降水强度呈不显著上升趋势,降水频次呈逐年下降趋势,其中层云降水频次下降趋势较显著。城市化进程使得城市及其周边区域降水不均匀性逐年增强。极端降水空间分布特征分析表明,城市周边区域强降水频次高于主城区,尤其在城市的下风区高出主城区75%;而周边区域弱降水发生的频次低于主城区,城市下风区最低,低于主城区约18%。  相似文献   

珠三角城市环境对对流降水影响的模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
采用具有2 km分辨率的中尺度气象模式WRF及其耦合的单层城市冠层模式,以及Thompson云微物理方案,针对广州市附近发生的一次对流风暴过程,模拟研究了城市环境包括城市地表性质变化、城市空气污染可能引起的云粒子浓度增大现象对对流降水发展的影响问题.结果表明城市地表引起的热岛和干岛效应,可造成城市边界层高度升高,有利于城区附近辐合流场形成和不稳定能量增大.模拟结果显示,城市地表作用可在广州市南北各形成一个对流有效位能CAPE增大的辐合区,模拟对流降水回波起始发展于这些具有高不稳定能量的辐合区,并与观测雷达回波特征相一致,反映出城市地表对对流的起始发展及其发生位置有更直接作用.对流发展起来后,敏感试验反映出高云粒子浓度 (污染) 情形中有更多降水形成,降水增多可达20%以上.诊断分析发现降水增多与对流云中有更多雨水及过冷却云水形成有关系.增多的云水雨水通过相应的由于潜热释放增加引起的强上升运动被传送到较高层次,引起云中冻结过程及液态水和冰相物质之间的相互作用增强,从而导致更多冰相物质形成、降落地面降水增多.  相似文献   

为了研究成都地区城市化对当地气候的影响,利用不同时期的下垫面土地利用类型数据和耦合单层城市冠层模型(UCM)的WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式对成都夏季和冬季城市化效应进行了模拟研究,得到以下主要结论:1)成都地区城市化使夏季城区上空出现增温区域。城区地表气温升高约2.8°C,边界层高度升高约150 m,冬季地表气温平均升高约0.6°C,边界层高度升高约25 m。夏冬两季气温日较差均减小。2)受城市化影响,成都地区夏季和冬季2 m相对湿度减小,感热通量增加,潜热通量减小,且夏季变化程度强于冬季。3)城市化使地表的粗糙度增加,进而使夏季和冬季风速在城区减小,减小约0.1~0.6 m s?1,但夏季风速减小区域较冬季更大。城市化还使城市上空低层散度减小,辐合作用增强,垂直速度增大,夏季水汽往高层输送明显。4)夏季,城市化作用使日平均和白天时段降水量在城区的迎风区和下风区均增加,夜间降水量在下风区域增加,对迎风区域影响不明显。  相似文献   

近年来,城市气候变化问题引起高度关注.综合IPCC第一工作组第六次评估报告(IPCC AR6)关于气候变暖背景下城市对极端天气气候事件影响的评估,本文得到以下科学认识:城市化加剧了局部气候变暖,全球许多城市都面临更多更强的高温热浪事件;城市化使得诸多城市区域及其下风向极端降水增加,地表径流加强;沿海城市受到日益加剧的与...  相似文献   

城市化对珠江三角洲强雷暴天气的可能影响   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:17  
通过对2004年8月11日午后发生在珠江三角洲地区的一次强雷暴天气的高分辨数值模拟,研究了城市化发展可能对雷暴活动的影响问题,主要考察了与城市土地利用类型改变相关的“城市热岛”的形成和演变特征,城区粗糙度增大可能引起的低层辐合的增强过程,及其与雷暴发展强度变化的关系。结果表明:模拟的雷暴发展和演变过程与这一地区城市化的发展有密切的联系。引进了更加真实的关于珠江三角洲地区的土地利用类型资料之后,耦合了陆面模式Noah LSM的MM5模式可以更加成功地模拟出强雷暴天气的发展和演变过程。雷暴系统移经主要城市区后在珠江口西岸的增强过程与这一地区“城市热岛”的效应有关。中午时热岛开始形成于广州城区的上空,之后向南移动,范围扩大。另外,城区粗糙度增大引起的低层辐合增强可能在雷暴发展和演变过程中也起到了作用。模拟的与城市影响有关的低层辐合主要位于500 m以下的近地面层,开始时形成于城市的上风方向,并在下风方向增强, 由此引起的强烈上升运动有利于新的对流的启动和发展,促使雷暴强度增强。  相似文献   

城市(热力、动力、人类活动等)效应对城市及周边地区强降水有着重要的影响。由于涉及到多方面因素,在数值模式中合理描述城市效应仍然存在许多困难。采用Nudging地面加密观测间接引入城市效应(Nudg)和使用城市冠层模式直接引入城市效应(Urba)两种方式模拟了2017年5月7日发生在广东广州的一次极端降水过程。结果表明Nudging地面加密观测能够有效地在数值模式中引入城市效应,从而合理地再现出城市热岛及其触发的对流和强降水的时空演变,而使用城市冠层模式未能够模拟出城市热岛及其触发的对流和降水。具体而言,Nudg能够维持城市的热岛,在城市热岛的下风方最先触发了对流,对流快速发展并稳定维持,从而在广州城市下风(西北)方形成了强降水。然而,Urba试验中城市热岛迅速减弱消亡,从而未能在城市下风方触发出对流,导致降水模拟的失败;尽管后期在城市下风方边缘及北部山区有零星的雷达回波,但均未能够发展形成组织化的对流单体或系统。对本次强降水事件对流的触发而言,城市热岛的加热作用较城市的摩擦辐合更重要。提出的Nudging地面加密观测间接地引入城市效应的方法可用于与城市下垫面相关的各类天气事件的模拟研究。   相似文献   

Over the past decades, a large number of studies have been carried out in the field of urban meteorology in China. This paper summarizes the main progress in urban meteorology research from four aspects: urban meteorological observation network and field campaign, multi-scale model of urban meteorology, interaction between urban meteorology and atmospheric environment, and the impacts of urbanization on weather and climate. Major advances are as follows. China’s major cities have established or are improving comprehensive urban meteorological observation networks characterized by multi-platform, multi-variable, multi-scale, multi-link, and multi-function. Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai, and other cities carried out urban meteorological field campaigns, which were included in the WMO research demonstration project. Wind tunnel experiments and scale-model outdoor experiments were successfully conducted. Multi-scale urban meteorological and air quality prediction numerical model systems have been developed and put into operational use. The urban heat island effect; urban impacts on precipitation, regional climate, and air quality; urban planning; and interaction between urban meteorology and atmospheric environment are extensively investigated. Finally, efforts to improve observational technology, data assimilation, and urban system modeling, to explore the impacts of urbanization on environment and human health, and to provide integrated urban hydro-meteorological climate and environmental services are planned ahead.  相似文献   

环太湖地区土地利用变化的局地气候效应   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
利用WRF模式和1985年、2005年环太湖区域的土地利用资料,模拟了环太湖区域土地利用变化的局地气候效应,并从陆面过程的角度进行了分析。模拟结果显示:城市扩张区域净短波辐射通量增多,地面温度升高,感热通量增大,潜热通量减小。近地面水平风场在城市化地区风速减小,在城市化带方向上形成狭长的动能衰减区域。湖陆风和城市热岛环流增强,城市化地区向上垂直速度增大,积云性降水增多。老城区和郊区下沉运动增强,对流受到抑制,积云性降水减少。层云降水的改变,集中在层云降水的大值区,且多呈带状分布。总降水在城市化区域增强,在老城区和郊区减少,积云性降水占总降水的比值增大。在土地利用没有变化的区域,降水的改变与地表能量通量的改变在空间分布上大致吻合。  相似文献   

城市气象研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国数十年来在城市气象研究这一新兴学科领域开展了大量研究并获得了多方面的丰硕成果。文中从城市气象观测网与观测试验、城市气象多尺度模式、城市气象与大气环境相互影响、城市化对天气气候的影响等4个方面论述了城市气象的主要研究进展:中国各大城市已建立或正在完善具有多平台、多变量、多尺度、多重链接、多功能等特点的城市气象综合观测网;北京、南京、上海等地开展了大型城市气象观测科学试验,被世界气象组织列入研究示范项目;成功开展了风洞实验、缩尺度外场实验研究;建立了多尺度城市气象和空气质量预报数值模式,并应用于业务;在城市热岛效应、城市对降水影响、城市气象与城市规划、城市化对区域气候及空气质量的影响、城市气象与大气环境相互作用等研究领域取得长足进展。最后指出,未来需要重点从新观测技术及观测资料同化应用、城市系统模式研究、城市化对天气气候的影响机理、城市化对大气环境和人体健康的影响、城市水文气象气候与环境综合服务等方面开展科学研究与应用,为中国城市化、生态文明建设、防灾减灾和应对气候变化等国家需求提供科技支撑。   相似文献   

In this analysis, the weather research and forecasting model coupled with a single-layer urban canopy model is used to simulate the climatic impacts of urbanization in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei metropolitan area, which has experienced significant expansion in its urban areas. Two cases examining current landscapes and the sensitivity test of urban areas replaced by cropland have been carried out to explore the changes in the surface air and atmospheric boundary structure. The impact of urbanization on annual mean surface air temperature has been found to be more than 1 °C in urban areas, and the maximum difference is almost 2 °C. The change in near-surface level temperature is most pronounced in winter, but the area influenced by urbanization is slightly larger in summer. The annual mean water vapor mixing ratio and wind speed are both reduced in the urban area. The effect of urbanization can only heat the temperature inside the urban boundary layer, below 850 hPa. The modeling results also indicate that the underlying surface thermal forces induced by the “urban heat island” effect enhance vertical air movement and engenders a convergence zone over urban areas. The convergence at low level together with the moisture increases in the layer between 850 and 700 hPa triggered the increase of convective precipitation.  相似文献   

Urbanization has a significant impact on climate in urban areas. In this study, we investigate urbanization impacts on temperature and precipitation trends in Korean peninsula based on statistical relationship between these trends and local population growth. We found that there is a significant positive correlation between temperature rise and local population growth, indicating that urbanization has a significant contribution to temperature increase in city climate. As for temperature, the population growth in Korean cities is positively correlated with precipitation trend. The positive correlation is higher during summer time when small-scale convective activity is dominant. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the correlation is significantly increased when stations in rural areas and small cities are excluded. Such nonlinear relation between precipitation and urbanization is also discussed.  相似文献   

Urban environments lie at the confluence of social,cultural,and economic activities and have unique biophysical characteristics due to continued infrastructure development that generally replaces natural landscapes with built-up structures.The vast majority of studies on urban perturbation of local weather and climate have been centered on the urban heat island(UHI)effect,referring to the higher temperature in cities compared to their natural surroundings.Besides the UHI effect and heat waves,urbanization also impacts atmospheric moisture,wind,boundary layer structure,cloud formation,dispersion of air pollutants,precipitation,and storms.In this review article,we first introduce the datasets and methods used in studying urban areas and their impacts through both observation and modeling and then summarize the scientific insights on the impact of urbanization on various aspects of regional climate and extreme weather based on more than 500 studies.We also highlight the major research gaps and challenges in our understanding of the impacts of urbanization and provide our perspective and recommendations for future research priorities and directions.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of atmospheric boundary-layer stability on urban heat island-induced circulation are numerically and theoretically investigated using a nonlinear numerical model (ARPS) and a two-layer linear analytical model. Numerical model simulations show that as the boundary layer becomes less stable, a downwind updraft cell induced by the urban heat island strengthens. It is also shown that as the boundary layer becomes less stable, both the height of the maximum updraft velocity and the vertical extent of the downwind updraft cell increase. Hence, in the daytime with a nearly neutral or less stable boundary layer the urban heat island-induced circulation can become strong, even though the urban heat island is weak. It is suggested that these findings can be a mechanism for urban-induced thunderstorms observed in the late afternoon or evening with a nearly neutral or less stable boundary layer. The boundary-layer stability affects the spatial distribution of scalar concentration through its influencing urban heat island-induced circulation. Analytical results from a two-layer model with different boundary-layer stabilities in the lower and upper layers are in general qualitatively consistent with the numerical simulation results, although the low-level maximum vertical velocity does not change monotonically with lower-layer stability.  相似文献   

西南区域气候变化原因分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
总结了近年来西南区域气候变化原因分析上的主要进展.从自然原因和人为原因两方面展开分析,在自然原因方面,分析了海温外强迫、主要天气影响系统自身的变化以及太阳活动、冰雪覆盖等因子的影响;在人为原因方面,主要分析了温室气体、大气气溶胶的排放、土地利用的变化、城市化进程以及城市热岛效应等方面的影响.同时指出引起观测到的气候变化的因子十分复杂,相关问题的研究仍存在大量不确定性.  相似文献   

利用1961—2010年湖南省长沙及周边郊县共5个气象站的逐日气温、降水和相对湿度观测数据,在对各气象要素资料序列进行均一性检验和订正的基础上,以郊县站作为背景场,系统地分析了长沙城市化不同阶段对城市气候的影响。结果表明:受城市化的影响,近50年长沙市区地面气温及其上升速率远高于郊县的,城市热岛效应明显,热岛效应对市区年平均气温的增温贡献率达30%,且主要出现在20世纪90年代之后,四季中城市化贡献率的最大值出现在夏季,秋季和春季的次之,冬季的最小。50年来长沙市区和郊县年降水量差值序列呈显著增加趋势,长沙城市雨岛效应较为显著,且主要发生在春季和夏季,城市化带来的雨岛效应加速了长沙降水结构两极分化,使城市内涝发生的概率进一步增大。50年来长沙市区和郊县年平均相对湿度及其差值的变化趋势均不显著,就全年平均而言,长沙的城市干岛效应并不明显,但近20年来干岛效应显著增强;分季节来看,近50年干岛效应主要发生在夏季。  相似文献   

The growing interest in urbanization problems is stimulating detailed studies of their effects on local climate change in the developed world. The absence of such studies in developing countries is restricting many decisions to be made and applied by policymakers. In one developing country, Turkey, results of the study of four urban stations and their neighboring rural sites for the 1951-1990 time period reveal that there is a shift towards the warmer side in the frequency distributions of daily minimum and 21.00 hr temperature difference series. This shift is an indication of urban heat island. The maximum urban heat island intensity trend that is obtained from the temperature differences database agrees well with Oke's (1973) formula for European cities. Seasonal analysis of individual 21.00 hr temperature series suggests that the regional warming is strongest in spring and weakest in autumn and winter. Urban warming is detected to be more or less equally distributed over the year wi th a slight increase in the autumn months. The Mann-Kendall trend test is applied to the temperature difference series, and the urban heat island effect is found to be significant in all urban sites. On the other hand, almost no significant urban effect on precipitation can be detected.  相似文献   

基于MODIS的安徽省代表城市热岛效应时空特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用2001—2010年覆盖安徽省的MODIS数据,选取在气候、地理、城市化等方面具有代表性的合肥、芜湖、阜阳作为研究对象,并结合GIS技术,分析地表温度的日变化及季节变化特征,得到安徽省代表城市热岛效应的时空分布。结果表明:安徽省省会合肥的热岛效应最为显著,安徽省南部代表城市芜湖的热岛效应强于北部代表城市阜阳, 同时具有显著的日变化和季节变化特征。近10年来,安徽代表城市热岛面积和热岛强度均呈增加趋势,但合肥热岛强度大于3 ℃的极端热岛效应有一定缓解。白天大片水体对缓解城市的热岛效应作用明显,而夜晚则不明显,甚至成为地表温度的高值中心。夏季地表温度与归一化植被指数的负相关最显著,即提高城市植被覆盖度对降低地表温度和缓解城市热岛效应有重要影响。  相似文献   

A two-dimensional time-dependent Earth-atmosphere model is developed which can be applied to the study of a class of atmospheric boundary-layer flows which owe their origin to horizontal inhomogeneities with respect to surface roughness and temperature. Our main application of the model is to explore the governing physical mechanisms of nocturnal urban atmospheric boundarylayer flow.A case study is presented in which a stable temperature stratification is assumed to exist in the rural upwind area. It is shown through integration of the numerical model that as this air passes over a city, the heat is redistributed due to increased surface friction (and hence increased turbulent mixing). This redistribution of heat results in the formation of an urban heat island.Additional numerical integrations of the model are conducted to examine the dependence of induced perturbations on: (1) the upwind temperature inversion; (2) the geostrophic wind speed; and (3) urbanization. The results show a linear relationship between heat-island intensity and the rural temperature inversion with the heat island increasing in intensity as the upwind inversion becomes stronger; that the heat-island intensity close to the surface is inversely proportional to the geostrophic wind; and that the effects of anthropogenic heat cause an increase in the perturbation temperature with the perturbation extending to higher altitudes. From this study, we conclude that with an upwind temperature inversion, a city of any size should generate a heat island as a result of increased surface roughness. The heat-island intensity should increase with city size because of two factors: larger cities are usually aerodynamically rougher; and larger cities have a larger anthropogenic heat output.Research supported in part by NSF Grant GA-16822.  相似文献   

城市气候效应研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市是人类社会发展的必然产物.随着城市的快速发展,城市气候效应凸显,并对社会经济可持续发展和人体健康等造成影响.基于国内外已有的研究成果,综述了城市气候效应,包括城市热岛效应、雨岛效应、混浊岛效应、于岛效应和雷暴岛效应的研究历史、现状及其与城市化、天气气候变化的相互关系,并对未来城市气候效应的研究方向及技术方法进行了展望.  相似文献   

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