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为应对海洋渔业发展新挑战,促进渔业经济与生态环境协同发展,践行全面协调可持续发展要求。文章基于2009—2019年我国沿海省(自治区、直辖市)数据,运用包含生态环境的随机前沿生产函数、泰尔指数分别量化我国海洋渔业绿色生产效率及其地区差异与变化程度,并对其影响因素进行回归分析。结果表明:(1)2009—2019年我国海洋渔业绿色生产效率呈现逐年上升的趋势,但整体水平仍不高,随着海洋渔业绿色生产效率水平的逐步提升,其增长率呈下降趋势;(2)泰尔指数逐年降低,表明我国海洋渔业绿色生产效率的区域差异正逐渐缩小;(3)海洋渔业经济总产值占地区GDP比重、海洋捕捞产量占海水产品产量比重、渔业从业人员专业化程度、水产技术推广经费对我国海洋渔业绿色生产效率产生显著的正向影响,水产品因污染造成损失产生负向影响。据此提出加强海洋资源监测、强化海洋渔业科技支撑、转变渔业发展模式等对策建议。  相似文献   

产业链建设是产业高质量发展主阵地,提升海洋渔业产业链现代化水平是支撑海洋经济高质量发展的必要条件。为进一步提升海洋渔业区域产业链联动水平,深入推进海洋经济转型升级,本文基于产业链多维内涵,从创新链、价值链、供应链、空间链四个维度出发,构建海洋渔业高质量发展水平评价指标体系;运用逼近理想解排序法(TOPSIS)、对抗解释结构模型(AISM) 和障碍度模型,对2006-2020年中国沿海11个省(区、市) 海洋渔业高质量发展水平及其影响因素进行分析,并提出相应建议措施。结果表明:(1) 时间上,研究期内中国海洋渔业高质量发展水平逐年向好,各维度贴近度数值均呈现不同程度波动上升趋势,其中创新链维度贴近度数值较高且稳定增长,价值链和空间链维度贴近度数值增长较快,供应链维度贴近度数值还有较大提升空间。(2) 空间上,中国海洋渔业高质量发展水平区域差异较大,在四大维度中优势和劣势各不相同。(3) 优劣层级划分上,研究区海洋渔业高质量发展水平总体层级较为明显,其中山东表现最好,河北和海南较差,除江苏、上海、广西三个活动要素外,其他地区发展稳定,呈刚性结构。(4) 影响因素上,创新链水平对海洋渔业高质量发展阻碍最大,价值链水平和供应链水平也有一定影响,研究期内第一障碍因子分别是X1水产技术推广经费、X5水产技术推广机构技术成果数量和X3渔民技术培训期数。产业链视角下研究海洋渔业高质量发展可促进现代渔业体系向信息化、智慧化发展,助推经济、社会高质量发展。  相似文献   

This paper surveys the current state and major trends in global fisheries; the environmental and social dimensions of fisheries; and explains how the international community has tried to meet the policy challenges associated with oceans and fisheries. The ocean and the freshwater ecosystems of the world make significant contributions to people's well-being via the many vital social and environmental services they provide (for example, food and nutrition, employment and incomes, carbon cycling and sequestration). The impact that the increase in fishing since the 1950s has had on wild fish stocks, and the significant increase in aquaculture production in the 20th century, have resulted in severe environmental impacts. This has significant effects on marine ecosystems and the health of oceans. The erosion of the resource undermines communities' long-term interests, including food security, employment, and income. Attempts by the global community to address challenges of sustainable production by improving the governance and management of fisheries resources range from national management of fisheries resources, to regional fisheries management organisations (RFMOs) for international fisheries stocks. These attempts have not always successfully met the challenge of balancing current and future use of fisheries.  相似文献   

国际珊瑚礁领域研究现状及知识图谱分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用文献计量和科学知识图谱的方法,对1902—2017年期间国际珊瑚礁研究领域的科技论文进行了分析。结果表明,与西方海洋研究领域先进国家相比,我国在珊瑚礁研究领域起步较晚,但近5年发展迅速,并在论文影响力、国际合作和研究技术发展方面有待加强。针对研究结果提出了我国珊瑚礁研究的发展建议,本研究将为了解当前国际珊瑚礁领域的研究现状和发展态势以及我国今后珊瑚礁保护方面的政策制定、项目规划和科学研究提供情报参考。  相似文献   

The article offers an analysis of the globalisation debate in the context of international fisheries governance. It argues that there are significant transformations in fisheries policy-making in international economics, international institutions and international law-making which alter state authority in fisheries management. Thus, decision-making at international, regional and national levels is increasing, displaced from the state level. This ‘multi-level’ decision-making is exemplified in the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation's Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, 1995. The Code represents a sound instrument of fisheries governance, capable of responding to contemporary global transformations. Changes are illustrated by comparing the Code and the Agreement on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, 1995, in the areas of international economics, institutions and law-making. Reference is made to interaction between a range of actors and to formal and informal procedures. In conclusion, a process of ‘fisheries governance’ is confirmed, emerging from a new environment of international fisheries relations.  相似文献   

20世纪以来频发的海啸灾害引起了国际社会的广泛关注,各沿海国家不仅加大了海啸预警建设、海啸灾害危险性和海啸基础理论研究方面的投入,更进一步加强了国际社会在应对海啸灾害方面的交流与合作。我国于1983年加入"太平洋海啸预警系统",经过30多年的努力,我国的海啸预警系统框架已基本搭建成型,但仍有许多需要改进和完善的地方。本文主要介绍了国内外和国际海啸预警系统的建设现状,指出当前我国海啸预警系统存在的问题,并就未来完善和提高给出粗浅建议。  相似文献   

张瑛  李先强 《海洋科学》2022,46(12):63-73
渔业经济对于促进我国农业经济乃至国民经济的增长具有显著的作用,近年来国际水产品市场格局的剧烈变化为中国水产出口贸易带来考验。为改善现况,研究采用层次分析-决策实验与评价实验室-结构解释模型(AHP-DEMATEL-ISM)结合的方法,从贸易准备、企业生产、贸易磋商、市场流通4个阶段出发,挖掘影响中国水产品出口的根本因素及各因素之间的内在联系。结果表明,贸易磋商环境影响最大,企业生产环境、市场流通环境以及贸易准备环境次之;冷链物流、政策扶持、技术壁垒以及关税壁垒是影响中国水产品出口的根本因素。  相似文献   

The integration of the South African fisheries into the global economy has operated as a powerful constraint on post-apartheid fisheries reform. The shedding of South Africa's international pariah status and currency depreciation enhanced access to and competitiveness on global markets, sparking a demersal-led export boom, which has favoured incumbent producers. Increased exports have also allowed the post-apartheid state and nascent black capital to maximise their returns from the fisheries through cost recovery and share purchases. The protection and promotion of the fisheries’ “international competitiveness”, inter alia sought through “sustainable fishery” certification of the hake industry with the Maritime Stewardship Council (MSC), has in turn provided a cover-all for the refusal of populist redistribution demands and special treatment for black small capital.  相似文献   

郑慧  高凡  赵昕 《海洋通报》2020,39(1):61-69
作为世界上最大的渔业生产国和贸易国,中国渔业补贴政策的制定和实施对国计民生具有重大意义,也是推进海洋强国战略建设的题中应有之义。本文选取基于规模报酬可变假设的DEA模型测算了中国海洋渔业补贴的效率水平,进一步利用Malmquist指数对补贴效率的动态变化进行分解,探究效率变化的内在驱动因素,然后建立分析补贴效率影响因素的面板Tobit模型,对补贴投入和环境变量对补贴效率的影响进行分析,结果表明,当前我国海洋渔业补贴效率整体较低,且全要素生产率呈下降趋势,最后基于实证结果从改善补贴规模和调整产业结构等方面提出改善渔业补贴效率的对策建议。  相似文献   

论证南海海疆国界线   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
According to a series of important historical maps,i.e.,the Location Map of the South China Sea Islands,the Nansha Islands,Zhongsha Islands,Xisha Islands,Yongxing Island and Shidao Island,and Taiping Island(archived by the Territorial Administration Division of the Ministry of Interior of Republic of China in 1946),and the Administration District Map of the Republic of China published in 1948,the dashed line surrounding the South China Sea Islands represents China's sea boundary in the South China Sea at that time.It was both connected with,and an extension of,the land boundary of China.At that time the dashed line was used to represent the waters boundaries while the solid line was used to represent the land boundary—a universal method used in maps that was then recognized internationally.The above observation provides historical and scientific evidence of China's sea boundary in the South China Sea that is useful for the international maritime delimitation over the South China Sea area.  相似文献   

中国是全球水产品的主要生产与出口大国,同时也是水产品进口大国。文章以中国水产品进口影响因素作为研究对象,对近年来中国水产品进口贸易现状进行分析,并测算对华出口水产品国家的贸易潜力。文章根据2008—2018年面板数据构建中国水产品进口贸易的随机前沿引力模型,研究中国人口数量、各国与中国的距离、各国渔业总产量、贸易伙伴国与中国以外国家签订贸易协定数量、各国清关效率和各国物流效率对于外国出口我国水产品的影响。通过分析发现:(1)中国人口数量、各国与中国的距离、各贸易伙伴国渔业产量、各国海关通关效率促进了贸易伙伴国对华出口水产品量;而伙伴国贸易协定数量、贸易伙伴国国内的流通效率反作用于贸易伙伴国对华出口水产品量。(2)通过测度对华水产品出口国的贸易效率和贸易潜力,发现2008—2018年主要对华出口水产品国家贸易效率和贸易潜力呈现上升的趋势。  相似文献   

国际蓝碳合作发展与中国的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵鹏  胡学东 《海洋通报》2019,38(6):613-619
海洋储存了地球上93%的CO_2,是全球最大的碳库。发挥海洋固碳、储碳作用,对应对全球气候变化具有重要意义。《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《巴黎协定》是2020年后国际气候治理的基础,为国际蓝碳合作指明了方向,也提供了国际法依据。当前,国际蓝碳合作从科学研究向纳入国际气候治理方向不断推进,不少国际组织和国家已着手推动蓝碳国际规则制定。中国蓝碳资源分布广泛,特色鲜明,蓝碳发展起步阶段里中国的参与不仅是对全球应对气候变化的重要贡献,更有助于通过蓝碳合作增强我国在全球气候治理和海洋治理领域的影响力和话语权。我国蓝碳发展应从国内、国际两个方面着手。在国内夯实基础、补足短板,加强蓝碳基础研究和实践,建立蓝碳评估标准,加快蓝碳人才队伍建设。在国际上积极参与现有国际蓝碳计划,在"21世纪海上丝绸之路"等机制框架下开展双、多边蓝碳合作,推动全球蓝碳治理,从积极参与向适时引领发展。  相似文献   

宋金明 《海洋与湖沼》2020,51(4):695-704
本文系统总结了中国科学院海洋研究所建所70年来,海洋化学研究的发展历程和主要科学贡献,在此基础上,提出了海洋化学的发展愿景。建国初期的中科院海洋研究所是我国海洋化学研究的主要奠基者和引领者,70年来一直是我国化学海洋学、海洋生物资源化学利用以及海洋腐蚀与防护等领域的中坚力量,为中国海洋化学的发展做出了不可替代的重大贡献。1950—1990年,系统获得了渤黄东海重要化学要素的分布特征,发现了黄东海溶解氧存在最大值系冬季保持而来;构建了大型海藻经济组分提取的系统化方案,奠定了世界最大规模海藻化学工业的基础;系统开拓了我国海洋腐蚀与防护领域的研究。1990—2020年,中科院海洋研究所的海洋化学研究全面与国际接轨,系统研究了中国近海化学要素特别是微痕量无机/有机组分的分布迁移转化特征及机制,提出了海洋生物地球化学研究的系统思路;研制成功褐藻多糖硫酸酯治疗肾衰新海洋药物,发现大量具有生物活性的海洋活性物质,在应用海洋化学领域也有重要进展。  相似文献   

China and Vietnam have recently signed two bilateral agreements to deal with maritime issues in Beibu Gulf. One is the maritime boundary delimitation agreement, and the other the fisheries agreement. The two parties have also formulated a supplementary protocol to the latter agreement. All of them have entered into force on 30 June 2004. This article introduces the new arrangements for fisheries management initiated by the two countries, focusing especially on the Joint Fishery Committee established by the two parties, the contracting waters covered by the fisheries agreement, and the conservation and management measures for the Gulf's fisheries. The challenges likely confronted by China after this institutional change takes place are analyzed. A brief comparison is drawn among the three effectual fisheries agreements signed by China, respectively, with Japan, South Korea and Vietnam. Finally, as for the future of fisheries management in the Gulf some recommendations are made.  相似文献   

Most fisheries in China do not have maximum sustainable yield(MSY) estimates due to limited and poor data.Therefore, finding a common method to estimate MSY or total allowable catch(TAC) for fishery management is necessary. MSYs of three important fisheries in the East China Sea were evaluated through a catch-based model.Estimates for intrinsic rate of increase(r) and five levels of process error were considered. Results showed hairtail Trichiurus japonicas(Temminck and Schlegel) and small yellow croaker Larimichthys polyactis(Bleeker) fisheries experienced overfishing from the mid-1990 s to the early 2000 s, and the suggested TACs were 55.8×10~4 t and9.06×10~4 t, respectively. Decades of overfishing in wintering and spawning grounds of large yellow croaker Larimichthys crocea(Richardson) caused the fishery's collapse in the 1980 s, and it has not recovered until today.The Catch–MSY model generated similar estimated MSYs with other methods and may be a useful choice for the assessment of regional stocks in China.  相似文献   

This paper provides an analytical review of the development of distant water fisheries and the implementation of vessel monitoring systems (VMS) in Taiwan. Taiwanese distant water fisheries have gone through several stages in development: rebirth from the damage of World War II up until the early 1970s, stagnation during the mid-1970s to early 1980s, unbridled growth in the late 1980s to a peak in the 1990s–early 2000s, and a stage of disruption and transformation since the mid-2000s. There were two major fisheries in this stage: tuna and squid, both of which rank between the world's first and third largest. Development was mainly driven by national promotion programs and vessel-building restricting policies; and international influences such as oil crises, declaration of exclusive economic zones, and legal arrangements that stimulated strengthening of international management measures. Growth in Taiwan's over-developed fisheries has outpaced the incommensurately scaled Taiwanese fisheries management sector that has not expanded in parallel with the fisheries. Monitoring of vessel activities remains a major management issue. VMS, which can provide both national and international bodies with an essential monitoring capability for ensuring resource management, was found to be one of the important solutions to this issue. The system, however, was initially unacceptable to the fishers, and the government has transformed external pressures arising from international arrangements and management measures into a force for promoting installation of VMS on Taiwanese fishing vessels. This has occurred in stages: a trial period during 1989–1992; initial development during 1994–1996; expansion during 1996–2004; and a more mature stage of enhanced implementation from 2005 to the present.  相似文献   

水产养殖业在我国渔业产业结构中占据重要地位,在促进我国渔业经济发展中发挥着重要作用。当前渔业正处于由要素驱动向创新驱动转型的新旧动能转换时期,这也对水产养殖业的转型升级提出了更高要求。文章根据产业演化路径及其运行机理,从资源、技术、市场、制度4个方面构建指标体系,采用1998—2019年的指标数据,通过灰色关联分析和岭回归分析,探索影响产业演化的因素,探讨不同影响因素对水产养殖业演化发展的影响程度,以期为促进中国水产养殖产业的发展,增强水产养殖业的竞争力提供理论支撑。结果表明,城镇居民人均水产品消费量对中国水产养殖产业演化影响程度最大,GDP及单位面积产量的影响显著,水产技术推广经费支出影响最小。基于此,为促进我国水产养殖业的转型升级提出做好水产品消费需求引领与管理、拓展国内国际消费市场;增加科技投入,发展养殖技术;加大资源保护力度,推进绿色发展;着力解决养殖水产品质量安全问题等相应对策建议。  相似文献   

海洋经济发展是海洋强国战略目标实现的关键内容,为海洋强国建设提供基础动力。文章运用时变随机前沿引力模型和贸易指数分析法,计算出口贸易拓展空间(TS)和海洋高科技产品进口依赖度(IRCA)两项指标,结合波士顿矩阵分析法研究中国在RCEP自贸区内海洋高科技产业出口贸易前景。研究结果表明,中国与RCEP成员国的海洋高科技产品贸易前景光明,有较大贸易拓展空间,但是在不同海洋高科技产品细分市场上的具体情况存在较大差异。此外随机前沿引力模型结果表明,整体而言中国经济规模以及RCEP自贸区其他成员国经济规模对中国海洋高科技产品出口贸易存在显著促进作用。RCEP正式生效后将为中国海洋高科技产品贸易带来战略机遇,中国应采取相应措施,提升国内海洋产品产业和企业竞争力,扩大中国海洋产业尤其是海洋高科技产业贸易,大力提升我国海洋经济强国能力,积极寻求我国海洋经济强国道路。  相似文献   

Cooperation is one of the cornerstones of the international fisheries regime. It requires States to work together for the conservation and management of the fisheries resources. This applies even stronger with respect to shared fisheries resources. However, negotiating a cooperative solution is not always easily achievable for the parties involved and the international regime does not provide for consequences in such cases. Faced with such a problem and seeking a new solution to it, the EU adopted Regulation 1026/2012, equipping itself with a framework for adopting measures against third countries. This innovative solution challenges certain aspects of the international duty to cooperate and its negotiations aspect. The EU's innovation has so far failed because it lacks clear international support and basis in the international regime. This failure exemplifies one of the limits of unilateralism for generating developments in international fisheries law.  相似文献   

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