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陈蜀江  贾翔  黄铁成  陈孟禹 《冰川冻土》2015,37(6):1650-1659
冰-草生态交错带是陆地生态交错带的重要类型之一, 对其进行有效监测和研究对于生物多样性的保护具有重要意义. 利用2004-2013年近10 a的MODIS10A1数据提取积雪日数, 结合DEM和Landsat影像研究提孜那甫河流域山区的冰-草生态交错带的时空格局及其动态变化. 结果表明: ①近10 a 来交错带的平均面积为5 749 km2, 占研究区总面积的37.83%. ②交错带分布由西南向东北偏移, 在东北坡、东坡分布较西坡和北坡多, 主要分布在海拔4 600~4 900 m的区域; 在坡度大于25°陡坡以上的区域分布较多. ③近10 a间冰-草生态交错带面积总体呈波动上升趋势, 总增长率为10.68%, 年均增长约66.78 km2; 其中2005年和2009年交错带面积较前一年有所明显下降, 而2007年交错带面积上升较为明显; 交错带面积与气温呈强正相关, 与降水呈弱负相关. ④近10 a交错带的平均海拔呈缓慢上升趋势, 2013年的交错带分布的平均海拔较2004年上升了45 m; 而近50 a来研究区高寒草甸带向上爬高了约100 m左右.  相似文献   

地下水-地表水交错带   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地下水-地表水交错带刘苏峡(中国科学院地理研究所北京100101)关键词交错带,地下水-地表水交错带,物质流,功能,负效应,管理1交错带与地下水-地表水交错带地下水-地表水交错带(groundwater-surfacewaterecotone)是地表...  相似文献   

北方农牧交错带的地理界定及其生态问题   总被引:121,自引:1,他引:121  
我国北方农牧交错带主要分布于降水量300~450 mm,干燥度 1~2的内蒙古高原南缘和长城沿线,其东界和南界为黑龙江的龙江、安达,吉林的乾安和长岭,辽宁的康平、阜新,河北的丰宁、淮安,山西的浑源、五寨,陕西神木、榆林,甘肃环县,宁夏同心;其西界和北界为内蒙古的陈巴尔虎旗、乌兰浩特、林西、多伦、托克托、鄂托克和宁夏盐池。行政区划涉及 9省106个旗(县市),总面积654564km2。全区耕地总面积804.69万hm2,人均占有耕地 0.32hm2,农、林、牧用地比例为 1.0∶1.17∶3.67。主要生态问题为:沙漠化急剧发展、可利用土地资源锐减;草地退化、沙化、盐渍化严重,承载力急剧下降;生态环境恶化,自然灾害频繁。其原因除了受自然不利因素影响和现代人为强烈干扰外,还有沙漠化的历史烙印、现代农牧交错带的北移错位和经济地理三大原因。该区的退化生态治理应注意:大部分地区要逐步用榆、柳、松、杏等乡土树种取代高耗水肥的杨树树种,采取以灌木为主的乔灌草结合的带状造林方式,建立类似原生植被的人工疏林草原植被,充分发挥其生态屏障作用。农业应以发展灌溉农业和保护型农业为主攻方向,改变生产经营方式,大力提高生产水平、防止土地沙漠化。  相似文献   

论中国北方农牧交错带的生态环境建设与系统功能整合   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
在简要分析中国北方农牧交错带形成历史和现状的基础上,提出了北方地区生态环境建设必须从产业结构调整出发、进行系统功能整合的思路:①把人工饲草业-舍饲畜牧业摆在农牧交错带经济发展的优先位置,推行新型畜牧业经营管理模式,促进天然草场改良复壮;②发展"绿色"农林牧产品精细加工业,建立多元化产业结构;③发挥能源和矿产资源优势,合理利用水资源,限制以破坏环境为代价的产业的发展;④推广区域综合治理与生态恢复技术,加大退耕还林还草的力度;⑤山、水、路、农、林、牧统一规划,实现生态系统在景观水平上的整合。  相似文献   

马尾藻金潮作为一种新兴的海洋生态灾害在国内外频发,我国近些年近海防灾减灾形势愈发严峻.简介了马尾藻的主要危害;对国内外马尾藻金潮的溯源研究、基础生物和生态学研究、监测预警研究现状进行了梳理,对金潮生态动力学研究的发展现状与独特优势进行了讨论,认为未来我国金潮生态动力学会立足于多学科多手段融合,开展突出关键物理、化学和生物过程及其耦合作用的系统性研究,开展金潮与其他海洋生态灾害如绿潮、赤潮等联合暴发的驱动机制及其关联性研究,在研究思路上要注重基于海洋环境监测与海洋立体观测的早期预警、基于分子生物学和生态学手段的快速鉴种溯源、基于统计模型的生物量初级生产力评估以及基于数值模型的漂移轨迹与生消关键过程的趋势预测与风险评估相结合,为开发具备业务化预报能力的金潮生态动力学数值预警报系统不断努力,以便进一步提升我国大型海藻生态灾害的预警报技术和防灾减灾能力.  相似文献   

生态模型在河口管理中的应用研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河口作为河流和海洋的交汇地,具有生态交错带特性,其在自然和人类活动双重压力下发生着演变.生态模型是研究生态系统结构、功能及其时空演变规律以及生物过程对于生态系统的影响及其反馈机制的重要手段.采用不同方法对生态模型进行分类,综述各类生态模型的特性、优缺点及应用领域.讨论建模过程中模型变量与函数、模型整合及时空尺度、模型参数取值及不确定等关键技术问题.分析各类生态模型在河口生态工程设计、生态系统修复、生态系统评价、系统决策支持等管理领域的应用.尽管中国河口生态模型构建及应用已有一些成果,但与国外相比,在理论生态学及数据积累方面仍有一定差距.  相似文献   

农田排水沟渠的环境效应与生态功能综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
农田排水沟渠作为农业景观中重要的景观单元,能够调节农田生态系统水分平衡,改变流域水文情势。农田养分可以随排水过程迅速流失,也可以通过沉淀与吸附机制被农田沟渠所截留或者通过植物吸收后收割与反硝化去除等机制脱离农田生态系统。作为农田生态系统边缘的交错带,农田排水沟渠较高的植物多样性可以提供动物栖息地和避难场所,增加农田生态系统生物多样性。清淤、收割和控制排水等管理措施对于农田排水沟渠的环境效应和生态服务功能有着不同的影响。今后应加强从多个学科研究农田排水沟渠的环境效应和生态功能,探索生态排水沟渠的构建和管理技术,实现农田排水沟渠水利功能和生态功能的"双赢"。  相似文献   

3500aBP我国北方农牧交错带降水突变的幅度与速率   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考古信息与历史文献记载一样是环境演变研究中独具特色的信息源。文章以考古信息为依据对中国北方农牧交错带地区 35 0 0aBP前后降水突变的幅度与速率进行了推断。中国北方农牧交错带分布在年降水量 2 5 0~ 40 0mm的地区 ,降水变化对该地带的影响十分显著。在位于北方农牧交错带内的内蒙古中南部及陕北、晋西北地区 ,大量的考古遗存详细记录了 35 0 0aBP前后该地区内土地利用性质的时空变化过程 ,可以用来定量地估算 35 0 0aBP降水突变的幅度和速率。 42 0 0~34 0 0aBP期间 ,在内蒙古中南部及陕北、晋西北地区先后发育了朱开沟文化和李家崖文化。文化的演变过程可分为两个阶段 :从朱开沟一期到朱开沟二期为第一阶段 (cal.40 0 0~ 380 0aBP) ,在朱开沟文化区发生了从农业文化转变为农牧交错文化、进而变为畜牧业文化的过程 ,相当于从农业区的北界变为农牧交错区的北界 ;从朱开沟文化二期结束到李家崖文化为第二阶段 (cal.380 0~ 34 0 0aBP) ,期间农牧交错带的北界显著地向东南退缩。上述考古学文化的变化可以看作是人类对 35 0 0aBP前后降水突变的响应。 40 0 0aBP前后是从农业文化向半农半牧文化转变的临界点 ,其降水量大致与现代农牧交错带南界的降水量相当 ,为 35 0~ 40 0mm ;380 0aBP前后是从半  相似文献   

我国海洋生态调查指南编制说明   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋生态调查的主要目的是了解海洋生态系统基本的群落结构和生态功能及其重要影响因素,掌握生态系统健康状况,把握其变化趋势。基于生态系统健康理论建立我国海洋生态调查的基本框架体系,编制了我国海洋生态调查指南。根据目前的技术设备、实用方法和经费限制,确定最能反映我国海洋生态系统特征的生态要素和评价内容,并规定了相应的调查和评价方法。与《海洋调查规范海洋生物调查》和《海洋监测规范》比较,该指南具有3个显著特点:①调查要素不仅包括海洋生物和海洋环境等自然要素,还包括人为活动要素,充分考虑我国近海生态系统的高强度开发利用的特点;②从生态系统的结构、功能和压力3个方面建立起海洋生态系统健康评价的核心框架体系;③提出生态压力的量化指标,定量评估人类活动对生态系统的压力。  相似文献   

史培军  哈斯 《地学前缘》2002,9(1):121-128
中国北方农牧交错带和非洲萨哈尔带均为处在季风尾闾带的干旱向半湿润气候过渡的地带。通过对比分析 ,发现两个地带自然地理环境及其全新世以来的环境演变等具有很大程度的相似性 ;自全新世以来 ,两个地带均出现过几乎同步的 8个千年尺度的冷暖、干湿旋回 ;在近百年的干湿变化方面都有 10~ 2 0a变化周期 ;在少雨期和多雨期的转变过程中非洲萨哈尔带较中国北方农牧交错带提前 5a以上。这一超前信息的存在 ,为中国北方农牧交错带的气候预测提供了一个重要的前兆因素。  相似文献   

The ecological significance of algal and seagrass wrack subsidies has been well-documented for exposed-coast sandy beaches but is relatively unstudied in lower-energy and mixed-sediment beaches. In marine nearshore environments where beaches are fringed with riparian vegetation, the potential for reciprocal subsidies between marine and terrestrial ecosystems exists. Within the marine-terrestrial ecotone, upper intertidal “wrack zones” accumulate organic debris from algae, seagrass, and terrestrial plant sources and provide food and shelter for many organisms. Human modification also occurs within this ecotone, particularly in the form of armoring structures for bank stabilization that physically disrupt the connectivity between ecosystems. We conducted detailed wrack and log surveys in spring and fall over 3 years at 29 armored–unarmored beach pairs in Puget Sound, WA, USA. Armoring lowered the elevation of the interface between marine and terrestrial ecosystems and narrowed the width of the intertidal transition zone. Armored beaches had substantially less wrack overall and a lower proportion of terrestrial plant material, while marine riparian zones (especially trees overhanging the beach) were an important source of wrack to unarmored beaches. Armored beaches also had far fewer logs in this transition zone. Thus, they lacked biogenic habitat provided by logs and riparian wrack as well as the organic input used by wrack consumers. Results such as these that demonstrate armoring-associated loss of connectivity across the marine-terrestrial ecotone may be useful in informing conservation, restoration, and management actions.  相似文献   

Estuaries, which lie at the end of rivers, belong to the interlocking area between marine ecosystems and terrestrial ecosystems. In the estuary region, there are plenty of biological resources that carry many important ecosystem services. However, severe degradation of the estuary ecosystem in northern China has been caused by anthropogenic disturbances, including water pollution from upstream area, change of marine environmental dynamics, animal habitat loss, and unreasonable exploitation in the estuary region. In order to provide scientific evidence for restoration and conservation of the estuary ecosystem, we collected data from published literature to analyze the ecological problems in several main estuary regions in northern China, such as the Yellow River estuary, Liaohe River estuary, Haihe River estuary, Yalu River estuary, and some others. The main ecological problems in the estuary region of northern China include the input decrease of fresh water from rivers, the change of the sediment input from rivers, the destruction of the estuary wetland ecosystem, the environmental pollution in the estuary region, the erosion in the estuary region, seawater encroachment, the biodiversity decline of the estuary region, and the depletion of the fish resources in the estuary region. Meanwhile, the driving forces for these ecological problems in the estuary region were also assessed. Based on the analysis of these driving forces, we propose several pieces of advice for integrated estuary management in northern China, including the creation of a management system for estuary conservation, improvement of the means and strength of the environmental law execution, increased investment on scientific research in the estuary ecosystem, improvement of public participation on the conservation for the estuary environment and biodiversity, and construction of a monitoring system for the estuary environment.  相似文献   

With an arid climate and shortage of water resources, the groundwater dependent ecosystems in the oasis–desert ecotone of the Shiyang River Watershed has been extremely damaged, and the water crisis in the oasis has become a major concern in the social and the scientific community. In this study, the degeneration characteristics of the groundwater ecological function was identified and comprehensive evaluated, based on groundwater depth data, vegetation quadrat and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from Landsat program. The results showed that (1) the suitable groundwater depth for sustainable ecology in the Shiyang River Watershed is about 2-4 m; (2) the terms of degenerative, qualitative and disastrous stages of the groundwater ecological function are defined with the groundwater depths of about 5 m, 7 m and 10 m; (3) generally, the groundwater ecological function in the oasis-desert ecotone of the lower reaches of Shiyang River Watershed is weak with an area of 1 397.9 km2 identified as the severe deterioration region, which accounted 74.7% of the total area. In the meantime, the percentages of the good, mild and moderate deterioration areas of groundwater ecological function are 3.5%, 5.5% and 16.3%, respectively, which were mainly distributed in the Qingtu lake area and the southeastern area of the Shoucheng town; (4) the degradation and shrinkage of natural oasis could be attributed to the dramatic groundwater decline, which is generally caused by irrational use of water and soil resources. This study could provide theoretical basis and scientific support for the decision-making in environmental management and ecological restoration of the Shiyang River Watershed.  相似文献   

生态空间理论及其在生物入侵研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
生态空间理论(theoryofspat ialecology)是对生态系统空间关系进行研究的一种理论,主要包括尺度、空间格局和镶嵌动态等。模型是研究空间关系的重要手段,其中莱文斯(Levins)模型、细胞自动机(cel lularautomata)模型和反应-扩散(React ion Di f fusion)模型是 3个基本的模型。尺度是生态学研究中的核心问题,对于不同的研究对象,应在相应的尺度上进行思考。空间异质性是不同尺度上的生态学过程的结果,同时它也影响各种生态学过程。随着人们对生物入侵的日益关注,空间生态学理论尤其是一些空间模型越来越多的应用于入侵和竞争的研究中。  相似文献   

恢复生态学及其发展   总被引:54,自引:1,他引:54  
简述了国内外恢复生态学的发展概况,分析了我国在生态系统退化的原因、生态学过程以及退化生态系统恢复重建的方法和生态学机理等方面的研究进展。针对我国在恢复生态学研究和退化生态系统恢复实践中存在的问题,提出了加强我国恢复生态学研究的建议。  相似文献   

Populations and metropolitan centers are accumulated in coastal areas around the world. In view of the fact that they are geographically adjacent to coasts and intense anthropogenic activities, increasing global offshore pollution has been an important worldwide concern over the past several decades and has become a very serious problem that needs to be addressed urgently. Due to offshore pollution, various geological disasters occur in high frequency, including intensified erosion and salinization of coastal soils, frequent geological collapses and landslides and increasing seismic activities. Moreover, offshore pollution shows increasingly serious impacts on the topography and geomorphology of offshore and coastal areas, including coastal degradation, retreating coastlines and estuary delta erosion. Offshore sedimentation processes are strongly influenced by the pH changes of terrestrial discharges, and sedimentary dynamics have become extremely acute and complex due to offshore pollution. The seabed topography and hydrodynamic environment determine the fate and transport of pollutants entering offshore regions. Coastal estuaries, port basins and lagoons that have relatively moderate ocean currents and winds are more likely to accumulate pollutants. Offshore regions and undersea canyons can be used as conduits for transporting pollutants from the continent to the seabed. It is particularly noteworthy that the spatial/temporal distribution of species, community structures, and ecological functions in offshore areas have undergone unprecedented changes in recent decades. Due to increasing offshore pollution, the stable succession and development trend of marine ecosystems has been broken. It is thus important to identify and regulate the quantity, composition and transportation of pollutants in offshore regions and their behavior in marine ecosystems. In particular, crucial actions for stabilizing marine ecosystems, including increasing species and biodiversity, should be implemented to enhance their anti-interference capabilities. This review provides an overview of the current situation of offshore pollution, as well as major trends of pollutant fate and transportation from continent to marine ecosystems, transformation of pollutants in sediments, and their bioaccumulation and diffusion. This study retrospectively reviews the long-term geological evolution of offshore pollution from the perspective of marine geology, and analyses their long-term potential impacts on marine ecosystems. Due to ecological risks associated with pollutants released from offshore sediments, more research on the influence of global offshore pollution based on marine geology is undoubtedly needed.  相似文献   

深海化能合成生态系统(ChEss)是当前最大的国际海洋生物多样性研究计划--国际海洋生物普查计划的现场研究项目之一.深海化能合成生态系统主要包括热液、冷泉、鲸骨生态系统以及由其他高度还原型生境形成的生态系统.确定上述系统动物区系间的进化和生态学关系,对于了解全球尺度上化能合成生态系统物种分布的形成过程至关重要.重点介绍深海化能合成生态系统科学计划发起的背景、研究内容和目标、研究区域、研究技术与方法以及当前在该领域的研究进展和展望,综合国际上在深海化能合成生态系统生物地理学和生物多样性方面的最新进展,了解其中的驱动过程,以期为我国在深海化能合成生态系统、极端环境下的生物多样性和生物地理学研究提供参考.  相似文献   

The End-Triassic mass extinction event [ETE] (201.5 Ma) marks a drastic turnover and loss of > 50% of marine biodiversity. Suggested environmental factors include extreme climate change and global carbon-cycle perturbations linked to Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) volcanism. Considerable attention has been paid to disentangling the causes and selectivity of the ETE, whilst downplaying the patterns of change in the structure and functioning of marine paleofauna. Here we provide detailed quantitative information from across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary at Waterloo Bay, Larne, Northern Ireland, to describe patterns of changes in different palaeoecological parameters across the ETE. The analysis was based on abundance data of species sampled from approximately 1 m intervals through the sequence. Dominance and richness were estimated using rarefaction techniques and β-diversity index, and distinctness diversity indices were calculated. Changes in species composition were evaluated by multivariate analysis (nMDS, ANOMSIM and SIMPER). Rank abundance models were fitted, and functional diversity were estimated based on an ecospace model, applied to each sampled unit to detect changes in structure and ecological complexity. Across the ETE three distinctive states were identified: the pre-extinction state (Westbury Formation), characterised by an assemblage with high species richness and ecological redundancy, and with low taxonomic variation and functional diversity. The extinction state (Cotham and Langport members) represents a shift of the marine ecosystem, where > 70% marine species disappears decreasing the ecosystems functioning the marine ecosystem around 80%. The recovery state (Lias Group), commencing some ~ 150 ky after the extinction, with ecologically complex assemblages as new taxa colonised, increasing variation in taxonomic distinctness and new contributing ecological traits and functional richness through the Hettangian. The palaeoecological patterns described here are robust enough to discount possible facies effects, but more important, is consistent with other studies reported globally, and demonstrates that the ecological signals detected in this study are real.  相似文献   

A tree line, as the altitudinal or latitudinal limit of erect trees, is considered as a sensitive ecological indicator of climate change, and becomes one of the hot issues in the studies of global change ecology. During the last decade, rapid progress has been made in tree line studies. However, field survey and research methods may vary significantly among tree line literatures, limiting the evaluation of mountainous forest response and feedback to climate change at regional or global scale. Herein, we reviewed the research progress regarding the field survey and research methods on tree lines, evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of each method, and pointed out the current research frontiers. Field survey and research methods in tree line literatures mainly include: Repeat landscape photography, remote sensing image analysis, land line transect method, circular sampling plot, rectangular or square sampling plot, spatial point pattern analysis, tree line dynamic model, controlled experiment, and transplant experiment. Repeat landscape photography and remote sensing image analysis can provide an intuitive reference for treeline dyanmics, but some uncertainties remain. Compared with selective sampling approach (e.g., line transect method, circular sampling plot and square small plot), sample-total method (rectangular large plots including the whole tree line ecotone, i.e., encompassing the current timberline and the tree line) provides more robust results regarding tree line structure and shifts. Spatial point pattern analysis has been used to establish the linkage between the ecological patterns and processes of the tree line ecotone. Tree line dynamic models can be used to reveal temporal patterns of position and structure of tree line ecotones and their driving mechanisms. Controlled or transplant experiment has advantages in exploring the critical drivers of tree line dynamics. In future studies, sample-total method and its protocol are recommended when exploring variations in structure and position of tree lines; regular monitoring of fixed large tree line plot is worth carrying out; controlled or transplant experiment can be set up at diverse tree lines across a regional scale; researchers should attempt to develop new tree line dynamic models with good transplantation capability.  相似文献   

灾害生态学——生态学的一个重要发展方向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对灾害生态学有关的基本概念与主要研究内容进行了探讨。认为灾害实际上是一种异常的生态学现象与过程,因此需要从生态学的角度加以研究,特别是要对灾害系统的发生成因、类型、时空分布、发展、危害、预测、控制和灾后恢复等的全过程生态学现象和规律以及相关技术进行研究。同时指出,当今,应围绕重大的全球性环境灾害问题,对其发生与发展的生态学机制与生态学后果,以及减轻、防范这些灾害的关键技术开展研究。  相似文献   

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