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基于弹性波阻抗的拉梅参数反演与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
(Connolly的弹性阻抗(EI)公式是纵、横波速度、密度和入射角的函数,应用该公式的常规反演方法只能直接得到纵、横波速度和密度的信息,而且不同角度的弹性阻抗在数值上差别很大,不在同一尺度上,无法进行对比。本文针对常规反演方法的缺点,提出了基于Gray的Zoeppritz近似方程的新的弹性阻抗公式,并对这个公式进行了标准化以实现不同角度的弹性阻抗在数值上的统一,最后用标准化后的公式进行了反演,利用拉梅参数与弹性阻抗问的线性关系可从反演得到的弹性阻抗数据体中直接提取得到拉梅参数。应用实例表明用这种方法提取得到的弹性参数更加稳定、准确,而且能很好地反映储层信息。这种新的方法是对以Connolly公式为基础的传统方法的改进。  相似文献   

在海洋地震勘探中,海底电缆技术采集的多分量地震数据,涉及到多参数的反演与成像问题,本文针对海底电缆多分量地震数据提出了一种弹性波多参数最小二乘逆时偏移方法。该方法的波场延拓算子为混合方程,即在海水介质中采用声波方程进行波场计算,而海底固体介质的波场由纵横波形分离的矢量弹性波方程得到。在海底界面中采用声弹耦合控制方程将两种类型的方程结合起来。通过推导纵横波形分离的弹性波偏移算子、反偏移算子和梯度公式实现基于纵横波形分离的弹性波最小二乘逆时偏移方法。通过模型试算证明了该方法能够得到高质量的纵波速度和横波速度分量的成像剖面,相比与传统弹性波最小二乘逆时偏移方法,多参数耦合造成的成像串扰噪音得到了很好地压制。  相似文献   

孔隙裂隙型砂岩横波速度预测方法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在地震资料的AVO分析以及储层预测的流体识别分析等中需要横波速度信息,然而目前多数地区缺少横波速度测井,既没有岩石物理测试也没有VSP提供的横波速度信息.以往AVO和储层反演中的横波速度通常依靠经验公式或从纵横波波速度比为常数的假设中得到.这些经验公式往往精度很低,对于AVO特性包括弹性阻抗等特性描述不准确.特别是对储层中流体变化引起的AVO异常无法准确描述.为了获得准确的横波速度信息,我们采用Gassmann方程为基础的孔隙介质理论以及Lee提出来的方法建立了孔隙介质的横波速度模型.以此模型为基础,利用Thomsen的裂隙介质理论建立更加符合实际的含有裂隙的孔隙砂岩模型.预测的横波速度与实际的横波速度的对比证明了本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   

本文借助线性滑动理论,将裂隙密度、纵横比等不同物性参数等效为正交介质刚度矩阵,建立两组正交直立裂隙介质正演模型.利用基于最小二乘法优化的高精度交错网格高阶有限差分法模拟弹性波在正交介质中的传播过程.模拟结果表明介质各向异性强度与裂隙物性直接相关,正演波场和共炮点显示相比普通交错网格,最小二乘优化方法可以压制数值频散现象,明显提高模拟精度,子波主频较高和模型波速较低时改善效果更为突出.  相似文献   

作为声波阻抗的广义形式,当前地震勘探领域所应用的弹性阻抗描述了在地震纵波非垂直入射的情况下地层对反射纵波的阻抗特征,因此能够反映地层的横波速度信息.但是,根据其理论公式的推导,传统的弹性阻抗实质是反射波的一个衍生标量属性,且存在诸如弱阻抗差、小入射角和相邻地层纵/横波速度比恒定等假设条件.因此在相应的反射系数重构、地震反演与解释过程中不可避免地存在误差.通过分析各向同性弹性介质中速度场与应力场之间的关系,给出了弹性阻抗张量的精确公式表征.弹性阻抗张量能够表示每个应力分量与速度分量间的关系,因此完备地描述了介质的弹性力学特性.文章通过理论模型和实际数据应用证明了导出的弹性阻抗张量表达式较经典的弹性阻抗公式有更高的精度和适用范围.  相似文献   

本文将地震学中震源参数与速度构造同时反演的方法用于反演工程场地的速度构造。反演过程归结为求解非线性最小二乘问题,在使用阻尼最小二乘法求解中提出了一种新的选取阻尼因子的算法。用于反演速变构造的模型为水平成层或二维模型,后者反映了地下构造的横向非均匀性。通过地震记录及爆破数据的实际反演验证了方法的可行性和适用性。  相似文献   

岩石的等效孔隙纵横比反演及其应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过融合Gassmann方程和由微分等效介质理论建立的干岩石骨架模型--DEM解析模型,本文提出根据纵波(和横波)速度反演岩石等效孔隙纵横比进行储层孔隙结构评价和横波速度预测的方法.首先,利用Gassmann方程和DEM解析模型建立岩石的纵、横波速度与密度、孔隙度、饱和度和矿物组分等各参数之间的关系;其次,将岩石孔隙等效为具有单一纵横比的理想椭球孔,应用非线性全局寻优算法来寻找最佳的等效孔隙纵横比使得理论预测与实际测量的弹性模量之间的误差最小;最后,将反演得到的等效孔隙纵横比代入到Gassmann方程和DEM解析模型中构建横波速度.实验室和井孔测量数据应用表明,反演得到的等效孔隙纵横比可准确反映储层的孔隙结构,对于裂缝型储层如花岗岩,其孔隙纵横比通常小于0.025,而对于孔隙型储层如砂岩,其孔隙纵横比通常大于0.08.只利用纵波与同时利用纵、横波反演得到的孔隙纵横比结果几乎完全一致,而且由纵波构建的横波与实测横波吻合良好,说明本文提出的等效孔隙纵横比反演及其横波速度预测方法是有效的.  相似文献   

基于弹性波解耦延拓方程的波场分离方法不仅可以得到解耦的纵、横波质点振动速度场,还可以获得纵、横波应力场.针对横波纯应力场在利用单一分量成像时不具有明确物理意义的问题,本文将应力偏张量引入到横波应力场中,基于应力偏量第二不变量构建得到横波应力不变量并将其用于应力场的逆时偏移成像中,获得了可完整表征横波应力场的成像结果.模型试算表明,本文构建的横波应力不变量可以有效利用横波应力张量中的波场信息,并得到准确的弹性逆时偏移成像结果.  相似文献   

与叠后反演相比,叠前反演通过获取更多的弹性参数以预测有利储层空间展布特征,但横波资料是叠前反演的关键因素.一般来说,实际研究区的横波资料很少,甚至缺失,从常规测井资料中重建横波信息是当前广泛采用的横波预测技术.本文以大庆油田某采油厂S区为例,在综合研究分析的基础上,基于最小二乘拟合多项式的方法完成了研究区所有井的横波速度预测.对研究区六口横波测井曲线对比分析显示,预测横波与实测横波平均符合率在96%以上,横波资料的预测精度可有效应用于地震资料的叠前反演计算.基于预测的横波速度建立了低频模型,完成了S区叠前同时反演试算,所得到弹性参数数据和测井数据进行对比分析,结果显示反演得到的弹性参数预测的结果与井资料吻合较好,计算表明该方法在同类储层的研究区可推广应用.  相似文献   

基于Fatti近似的弹性阻抗方程及反演   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
用Connolly的弹性阻抗(EI,elastic impedance)公式进行反演只能直接得到纵、横波速度和密度的信息,然后才可间接计算得到纵横波阻抗等其它的参数数据体,这样便增加了一步误差使数据的准确性降低.本文首先针对该方法的这些缺点和不足,提出了以Zoeppritz方程的Fatti近似为基础一种新的弹性阻抗公式,由该公式可得到比用Fatti近似更准确的反射系数,然后对这个公式进行了标准化以实现不同角度的弹性阻抗间量纲的统一,最后用标准化后的公式进行了反演,从反演得到的不同角度的弹性阻抗数据体中可直接提取得到纵横波阻抗数据体.应用实例表明用这种方法提取得到的纵横波阻抗更加稳定、准确,而且能很好地反映储层信息.这种新的方法是对以Connolly公式为基础的传统方法的改进.  相似文献   

Lamé parameters inversion based on elastic impedance and its application   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Connolly (1999) elastic impedance (EI) equation is a function of P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity, density, and incidence angle. Conventional inversion methods based on this equation can only extract P-velocity, S-velocity, and density data directly and the elastic impedance at different incidence angles are not at the same scale, which makes comparison difficult. We propose a new elastic impedance equation based on the Gray et al. (1999) Zoeppritz approximation using Lamé parameters to address the conventional inversion method’s deficiencies. This equation has been normalized to unify the elastic impedance dimensions at different angles and used for inversion. Lamé parameters can be extracted directly from the elastic impedance data obtained from inversion using the linear relation between Lamé parameters and elastic impedance. The application example shows that the elastic parameters extracted using this new method are more stable and correct and can recover the reservoir information very well. The new method is an improvement on the conventional method based on Connolly’s equation. Wang Baoli graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Prospecting Information and Engineering from the China University of Petroleum (East China) in 2004 and earned her Master’s degree from the department of Geophysical Prospecting and Information Technology in the China University of Petroleum ((East China) in 2006. She now studies for her PhD at the China University of Petroleum (East China). Her research interest is elastic impedance inversion.  相似文献   

裂缝储层岩石物理参数的准确获得对地下裂缝预测具有重要意义,而叠前地震反演是获得裂缝岩石物理参数的有效手段.本文从裂缝岩石物理等效模型的构建出发,从测井数据上估测了裂缝岩石物理参数,通过推导含裂缝岩石物理参数的方位各向异性弹性阻抗公式,探讨了基于方位各向异性弹性阻抗的裂缝岩石物理参数地震反演方法.实际工区地震数据应用表明,基于方位各向异性弹性阻抗的裂缝岩石物理参数反演方法合理、可靠,可以降低裂缝岩石物理参数估测的不确定性,为地下裂缝预测提供有力的依据.  相似文献   

基于支持向量机的非线性AVO反演   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出了一种新的AVO非线性反演方法,即利用支持向量机来求解AVO非线性反演问题.文中先对支持向量机的原理进行了阐述,然后建立了适合AVO反演的支持向量机模型.最后利用该方法对模型数据和实际资料进行了反演计算,反演结果表明,该方法在没有牺牲反演效果的情况下较好的解决了传统反演方法所具有的局限性,可以直接从合成记录中提取地层的弹性参数,反演速度快、稳定性好.  相似文献   

弹性阻抗反演及应用研究   总被引:49,自引:14,他引:35       下载免费PDF全文
利用常规叠后波阻抗反演方法不能得到可靠的波阻抗和其它岩性信息.本文运用弹性阻抗反演理论对某地区的地震资料进行了分析研究,应用实例表明,用弹性阻抗反演方法可得到较理想的反演结果,且从反演所得到的波阻抗剖面中能提取出许多岩性参数,这些岩性参数能反映岩性和流体特征.与传统的波阻抗反演相比,弹性阻抗反演具有信息量丰富、分辨率高的特点;与定性的AVO反演相比,该方法达到了定量的程度,而且速度快.  相似文献   

Carbonate reservoirs have complex pore structures, which not only significantly affect the elastic properties and seismic responses of the reservoirs but also affect the accuracy of the prediction of the physical parameters. The existing rockphysics inversion methods are mainly designed for clastic rocks, and the inversion objects are generally porosity and water saturation. The data used are primarily based on the elastic parameters, and the inversion methods are mainly linear approximations. To date, there has been a lack of a simultaneous pore structure and physical parameter inversion method for carbonate reservoirs. To solve these problems, a new Bayesian nonlinear simultaneous inversion method based on elastic impedance is proposed. This method integrates the differential effective medium model of multiple-porosity rocks, Gassmann equation,Amplitude Versus Offset(AVO) theory, Bayesian theory, and a nonlinear inversion algorithm to achieve the simultaneous quantitative prediction of the pore structure and physical parameters of complex porous reservoirs. The forward modeling indicates that the contribution of the pore structure, i.e., the pore aspect ratio, to the AVO response and elastic impedance is second only to that of porosity and is far greater than that of water saturation. The application to real data shows that the new inversion method for determining the pore structure and physical parameters directly from pre-stack data can accurately predict a reservoir's porosity and water saturation and can evaluate the pore structure of the effective reservoir.  相似文献   

基于弹性阻抗的储层物性参数预测方法   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
储层物性参数是储层描述的重要参数,常规的基于贝叶斯理论的储层物性参数反演方法大多是通过反演获得的弹性参数进一步转换而获得物性参数,本文提出一种基于弹性阻抗数据预测储层物性参数的反演方法.该方法主要通过建立可以表征弹性阻抗与储层物性参数之间关系的统计岩石物理模型,联合蒙特卡罗仿真模拟技术,在贝叶斯理论框架的指导下,应用期望最大化算法估计物性参数的后验概率分布,最终实现储层物性参数反演.经过模型测试和实际资料的处理,其结果表明本文提出的方法具有预测精度高,稳定性强,横向连续性好等优点.  相似文献   

刘财  王博  刘洋 《地球物理学报》2015,58(6):2057-2068
强随机噪声干扰是导致地震勘探资料低信噪比的主要原因,如何在强随机噪声干扰下获取有效的信息是值得关注的问题.Duffing振子混沌系统是一个非线性的动力学系统,其对强随机噪声具有免疫能力,而对特定的周期性信号具有敏感性.本文提出一种基于Duffing振子混沌系统的速度分析方法.对CMP道集按照时距曲线关系进行移动窗口截取,将所截取的信号构建为待测信号加入Duffing振子混沌系统,通过相图网格分割方法(GPM)判断系统状态的改变,从而在强随机噪声背景下获得高分辨率的速度谱.理论模型和实际资料的处理结果表明,与传统的水平叠加速度分析方法相比,本方法能够在强随机噪声背景下获得更准确的速度分析结果.  相似文献   

Elastic least-squares reverse time migration has been applied to multi-component seismic data to obtain high-quality images. However, the final images may suffer from artefacts caused by P- and S-wave crosstalk and severe spurious diffractions caused by complex topographic surface conditions. To suppress these crosstalk artefacts and spurious diffractions, we have developed a topographic separated-wavefield elastic least-squares reverse time migration algorithm. In this method, we apply P- and S-wave separated elastic velocity–stress wave equations in the curvilinear coordinates to derive demigration equations and gradient formulas with respect to P- and S-velocity. For the implementation of topographic separated-wavefield elastic least-squares reverse time migration, the wavefields, gradient directions and step lengths are all calculated in the curvilinear coordinates. Numerical experiments conducted with the two-component data synthetized by a three-topographic-layer with anomalies model and the Canadian Foothills model are considered to verify our method. The results reveal that compared with the conventional method, our method promises imaging results with higher resolution and has a faster residual convergence speed. Finally, we carry out numerical examples on noisy data, imperfect migration velocity and inaccurate surface elevation to analyse its sensitivity to noise, migration velocity and surface elevation error. The results prove that our method is less sensitive to noise compared with the conventional elastic least-squares reverse time migration and needs good migration velocities as other least-squares reverse time migration methods. In addition, when implementing the proposed method, an accurate surface elevation should be obtained by global positioning system to yield high-quality images.  相似文献   

By applying seismic inversion, we can derive rock impedance from seismic data. Since it is an interval property, impedance is valuable for reservoir characterization. Furthermore, the decomposition of the impedance into two fundamental properties, i.e. velocity and density, provides a link to the currently available rock‐physics applications to derive quantitative reservoir properties. However, the decomposition is a challenging task due to the strong influence of noise, especially for seismic data with a maximum offset angle of less than 30°. We present a method of impedance decomposition using three elastic impedance data derived from the seismic inversion of angle stacks, where the far‐stack angle is 23.5°. We discuss the effect of noise on the analysis as being the most significant cause of making the decomposition difficult. As the result, the offset‐consistent component of noise mostly affects the determination of density but not the velocities (P‐ and S‐wave), whereas the effect of the random component of noise occurs equally in the determination of the velocities and density. The effect is controlled by the noise enhancement factor 1/A, which is determined by a combination of stack angles. Based on the results of the analysis, we show an innovative method of decomposition incorporating rock‐physics bounds as constraints for the analysis. The method is applied to an actual data set from an offshore oilfield; we demonstrate the result of analysis for sandbody detection.  相似文献   

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