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望天湖底栖动物种群密度与季节变动的初步观察   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
国内有关淡水底栖动物生态研究的报道较少,尤以底栖动物种群密度的季节变动资料更是缺乏。作者于1965年曾对望天湖底栖动物进行过调查,取得了一些资料。望天湖位于长江中游(湖北省浠水县),为中型(万亩左右)浅水湖泊,其底栖动物资料有一定的代表性,特整理发表,供有关方面参考。  相似文献   

红树林区底栖动物污染生态学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
马丽  蔡立哲  袁东星 《台湾海峡》2003,22(1):113-119
综述了底栖动物污染生态学研究的现状。目前有关底栖动物的污染生态学研究主要有以下几个方面:(1)污染物在底栖动物体中含量测定及一些污染物在底栖动物中累积分布的研究。(2)污染物对底栖动物生理特性影响的研究。(3)污染物如城市污水对底栖动物群落的影响研究。(4)底栖动物在水质和底质污染中的监测应用。分别综合和评述了红树林底栖动物污染生态学在重金属、城市污水和有机物污染对红树林区底栖动物的生态效应等方面的研究现状。提出今后红树林区底栖动物污染生态学的研究,应着重生态毒理学和实验生态学的研究。  相似文献   

近年来,稳定同位素技术已被广泛应用于食物网研究中。然而,生物样品取样部位对食物网构建的影响的研究相对少见。大型底栖动物作为潮间带食物网的重要组成部分,在食物网研究中有必要对其采样部位进行统一,以增加研究结果的准确性及可比较性。本研究选取黄河三角洲和烟台潮间带10种代表性的大型底栖动物,比较δ13C和δ15N在不同采样部位中的差异。结果显示,对于大多数底栖动物而言,采样部位将直接影响到δ13C和δ15N的测定结果。当底栖动物作为摄食者,需分析其食性和营养级时,应统一采用肌肉组织,如贝类的闭壳肌或足部肌肉,蟹类的鳌足肌肉,鱼类的背部肌肉;当底栖动物作为被摄食者,需分析次级消费者的食性和营养级时,除多毛类采用去除消化道内容物的体壁外,其他种类应选取整体(难以被消化的组织除外),如贝类的软体部,蟹类肌肉与鳃等的混合组织。  相似文献   

虾池小型底栖动物的数量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出1987年5月至10月在黄岛养虾池对虾生长周期内对小型底栖动物数量逐月调查。指出:小型底栖动物总平均密度为1092.4inds·10cm-2,自由生活海洋线虫和底栖桡足类是主要类群,其总平均密度分别为466.9和457.9inds·10cm-2。89.7%的小型底栖动物分布在沉积物表层2cm内。结果指明小型底栖动物被对虾捕食,并提出了捕食模式。  相似文献   

大型底栖动物是盐沼湿地中最重要的生物类群之一。本文以长江口九段沙湿地为研究区域,于2016年10月在江亚南沙、上沙和下沙的不同区域沿高程梯度设置固定采样站点,对大型底栖动物、沉积物和植物进行取样调研,分析研究了大型底栖动物的分布特征及其影响因子。结果表明:(1)大型底栖动物沿高程梯度的分布具有一定规律性:低潮带环节动物的多度和生物量均最高,中潮带软体动物的物种数最多,高潮带甲壳动物的多度和生物量均最高;(2)不同区域由于环境条件的差异,大型底栖动物沿高程梯度的分布特征也有明显差异;(3)对大型底栖动物分布特征有显著影响的生境因子主要包括沉积物中值粒径、氧化还原电位和植株密度等,不同区域、不同生境中对大型底栖动物的分布特征有显著影响的生境因子也有一定差异;(4)互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)的入侵改变了生境条件,进而对大型底栖动物的分布特征产生影响。在今后的研究中,要充分考虑不同区域、不同高程之间环境条件的差异,进一步探讨盐沼湿地大型底栖动物的分布特征及影响因子的综合作用。  相似文献   

东海北部小型底栖动物群落对径流及黑潮暖流入侵的响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探究小型底栖动物群落在东海北部及其临近海域的分布规律,及其对环境因子的响应,于2016年9月和12月,对研究海域共计20个站位的小型底栖动物和环境因子进行了取样调查。调查结果显示,研究海域内共鉴定出小型底栖动物类群16个,其中海洋线虫为绝对优势类群,其他优势类群主要包括桡足类、动吻类和多毛类。9月航次小型底栖动物平均丰度为(1 758±759)个/(10 cm2),线虫占95.6%;平均生物量为(1 216.4±464.7) μg/(10 cm2)(干重),线虫占55.26%。12月航次平均丰度为(2 011±1 471)个/(10 cm2),线虫占95.6%;平均生物量为(1 143.0±755.0)μg/(10 cm2)(干重),线虫占67.28%。聚类分析结果显示,小型底栖动物群落主要可以划分为近岸和外海两个组,其中近岸组小型底栖动物丰度显著高于外海站位。但在各断面分布上,绝大多数站位小型底栖动物丰度最高值均出现在60 m等深线附近,并且该水深处站位的温度和盐度数值均表现出黑潮水的特征。黑潮近岸分支对东海陆架入侵是导致小型底栖动物分布差异的重要原因,小型底栖动物在60 m等深线附近具有的高丰度值可作为其对黑潮入侵的响应。推测,黑潮入侵所导致的水体初级生产力增加以及黑潮水所携带的溶氧可能是导致该深度处小型底栖动物丰度增加的主要原因。  相似文献   

深沪湾大型底栖动物群落及其次级生产力初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年1、4月和2008年8月共3个季节在深沪湾潮下带10个取样站定量采集大型底栖动物.根据各个季节获得的大型底栖动物栖息丰度和生物量,采用Brey(1990)的经验公式进行了大型底栖动物次级生产力和P/B值的计算,得出深沪湾潮下带大型底栖动物年平均次级生产力和P/B值分别为0.599g(AFDW)/(m^2·a)和1.561.深沪湾大型底栖动物生物量和平均次级生产力的空间分布为湾顶〉湾中〉湾口.与2000年以来我国近海港湾和河口相关研究结果比较,深沪湾大型底栖动物群落的生态特点是栖息丰度、生物量和次级生产力低,但种类多样性指数较高.这些特征与深沪湾面积小、水动力强和沙质沉积物等环境因素有关.  相似文献   

胶州湾大型底栖动物的丰度、生物量和生产量研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了研究胶州湾大型底栖动物的丰度、生物量和生产量,于2002年3月、6月、8月和12月,在胶州湾北部软底区、大沽河口、黄岛养殖区及养殖区邻域选取4个站位进行采样,对大型底栖动物进行了定量研究。共采到大型底栖动物138种,总平均丰度、平均生物量(湿质量)和年生产量(有机碳)分别为1 719个/m2,27 g/m2,2.2 g/(m2.a),初步估算,胶州湾大型底栖动物的总次级生产量为2.8万t/a。与渤海和南黄海大型底栖动物的丰度和生物量比较,丰度和生物量均低于这两个海域,但是胶州湾大型底栖动物的总次级生产量高于渤海。本研究对于了解胶州湾大型底栖动物现状及湾内养殖对大型底栖动物的影响具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

于2000年1-3月,对东寨港红树林区潮间带表层大型底栖动物进行调查,初步分析了东寨港红树林区潮间带表层大型底栖动物的生物量,密度等生态特点,研究结果表明,东寨港红树林区潮间带表层大型底栖动物平均生物量为120.38g/m^2,栖息密度为80.53个/m^2,以期为合理开发与保护东寨港红树林区底栖生物资源提供科学依据。  相似文献   

张志峰 《海洋通报》1994,13(2):50-54
对青岛东风盐场东半区底栖动物的各类组成和数量分布进行了调查。共获得底栖动物28种,其中腔肠动物1种,多毛类8种,软体动物9种,甲壳动物7种,昆虫幼虫2种,鱼类1种;总平均生物量为68.47g/m^2;总栖息密度为5048个/m^2。生物量组成以软体动物 为主要类群,占总生物量的50.9%,栖息密度组成以甲壳动物为优势类群,占95.33%;底栖动物分布不均,高生物量和高栖息密度均集中在2号站,且该站底栖动物种类也相对多样化。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲米草入侵对滩涂底栖动物多样性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年5,8,10月份对黄河三角洲的无棣县岔尖、东营市五号桩、小清河口米草分布区与非米草分布区底栖动物进行了调查.结果表明:米草分布区底栖动物种类少于非米草分布区的,优势种类相对多度存在差异;岔尖、小清河口米草分布区底栖动物平均密度高于非米草区的,生物量均高于非米草分布区的,但五号桩米草分布区底栖动物密度低于非米草分布区的;米草入侵导致小型螺类密度高,蛤类、蟹类密度低;岔尖、五号桩米草分布区与非米草分布区底栖动物多样性、均匀度、优势度无显著差异,小清河口则反之.米草入侵改变了底栖动物的群落结构,对小清河口底栖动物多样性影响较显著.  相似文献   

Abstract. When the Isthmus of Panama emerged as a land bridge, it set the stage for allopatric speciation in the marine fauna. In the present study Pacific and Atlantic populations of three cognate pairs of crabs were used to discern whether physiological divergence has occurred as a result of exposure to different thermal regimes in habitats and in the putative absence of gene flow. Additional comparison was made with Belize and Florida populations of the Atlantic Panama cognate. This was done to test the strength of correlation between physiological divergence and exposure to different thermal regimes in populations that potentially form a common genetic pool. Water temperatures decrease periodically in Pacific Panama and Florida but not in Atlantic Panama or Belize. Physiological divergence in volume and ion regulation was assessed in response to repeated exposure to either control and decreased temperature or to control and increased temperature. Results indicate that exposure to naturally occurring decreased temperatures in habitats has resulted in divergence. This divergence is demonstrated both in enhanced ability to regulate volume at decreased temperature and impaired ability to regulate volume at elevated temperature.  相似文献   

This paper examines the involvement of coastal communities in fisheries management among the countries of the Gulf of Thailand—Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. Initiatives to decentralize management to local governing bodies, to utilize traditional management methods and to engage in community agreements to protect local resources are explored. An examination of recent experiences indicates some movement toward more local involvement in management. However, the study also leads to several suggestions for the future: in Vietnam and Cambodia, there is a need for significant legislation to control fisheries operations and greater clarity of the role of communities in management; in Malaysia, there is an overall need for more support to local fisheries management; and in Thailand, the need is for greater support of local-level enforcement and monitoring activities.  相似文献   

Abstract. The emergence of the Isthmus of Panama subdivided the amphi-American biota. In the present study, Pacific and Atlantic populations of four cognate pairs of crabs were used to discern whether exposure to different thermal regimes in habitats, in the putative absence of gene flow, has resulted in physiological divergence. Populations that potentially form a common genetic pool were also used; these were populations of the Atlantic Panama cognate that occur in Belize and Florida. Decreases in water temperature occur periodically in Pacific Panama and Florida, but not in Atlantic Panama or Belize. In this study, physiological divergence in oxygen uptake was assessed in response to repeated exposure to either control and decreased temperature or control and increased temperature. Results indicate that, in only some of the genera tested, exposure to decreases in habitat temperature has resulted in divergence. Partial support is found for the corollary that adaptation to an environment with periods of decreased temperature results in reduced compensation during exposure to elevated temperature.  相似文献   

亚洲海域鲎的种类和分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
审核有关亚洲海域鲎种类和分布的历史文献发现,亚洲海域只有圆尾鲎Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda、中国鲎Tachypleus tridentatus和南方鲎Tachypleus gigas3种鲎分布。圆尾鲎分布于中国香港、北部湾、雷州湾以南、印度尼西亚爪哇岛北岸以北、菲律宾南部以西和恒河河口印度东北部以东的海域。中国鲎分布于长江口以南的中国海域、日本濑户内海、九州岛北岸以南、印度尼西亚爪哇岛北岸以北、苏门答腊岛印度洋侧以东和苏拉威西岛以西的海域。南方鲎分布于越南西贡以南、爪哇岛北岸以北、菲律宾南部以西的太平洋海域及印度恒河印度东北部以东的印度洋海域。以前有关中国北部湾海域和香港海域有南方鲎的报道是错误的,把中国鲎的幼体及成体误当成了南方鲎。中国海域只有中国鲎和圆尾鲎2种鲎分布。中国的海南、广西、广东西部和香港(可能还包括台湾)等是圆尾鲎分布的海域。其沿岸要严禁食鲎,以防误食圆尾鲎而引起河豚毒素中毒。  相似文献   

红树植物桐花树生长发育过程的元素动态与抗盐适应性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
探讨了泌盐隐胎生红树植物桐花树(Aegiceras carniculatum)种苗在母树上的胎生发育、种苗脱离母树后在林地的生长发育、以至成年母树各环节的Cl,Na,K,Ca,Mg及灰分含量动态与抗盐适应性。结果表明,桐花树种苗在母树上的胎生过程是一个低盐环节,也是一个低盐化过程,可以认为这是重演了其祖先的淡生特征。种苗胎生的孕育环境宿存果皮是一个盐分累积提高的高盐环境。这有利于种苗在胎生过程中对盐分的抗性锻炼。胎生种苗脱离母树后,在林地生长发育的初生苗期阶段是一个大量吸收和累积盐分的过程。林地初生小苗的胚轴部位有吸纳累积的大量盐分,这对初生苗期幼苗的抗盐适应具有积极意义。成年母树各部位中,叶片的Cl,Na含量高于幼苗。而其它部位则低于幼苗,母树根系吸收的盐分大量累积于树冠顶部,这有利于盐分从叶片泌盐盐腺排出体外。  相似文献   

Changes in ownership of limited entry permits by “local” residents of the region where a fishery occurs may have significant economic and social implications for fishery-dependent regions. This paper examines changes in local permit ownership in Alaska salmon fisheries, for which a long-term decline in rural local permit ownership is an important policy concern. Theoretically, permit markets allocate permits over time to the individuals who are willing to pay the most for them. Any factors that differentially affect what local and non-local residents are willing to pay for permits may affect the equilibrium share of permits held by local residents. For remote rural fisheries in particular, these may include differences between local and non-local residents with respect to access to and costs of financing permits and boats, costs of travel to the fishery, opportunity costs of participation in the fishery, and many other factors. As a fishery increases in profitability, differences between local and non-local residents in access to financing matter more while differences in costs of travel and opportunity costs matter less in the relative ranking of what local and non-local residents are willing to pay for permits. This tends to increase the share of non-local residents among buyers willing to pay the market price for permits, reducing the equilibrium share of permits held by local residents. This leads to a conflict between two important policy goals: increasing fishery profitability and maintaining rural local permit ownership. Consistent with predictions of this theory, the local share of permit ownership in Alaska salmon fisheries is negatively related to permit prices (an indicator of fishery profitability).  相似文献   

Four Haynesville Shale and four Bossier Shale samples were investigated using a combination of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Broad Ion Beam (BIB) polishing. This approach enables the microstructure and porosity to be studied down to the mesopore size (<50 nm) in representative areas at the scale of the BIB cross-sections. The samples vary in mineralogy, grain size and TOC and the maturity ranges from 2.42 to 2.58 VRr in the Haynesville Shale to 1.79–2.26 VRr in the Bossier Shale. This variety within the samples enabled us to study controls on the porosity distribution in these shales. Visible pores exist as intraparticle pores mainly in carbonate grains and pyrite framboids and as interparticle pores, mainly in the clay-rich matrix. Pores in organic matter show a characteristic porosity with respect to the type of organic matter, which mainly consists of mixtures of amorphous organic matter and minerals, organic laminae and discrete macerals. A clear positive trend of organic-matter porosity with maturity was found. Pore sizes are power law distributed in the range of 4.4 μm to at least 36 nm in equivalent diameter. The differences in power law exponents suggest that a more grain supported, coarse-grained matrix may prevent pores from mechanical compaction. Porosities measured in the BIB cross-sections were significantly lower in comparison to porosities obtained by Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP). This difference is mainly attributed to the different resolution achieved with BIB-SEM and MIP and type of pore network. Extrapolation of pore size distributions (PSDs) enables the BIB-SEM porosity to be estimated down to the resolution of the MIP and thus to upscale microstructural observation at the confined space of the BIB-SEM method to bulk porosity measurement. These inferred porosities are in good agreement with the MIP determined porosities, which underpins the assumption that pores segmented in BIB-SEM mosaics are representative of the MIP methodology.  相似文献   

This paper reports changes in vegetation distribution and species cover in relation to soil factors and hydrology in a semiarid Mediterranean salt marsh adjacent to the Mar Menor saline lagoon. Species cover, soil salinity, and the groundwater level were monitored between 1991 and 1993 and between 2002 and 2004, and total organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, nitrates, ammonium and exchangeable phosphorus were measured in the soils in both study periods. In addition, three soil profiles were described in August 1992 and August 2004. The results indicate an elevation of the water table throughout the 13-year period, which was attributable to water flowing from areas with intensive agriculture. Flooding increased and soil salinity dropped in the most saline sites and increased in the least saline ones. The morphology of the soil profiles reflected the increase in flooding periods, due to the appearance of a greyer matrix in the deeper horizons and a more diffuse pattern of Fe mottles. Following these environmental changes, Sarcocornia fruticosa, Phragmites australis and Juncus maritimus strongly expanded at the wettest sites, which led to the disappearance of the original zonation pattern. The cover of Limonium delicatulum, in turn, decreased with the increase in moisture but increased following the increase in salinity. Changes in soil nutrients were only very evident in the sandy soils of the beach, probably due to the influence of organic debris deposited on the shoreline by the storms and due to the strong increase in the colonisation of this habitat by perennial species. According to the results obtained, control measures are needed in order to preserve habitat diversity in this and other salt marshes of this area. Monitoring of the vegetation distribution could be a useful tool to identify environmental impacts, in order to implement remedial actions.  相似文献   

Interannual variations of biomass of major mesozooplankton groups (Cnidaria, Chaetognatha, Copepoda, Crustacea other than copepods, Tunicata) in the January to March period were examined in the slope, Kuroshio and offshore waters off the Pacific coast of western Japan (western region) from 1971 to 1988 and off central Japan (central region) from 1971 to 1989. The mean biomass for each year of most of the mesozooplankton groups was high in the early 1970s and tended to decrease (in the western region) or to have dropped to a lower level (in the central region) after the mid-1970s. Stepwise multiple linear regression analyses of the mean biomass for each year of each mesozooplankton group in the Kuroshio in both regions against climatic factors revealed that the biomass was related positively to wind speed. It is therefore considered that the nutrient supply to the upper layers limits the production of many of the mesozooplankton groups examined in the Kuroshio, even in winter. Similar relationships were also found for the biomass of Copepoda, non-copepod Crustacea and Tunicata in the offshore water in the western region. The percentage of copepods in the biomass in the central region seemed to decrease under high water temperature conditions, while that of Chaetgnatha tended to increase. Climatic factors thus largely influenced the interannual variations of biomass and composition of mesozooplankton in and near the Kuroshio during the winter to early spring period. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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