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骤发性干旱(简称骤旱)是一种突发性高且强度大的极端干旱现象,会对农业生产和生态系统构成严重威胁。近年来,长江流域骤旱频发,然而其骤旱时空演变格局及规律尚不明晰。本研究基于GLEAM、GLDAS和ERA5-Land数据,以标准化蒸发胁迫比及其变化值作为识别指标,开展1982—2022年长江流域骤旱识别,全面分析长江流域骤旱空间分布和时间演变特征;并鉴于2022年旱情的严重性和特殊性,重点分析该年长江流域骤旱事件。研究结果表明:(1)在空间分布上,长江流域上游的金沙江水系和中下游的大型水库湖泊骤旱发生频率最高且强度最大;(2)在时间演变上,骤旱发生频率、平均持续时间和强度均在长江流域整体上呈现出非显著上升趋势,而有显著变化趋势的区域在2001年前后表现出明显的趋势反转现象;(3) 2022年夏季受极端高温热浪影响,长江流域遭遇大规模骤旱事件,具有波及范围广、持续时间长的特点,且骤旱在空间上呈现出从上游向下游传递的态势。  相似文献   

受全球气候变化影响,澜沧江-湄公河流域气象水文干旱发生了较大变化,预测未来流域干旱的时空变化与传播特征是应对气候变化、开展澜湄水资源合作的基础。利用SWAT模型通过气陆耦合方式模拟了澜沧江-湄公河流域历史(1960—2005年)和未来时期(2022—2050年,2051—2080年)的水文过程,采用标准化降水指数和标准化径流指数预估并分析了流域未来气象水文干旱时空变化趋势。结果表明:①澜沧江-湄公河流域未来降水呈增长趋势,气象干旱将有所缓解,但降水年内分配不均与流域蒸发的增加,将导致水文干旱更为严峻,干旱从气象到水文的传播过程加剧;②水文干旱具有明显的空间异质性,允景洪和清盛站的水文干旱最为严重,琅勃拉邦、穆达汉和巴色站次之,万象站最弱;③未来流域水文干旱事件发生频次略有减少,但其中重旱、特旱事件占比增加,极端干旱将趋多趋强,且空间变化更加显著。  相似文献   

基于新疆92个国家气象站1961—2019年逐日气温和降水数据,通过气象干旱综合监测指数(MCI)分析新疆干旱过程及干旱强度,结果表明:(1)全疆年平均干旱日数在空间分布特征为:各地轻旱、中旱的年平均干旱日多数分布在研究区西北部,少数分布在研究区东南部;重旱年平均干旱日数以昆仑山脉为轴线,自西向东呈递减趋势,北疆特旱年平均干旱日数大于南疆;(2)年平均干旱强度呈自东南向西北依次加重的分布特征,春、夏季区域间干旱强度空间差异较小,秋季区域间干旱强度差异性较大;(3)干旱强度与其影响范围时序变化特征趋向一致;通过旋转经验正交函数(REOF)的时空分析,将新疆分成三个模态:第一模态南北疆成相反形式的分布特征,第二模态为东西部相反的分布特征,第三模态呈伊犁河谷偏湿的分布特征,且各模态干旱强度随时间变化趋势不同。  相似文献   

干旱灾害是我国主要的自然灾害之一。近年来,连续性、极端干旱灾害时有发生,对我国粮食安全、饮水安全和生态安全造成严重威胁。土壤墒情是旱情监测的重要指标,遥感技术具有观测范围广、实时性强以及成本低廉等优势,可以广泛应用于土壤墒情监测。本文分析了土壤墒情与地表参数NDVI(归一化植被指数)和LJST(地表温度)的关系,建立了基于NDVI和LST、并考虑土壤类型的土壤墒情遥感监测模型。利用该模型,基于MODIS遥感影像和地面实测墒情,对2010年10月到2011年5月山东省旱情进行了动态监测。监测结果显示:山东省的旱情经历了不断加重,再到逐渐缓解。然后又局部加重。最终全部缓解的过程,干旱核心区为鲁南地区,与实际情况一致。  相似文献   

利用黄河流域160个气象站1961-2010年逐日综合气象干旱指数(CI)指数, 对比分析两种用逐日CI指数判断月干旱过程的方法. 结果表明: 对重大干旱事件个例来说, 两种方法都能大体描述事件的月干旱过程, 但干旱的强度和范围有所不同. 从干旱发生的范围来看, 两种结果的差别较小, 方法I的识别结果范围更大、更连续, 特别是对青海旱情的判断常常比实际范围大;而方法II的识别结果范围稍小, 大体上能反应干旱的整体范围, 但有时也偶尔会遗漏小部分旱区;从干旱发生的强度来看, 方法I对干旱事实的描述偏轻, 而方法II以重-特旱为主, 与实际情况更相符. 从对黄河流域近50 a月干旱频率的分析结果来看, 两种方法一致表明黄河流域分界线以西的地区常年不容易发生干旱, 而对于分界线以东地区, 两种方法的统计结果有较大差异. 方法I的结果表明, 分界线以东地区干旱的月发生频率较大, 其中, 轻旱的月发生频率最大, 其次为中旱, 而重旱和特旱的发生频率很小;方法II的结果表明, 分界线以东地区干旱的月发生频率在60%~80%左右, 其中重旱的月发生频率最大, 其次为中旱, 轻旱和特旱的发生频率很小. 总体来说, 方法II对黄河流域月干旱情况的评估结果与干旱实际情况更一致.  相似文献   

1992-2011年地球低阶重力场系数J2先后发生了两次异常变化,时间段约为1997-2000年、2007-2010年;根据中国地震台网(CSN)公布的地震目录,收集1990-2012年间发生在中国大陆MS≥3.0的所有地震资料,初步分析了J2异常变化与地震活动的关系。文中分别对浅源(深度范围0≤h≤70 km)MS≥5.0、MS≥6.0和中源(深度范围70≤h≤300 km)MS≥3.0、MS≥3.5、MS≥4.0地震总数进行了统计分析,建立了地震活动频次随时间变化的时间序列。文中将地震频次时间序列与地球低阶重力场系数J2长期变化作对比分析,结果显示:(1)浅源地震活动存在3个明显的峰值,第一个峰值和第二个峰值出现的时间段分别和“98异常”、“07异常”时间段吻合,第三峰值时间段和地球自转速率转变时刻吻合;(2)中源地震活动与浅源地震活动存在差异,前者仅存在两个明显的峰值,第一峰值出现的时间段和“98异常”吻合,第二峰值相对于“07异常”出现后移现象,然而小波多分辨率分析显示地震频次时间序列的小波细节系数发生显著变化的时段和“07异常”非常吻合;(3)中国大陆发生的7级以上的地震,62.5%位于J2异常变化期间、纬度集中分布于J2节点线35.3°附近。这些结果表明:J2异常变化可能会对中国大陆地震活动产生较显著的影响;地球自转速率转变的时刻对浅源地震活动产生较显著影响,而对中源地震活动影响不明显。最后从地球重力学以及J2变化与地球自转的关系方面分析J2异常变化与地震活动的关系。研究显示:1992-2011年间J2发生的两次异常变化的时间间隔大致为10 a,这和地球自转“10 a起伏”变化相吻合,这些结果对中国大陆地震孕育过程规律的认识以及地震预测研究具有一定的价值。  相似文献   

全球气候变化影响了气象水文要素的时空分布特性,气象水文干旱事件的转化关系及风险传播特征亟待研究。基于站点、栅格观测资料和CMIP5(Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase5)的19个气候模式输出数据,采用新安江等4个水文模型模拟了中国135个流域历史(1961—2005年)和未来时期(2011—2055年,2056—2100年)的水文过程,计算了SPI(Standard Precipitation Index)和SRI(Standard Runoff Index)干旱指标,通过游程理论识别了气象干旱与水文干旱事件,利用Copula函数与最大可能权函数度量二维干旱风险特征,定量评估了气象干旱至水文干旱的潜在风险传播特性。结果表明:①气象-水文干旱对气候变化响应强烈,华北和东北地区的干旱联合重现期增大,干旱潜在风险减小,华中和华南地区的干旱联合重现期减少60%~80%,干旱潜在风险增加;②气象干旱与水文干旱风险在历史和未来时段均存在显著的正相关关系,相关系数超过0.99;③各流域水文干旱风险变化对气象干旱风险变化的敏感程度不会随气候变暖发生较大变化,但未来北方地区水文干旱同气象干旱同时发生的概率将会小幅度增加。  相似文献   

自然界水循环中的水量平衡原理与干旱研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
颜开  余平佬  熊珊珊 《水文》2011,31(2):38-41
概述了国际、国内干旱研究概况。指出区域多年平均降水量的多少,反映了区域中水资源对生态、经济发展承载力的大小。农业生产中把防止土壤蒸发措施叫抗旱;水利建设中拦河筑坝、引水灌溉、凿井汲水,叫兴修水利抗旱救灾。因此干旱的实质是径流消退、土壤蒸发自然衰减并达到区域内水资源对生态和经济发展的承载能力下降到某一限度或阀值的称谓,如人们感官中的小旱、大旱等。根据径流消退公式和土壤蒸发衰减曲线,参照大风、地震研究方法,输入降水、逐日蒸发观测值,即可成功实现统一干旱标准的实时旱情监测。  相似文献   

基于大范围地面墒情监测的鄱阳湖流域农业干旱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以鄱阳湖流域为研究区, 基于2011—2020年22个墒情站的逐日地面墒情监测数据、1956—2020年49个雨量站的日降雨数据及2016—2019年墒情站所在灌区的气象数据, 采用考虑植被生理状态的土壤水分亏缺指数(SWDI)表征农业干旱, 分析不同尺度下墒情、包气带缺水量和降水量的时空分布, 评估SWDI在鄱阳湖流域农业干旱监测中的适用性, 揭示该流域农业干旱时空演变特征及其对气象干旱的响应规律, 初步探讨土壤质地与农业干旱强度的相关性。结果表明: ① SWDI对鄱阳湖流域农业干旱诊断具有较好的适用性; ②近10 a该流域农业干旱呈显著加重趋势, 其中2019—2020年发生流域性重度农业干旱, 且夏、秋、冬连旱, 是近10 a的主导季节性农业干旱, 对水稻、油菜等粮食产量影响显著; ③相较于气象干旱, 农业干旱发生、结束时间分别平均约晚2.5周和3周, 历时长10.1周, 频次更低, 干旱等级更小; ④砂土持水性最差, 易发生特大农业干旱, 黏土、黏壤土保水性最好, 轻旱和中旱发生概率较大, 壤土、砂壤土和壤砂土则介于二者之间。  相似文献   

一种模拟农业干旱的方法─—作物自然缺水率法朱建英,宋玉(江苏省防汛办公室)水资源短缺已成为社会经济发展的重要制约因素。农业作为水资源的主要用户,人们越来越关注对农业干旱的研究,随之而来的是如何选择一个恰当的干旱模拟方法来评估旱情的课题。以往采用的干旱...  相似文献   

干旱频率分析研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
从干旱定义与识别、点干旱频率分析和区域干旱频率分析3个方面系统阐述了干旱频率分析研究进展和存在问题,归纳了适用于干旱频率分析的干旱定义,干旱识别存在的主要问题以及区域干旱频率分析研究的3种途径。提出综合利用研究区域水文气象特性、干旱成因、旱情、旱灾,并结合前期的大气环流条件等信息来描述和识别干旱,重点开展对干旱特征变量的理论分布、干旱事件重现期公式和经验频率公式等基本理论的研究,关注区域干旱频率分析,注重对径流、土壤水、地下水和供水系统的干旱特性分析。  相似文献   

Drought frequency, duration, and severity and its impact on pasture productivity in the four main vegetation zones of Mongolia were analyzed using meteorological, soil moisture, and vegetation data during the growing season (April–August) of 1965–2010. Meteorological and pasture drought characteristics were explored using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), the soil moisture anomalies percentile index (W p), and Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) on 1-month timescale. Generally, 35–37 (15–16 %) by SPI for meteorological drought while 27–29 (12–13 %) by W p, and 16–21 (7–9 %) by PDSI for pasture drought with different durations were identified over the four vegetation zones during the study period. Most of these droughts (80 % by SPI and 50–60 % by both W p and PDSI) observed during the entire events occurred on a 1-month duration with moderate intensity. Drought frequencies were not significantly (p > 0.05) different within the four zones. The frequency of the short-term meteorological droughts was observed relatively greater than pasture droughts; however, pasture droughts were more persistent and severe than meteorological droughts. The three indices show that the frequency and severity of droughts have slightly increased over the 46 years with significant (p < 0.05) dry conditions during the last decade of 2001–2010 in the four zones (except in the high mountain). The results showed the W p was more highly significantly correlated with the precipitation anomalies (r = 0.68) and pasture production (r = 0.55) than PDSI (r = 0.51, p < 0.05 and r = 0.38, p < 0.10, respectively). A statistical model, based on pasture production and the W p, suggested that the consecutive drought months contribution during the growing season was 30 % (p < 0.05) and that pasture production was more sensitive to the occurrence of droughts during June–August (R 2 = 0.32, p < 0.05) as seen in 2000–2002 and 2007. We concluded that a greater severity and frequency of growing-season droughts, during the last decade of 2001–2010, have driven a reduction in pasture production in Mongolia.  相似文献   

He  Jun  Yang  Xiao-Hua  Li  Jian-Qiang  Jin  Ju-Liang  Wei  Yi-Ming  Chen  Xiao-Juan 《Natural Hazards》2014,75(2):199-217

Meteorological droughts can affect large areas and may have serious environmental, social and economic impacts. These impacts depend on the severity, duration, and spatial extent of the precipitation deficit and the socioeconomic vulnerability of the affected regions. This paper examines the spatiotemporal variation of meteorological droughts in the Haihe River basin. Meteorological droughts events were diagnosed using daily meteorological data from 44 stations by calculating a comprehensive drought index (CI) for the period 1961–2011. Based on the daily CI values of each station over the past 50 years, the drought processes at each station were confirmed, and the severity, duration and frequency of each meteorological drought event were computed and analyzed. The results suggest the following conclusions: (1) the use of the CI index can effectively trace the development of drought and can also identify the duration and severity of each drought event; (2) the average drought duration was 57–85 days in each region of the Haihe River basin, and the region with the highest average values of drought duration and drought severity was Bohai Bay; (3) drought occurred more than 48 times over the study period, which is more than 0.95 times per year over the 50 years studied. The average frequencies of non-drought days, severe drought days and extreme drought days over the study period were 51.2, 3.2 and 0.4 %, respectively. Severe drought events mainly occurred in the south branch of the Hai River, and extreme drought events mainly occurred in the Shandong Peninsula and Bohai Bay; (4) the annual precipitation and potential evapotranspiration of the Haihe River basin show decreasing trends over the past 50 years. The frequency of severe drought and extreme drought events has increased in the past 20 years than during the period 1961–1990. The results of this study may serve as a reference point for decision regarding basin water resources management, ecological recovery and drought hazard vulnerability analysis.


Meteorological droughts can affect large areas and may have serious environmental, social and economic impacts. These impacts depend on the severity, duration, and spatial extent of the precipitation deficit and the socioeconomic vulnerability of the affected regions. This paper examines the spatiotemporal variation of meteorological droughts in the Haihe River basin. Meteorological droughts events were diagnosed using daily meteorological data from 44 stations by calculating a comprehensive drought index (CI) for the period 1961–2011. Based on the daily CI values of each station over the past 50 years, the drought processes at each station were confirmed, and the severity, duration and frequency of each meteorological drought event were computed and analyzed. The results suggest the following conclusions: (1) the use of the CI index can effectively trace the development of drought and can also identify the duration and severity of each drought event; (2) the average drought duration was 57–85 days in each region of the Haihe River basin, and the region with the highest average values of drought duration and drought severity was Bohai Bay; (3) drought occurred more than 48 times over the study period, which is more than 0.95 times per year over the 50 years studied. The average frequencies of non-drought days, severe drought days and extreme drought days over the study period were 51.2, 3.2 and 0.4 %, respectively. Severe drought events mainly occurred in the south branch of the Hai River, and extreme drought events mainly occurred in the Shandong Peninsula and Bohai Bay; (4) the annual precipitation and potential evapotranspiration of the Haihe River basin show decreasing trends over the past 50 years. The frequency of severe drought and extreme drought events has increased in the past 20 years than during the period 1961–1990. The results of this study may serve as a reference point for decision regarding basin water resources management, ecological recovery and drought hazard vulnerability analysis.  相似文献   

长江流域陆地水储量与多源水文数据对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王文  王鹏  崔巍 《水科学进展》2015,26(6):759-768
从趋势性、滞后性及相关性三方面,对2002—2013年间GRACE重力卫星反演的长江上游与中游陆地水储量与模型模拟土壤含水量、实测降水和实测径流数据进行了对比分析,并从干旱强度及发展时间两方面评估了标准化陆地水储量指数SWSI、标准化降水指数SPI、标准化径流指数SRI和标准化土壤含水量指数SSMI对区域性干旱的表征能力.结果表明:长江上游地区陆地水储量与降水、径流和土壤水蓄量均无显著变化,而中游地区陆地水储量则与水库蓄量同样具有显著性增加,反映人类活动对中游地区陆地水储量变化有很大影响;各指标指示的各等级干旱月份数量基本相当,但各指标反映的特旱具体月份有较大差别,基于GRACE数据构建的SWSI指标对特大干旱的指示性不好;对比各指标对上游与中游地区干旱事件发展时间,体现出水文干旱、农业干旱对气象干旱存在一定的迟滞关系.  相似文献   

Analysis of drought hazards in North China: distribution and interpretation   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
This paper examines the characteristics of historical meteorological hazards and associated natural-anthropogenic variations in China, with specific attention given to the meteorological drought hazards occurring at very high frequency and affecting social?Ceconomic development in North China. Owing to an increasing awareness of meteorological droughts in this area, the aim of this contribution is to provide a comprehensive overview of meteorological droughts in North China by reviewing the meteorological references and their intrinsic linkages with climatic, geological, and anthropogenic controls. Our study highlights the region-wide meteorological droughts with a rather clear recurrence of 30 and 100?years, totally indicating Shanxi and Shandong being the predominated area suffering from extreme meteorological droughts. The spatial and temporal distribution of meteorological drought hazards in this region is considered to be a function of climatic, topographic, hydrological, and anthropogenic characteristics. In view of the wide distribution and linkage with geo-hazards and changes of dynasties, the meteorological drought hazard is one of the key issues for long-term social?Ceconomic harmonization. This study can be expected to prioritize drought mitigation measures and ensure regional sustainable development in North China.  相似文献   

近300a来塔里木河流域旱涝灾害特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
干旱与洪涝是极端水文事件中最具有代表性的水文事件,在气候变化的影响下旱涝灾害事件越来越引起人们的关注. 采用传统的气象干旱指标-标准化降水指数SPI和小波分析法、反距离加权法以及线性回归分析,研究了近300 a来塔里木河流域旱涝灾害分布特征及关键影响因素. 结果表明:近300 a来塔里木河流域旱涝灾害呈增加的趋势,且洪涝事件较干旱事件明显. 其中,喀什、阿克苏等地的发生频率最高,并表现为群发性;近60 a塔里木河流域自西向东旱涝灾害事件呈交替现象. 小波分析结果表明,塔里木河流域旱涝灾害呈现15 a的周期性,由此推断未来5~10 a研究区湿润化面积仍有扩大的可能. 大气环流指数与多尺度下的SPI指相关性检验表明,PNA对秋季和冬季的SPI值的影响较为显著;旱涝灾害对农牧业的影响较为严重,其中,洪涝灾害的影响大于干旱.  相似文献   

At present, flash drought occurs globally and regionally and causes a lot of socio-economic loss in a very short time. Therefore, flash drought has been regarded as one of the hottest issues in drought research. However, flash drought monitoring, prediction and decision-making have encountered a lot of challenges due to its multiple driven factors and complex spatio-temporal process. Aiming at this problem, this paper focused on the agricultural land in China, and analyzed the spatio-temporal distribution of three kinds of flash droughts (i.e., precipitation-deficit, high-temperature, and composite flash droughts) from 1983 to 2015. We studied the occurrences, duration, spatial distribution, temporal distribution, and trend of all three kinds of flash droughts. Our results demonstrated that, the occurrences of flash drought agricultural land in China increased year by year, among which high-temperature flash drought increased dramatically; duration of flash droughts had different trends, but the variations were relatively smooth; Northeast China was identified as a vulnerable area of flash drought, indicating more flash drought events and longer duration; flash droughts in China were found to concentrate in spring (high-temperature drought) and summer seasons (precipitation-deficit drought). This study is helpful for building new flash drought monitoring method and system, and it is also valuable for flash drought preparedness on regional scale.  相似文献   

藏西北地区生态环境脆弱,由于地形复杂、气候独特,该区的观测资料非常缺乏。利用遥感技术开展藏西北地区的干旱监测,能获取在空间上连续变化的地表干旱情况,对于指导该区农牧业生产具有重要的意义。基于FY-3A/VIRR的一级数据和标准旬产品(地表温度、植被指数),采用温度植被干旱指数(TVDI)进行藏西北地区的干旱监测研究,并将监测结果分别与基于EOS/MODIS数据监测的结果、同期的野外实测土壤水分数据以及气象站点的降水量数据进行了对比分析。结果表明:利用FY-3A/VIRR数据的TVDI遥感监测结果与实测土壤水分、气象站累计降水量数据均呈显著的负相关关系,通过了0.01水平的显著性检验;利用FY-3A/VIRR数据与EOS/MODIS数据估算的TVDI干旱等级空间分布特征基本一致,FY-3A/VIRR数据可以代替EOS/MODIS数据在藏西北地区开展干旱遥感监测,可为指导藏西北地区农牧业生产提供数据支持。  相似文献   

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