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The Sylhet trough located on the north-eastern margin of present Bengal basin, contains ~22 km of Tertiary sediments and well known as a hydrocarbon producing province. A detailed facies characterization of the subsurface Miocene Surma Group sediments (especial emphasis on reservoirs sandstones) from Jalalabad gas field within the Sylhet trough has been done using core log analysis and wireline log (gamma ray) interpretation. Texture and sedimentary structures of the cores suggests that the nine individual lithofacies types which can be grouped together into three facies associations, namely, fine-grained facies associations (FFA), medium-grained facies association (MFA) and coarse-grained facies associations (CFA). Major changes in gamma ray log motifs and various bounding discontinuities indicate six para-sequence sets (basin wide) and twenty eight para-sequences (local environmental changes) within the depth range from 2200-2800 m. Detailed facies analysis of the cores and wireline log reveals that the interbedding facies within the associations in the Surma Group commonly develop small-scale fining-upward (FU) cycles, coarsening-upward (CU) and random intercalations (RD). The sediments of the Surma Group of the Jalalabad field have been interpreted as deposits of the shallow marine to tide-dominated deltaic depositional setting. The cyclic nature of sedimentation pattern of the Surma Group probably records an almost continuous existence of this prograding deltaic regime and a tectonic setting characterized by a mixture of prolonged basin subsidence and regional transgression coupled with sporadic regressive phases.  相似文献   

The Palaeoproterozoic Magondi Supergroup lies unconformably on the Archaean granitoid-greenstone terrain of the Zimbabwe Craton and experienced deformation and metamorphism at 2.06–1.96 Ga to form the Magondi Mobile Belt. The Magondi Supergroup comprises three lithostratigraphic units. Volcano-sedimentary rift deposits (Deweras Group) are unconformably overlain by passive margin, back-arc, and foreland basin sedimentary successions, including shallow-marine sedimentary rocks (Lomagundi Group) in the east, and deeper-water shelf to continental slope deposits in the west (Piriwiri Group). Based on the upward-coarsening trend and presence of volcanic rocks at the top of the Piriwiri and Lomagundi groups, the Piriwiri Group is considered to be a distal, deeper-water time-equivalent of the Lomagundi Group. The Magondi Supergroup experienced low-grade metamorphism in the southeastern zone, but the grade increases to upper greenschist and amphibolite facies grade to the north along strike and, more dramatically, across strike to the west, reaching upper amphibolite to granulite facies in the Piriwiri Group.  相似文献   

The Bengal Basin, in the north-eastern part of the Indian subcontinent, contains a thick (± 22 km) early Cretaceous-Holocene sedimentary succession. The Neogene succession in the Sylhet Trough of the basin reaches a thickness of more than 6 km of which the Surma Group contains important sandstone reservoirs. Lithologically, the group consists of a succession of alternating shales, siltstones, sandy shales and sandstones, with minor conglomerates. This research work is a sedimentological analysis of the subsurface Neogene succession encountered in the petroleum exploration wells in the Sylhet Trough of the Bengal Basin. Detailed lithologic logs of the cores, based on considering texture and sedimentary structure, permit a subdivision into eight lithofacies, e.g., a shale-dominated facies, interbedded fine sandstones and mudstones, ripple-laminated sandstones, parallel-laminated sandstones, massive sandstones, cross-bedded sandstones, cross-bedded sandstones with pebble/granule lag and conglomerates. Characteristic sedimentary structures of the Surma Group, such as flaser-, wavy- and lenticular-bedding, bipolarity of ripple cross-stratification, evenly laminated sand/silt-streaked shales, reactivation surfaces within cross-bedded sandstone sets, mud-drapes on foreset laminae and herringbone cross-stratification as well as small-scale vertical sequences (several fining-upward cycles) are diagnostic for tidal influence. On the basis of the lithofacies associations and prograding character of the deposits revealed from the electrofacies associations, the Surma Group sediments have been interpreted as representing deposits of tide-dominated deltaic depositional setting.  相似文献   

The Quilalar Formation and correlative Mary Kathleen Group in the Mount Isa Inlier, Australia, conformably overlie rift-related volcanics and sediments and non-conformably overlie basement rocks. They represent a thermal-relaxation phase of sedimentation between 1780 and 1740 Ma. Facies analysis of the lower siliciclastic member of the Quilalar Formation and the coeval Ballara Quartzite permits discrimination of depositional systems that were restricted areally to either N-S-trending marginal platform or central trough palaeogeographic settings. Four depositional systems, each consisting of several facies, are represented in the lower Quilalar Formation-Ballara Quartzite; these are categorized broadly as storm-dominated shelf (SDS), continental (C), tide-dominated shelf (TDS) and wave-dominated shoreline (WDS). SDS facies consist either of black pyritic mudstone intervals up to 10 m thick, or mudstone and sandstone associated in 6–12-m-thick, coarsening-upward parasequences. Black mudstones are interpreted as condensed sections that developed as a result of slow sedimentation in an outer-shelf setting starved of siliciclastic influx. Vertical transition of facies in parasequences reflects flooding followed by shoaling of different shelf subenvironments; the shoreface contains evidence of subaerial exposure. Continental facies consist of fining-upward parasequences of fluvial origin and tabular, 0·4–4-m-thick, aeolian parasequences. TDS facies are represented by stacked, tabular parasequences between 0·5 and 5 m thick. Vertical arrangement of facies in parasequences reflects flooding and establishment of a tidal shelf followed by shoaling to intertidal conditions. WDS facies are preserved in 0·5–3-m-thick, stacked, tabular parasequences. Vertical transition of facies reflects initial flooding with wave reworking of underlying arenites along a ravinement surface, followed by shoaling from lower shoreface to foreshore conditions. Parasequences are stacked in retrogradational and progradational parasequence sets. Retrogradational sets consist of thin SDS parasequences in the trough, and C, TDS and probably WDS parasequences on the platforms. Thick SDS parasequences in the trough, and TDS, subordinate C and probably WDS parasequences on the platforms make up progradational parasequence sets. Depositional systems are associated in systems tracts that make up 40–140-m-thick sequences bounded by type-2 sequence boundaries that are disconformities. Transgressive systems tracts consist of C, TDS and probably WDS depositional systems on the platforms and the SDS depositional system and suspension mudstone deposits in the trough. The transgressive systems tract is characterized by retrogradational parasequence sets and developed in response to accelerating rates of sea-level rise following lowstand. Condensed-section deposits in the trough, and the thickest TDS parasequences on the platforms reflect maximum rates of sea-level rise and define maximum flooding surfaces. Highstand systems tract deposits are progradational. Early highstand systems tracts are represented by TDS and probably WDS depositional systems on the platforms and suspension mudstone deposits in the trough and reflect decreasing rates of sea-level rise. Later highstand systems tracts consist of the progradational SDS depositional system in the trough and, possibly, thin continental facies on the platforms. This stage of sequence development is related to slow rates of sea-level rise, stillstand and slow rates of fall. Lowstand deposits of shelf-margin systems tracts are not recognized but may be represented by shoreface deposits at the top of progradational SDS parasequence sets.  相似文献   

The early Permian Karharbari and Barakar formations of East Bokaro basin comprise the following lithofacies:Lithofacies A, consisting of monomictic cobble- and pebble-conglomerate including pebbly sandstone, with faint crossbeds; deposited mainly by high-velocity aqueous currents as channel-lag deposit or longitudinal bars.Lithofacies B, coarse to medium sandstone, profusely crossbedded; interpreted as channel facies formed by downcurrent migration of sand bars in low-sinuosity streams.Lithofacies C, mainly fine sandstone with interbedded siltstone, characterised by small-scale ripple-lamination; formed in a low-energy environment such as swale-fill and/or overbank deposits.Lithofacies D, including carbonaceous shale and coal, with lack-of-current structures, indicating quiet-water deposition; interpreted as backswamp and lacustrine deposits.The overall context of the Karharbari and Barakar assemblage with relative abundance of pebbly coarse sandstone in the former and fine clastics in the latter, the presence of fining-upward cycles, widespread development of tabular and trough crossbedding and sample to sample variation of foreset azimuths, all suggest a generally alluvial environment. Analysis of crossbedding dip azimuth and dimensional fabric suggest that the sediment milieu in either case consisted of streams flowing persistently from the south-southeast to north-northwest direction. It is inferred that the unidirectional system of streams flowing across the East Bokaro basin changes systematically in channel sinuosity through time.  相似文献   

The Ganga basin provides a present-day example of a peripheral foreland basin. The course of the river is controlled by Himalayan tectonics. Three main types of architectural elements, such as channels (CH), sandy bedforms (SB) and overbank fines (OF) have been developed in Ganga River sediments. The channels (CH) include gravelly (Gs) and sandy channel (Ss) lithofacies. The sandy bedforms (SB) include trough cross-stratified (St), planar cross-stratified (Sp), horizontal stratified (Sh), sandy massive (Sm) and climbing ripple cross-laminated (Sr) lithofacies, all of which are active channel deposits. The overbank fines (OF) include massive silt and clay (Fm), parallel laminated silt and clay (FI) and climbing ripple cross-laminated (Sr) lithofacies. Mega units have been developed in the lower part of the active channel deposits, while small units have been developed in the upper part of active channel deposits, in inactive channel deposits and overbank fines. This study illustrates the seasonal and tectonic control on sedimentation. Petrofacies studies of the sediments indicate a recycled orogen provenance. The sediments are derived from rapidly uplifted fault blocks comprising granite, gneiss and basic and ultrabasic rocks. Lack of textural and compositional maturity suggests a local source of derivation. The principal control on sand composition is source lithology. The hot and humid climate may slightly increase the content of quartz in sand derived from reworked foreland basin sediments. but the effect is neither sufficient to shift the sand compositions out of the recycled orogen field nor does it obscure composition mixing patterns.  相似文献   

库车前陆盆地的白垩系由卡普沙良群(自下而上包括亚格列木组、舒善河组、巴西盖组)和巴什基奇克组组成.盆地北部克孜勒努尔沟的白垩系亚格列木组和巴什基奇克组底部均发育一大套泥石流沉积,表明白垩系卡普沙良群为一期构造活动幕的产物,为一个完整的二级层序,根据沉积演化特征可将其细分为7个三级层序.亚格列木组与舒善河组之间,扇三角洲平原相突变为滨浅湖相沉积,且舒善河组滨岸沙坝微相持续稳定发育,反映前陆盆地楔顶带的发育抑制了构造活动期源于造山带的粗碎屑的供给,使前渊带的沉积物供给速率趋于稳定.此外,克孜勒努尔沟卡普沙良群地层厚度远大于前缘隆起带,与上、下地层呈整合或平行不整合接触.研究表明,克孜勒努尔沟卡普沙良群为一套临近造山带的前渊带沉积.  相似文献   

The Pliocene to possibly Pleistocene uppermost Orubadi and Era Formations, southwest margin of the Papuan Peninsula, are interpreted as having been deposited in alluvial-fan, fan-delta and shallow-marine environments. The alluvial-fan facies consists primarily of lenticular, coarse-grained conglomerate (up to 2 m boulders) and cross-bedded and horizontally laminated sandstone. Conglomerate and sandstone were deposited in shallow fluvial channels and by overbank sheetfloods. The facies also contains thick mudflow diamictite and minor tuff and terrestrial mudstone. The shallow-marine and fan-delta facies, in contrast, consists of heterogeneously interbedded marine and terrestrial mudstone, sandstone, diamictite, conglomerate and limestone. Marine mudstone is calcareous, sandy, bioturbated, and contains marine shells. Limestone is mostly packstone that has a varied, open-marine fauna. Rare coral boundstone is also present. Marine sandstone is burrowed to bioturbated and is hummocky cross-stratified in places. Some marine mudstone contains sandstone pillows formed by loading of unconsolidated sand by storm waves. Other sandstone in the fan-delta facies is cross-bedded, lacks shells and was probably deposited by fluvial processes. Several conglomerate beds in the fan-delta facies are well sorted and imbricated and were also deposited by stream floods. The synorogenic Orubadi and Era Formations were deposited in a foreland basin formed from loading of the Papuan–Aure Fold and Thrust Belt on the edge of the Australian craton. Deformation in the fold and thrust belt was probably related to docking and compression of the Finisterre Terrane–Bismarck Arc against the New Guinea Orogen. The Era Formation interfingers with the reefal Wedge Hill Limestone in which reef facies likely grew on a deforming anticline. Era Formation siliciclastics were sourced from volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks that were uplifted in the orogen to the northeast. Volcanic sediment was derived mostly from a then-active volcanic arc likely related to southward subduction at the Trobriand Trough.  相似文献   

The Western foreland basin in Taiwan originated through the oblique collision between the Luzon volcanic arc and the Asian passive margin. Crustal flexure adjacent to the growing orogenic load created a subsiding foreland basin. The sedimentary record reveals progressively changing sedimentary environments influenced by the orogen approaching from the East. Based on sedimentary facies distribution at five key stratigraphic horizons, paleogeographic maps were constructed. The maps highlight the complicated basin-wide dynamics of sediment dispersal within an evolving foreland basin.The basin physiography changed very little from the middle Miocene (∼12.5 Ma) to the late Pliocene (∼3 Ma). The transition from a passive margin to foreland basin setting in the late Pliocene (∼3 Ma), during deposition of the mud-dominated Chinshui Shale, is dominantly marked by a deepening and widening of the main depositional basin. These finer grained Taiwan derived sediments clearly indicate increased subsidence, though water depths remain relatively shallow, and sedimentation associated with the approach of the growing orogen to the East.In the late Pleistocene as the shallow marine wedge ahead of the growing orogen propagated southward, the proximal parts of the basin evolved into a wedge-top setting introducing deformation and sedimentation in the distal basin. Despite high Pleistocene to modern erosion/sedimentation rates, shallow marine facies persist, as the basin remains open to the South and longitudinal transport is sufficient to prevent it from becoming overfilled or even fully terrestrial.Our paleoenvironmental and paleogeographical reconstructions constrain southward propagation rates in the range of 5–20 km/Myr from 2 Ma to 0.5 Ma, and 106–120 km/Myr between late Pleistocene and present (0.5–0 Ma). The initial rates are not synchronous with the migration of the sediment depocenters highlighting the complexity of sediment distribution and accumulation in evolving foreland basins.  相似文献   

Depending on the analysis of the coeval sedimentary geometry and subsidence mechanism in the Longmen Shan foreland basin, three models about the coupling relationship between Longmen Shan uplift and foreland basin subsidence since the Indosinian have been proposed: (1) crustal shortening and its related wide wedge-shaped foreland basin, (2) crustal isostatic rebound and its related tabular foreland basin, and (3) lower crustal flow and its related narrow wedge-shaped foreland basin. Based on the narrow wedge-shaped foreland basin developed since 4 Ma, it is believed that the narrow crustal shortening and tectonic load driven by lower crustal flow is a primary driver for the present Longmen Shan uplift and the Wenchuan (Ms 8.0) earthquake.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长9油层组三角洲砂岩沉积特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过钻井、录井、测井及岩心等资料的综合分析,识别出辫状河三角洲和曲流河三角洲是鄂尔多斯盆地上三叠统延长组长9油层组主要的三角洲沉积相类型。辫状河三角洲分布于盆地西部,辫状分流河道和辫状水下分流河道发育砂岩,砂岩中主要发育冲刷面、槽状交错层理、板状交错层理和平行层理等,以向上变细的正粒序为主,砂岩粒度概率曲线主要为两段式或三段式。曲流河三角洲分布于盆地东部,陆上分流河道、水下分流河道和河口坝发育砂岩,砂岩中主要发育冲刷面、槽状交错层理、板状交错层理、平行层理和砂纹层理等,以向上变细的正粒序为主,也可见向上变粗的逆粒序,砂岩粒度概率曲线主要为两段式或三段式,可见四段式。进一步的对比分析表明,盆地内长9油层组辫状分流河道、辫状水下分流河道和陆上分流河道中砂体最发育,水下分流河道和河口坝砂体次之。  相似文献   

贺跃  徐备  张立杨  张焱杰 《岩石学报》2018,34(10):3071-3082
兴蒙造山带位于中亚造山带东段,是研究地壳生长与古亚洲洋演化的热点区域。内蒙古中部苏尼特左旗地区位于兴蒙造山带中段,区内分布的上泥盆统色日巴彦敖包组磨拉石建造是古亚洲洋闭合的重要证据之一,前人对其岩石组合、地层层序与沉积环境进行了报道,并指出其属于晚泥盆世的前陆盆地,但未就前陆盆地的属性、分类及其与造山带的空间关系展开详细研究。因此,本研究选择该区东北部的昌特敖包剖面,利用野外实测、锆石U-Pb同位素定年、沉积相分析等方法查明该碎屑沉积的地层层序、形成时代与物质来源,在此基础上补充完善了兴蒙造山带北造山带二级构造单元的划分方案。研究结果表明,昌特敖包剖面碎屑沉积属上泥盆统色日巴彦敖包组,而非前人认为的二叠纪大石寨组地层,其碎屑物质主要来自南部的宝力道岛弧与北部兴安-爱力格庙地块。沉积环境分析表明昌特敖包剖面色日巴彦敖包组主要为冲积扇相沉积,上部过渡到干旱气候火山活动背景下的滨浅海相沉积。综合昌特敖包剖面的沉积、年代、物源及大地构造位置特征,可以推断其代表晚泥盆世造山带的弧背前陆盆地。由此,苏尼特左旗地区北造山带的构造单元在前人划定的前陆变形带、混杂带、周缘前陆盆地、岛弧岩浆岩、同碰撞花岗岩以北,还存在弧背前陆盆地。本研究结果为恢复中亚造山带的构造演化过程提供了关键沉积学证据。  相似文献   

辽西早白垩世早期热河生物群沉积环境及古地理综合研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
巩恩普  梁俊红  李小冬  王春红  崔显德 《地质学报》2007,81(1):1-8,图版Ⅰ-图版Ⅱ
辽西地区早白垩世早期义县组以产出精美的热河生物群而闻名于世,热河生物群研究的每一个重要进展都引起国内外科学家的极大关注。然而热河生物群产出的古地理环境和盆地沉积特征的研究由于受到后期构造破坏和风化作用的影响,难以开展详细的野外工作,研究程度较低。本次系统的野外沉积学工作表明,辽西地区义县组6个沉积层形成于被动大陆边缘向前陆盆地演化过程中的各个阶段,区域沉积环境属于冲积扇-辫状河-曲流河-湖泊沉积体系。从老公沟层到金刚山层经历了沉积环境的频繁变化,岩相类型和岩石组合频繁更替,碎屑供给充分,快速沉积的演化过程,最终完成了盆地充填。全部沉积环境可进一步分为河流和湖泊两大类。河流沉积相在义县组各沉积层的早期占据主体部分,每一盆地构造演化旋回的沉积阶段都是从洪积扇到河流相开始的,并受当时的地质、地理和气候条件的差异分别向淡水湖泊沉积和咸水湖沉积演化。在以河流沉积为主的盆地充填阶段主要由洪(冲)积扇组合、洪泛平原组合和湖岸平原-三角洲组合三种组合模式构成。湖泊沉积主要由静水深湖沉积模式和半咸水湖的(膏盐)碳酸盐沉积模式构成。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯西南缘前陆盆地沉积物物源分析及其构造意义   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
前陆盆地充填沉积物中岩屑的分散形式和砂岩成分研究对确定物源区的逆冲事件、构造背景和与沉积物对应的物源层十分有效。通过对鄂尔多斯西南缘安口地区上三叠统沉积剖面系统采样测定发现,沉积物物源为一套变质碎屑岩和变质火山岩,为东祁连褶皱逆冲带中的陈家河组(O3ch)和葫芦河组(Z-O2hl)。而西南缘千阳县上侏罗统砾岩物源为陇山群(Pt2ln)。上三叠统地层的物源分散形式为混合型,而上三叠统和上侏罗统两套地层统一的分散型式为倒序型,它是两期逆冲活动的沉积响应。根据鄂尔多斯西南缘安口地区上三叠统沉积物的QmFLt端元成分作砂岩三角投影图,确定晚三叠世鄂尔多斯西南缘盆地性质为发育于碰撞造山带之前陆的前陆盆地。其物源为再旋回活动的褶皱逆冲断块  相似文献   

西藏金沙江缝合带西段晚三叠世碰撞作用与沉积响应   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
李勇  王成善  伊海生 《沉积学报》2003,21(2):191-197
青藏高原是由若干条缝合带和其间所夹的沉积盆地构成,其中晚三叠世北羌塘盆地位于金沙江缝合带南缘,盆地的充填实体显示为南薄北厚,为楔形沉积体;在垂向上,以不整合面为界可将该套充填地层划分为两个构造层序,下部构造层序以复理石建造为特征,上部构造层序以磨拉石建造为特征,具有典型的前陆盆地充填序列;盆地具双物源和双古流向体制,沉降中心和沉积中心具有不一致,显示其为金沙江缝合带南侧的周缘前陆盆地,从而确定了晚三叠世北羌塘前陆盆地与金沙江缝合带的成因关系。在此基础上,结合在金沙江缝合带西段新发现和确定的蛇绿岩的最小年龄和碰撞型花岗岩的年龄,本文根据下部构造层序复理石的年龄、前缘隆起的形成年龄、冲断带隆升成为地貌高地的年龄、下部不整合面的时代和前缘隆起型碳酸岩缓坡的形成时间标定了金沙江缝合带碰撞事件的时代下限,根据上部构造层序磨拉石的年龄、上部不整合面的年龄、花岗岩和构造碎裂岩成为物源的年龄标定了金沙江缝合带碰撞事件的时代上限,表明金沙江缝合带初始碰撞事件为卡尼克期与诺利克期之间,最终碰撞事件介于诺利克期与瑞替克期之间.  相似文献   

The petrography and geochemistry (major, trace, and rare earth elements) of clastic sedimentary rocks from the Paleogene Dainan Formation (E2 d) in the North Jiangsu Basin, eastern China, are investigated to trace their provenance and to constrain their tectonic setting. The studied samples are characterized by LREE enrichment, flat HREE, and negative Eu anomaly similar to the upper continental crust composed chiefly of felsic components in the source area. Petrographic observation indicates that the sandstones contain predominant metamorphic and sedimentary clasts that were derived from peripheral recycled orogen and intrabasinal materials. The trace element ratios (Co/Th, La/Sc, La/Th, and Th/U) and the La-Th-Sc ternary plot further confirm that the sandstones are derived from granitic gneiss sources from recycled orogen and the intrabasinal mixed sedimentary provenance. The granitic gneiss source rocks may have derived from the Proterozoic granitic gneiss denuded in the eastern Dabie-Sulu orogen; and the intrabasinal provenance may come from the underlying strata during the Late Paleocene Wubao movement. The chemical index of alteration (CIA) and A-CN-K plot show that these source rocks may have experienced weak to medium chemical weathering. Analysis on tectonic setting of the source area suggests an active continental margin, which is intimate with tectonic feature of the Dabie-sulu orogen and the Yangtze block. In summary, we suggest that the North Jiangsu Basin is an ideal site for the study of the coupling between the uplift of the orogen and the subsidence of the foreland basin.  相似文献   

山西吕梁地区是华北克拉通保存古元古界变质表壳岩良好地区, 其中的岚河群在吕梁山北部岚县南北两侧大量出露, 由碎屑岩、碳酸盐岩夹少量基性火山岩等多个沉积旋回的沉积组合构成, 经历绿片岩相浅变质作用改造, 保留了大量原始沉积构造, 是探讨该群沉积 特征、形成时代及与其它表壳岩群关系的理想对象。 对岚河群 3 件样品的碎屑锆石 LA-ICP-MS U-Pb 定年, 获得底部含砾砂岩最年轻碎屑锆石 2.2 Ga 的峰值年龄, 该群经历了 1.87 Ga 的 区域变质作用, 因而限定岚河群沉积于 2.2~1.87 Ga 之间。 碎屑锆石年龄谱显示了~2.2 Ga 的 主峰期和~2.3 Ga 及太古代中晚期等较小峰期年龄, 指示主要源自古元古代陆壳物质源区, 它们的主峰期年龄锆石与吕梁地区同期岛弧花岗岩锆石 Hf 同位素特征一致, 且其沉积组合反映了物源区活动性较强, 证明岚河群形成于活动陆缘岛弧相关的沉积盆地。 野鸡山群下部的 青杨树湾组和白龙山组沉积组合与岚河群沉积地层序列类似, 它们均形成于 2.2 Ga 左右, 说明野鸡山下部沉积与岚河群相同, 也形成于活动陆缘岛弧环境的沉积盆地, 分别代表了盆地同时异相的沉积产物。 野鸡山群上部程道沟组与黑茶山群沉积序列类似, 具有造山过程相关盆地的磨拉石建造组合特征, 它们均形成于 1.85 Ga 之后, 代表与碰撞造山过程相关前陆盆地快速堆积。 因此, 3 个岩群表壳岩的沉积演化揭示了华北克拉通中部~2.2 Ga 俯冲汇聚相关的活动陆缘岛弧环境, 在~1.85 Ga 转为陆-陆碰撞造山演化过程。  相似文献   

位于印度板块北缘和雅鲁藏布江结合带之间的珠穆朗玛峰北坡地区,属于喜马拉雅造山带,是特提斯洋的重要组成部分。自奥陶纪至古近纪约5亿年期间发育一套基本连续的海相沉积,厚度达14 km,是研究特提斯洋形成演化的最佳地区。作者在对该区显生宙地层主干剖面和辅助剖面详细观察研究以及区域地质调查填图的基础上,将珠穆朗玛峰北坡地区显生宙沉积地层划分为海相、海陆过渡相和陆相3个沉积相组、15个沉积相和若干个沉积亚相。作者通过对该区沉积盆地的地层系统、沉积相、沉积特征的系统研究,将珠穆朗玛峰北坡地区显生宙沉积演化划分为6个阶段:1)奥陶纪-泥盆纪为稳定陆表海演化阶段;2)石炭纪-二叠纪为大陆裂谷盆地演化阶段;3)三叠纪-侏罗纪为被动大陆边缘盆地演化阶段;4)早中白垩世为前陆早期复理石盆地演化阶段;5)晚白垩世-古新世为前陆晚期磨拉石盆地演化阶段;6)古近纪-第四纪为造山隆升断陷盆地形成演化阶段。研究结果表明,珠穆朗玛峰北坡地区显生宙沉积盆地经历了由陆表海盆地-大陆裂谷盆地-被动大陆边缘盆地-前陆盆地-断陷盆地的演化过程。  相似文献   

川西盆地演化及盆地叠合特征研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
川西盆地位于青藏高原松潘甘孜构造带东缘龙门山前陆地带,是四川盆地的一部分。自震旦纪以来,川西盆地经历了海相盆地与陆相盆地两个时期的演化,其中陆相盆地演化与松潘-甘孜构造带及龙门山的形成发展密切相关。晚三叠世以来,川西盆地与松潘-甘孜构造带、龙门山构造带之间经历了盆岭耦合与盆山耦合两期构造动力学演化过程,形成了结构复杂、多期演化的叠合盆地,其盆地性质、类型在不同地质时期各不相同。总的说来,川西盆地经历稳定克拉通海盆发展时期(震旦纪-中三叠世)、海陆交互相断陷盆地发展时期(上三叠世须家河组一段-须家河组三段)、陆相坳陷盆地发展时期(须家河组四段-中侏罗纪世)、前陆盆地发展时期(晚侏罗世-现今),最终形成了4期单型盆地的有序叠置。  相似文献   

This work presents sedimentological observations and interpretations on three detailed sections of the Pliocene Yutengping/Ailiaochiao formations, deposited in the early stages of collision in Taiwan. Seven facies associations record paleoenvironments of deposition ranging from nearshore to lower offshore with a strong influence of tidal reworking, even in shelfal sub-tidal environments, and a pro-delta setting characterized by mass-flows. The association of shallow facies of the upper offshore to lower shoreface with pro-delta turbidite facies sourced in the orogen to the east suggests a peculiar setting in which turbidite deposition occurred below wave base but on the shelf, in water depths of probably less than 100 m. This adds to the examples of “shallow turbidites” increasingly commonly found in foreland basins and challenges the classical view of a “deep” early underfilled foreland basin. Time series analysis on tidal rhythmites allow us to identify a yearly signal in the form of periodic changes of sand-supply, energy and bioturbation that suggests a marked seasonality possibly affecting precipitation and sediment delivery as well as temperature. The Taiwan foreland basin may also present a potentially high-resolution record in shallow sediments of the early installation of monsoonal circulation patterns in east Asia. We confirm partly the paleogeography during the early stages of collision in Taiwan: the Chinese margin displayed a pronounced non-cylindrical geometry with a large basement promontory to the west in place of the modern Taiwan mountain range. Collision in Taiwan may have happened at once along the whole length of the modern mountain range, instead of progressively from north to south as classically considered.  相似文献   

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