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北京居民活动与出行行为时空数据采集与管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柴彦威  申悦  马修军  赵莹 《地理研究》2013,32(3):441-451
本研究对传统活动日志调查与基于GPS、LBS的移动数据采集在居民活动—移动数据的获取和应用方面进行对比,并以2010年7月在北京进行的居民活动与移动调查为例,探讨了个体行为时空数据采集的方法、存在问题和处理方式。北京市的实验调查采取活动日志调查与基于GPS、GSM两种不同定位方式的移动数据采集相结合的方法,以定位设备为基础、以互动式调查网站为平台、以面对面和电话访谈为补充,对天通苑和亦庄两个郊区居住区的样本居民进行了为期一周的行为时空数据采集。针对时空轨迹和活动日志存在的问题分别进行处理,并对数据质量进行管理,旨在为城市活动—移动系统研究中的精细化的数据采集与管理提供理论、方法和实践经验。  相似文献   

本文在梳理城市地理学与时间地理学相关概念的基础上总结给出了城市时空间结构的概念内涵。城市时空间结构的内涵是以时间地理学对人地关系地域系统的研究作为基本方法,在城市地域内,以居民日常活动的一个基本周期作为时间尺度,该时空范围内所有人时空活动的关系及其组合状态。具体研究内容包括四个方面:其一,回顾了城市时空间结构的渊源,并对城市实体空间、城市社会空间、城市认知空间以及城市时空间概念进行了对比分析。其二,对国内外城市时空间及其相关研究进行了简要的归纳和梳理。其三,对国内城市时空结构的相关研究进行了回顾。其四,对城市时空间结构研究的相关内容进行了述评。认为随着地理信息技术的发展和多元数据的出现,城市时空间结构有如下特点:在研究内容方面,城市时空间结构研究的内容和切入点不断增多;在研究方法方面不断成熟,时空路径模拟、时空展示和对大数据处理技术方面不断成熟;在研究数据方面,逐步从传统的以出行日志为主的数据源走向以GPS数据和手机数据及其他数据相结合的多元数据融合。  相似文献   

范淑斌  申悦 《地理科学进展》2022,41(11):2086-2098
可达性是人文地理学和相关学科研究的核心议题之一。在“以人为本”理念的影响下,以时间地理学理论为基础、基于人的研究范式的时空可达性测度方法受到学者关注,成为生活质量、社会公平等议题的重要切入点。论文通过刻画整日潜在活动空间对个体的时空可达性进行测度,并以上海市郊区为案例地区,基于2017年居民活动日志一手调查数据开展实证研究。首先利用路网分析、二次开发等方法,对个体工作日和休息日的潜在活动空间进行测度;其次以弹性时间、整日潜在活动空间面积和可达设施密度为测度指标,利用GIS三维可视化、方差分析等方法分析时空可达性的特征及其在空间和时间维度的分异;最后,利用多元回归分析方法,探讨区位因素、时间因素和社会经济属性对居民时空可达性的影响。研究结果表明,上海市郊区居民的时空可达性在空间和时间维度上均存在着明显的分异,其中远郊居民面临着更强的时空制约和更大的空间困境;区位因素和时间因素是影响居民时空可达性的重要因素。该研究是时空可达性的测度方法在郊区中的实证检验,揭示了时空可达性的动态特征和个体间差异,为设施的时空优化配置和郊区新城建设中居民生活质量的提高提供了实证依据。  相似文献   

This article develops an innovative and flexible Bayesian spatial multilevel model to examine the sociospatial variations in perceived neighborhood satisfaction, using a large-scale household satisfaction survey in Beijing. In particular, we investigate the impact of a variety of housing tenure types on neighborhood satisfaction, controlling for household and individual sociodemographic attributes and geographical contextual effects. The proposed methodology offers a flexible framework for modeling spatially clustered survey data widely used in social science research by explicitly accounting for spatial dependence and heterogeneity effects. The results show that neighborhood satisfaction is influenced by individual, locational, and contextual factors. Homeowners, except those of resettlement housing, tend to be more satisfied with their neighborhood environment than renters. Moreover, the impacts of housing tenure types on satisfaction vary significantly in different neighborhood contexts and spatial locations.  相似文献   

李露凝  刘梦航  李强  胡成  陈晋 《地理科学进展》2021,40(11):1970-1982
把握人类活动的时空特征是地理学研究中探究人地关系、提升人类福祉的重要基础和核心内容,日益普及的Wi-Fi网络能够为此提供可靠的数据支持。为明确Wi-Fi数据融入地理学研究的切入点和发展方向,论文通过与GPS、手机信令、蓝牙等位置感应数据的比较,认为Wi-Fi数据具有更高的采样精度和更强的采样代表性,能够获取个体在室内外各类城市空间的连续活动轨迹,支撑精细尺度下的人类活动研究。通过系统梳理人群活动状态监测、个体间的社会关系识别、建筑物的功能识别和降低隐私泄露风险等方面的研究进展,认为Wi-Fi数据将会在基于实时动态人口数据的城市功能设施规划、融合多源数据的人地关系探究、以居民福祉为导向的宜居城市建设等方面具有应用前景,有望成为地理学研究人类活动的新支点。  相似文献   

饶婧雯  马静  柴彦威 《地理研究》2022,41(4):1183-1193
已有关于空气污染与幸福感的文献主要使用空气质量监测点的数据探讨基于居住地的静态污染暴露与居民长期幸福感的关系,缺乏考虑时空行为视角下的实时动态空气污染暴露对日常活动满意度的影响机理。根据2017年北京居民日常活动与环境健康调查数据,探讨不同活动属性的主客观空气污染暴露及活动满意度的时空差异,分析基于实时空气污染暴露的社会分异,并利用结构方程模型挖掘个人社会经济属性、居民日常活动特征、以及不同活动地点实时测度和主观感知的空气污染水平对活动满意度的影响机制及作用路径。结果表明:不同社会经济属性群体由于日常活动所处的微观环境不同,承受的实时空气污染暴露存在显著的社会分异;客观空气污染对活动满意度的直接影响并不显著,但能显著影响主观空气污染评价,而主观空气污染评价则能显著降低活动满意度,因此客观空气污染主要通过影响主观污染评价进而对活动满意度产生显著的间接效应。此外,空气污染会调节社会经济属性对活动满意度的影响效应。  相似文献   

城市居民日常身体活动时空分异特征及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
姜玉培  甄峰  赵梦妮  曹晨 《地理科学》2019,39(9):1496-1506
依托南京主城区居民日常身体活动调查数据,基于身体活动时空维度,挖掘城市居民日常身体活动时空分异特征,并采用混合效应模型探究身体活动分异的影响因素。研究表明:居民日常身体活动时空异质特征明显。工作日/非工作日不同类型身体活动时间安排及个体间差异均显著;工作性、交通性、家务性身体活动空间制约明显,而休闲性身体活动空间分布更具弹性;与工作日相比,非工作日不同类型身体活动空间范围变化收敛与扩散特征并存。活动空间范围、个人社会经济属性、自身健康状况对居民日常身体活动分异均具有显著影响。具体而言,居民日常活动空间范围决定身体活动的空间适应与选择;社会分工差异导致不同性别、年龄人群身体活动具有指向性;身体活动时间出现与个人社会经济实力倒置现象;而良好健康状态会激励居民日常身体活动的保持。  相似文献   

Social media applications are widely deployed in mobile platforms equipped with built-in GPS tracking devices, and these devices have led to an unprecedented collection of geolocated data (geo-tags). Geo-tags, along with place names, offer new opportunities to explore the trajectory and mobility patterns of social media users. However, trajectory data captured by social media are sparsely and irregularly spaced and therefore have varying degrees of resolution in both space and time. Previous studies on next location prediction are mostly applicable for detecting the upcoming location of a moving object using dense GPS trajectories where locations are recorded at regular time intervals (e.g., 1 minute). Additionally, point features are commonly used to represent the locations of visits, but using point features cannot capture the variability of human mobility. This article introduces a new methodology to predict an individual’s next location based on sparse footprints accumulated over a long time period using social networks, and uses polygons to represent the location corresponding to the physical activity area of individuals. First, the density-based spatial clustering algorithm is employed to discover the most representative activity zones that an individual frequently visits on a daily basis, and a polygon-based region is then derived for each representative activity zone. A sparse mobility Markov chain model considering both the movements and online behaviors of the social media user is trained and used to predict the user’s next location. Initial experiments with a group of Washington DC Twitter users demonstrate that the proposed methodology successfully discovers the activity regions and predicts the user’s next location with accuracy approaching 78.94%.  相似文献   


We present methodological advances to a recently developed framework to study sequential habitat use by animals using a visually-explicit and tree-based Sequence Analysis Method (SAM), derived from molecular biology and more recently used in time geography. Habitat use sequences are expressed as annotations obtained by intersecting GPS movement trajectories with environmental layers. Here, we develop IM-SAM, where we use the individual reference area of use as the reference spatial context. To assess IM-SAM’s applicability, we investigated the sequential use of open and closed habitats across multiple European roe deer populations ranging in landscapes with contrasting structure. Starting from simulated sequences based on a mechanistic movement model, we found that different sequential patterns of habitat use were distinguished as separate, robust clusters, with less variable cluster size when habitats were present in equal proportions within the individual reference area of use. Application on real roe deer sequences showed that our approach effectively captured variation in spatio-temporal patterns of sequential habitat use, and provided evidence for important behavioral processes, such as day-night habitat alternation. By characterizing sequential habitat use patterns of animals, we may better evaluate the temporal trade-offs in animal habitat use and how they are affected by changes in landscapes.  相似文献   

Monitoring and predicting traffic conditions are of utmost importance in reacting to emergency events in time and for computing the real-time shortest travel-time path. Mobile sensors, such as GPS devices and smartphones, are useful for monitoring urban traffic due to their large coverage area and ease of deployment. Many researchers have employed such sensed data to model and predict traffic conditions. To do so, we first have to address the problem of associating GPS trajectories with the road network in a robust manner. Existing methods rely on point-by-point matching to map individual GPS points to a road segment. However, GPS data is imprecise due to noise in GPS signals. GPS coordinates can have errors of several meters and, therefore, direct mapping of individual points is error prone. Acknowledging that every GPS point is potentially noisy, we propose a radically different approach to overcome inaccuracy in GPS data. Instead of focusing on a point-by-point approach, our proposed method considers the set of relevant GPS points in a trajectory that can be mapped together to a road segment. This clustering approach gives us a macroscopic view of the GPS trajectories even under very noisy conditions. Our method clusters points based on the direction of movement as a spatial-linear cluster, ranks the possible route segments in the graph for each group, and searches for the best combination of segments as the overall path for the given set of GPS points. Through extensive experiments on both synthetic and real datasets, we demonstrate that, even with highly noisy GPS measurements, our proposed algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of both accuracy and computational cost.  相似文献   


Datasets collecting the ever-changing position of moving individuals are usually big and possess high spatial and temporal resolution to reveal activity patterns of individuals in greater detail. Information about human mobility, such as ‘when, where and why people travel’, is contained in these datasets and is necessary for urban planning and public policy making. Nevertheless, how to segregate the users into groups with different movement and behaviours and generalise the patterns of groups are still challenging. To address this, this article develops a theoretical framework for uncovering space-time activity patterns from individual’s movement trajectory data and segregating users into subgroups according to these patterns. In this framework, individuals’ activities are modelled as their visits to spatio-temporal region of interests (ST-ROIs) by incorporating both the time and places the activities take place. An individual’s behaviour is defined as his/her profile of time allocation on the ST-ROIs she/he visited. A hierarchical approach is adopted to segregate individuals into subgroups based upon the similarity of these individuals’ profiles. The proposed framework is tested in the analysis of the behaviours of London foot patrol police officers based on their GPS trajectories provided by the Metropolitan Police.  相似文献   

北京城市老年人的日常活动路径及其时空特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
运用时间地理学方法,通过对北京市3个典型城市社区中老年人24h活动日志的问卷调查,描述北京城市老年人日常生活活动类型的一般时空特征.运用日活动路径分析,从微观层面探讨老年人的年龄、性别、收入、家庭结构等因素对一天的时间尺度内日常生活活动的影响.通过考察城市老年人日常生活活动的一般性规律和个性化差异,为适应老龄化趋势的和谐城市规划建设实践提供科学依据.  相似文献   

基于GPS数据的北京市郊区巨型社区居民日常活动空间   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
申悦  柴彦威 《地理学报》2013,68(4):506-516
在城市快速郊区化的过程中,北京市兴建了大规模的郊区经济适用房居住区和郊区新城,形成了特有的郊区居住和日常生活空间。由于这些郊区巨型社区周边配套设施和就业岗位的不足,造成了社区居民的长距离通勤,激化了北京市交通拥堵、职住空间错位等城市问题,也降低了居民的生活质量。伴随着人文地理学中的行为转向,时空间行为已成为透视城市空间的重要视角,行为论方法中的活动空间作为城市社会空间研究的重要测度,受到国内外学者的关注,而国内已有的活动空间研究往往基于传统问卷调查数据利用密度插值法从汇总的角度进行分析,忽略了居民的个体差异性。本研究利用2010 年基于GPS的北京市活动与出行调查数据,以天通苑和亦庄两个郊区巨型社区为例,采用GIS 空间分析和标准置信椭圆法,从非汇总角度对郊区居民的整日活动空间进行测度,并在居民活动空间叠加分析的基础上,研究北京市郊区巨型社区居民工作日和休息日的日常活动空间及其对城区空间和案例社区附近空间的利用情况,挖掘工作日居民对城区空间利用的影响因素,从而透视中国大城市郊区化存在的问题。  相似文献   


In this study, we examine the relationship between neighborhood-based social capital and residents’ life satisfaction by considering resident heterogeneity. Using a database of the city of Rotterdam, The Netherlands, we find a small but significant positive association between neighborhood-based social capital and individual life satisfaction. However, we also find considerable differences among residents because neighborhood-based social capital is important mainly for people who are more likely to spend considerable time in the neighborhood or who are more neighborhood dependent (i.e. less-educated people, people who live on welfare, people with poor health, retired people, and those who are divorced or widowed). Our results confirm the importance of neighborhood-based social capital for residents’ life satisfaction in terms of both actual social contacts with neighbors and the perceived social cohesion within a neighborhood. At the same time, the importance of neighborhood-based social capital varies among different groups of residents. These findings have important implications for policy-makers.  相似文献   

基于结构方程模型的西宁城市居民通勤行为及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张雪  柴彦威 《地理研究》2018,37(11):2331-2343
近年来,中国城市转型中居民职住关系的变化对通勤交通方式、通勤时间的影响,以及不同居住区居民通勤行为的差异性,引起了学者们的广泛关注。基于2013年西宁市居民活动日志调查数据,分析西宁居民通勤行为的居住区差异,利用结构方程模型分析通勤距离、通勤交通方式、通勤时间三者之间的关系,探讨居住区类型及个人社会经济属性因素对于通勤行为的影响。研究发现,通勤距离对通勤交通方式、通勤时间有显著的正向影响;男性、自有房者、高收入者、兼职就业者、高学历者采用机动化通勤方式的比例较高;在控制个人社会经济属性之后,居住区类型属性仍然对居民通勤行为产生显著影响。基于以上发现,对西宁城市交通发展和空间布局提出政策建议。  相似文献   

家庭企划是个体日常生活的重要情境,其实现依赖于家庭成员的分工和组合,同时受到时空制约与时空资源的影响。以往日常活动与交通出行研究多以家庭属性作为个体行为背景,基于个体的时间利用与活动参与进行性别差异研究,对家庭成员联合行为与分工的研究相对不足。论文借助时间地理学中企划情境的概念,从家庭企划的视角对北京上地—清河地区3个典型案例家庭中所有成员一周时空路径进行解读,深入分析在不同制约与资源下,家庭成员的日常活动和出行的分工与组合,从企划的视角深化对个体时空行为模式的理解。研究发现,家长就业状况及职住空间关系、孩子年龄、是否与父母同住、私家车拥有和使用情况等对家庭企划的实现过程有重要影响,呈现出不同的分工与组合模式。在家庭企划实现过程中,制约与资源的动态转化体现了家庭地方秩序的构建与重构,有助于理解家庭成员日常活动的惯常性与偶然性。总之,家庭企划视角的引入有助于精准了解居民行为需求和制约机制、提供精细化的规划与管理服务。  相似文献   

The simultaneous implementation of daily activity–travel schedules of individuals in a given spatial environment generally gives rise to time- and location-varying congestion levels, which affect the conditions for subsequent activity and travel choices. Although such dynamics are commonly recognized, current activity-based models typically ignore the adaptive behaviour of individuals. In this article, we propose an agent-based simulation system that allows one to simulate, in addition to activity-scheduling behaviour, also the execution of schedules in space and time. Congestion levels at specific times and places emerge in the system and may lead to discrepancies between scheduled and actual activity and travel times. Agents respond to such unforeseen events by reconsidering an existing schedule (within-day re-planning) and by adapting their expectations about traffic conditions for subsequent days (learning). The system is illustrated using the activity–travel diary data collected in the Eindhoven region, the Netherlands, to better understand the choice of urban parks in the study area. We discuss the merits of the system for transport and spatial planning and identify avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Urban research on segregation and integration has been dominated by an obsessive focus on ethno-racial residential patterns, obscuring the multidimensional facets of separation versus encounter that define contemporary urban experience. In this study, we develop an explicitly multidimensional theoretical perspective that relates segregation/integration not only to residential location, but also to daily activity spaces, social networks, transnational media and communications environments, and aspects of identity and sense of place. To disentangle residential location from other facets of segregation/integration, we use GPS and interview data to analyze the socio-spatial experiences of 60 Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel who live in ethnically homogenous Arab towns—divided equally between “localists” versus “commuters” who spend most of their daytime hours working in Jewish-Israeli spaces. While results highlight many important consequences of commuters’ long hours of daily exposure to Jewish urban mileux, daily activity spaces are only marginally associated with other dimensions of socio-spatial integration. Our analysis reveals evidence of complex relations amongst the multiple dimensions of segregation and integration. Partial integration on a few of these dimensions is insufficient to overcome the structural stratification of Arabs in contemporary Israeli society.  相似文献   

人类活动轨迹的分类、模式和应用研究综述   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
各种传感器的应用与发展,如车载GPS、手机、公交卡、银行卡等,记录了人类的活动轨迹。这些海量的人类活动轨迹数据中蕴含着人类行为的时空分布模式。通过对这些轨迹的研究可以挖掘个体轨迹模式,理解人类动力学特征,进而为对轨迹预测、城市规划、交通监测等提供支持。因此,研究各类传感器记录的人类活动轨迹数据成为当前的研究热点。本文对人类活动轨迹的获取与表达方式进行剖析,并将人类的活动轨迹按照采样方式和驱动因素的不同分为基于时间间隔采样、基于位置采样和基于事件触发采样等3类轨迹数据。由于各类轨迹数据均由起始点、锚点和一般节点等构成,因而将轨迹模式挖掘的研究按照锚点、出行范围、形状模式、OD流模式、时间模式等进行组织,研究成果揭示人类活动轨迹在时间、空间的从聚模式、周期性等特点。在此基础上,将人类活动轨迹在城市研究中的应用,按照用户轨迹预测、城市动态景观、城市交通模拟与监控、城市功能单元识别以及城市中其他方面的研究应用进行系统综述,认为人类活动模式挖掘是城市规划、城市交通、公共安全等方面应用的基础。  相似文献   

马宁  何丽烨  梁苏洁  郭军 《地理学报》2020,75(3):485-496
本文使用1981—2015年京津冀地区逐日气温和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了京津冀地区冬季冷空气过程的低频环流特征,以及西伯利亚高压(SH)的低频变化特征及其对京津冀冷空气过程的影响。分析表明,冬季京津冀气温和SH都存在10~30 d显著低频周期,且二者的低频分量之间存在显著的超前滞后相关。京津冀冷空气过程主要发生在低频气温从零位相到谷值的下降阶段,以及低频SH从峰值到零位相的下降阶段。随着京津冀气温和SH的10~30 d低频变化,亚洲近地面层和中层大气环流均表现出一个从西北向东南传播的低频变化周期。影响京津冀地区的低温异常最早出现在喀拉海附近并在亚洲高纬地区维持和积累,产生持续冷却作用;同时中层相应区域维持的强气旋性环流异常表明有持续的大气辐合,中层辐合下沉与近地面持续冷却作用配合形成近地面异常高压。异常高压伴随异常低温南下过程中与中层加强的东亚大槽配合,使京津冀地区处于整层北风异常中,易形成冷空气过程。  相似文献   

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