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Three sediment cores were taken from the Pearl River estuary and adjacent northern South China Sea (SCS). These sediment cores span the time interval 1900–2000 AD. The stratigraphy of the concentration, the ratio of total organic carbon (TOC) to total nitrogen (TN) and stable isotope (δ13Corg) of organic carbon (OC) from three high-resolution sediment cores were analyzed. The stratigraphic profiles of OC concentration, TOC/TN ratios and δ13Corg for the near past 100 yrs indicate that terrestrial organic matter decreases from 68.3% to 27.4% of the TOC in the Pearl River estuary, while Dapeng Bay (offshore east of Hong Kong) apparently had throughout little terrestrial organic matter input. The highest deposited OC occurs at the Humen River mouth and the OC concentrations are higher in the outer estuary than in the inner shelf of the northern SCS. The deposited OC at the River mouth increased with time, which could be caused by the high precipitation of land-derived organic matter and the high input of terrestrial organic matter, which is likely related to the rapid urbanization and industrial development in the Pearl River Delta since the 1970s. The OC concentrations did not exhibit an obvious increase with time in most areas of the Pear River estuary and adjacent inner shelf of the SCS, but the algal-derived OC concentration inferred from the δ13Corg values increased with time especially from 1980 to 2000 in the outer Pearl River estuary and Dapeng Bay. This increase is presumably caused by enhanced primary marine productivity supported by higher anthropogenic nutrient inputs.  相似文献   

The influence of the northern Atlantic and tropical monsoonal systems, as recorded by the River Nile, on the climate variability of the southeastern Mediterranean was studied in two cores taken by the R/V Marion Dufresne: one core taken SE of Cyprus representing the northern Levantine Basin (core 9501, 980 m water depth) and the other located ˜380 km further south, represents the southeastern Levantine Basin in an area influenced by the River Nile plume (core 9509, 884 m water depth). The study was performed at relatively high resolution using several proxies: δ18O of Globigerinoides ruber, sediment characteristics and index colour parameters in core sections representing the last 86 ka. A low-resolution alkenone sea surface temperature record was also measured. The time frame in both cores was mostly constrained by ‘wiggle’ matching with the nearby well-dated δ18O and δ13C record of the Soreq Cave, which is mainly influenced by the eastern Mediterranean water vapor. The sedimentary record of the southern core is strongly influenced by the River Nile contribution throughout the last 86 ka, as evidenced by the higher sedimentation rates compared with the northern core (20 cm/ka vs. 5 cm/ka), continuously darker sediment colour, and higher TOC values (0.6–0.9 vs. 0.25 wt% not including sapropels). During sapropels S1 and S3, present in both cores, the influence of the River Nile became more widespread, reaching as far as Cyprus. Yet, the influence of the River Nile remained stronger in the south, as evident by the higher TOC values in the southern core throughout the entire 90 ka period and the longer duration of S1 in the southern core. An anomalous low δ18O interval that is not recorded in western Mediterranean occurred between 58 and 49 ka in the Levantine Basin and is more developed in the northern core. This period correlates with D-O interstadial 14 and maximum northern hemisphere insolation during the lastglacial cycle, suggesting that the warming mainly impacted the northern Levant.The Eastern Mediterranean Sea and land area was considerably warmer than the western Mediterranean throughout the LGM – Holocene transition, and the δ18OG. ruber drop of 4.5‰ is significantly greater than the 3‰ shift found for the western Mediterranean δ18OG. bulloides, both differences reflecting an increased continental effect from the western to eastern Mediterranean. Comparison between the marine and the land δ18O records suggests that the origin of rain over the land is composed of mixed signal from the southern and northern Levantine Basin. The study of Δδ18Osea–land variations demonstrates that various factors have influenced the sea–land relationship during the last 90 ka. The ‘amount effect’ has an important influence on rainfall δ18O during interglacial periods (particularly sapropel periods), whereas during glacial periods, increased land distances and elevation differences arising from decrease in sea level may have brought about decrease in δ18O of rainfall due to Rayleigh distillation processes. These influences were superimposed on those of sea surface water δ18O changes brought about by continental ice melting, and the strong effects felt in the southern Levantine Basin of the high River Nile input during periods of enhanced monsoonal activity.  相似文献   

Repetitive patterns in the records of total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and δ13Corg observed in the Lake Hovsgol sediment section from HDP-04 drill core reflect past changes in productivity of Lake Hovsgol and in the isotopic composition of the lake's carbon pool. Lake Hovsgol productivity proxy signals are interpreted to represent the response of the Hovsgol lacustrine system to glacial–interglacial cycles of the Pleistocene. This interpretation is supported by the apparent orbitally-forced pattern in the TOC, TN and δ13Corg records of the past 250 ka in the BDP-96-2 drill core from neighboring Lake Baikal.The intervals with independent age control, such as the radiocarbon-dated last glacial–interglacial transition and the paleomagnetic reversals, make it evident that productivity proxy signals are reliable indicators of past cold-to-warm and warm-to-cold climate transitions, as seen from the agreement with the pattern of global climate change in marine δ18O records. The Brunhes/Matuyama reversal during the MIS 19 interglacial coincides with a distinct peak of TOC and TN in the Hovsgol record, similar to the signal during the Holocene interglacial. By contrast, the upper Jaramillo reversal in the Lake Hovsgol record occurs in a diatom-free calcareous interval characterized by minima in TOC, TN and by a ‘glacial’-type range of δ13Corg values. In both Lake Baikal and Lake Hovsgol records, peaks in TOC and TN contents help distinguishing past interglacials and interstadials, and isotopically-heaviest δ13Corg values help identify past glacial intervals.An age model for the HDP-04 drill core section is proposed based on recognizing the repetitive patterns in Lake Hovsgol productivity and lithologic records as regional paleoclimate cycles of middle to late Pleistocene. Absolute dates and diatom biostratigraphic correlation ties to the Lake Baikal record are used as key controls. In the proposed age model, the interval 81–24 m in the HDP-04 sediment section below the major unconformity is correlated to MIS 27 through late MIS 13, whereas the upper 24 m of the HDP-04 section is suggested to have recovered the sedimentary record of late MIS 7 to MIS 1.  相似文献   

Structures and carbon isotopic compositions of biomarkers and kerogen pyrolysis products of a dolomite, a bituminous shale and an oil shale of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (KCF) in Dorset were studied in order to gain insight into (i) the type and extent of water column anoxia and (ii) changes in the concentration and isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the palaeowater column. The samples studied fit into the curve of increasing δ13C of the kerogen (δ13CTOC) with increasing TOC, reported by Huc et al. (1992). Their hypothesis, that the positive correlation between TOC and δ13CTOC is the result of differing degrees of organic matter (OM) mineralisation in the water column, was tested by measuring the δ13C values of primary production markers. These δ13C values were found to differ on average by only 1‰ among the samples, implying that differences in the extent of OM mineralisation cannot fully account for the 3‰ difference in δ13CTOC. The extractable OM in the oil shale differs from that in the other sediments due to both differences in maturity, and differences in the planktonic community. These differences, however, are not likely to have significantly influenced δ13CTOC either. All three sediments contain abundant derivatives of isorenieratene, indicating that periodically euxinia was extending into the photic zone. The sediments are rich in organic sulfur, as revealed by the abundant sulfur compounds in the pyrolysates. The prominence of C1-C3 alkylated thiophenes over n-alkanes and n-alkenes is most pronounced in the pyrolysate of the sediment richest in TOC. This suggests that sulfurisation of OM may have played an important role in determining the TOC-δ13CTOC relationship reported by Huc et al. (1992).  相似文献   

A sediment core from the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) was analyzed for grain size and organic geochemistry parameters (TOC and δ13Corg). The results showed that high mean grain-size value and increased sand content were correlated with the high TOC and negative δ13Corg. These results indicated high river runoff in the PRE area. Peak river discharge occurred during the periods 1900–1750, 1500–1600, 1400–1200, 1000–900 and 750–600 cal yr BP. The main changes recorded in grain-size distributions, TOC contents, and δ13Corg variations appear to be directly related to monsoon precipitation in the sediment source area. An increased East Asian summer monsoon rainfall (EASM) and/or an enhanced East Asian winter monsoon rainfall could result in the increasing of monsoon rainfall. Typhoon related rainfalls could act as positive influence on precipitation levels. The study of the correlations between the rainfall records and ENSO activities revealed a close relationship between the monsoon rainfall in the PRE and the tropical Pacific variations. The frequent occurrence of ENSO might result in the southern migration of the EASM rain belt and lead to more typhoon-derived rainfall in the PRD during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

Black carbon (BC) in soils plays a key role of carrying hydrophobic pollutants like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). However, little is known about the spatial distribution, sources of BC and its relationship with PAHs in urban soils. We studied BC, total organic carbon (TOC) and PAHs concurrently in 77 soils collected from downtown area, suburban and rural area and industrial area of Shanghai, China. BC was determined by both chemical oxidation (dichromate oxidation, BCCr) and chemo-thermal oxidation (CTO-375, BCCTO). BC sources were identified qualitatively by BC/TOC concentration ratios and BC-cogenerated high molecular weight (HMW) PAH isomer ratios and quantitatively by principal component analysis followed by multiple linear regression (PCA-MLR). Results showed that BCCr concentration (4.65 g/kg on average) was significantly higher than BCCTO (1.91 g/kg on average) in Shanghai soils. BCCr concentrations in industrial area were significantly higher than those in other two. Stronger correlation was found between PAHs and TOC, BCCr than that between PAHs and BCCTO, which indicates the possibility of PAHs being carried by charcoal and other organic matters thus negating its exclusive dependence on soot. Charcoal was therefore suggested to be taken into account in studies of BC and its sorption of PAHs. BC/TOC ratios showed a mixed source of biomass burning and fossil fuel combustion. PCA scores of BC-cogenerated HMW PAHs isomer ratios in potential sources and soil samples clearly demonstrated that sources of BC in urban soils may fall into two categories: coal and biomass combustion, and traffic (oil combustion and tire wear). PCA-MLR of HMW PAHs concentrations in soil samples indicated that coal and oil combustion had the largest contribution to BC in urban soils while tire wear and biomass combustion were important in downtown and rural area, respectively, which indicated they were main sources of HMW PAHs and presumably of BC.  相似文献   

The distribution and nature of sedimentary organic matter (OM) have been examined in sediment cores collected from the lower reaches, including estuary, of the Godavari River in order to understand sedimentation patterns, sources, and diagenesis of OM. The samples were analyzed for organic carbon (Corg), total nitrogen, amino acids and hexosamines. The observed irregular trends in Corg distribution with depth indicate the unstable nature of bed sediment in the lower reaches of the river. Yet, in the lower estuarine region, regular trends in Corg distribution with depth reflect the deposition of sediment. The atomic ratio of Corg and total nitrogen (C/N; 10.5–16.1) also supported this observation. The distribution of amino acids and diagenetic indicators (β-ala+γ-aba mol.%, AA/HA and Glc-NH2/Gal-NH2) in individual cores revealed the post-depositional changes in the OM. In the core sediment from the lower reaches, there was no clear cut trend in amino acid content with depth. In the estuarine region, however, amino acid content was very low (50.5 and 186.5 μg g−1) in the upper layers compared to that in the lower layers (558.5 and 1099.3 μg g−1). Reactivity index (range 0.3–3.7) revealed that OM in the upper few centimeters, especially in the lower estuarine region, was more reactive relative to that in the deeper layers.  相似文献   

Ordos Basin, the second largest sedimentary basin in China, contains enormous natural gas resources. Each of the four giant gas fields discovered so far in this basin (i.e., Sulige, Yulin, Wushenqi and Jingbian) has over 100 billion cubic meters (bcm) or 3.53 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of proven gas reserves. This study examines the stable carbon isotope data of 125 gas samples collected from the four giant gas fields in the Ordos Basin. Source rocks in the Upper Paleozoic coal measures are suggested by the generally high δ13C values of C1–C4 gaseous hydrocarbons in the gases from the Sulige, Yulin and Wushenqi gas fields. While the δ13CiC4 value is higher than that of the δ13CnC4, the dominant ranges for the δ13C1, δ13C2, and δ13C3 values in these Upper Paleozoic reservoired gases are −34 to −32‰, −27 to −23‰, and −25 to −24‰, respectively. The δ13C values of methane, benzene and toluene in gases from the Lower Paleozoic reservoirs of the Jingbian field indicate a significant contribution from humic source rocks, as they are similar to those in the Upper Paleozoic reservoirs of the Sulige, Yulin and Wushenqi gas fields. However, the wide variation and reversal in the δ13C1, δ13C2 and δ13C3 values in the Jinbian gases cannot be explained using a single source scenario, thus the gases were likely derived dominantly from the Carboniferous-Permian coal measures with some contribution from the carbonates in the Lower Permian Taiyuan Formation. The gas isotope data and extremely low total organic carbon contents (<0.2% TOC) suggest that the Ordovician Majiagou Formation carbonates are unlikely to be a significant gas source rock, thus almost all of the economic gas accumulations in the Ordos Basin were derived from Upper Paleozoic source rocks.  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples were collected from the Squamish River Delta, British Columbia, in order to determine the role of sediment surface area in the preservation of organic matter (OM) in a paralic sedimentary environment. The Squamish Delta is an actively prograding delta, located at the head of Howe Sound.Bulk total organic carbon (TOC) values across the Squamish Delta are low, ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 wt.%. The carbon/total nitrogen ratio (Corg/N) ranges from 6 to 17, which is attributed to changes in OM type and facies variations. The <25-μm fraction has TOC concentrations up to 2.0 wt.%, and a Corg/N ratio that ranges from 14 to 16. The 53–106-μm fraction has higher TOC concentrations and Corg/N ratios relative to the 25–53-μm fraction. The Corg/N ratio ranges from 9 to 18 in the 53–106-μm fraction and 5.5–10.5 in the 25–53-μm fraction. Surface area values for bulk sediments are low (0.5–3.0 m2/g) due to the large proportion of silt size material. Good correlation between surface area and TOC in bulk samples suggests that OM is adsorbed to mineral surfaces. Similar relationships between surface area and TOC were observed in size-fractionated samples. Mineralogy and elemental composition did not correlate with TOC concentration.The relationships between surface area, TOC and total nitrogen (TN) can be linked to the hydrodynamic and sedimentological conditions of the Squamish Delta. As a result, the Squamish Delta is a useful modern analogue for the formation of petroleum source rocks in ancient deltaic environments, where TOC concentrations are often significantly lower than those in source rocks formed in other geological settings.  相似文献   

Inorganic gases are commonly seen in eastern China and occasionally in southern China from the shallow water columns above hot and cold springs. The gases contain 68% to nearly 100% CO2, with δ13CCO2 and δ13C1 values in the range of −1.18‰ to −6.00‰ and −19.48‰ to −24.94‰, respectively. All of the 34 large inorganic CO2 and one inorganic methane accumulations discovered in China are distributed in eastern parts of the country, from both onshore and continental shelf basins. No commercial inorganic gas accumulation has been found in central and western China. This is a review of the occurrence and geochemical characteristics of inorganic gas accumulations in Chinese sedimentary basins. A detailed study of gas samples collected from four representative inorganic CO2 pools and one possible inorganic methane pool indicates that inorganic alkane gases typically show δ13C1 values greater than −10‰ versus PDB (mostly −30‰), with a positive stable carbon isotope sequence of δ13C1 < δ 13C2 < δ13C3 < δ 13C4. In contrast, the δ13C1 values of biogenic alkane gases are lighter than −30‰, with a negative isotope sequence (i.e. δ13C1 > δ13C2 > δ 13C3 > δ13C4). Inorganic gases also tend to show less negative δ13CCO2 values (−10‰) than biogenic gases (<−10‰).  相似文献   

Two sediment cores of up to 550 cm length from an intertidal flat of the German Wadden Sea near the island of Spiekeroog were investigated for the quantity and composition of fossil organic matter (OM). The lowermost parts of the cores are dominated by grey mud of a salt marsh facies containing mainly terrestrial OM estimated to account for 60–75% of the total OM, based on δ13C values and the ratio of short to long chain n-alkanols. The terrigenous origin of the dominant fraction is indicated, among others, by high proportions of C29 sterols and long chain n-alkanes typical of plant waxes. Coarse shell beds overlying the grey mud at 2–2.5 m depth represent a flooding and erosion event possibly related to heavy storm floods in the Middle Ages. Within the intertidal sand-dominated sediments in the upper parts of the cores total organic carbon (TOC) contents are generally low, ranging from 0.1% to 0.5%, and correlate well with the amount of mud fraction (r2 0.90). At the surface, marine OM has not undergone intense diagenetic alteration and so is the dominant fraction. Eroded peat particles are common throughout most of the sequence and values of the Phragmites peat indicator (PPI) > 5 indicate an origin from reed peat due to a high relative abundance of the n-C24 alkane. Changes in the composition of microbial communities over the depth interval investigated are documented by varying compositions of unsaturated fatty acids with 16 and 18 carbons. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) was detected along the entire cores and indicates the presence of EPA-producing bacterial strains.  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotopic compositions of free and sulfur (S)-bound biomarkers derived from algae, (cyano)bacteria, archaea and higher plants and total organic carbon (TOC) during the first phase of the late Cenomanian/Turonian oceanic anoxic event (OAE) were measured in black shales deposited in the southern proto-Atlantic Ocean in the Cape Verde basin (DSDP Site 367) to determine the response of these organisms to this major perturbation of the global carbon cycle resulting from widespread burial of marine organic matter. The average positive isotope excursions of TOC and biomarkers varied from 5.1‰ to 8.3‰. The δ13C values were cross correlated to infer potential common sources of biomarkers. This revealed common sources for C31 and C32 hopanes but no 1:1 relationship for pristane and phytane. The correlation of δ13CTOC with the δ13C value of sulfur (S)-bound phytane is the strongest. This is because S-bound phytane is derived from phytol that originates from all marine primary producers (algae and cyanobacteria) and thus represents a weighted average of their carbon isotopic compositions. The δ13C values of S-bound phytane and C35 hopane were also used to estimate pCO2 levels. Before the OAE burial event, pCO2 levels are estimated to be ca. 1300 ppmv using both biomarkers and the independent maximum Rubisco fractionation factors. At times of maximum organic carbon burial rates during the OAE, reconstructed pCO2 levels are estimated to be ca. 700 ppmv. However, compared to other C/T OAE sections the positive isotope excursion of S-bound phytane is also affected by an increased production during the OAE. When we compensate for this, we arrive at pCO2 levels around 1000 ppmv, a reduction of ca. 25%. This indicates that burial of organic matter can have a large effect on atmospheric CO2 levels.  相似文献   

Surface sediments from the subtropical Pearl River estuary and adjacent South China Sea were investigated by molecular organic geochemical methods to determine the composition, distribution and origin of extractable lipids (n-alkanes, n-alkanols and sterols). The absolute and organic C normalized concentrations of total alkane, n-alkanol, and sterol ranged from 0.16 to 2.67 μg g−1 and 0.9 to 12.3 μg g−1 OC, 24.4 to 427.3 ng g−1 and 63.2 to 1966.7 ng g−1 OC, and 9.0 to 493.5 ng g−1 and 58.4 to 1042.4 ng g−1 OC, respectively. The spatial distributions of these biomarkers indicated that terrestrial-derived molecular biomarkers such as long-chain n-alkanes, n-alkanols and plant-derived sterols were higher at the river mouth and along the coastline, suggesting that a higher proportion of terrestrial particulate organic matter was deposited there. Relatively lower amounts of marine-derived biomarkers such as short-chain n-alkanes, algal sterols at the river mouth reflected the lower primary productivity due to high turbidity. The spatial patterns of these biomarkers were partially related to the estuarine processes and conditions, evidencing an increased terrestrial signal from the Pearl River mouth to the inner estuary, and enhanced marine conditions further offshore.  相似文献   

Because of the unique geographical location and important ecological effect of the Qinling Mountains,reconstruction of its vegetation and climate needs comprehensive research.We need to consider a multiple-proxy approach to gain more information on recovering the paleovegetation and climate in the Qinling Mountains.Black carbon(BC)is produced by the incomplete combustion of vegetation and fossil fuels,and is a good proxy,recording paleoenvironmental information.However,in the Qinling Mountains,what are the characteristics of the BC,and whether BC stable carbon isotope(δ~(13)C_(BC))can be used as a new proxy to study ancient vegetation,still need further study.In order to establish a sound basis for studying paleoenvironmental by BC proxy in the Qinling Mountains,we carried out systematic and detailed study on modern process of BC on the northern slope of the mountains.We analyzed stable carbon isotopes and carbon concentration of organic carbon(%SOC,δ~(13)C_(SOC))and BC(%BC,δ~(13)C_(BC)),and identified the pollen assemblages from systematically sampled surface soil.The results show that the calculated ratio of C_4 plants in the vegetation(%C_4)based on theδ~(13)C_(SOC)data reflects a similar distribution of C_4 plants in the surface vegetation and the pollen assemblage.Theδ~(13)C_(BC)values have a strong positive correlation withδ~(13)C_(SOC)values,and their difference(△~(13)C_(SOC-BC))is in the low range.These data indicate thatδ~(13)C_(BC)andδ~(13)C_(SOC)have very similar characteristics.Surface soilδ~(13)C_(BC)values can indicate surface vegetation as effectively asδ~(13)C_(SOC)values,and theδ~(13)C_(BC)proxy can be used effectively in paleovegetational research in the northern slope of Qinling Mountains.  相似文献   

The triterpenol geochemistry of the Santa Monica Basin from the Southern California Borderland, off the U.S.A., is described from the study of two sets of trap deployments, five box cores (≈30 cm) and a hydroplastic core (≈1 m). The biogenic sources and diagenetic stability of the triterpenols are discussed.The 17β(H), 21β(H)-hopanols (22R isomer) occur in the carbon number range from 30 to 32 and their abundance is nearly uniform in the shallow sediment sections. However, the three hopanols follow the order of abundance, C32 > C31 C30, in deeper sections. Their concentrations spans from trace levels to 156 μg/g organic carbon (<15 ng to 7 μg/g dry sediment). Tetrahymanol (gammaceran-3β-ol) has been identified in all the samples except in one set of trap particles collected at 100 m water depth, from trace level (<1 μg) to 215 μg/g organic carbon (<20 ng to 9 μg/g dry sediment). Diplopterol is also detected in trace amounts in some samples. The triterpenols in the trap material generally increase with the water column depth and decrease with the subbottom depth in the sediment cores.The extended hopanols are either degradation products of polyhydroxybacteriohopanes or are biosynthesized by bacteria. Tetrahymanol is probably the only suggested biological precursor of gammacerane (the reduced counterpart of tetrahymanol), which has been recognized in numerous crude oils and lithified sediments. Although it has been reported earlier from Green River Shale and from a residual Pleistocene lake sediment, tetrahymanol has so far been positively identified from recent marine sediments only in two recent studies. The decreasing content of tetrahymanol in sedimentary depth profiles in the Santa Monica Basin would favor an origin for this compound in the water column or at the sediment surface. The ubiquitous occurrence of this compound throughout the study area suggests that this triterpenol most probably originates from primitive organisms (protozoa, bacteria?), hitherto not identified or, more likely, not yet analyzed for their lipid composition.  相似文献   

Carbon isotope and molecular compositions of Mississippian to Upper Cretaceous mud gases have been examined from four depth profiles across the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB). The profiles range from the shallow oil sands in the east (R0 = 0.25) to the very mature sediments in the overthrust zone to the west (R0 = 2.5). In the undisturbed WCSB, δ13C1δ13C2 and δ13C2δ13C3 cross-plots show three maturity and alteration trends: (1) pre-Cretaceous gas sourced from type II kerogen; (2) Cretaceous Colorado Group gas; and (3) Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group biodegraded gas. A fourth set of distinctly different maturity trends is recognized for Lower Cretaceous gas sourced from type III kerogen in the disturbed belt of the WCSB. Displacement of these latter maturity trends to high δ13C2 values suggests that the sampled gas was trapped after earlier formed gas escaped, probably as a result of overthrusting. Unusually 13C-enriched gas (δ13C1 = −34‰, δ13C2 = −13‰, and δ13C3 = 0‰), from the Gething Formation in the disturbed belt, is the result of late stage gas cracking in a closed system. In general, gas maturity is consistent with the maturity of the host sediments in the WCSB, suggesting that migration and mixing of gases was not pervasive on a broad regional and stratigraphic scale. The ‘Deep Basin’ portion of the WCSB is an exception. Here extensive cross-formational homogenization of gases has occurred, in addition to updip migration along the most permeable stratigraphic units.  相似文献   

Two sediment cores were studied from Comprido Lake, a black water floodplain lake located near Monte Alegre City, Eastern Amazonian Basin. The total organic carbon (TOC), nitrogen content (TN), δ13CTOC, sedimentary chlorophyll, diatom record and mineralogical composition revealed different hydrological and climatic regimes during the Holocene. Between 10,300 and 7800 cal yr BP, a dry climate was suggested by low values of TOC and chlorophyll derivatives concentrations that are related to the development of a C4 grasses on unflooded mud banks. A gap in sedimentation due to a complete dryness of the lake occurred between 7800 and 3000 cal years BP corresponding to the Middle Holocene dry phase. From 3000 cal years BP onwards a gradual increase of the TOC, chlorophyll derivatives and Aulacoseira sp. suggest an increase in the productivity and in water lake level due to the high water flow of the Amazon River and the catchment area as well. The Comprido Lake record indicates that the Late Holocene in this region was characterized by a wetter climate, as also observed in other records of the Amazonian Basin.  相似文献   

A detailed geochemical study and a sequence stratigraphic interpretation have been conducted on a sedimentary sequence of the Upper Cretaceous La Luna Formation, in a section outcropping in the eastern flank of the Middle Magdalena Basin (MMB), Colombia. The goals were to evaluate geochemical variability related to lithofacies and organic facies changes, characterize depositional environment and investigate the possible relationship between geochemical data and sequence stratigraphic cycles. The La Luna Formation is composed of organic-rich sediments of monotonous appearance, with good to excellent potential for oil generation. Most of the bulk, petrographic and biomarker parameters display a relatively narrow range of variation. However, the geochemical variations are sufficient to differentiate organic facies types B, BC and C in the Salada Member, B and D in the Pujamana Member and B in the Galembo Member. Certain biomarker ratios are consistent within the La Luna Formation and are characteristic of its depositional environment, for example, average ratios of diasterane/sterane are lower than 1, Ts/Tm averages are less than 0.33, the C35/C34 hopane ratio is more than 0.92, and oleanane/C30 hopane ratios range from 0.02 to 0.19. Regarding depositional condition indicators, the C35/C34 hopane ratio shows a good positive correlation with HI. This suggests that in carbonate environment changes in this parameter are more strongly related to redox condition than to changes in carbonate content. Regarding the possible relationship between organic matter characteristics and sea level changes, in regressive carbonate shelves during shallow stages, HI tends to increase and TOC tends to decrease, while in regressive siliciclastic shelves, both TOC and HI decrease continuously. Some biomarker ratios (oleanane/C30 hopane, C20/C23 tricyclic, Ts/Tm) increase during base level falls. Regarding δ 13C/12C isotope composition, the aromatic fraction and whole bitumen display an isotopic shift associated to the main deepening event in the section.  相似文献   

The oxygen (δ18Oc) and carbon (δ13Cc) isotope compositions of the structural carbonate group (CO3) in apatites from lateritic profiles were investigated. The weathering profiles, located in southern Brazil and in western Senegal, are developed on three different types of apatite-rich parent rock: carbonatite, metamorphosed marine phosphorite and sedimentary marine phosphorite. The parent rock apatites are of magmatic, hydrothermal, metamorphic and sedimentary origins. The in situ formation of apatite of weathering origin in the profiles is well documented petrographically and geochemically.The overall range of measured δ18Oc and δ13Cc values of apatites of weathering origin (22 to 27 SMOW for δ18Oc and −15 to −10 PDB for δ13Cc) is much smaller than the range of measured and/or published isotope compositions of parent rock apatites (4–35 for δ18Oc and −11 to +1 for δ13Cc). In any profile, the apatites of weathering origin can exhibit lower, similar or higher δ18Oc values than parent rock apatites. In contrast, their δ13Cc values are systematically and significantly lower than those of the parent rock apatites. Apatites formed as a result of weathering in laterites can therefore be readily distinguished from apatites of other origin on the basis of their isotope composition.Assuming that apatite CO3 fractionates O in a way similar to calcite CO3, the structural carbonate group of the apatites of weathering origin appears to form in approximate isotopic equilibrium with the weathering solutions. The very low δ13Cc values exhibited by these apatites indicate that the dominant sources of dissolved CO2 in the soil water are organic. The isotope composition of structural carbonate in apatite of weathering origin in lateritic profiles may provide useful information for paleoenvironmental studies.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the coal-bed methane potential of the Zonguldak basin have indicated that the gases are thermogenic and sourced by the coal-bearing Carboniferous units. In this earlier work, the origin of coal-bed gas was only defined according to the molecular composition of gases and to organic geochemical properties of the respective source rocks, since data on isotopic composition of gases were not available. Furthermore, in the western Black Sea region there also exist other source rocks, which may have contributed to the coal-bed gas accumulations. The aim of this study is to determine the origin of coal-bed gas and to try a gas-source rock correlation. For this purpose, the molecular and isotopic compositions of 13 headspace gases from coals and adjacent sediments of two wells in the Amasra region have been analyzed. Total organic carbon (TOC) measurements and Rock-Eval pyrolysis were performed in order to characterize the respective source rocks. Coals and sediments are bearing humic type organic matter, which have hydrogen indices (HI) of up to 300 mgHC/gTOC, indicating a certain content of liptinitic material. The stable carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) of the kerogen vary from −23.1 to −27.7‰. Air-free calculated gases contain hydrocarbons up to C5, carbon dioxide (<1%) and a considerable amount of nitrogen (up to 38%). The gaseous hydrocarbons are dominated by methane (>98%). The stable carbon isotope ratios of methane, ethane and propane are defined as δ13C1: −51.1 to −48.3‰, δ13C2: −37.9 to −25.3‰, δ13C3: −26.0 to −19.2 ‰, respectively. The δD1 values of methane range from −190 to −178‰. According to its isotopic composition, methane is a mixture, partly generated bacterially, partly thermogenic. Molecular and isotopic composition of the gases and organic geochemical properties of possible source rocks indicate that the thermogenic gas generation took place in coals and organic rich shales of the Westphalian-A Kozlu formation. The bacterial input can be related to a primary bacterial methane generation during Carboniferous and/or to a recent secondary bacterial methane generation. However, some peculiarities of respective isotope values of headspace gases can also be related to the desorption process, which took place by sampling.  相似文献   

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