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旅游季节性测度指标的敏感度研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
常用的旅游季节性测度指标有季节性强度指数(Rsd)、基尼系数(G)、泰尔系数(T)、季节性比率(Rsr)、不均匀系数(Rhl)等,国内外学者对其相互关系、客流变动对各项指标的影响程度仍存在争议。构建旅游季节性测度指标的敏感度指标客流量变动效应(si)和客流量相对变动效应(pi),通过蒙特卡洛方法计算不同旅游季节性强弱尺度(Int)下的各项旅游季节性测度指标的相关系数、以及不同旅游季节性强弱尺度(Int)和不同客流量变动大小尺度(Δ)的组合条件下各项旅游季节性测度指标对各个月份的μsi、μ*si和μ*pi,发现:① RsdGT这3项指标相关系数极高,RsrRsdGT 3项指标的相关系数随着Int的增大而增大,RhlRsdGTRsr 4项指标间的相关系数随着Int的增大而减小;② RsrRhl对各月份的si以及RsdGTRsr对不同月份的μsi、μ*si及μ*pi均受Int和Δ的影响,其大小及排序相应产生变动,即在不同的旅游地,其季节性的强弱和客流量变动的大小都会导致各项旅游季节性测度指标对不同月份客流量变动的敏感度及排序存在差异,因此不能简单的认为某项指标对淡旺季客流或平季客流量变动更敏感。  相似文献   

选取粤港澳大湾区典型城镇化地区广州市的流溪河—西航道—前航道为研究对象,分别于2020年7月和2021年1月开展野外调研采样活动,收集40个地表水水样样品,通过室内分析,利用水化学和同位素(δ15N-NO3-δ18O-NO3-δ15N-NH4+)等指标,探讨研究区河流氮素的时空分布特征及其来源,研究城市化对河流氮素的影响。结果表明:从上游到下游,人类活动对Cl-NH4+-N、NO3--N、DIN(溶解态无机氮)的质量浓度影响逐渐突显;丰水期NH4+-N、DIN较枯水期高,主要归因于外源输入的影响强于降雨量与上游来水稀释的综合作用;在溶解态总氮的组成分布上,NH4+-N与NO3--N分别是丰水期、枯水期的主要存在形态,说明丰水期人类活动影响十分显著。丰水期NH4+-N与Cl-的质量浓度具有较强的正相关关系,说明丰水期NH4+-N与Cl-可能具有相近或相同的来源。离子比值及稳定同位素的溯源结果具有较高的一致性,均显示上游农田化肥、土壤有机氮、养殖污水为上游河道的主要氮来源,而土壤有机氮、城市污水则为下游河道氮的主要来源。  相似文献   

土壤盐渍化对区域经济和生态可持续发展产生负面影响。微波介电常数是微波遥感探测土壤的关键因素,然而介电常数与盐分的关系仍不清晰。为分析盐分类型及含盐量对土壤介电常数的影响,在0.3~20.0 GHz频率下,测量了新疆典型的2种盐渍土类型(硫酸盐-氯化物型: N a 2 S O 4 - N a C l;氯化物-硫酸盐型: N a C l - N a 2 S O 4)的介电常数,探讨含水量、含盐量、盐分类型及质地对土壤介电特性的影响。结果表明:(1) 含盐量对湿润土壤、干燥粉壤土的复介电常数实部( ε ')和虚部( ε )均产生影响。(2) 对于同等级的2种湿润盐渍土在0.3 GHz频率下,整体上 ε N a 2 S O 4 - N a C l> ε N a C l - N a 2 S O 4。(3) 虚部的电模量( M )与含盐量的关系更紧密,且0.3~5.0 GHz是重要的频率范围。研究结果可为复杂下垫面下土壤盐渍化的微波遥感监测提供科学支持。  相似文献   

ET0模型在不同地区具有不同的适用性,而对极端干旱的塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘绿洲的ET0模型的适用性研究较为稀缺。利用2006—2014年生长季(4—10月)策勒气象站逐日气象资料,以自动称重式蒸渗仪实测数据为标准,采用最大绝对误差(MAE)、均方根误差(RMSE)、模型效率(EF)和一致性指数(d)4个指标,在日、月时间尺度上评价了6种常用ET0模型在策勒绿洲的适用性,并使用回归修正法和比例修正法分别修正了这6种模型。结果表明:(1)日、月时间尺度上,Hargreaves-Samani(H-S)模型高估程度较大,其余模型均不同程度低估,拟合度由高到低依次为FAO-56PM、Jensen-Haise(J-H)、Priestley-Taylor(P-T)、Makkink、Turc、H-S。(2)所有ET0模型月值变化趋势与蒸渗仪实测值基本一致,除FAO-56PM和Turc模型计算的ET0月值在6月达到峰值外,其余模型均在7月达到峰值,在生长季尺度所有模型ET0月值与蒸渗仪实测值呈显著相关。(3)日、月时间尺度上,回归修正法和比例修正法修正后的ET0模型计算结果与蒸渗仪实测值均呈极显著相关,回归修正法优于比例修正法。(4)相关性分析表明,对策勒绿洲ET0影响由高到低的气象因子依次为Tmean>Tmin>P>Tmax>Rs>U2>RHmean。  相似文献   

李倩  马龙  刘廷玺  王硕 《中国沙漠》2022,42(5):146-157
煤矿开采使流域水文地质条件发生改变,研究采煤影响下流域降水-地表水-地下水-矿井水转化关系对揭示区域水循环过程意义重大。以海流兔流域为研究区,利用数理统计法、Piper三线图和氢氧同位素关系图等方法,分析采煤影响下降水-地表水-地下水-矿井水的转化关系。结果表明:在煤矿开采影响下采矿区地表水中SO_(4)^(2-)、Na^(+)、Mg^(2+)等含量增幅较大;流域降水、地表水与地下水转化关系以地表水下渗补给地下水为主,平均贡献率为56.7%;矿区及以下流域海流兔与纳林河不同水体间的转化关系仍以地表水补给地下水为主,与上游天然流域相比平均贡献率分别增至69.3%和59.4%;矿井水主要来源为上覆萨拉乌苏组地下水,补给比率为72.4%,煤矿开采使上覆含水层地下水向采空区汇流速度增大。  相似文献   

灌溉和氮肥的施用是保障干旱荒漠区农田生产的关键措施,但过量的氮肥会随水分淋溶至深层土壤或地下水中,从而导致氮素的损耗和地下水的污染。本研究以黑河中游荒漠绿洲过渡带两种开垦年限的农田土壤(风沙土和灰棕漠土)为研究对象,通过土柱模拟试验监测分析了玉米生育期和休闲期内土壤水分和温度的动态变化及硝态氮(NO_(3)^(-)-N)的淋溶规律,揭示了不同耕作年限农田土壤中硝态氮损耗的差异。结果表明:新绿洲农田深层渗漏及NO3--N的淋失主要发生在苗期-拔节期以及休耕期,深层渗漏年损失量97.65-105.1 mm,占年灌溉水总量(810 mm)的12%-13%,NO_(3)^(-)-N淋溶年损失量68.1-123.8 kg·hm^(-2),占年施氮总量的18.7%-34.2%,休耕期灌水致使生育期内土壤中大量积累的氮素淋溶至深层,NO3--N淋失量是当年生育期内NO_(3)^(-)-N淋失量的2.2倍;开垦年限较长的老绿洲农田在相同灌溉施肥条件下无深层渗漏和NO_(3)^(-)-N的淋失现象发生,其“蓄水保墒”及抑制水分和NO_(3)^(-)-N渗漏淋失的生态效应优于开垦年限较短的新垦绿洲农田。因此,为降低土壤水分损失和NO_(3)^(-)-N淋失风险,建议新绿洲农田生育期内减少春季灌溉次数或降低灌水定额,冬季休耕期降低灌水定额或采取免冬灌措施,以此保证灌溉水资源的优化利用并减少农田氮素的淋失。  相似文献   

为探究不同铁铜内电解基质在不同曝气条件下对人工湿地污水的净化效果,构建表流人工湿地床,以研究4种铁铜内电解基质(质量比1:0、1:0.05、1:0.1、1:0.2)在不同曝气条件下(气水比3:1、6:1、9:1、12:1、15:1)对人工湿地污水的COD、TN、TP去除率的影响。结果表明:不同铁铜内电解基质对COD、TN、TP的去除效果有显著差异。随着内电解基质中铜比例的提高,COD、TN、TP的去除率均有升高的趋势。随着气水比的提高,TP去除率呈先升后降的趋势。铁铜内电解基质与曝气条件之间的交互作用对COD、TN、TP去除效果影响不显著。研究发现,当气水比为9:1时,铁铜内电解基质(质量比1:0.2)的净污效果最好。  相似文献   

申泽西  张强  吴文欢  宋长青 《地理学报》2022,77(5):1211-1224
青藏高原及横断山区位中国西南部,地貌类型复杂,地质灾害频发,严重威胁到西南地区人民生命财产安全,尤其影响进藏交通线的通达度。系统研究该区地质灾害易发区空间格局及驱动因子,可为青藏高原及横断山区地质灾害风险防范及地质灾害的防灾减灾救灾提供重要理论支撑。研究结果表明,基于随机森林构建的判识模型对于灾害点的判识精度均高于80%,甚至达到91%,可准确模拟与预测研究区各分区的地质灾害点。研究区地质灾害易发点主要分布在横断山区南部与东北部以及青藏高原中南部地区,且以小型及中型规模地质灾害为主(占比为87%)。综合分区Ⅰ~Ⅲ的地质灾害易发区面积分别为17.5万km2、17.4万km2与27.5万km2。各综合分区地质灾害驱动因子研究表明,横断山区南部区域(综合分区Ⅰ内)小型及中型地质灾害的主要驱动力为道路建设导致的沿途坡面稳定性变化(贡献率为20.2%);横断山区东北部区域及青藏高原地区(综合分区Ⅱ~Ⅲ)小型及中型地质灾害的主要驱动力为植被覆盖状况的变化对于坡面稳定性的影响(贡献率分别为23.6%与27.3%)。此外,综合分区Ⅱ~Ⅲ内影响小型及中型地质灾害空间格局的第二个驱动因子为道路建设导致的沿途坡面稳定性的变化(贡献率为15.7%)与河流对于周边坡面的侵蚀作用(贡献率为17%)。  相似文献   

定量分析碳排放的影响因素,对降低区域碳排放具有重要的指导意义。利用STIRPAT模型,定量分析江苏省能源消费碳排放量与人口、富裕度(以人均GDP表示)、技术进步(以能源强度表示)和城镇化水平之间的关系,通过岭回归拟合后发现,人口数量、人均GDP、能源强度、城市化水平每变化1%,江苏省能源消费碳排放量将分别发生3.467%、(0.242+0.024 lnA)%、0.313%和0.151%的变化。在以上研究的基础上,设置8种不同的发展情景,分析了江苏省未来能源消费碳排放量的发展趋势。结果表明,当人口、经济保持低速增长,并保持高技术增长率时,有利于控制江苏省的能源消费碳排放量,2020年江苏省的能源消费碳排放量预测值为202.81 MtC。  相似文献   

北京市甲型H1N1流感对气象因子的时空响应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为研究北京市甲型H1N1流感对气象因子的时空响应规律,本文结合地理探测器及空间自相关分析方法,分析北京市甲型H1N1流感的时空分布情况,基于地理加权回归(GWR)模型,建立北京市甲型H1N1流感与平均风速、降雨量、平均湿度以及平均温度之间的回归模型。结果表明,降雨量对流感传播的影响不显著,平均风速与流感的传播主要呈现正相关,平均相对湿度与平均温度与流感的传播主要呈现负相关,其中,平均相对湿度的影响更为复杂。时间上,在流感感染人数快速上升的阶段,各气象因子的影响程度较为显著,而在流感传播速度减慢的阶段,气象因子的影响减弱;空间上,各气象要素对流感传播的影响在北京市4大功能分区上存在空间分异性,这与地区地形、风带、局地气候等因素有关。  相似文献   

Can soil nitrate: ammonium ratios influence plant carbon: nitrogen ratios of the early succession plant? Can plant carbon: nitrogen ratios limit the plant growth in early succession? To address these two questions, we performed a two-factor (soil nitrate: ammonium ratio and plant density) randomized block design and a uniform-precision rotatable central composite design pot experiments to examine the relationships between soil nitrate: ammonium ratios, the carbon: nitrogen ratios and growth rate of Artemisia sphaerocephala seedlings. Under adequate nutrient status, both soil nitrate: ammonium ratios and plant density influenced the carbon: nitrogen ratios and growth rate of A. sphaerocephala seedlings. Under the lower soil nitrate: ammonium ratios, with the increase of soil nitrate: ammonium ratios, the growth rates of plant height and shoot biomass of A. sphaerocephala seedlings decreased significantly; with the increase of plant carbon: nitrogen ratios, the growth rates of shoot biomass of A. sphaerocephala seedlings decreased significantly. Soil nitrate: ammonium ratios affected the carbon: nitrogen ratios of A. sphaerocephala seedlings by plant nitrogen but not by plant carbon. Thus, soil nitrate: ammonium ratios influenced the carbon: nitrogen ratios of A. sphaerocephala seedlings, and hence influenced its growth rates. Our results suggest that under adequate nutrient environment, soil nitrate: ammonium ratios can be a limiting factor for the growth of the early succession plant.  相似文献   

The Enigmas of Easter Island : By John Flenley and Paul Bahn.
Two Decades of Change in New Zealand: From Birth to Death V : By Judith A Davey.
Living Space: Towards Sustainable Settlements in New Zealand : Edited by Claire Freeman and Michelle Thompson-Fawcett.
The Prickly Pair: Making Nationalism in Australia and New Zealand : By Denis McLean.
Ecological Context of Development: New Zealand Perspectives : By Marjorie van Roon and Stephen Knight.
Key Concepts in Geography : Edited by Sarah L. Holloway, Stephen P. Rice and Gill Valentine.
Key Methods in Geography : Edited by Nicholas J. Clifford and Gill Valentine.
Global Positioning System: A Field Guide for the Social Sciences : By John Spencer, Brian G. Frizzelle, Philip H. Page, and John B. Vogler.
Glacial Landsystems : By David J. A. Evans (editor).
Food and Environment: Geographies of Taste : Edited by Armando Montanari.
The New Countryside: Geographic Perspectives on Rural Change : Edited by Kenneth B. Beesley, Hugh Millward, Brian Ilbery and Lisa Harrington.  相似文献   

News Notes     
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):295-296

Santa Claus and His Elves: by Mauri Kunnas, New York: Harmony House, 1981. 48 pp., and illus. $7.95 cloth.

Anno's Journey: by Mitsumasa Anno, New York: Philomee Books, 1983.50 pp., and illus. $10.95 cloth.

The Sea People: by Jörg Müller and Jörg Steiner, New York: Schocken Books, 1982.36 pp., and illus. $14.95 cloth.

The Lorax: by Dr. Seuss, New York: Random House, 1971. 62 pp., and illus. $5.95 cloth.

Continents in Collision: by Russell Miller, Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1983. Planet Earth series, edited by Russell Miller and the editors of Time-Life Books. 169 pp., illus., photos, maps, biblio., and index. $14.95 cloth.

South America 2d ed.: by Arthur Morris, Totowa, NJ: Barnes &; Noble, 1982. xii and 276 pp., figs., graphs, tables, photos, maps, biblio., glossary, and index. $17.50 paper.

The Navajo Atlas: Environments, Resources, People, and History of the Diné Bikeyah: by James M. Goodman, Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1982. x and 109 pp., illus., maps, photos, refs., and index. $22.50 cloth.

The Geography of Multinationals: by Michael Taylor and Nigel Thrift, eds., New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982.338 pp., figs., graphs, tables, refs., and indexes. $35.00 cloth.  相似文献   

为了加深对阿拉善荒漠土壤环境状况的了解,并为植被生态功能的评价以及植物群落的保育与恢复提供理论依据,基于16S rDNA高通量测序和相关统计分析方法,对5种荒漠建群灌木红砂(Reaumuria soongarica)、绵刺(Potaninia mongolica)、沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus mongolicus)、霸王(Zygophyllum xanthoxylum)、白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)丛下表层和次表层的土壤细菌进行了研究。结果表明:5种灌丛下的土壤细菌以放线菌门和变形菌门为主,不同土层和灌木间的土壤细菌群落结构、多样性及群落功能均存在差异。土壤细菌群落结构与土壤中Mg2+、全碳和HCO3-含量的相关性更显著。土壤细菌群落结构的差异程度与灌木本身的发生学亲缘关系十分吻合,且表层土壤细菌受植物形态、生理特征以及具体生存策略的影响更大。  相似文献   

天山南坡表土孢粉分析及其与植被的数量关系   总被引:32,自引:4,他引:32  
本文通过对天山南坡各植被带的表土孢粉分析,研究了主要植物花粉的百分含量与其相应樾物盖度之间的数量关系,计算出不同植被带中主要植物的R值之比的比值。  相似文献   

《New Zealand geographer》1961,17(2):233-235
COUNTRY: F. G. Spite, N.Z. Journal of Agriculture

To address how the ratios of nitrogen and phosphorus (N:P ratios) in soil affect plant growth, we performed a two-factor (soil available N:P ratios and plant density) randomized block pot experiment to examine the relationships between soil N:P ratios, and the N:P ratios and growth rate of Artemisia ordosica seedlings. Under moderate water stress and adequate nutrient status, both soil N:P and plant density influenced the N:P ratios and growth rates of A. ordosica. With the increase of soil N:P ratios, the growth rates of A. ordosica seedlings decreased significantly. With the increase of soil N:P ratios, N:P ratios in A. ordosica seedlings increased significantly. While the nitrogen concentrations in the plant increased slightly, the phosphorus concentrations significantly decreased. With the increase of plant density, the shoot N:P ratios and growth rates significantly decreased, which resulted from soil N:P ratios. Thus, soil N:P ratios influenced the N:P ratios in A. ordosica seedlings, and hence, influenced its growth. Our results suggest that, under adequate nutrient environment, soil N:P ratios can be a limiting factor for plant growth.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
THE IMPACT OF VOLCANIC HAZARDS AT RABAUL, PAPUA NEW GUINEA (Discussion Paper No. 33) by R. J. Blong and C. Aislabie. 17 × 25 cm, xiv and 207 pages. Institute of National Affairs: Port Morseby 1988 (ISBN 9980 77 086 4).

A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO SEDIMENTOLOGY by R. C. Lindholm. 15 × 23 cm, xviii and 279 pages. Allen & Unwin: London 1987 (ISBN 0 04 551132 2) $A45.00 (soft).

THE ATMOSPHERE AND WEATHER OF SOUTHERN AFRICA by R. A. Preston‐Whyte and P. D. Tyson. 18 × 24 cm, xiii and 375 pages. Oxford University Press: Cape Town 1988 (ISBN 0 19 570 514 9) R56.00 (hard); (ISBN 0 19 570 496 7) R39.14 (soft).

QUATERNARY PALEOCLIMATOLOGY: Methods of Paleoclimatic Reconstruction by R. S. Bradley. 15 × 23 cm, xvii and 472 pages. Allen & Unwin: Boston 1985 (ISBN 0 04 551067 9) $A69.95 (hard); (ISBN 0 04 551068 7) $A39.95 (soft).

PROCESSES IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY by R. D. Thompson, A. M. Mannion, C. W. Mitchell, M. Parry and J. R. Townsend. 24 × 19 cm, xii and 380 pages. Longman: London 1986 (ISBN 0 582 30136) $A44.95.

PERSPECTIVES ON A DYNAMIC EARTH by T. R. Paton. 16 × 24 cm, 142 pages. Allen & Unwin: London 1986 (ISBN 0 04 55 0043 6) $A23.95 (soft).

LAND DEGRADATION AND SOCIETY edited by P. Blaikie and H. Brookfield. 15 × 23 cm. xxiv and 296 pages. Methuen: London 1987 (ISBN 0 416 40150 3) $A32.95 (soft).

THE PENGUIN DICTIONARY OF HUMAN GEOGRAPHY by B. Goodall. 13 × 20 cm, 509 pages. Penguin: Harmondsworth 1987 (ISBN 0 14 051095 8) $A19.95 (soft).

MAKING SENSE OF DEVELOPMENT: An Introduction to Classical and Contemporary Theories of Development and Their Application to South‐east Asia by P. W. Preston. 14 × 22 cm, xxi and 318 pages. Routledge & Kegan Paul: London 1986 (ISBN 0 7102 0813 8) $A87.95 (hard).

THE DEMOGRAPHIC DIMENSION IN INDONESIAN DEVELOPMENT by G. J. Hugo, T. H. Hull, V. J. Hull and G. W. Jones. 16 × 25 cm, xxv and 417 pages. Oxford University Press: Singapore 1987 (ISBN 0 19 582699 X) $A49.95 (hard).

GLOBAL ISSUES AND OUTLOOK IN PULP AND PAPER edited by G. F. Schreuder, 18 × 26 cm, ix and 302 pages. University of Washington Press: Seattle 1988 (ISBN 0 295 96642 4) $US40.00 (hard).

AN HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY OF MODERN AUSTRALIA: The Restive Fringe (Cambridge Studies in Historical Geography No. 11) by J. M. Powell. 16 × 33 cm, xx and 400 pages. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 1988 (ISBN 0 521 25619 4) $A39.95 (hard).

HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY: Progress and Prospect edited by M. Pacione. 14 × 22 cm, 306 pages. Croom Helm: London 1987 (ISBN 0 7099 40467) $A27.50 (hard).

THE ROLE OF THEORY IN URBAN PLANNING: A Study of Metropolitan Planning in Perth, Western Australia (Geowest No. 24) by O. Yiftachel. 21 × 29 cm, 102 pages. Department of Geography, University of Western Australia: Nedlands 1987 (ISBN 0 86422 063 4).

SYDNEY INTO ITS THIRD CENTURY: Metropolitan Strategy for the Sydney Region by NSW Department of Environment and Planning. 21 × 29 cm, 72 pages. NSW department of Environment and Planning: Sydney 1988 (ISBN 0 7305 4312 9).

BUS SERVICES IN WESTERN SYDNEY: Private Bus Operators and Government Transport Departments (Monograph Series No. 3) by P. Tranter. 21 × 29 cm, v and 98 pages. Department of Geography and Oceanography, University College, Australian Defence Force Academy: Campbell, ACT 1988 (ISBN 0 7317 0036 8).

AGEING IN VICTORIA: An Electronic Social Atlas by A. L. Howe, P. Newton and P. Sharwood. 30 × 21 cm, 105 pages. National Research Institute for Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, Mt. Royal Hospital and University of Melbourne: Melbourne 1987 (ISBN 0 958326 6 2) $A10.00 (soft).

READINGS IN AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHY: Proceedings of the 21st Institute of Australian Geographers’ Conference, Perth 10–18 May 1986, edited by A. Conacher. 21 × 29 cm, vi and 493 pages. Institute of Australian Geographers (WA Branch) and Department of Geography, University of Western Australia: Perth 1987 (ISBN 0 909678 30 B) $A25.00 (soft).

GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH PROJECTS: A Senior Student's Handbook by H. Binden and H. Williams. 18 × 26 cm, 149 pages. Edward Arnold Australia: Caulfield East 1988 (ISBN 0 7131 8311 X) $A 14.95 (soft).

OUR AMERICAN LAND: 1987 Yearbook of Agriculture, ix and 323 pages. US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC: 1987 $US9.50.

THE ENCYCLOPAEDIC DICTIONARY OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY edited by A. Goudie et al. 17 × 24 cm, xvi and 528 pages. Basil Black‐well: Oxford 1988 (ISBN 0 631 15581 3) $A34.95 (soft).

THE CONSERVATION OF ECOSYSTEMS AND SPECIES by Gareth E. Jones, 14 × 22 cm, 277 pages. Croom Helm: London 1987 (ISBN 0 7099 1463 6) $A87.95 (hard).

SO CAME THEY SOUTH by R. Clancy and A. Richardson. 35 × 35 cm, 176 pages. Shakespeare Head: Sydney 1988 (ISBN 0 7302 0864 8) $A34.95.  相似文献   

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ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH by A. J. Rowland and P. Cooper. 23 × 16 cm, vi and 205 pages. Edward Arnold: London 1983 (ISBN 0 7131 2855 0) $A27.95 (limp).

FAMINE AS A GEOGRAPHICAL PHENOMENON edited by B. Currey and G. Hugo. 17 × 24 cm, vi and 202 pages. Reidel: Dordrecht 1984 (ISBN 90 277 1762 1) Dfl 95.00, $US37.00 (cloth).

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DEVELOPMENTS IN POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY edited by M. A. Busteed. 23 × 15 cm, 340 pages. Academic Press: London 1983 (ISBN 0 12 148420 3) $US42.00 (cloth).

NEITHER JUSTICE NOR REASON: A Legal and Anthropological Analysis of Aboriginal Land Rights by M. Gumbert. 22 × 14 cm, xv and 215 pages. University of Queensland Press: St Lucia 1984 (ISBN 0 7022 1746 8) $A20.00 (cloth).

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TIMES OF CRISIS: Epidemics in Sydney 1788–1900 by P. H. Curson. 15 × 25 cm, xii and 195 pages. Sydney University Press: Sydney 1985 (ISBN 0 424 00112 8). $A35.00 (cloth).

PEASANTS, SUBSISTENCE, ECOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE HIGHLANDS OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA by L. S. Grossman. 24 × 16 cm, xxi and 302 pages. Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ 1984 (ISBN 0 691 09406 3) $US45.50.

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POPULATION REDISTRIBUTION AND DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH ASIA edited by L. A. Kosinski and K. M. Elahi. 17 × 24 cm, 243 pages. Reichel: Dordrecht 1985 (ISBN 90 277 1938 1) Dfl 120.00, $US44.00, £30.50 (cloth).

GEOGRAPHY AND ETHNIC PLURALISM edited by C. Clarke, D. Ley and C. Peach. 15 × 23 cm, xvii and 294 pages. Allen & Unwin: London 1984 (ISBN 0 04 309107 5) $A45.00 (cloth); (ISBN 0 04 309108 3) $A24.95 (limp).

SOCIAL GEOGRAPHY IN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE edited by J. Eyles. 14 × 22 cm, 295 pages. Croom Helm: London 1986 (ISBN 0 7099 0944 6) $A49.95 (cloth).

THE GENTRIFICATION OF INNER MELBOURNE: A Political Geography of Inner City Housing by W. S. Logan. 14 × 22 cm, xvi and 328 pages. University of Queensland Press: St. Lucia 1985 (ISBN 0 7022 1729 8) $A50.00 (cloth).

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THE WEST EUROPEAN CITY: A Social Geography by P. White. 15 × 23 cm, xviii and 269 pages. Longman: London 1984 (ISBN 0 582 30047 9) $A22.95 (limp).

THE SHAPING OF AMERICA: A Geographical Perspective on 500 years of History. Volume 1. Atlantic America, 1492–1800 by D. W. Meinig. 18 × 25 cm, xii and 500 pages. Yale University Press: New Haven 1986 (ISBN 0 300 03548 9) $US35.00 (cloth).

CANBERRA: MYTHS AND MODELS. Forces at Work in the Formation of the Australian Capital by K. F. Fischer. 21 × 30 cm, 166 pages. Institute of Asian Studies: Hamburg 1984 (ISBN 3 88910 009 0).

THE GEOGRAPHY OF PEACE AND WAR edited by D. Pepper and A. Jenkins. 15 × 23 cm, vi and 222 pages. Basil Blackwell: Oxford 1985 (ISBN 0 631 13559 6) $A75.00 (cloth); (ISBN 0 631 14069 7) $A23.95 (limp).

POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY: World‐economy, Nation‐state and Locality by P. J. Taylor. 15 × 23 cm, × and 238 pages. Longman: London 1985 (ISBN 0 582 30088 6) $A24.95 (limp).

THE INDUSTRIAL GEOGRAPHY OF CANADA by A. Blackbourn and R. G. Putnam 14 × 22 cm, 201 pages. Croom Helm: London 1984 (ISBN 0 7099 0622 6) $A42.50 (cloth).

THE FOODMAKERS by S. Sargent. 13 × 20 cm, 296 pages. Penguin: Ringwood 1985 (ISBN 0 14 007359 0) $A8.95 (limp).

LIMITS TO PREDICTION edited by R. B. McKern and G. C. Lowenthal. 13 × 19 cm, xiii and 163 pages. Australian Professional Publications: Sydney 1985 (ISBN 0 949416 029) $A14.95 (limp).

THE KANGAROO KEEPERS edited by H. J. Lavery. 18 × 25 cm, xxvi and 211 pages. University of Queensland Press: St Lucia 1985 (ISBN 0 7022 1875 8).

PRACTICAL ECOLOGY by D. D. Gilbertson, M. Kent and F. B. Pyatt. 15 × 23 cm, 320 pages, Hutchinson: London 1985 (ISBN 0 09 162651 X) £8.95.

BASIC BIOGEOGRAPHY (Second edition) by N. Pears. 15 × 24 cm, × and 358 pages. Longman: London 1985 (ISBN 0 582 30120 3) $A24.95 (limp).

ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE (Second edition) by A. Goudie. 23 × 15 cm, xi and 258 pages. Oxford University Press: Oxford 1983 (ISBN 0 19 874135 9) A16.00 (limp).

MEGA‐GEOMORPHOLOGY edited by R. Gardner and H. Scoging. 16 × 24 cm, xiii and 240 pages. Oxford University Press: Oxford (ISBN 0 19 823244 6) $A48.00.

GRANITE LANDFORMS by C. R. Twidale. 25 × 17 cm, xxiii and 372 pages. Elsevier: Amsterdam 1982 (ISBN 0 444 42116 5) $A148.25.  相似文献   

通过观测的极光与地磁扰动之间关系的分析,初步得出了南极中山站夜间(11~24UT左右)强、中、弱极光出现的频次在时间上的分布规律与地磁场扰动的关系,弱极光10时开始出现, 15时左右频次达到高峰;中等极光11时开始,12到19时出现的频次平稳, 21到22时频次达到高峰;强极光16时开始, 20到21时极光频次达到高峰。各类极光出现的频次在时间上的分布与其所对应的地磁场扰动基本上是一致的,弱极光伴随着地磁场扰动幅度小;强极光伴随着地磁场扰动幅度大。极光的开始时间和地磁场扰动的时间不完全对应,这与极光的变化状态有关,这种变化状态受复杂的空间物理过程控制。  相似文献   

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