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暴雨诱发滑坡致灾机理与减灾方法研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
暴雨滑坡是多发性的地质灾害.阐述了暴雨诱发滑坡致灾机理、风险评估与减灾方法研究的重要意义.分别从暴雨诱发滑坡的地质力学机制、暴雨诱发滑坡的机理、暴雨诱发滑坡演化过程的数值模拟方法、暴雨滑坡动态风险评估方法以及暴雨诱发滑坡灾害的减灾方法5个方面,详细综述了国内外研究的主要成果和进展.在此基础上,指出了目前暴雨诱发滑坡灾害研究中存在的主要问题.最后,提出了在暴雨诱发滑坡灾害的研究中应以暴雨作用下的斜坡演化动力学过程为主线,以暴雨诱发滑坡的地质力学机制研究为基础,以暴雨诱发滑坡机理研究为核心,以暴雨诱发滑坡灾害的风险评估为手段,以最大可能地防灾减灾为目标.  相似文献   

台风暴雨常引发大量的滑坡灾害,造成生命财产损失,因而研究台风暴雨条件下滑坡地下水渗流特征及成因机制对滑坡的防治、预警预报具有重要意义.以浙江省中林村滑坡为例,采用有限元数值方法,模拟了台风暴雨的两种常见工况(工况1:等强度降雨;工况2:渐变强度降雨)下滑坡地下水的暂态渗流场及稳定性.结果表明:两种工况条件下,滑坡地下水渗流特征基本相同,地下水位响应迅速,地下水位位于强风化和中风化接触面附近,且在坡脚形成溢流;但是工况1较工况2地下水水位上升速度快、幅度大;滑坡稳定系数与地下水水位及降雨强度等密切相关,在高强度降雨条件下,随地下水水位上升稳定系数快速下降,水位稳定以后,稳定系数下降速度减缓;中林村滑坡为典型的滑塌-拉裂-蠕滑缓动型变形破坏模式,台风暴雨引起斜坡岩土体地下水水位上升,基质吸力降低和孔隙水压力增加是其发生变形破坏的主要原因.本文所得结论能够为东南沿海地区台风暴雨诱发滑坡的预测预报与防治提供理论支持.   相似文献   

雨水渗透与香港滑坡灾害   总被引:44,自引:1,他引:44  
本文分析了滑坡与降雨的关系,暴雨是激发滑坡的主要原因,绝大多数的滑坡都是由于短期强烈暴雨所致,而且这些滑坡事件与暴雨的峰值几乎同时发生;前期雨量对边坡稳定也有一定的影响,坡积土的含水量是仅次于短期雨暴影响边坡稳定的重要因素。  相似文献   

台风暴雨条件下滑坡变形特征物理试验研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究台风暴雨条件下滑坡变形规律对东南沿海地区滑坡的预测预报有重要意义。文章以浙江省文成县中林村滑坡为例,根据相似理论合理选择相似材料,建立了室内滑坡地质力学模型,以物理模型试验再现其演化过程,归纳总结台风暴雨条件下滑坡的变形破坏特征。研究结果表明:台风暴雨渗流特征与滑坡失稳密切相关,含水量突变位置为滑裂面,192 mm/d为中林村滑坡的临界降雨量,降雨的持续时间与强度与滑坡稳定性呈负相关。  相似文献   

在平推式滑坡的稳定性分析中,暴雨是诱发滑坡失稳的重要因素。利用平滑式滑坡的力学模型,采用天然工况和暴雨工况对三台县中新中学滑坡进行了稳定性计算,结果表明暴雨产生的后缘裂隙静水压力是中新中学滑坡可能失稳的最主要因素。  相似文献   

台风暴雨型土质滑坡演化过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台风暴雨型滑坡是我国东南丘陵山地主要的滑坡类型,揭示其失稳演化规律对东南丘陵山地台风暴雨型土质滑坡监测预警具有重要的理论及实际意义。本文以福建泉州德化石山滑坡为研究对象,结合现场地质勘察资料,建立滑坡物理与数值模型对其变形演化过程进行模拟,探究边坡失稳涉及的渗流和变形位移等规律。研究结果表明:(1)初期雨水以垂直入渗坡体为主,且入渗速率较大;后期入渗速率随坡体饱和度增加而减小。有前期小降雨的情况下,坡脚位置更易出现积水饱和现象;(2)雨水入渗是导致坡体稳定性下降的主要原因:在暴雨工况中E3(模拟全程降雨为暴雨雨强100 mm·d-1)中,稳定系数保持下降,从1.197降至1.125;在双峰暴雨工况E4(前期30 mm·d-1小雨强降雨,后期100 mm·d-1暴雨雨强降雨)中,小雨强降雨过程中稳定系数基本保持不变,从1.197降至1.188,当暴雨一开始,稳定系数骤降至1.060;(3)台风暴雨型滑坡位移演化过程具有阶段性特征:压缩沉降微变形阶段,该阶段位移曲线变化平缓,基本不发生位移;匀速变形阶段,该阶段位移匀速增长,位移速率不变;加速变形阶段,加速变形直至失稳阶段,破坏迅速,具有突发性,曲线呈非线性;(4)当前期发生小雨强降雨(降雨强度≤30 mm·d-1),后期突发大暴雨雨强降雨(降雨强度≥100 mm·d-1)情况下滑坡的发生具有突变性,在试验中暴雨初期位移骤增20 mm,而后快速发展到90 mm左右。  相似文献   

降雨与滑坡灾害相关性分析及预警预报阀值之探讨   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:31  
高华喜  殷坤龙 《岩土力学》2007,28(5):1055-1060
详细研究了深圳市降雨与滑坡的历史资料,对区域性滑坡与降雨量进行偏相关分析,与降雨强度进行相关分析以及与降雨时间进行了系统地统计分析。研究结果表明,(1)滑坡的活动1~4日的降雨量及一次降雨过程的降雨量偏相关系数较大,表明一次性降雨量达到或超过某一数值时区域性滑坡就可以出现;(2)暴雨尤其是大暴雨及特大暴雨与滑坡的关系非常密切,相关系数达0.8以上,大暴雨或特大暴雨具有直接触发滑坡的作用;(3)滑坡活动时间与季节性降雨相对应,季节雨量越多,滑坡亦越多;另外滑坡活动时间与暴雨、大暴雨相吻合或略滞后,滞后时间一般不超过4 d,暴雨的当天及次日发生滑坡的可能性最大。在此基础上,探讨了区域性滑坡发生的临界降雨量和降雨强度阀值。最后将滑坡灾害的地质模型与降雨模型耦合建立了滑坡灾害的空间预警预报区划指标和等级系统,为区域滑坡灾害发生的时间与空间预报预警提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

李传宝  徐彩风 《安徽地质》2009,19(2):129-131
芭蕉树滑坡位于云南省哀牢山东麓,发生于2002年8月14日。本文详细介绍了芭蕉树滑坡的基本工程地质特征,并由此概化出滑坡形成的地质力学模型;应用极限平衡法对天然状态及暴雨状态下斜坡的稳定性进行了分析研究。分析结果表明芭蕉树斜坡在不考虑暴雨作用下处于稳定状态,而在暴雨触发作用下将失稳滑动。  相似文献   

滑坡是三峡库区最主要的地质灾害之一。暴雨及地表外荷载是影响滑坡稳定性的重要因素。通过暴雨、公路荷载和建筑荷载对滑坡稳定性的影响机理,给出了各影响因素在稳定性计算时的计算方法或取值。  相似文献   

滑坡是三峡库区最主要的地质灾害之一。暴雨及地表外荷载是影响滑坡稳定性的重要因素。通过暴雨、公路荷载和建筑荷载对滑坡稳定性的影响机理,给出了各影响因素在稳定性计算时的计算方法或取值。  相似文献   

开展降雨型黄土滑坡预警对于区域性防治滑坡具有重要意义。本研究在收集1985~2015年兰州市降雨型黄土滑坡历史数据的基础上,运用反距离权重插值(IDW)和核密度估算(KDE)方法揭示了降雨引发黄土滑坡的时空分布规律。该文基于统计学的基本原理,运用相关性和偏相关性等方法建立适合兰州市的有效降雨量模型。通过拟合有效降雨量与滑坡因子的线性回归关系,确定引发黄土滑坡的临界降雨量阈值,设定兰州市黄土滑坡的降雨量危险性预警等级。研究表明:(1)兰州市黄土滑坡灾害点沿着黄河及其支流沿岸分布,城关区滑坡点最多且呈环形分布,西固区次之,其他地区分布较少;(2)降雨是兰州市及其周边地区黄土滑坡的关键诱因,10d有效降雨量与滑坡因子均呈现显著正相关特性,其相关系数达到0.698;(3)依据10mm、20mm和40mm临界降雨量阈值将预警等级划分为低、中、高3个危险性等级。  相似文献   

以现场调查、试验测试数据为依据,从降水(主要指大暴雨或连阴雨)改变地形地貌促使滑坡形成、改变滑坡土的成分构成、改变滑坡的土体结构及稳定性、改变滑坡土的力学强度4个方面阐述了对黄土滑坡的诱发作用。选择典型城市的系列降水资料及发生滑坡数量,从多年降水、年内降水过程及降水的空间变化3个方面阐述了对黄土滑坡的时空影响。年际上,同一区域滑坡发生的频次与多年降水过程呈现良好的相关性,存在丰水年发生滑坡次数多、规模大而枯水年发生滑坡次数少、规模小的规律,丰水年发生滑坡数量一般是枯水年的3~5倍、平水年的1~2倍;年内滑坡集中出现于6-9月份和2-3月份,占全年滑坡数量的80%以上;不同区域,年降水量及降水强度越大,黄土滑坡发生频率越高,规模也越大;自东南向西北,随着降水量及降水强度的递减,依次划分为黄土滑坡强发育区、较强发育区和一般发育区。  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify displacement properties of landslide masses at the initiation of failure and factors that affect the landslides activities in areas where quick clay is found. We set up a research site in a quick clay deposit area in Norway and monitored the displacements of landslide masses and meteorological and hydrological factors for a long period of time using an automatic monitoring system. The system collected data for two landslides that occurred at the site from the start of their movement until their ultimate collapse.

The two landslides that were monitored showed definite secondary and tertiary creep stages before they collapsed. One of the landslides moved from the secondary stage to the tertiary creep stage when another landslide occurred nearby. The tertiary stage of this landslide showed reconstruction of short primary, secondary, and tertiary creep stages. These phenomena suggested that (1) the stress at the end of the landslide mass was released during the nearby landslide, and (2) a new stress distribution was formed in the landslide mass. The critical strain differed for 14 times between the two landslide masses we monitored. The difference was likely attributable to the difference in the contents of quick clay, which shows small critical stress against slope failure, as well as topological factors.

Our analyses of the effects of hydrological and meteorological factors on landslides showed that the precipitation of 3 and 10 days before six slope failures as the final stages of the landslides that had occurred in the research area was no different from the mean precipitation of periods that showed no slope failure, suggesting that precipitation had no direct effects on the collapse of the landslide masses. On the other hand, the traveling velocities of the landslide masses during the secondary creep stage, which was prior to their collapse, were affected by the water content of the soil and precipitation (and the amount of snowmelt water), but was little correlated with the pore-water pressure of the quick clay layer. We also found that the presence of snow cover scarcely affected landslide movements.  相似文献   

Landslides are triggered by earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and heavy continuous rainfall. For most types of slope failure, soil moisture plays a critical role because increased pore water pressure reduces the soil strength and increases stress. However, in-situ soil moisture profiles are rarely measured. To establish the soil moisture and landslide relationship, a qualitative comparison among soil moisture derived from AMSR-E, precipitation from TRMM and major landslide events was conducted. This study shows that it is possible to estimate antecedent soil moisture conditions using AMSR-E and TRMM satellite data in landslide prone areas. AMSR-E data show distinct annual patterns of soil moisture that reflect observed rainfall patterns from TRMM. Results also show enhanced AMSR-E soil moisture and TRMM rainfall prior to major landslide events in landslide prone regions of California, U.S.; Leyte, Philippines; and Dhading, Nepal.  相似文献   

滑坡是沙溪流域主要地质灾害类型之一,开展滑坡灾害易发性评价可为区域地质灾害防治提供数据基础和决策依据。通过沙溪流域生态地质调查,分析了滑坡灾害分布规律和影响因素之间的关系,选取岩性建造、地貌、坡度、坡向、降雨量、距河流距离和距断层距离7项指标,利用层次分析法及地理信息系统空间分析技术,开展沙溪流域滑坡地质灾害易发性评价。结果显示: 沙溪流域滑坡易发性影响因子依次为岩性建造、多年年均降水量、地形地貌、坡度、距河流距离、距断层距离和坡向; 沙溪流域滑坡灾害易发性与坡度、岩性建造、年均降水量表现出明显正相关,即坡度越大、岩性建造性质越软弱、越易风化,年均降水量越多,越易引发滑坡灾害; 滑坡灾害易发性与断裂构造、河流距离与滑坡灾害易发性呈负相关,即距离越近越容易诱发地质灾害; 流域整体以低易发区和极低易发区为主,高易发区主要分布在沙溪流域中南部、东部及东北部地区。这为沙溪流域地质灾害防治提供了基础数据和决策依据。  相似文献   

Given its geological and climatic conditions and its rugged orography, Asturias is one of the most landslide prone areas in the North of Spain. Most of the landslides occur during intense rainfall episodes. Thus, precipitation is considered the main triggering factor in the study area, reaching average annual values of 960 mm. Two main precipitation patterns are frequent: (i) long-lasting periods of moderate rainfall during autumn and winter and (ii) heavy short rainfall episodes during spring and early summer. In the present work, soil moisture conditions in the locations of 84 landslides are analysed during two rainfall episodes, which represent the most common precipitation patterns: October–November 2008 and June 2010. Empirical data allowed the definition of available water capacity percentages of 99–100% as critical soil moisture conditions for the landslide triggering. Intensity-duration rainfall thresholds were calculated for each episode, considering the periods with sustained high soil moisture levels before the occurrence of each analysed landslide event. For this purpose, data from daily water balance models and weather stations were used. An inverse relationship between the duration of the precipitation and its intensity, consistent with published intensity-duration thresholds, was observed, showing relevant seasonal differences.  相似文献   

目前已有大量不同尺度的临界降水标准对区域性滑坡进行预警,但仍存在预警空间外延性差、时间精度低、临界降水阈值不科学等问题。针对当前构建的临界降水阈值实现滑坡预警模型,以云南昭通盘河流域头寨沟为例,在研究区两个不同海拔高度位置分别布设气象站,进行了为期一年的降水观测,并比较了研究区两个不同位置的降水特征。结果表明:研究区降水梯度高达190 mm/hm,两个不同海拔位置降水变异性显著;降水持时是造成山上(2#站)与山下(1#站)次降水量差异的主要影响因素;发生小雨时2#站与1#站的降水差异性很小,但1#站发生中雨及以上的降水事件时,2#站的降水等级比1#站高1~2个等级,且有59.26%的概率会发生大雨或者暴雨;1#站为暴雨时,2#站100.00%概率为暴雨甚至大暴雨;2#站与1#站夜间降水均大于白昼,且强降水事件多发生于夜间。  相似文献   

The majority of landsliding episodes in the area north of Lisbon are associated with rainfall events of short (less than 5 days) medium (5–20 days) or long duration (more than 20 days). The precipitation regime in Portugal is highly irregular, with large differences between wet and dry years. We have assessed the impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on both the winter precipitation and the timing and magnitude of associated landslide events. Results show that the large inter-annual variability of winter precipitation is largely modulated by the NAO mode. The precipitation composite corresponding to high NAO index presents a considerable lower median value (47 mm/month) than the corresponding low NAO index class (134 mm/month). The entire precipitation distribution associated with the low NAO index composite encompasses a wider range of values than the corresponding high NAO index composite. This non-linear behavior is reflected in the probability of occurrence of a very wet month (precipitation above the 90% percentile) that is just 1% for the positive NAO class and 23% for low NAO index months. Results for the low NAO class are crucial because these months are more likely associated with long-lasting rainfall episodes responsible for large landslide events. This is confirmed by the application of a 3-month moving average to both NAO index and precipitation time series. This procedure allowed the identification of many months with landslide activity as being characterized by negative average values of the NAO index and high values of average precipitation (above 100 mm/month). Finally, using daily data we have computed the return periods associated with the entire set of landslide episodes and, based on these results, obtained a strong linear relationship between critical cumulative rainfall and the corresponding critical rainfall event duration.  相似文献   

The state of knowledge and resources available to issue alerts of precipitation-induced landslides vary across the USA. Federal and state agencies currently issue warnings of the potential for shallow, rapidly moving landslides and debris flows in a few areas along the Pacific coast and for areas affected by Atlantic hurricanes. However, these agencies generally lack resources needed to provide continuous support or to expand services to other areas. Precipitation thresholds that form the basis of landslide warning systems now exist for a few areas of the USA, but the threshold rainfall amounts and durations vary over three orders of magnitude nationwide and over an order of magnitude across small geographic areas such as a county. Antecedent moisture conditions also have a significant effect, particularly in areas that have distinct wet and dry seasons. Early warnings of shallow landslides that include specific information about affected areas, probability of landslide occurrence, and expected timing are technically feasible as illustrated by a case study from the Seattle, WA area. The four-level warning scheme (Null, Outlook, Watch, Warning) defined for Seattle is based on observed or predicted exceedance of a cumulative precipitation threshold and a rainfall intensity–duration threshold combined with real-time monitoring of soil moisture. Based on analysis of historical data, threshold performance varies according to precipitation characteristics, and threshold exceedance corresponds to a given probability of landslide occurrence. Experience in Seattle during December 2004 and January 2005 illustrates some of the challenges of providing landslide early warning on the USA West Coast.  相似文献   

The state of knowledge and resources available to issue alerts of precipitation-induced landslides vary across the USA. Federal and state agencies currently issue warnings of the potential for shallow, rapidly moving landslides and debris flows in a few areas along the Pacific coast and for areas affected by Atlantic hurricanes. However, these agencies generally lack resources needed to provide continuous support or to expand services to other areas. Precipitation thresholds that form the basis of landslide warning systems now exist for a few areas of the USA, but the threshold rainfall amounts and durations vary over three orders of magnitude nationwide and over an order of magnitude across small geographic areas such as a county. Antecedent moisture conditions also have a significant effect, particularly in areas that have distinct wet and dry seasons. Early warnings of shallow landslides that include specific information about affected areas, probability of landslide occurrence, and expected timing are technically feasible as illustrated by a case study from the Seattle, WA area. The four-level warning scheme (Null, Outlook, Watch, Warning) defined for Seattle is based on observed or predicted exceedance of a cumulative precipitation threshold and a rainfall intensity–duration threshold combined with real-time monitoring of soil moisture. Based on analysis of historical data, threshold performance varies according to precipitation characteristics, and threshold exceedance corresponds to a given probability of landslide occurrence. Experience in Seattle during December 2004 and January 2005 illustrates some of the challenges of providing landslide early warning on the USA West Coast.  相似文献   

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